_ # .vv. m....r.r~)t‘-u (.ï¬ THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO ' '- PAG’E SIX THURSDAY. JUNE 20th. 1946. -wfl _ COMBINED PARISHES ALL SAINTS, KING 10 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer. 2.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School. Sale Register SATURDAY, JUNE 22 -â€" Auction Sale of farm stock. BIRTH BARRACLOUGH â€"â€" Mt‘. and MIPS. Don Bal‘raclough of Oak Ridges are > happy to announce the birth of the. I 93 Holmes Ave. p.â€" Yonge & Steele’s, Step 13 g=o=o=o===m=tomoi=oâ€"o=ï¬l Geo. A. Keison Co. ARE AGENTS FOR TORONTO ASPHALT SHINGLES VICEROY LONDON ROOFINGS Your roof gives character to the appearance of your home. Viceroy Asphalt Shingles are made in colours and blends to meet all decorative schemes and architectural requirements. Toronto Asphalt Shingles are fortified against rain, wind, sun and fire. We recommend Toronto Asphalt Shingles, Viceroy London Roofings. Thornhill Sharman & Gelinas PAINTERS INTERIOR-EXTERIOR GENERAL REPAIRS PHONE WILLOWDALE 2109 III-IlllllllfllllIIIIIIIIIEIIIIIIEIIII The Dora-lllae Beauty’Salon MACHINE â€" MACHINELESS COLD WAVE TELEPHONE ZONE 8-276 5993 Yonge Street A ‘- WWOMOMO99006060066M6000609¢00666WW REFRIGERATION SALES 8: SERVICE Service to Domestic and Commercial-Units Milk Coolers We are agents for Serve] Commercial, Gilson Domes- tie and Commercial. Service to Radios and all appliances. WIRING AND ALTERATIONS. VAUGHAN ELECTRIC WWNOWNW 0.0000000000000060.†l Phone 177 =o==o|=o===lo=o==o=lo==o= TORONTO nullllfllllllallni _â€"_â€"_.â€"_â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"__â€"â€"___.â€"___‘__â€"__ Newtonbrook Phone Thornhill 135121 2 § 2 z § 311‘. and Mrs. Keith Clerk and their three sons of Kingston. Ja- maica. arr- guests of Mrs. Clerk's sister, Mrs. L. C. Broderick of Rich- valc. They arrived at the beginning of the month and plan to stay untll the end of August. Plans are going merrily forward for the I‘nitcd (‘hurch picnic at ('t-ntre Island on Friday, June, 28th. The horticultural service at the United ('hurch on Sunday morning next. promises to be very beautiful. Two very lovely baskets of flow- ers graced the communion table in Thornhill Presbyterian Church last Sunday. placed there by the Mizen family in memory of their son, Joe, who died as a result. of burns on June lSth. 1943. The “CA. and W.M.S. of Thom- hill Presbyterian Church met at the home of Mrs. Teesdale, Concord, last, Thursday, June 13th. Highlighting: the program were Mrs. A. McClure of King, who gave a talk on Dr. Go- fortli, and Mrs. McMurtrie, who spoke on “An incident of her own life". This was the final meeting for the season and there was a good attendance. After the meeting, the members strolled around the beauti- ful grounds of the Teesdale home, and delicious refreshments brought the afternoon to a close. Sympathy is extended to Mr. L. Jamicson in the loss of his mother, 'Mrs. Alex Jamieson of Forest, 0nt., who died at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Jamicson attended the funeral in Forest on Saturday, returning Sun- day night. Falling down a flight of stairs early last Wednesday morning, Mrs. J. Davidson of Centre St. suffered a fractured collar-bone. She was treat- ed by Dr. R. W. Wesley. Mrs. Davâ€" idson’s many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Thornhill Horticultural Society postponed its annual Peony and Rose show from Monday night to Wed- nesday night, June 19th, due to the backward weather. Last Wednesday evening in Lawâ€" rence Memorial Hall a delightful “Evening of Song" was held under the direction of Mrs. W. J. Snack of Willowdale. Proceeds went to the funds of Thornhill Women’s