-_.__ ‘_.- M...â€" PAGE FOUR '.\l()R.\'I.\" lli." Si." l "Mornin'. “\lxtiiiiii‘ summer gittin’ ;1l()'i_I"." “A‘n‘t got him halt to the city." "l'lire him 2’" “Nope: he quit." "Wiiat'd he quit fci'?‘ “(iiiess he was afcarczl thi- ltaylig'ht Savin‘ outa “)loinin'. Hi." “Mornin'. wllank in St. Thomas Times-Jourâ€" nal. lilt‘ no moreâ€"l1“ . I'll .vork hint." Garden Party ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Sat’y, J u y 13 FUN GAMES OF SKILL PONY RIDES HOT DOGS â€" PINK LEMONADE ADMISSION FREE ENTRY FORM . 'HORSESHOE PITCHING CONTEST ‘Name.... . . . . . . Address Mail or hand to Alf. McLatchy. Richmond Hill, Ont. Fee 50c. â€" Payable at COurt. "H'T‘f‘"“ "7‘," T?†V “’M ï¬r‘q‘ï¬â€™ï¬â€˜ï¬w . . . . . . . . . - . . u . . . - n u . . . . - . . . - - . . ’9000O0.6000000900090000009600“.“9 GOMWOOOW†., i i l is the time to install a HEAT REGULAtOR Thermostatic control for hot air or hot Water furnaces with any type of fuel. : 2 § § § § UNIFORM HEAT with ‘ L E S S W O R K and > LESS COAL HONEYWELL ELECTRIC JANITORS Sold by Jones Coal Company Telephone 188 Richmond Hill t i g i 8 i wmwOMOOOMOO‘O 9060 9.000600%“ 0.09â€. Wall-paints to give complete satisfaction. mus‘ be easy to brush on â€"â€"must give splen- did coverage â€"~ and must renew dull, drab walls economically. We specialize in paint that eliminates bothersome decorating probâ€" lems. A can of top-quality paint, here, is worth many times its small cost. today. F. Y. W. BRATHWAITE R. W. PARIS, Mgr. Telephone 18 Richmond Hill Come in Maple Tinsmith and Plumbing Supply TINSMITHING and PLUMBING- Eavestroughing Furnaces Installed L. HOUSE, Maple, Telephone 19M ï¬â€"â€"â€".§_ J “How's that city teller you hired for ' w e I l t Combines Teak ('ombiites 0. Maple 8 On I’rida; night I-.' ti. the fast travelling tea it I _tlefe:iteti (‘al .llillei's .‘lapl p..' f‘ I' I z e .. p. the score. of 2M it; the .\It;.i .. before a re 1.111 et‘oui r-t' fairs. The t'ltlSE‘th‘S ill. iii.‘ st -l‘i- ind.â€" cates the play throughout the game as it. was not until the final awn: was the game decided. This came was the best to have been witnessed in this league and it the boys cat. keep this brand of lacrosse hetore the public the arenas will be packed with supporters. The goal keepers for botii team.» were outstanding players. llll'iiltiLL' back shots that had all the earmarks of goals. and on several tir‘.‘zi>‘ltii)< (lord Smith for ('Umbines and Harry Rumble for Maple held their oppmi~ cuts off when desperate rushes were made to ptit their team in the lead. A]. McNair was the 0111>lr11|tll11§€ player for Maple and at times when the playing was tough you would 1ii.d him there holding- the team toâ€" gether, Lorne Wells was another player worthy of mention. For Combines llle l'erwai 1 line of the Burton Bros._wei'e host storing five p‘Oals, Harry and Ray collecting: two, and ('leve one. .left' Elliott bulged the twinc for two counters, and Ben Thompson and Bruce Wark netted singles. Woedbridge 13. Richmond Hill 0 Richmond Hill boys sank further into the cellar on Thursday night when they were defeated by the Woodbi'ide‘e team in the lcczil arena by the score of 134?. The Hill boys were outslucked on several occasions and the score did not indicate the play. The Woodbridge team has been somewhat weakened by injuries with - no less than four of their regular players being laid up. Capt. Jack , Elder will be out for some time re- ceiving a broken leg early last week in a ball game at Woodbridg‘e. Jack will be greatly missed by his team THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND BILL, ONTARIO H _ e Over Lead, Defeat Maple In Close Game ‘, mun. 