Apart, however, from theological and instructional discourses. Fatner McGinn had occasion last Sunday to announce to his congregation that a new parish is being formed at Au- Members of his church say also he is one of the most forceful speak- ers they have ever heard, that he always has :1 worth while idea to impart and that he always presents it cleverly and effectively. address by Rev. Frederick McGinn, pastor of St. Mary’s ROman Catho- lic church. Those who heard him on that occasion agreed that he is one of the most scholarly and clever speakers to hold a pulpit in this dis- trict, although one of the most 1'8- tiring and diffident except In his church work. New Parish Won't Affect Richmond Hill Catholics ' To members of the Richmond Hill Lions Club, it seems no more than a month or so since the privilege was accorded ‘them of hearing; an address by Rev. Frederick McGinn, Harry T. Barber, Gormley, Ontario who is developing one of the good Jersey herds in York County, re- ports that his Jersey cow Golden Silver Camilla, 111355, has complet- ed a nice record in her seven year old, producing 8,475 lbs. of milk, 455 lbs. of fat, in 284 days with an av- erage test of 5.37%. “Not Birds Eye Centre†. Passing Motorists Warned Many residean of the village who r-‘d occasnon to. cross Yongc ‘5. over the holiday week-end complained that motorists appear to be paying little if any attention to the speed permitted them from 0110. boundary of the village to another. “Some of {hem seem to think .Rich- mond Hill bylaws are of about the All Ol‘ang‘emen are invited to par- ade with the brethren. Veterans that are Orangemen are invited to wear service ribbons. A good turnout of citizens to see this parade will be greatly appreci- ated by local Orangemen and Orange ladies. The parade will form up on Hunt Avenue in the northern part of' the village and parade south on Yonge St. to the United Church, led by the ,County Lodge of West York at 2.30 p.m. Bands will be in attendance and a piper and drummer will pro- vide the music for the local Orange- men and Orange women. Church service will be at 3 p.m. and a good strong Protestant service will be preached by the Rev. C. B. Brethen for the brethren. Turn out and see this parade as it will be well worth while. The parade is being held here for the purpose of bolstering the local lodge which is making rapid progress_on the comeback trail. The Worshipful Master and off- icers of the County of West York Loyal Orange Lodge No. C45 will hold their annual church parade in Richmond Hill on Sunday, July 7th. This is the first time the County of West York Orange Lodge has ever held its annual church parade in this village. There will be Orangemen from all the Lodges in the counties of West York, North York, East York and South Peel. No banners will be carried in this parade but regalia of primary, district and County Lodges will be worn. County Orange Lodges To Parade Here Sunday, July 7 a nuisance but also breaking the Criminal Code and rendering them- selves liable to arrest and appear- ance in the county juvenile court with reform-school or probationary disposition of their case following. Constable Bert Mabley to whom the complaints are made states that he has a fair idea of the youths who are thus not only making themselv_es Residents have been complaining that milk tickets, money and bottles have been disappearing recently from their door steps. PHONE MO. 2172 THEFT 0F MILK BOTTLES T0 MEAN GRIEF FOR BOYS JERSEY MAKES RECORD VOL. LXVIII MONDAY .xv TUESDAY. JULY 8. 9 “ BELL FOR ADANO †“'ilh GENE TIERNEY, JOHN HODIAK, WM. BENDIX â€"â€" â€" â€" ALSO â€"â€" â€" â€" WEDNESDAY TO SATI‘RDAY, JULY 10 T0 13 “ LOST WEEK-END †With RAY )‘IILLAND, JANE \VYMAN SPECIAL PICTURES FOR MATINEE FRIDAY 6.