Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Jul 1946, p. 2

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more Two M” ‘“ cz'm “THE LIBERAL” An Independent Weekly â€" Established 1878 Subscription Rate, $1.50 per year; To the United States $2.00 ' Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. E. SMITH, l\I.I’., Publisher THURSDAY, JULY 4th, 1946. “HY THEY GO TO THE U.S. A gloomy picture of the migration of Canadians to the United States was presented by a Conservative conâ€" temporary on the occasion of the 79th birthday of the Dominion. “Canada today is experiencing a recurrent boom in an" export trade that she can ill afford," says this news- .paper. “It is the export of brains and human energy," and in proof of the contention the paper gives the answers provided by many former Canadians who have made good in_ the United States to the questions:â€" “Why do Canadians leave Canada for the United States? What is the motivating factor in the great exodus that has robbed Canada of some of its keenest intellects, scholars, Scientists, industrialists and business men?" The answers without exception point to one reason. namely, that the United States offers greater opportuni- ties than does this Dominion. But why ? An analysis of the facts and a survey of political trends is enlightening. One of the revelations of such a study is the lack of team work, the almost complete absence of co-operative effort on the part of political parties lined up against the Dominion government. Considerations of political exped- iency motivate ()ppositions even against such program as those advanced by the Mackenzie King government look- ing to the promotion of social and economic security and the fostering and equalization of opportunities for all Can- adians. A We all know of Richmond Hill boys and girls who have .been attracted along with the thousands from other comâ€" munities. to the distant pastures of the southern republic. We' think of them particularly when we hear opposition to plans for a Canadian flag, a Canada Day, any movement, -in fact, that has for its purpose a slogan such as: ‘Let’s all be Canadians now.’ The pity of it! The shame of it! * **** **.** A NURSE’S POINT OF VIEW A week ago we had occasion to discuss the interest Of Richmond Hill in hospitalization and the shortage of nurses which is said to be the reason why hospital accom- modation in nearby centres has become an acute problem. We quoted a young woman, discharged from active ser- vice with the Canadian navy where she was called upon to render nursing service. Her qualifications, although quite high. were not sufficient to admit her to a course of instruction in any hospital in this province. Today we haVe further proof that the reason Why so few girls are favorably inclined to the nursing profession is because of red tape and unsatisfactory hospital procedure. E. Dean, a registered nurse, writes :â€" ffThe salaries of nurses do not compare with those of teachers and dieticians. . . .In many places, they still have twelve-hour duty and I have yet to hear of a hospital that has less than a 48 hour week. Most laborers and office staffs work 40 to 44 hours a week... .Many general hos- pitals seem to resent nurses working in military hospitals, which are also short of nurses. Incidentally the salaries paid b .both‘are approximately the same. No one will deny t e veterans, needing hospital care, some priority. ' “If hospital boards and nursing organizations wish to .obtain more nurses they need to improve their treatment .of graduates. Thus girls interested in nursing might con- sideriit worth While to putt-Lili‘three-years of hard work, in wfi‘c‘h‘ time they received no remuneration except board and iforms.” . . 