'iilliiu'i‘i's to lacrosse fans or I U i". l‘i"l thn‘Vl, ’ .\".I'oi:' ‘ .- tilt, in " 1"Ia' stacks of thi- Trht'orn'jt liar-m ‘ \‘iri .\1w‘ 1 v. is Lyn dual mt' l. 'i’.t' l lit“ \l'vjl l.‘ :i ll:. ll-\<': it) l ‘ 'w:.iii I.l before long will l 1‘ lw a Duel itit itltt‘i .ii' lilJlsi‘ll. ll 1:- . I ‘ l \\ r 1 st in ti.ei former Yorlpu‘ ll \\‘r.s inn-l, in Initot'ni for l l V "'."'1‘l ill'tl will] .1 "1"". more I p“;‘.'wt-- lll‘tlt‘l iii lwli \‘Cilt lit- hack to hi. 1h! wick; Tin-so two boys .Iiil tI'ItioI'lifttlly :itll ,stil‘ovtli In ilii‘ ll'll team in tuttzre carries. ’l'llH l)1\.\'s \n-g't- tillist'til't‘Il Oil 'lliuiszlay triu‘lit lint by no means «ii-crawl in their play. and with a bit more luck might easily have been on the winning side of the frame. Thi- Wt odhridge boys were some- what litter"; in spots aiil at times it luokel as if they might fold up and the game away. \l'ith a few piricliccs and if the boys would all turn out to names Manager (has, ,,.,. 51.: Ryan might produce a team for Richmond Hill that would give the best team in the lczig‘uo a i'l‘il for the silverware. This 'l‘hnrsday night the Richmond Hill hiys will he hosts to the Maple team and if the Hill boys would ever :1'et together and all turn out to a a'ame at one time it might he possâ€" ililo they would turn the tables on (‘al Miller's hoys, Manager ('harlie Ryan is stressing a point this week and if he makes up his mind to have a winningr team anything can hap- pen. Woodbiidu'e will be the opposition for the (‘onibines in Aurora Arena on Friday night. This game should attract, the largest crowd of the sea- son as the league leadership at stake and both teams will be out lighting“ for a win. Next Wednesday night at Maple Sports Bowl, Maple will endeavor to down the Woodbridg'e aggregation and increase their position in the standing. The present standing of the teams are: is mates. being the player which com- P W I. Pts menced practically all their plays. as Combines . . . . . . 10 7 3 14 well as a power house on defence. Woodbride'e S) T 2 1-1 In this game the Hill boys trotted Maple . . . . . . . . . . 0 5 4 10 out two new players, but by no Richmond Hill 10 0 10 0 Play-Offs Nearing In North York Lions HardballLeague On Monday. July 1st the {ichmorrill Hill midgets invaded Grant Nig'hs- wander"s home town of Markham ard walloped the hornester‘ to th- ot’ 14â€"6; This was the first meeting of the two teams this year and the A. ., ., rial. Hill .boys looked much the better. Norm Sturiden pitched the entire game allowing- only two hits. His mates in the field had several errors credited to them which accounted for the runs scored. Mack Clement was the big scorer for the local lads with four runs scored for four times :11 bat. The Hill gathered five rt'ns in both the fifth and seventh innings, while the most Markham could secure in an. inning was three, which came in the second. Ncwmarket 6, Richmond Hill 3 Last Thursday evening the juniors journeyed to Newmar'ke: to play the return game in the canal town. A; was expected many arguments were bad and quite a time was had settlâ€" 1119: old time disputes. The local lads went down to defeat by the score of 6-3 and with a little more luck at bat would have made it interestâ€" in}: for