Insti- tute to be used for community work. Mrs. Snack was assisted by Carol Ann Craigie. pianist, a pupil of A. I‘iette. Carol Ann is only ten years of age but is already an accomp- lished musician. Her nimble fingers fairly flew over the keys to perform three Chopin numbers so well that they would have done justice to an adult. It would be difficult to name outstanding artists, since all sang beautifully, but tiny Donnie Saund- ers in his rendition of “The \V‘asted (‘rust" and “Aren't you glad you’re you". brought. the house down. Don- nie is only six years old and has already won four medals at; music festivals. Two local soloists, Miss Ada )lizcn and Miss Phyllis Water- son sang difficult numbers beauti- fully. Both girls have made remark- able progress in the paï¬t few months under Mrs. Snack's guidance. Dur- ing intermission Mrs. Nightingale’s twin grandchildren, Joan and David Scarlett, in trim sailor outfits, pre- sented Mrs. Snack with a handsome basket of flowers. After the pro. _._.__â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ., AND ABLE conï¬ne BIG TASK ApEAn With silent yet perceptible determination and an awareness of the urgency of the great need for foodstuffs, the Canadian former has accepted the responsibility which is his to maintain and increase the output of farm products so important in our national economy and so essential to relieve the Q critical shortage in world supplies. Provided, as he now is, with purpose nobler than self-interest, he sets himself to the task with loftier ambition and renewed energy. Eager he \ is for that conscious recognition within himself of \ having a deï¬nite and necessary part in the \ notional welfare in its domestic and export oc- tivities. Zeolous is he that his contribution may be ‘ gram, Mrs. Mizen and her committee served refreshments to the artists and their parents. All in all, the evening was most successful. and it was the unanimous opinion of those present that 25 cents was a very small amount to have paid {01' SUCH entertainment. Many thinks to the Yearâ€"Up club for their assistance. in decorating the hall and for selling tickets. . A quiet wedding was solemmzed last Saturday afternoon when Vera. eldest daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. Percy Simpkins became the bride of Alex Humphreys of Toronto and Thornhill. Rev. S. A. R. Wood Per- formed the ceremony at the bride’s home, beautifully decorated with pink and white peonies. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was gowned in traditional white satin. Her veil was caught up With roses at either side, and she carried a bouquet of sweetheart roses, and baby‘s breath. The bride’s Sister, Rita. was bridesmaid, and she wore blue sheer. Her headdress was a blue wreath to match her gown and she carried a nosegay of mixed pink flowers, including roses. Due to the lllI'IESS of Mrs. H. Bryant, grand- mother of the bride, only immediate relatives from Markham Unionville and Toronto attended the wedding and reception which followed, Mrs. Simpkins receiving in navy and white sheer with white accessories. and corsage 0f pink carnations and baby's breath. For travelling, the bride wore light blue with White ac- cessories. After the wedding trip north, the happy couple plan to De- side in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Hum- phreys were the recipients of many beautiful wedding gifts, as well as many smart and practical gifts at a shower held in Toronto prior to the wedding. Eight members of Thornhill Wo- men’s Institute attended the district annual held at Stouffville on Tues- day, June 4th. The morning was given over to the reading of reports of standing committees and an ad- dress by the president, Mrs. A. E. Kennedy of Agincourt. Nominations made at the board meeting were then read, and new nominations called for, and the following officers were elect- ed for the ensuing year: Hon. Pres. Mrs. A. Redpath, Scarboro Junction; pres, Mrs. A. E. Kennedy, Agin- court; lst vice-pres, Mrs. Cattanach, Markham; 2nd vice-pres, Mrs. C. Hicks, Bethesda; 3rd vice-pres, Mrs. iG. Francy, Buttonville; sec.