359 * 1% 2k * * '4! 11¢ >1: * “CANADA SAVINGS BONDS” Many Richmond Hill men and women obtained first hand proof of the value of regular saving when they bought their first war saving certificate or Victory bond. It was a lesson worth while, and a discontinuance of the plan of saving thus offered them would have been anything but agreeable. But the finance minister of the Dominion, the Hon.‘Mr. Ilsley, has so arranged .for future loans that pub- lic offerings of government secfurities will still be avail- able to the small investor. . “Canada Savings Bonds” will replace war savings cer- tificates and victory bonds, and they will embody certain features of both these types of securities. The savings bonds will have interest coupons attached, and also, as in the case of Victory bonds, the lowest denomination will be $50 while others will be of $100, $500 and $1,000 denom- ination. The new bonds, like the war saving certificates, will be registered to individuals. They will not fluctuate in value and they will be non-assignable. They will be reâ€" deemable at 100‘ per cent plus interest at any chartered bank. As with war saving certificates, there will be a limit to the amount any person can buy in a year. The registration will enable the finance department to keep track of bond ownerships, besides protecting the investor against loss through theft or destruction. The bonds Will be sold to individuals only. The rate of interest is not yet announced, but Mr. Ilsley says that “the terms will be more favorable than those existing for comparable investments at the time of issue. There will be no canvass for the sale of the bonds, but they will be available at banks, investment houses, trust companies, etc., and the individual may buy them or. not as he wishes. as t * it * * 3k at FOLLOW POLICE ADVICE The attempted burglary of a Richmond Hill service station a week ago again calls attention to the necess1ty of taking all possible precautions against break-ins._Thanks to quick action of a neighbor in phoning the police, this crime was averted. and the would be thief or thieves made a get-away, abandoning the car in which they had trav- elled to the scene of the crime and the loot they had piled up for themselves in the form of tires. . Richmond Hill has been particularly fortunate in es- caping much of the present crime wave. No doubt the Size of the'village and the fact that it is the home of several vigilant police officers may to some extent account for our comparative freedom from the activity of criminals. But the advice of these same police officers cannot be igâ€" nored. Windows and doors should always be secure at night. It may not afford complete protectlon, but _it makes the job of the burglar more difficult and thus increases the chances that he will be detected before completing his mission. >1: **** *** ATTAINING SOCIAL SECURITY “Initiative and thrift were the only instruments_by which to gain security we and our ancestors had,” writes i correspondent of The Liberal. “Is it wise to try to sub-- ititute social legislation for these virtues?” We would nnhcsitatingly answer in the negative but for the fact that the writer p‘uts something hypothetical rather than factual before us. and an answer of “no” would merely permit him to say we oppose social security legis- lation. - The fact is that the social legislation that has been and is being enacted in the Dominion is not a substitute for initiative and thrift. and it does not interfere with B THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND W these