THURSDAY. JUNE 20th, 1946 Men’s and Boys Wear 92 Yonge St. WE TAKE PLEASURE IN JOINING IN THIS Agricultural and extend our best wishes and thanks to our Farmer Friends who over the years have contributed so much to our success and to the economy of the nation. Proclamation . J. CRAIGIE 1511139 Salute to Agriculture WEEK OF JUNE 17th, 1946 Salute WHEREAS the Farmers of Canada have suecesal‘ully ful- filled the expeelnliuns 0f the Allied Governments in sup- plying; food fur the Armed Services and the people of Great Britain during World War II. and WHEREAS they are now being called on to supply the starving peoples of Europe with foodstuffs and to contri- lmto in great meawure to producing :1 large portion of the world’s nut-(ls of food. and WHEREAS. it is felt thm (his accomplishmem of flw (‘anmlian Farmers: should be publicly recognized by all. I THEREFORE PROCLAIM a “Salute to Agricullurc" during; this week of June thh. 1946 and request all rcsi dents and merchants of Richmond Hill to consider and acknowledge the importance of agriculture to the economy of (he Umnininn of Canada. t0 GOD SAVE THE KING Richmond Hill WILLIAM NEAL, Reeve VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL. During the five years from 1940 to 1944 inclusive the farmers of Can- ada exported overseas more than two million tons of bacon, beef, dairy products and poultry products for the use of our own and allied armed forces and to feed the beleaguered people of Great Britain. In order to do this and meet domestic require- ments they stepped up annual hog‘ production to a point 145 per cent above pre-war production, increased beef production by over 30 per cent. sheep and lamb production by over 30 per cent, total milk production by up to two billion pounds yearly more than in pre-war years. with an in- crease in cheese production as high as 80 million pounds a year above pre-war production, and butter pro- duction by over fifty million pounds yearly. Having given their best efforts to the task of food production for war- time, farm people are turning their thoughts to the postwar world. They believed that we fought for an op- portunity to build a better kind of security and freedom For all men than we have had heretofore. They want to see stability for ag- riculture on an economic plane that will make it possible to maintain the fertility of the soil and insure a decent livelihood for the number of families required to man our farms and farm them well. Farm peeple believe that if we were able to apply a general price ceiling in wartime to save us from disastrous inflation, we can equally well apply a general floor price under farm products to save us from the dis- asters of deflation. They do not be- lieve it is necessary that the bitter experiences of the 30’s have to be repeated. If regulations and conâ€" trols are necessary to give security and stability to rural life. om- farm- ers are willing to accept them, But better still, they would like regula- tions self-imposed as far as poss- ible, and administered largely by officials selected from among them- selves. That is what democracy means to them. Salute To Farmers ANDREW SNIDER GENERAL INSURANCE Richmond St., Maple (Continued from Page 1) FIRE. AUTO, LIFE and CASUALTY Telephone 91W ____~_. g..- -u.-â€"‘ um leLuAL, RIaniOl‘TD 7 rum†0m anu Anglicans ofT_hornhill been a virtual economic pasitim the development exercised :1 mos enco upon both rection of the nu riculture is the tivity and the 9c country as a wh‘ ada‘s economic adzi‘s economic stature and chime- ier have been determined. Agricul- ture, including: stock rnising and horticulture, gives more gainful em- ployment to the people. of Canada than any other indUStry. It is inmol'tnnt at this time to seâ€" fiect on the position Canadian agri- culture now holds in the national economy, for this‘ year is the linth anniversary of the founding of the Dominion EXperim-enta] Farms. which. with 'the other services. of the Dominion and Provincial Depart- ments of Agriculture and the Aeri- cultural Coiieg‘es have made signifi- cant contributions to' the advance- ment of the industry. But an 'equal factor in this direction has been the industry and the adaptability of the prepared for the same experience. His Second Experience “Then came Isaiah's second ex- perience â€"- the miracle of God’s cleansing, for one of the seraphims touched his lips with a live coal tak- en from off the altar. The prophet does not enlarge on this experience. Perhaps he means us $0 rend be- tween the lines. I cannot help feel- tween the lines. I cannot help feel- ing that the experience was not pleasant. He implies that the coal was hot, else why did the seraphim use tongs? The cleansing of evil is often painful, and unless we real- ise. the absolute necessity, we are naturally afraid to face the ordeal. Is it not true that once again our human nature, unwilling, perhaps subconsciously, to face the ordeal. hinders us in our religious exercises from having the vision for which we otherwise long? Surely. though, the result is worth while. Listen to the words of the seraphim~“Lo this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniâ€" quity is taken away, and thy sin purged. What would we not suffer if we could hear God say that to us? “Now, with his sin purged, comesi Isaiah’s third experience, and he} hears a call from God. “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us," and the prophet’s response. “Here am 1. send me." Today in this Parish we are celebrating- our one hundred and sixteenth anniversary. Our minds naturally enoug‘h go back to that day so many years ago when Bishop Strachan opened this Church to the Glory of God. Can you imagine the scene? The church so new. The old fashioned pews, high and with doors to each. The congregation which had walked, or come by horse and buggy. The styles so very different. Dresses, coats, hats. Imagine their joy, and their pride. What were they think- ing? The same things that you and I are thinking today, for