’I'IURSDAY, JUNE 20:11. 19.16. Cook & Gibson Barristers, Solicitors, ctc. DENTAL le. Cook, KC. Dr' "1' 1' ‘Mason Ralph B. Gibson, K.C. DENTIST J, A. Gibson YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET ‘oronto Office: 912 Federal PHONE 70 85 Richmond St. West RICHMOND IIILL, ONTARIO Richmond Hill. Thursday forenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Dr. M. J. Quigley Bldg. Money to loan at Current Rate FORMERLI‘YDEiiir‘IsriiORNHILL Mlflflregor WLISOI: AnnOunces that his office is now AI,ET\AI‘\I')'ER )IZICIiI‘LIZIVyilln I\. . located at the City Limits, North Aldilnlil .I. \\II.S()T\. MA. ll.â€"\lllll.\â€lil‘il{.\' 111.1 (‘onl‘cdci‘ation 1.111- l‘lI.;1'lll 501311 ~â€"â€"Walter S. Jenkins Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Residence â€" 18 Poynlz Ave. Lansing, Ont. \Villowdale 308 Room 66. 18 Toronto St,’ Toronto Phone, AD. 5877-8’9 Toronto, directly opposite the Term- inal, over I.iggctt's Drug Store. Phone Office' HLland £1300 MMEDICAL†' Dr. R. A. Bigford Office Hours 9â€"â€"10 a.m., 12â€"â€"2 6â€"8 pm. and by appomtment Building ’l‘uionto PLE ' ._ Phone 3 ' . . MA‘ ff Mathews, Stâ€"wei, Dr- . Jas. R. Langsta Lyons & Vale â€" AND _- Barristers. Solicitors. Notaries "Dr. Geo. A. Thompson N. L. MATHEWS. K.C. OFFICE HOURS: K. M. R. STIVER, B.A. _ ) 9-11 a.m.; 1-3 31,111.; 6.8 p.m, (On Active Service B. E. LYONS, RA. JOSEPH VALE NEWMARKICT OFFICES 100 Main St. 6 Bolsford St. Phone 126 . Phone 120 MacNaughton & MacNaughton Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. A. Cameron Macnaughton, K.C., Alex. M. Macnaughton McKinnon Building ' l9 Melinda Street, Toronto, Ontario T. C. Newman BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Richmond Hill Every THURSDAY AFTERNOON 93 Yonge Street Immediately North of Masonic Hall Phone 87 Richmond Hill Tofonto Officeâ€"1‘3 Toronto Street Phone Adelaide 5877 108. Rabinowitch, B.A. BARRISTER, .SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Successor to B. B. Jordan_ 40 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill Telephone Richmond Hill 229 OPEN E‘VENINGS Markham St., Richmond Hill MORTGAGE LOANS ARRANGED VETERINARY Official and Accredited Veterinarian Dr. J. Sheppard With Dr. S. W. Armitage, Maple Small and Large Animals ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District 2518 YONGE STREET ,(At St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 Helen Simpson Lynett J. F. Lynetl: . Dave Glass and Jack Armstrong announce their purchase of King City Motors From B. ‘J. LANGDON Now open for general repairs. Sundays and Holidays by appointment only. ' 122 Yonge Street Richmond Hill 7 Telephone 100 Dr. J. F. McQua OFFICE HOURS 9-10 a.m. 7.30-8.30 pm. and by appointment Langstaff, Stop 21 Yonge Street Phone Thornhill 6 Ring 2 Dr. J. P. Wilson Centre St. E. Richmond Hill OFFICE HOURS: 9.00 - 11.100 a.m. -â€" 1.30 - 3.30 p.m. ‘ Except Sunday ' Telephone 24 Richmond Hill m MUSICAL Alice M ecl’edy PIANO. TEACHER Phone Richmond Hill 1021'13 Thornhill 7r4 Adelmo Melecci from the Toronto Conservatory of: Iuaic will accept_a number of pupils in PIANO, ORGAN and THEORY ‘ . For information phone Mrs. Mylks, ReSIdencev 108 Yonge Street Phone Richmond Hill 58.! Watkins Products A full line of well known house- hold necessities in stock Also hog and stock minerals de- livered to your farm, one or more bags at a time, assuring you of a fresh supply at all times. Eventually! Why not now? For delivery call ERNIE DURllE Richvale P.0. Phone Maple 64M Your patronage is greatly solicited. Telephone King 47. W 1 ,...l GTTIIIA LETTER Tip. “inunnding c\'cnl of this week 1).. hn< llk'l'll thi- arrival lint-l; oi' ..1111- Minister King :11'11‘1‘ :111 1.i)\L‘l‘.1‘/‘ Iil \1 mo ~ix wet-ks in llt'ilnin. My: lung took his scat in thc lloiisu Monday and was given :1 great ovation, and Tuesday night he was lioziouitd at a banquet Icndci'cd by Mrniliiis of all parties in the Senate and il1111~<i Hi. ('onimons. It \\‘.1.