or any other homely \‘ll’lllcs‘. The pi‘cscn'. gcncrntion ot' iichmond llill i'csidcnts know tliatbthril't and initiathc do not guarantee ,1 {minty against the misfortunes of life. During tln- depression that preceded the recent war. the truth of illl> sluicmini v as made abundantly evident. and back to thc days ()1. the first Canadian scttlci's it has ln-cn all too often the raise that thc frugal and the provident. the thrifty and the uni bitious who have sut'fcrcd most bittci'ly from conditions over which they had no control. Accidents. illness. business reverses. uncmploymcnt may effect the loss of the savings of a life time. Many a man has had to borrow on his insurance or put a mort- gage on his home on becoming thc victim of thc slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. It is acknowledged by all authorities and all political parties here and throughout the English speaking world that government is the one cci'tain guarantee of secur- ity. The British government. for example, is proceeding with a program that provides sor'ial security from the cradle to the grave, and Canada would have gone far in the same direction if the Mackenzie King government‘s propOsals to the Dominion-provincial conference had been accepted. 4: BEST ROAD TO KNOWLEDGE A striking observation of interest to educationists and parents alike was recently made by Rev. C. B. Brethen. minister of Richmond Hill United Church. “Once children learned by repetition and memoriza- tion,” said Mr. Brethen. “but in more recent years we are being told that children attain unto knowledge by means of visual education. It is said by some authorities on the subject that. as much as 80 per cent of our know- ledge is acquired by “the eye gate” While 12 per cent of what We leai‘n comes to us by the medium of the car. In other words, we are impressed seven times as much by what we see as what we hear while over 90 per cent of what we know is acquired through the eye and the ear combined. When We have given these facts enough re-- cognition we may begin to realize that we ,are all product!" of What we have seen and heard." Public School Promotions For Richmond H ROOM 1 Promotions to Grade 8 *- Joyce Fowler, Janet Paris, Jean Muir reo. ROOM 2 Grade 6 to Grade Tâ€"Ra:; Agar. Kenneth Archibald ,hon., Howard Bennett. Loreen Booth. Martha Borst hon., Joan Bowen, Charlie Close hon., Douglas Fowler hon., Shirley Frank; lin hon., Mary Ellen Glass, James‘ Heal, David Hillier, James Hogan hon., David Hogg hon.. Dorothy Hudâ€" son, Betty Jones hon., Beverley Leech, Edward Little hon., Reta Mi- horean hon., Terrance O’Neil hon., Gerald Paxton, Robt. Risebrough hon., Bernice Roberts, Eleanor Smith, Edward Sullivan hon., Daphne Titâ€"'l shall, Stella Tomlinson hon., IIdl'Olil,l VanDyke. Promoted Jan. 5 to Grade Tâ€"~Dale Agar, James Galloway, Eric Hillaby, Dee Jernigan, Lee Sullivan. Grade 7 to Grade 8â€"Dale Agar rec., Audrey Allen, James Galloway, Margaret Hillier hon.. June Hudson hon., Betty Mabley, Catherine Mc- Arthur, Jack IVICAI'tliUl', Lucy Mi- horean, Bill Semkiev hon., Marjorie Weaver, Jean Webb. ROOM 3 to Gâ€"Edna Abbot, Ruth Ann Armstrong hon., Sidney Barra- clough hon., Shirley Bowen, Donald Booth hon., Patricia Ball hon., Ber- nice Bobyk hon., Mary Idelle Charles hon., Mary Cottrill hon., Joyce Coopâ€" er hon., Marguerite Gorst, June Harding hon., Edward Hill hon., Mar- garet Horwood hon., Carlyn Jerni- gan hon., Elsie Kerr hon., Fred Mi- horean, Robert Moore. Ronald Millen, Jacqueline Mabley, Walter MacKay hon., Heather McLean, Keith May- hew, Rodney Mallory, Helen Meiyto hon., William O’Hara, Catharine O’- Hara rec., Jill Pritchai‘d hon., Ronald Pullen, Myrna Risebrough hon.. Ar- lene Sauve hon., Jimmy Simser, Ralph Selby hon., Marion Stapley, Richard Soderberg, Robert Tomlinson, Beatâ€" rice Wilson. Grade 5 ROOM 4 Grade 3 to 4, promoted on year’s workâ€"James Hogg, Joan Hull, Roo- bie Keith. Promoted on final examinations»â€" June Grainge, Janet Tomlinson. ‘ Grade 4 to 5. promoted on year‘s workâ€"Bruce Brillingei', Terry Bunce, Elizabeth Carter, Helen Franklin, Joan Gibbons, Ruth Harding, Dorothy Harding, Orlin Horwood. 