- SATI'RDAY. JULY 5. (i “ CONFIDENTIAL AGENT †mm CHARLES ROVER; LAUREN BACALI. “ COL. EFFINGHAM’S RAID †CAPITOL THEATRE 8 THE HOME PAPER “ RHYTHM ROUNDUP " “'ith CHERYL WALKER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 â€"â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€" The assurance thus given the memâ€" bers of St. Mary Immaculate parish who live north of the village that they would not have to break the tles that have bound them for years to the little red brick church on Yonge St. was'most satisfï¬ng. “1 have no intention of presiding over the ‘dlsmemberment of our par- rora under the direction of Rev. Neal McKinnon, well known in several Toâ€" ronto parishes. Father McGinn said there had been some speculation as ‘to where the dividing line would be drawn between this new parish and the parish in Richmond Hill. “The boundary line will be decid- ed," he said, “by myself and Father McKinnon, and then, adapting a Churchillian remark that has helped make the British statesman famous, Father McGinn added:â€" “Provincial police cannoc be every- where at once, and what could they do, anyhow, with a Whole string of cars, one following the. other at speeds in excess of the law? They could halt and oblige them to go slower, but the village itself could do that if we had a signal in charge of an officer, such as we had at Fair Day. Such a signal would cast only a few dollars. Why can’t we have one at once for week-end traf- fic? Why wait until we can get an electric signal system, and in the meantime leave us with a hazard to human life? . l same impori‘atce as>those of Birds- Eye Centre," observed a long; St. merchant. “I saw many near acci- dents ascribable entirely to the speed at which the cars went through the village. The Wbmen’s Institute of the vill- age provided the lunch which was very much appreciated by the bowl- ers. . Sixteen rinks participated in the day’s affair from Newmarket, Ux- bridge, Whitby, Stouffville, Agin- court, Toronto. to Archie_ Stringer of and the single win to Agincourt. A local rink took away second prize with a score of 50. The rink was composed of R. W. Hall, T. B. Lamb, Dr. R. K. Young and Gar. Yerex skip. High for two wins went to Archie Stringer of Balmy Beach, and the single win to W. Walton of Mulook Trophy Won By Toronto owlers Jas. Dougheny. This was the first time Mr. Dougheny had won this, and it was also his first trip to the local green in a good many years. He congratulated the local club on their excellent greens. His score was 57 plus four for three wins. The Mulock TrOphy, being played this year for the fourteenth consecu- tive year, was won by the strong Withrow rjnk of Tpronto skippedflby The lesson will be read by 84-year. old Right Worshipful Brother Fred Bowerihg, honorary member of the Grand Lodge of Ontario West and at Dresent County Chaplain of West York. ‘ The authorities of Richmond Hill hope that a warning will end the thefts here, but they point out that they cannot condone any further offences. ‘ Only recently a young man in a community not; far from Richmond Hill was sentenced to six months for milk bottle thefts. As a first of- fender, he failed to make good when put on probation and when caught later, charged with the same offence, exemplary punishment was admin- istered. Yunge at Castlel‘ield The bulletin says that, contrary to popular belief, canned fruit may be allowed to stay. in ihe cans in which they'come without danger to health. It is perfectly iafe to let the fruit or vegetables remain right in the tin container. Let Fruit Stay In Tins Richmond Hill Folks Told A subject of interest ‘to every Richmond Hill housewife is discuss- ed in a recth bulletin issued by the Canadian Department of Agricul- Lure entitled “Canned fruits and vegetables for vax‘iciy in everyday mealsâ€. Immediately following the service on~Sunday last the congregation gathered in the Parish Hall at St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill, to say farewell to the Charles family who expect to move to Wood- stock, Ontario in the near future. The gathering was called to order by the Rector, Rev. W. F. Wrixon, who spoke feelingly of the loss the congregation would sustain in the removal of the Charles family. Mr. Wrixon spoke of the long associa- tion of the family with the church and the several organizations of the church, Mr. Charles having held the offices of Lay Delegate to the Synod, Rector’s Warden and Chairman of the Anglican Advance Appeal, and Mrs. Charles having been active in connection with the choir, A.Y.P.A. and the WA. Mr. Wrixon spoke of Ray Charles connection with the choir, being one of