the opposition. Ken Stevenson started on the mound for the Hill and was relieved by Stunden in the fourth. From then on it was a pitcher’s battle. Stuntlen allowing only one hit in three inn- ines. The three runs scored by th:- 1112‘. boys were scattered and at no time were they a threat to the Opposing" team. Markham G, Richmond Hill 6 Richmond Hill Jr. hardball team, followirg‘ in the footsteps of the la- crosse boys? On Tuesday evening the team ,-was scheduled to play a~ Markham. At the appointed hour not enough of the boys turned up to make a full team arid a few Of the midgets were pressed into action and one player loaned from the Opposiâ€" tion ‘madc up the team. The boys who played made a fine showing and were fortunate to hold the opponents to a tie. Norm Stunden pitched for the Hill. this being his second game in two nights. and he allowed only seven hits. The ree‘rlar' scheduled games are now completed and the teams are waiting for the play-Offs which will likely start next week. At the press eat time President Grant Nie‘hswanâ€" dot has set no definite dates as to when the play-Offs Will get under way. M FIRST 0F 2,500 PRAIRIE FARM WORKERS ARRIVE IN TORONTO A party of .‘9 experienced fai'Irrl workers from the Prairie Provinces on their way to jobs on Ontario l t l . The obvious reason for this popularity lies in the “extras†vou get in a Goodyear tire. Extra mileage extra stamina . . . extra safety . . . extra satisfaction. You can't btiy a better tire! GOODflYEAR ,WHITEI & YOUNG Yong‘e Street, Richmond Hill ' mcnts of Agriculture. Offices oi' farms arrived in Toront.) recently, it was announced by Hon Humphrey Mitchell, Minister of Labour. The party represented the vanâ€" guard of some 2,500 western farm workers who under the Dominion- Provincial Farm Labour Program are lieinvr recruited in Ailwria, Saskat- thewan. and Manitoo: between June 12 and July 10, and given free trans» portation East. to help hard-pressed Ontario farmers with hayingr and early harvesting operations. On arrival in Toronto they were met by a Government official who arranged for their trlmisportation to the particular farmers who had plac- ed orders for them. While Spring: operations are now practically completed Prairie I‘rovinccs. the Departâ€" Na- tional Employment Service airl var- ions local agencies co-opruiting- in the rccruitine‘ of these workers are takingr steps to ensure that only those who can be spared from in the Provincial special farms in the West. will take part in the movement. From now until recrt'iting- is over, parties of those workers will lie ar- i;\'ine' daily in OntariO. Th:- first gronp to arrive in Ottawa. the cenâ€" tral distribution point Eastern Ontario. is expected about Jinn; 22. About 1.750 are expected to he reâ€" cruited from Saskatchewan, Jim from Alberta. and 230 front )laznâ€" tolia. The Di‘thllliliL" wage farms for these workers. in dollars for Ont-.211) all. of w'iini an experienced farm work. .s' are about severity a month or} board. Workers taking par: in the move~ men: wii': remain in Ontario durintv June. July and part of August. They will return to the \I'Ost during the l;"tei' nart of Arieust when a reâ€" ciprocal movement ot' Eastern work- ers to the Prairits '~"l ml..- ~i as required. ' St., Richmond Hill, phone 204. l l , less than ‘ Baker‘- iiel lL‘SL‘llU l 4,!