'Promoted on final examinationsâ€" Paul Atkinson hon., Nelson Burns, Barbara Cole, Primrose Craigie, Eve- lyn Dunbar, Marion Dunbar, Verna Dunbar. David Hudson rec.. Duncan Kerr hon., Grace Layzell, Paul Le- Cuyer, John Leech. Grant Mylks, Willianiean Neff, Carol Reid, George Ross. Charles Roberts, Douglas Smith, Ken Thornhill, Ronald Thorn- hill, John Titshall, Henry Upton, Carolina Schmidt hon. ROOM 5 , Passed with honours on year’s work â€"â€" David Brown, Marguerite Clubine, Richard Flechnei’, Jim Gard- ner, Ann Kerr. Denise Stanley, Gwynneth Stapley, Carl Tectzel, Kenny Tomlin, David Vallance. Passed on written exams â€"â€" Fred Abbot, Bernice Archibald. Graeme Bales, Paul Baker, Gordon Booth. Ross Bowes hon.. Michael Butt, Joan Cook, Donald Cole, Watson Cottrill. Molly Hai‘grove hon., Ronnie Hisey hon., Shirley Hudson, Joyce Jefferâ€" son. Bobby Kent hon.. Margaret Lyn- ett hon.. Joan Marinoff. Helen Millcn, Bryan Mills, Elsie Nicols, Pat Pax- ton, Doreen Pullen hon.. Ingrid Res- entera. Laurie Weaver. Jack Wright. Harry Young. ROOM 6 Ernie Allen. Sylvia Allen. Audrey Archibald. Earl Arnold. Junc- Barber rec., June Betti‘idge. Muriel Boh;.k hon.. Wellington Bourne hon., Irene Bresnelian hon., Thelma Dunbar. Frances D,unlop. Donald Glenn. Bil. Grainge hon.. John Hill hon.. Lynn Jackman hon., Edith Joyce. Jimmi~ Kerr, Mary MacKay hon.. Ale}: Mc- Gillivary. Alice Mihorean hon. Billy Mitchell, Billie Nicol. David Patti-n- den hon., Joyce Pei-kins hon., .liivm': Pollard. Patsy Rainer low. Neil His -- brough hon.. Jenn Rl'dltll‘. Rail Fen‘kiw. Shiilov Smith. A} 31;: Sitter. bei'g hon., Shirley Thomas hon.. Mu"â€" vay Thornhill. Donald \‘nlluni-c ROOM 7 Grade 2 to 3â€" Marilyn linker liill‘. ‘ ' Taylor, William Wayne. ill And District old Baker. Sylvia Cole hon., Heather Ci‘aigie, Alverna Montgomery hon.. Jimmie Neal. Helen O‘Hara hon.. Douglas Stewart. Grade 1 to 2â€"Barbnra Bell hon.. Danny Cillis hon., Gwendolyn Hiscy, Ethel Hudson, Carol Mansbridge hon., Louise Munroe hon., Margaret McGai'rv hon., Carolyn Rowell hon., John Sealy hon., Beth Smith hon.. Sydney Smith hon., Jack Wilson hon., Paul Wilton hon.., Stanley Sheppard hon., Mable Young rec. '. ROOM 8 Grade I to Grade 2â€"Carol Baker, Stephen Beam "hon., Lillian Butler hon., Alex Caron hon., Gay Elliott hon.. Sandra Emberley, Marguerite Guppy. lieniicth‘Hincs, Jessie Kemp. Sandra Koning hon., Roy Mai'inoff hon., Joyce Smith, Kathy Todd hon Jimmy Wallbridge hon., Audrey Wil- SOD. CARRVILLE l‘I'BLIC SCHOOL PROMOTION RESULTS Grade 7 to 8â€"Muiray Winger. Grade 6 to 7â€"Cal‘0l Burton hor... Gary Burton, Dmeen Houting hon.. Evelyn McCarthy, Evelyn Sanderson hon., Ruth Winger, Bobby Wynn hon. Giade 5 to Gâ€"Gordon lioutine,‘ hon., Maiion Middleton, Doreen Stevâ€" eiisonfGordon Read, Inez Wood. Grade l to 5â€"~David Barton, Bruce Norris. Bobbie Perring. Alexander Stevenson hon., Ray Winger, Grade 3 to 4â€"Keith Sanderson hon., Mary Sanderson hon., Keith Winger, Gordon Wood. l Grade 2 to 3â€"â€"John Barton, Bobbie McEwen, Allan Sanderson, Kenneth Wood. l Giade 1 to 2â€"Kenneth Baker. Maiy George hon. : PROMOTIONS SS. 3 MARKHAM In order of merit Grade 7 to 8â€"Shirley Dolson, Morris Cook, Robert Lanthier, Helen‘ Malick. Grade 6 to 7~Mervin Cook, Don-I, aid Brodie, Douglas Sherman, Ron-r ald. Onazuk. I Grade 5 to Gâ€"Barbara Radford. ‘ Grade 4 to 5â€"Ronald Leuschner,l Alice Malick. ’ Gi’ade 3 to 4â€"Ma1‘garet Brodie,l Tot Sherman, Carole Radford, Jamesl Curtis. ‘ Grade to 3â€"~Gcorgc Clark hon.. Deannn Watson hon. Grade 1 to 2â€"Charle Margaiet Beatty. 