-treas., Mrs. K. Mackintosh, Thornhill; Fed< oration representative, Mrs. A. Red- path, Scarboro Junction; alternate representative, Mrs.. J. Cattanach, Markham; ‘citizenship, Mrs. A. Too- good, Unionville; social welfare, Mrs. Treadway, Highland Creek; historical research, Mrs. E. Little, Richmond Hill; agriculture, Mrs. Fairless, Stouffville; home econom- ,ics, Mrs. R. Fleming, Markham; convenor of resolutions, Mrs. P. Bone, Thornhill; publicity, Mrs. K. Mackin- tosh, Thornhill; auditors, Mrs. A. R. Nightingale, Thornhill and Mrs. H. .H. McKay, Richmond Hill. The meeting then adjourned for a delicious lunche‘b‘n served by the lad- ies of Stou‘ffville Institute. _ Immediately after lunch the meet- ing reconvened with Miss Slichter of the Department of Agriculture as speaker. Miss 'Peggy Wood of Mark- diam was guest; soloist and the two numbers she rendered were very lnuch enjoyed. Guest speaker of the afternoon was Mr. W. M. Cockburn of the Department of Agriculture. .He mentioned the fine talk given by Miss Slichter before giving informa-~ _tion on the new DDT sprays, He then produced a sample of the buck- thorn leaf. which along with the common barberry is an incubator for the spore which produces grain rust, The Department is making an effort to eradicate these tw0 pests. Mrs. Hamilton, Federation Representative, "gave a short address on federated board work during the year, stress- .ing its objective which is to increase membership, and saying that now is .the time to organize. Mrs. Redpath thanked the speakers and guest art- ist for their contributions to the day's program as well as those deleâ€" gates and members present. The tmembers of Thornhill Women’s In- stitute would like to use this means of publicly thanking Mrs. Scott, Mrs, Swabey and Mr. Nightingale for their kindness in prOViding transpor- station to and frdm Stouffville, ., . ..--“.~-,-=--. RICHMOND HILL CHORAL SOCIETY HOLDS PICNIC Last. Saturday 24 members of the Choral Society journeyed to the sum- mer home of the president, Mrs. Al- lan Bales. near Beaverton. It was an ideal day for the outing and an implements. household effects, etc., also standing crop by the acre. the property of Amelius Wilson,,lot :35, concession it Vaughan Tpr 1 mile north of Maple. Sale at 1 p.m. D.S.T. Terms cash. No reserve. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. FRIDAY. JUNE 28â€"â€"Auction sale of high class furniture, many antique articles, dishes, cooking utensils, sil- ver, odd dishes. the property of Mrs. Muriel Bone, lot 16, con. 4 Vaughan Twp., 11/; miles south of Maple. Also modern 6 room house, all conven- iences, good location on highway. Terms on chattels cash. Terms on property 5022. cash. Balance arrang- ed for on day of sale. No reserve. Sale starts 12.30 sharp D.S.T. Alvin S. Farmer, auctioneer. SATURDAY, JUNE 29 â€"â€" Auction sale of new Gurney electric kitchen range, new and modern household furniture including chcsterfield suites, and bedroom suites, garden tools, etc., the property of Bernard Carlson. 2nd house off Yongg St. on south side of Oak Ave. at Richvale. 