†list. it was. for en .I ~e.p:ent insertion. "..".1 ‘13». mt. ll" 1 glassiiied Advertising THIS IS Tllli DAY OF .ADV'FRTISINGâ€"~I\lAKE THE MOST OF IT. riflve .11.L's “1' less. :35 cents for first insertion and 25 cents ()ver ('HARGICD NINE CENTS PER LINE. F El? SALE l‘ltNt'lll‘l'l‘l‘l “LOCKS. Apply _D. litllit's. 'l‘hnrnhill. clwl '30 l'i(;.\' s weeks Ild: 1 sow near Inna l‘l'mc l\'iapf.~ Zh‘i'lfl. elwl ('ONt'lZlC'l'le BLOt'KS. Apply Mr. .\‘. A alcuur't. 345' Oak St. Stop 22. Ric..\‘ale. tfc27 you} otn l’t'LLETS. laying. Ap- ply l2. l‘urner. May .‘\vc.. Richmond Hill. phone ‘liiTrlii, clwl AHOI'T 4 Acnfis MIXED HAY. standing. W. Zimmerman. Brookâ€" side Road, Klein Mills. 3'1w1 ANHORA RABBITS. pedigreed. well izept str‘rk. Larson. 25 Yoiig'eliui‘st Rd, (Stop 24) Richvale. *lwl 4 ACRES lsi‘ANI'iINhâ€"HXv. first class mixed. Apply J. H. Elliot, RR. 1 Richmond Hill, phone 4011. tlvxi PEN or HrBRIIiFPLIiaETs. 4 mos. old. Apply Anderson, 02 Richmond clud ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, needs repairs. cheap for quick sale. Apply o0 ('cntre St. W.. Richmond Hill. clwl 100 NEW HAMPSHIRE UNSEXED CHICKS. 1 week old, $16.00. P. C. Hopkins. 10 Mill St., Richmond Hill. *lwl N 115 WHITE LEGHORN PULLETS. 2“: months old; 25 Barred Rock Hens. Apply J. Purdy. Centre St., Thornhill. WAGON AND HAY RACK. $75. Ap- ply Leechwood Farms. concession 3 l THURSDAY. JL’LY 4th. 1946. l l 5 lines .3 cents per line extra 3L3 l'ltiS .\ to 10 weeks old. (‘lnrke Young, .llilliken. phone Agincouri 45w! 1. clwl :In At'REs. sTRNirINo'IIAY. Apps Lit 11!, (‘on. 3 Vaughan Twp†phon- .llaple TSer. "lwl s GOLr (‘IIUISSEd can; badminton racket ply Liberal Office. NEW BEATTY Vacuum (lean; Harold W. Morison. 5 Arnold Street Richmond Hill, phone 03W. baa; watering and press. Ap< v ('2 WI N 30 ACRES TIMOTHY AND MIXED HAY, standing, for sale or on shares. King'ridg‘e Farm, con. 5 King Town- ship. *lwl \ - ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS. stair hand rails, fire dog's, fire screens, fire sets and acetylene weld. mg: Apply T. Elliott, Richvale. vtfc40 l COMPLETE SET OF 'FENCE STRETCHERS; 1 hand stretcher; l McCluskey Grip, price $15. Apply J. Donaldson, (‘arrville Road, Rich- vale. ~ clwl' USED HAY TEDDER. mower, rakes, manure spreader, grain grinder, In- ternational 2-furrow tractor.plow, 3- section spring: tooth harrows; new scufflers; milking machines .on band; also electric fenceis, electropails, draw rope, sling ropes, trip rope. Harold W. Mortson, 5 Arnold Street, Richmond Hill, phone 93W. c2w1 W TENDERS Tenders sidewalks for Village of Therm wanted for repair work on Markham, 1 mile south of No. 7 hit], .For particulars apply W. A-. highway. tfcl Dean, Thornhill. I 7 FOR ECZEMA and Psoriasis, try 7 ' ‘KLEE REX†~ 81:00. Scotchmer' . the proven remedy. 50c. (Medium and Strong). At s Drug Store. c1w51 KCKET er tanks for culverts. Applv Mr. R. U. Sanders, 64 Richmond St., Rich- mond Hill, phone 289w. *le YORKSHIRE sow. third litter (qu 91‘ f0†Tent- MISCELLANEOUS a . _ Isnsz'I‘ERv on Stovev 3 wat_ PLOUGHING, excavating and grad- ing. Apply phone W. H.