9 Barker, I'NIONVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL PROMOTION RESI'L'I‘S Grade 1 to 2â€"Helen Bratton hon.. Ross Beckett, Dianne Ci-ibbctt hon.. Billy Hendi'y, David Norton, Kath- leen Taylor. Giade Z to 3â€"Bl’lan Allen hon., Marilyn Anderson, Fred Clil‘iste‘nson, Lawrence Gayman, Lorraine Holdsâ€" worth hon., John Little, Geraldine Jaivis hon., Ernest Styles, Beatrice Williams. Grade 3 to 4â€"Wayne Appleton hon., Edward Alexander, Gcorst Carey, Robert Harrington hon., Milâ€" (lied Holdawav hon.. Doiis Little hon., Roy Murphy. Grade 4 to 5â€"Donald Andcrson hon., Bert Beckett, Frank Boadxvziy. Viggo Christenson hon., Alice Dun- lop. Arthur Latimer, Marjorie Mc- Carty. William Stylus hon.. Douglas Taylm. Kathleen Tonilinson hon.. Mavis Trunk hon. Grade 5 to GABonnie-Jcan Alexâ€" ander, John Button, Frances Griff- iths, Deieen Hiltz. Verna McCarty, Bruce Maynaid, George McClarcn, Glade ii to Tâ€"Lorne Alcxnidcz'. Robert Alexander, Car-man Bondway, Beveilcy Braiton. GeOiginu Bug-ye. Anne Hill hon., Doreen Junp-s, ‘i'vonnc Kingston. Shirlc" )ldi‘iill hon.. Beatrice Mclnnis. liric Monro Ruby Norton. Chaile Richc'. . (ii-giro Grade T to Sâ€"Elinoi' l‘n'ou‘i. Mn." McMullcn hm“... Iiincst Xian-:1, Kcitâ€" nclh Husx‘cll hon.. Iiiiinii 'l'o’vv'i! «.1, “Gigi/.11 f «53: Taylor FUNERAL DIRECTORS .-\3?Bl"...\I\’-‘.,'E SERVICE Richmond Hii‘; Phonesâ€"l?) and 142 Right I‘hone ii Brunch (Iffic's (ll THORNIIILL AND liNlHNVILLE _.â€"__â€"____________.â€"â€"_â€"_â€"â€"__â€"â€"â€"___‘ ___.. v . HILL. ONTARIO J ‘t v LDGELEI Vliili i ii -l'..;"lli‘\ \levi‘wist lllrllill 'iclil ln'izi- ii ' llt‘ twine of .\l:.~. _\i*'.~o:1 Dc, 1!‘ :i \llll‘lltllll .‘lllv‘llli.ll.i'-', l‘fl'il' \. ‘ '.\I'I‘\' piiwcid. Tic :‘risuc- ‘_“l\\ : \i-r) lllil‘i\‘\lill‘._!' 3:1.k v.1 2~ c mo in 'i‘ isn‘t \\h:i; you ‘C'll'. tin: i it i ‘Im uhni )m: tinish”. ’I'hl : «in H i\_\ a ‘DH‘dvlli its-pot: c v :n~ rot. cull. "Sine. \Jlj. oi pm". llv- ( . . Aunt-n ll‘L’l cave -. \ii‘. in il'i‘\|.'l'L «h.-‘iii‘i<11;I:ii-ii w: ‘Snl 'l'lii) were many and \lil c'l which, Lc'oul \'.'1._i :I’W‘ iiilf'l. ’ilr- Ill‘ll Hull, 1 an, \id“. lib.» n.1, not only l'\'il'(‘llli’l_\‘ :ippc 'g but u‘rod to lm'lv at :l- \"cll. ‘ (‘lil‘l'ii.l.\' wining \\'ii“ pus-cit ..i\n:'.~.l landillwi Ililti by 21 ion hindii. .\ voic of 'llil‘l t\;i~ ,1: non Mrs. Audi-xv ...1 .. ’iirni‘ww‘. xvnn idl'i assisted with of them. The ncxt mictâ€" ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Percy l'shci'. Mrs. Nelson l’cclni‘, MW. Agnew and Mrs, 1'. S. Stung .i-xo..p.i-icl Mrs. Paul Snider to the Distiict .*\ll- nual of West York which was held :11 Yellow on June 21st. 1: \\".1s u very interesting meeting and the re- porls given were very gratifying. A splendid dinner was served I»; the ladies. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Broadhclt and little Margaret accompanied by Mi. John Stanley and Miss Mallion llllll< um! i(: Niagara Hills and lll'l‘alo a week ago and spent the there. Recent visitors at the home of Mrs. Godadi'd and Miss Atkinson were Mrs. Toi'i'itt and her son Muri'ill and his wife and three boys of Gili'ord and Mr. and Mrs. Keains 0f Toronto‘ and recently of Miami. weck»c'n:l Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson spent the holiday week-end at the home of their son, Mi‘. Herman Tll()llI})>'Oll. Maikhnm. A vciy pleasant time with a $2“ side to it Was spent on Monday 6‘.