1‘14; miles south of Richmond Hill. Terms cash. No reserve as propri- etor is moving to U.S.A. Sale at 2. p.m. D.S.T. Ken and Clarke Pi‘cnv tice, auctioneers. SATURDAY, JULY 13 â€" Auction sale of high class furniture, electric radio, household goods, garden tools, etc., on Yonge St., lst house north of Anglican Church at Thornhill, the property of Miss Winnifred Simpson. Terms cash. No reserve. Property sold. Sale at 2 p.m. D.S.T. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. FRIDAY. JUNE 28â€"Auction sale of household furniture, 1929 Chevrolet truck, etc. on lot 30, con. 2 Scarbnro twp. by No. 1 school, west of Clark’s corners, property of Fred Strileski. Terms cash. No reserve, farm sold. Sale at 1.30 p.m. D.S.T. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. â€"â€"â€"â€"__.____ , KING CITY Mr. and Mrs. Young of Toronto spent the week-end with their daugh- ter Mrs. Roy Minton of King. Miss Helen Young of Toronto is holidaying for a week with Mrs. Roy Minton of King. BUTTONVILLE Everyone is cordially invited to attend the social farewell gathering in Victoria Square United Church in honour of Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Mac- Kay on Thursday evening, June 27 at 8.30. Brown’s Corners, Headford and Victoria Square communities are especially invited. RECORDS CYNTHIA‘S IN LOVE . STRANGE LOVE (Tex Beneke) WHIPPENPOOF SONG HEY BA-BA.RE-BOP (Tex Beneke) FULL MOON & EMPTY ARMS YOU ARE TOO BEAUTIFUL (F. Sinatra) SWEET EILEEN THERE’S NO ONE BUT YOU (T. Dorsey) ' TIME ON MY HANDS CHINA BOY (0. Peterson) NEW ARA RECORDS ALSO Yerex Electric Yonge St., Richmond Hill, phone 242 ___._ AUCTION, SALE of Household Furniture, Garden Tools, Etc. The Property of Bernard Carlson Second house west of Yonge St. on south side of Oak Ave., Richvale Mile and a half south of Richmond Hill SATURDAY, JUNE 29 I 3-Piece Che‘sterfield Suite, like new 1 4-Piece Bedroom Suite, good, Wal- nut; 2 Single Metal Beds with springs 1 Spring Mattress, like new 1 Baby Crib with mattress 2 Dressers, very good 1 Writing Desk 2 Kitchen Tables 6 Kitchen Chairs 1 Rocking Chair ST. JOHN'S, OAK RIDGES 11.15 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. 11.40 nanâ€"Sunday School. Preacher. the Rector. Subject, "The East Wall". ST. STEPHENS, MAPLE p.m.â€"Evening Prayer. LANGSTAFF The Women's Fellowship of Lang~ statt Baptist Church holds its week- ly meeting every Thursday at 2 p.m. Last week the Women's Fellowship' of Langstaff met with the ladies of Willowdale Baptist Church at a mis- ysionary gathering. This week, June 20th, the meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Marritt Sr., Richmond Richmond Hill. 'ceive a blessing. vSt., Morgan Avenue WESTINGHOUSE LA GROVE Yonge St., Thornhill AUSTIN ’S DRUG STORE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26th and the Second and Fourth Wednesday ‘ FROM 9.30 A.M. T0 12.00 NOON Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted OPTICAL REPAIRS daughter on Friday, June 14th at Mrs, Hceley's Nursing Home, Elgin Mills. a sister for Douglas. 98th Anniversary Come and rc-l Refrigerator Lackers For Rent WILLOWS’ STORE Victoria Square TELEPHONE STOUFFVILLE 7508 GARNETT’S' CARTAGE OF-ALL KINDS SAND AND GRAVEL CEMENT MIXER FOR HIRE Phone Thornhill 14r14 MARCONI SERVICE BLACKBURN’S APPLIANCE AND SALES Telephone 63r13 AUTHORIZED DEALERS Thornhill GIFTS & HANDICRAFTS HAIRDRESSING First door south of B.A. Service Station At. THORNHILL Full line of Gifts, Handicraft Products, Linens, Wool and Ribbons COUTTS GREETING CARDS Telephone 102 mmw F .L. LOWRIE, R.O. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST WILL BE AT of each month BROKEN LENSES REPLACED Prescriptions for Glasses Filled _ For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 33 MOOOOâ€â€W «w This Summer Install a g Silent Glow Monoflame, Kitchen Range Burner 7/ ’4": ' . . . » effective the farmer's effort is the Canadian ‘Vhldl ‘1‘“to “V'dmtly Named for at Boy’s Billiard Table _ ’ . ' least. 