the first boys to join the choir after Mr. Wrixon’s coming to the parish. Mr. Wrixon said that Richmond Hill’s great loss would be Woodstock’s great gain. especially in the church to which they were going. The Rector then called upon Mr. Boyd, the People’s Warden, who, in a few well chosen words made a presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Charles of a beautiful set; Anglicans Hold Farewell Party For Charles Family The pallbearers were Mr. Wm. Elliott, Mr. Wilson of the Orange Home staff and Fred Bunce, Jellicoe, and Albert Payne, former members of theyOrange Home. The funeral takes place Thursday from Wright & Taylor’s Funeral Home to St. Mary’s Anglican Church with interment in Richmond Hill cemetery. The ladies of L.0.B.A. No. 894 will have charge of the sar- vicg at the grave. Mrs. Lucy Crockett, first matron of the Loyal True Blue and Orange home here and a woman beloved by the former children of the home and by Richmond Hill residents who had come to know her, died this ‘Vveek at the home of her nephew. R. H. Wannell at Morrisburg. She was the widow of the late Harry Crock- ett and sister of William Wannell of Cape Town, South Africa.‘ The late Mrs. Crockett was associated with the administration of the Or- ange home at Picton. “She was a woman of very love- able characteristics,†said a Richmond Hill friend, “and she endeared her- self to her little charges without ex- ception. They will not forget her nor her†policy. of making their in- terests and their future paramount to all other considerations.†Mrs. Lucy Crockett Dies Orange Home’s Ex-Matron The Aurora fire brigade also an- swered the call and gave excellent assistance with their modern and up- to-date equipment. On Monday, afternoon, fanned by the high winds, the fire broke out again and the Richmond Hill brigade were called to the scene. Starting in the hay mow the fire made its way through the build- ing before it was noticed, and the barn was a mass of flames before help could be summoned. The Rich- mond Hill volunteer fire brigade were quickly on the scene and it was only through their splendid work that the milk house and equipment was saved. The upper part of the barn was a complete ruin but the fire was checked before it could eat its way into the stalls and lower section of the barn. Fire of unknown origin completely destroyed the barn on the farm occu- pied by Mr. Frank Sullivan and fam- ily on Thursday evening last. Fire Destroys Barn 0n Sullivan Farm Children oEf the Home who were MM? mmms jIn Essgntials, Unity ; RICHMOND HILL, container. are firm ods ought ; the can The Rev. J. H. Kidd of Wood- bridge, Ontario has been secured as Holiday Supply at St. Mary's Ang- lican Church, Richmond Hill, during July. Mr. Kidd has‘been prominent in Church and Masonic circles. He was Rural Dean on two occasions in different parts of the Diocese, and was Grand Chaplain of the Masonic Order. Mr. Kidd will be available for emergency calls, his telephone number :being 106 Woodbridge. The Rev. Rural Dean and Mrs. Wrixon have gone to Indianola Beach for a well earned rest. “Cans and foods are sterilized in the (canning) prmmssing. But 1116 dish into which the food might be emptied is far from sterile. In other words, it may have on it bacteria that causes food spoilage. Whether in the originai can or in another container the principal precautions for keeping food areâ€"keep it cool and keep it covered†REV. J. H. KIDD. \VOODBIUDGE food fallacies The pea processing factory at the end of Centre St. East commenced this week on its job of threshing. Already several loads-of peas have been delivered. During the early spring additional space had been added to the plant. D. Boyd were the Ebï¬lllliétee iï¬ charge of refreshments, and Mrs. H. A. Nicholls and Miss N. Russell poured tea. of mahogany tables, being- brought in by Mr. Charles Bancroft, the Rector’s Warden. Following this presentation by the congregation, Miss June Butt made a delightful little speech and presented Ray Charles with a lovely Hymn and Prayer Book from the choir. Mr. Charles, greatly touched, expressed the thanks and appreciation of the family for the reception and gifts, and spoke of the gain and pleasure