- eiiing at Young People's when all the ‘ young people, practically. got to» gethcr to'show Miss Rumble how much they appreciated her and what she has done for the young people of the community. Miss Rumble has been here as teacher of the Educ-Icy school for four years and has onâ€" deared herself to the children. She has had candidates for the entiance examinations every year and has been very successful. At the close of school the children presented her with two lovely Oinaments for the mantle and last evening Miss Eulaâ€" lino Newton pic<enter her with a gold locket and chain and a pair of car rian on behalf of the young people after Miss Bernice Usher had lead a poem entitled “a letter to Isobel". I The evening was spent in playing games and at the close ice cream and cake \‘(ils‘ having a “get-together” at Musselâ€" man‘s Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Giffen and Muriay and Linda were guests at ten cf Mr. and Mrs. Eliiici‘ Stung. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wilson guests of Mr. and Mr. (I. S. iecently. On Sunday Mr. and Mi's. C. h Stong. Terry and Clifford and MI' Mortson were guests of Mr. and Mis, Donald Pickciinn, Victoria Squux'c \\ \‘I‘C‘ Htoii and attended the sci-vice thcrc \\hi'r0 Rev. Mr. MucKay \vns [il'L'Llcllint hi farewell sermon. Remodelled and Repaired Cleaned and Glazed Also all kinds of neckpieces made to order. v JOHN DONALD Telephone Maple 491‘22 Elgin Mills, Ont. .:- Drink plenty of Milk, " and be sure of an _. ample supply, pure . and wholesome, by 1‘: having us call every day. Milk. Cream. Butter,‘ Chocolate Milk and All Dairy Product’s. Milk is the best food you can possibly serve ‘ Ls ‘ " ~ ~ Cr iii 1‘. O. WATERS & SONS Richmond Hill, Ontario m ES?" HIEEEIIHJ‘EEEEEEEEEQEEEHEEEEEEEEEEESEE' r.» it. I. it. iii -, kn VF Ir, w < 5-7 Le. THURSDAY. JULY 4th, 1946. EEEEZEEEMEEERHBISEEEEEIEHIIIIl-l iito affirm“; “Una-.4 '9 ; ii; \ \- S.» it. 1 . (I: and(}arage NOW AT REAR OF BELL TELEPHONE OFFICE PARIS AUTO SUPPLY Richmond Hill Phones 270 or 86 u , . IllEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII BUTTONVILLE HALL FRIDAY, JULY 12th Norman Hurling and His Kingsmen MODERN AND OLDE TYME DANCING Si‘l'YCtl. ' l On Sunday the Young People 2116- UE PINIG. A PAPERHANGING DEI‘ORATOR â€"â€" 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP Empire Wall Papers Pattern Books flt‘lf", patterns from iZl/zc. to $1.25 per single roll l’hone Richmond Hill 9 or write P.O. Box 268 or E. J. HINSON, 4 Lucas St. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW 551:? ;.;-.' .. . x‘" .. ‘-.’L -‘.' , nibâ€"{5’}. 500066000OOQOQONG”WO”N”MOWW” FRANK’S GARAGE ‘ AND MACHINE SHOP GENERAL TIRE AGENT WELDING. IGNITION WORK AND TOWING All Kinds of Electrical Motors Repaired Refrigeration Service and Repairs Domestic and Commercial â€" All Makes one Richmond YONGEHURST ROAD P“H,,,137_,_2 0000099009 9000009 OCIOWOV '00Q0690 . MASTER GROWING PELLETS OFFER THESE ADVANTAGES TO SAVE FEED ON RANGE There is no waste. In open hoppers, pellets are not blown out by the wind. Loss from spillage and billing out is eliminated. Birds cannot “pick over” the feed, they get a com- pleiely balanced ration. i‘elict feeds retain their vitamin content longer. 6. The birds like them. **tl¢*** Phone Thornhill 54 WE DELIVER :ALl cusses or , , POULTRY ' " a ram Live STOCK r " ‘ run BEARING "ANIMALS 8- 0065- ‘ i »~ ’ MMMM /;MM )lzlfdMMMM "Kano Etna-You uulfw Pszazzzzzazzzzzaz

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