\' a historic event and :1 great tribute to 311'. King. The Prime Minister looks t‘cstcd and l](‘:llll1_\‘ after his ocoan Voyage 211111 i: well pleased with tlic result 01' l‘ls‘ visit. \thn he left Ottawa 110 was somewhat hesitant about lcav» ing- during a Scssion, but I think he now feels the trip was well worth- while. \‘thn it comes to discussing any problems. whether they be pi'ob- lt-ms of State, or problems of busi- ness. it is hard to beat the personal touch. Mr. King now has had pet'- sonal talks with Prime Minister At« lee and Leaders from other parts of the Empire. and I am sure they will tend to a closer understanding~ of mu mutual problems and the problems of world iecoiislruction. Last Monday, Prime Minister King passed a notable milestone in his career. On that day, .Iuiie 10th, he entered upon his twentieth year of office as Prime Minister of Canada. On that date7 he held that office for a longer period of time than the head of' any other government in the woild today has held similar office. Mr. King has had a truly remaik- able career and today enjoys the esteem and respect of his colleagues in the House of Commons irrespect- ive of their party affiliation. Our Prime Minister started his public career when he was appointed Can- ada’s first Deputy Minister of Labâ€" our in 1900. and in 1908, entered the Cabinet of Laurier as Minister 01 Labour. On August 7. 1919, at a National Convention,\he was chosen to succeed Laurier as Liberal Lead- er. Two years later. on December 29. 1921. he was sworn in as Prime Minister of Canada. If I were ask- ed to name the outstanding achieve- ments of his remarkable career, I would mention his successful efforts to maintain unity among Canadian people in peace and war; his rc- foi'ms in labour laws, in the Drawâ€" cution of monopoly, and in social se- ctrity; his world outlook, which has resulted in the wide development of tiade; the development of Canada‘s status to the full sovereignty of a nation; the fostering of a spirit 0f goodwill and mutual co-opei'ation with our good neighbours to the south; and his wise. courageous leadâ€" ership in our war effort. As a crownâ€" in}: achievement to his great career as a world statesman. we look I'm- ward with faith and confidence to his leadership in drafting for the world a Peace Treaty that will give permanent peace and security. Here at Ottawa, we hope Mr. King may 1011;: be spared in health and stiength to give to the problems of these try- lng' days the benefit of his wisdom and experience. In Mr. King’s absence. Right Hon- ourable James Lorimer Ilsley was Acting Prime Minister and be dis» charged these duties in his usual able manner. Right at the moment. Mr. llsley is in the public eye and mind as the people of Canada anxiâ€" ously and hopefully await the 1946 Budget. As he drafts the Budget, Mr. Ilsley faces the problem of meet- ing' an insistent demand for a reducâ€" tion in taxation and. at the same time, provide funds to meet demands for