100, but as the aid 0f Lake Flower Stand 1 Foot Stool implement maker whose co-operotlon In furnishing Simcgc seemed. to produce good ap- Card Tables 1 wash Cabinet the most efficient machines enables him to multiply lletlicsv "CI‘X “We m the Shape Of Axminster Rug, 6x9“; ft., good his output and extend his activities so that today FCNDS was left. . Congoleum Rug, 9x12 ft. Swmnning. boating. both by 0ԠKitchen Cabinet he producos more with less monp0wer and in the most economical monner yet attained. \ Wonhy and adequate. »» ideal selling for =1 Picnlc- Arl'ange' 4 End Tables 1 Coffee Table ‘ ' \ . , ments for refreshments were in the Living Room Table » By his Side, ever ready to help make more hands of the executive committee. Large Oak Table and under power, were the order of 0.051“. RadioV 7 tubes, like new the day, while many just sat around, " talked and enjoyed themselves. It Range, new is officially reported that the Dircc- 1 Electric Sandwich Toast“. tor, Richard Edmunds, poured tea. 1 Hotpoint Toaster, no“. Pictures were taken and_Jim But-Z ) mom. Lamps, Electric ler threatens libel action if one of h;m appears in print. HHHh‘HtQHHHpâ€"A Gurney Smooth Top Electric EASIER STARTING. LESS AND FASTER CLEANING. SIMPLICITY OF" CONSTRUCTION. SILENT GLOW QUALITY. SIMPLE â€" FOOL PROOF. INEXPENSIVE. Never were the opportunities in agriculture more promisingâ€"never was the Canadian former I ,I/ 7/ Electric Clock 1 Baby Carriage , _ . . Electric Brooder, 300 chicks The society showed its “WSW†Gasoline Camp Stove better fitted or better equipped to make the most I . . . l talent I11 Various “'RXS- bl†possll’h" 1 Machine for making window sash l l 1 of those opportunities. In the future as, in the post Massey-Harris will endeavour to develop, supply and service equipment that will make it easier for the former to fulï¬ll his plans and aspirations. the best numbers were the grace and Baby Sled 1 (ml-1drS Tricwle the “Thank you†to the hosts of the Ladyis Bicwlc, like new ‘ (lily- N0 miSll'd-PS “'(‘1‘9 repol‘t‘Ed 0“ Singer Sewing Machine, good, drop the road were reported, though the hem] ’ ‘ ‘ tar which was the first to leave 3 5,001 water Barrels Richmond Hill was the last to arl‘lVC 1 Tam 13x14 ft. with 3 ft. wall at h?“ destination Th0 Wilson give†1 Smoking Oven for meat stll leaves much to be desired. But Quantity of 5 In“ Chicken FCMC everyone reports having a very 1 Pail. Gt: ft Skis happy day. and it is quite certain 1 pa“. 4 ft. Skis there were very fur who could not 1 Sumo 1 MPH†ICC “M ‘ OHIO." ll SOUWI 5199!) “her taking 1“ Bedding. Linen. Dishes, Pots Pails" so much Lake Sinicoc fresh air. 15 Gal: pickling Crock ’ -â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"_ l Lawn Mower, 18 inch, ood CARD OF THANhS Garden Tools, etc. g The family of the late Mrs. Sarah 1 Black Cocker Robb wish to extend sincere thanks registered and appreciation for many kind- This furniture is exceptionallv good “egg-Ce, messages of love and under- as it is all nearly brand new. I standin! and beautiful filoral offer; Terms Cash. No Reserve. ings from their many re atives an< .) 3 friends. especially thanking Rev. W. sale at "' p'm' D'S'T‘ ’ I7. Wrixon for his consoling words K9“ 8: Clarke Prentice. AUCIS. )Iillikcn. phone Agincourt Siw‘}. JAS. SMITH, Clerk. ‘ Order with Deposits should be filled by “Fall. Sold by V. W. GRIFFIN Thornhill Phone Thornhill 13 'IW900â€Mâ€OOMâ€Nâ€Oâ€WWW Spaniel. female.‘ 099999990 mwooomuwwommomomom 00009999.. WWWNOWO during the illness and death of a dear mother. Q