~Houting 1131 Richmond Hill. ="2W52 Apply George Fisher, in 1 week; Frost & Wood 5 ft. cut Ricbvale, phone Richmond Hill lrzz mower, good condition; Cadillac car suitable for brick rake. W. J. And- ersen. Ilownsviow, phone Map] (31113â€). months old. Sirn tony; Dam. (C:‘;.d..d good plus, with a record of 16,700 lbs. milk last year. Apply H. N. Taube, RR. 1 burg, Ont. clwl HOLSTEIN BULL CALF, 51 months old. Sire. Eaton Hall Spotlight. of three times all (‘anada cow. Dam. Eaton Hall Wilma. who gave 14,889 9 cellars du'g, grading "1W1 Apply Bert Smith, Elein Mi REG. HOLSTEIN BULL CALF. 21/2 R‘Ch‘mn‘l H1“ 1341.13; Tomlin Texal An- LAWN MOWERS' SHARPENED '& Klein- phone Maple‘621‘21. son Street and *Brookside ,Road. †4w50 TEAMSTER _ Gardens a n d ploughed, mowing. its, phone tfc48 LOAN and SODDING; cement mx/ repaired. Joseph Winger, corner of Carrvrlle Road. and Dufferin Street, tfc43 L55 SAND AND GRAVELdeliver-ed imy~ where in district. E. Charity, Yonge Phone Richmond Hill 102rl4. ' l a“ tbs. milk a; a 3 year old with 4.41 LAWN MOWERS cleaned, sharpen- },utterf-nt. Apply Mr. marksom phone ed. repaired and adjusted. A. Nicol, Maple 2‘81‘13. _5__M_ R.O.P. SIRED BARRED ROCKS. For profitable chicks from high pro- ducing large can strain order Hill- WELL view Farm R.O.P. sired Barred Rocks. Price list on request. Start- ed pullets 4 weeks and up, Harold Hill, Cormley RR. 2. phone Stouffâ€" ville 520. c10w44 x . MILK COOLERS, immediate delivâ€" upholstermg. cry on Frigidaire 4-can drop-in type $260, Woods Automatic bâ€"can drop-in type 8284. 4â€"can Port- able Vats $70. G-can $80. DeLaval Milkcrs completely installtd with motor, Ft?00 up. Toronto Radio Sports Ltd.. 241 Yonge St., Tor-out". tfc49 M MOM AND POP'S 50th wedding an- F‘She‘“ Pmp' niversarv continuedâ€"Mom: Say POI). At'tit Mary asked us to come for dinner and stay the night. Pop: What. I don’t understand. Mom: Hush. soniething's brewing. I want to .e'et a few recipes from George Automatic carving. & Spraying, welding, lettering, Elgin Mills, 1/2 mile west of Yonge St., phone 1341‘31 Richmond Hill. ' _ . . tfc50 W- DIGGERS, also cement tile for wells, pumps and pressure sys-~ tem sold and installed. Frank'Yor-k andNelson Donneral, R.R.'1 Maple. phone 31124. itfc49 M ALL KINDS FURNITURE term.-. cabinet work. Wm... Estimates given. N. VanDyke, 33 Hunt. Ave., Richmim. Hill. FISHER AUTO BODY repair snap. truck body repairing. For dependable st:- W. M. W. tfc m FOUND GIRL’S WATCH. at high $01100] af- ter Entrance Exams. Phone 98, 1.11.. vice phone Thornhill 76. Geo.: Hello Mom am] pm, Mom; prove ownership and pay for this ad. How about that Saie‘mi Tea vou â€"â€" were telling: me EIlFO‘li? Geo.: It’s TOBACCO POUCH With toba€c°~ a pinpin. Put 3 tablespoons good owner may haVe_Same by pI‘OV‘mg tea into a heated pot; add 4 cups property and paying foyadvertrse- fresh boiled water and put in 12 ment- Apply .leel'al Ofï¬ce- whole cloves, 12 allspiCe berries and 2†stick cinnamon. Let stand 5 min. Strain over ice in 4 tall glasses. Garnish with lemon wedges. Sweeten ..... ,. l“. LOST l 1: WANTED TRI'NK. Plionf‘ c1 “‘1 SECOND HAND 2* Richmond Hill. Slill.l.l‘lll t‘.â€"\Rl’l-ZN'[‘I'IRS to work in 'l‘ltoinhill. tut wages. l’hone Thorn~ hill MW. *lwl \‘Ol'Xt: WOMAN or young: girl to help “.111 general housework. Apply llor; »1.-Tlie Liberal. ‘3\\'5‘3 -- mother's helper for summer must be hard of children. e1\\'l H thOl) \‘Ol'Ntl GUERNSEY COW in months, l’hone Maple lb‘rti. l'iiil flow. must be reasonable. R. H. )‘litclhiunell. (’oncord. elwl CATS (full grown) and RABBITS (various sich) at Troycr Natural Science Service, Oak Ridges. Phone King 59r32. tfc. fl PLOUGIIING, double discing‘, culti- vating and tiling. reasonable rates Apply W. Goodcrhani, 30 Elmliurst Ave., Lansing. *15w44 “5% FEATHERS and feather beds of all descriptions, highest prices paid. Write to Queen City Feather Co., 23 Baldwin St., Toronto. tt'c46 MEN, veterans it' possible, wanted for attendants at’the Ontario Hos- pital. Langstal't‘, physically fit. Ap- ply Superintendent. c2w1 HORSES TO KILL, highest prices paid. Apply Box 54 Richmond Hill P0. or Courtland Mink Ranch, Ox- ford St., Elgin Mills, phone Rich- mond Hill 288W. *8w4G _â€"___.