he had received in his association and service with St. Mary’s Church. A delightful lunch, served in the cool of the Parish Hall brought the proceedings to a close. Mrs. P. C. gill, Mrs. W. F. Wrixon and Mrs. Anyone who ca'h provide a home for the boys is! asked to get in touch with Protestant Children’s Homes at 28 Selby Street, RA. 5121. ’ Homes are required for boys for a period of a. few months and in some cases a few years. The foster parents are paid $20.00 a. month plus Family Allowance. Clothing, medi- cal, dental care and pocket money are supplied by the agency. The boys. come from homes where be- cause of illness or desertion there is no one to care, for them. Home‘s are Accepted Within the radius of 35 miles of Toronto. Country Homes For Children Wanted An urgent appeal is being made by the Protestant. Children’s Homes at 28 Selby Street, Toronto for fos- ter homes for boys from eight to fifteen years. under Mrs. Crockett attended the funeral service. The lie-ensing of Eourists cabins and tourist homes in the township was At the present time this type of house does not cqme up to the regu- lations required under the Building By-law for the section in which these houses are to be erected. The regu- lation calls for a 'house of solid con- struction, and before they can go ahead with these homes the by-law must be changed.__ Vaughan council will consult their solicitors to-se‘e what action must be taken before goipg‘ further.†W. F. Wrixon. Mr. Barnes of the York Building Co. and Mr. Chas. Smith of Thorn- hill appeared before Vaughan Town- ship Council at its regular meeting on Tuesday afternoon asking council if they would amend their building by-law so ‘that the pro-fabricated houses may be built in the township. Vaughan Council Asked To Change Building Restrictions, May License Tourist Cabins and Trailor Homes PEA FACTORY COMMENCES ACTIVITIES ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 4th, 1946. In Hwy-Essentials. Liberty; In All Things, Charity". Th; servjce was conducted by Rev. GUEST MINISTER AT ST. MARY’S CHURCH Owing to this Monday being a holiday the village council postponed their regular meeting until Monday, July 8th at 7.30 pm. Several im- portant matters will be discussed be- fore the 'Village Fathers. THURS, JULY nthâ€"King City Street Dance, Rus Creighton and his orchestra. Lucky draws. FRIDAY, JULY Illâ€"Dance at BLt- SAT., JULY 13â€"St. Mary’s Angli- can Church garden party, horse- shoe pitching contest, pony rides, real old time outdoor carnival. WED, JULY 17â€"Street dance, com- munity sing-song, Newmarket. Continuous evening of entertain- ment. Softball game at 7 p.m., singâ€"song at 8.30 pm. Dance at 9 p.m., Art West’s orchestra. Re- freshments, bingo. Pcoceeds Lions Welfare Work. Admwsion 25c. VILLAGE COUNCIL MEETS MONDAY EVENING, JULY 8 SATUR‘DAY, JULY 6â€"Laskay Field The Youth Council Dance to be held Fpiday, July 5 has had to be can- celled. SATURDAY, JULY 6â€"Lawn Social on church grounds of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Maple. Sup- per will be served from 5.30 p.111. , t9,8,11-m-,, The “Ambitious City", L.0.B.A. of Hamilton, also entertained the child- ren and brought a wonderful box of toys and clothing, and treated the children to ice cream and cake on the lawn. These treats are always looked forward to by the children. who appreciate the interest that out- siders take in them. All in all, this was thought to be one of the nicest entertainments and finest evenings that we have had in a lqng whi}e_.’_’ The program was varied and enâ€" tertaining, and was enjoyed by ev- erybody. Following the programme, refreshments were served, while the visitors were conducted to one of the class rooms to view an art, display that had been put up by the child- ren. Orange Home Folk Hear Fine Program The program of entertainment was as follows: Irene Peel, ukelele, elec- tric bulbs, soloist; “Flying Washing- tonsâ€, acrobatic roller skating; Wm. Peel, pianist; Sandra and Ross Cle- ment, tap dancing; Walter Findley, magician; Irene and Walter, instru- mental duet. On the evening of Friday, June 21, a small group of very talented en- tertainers visited the Orange Home in Richmond Hill, and