expenditures. Although the fightâ€" ing of World War II is ended, there still are large expenditures related to the war. There still is a sub- stantial sum needed for Army, Navy and Air Force, and the expenditure for rehabilitation of members of our Armed Forces is an almost stagger- ing figure. Members of Parliamert, in‘the House and in Committee, and skilled personnel in every departâ€" ment,“ are working with the aim of curtailing expenditure wherever possible. One place no-one wants to be niggai‘dly is in the roe-establish- WEEKEND SPECIALS BANQUET Dalyi’s Coffee . . . . . lb. 48c Sunbury Tea 1/2 1b. 390 Mother Parker Coffee .. lb. 48c QUAKER Corn Flakes COWAN’S . Perfection Cocoa LYNN VALLEY CUT GREEN Beans . . . . . . . . 2 20 oz. tips 250 Parowax . . . . . . . . . . 1b. pkg. 12c Certo . . . . . . . . . . . 8 oz. btl. 25c Zinc Jar Rings . . . . . doz. 25c POST Grape-Nut Flakes PAI'LA ARTIFICIAL Sweetener . . . . . . . 4 oz. btl. 390 DICED 3 pkgs. 250 (‘A M PRELL'S . . 2 pkgs. 19c Pumpkin . Snowflake Ammonia Bananas . . . . . . . . . 28 oz. tin 15c Beets or Carrots, 2 20 oz. tins 250. . . pkg. 06c- Spic and Span . . . . . . . . pkg. 220 lb. 1 ........... LIMITED QUANTITY Raisms . . . Hawes Floor Wax . . . tin 45c Hawes Lemon Oil . . . btl. 25c Firm Ripe Tomatoes lb. 19c 1b. 190 . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb. 20c Vegetable Soup . 2 10 oz. tins 23c . . . . . . . . . . . . .. lb. 14c QUEE’S General Store MEATS and GROCERIES Phone Richmond Hill 134-r-4 We Deliver : :1 notnlilc contribution :1» ‘::c 1.111.1'1- 51 , (3,“... E... .1. .. .. b l 111‘ l‘nnmln :1111l littnnti 1'._\ b1 limp» 2‘ «LQEEQES Live: iillwlr one ,, .11, ,, .jfli 1 y i 1111 tho prodt'clioii ol' 1'1‘1'1l 11:1 1‘11! " "i ;i ll} i l';11::1.li:1n farms and l .1111 iiioiii :; , H H ' to say that nowhv-i'c .1; l:1n:1d;1 aw i JG S m M_ P. 1l11' l'nimcis doing; :1 'wllct' proiitin~ i I lion job than in thc 11:1 @101 1141131 h Y k Ill. \vlll'li. Tt'duy, ;l> Vanadium, in common with tho peoplc oi' Llll thc woiitl. w - 7 '1‘ 1 ‘1.- ..'\\1L2 1111:1513: ' THE LIBERAL. RICHMOI'D HILL, ONTARIO nuctncnl no time. and l I’lllllilllll'l‘i Ill 11c. All honout :11’1l 1211;11 :11 inlio in the fare of ~ontctinw~ Ii'~ i coui'nging t-ii't-tiinstztm-w, .11'1- indiu' .» can give 1i.1'11; :1111 ~zttisl'ird ‘ ls coittcincti. 1.’ '\\. 11‘ llAi‘l. More 'Eourislls 512.com face front and iwi‘plcxin}: ||1‘1“\l1'11‘.~‘. mm†“1. m.†"lil‘milnwilili‘infI \hi“ but let us cycr lit-1'!) in mind I‘m? . 5 ,3. . . "\l’. \li.ll“:“l†1“ “1Ҡ: \V ‘,_‘ wc li\'1- in tho most favoured tunim. IQUHJSJ : ill‘v-l. “i "i lin\â€l“‘ 1““ “H,†on Ulll‘lll. Lot lls‘ h;1\'1- no inl'i-iim- 1 might be interesting to look 1111' ity compch :15 to our position in the ‘1 “Willem “1 3“- “do-‘3 ill" “‘1‘†“i†world. We are ('nlludlilllx vitizrio l O - , 4 ,, on "’1 behalf l‘l ill" “lll'or'lnl‘mti “'11 of a great (analln. and w- havi- 1wâ€" $15.1)! make this important annoum-cmmit. (,H, ,fmlm“ rm, 1mm, in Hm. “mm†W Th" Comtmrr "1 Lh“ mm “UAWW mm" and its achievements. And as to .1111 daffy- 11‘“ Slmtllghl Ҡ[his “"“lml “'“l "I" t't‘tuie which we law with tho 111â€" ï¬g poi'lant figure. the Munster ol I'ler mm, how, Hm] (VIM-ilhmw.’ mm. I .» 3â€â€œ0' ‘ ., I , quote the words of High! llO'lOll“- . ’ .Ml" “ï¬le-l ha“ ““W‘l “5 (imm‘n \' able Anthony Eden. who in :1.l1l1'c<»â€" ’.l'111-: \ltiVl-‘Y 71011: In \1111‘1'11’;lll Iour1~1<â€"- Mllllsml' “f I‘lllilm’l‘ illl‘lllflllmll the ing 5,1100 (‘nnndinn mumps arriving morc'llmn om- iunu'n-d (1111/ .