they were not different from us. They thought of their own unworthineSs and sin- fulness. They thought that here was a place where they would wor- ship God, and perhaps see visions of God. They thought of the task that lay ahead of them. and prayed that God would give them the necessary strength and grace. They heard the call that has come from God to his people since the beginning-pf timeâ€" Hon. J.. griculture wing- trib ominion: Few cou Whom will I send: and Vvho will go vised a most impress upon hoth the dew-c ion of the national pro [ture is the pl‘inCipnI y and the economic hr m'y as a whole. Throu s economic stature a; have been determined. , including- st‘ock m iculture. gives more 9; anada’s Farmers Never F ail Canada -- Gardiner a virtual re nnic pasition o levvlopmcnt of isod a most i uno‘n both the 1C0ntinued from Page 1) countries have un mpzuatively short p such progreSSive s as the Dominion nast 5' decades E! a ME. ha ribth tardineg‘. Minister of : contnbuted the £01- ;0 the farmers of the have under astin the 1 natim culture Wart of the ugh it (‘an- 1nd charac- l. Agricui- 'aising and of Canad there h: OUR HATS ARE OFF :1le Ann the mu 'I‘he greatest agricultural production in history was accomplished by (‘anadian Farmers during World War 11. During the coming years they will be called on to further increase this record production to feed a starv- ing‘ world. It is indeed a pleasure for this Richmond Hill pmblems have m‘is ing the value of t? experimental farm co-nperating agenci mers have been ab and other grains before. to produce before. exnctm before. to prodn exacting export :1 wide range abundance that wnrk in times war. The farn been quick to science to pra have shown a r ed on how to have shown a rendlm ed on how to pro“ cast from water am and wind in the west Looking back ova history of Canada 5 readily apparent that been the most pow< TORONTO DISTRICT _ VEGETABLE GROWERS APPEAL FOR HELP attracting-~populution and capital to the Dominion and in building up both the domestic and export trade. And in the years ahead this industry Wm continue to he the most important of the ,nation. I am proud to be associated with such an industry and to saluta- it and an my fellow farmers Whu, in and all my fellow farmers \th in the past, have never failed their country in good times and bad. nor will they in the future. James G. Gardiner, Minister of Agriculture. Assured of bumper crops this summer, scores of fruit and veg-e- table growers in the Toronto dis- trict are facing a serious situation for help, and are appealing for day workers to assist in caring for and harvesting; their crops. Boys and girls over 14 years of age. and men and women can be used in hundreds in this vital work of saving: the large crops that are being" ,Q'I'OWII, and are needed to go out by the day to work on these farms. They will he picked up at convenient points on the out- skirts of Toronto each morning- and will be returned to the city each evening. Good rates of pay are off- ered by the vegetable growers for this healthy and important food pro- duction work. Alex Mac‘laren, Di- rector of the Ontario Farm Service Force, is appealing to all boys and girls over 14 and all men and wo- men lwho can spare a day or two, or every day, to engage in this ef- fort to register with him at once. so that they can be placed. Volun- teers are asked to register by tele- phoning to Midway 0931, Toronto, or by calling at the office of the On- tario Farm Service Force,-112 Coll- ege Street, Toronto. for us"â€"â€"the same call that comes to each of us today. Meanng of “A Call" “Too often we think of “A Call" in terms of the ministry. or the mis- sion field. It may he that for a feW, but for most of us it is simply a call to service. Since the year 1830 in the Parish of Trinity Church, Thornhill, many have heard this call and have responded, else the church had not lived this long. A call to the Ministry or the Mission Field: a call to some office in the church, as warden, or lay-delegate to Synod; a call to teach in Sunday School, or to sing in the choir; a call to help raise money; a call to give. Many. for whom we thank God, have heard the call in the one hundred and six- teen years of our life. It means sac- rifice, and sometimes suffering. Sac- rifice in peace and sacrifice in war. Now the call comes to us. Whom will I send, and who will go for us; and today our prayer is that, like those who have gone before, we, and those who will follow, seeing the glory and the majesty of Him who calls, may answer with the prophet Isaiah, ‘HERE AM I, SEND ME’." rmer Canadian Farmers 0nditi armor to a] practi a rem .ma SALUTE T0 AGRICULTURE s where :e hogs 1 market, )f produ of both pom-e 01's of (‘mmdn apply the vahl ’tical farming, ndincss to he r!i protect 121m] in and from drc over the cache {la since 1886 it that agriculture pqwerful ageqcy I in building up Imlh ! export trade. AM ad this industry win the mast important. . BRATHWAITE R. W. PARIS, Manager 0P0!“ 1C “Your Favourite Hardware Store†to join in .to.. ll‘ this vege- dis- ultion 1' day 1' and and \ men (ireds H131 21v: “60000000000009. 000090000OOOOOOOOOOOOOâ€OOOOOOO...“ dun-(l hy Canadian Farmers during the pus‘ 5 years. (luccti in lhc )‘t'ill‘ Enough mm! to feed minions of people has been pm. Cnnug'h to feed millions more. must and will be pro North Yonge St. WELL IMONIJ.’ FARM IMPLEMENTS Church Street Richmu White & YOUng B-A STATION Credit. . . Where Credit ls Due Floyd Perkins The Canadian Farmer has done an amazing war job. He is now faced with an even greater peace-time job â€"â€" feeding the world’s starving people. We’re genuinely pleased to have been associated with York Coun- ty’s Farmers for over 25 years. . .. supplying them with fuels and lub- ricants that have helped keep their farm equipment operating el'l'ici- ently, 34,000,000 6.615.600 Telephone 18 .1 H.000 Varmers we say tribute to Canadian Telephone 153 lu come. HUGS SHEEP (‘A 'I‘TI E Richmond Hill (“-‘RRY ()N! Richmond Hill Page Nine