there put on a very remarkable show, which was sponsored by the Western Star, L.T. B. 396, and who were accompanied by the Beaver Lodge No. 490'. The Richmond Hill Lacrosse boys in the senior race will not play to- night. At last night’s game at Maple only four players turned up and this was a bad disappointment to the management. This means that Richmond Hill will drOp from competition in the North York La- crosse League. To start the league off Richmond Hill defeated Combines, and at that time looked as if they might have a real good team. Players gradually dwindled away or else forgot there was a game and last night's game was the climax. It is not through the lack of financial support that the players wouldn’t turn out as the local team is one of the best off with the money. It seems too bad that Richmond ""‘ has to drop from this for the .village was always noted for 1aâ€" omsse in tormer years. If the boys didn’t want to play they should mov- er have entered the league. The management would like the sweaters returned as there is need for these for other teams; ’Hill Lacrosse Team Drop From League More trees will be planted on the county roads in the township. This was revealed at the meeting but just what kind of trees and how many will have to be decided. The money for this planting was left to the York County Roads Association by the late Thomas Foster, former mayor of Toronto, a great lover of outdoor life. “In the future the township schools’ treasurers books will be audited by the auditor appointed by the town- ship council, instead of two auditors by each school isecrtionfl another question which came before council for consideration. At the present time no control is had over this subject and the council members are in favor of governing this form of residents in the township. A by- law is being prepared and what the ~iee will be is not known. Day and Reunion to have belan held July lst will now be “held this com‘ng Saturday. tonvillé Hall, Norman Burling‘s King’s Men, modern and old time music. Your Date Book “The most any resident of either city or village can do is to make robbery so difficult for a criminal that he will not undertake it, but will try to find ‘easier pickinga’. We ---~~.«~-~.o-n-~¢“v Police officials are again calling the attention of the residents of Richmond Hill and surrounding com- munities to the necessity of vigi- lance against burglars and other criminals. “It stands to reason,†one of them told The Liberal this week, "that the choicest hunting ground of the crim- inal is the spot that is unguarded or poorly guarded. Night patrolmen cannot be maintained by small com- munities, and even if we could have them they would be no more a guar- antee against criminal activity than they are in Toronto and other large 'ties. Lock Doors And Windows Police Urge Villagers B â€" Bruce Bell, Eng; Athena; Matthews, Sci.; Gerald Paris, Math.; Violet Preston, Lat.; Marion Robin- son, Eng.; Norman Stunden, Lat.; Keith ,Teetzel, Lat.; Maxgmt Wood; Lat.; Wm. McCulloch, Lat. ' XC to XIC Aâ€"Irwin Cartmill, Helen Davis, Phyllis Giles, Barbara Panke. IX C to X Aâ€"Rita Diceman, Joan Franklin, Joy Grove, Dorothy Hood, Jno. John- son, Blanche McArthur, Geo. Miller, Joan Murphy, Shirley Mylks, Anna Orr, Roy Taylor, Ethel Thomas. Bâ€"Kathleen Barber, Eng.; Gordon Cooper, Fr.; Jeanette Jackson, Mus.; Muriel Mallory, Mus.; Doug. Moore, Br. Hist.; Lois Palmer, Mus.; Mur- ray Wallen, Eng.; 'Verna Stewart, Eng. X to XI . Aâ€"Frances Baker, Betty Beres- ford, Lois Boux‘ne, June Collar-d, Ruth Durie, Marvin Foote, Blythe GregOr- ash, Allan Hill, Audrey Hirtle, Ted Hogan, Doreen Horner, Geo. Kelly, Kathleen Lake, Gwen Lake, Claire Markey, James Reycraft, Wanda Smith, Dorothy Spenceley, Lennox Wilson, Lloyd Tennyson. Bâ€"S'ylvia Maddeaux, Art and Music; Barbara Reardon, Art and Music; Ralph Smith, French. B â€" Robert Bruce, art; Grace Guppy, Math; Clarence Kozak, Math.; James Rice, Math.; Bernard Waters, Art and Music. IX B to X 'Aâ€"Jean Crossley, Aileen Easton, Kathleen Little, Betty McGrath, Don- ald McQulay, Robt. Mellor, Gloria Parisi, Wm. Sanderson, Edna Sand- erson, Joyce Sherman, Catherine Smith, Lois Snider. Silvio Steffan, Isobel