\1-\I‘\‘ [in/(inn do]. whole strenuous period of World homo 1,, ('unmpl‘ in “aimlx 1,1,, lurslus1 \i*;11‘â€"spr1*lids:ll‘ulnld. I1 llll‘dllhl‘kll'a \\ 111' II“ \\'llh the solo exception 11] week. Said "(Qmmlu has o-i'own in.- income Iormcn Canadian. 1 - _ X - . -. . V . . "‘ . ‘ _ m'h ‘1 n“ mmlthP at the \t‘lm' [i “miwlnial‘ll' “1 514111â€? in ill†“7"? It is In Mrr} (Linudiuns iiilt-rosl lo pro- politics are ignored completely, i1 _ _ I'nqucstionalily. bcl'oi'c all the woi'l'i. must be admitted that personally 1111s ('anada now stands- as :1 land of hopo 11w! (his Illlsllh'ss. .11 lr1~.1l our \isiloi's uil‘l . ' 1 I ('1 l~ . f, 1 (nor) courtesy. nuke llII‘lll want In (“)IIEC i\(ien_lnlni)(-‘:r "(mm M†“JP 1 (“mil 21ml fl'm‘d‘ml- 01' l‘lllll'ilfl'U lllld (11' l‘ll- again and again. \\i- will llins IH‘ building ‘ " ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' 3 . . . . . . . “uh 8] Pram“. ‘m‘l lmplmef 9mm “find-"(b V “U “1‘0 2'01â€! homo lo 11 goodwill and building Ior (In- future of 1111:; 14*" “ “(.l loqlllu‘l, him i“ ’0 :11. land oi llllllltllll record and 11111112 grout Lanadiuiiindustry. most a financial wizard to bolswr “110,1 “ppmmunityi' yo.- lml-u- \m I . Y‘ r l i . u e . n " t v t ‘ I .I. this nations economit stiuetLle ‘0 should be pioud ot the honour, privi- that it could Withstand the record- leg-e and responsibility of calling. breakingf arnd iconstantlyl increasing ourselves Canadiam_ ‘ str-iin o t e immense oot of war . . . . . - . , vi ditures 1" “’N‘e' t0 “.‘lue‘tl‘mv Honm‘.“ CANADIAN TRAVEL BUREAU 1 expen .. . _ ' ,ablc Ian Mackenme stated that the a. 1 en, 17- d &Commerc- OHawa ‘ M15 “SIP-Y IS a “BMW? 0f NOV“ government paid out in reâ€"cstablish- ‘parm O we " ' Scotia. He was born at Somerset. merits credits to returned personnel King’s County, Nova Scotia. and is fiftyâ€"two years of age. At the age of thirtyâ€"two years he was elected for the first time to the House of Commons in the general elections of September of 1926, and it; is no sec- ret that his shrewd, analytical mind attracted considerable attention inâ€" side and outside of Parliament from political foes and friends, with his I'ISC‘ HS 3 national figure llell’lg‘ I'OI'P- m seen from the start as only a ques- ; 0 tion of time and opportunity. Substâ€" . quently, he was elected each time in J. Herrlngton NOTARY ,PUBLIC the General Elections of 1930, 1935. CONVEYANCER 1.940 and 1945. On October 23, 1935. he was summoned by Premier Mack- GENERAL INSURANCE (Fire. Automobile, Etc.) enzie King to be sworn in as Min- ister of National Revenue and since Richmond Hill, Ont. . Telephone 87 in 1945 the amount of 812.077.809.40. In 1940. reâ€"establishmcnt credits pail fiom January 1st to May 31st. a- mounted to 826.108.437.43. , The Minister of Defence reported .' to the House. that in the first five f, . . months of this year, 23.396 prison- 1. ers 01 war have been transpottcd ' from Canada. Call us for quotes and drainageâ€"4†to 8†tile (engineering service included) . July 8, 1940, he has held the most difficult office of Minister of Fin- ance whose wartime tasks are ex- tremely difficult. delicate, and, p81â€" haps, thankless, even today. The Canadian people have confidâ€" ence in the Minister of Finance. lie is able and sincere. If the Budget . is not everything we hope for, he. assured of one thing, it is the best for Canada in the light of the wisâ€" dom and experience of an able and sincere Minister of Finance, who so