Stephenson, Willis Stephenson, John Thibert, Donald Wilson, Jas. Woods, John Wynn. Richmond Hill High School Promotions For 1946 The following students. in alpha- betical order in their respective forms, have passed successfully the tests required for promotion to the next higher grade. Those named in the A lists have passed in all the subjects of their courses and are proâ€" moted unconditionally; those in the B lists have failed in one subject (indicated in brackets after each name) which must either be repeat- ed in the lower grade or abandoned. IX A to X Aâ€"Janet Abram, Arthur Bone, Doreen Boyington, Bruce Chamney, Jean Cooper, Doreen Downey, Joce- lyn Easton, Lorne Evans, Harold Forster, Barbara Ground, Jean Hobbs, Albert Jones, Bruce Jones, Agnes Kinnee, Ruth Love, John Lan- thier, Bruce Laver, Norman Middle- ton, Austin Patterson. “31:3 St. at Glenioresl Rd. y- - W ' Sift dry n15.--,, shortening. and marmnlnuc w I lightly with dry ingrediwu. l?our mto gumâ€- 15 minqu Bake in 350° oven 1 nu... J LAM MONDAY, 'I‘L‘ESDAY, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 9, 10 " YOU CAME ALONG‘ †With ROBERT CUMMINGS, ELIZABETH SCOTT THl'RSI).\Y. runmx', SATURDAY. JULY 4, : FRONTIER GAL in Technicolor mm YVONNE DeCARLO. R01) CAMERON SECOND FEATURE 1/; z. the sac: dry in Shortening, 13$th ‘7'“ 81' and marmalade to b†Pour I“ .1; dry mg’wwu. 15 law w“ edienu, add minutes. “ DESTINY †With GLORIA JEAN TEA ADVERTISING IN GETS RESULTS THE LIBERAL I Aâ€"John Atkinson, George Bailey, {Doris Bowyer, June Butt, Elizabeth Flood, Vera Hetenyi, Sally Hogg, Marion Hood, Audrey King, Jane Little, Violet Mihorean, Josephine Moore, Margaret Mortson, Belford Panke. Helen Paterson, Margaret IReid, Margaret Scott, Patricia Wat- son. “But we should always keep our fingers crossed and be ready to touch wood,†pointed out an officia}. "We can’t afford to boast about our im- munity from crime. One never knows what may happen in the un- derworld.†Officials point out that Richmond Hill has been singularly free of cxime, notwithstanding the increased criminal activity cv1dent in sur- rounding large centres. The at- tempted burglary of a serVIce sta- tion some days ago was the one out- standing instance of crime reported in some time. know that bolts and lockS, and even electric alarms are not 100 per cent })el'-fect as insurance against crime, but if we make use of these things. to the utmost we are helping make the crook’s job that much harder]: _ Well it’s all good clean fun, boy's. Just remember the date and place, St. Mary’s Anglican Church Garden Party July 13th. Alf. McLatchy is taking entries. Apparently the warm-ups are not all physical. Enquiries around town indicate many long standing rivalries are going to be settled (maybe) at tt>he forthcoming horseshoe pitching ee. Bill Neal seems to have a slight edge as far as condition goes -â€" handshaking does a lot. Bob Moodie has been seen practising on some- body‘s south forty, but Bob you should take the shoes off the horse first. Johnny Greene says the young gaffers should have seen him in his prime_._ _ A ' 2 buildings converted to houses $1.- 750.00. 11 additions to houses $13,- 550.00, 7 commercial buildings $27,- 400.00, 37 garages and sheds $13,- 335.00. This building activity is spread throughout the whole town- ship as building permits have been issued on every concession. The greatest concentration is in the Yonge St. and Unionville areas. June permits were $54,650.00. Bâ€"Kenneth Hil'tz, Alg MacKillop, 13:13.“ Aâ€"Nancy Austin, Ray Charles. Mac Clement, Mary Green, Robert Hirtle, Donald Little, Marian'Litth Ian McAllister, Helen TopperL A Bâ€"Peter Bawden, Chehi.; Robert Brethen, A1g.; Heather McAlIistel‘, Lat.; Lorne Musson, one language. MARKHAM TOWNSHIP BUILDING PERMITS, $243,135.00 The Building Inspector of Mark- ham Township reports that Building Permits issued in Markham Town- ship during the first 6 months of 1946 total $243,135.00. This is com- posed of 58 new houses §187,100:QO. Bâ€"Norman Davis, Typ.; James Kerst, Stenog. SHOE-[’ITCIIERS WARMING lIl’ Margaret Gouldingl Ponald Mellor. XIC" GRADUATES XII to XIII lllIdsol 5437 XI to iXII clean fun, boy’s. date andrplarce, No. Marion