far has made a pretty good job of handling our finances. The coming week has been set aside for a nation-wide salute by the press to the Agricultural Industn) Contracts open for July and August up to 30,000 ft. Telephone HYland 2473 Toronto I am most happy of this opportunitv to join in that salute to Canada’s great primary industry and those, who with commendable loyalty and devotion; have served this well as‘soldiers of the soil. Here in Parliament, there is no doubt the cause of the farmer is ably champâ€" ioned. Of the 245 Members of the countiy House, 47 are farmers. and more than an additional equal number were born on the farm, and it has been very much impressed upon me as a new Member, that agirculture has plenty of champions in all part- ies here in Parliament. Estimates for the Department of Agriculture. recently passed, totalled over 820.- 000,000 for this year and this ex- penditure provides for research and encouragement to better farming- in a great variety of departments. While there have been many diffi- culties and obstacles to overcome, and still, much to be desired, the fact is that the Canadian farmer has had the five most prosperous years in history. Government policy is aimed at equalizing opportunity for the farmer; price control policies have worked for his benefit, just as for the benefit of every other man, woman and child in Canada. Sale agreements and price fixations are based on a continuing prosperity for agiiculture over a long period of years. We think it better to adopt this policy than one which would ud- uiittedly obtain skyâ€"high prices now for farm produce. but which would inevitably end in disaster for agri- culture, as it (lid after the last war. The farmers of Canada are today doing a hard job, and an all-import- "Super-Lsstic" Geared-ioâ€"rheâ€"Road tires on your car is like having an extra insurance policy against dangerous skids and braking failures in emergencies. .They‘re built to endure, too! . . . no better tires are produced of any make or at any price. Save Safely! FOR PASSENGER CARS â€" SAVE 20 /b ant Job. They need all the encoui- 1;-va TIRES 6â€"PLY TIRES TUBES ' SIZES Risu’lar 0:1: Paifcle [titular 031- l’orirf-e glll‘ Price ' 15 2 ’1; 15 f: "o ‘avc ‘55"3 Tlme Table Changes 550/16 _________ 19.10 15.30 . ._ ., 3.05 A 600/16 _________ 21.55 17.25 26.95 21.55 3.25 Sunday, June 23, 19411 625/650/16 _____ 26.55 21.25 33.20 26.55 4.00 700/16 , _______ 28.80 23.05 36.05 28.85 4.35 EFFECTIVE 525â€"550/17 _____ 19.3: 15.50 24.20 19.35 3.30 and other specific dates, 600-650/17 _____ _. ,. 27.40 21.90 3.40 Full automation em... 1...... 233222822 ----- “’60 '“° 33%? 2:22 3'38 CANADIAN N TI A 475-500/19 _____ 14.70 11.75 __-_ 2.85 RAILWAï¬vS 0N L 525â€"550/19 _____ 20.25 16.20 3.45 600-650/l9 __________ ,- _ 28.90 23.10 3.45 450-500/20 _____ 15.25 12.20 3.00 525-550/20 _____ 20.85 16.70 . . 3.55 600-650/20 _____ 29.65 23.75 3.70 J, ATKINSON 440-450/21 _____ 13.90 11.15 ____ __-_ 2.35 525/21 _________ 19.65 15.70 ___- ____ 3.65 3011315 ________ 12.15 9.70 ____ ____ 1.95 HAULAGE SAND and GRAVEL 40 Church Street Richmond Hill Telephone 147J For Trucks â€" Save 20% â€" All Sizes â€"â€" All Plies l _ i , 50“ . 4' . All :1 MASSEY-HARRIS Farm Implements and Repairs i Massey-Harris Rite-Way I MilKers i Beatty Stable Equipment and Repairs I Beatty Washers Shari-Gain Fertilizer I Corn King Mineral “Gem†Mill: Cc ..ers and Electric Fencern { Harold W. Mortson Yonge St. Richmond Hill i Telephone 93