__‘ TRANSPORTATION from Stop 22A to Bay and Adelaide vicinity, arriv- ing‘ 9 a.m. to 9.15 a.m., leaving 5.30 p.m. Apply phone Waverley 7851, Local 231. Mr. D. Clarke. clwl E POULTRY WANTED â€" We pay high'est cash prices for live poultry. We also custom pick at 8 cents per bird. Slchomberg Poultry Process- ing Plant, phone Schomberg 78. tf30 THORNHILL VETERAN, 1939-1945. pensioner, urgently desires 5 or 6 room house to rent, 7 years present house, excellent references from landlord, reasonable rent. Apply Box 62 The Liberal. elwl ' HAS ANYONE. a 5, 6 or 7 room house with a half acre of land in or near Richmond Hill for sale? Under Veterans Land Act you get cash fromthe government. Apply Norm’s Shoe Repair, Richmond Hill. "‘4w52 DEAD HORSES & CATTLE want- ed. For free pick-up phone RIGH- l."â€)ND IIILL 7 or KING 241'4 or MAPLE 2937. We pay telephone charges. GORDON YOUNG LIMIT- ED, Toronto, phone AD.3636. tfc. - TO RENT . lâ€"‘H _ â€"j“â€"-, . TOURIST. ACCOMMODATION on highway just north of Richmond Hill, phone 44132 Richmond Hill. *4w1 '. BUDD KNAI’P Both drama producers and radio act- ors think that the name Budd Knapp is synonomous with the best in pro- fessional radio acting. In Toronto since 1941, the Ottawa-born Knapp has starred in every kind of radio play from children’s fantasies to “The Johnny Home Show†and “Stage 46,†and it takes a keen ear to identify him in his diverse char- acterizations. Among Knapp's cur- rent roles is that Of “Shorty†in the Monday night broadcasts of “Scrence a la Mode†on the CBC Dominion network at 10.30 pm. EDT. taste with Baker’s ' Sweetner. READING GLASSES with plastic The automotive industry is cele- i(:3nl:1().nr\lgoh\:r1::)g’ tlEgOKlgtylf1Sb.OI'aélgje frames in soft leather case, Apply bratng its 50th ananersa1.y this . t > . .: in v0 ‘ ' ' cup" water with 1,2 cups Bike‘1_,s Phone 116W Richmond Hill. c1.v1 year. Sweetner, boil 1/2 min. Add 11,42 cups orange juice, 1/2 clips lemon JUK‘C‘, few grains salt. Cool. Add 2 teaspoons grated lemon rind and 2 teaspoons grated orange rind. Strain. New place dasher in freezer. Add mixture. Cover. Adiust crank (use 8 parts crushed ice to 1 part salt): pack firmly around freezer can. Turn rapidly and freeze to mush. Next beat 2 egg whites stiff and fold into mixture. Freeze firm; remove daSh- er; cover sherbet. Drain off brine. (Use .1 parts ice to 1 part salt) pack firme around freezer. Cover with paper or httrlap. Let stand 1V; to ‘1 hours. Makes about :2 pints. Morn: Thanks George. I think I’ll need them. Pop and I act dumb but some: thing: is surely brewing, Goo: Mary ,Iust phoned to have the 2 milk cans in the hack Of the c.ir filled with Baker's Sweetnei‘. Pop: 2 milk cans. well I declare. How'd they know we are here. They read Mom and I like a book. All right George. fill ‘eni tip. Geo; There you are Pop! Pop: How much Geo? 690.: 16 gal- lons (Ii U5c. gallon is 815.20 (say $15.00 Pop). Pop: Thanks George. No coupons. sugary taste. easy to use. 85.00 worth Baker’s Sweetner ' as sweet as lit14.0â€) worth sugar. oz. 25c., 40 oz. 35in. 1 2 gal. 65:-.. gal. 51.; . 3 gals. $5.01). 10 gals. ('ontainrrs are extra. 25 oz. 40 oz. 10c.. 1 2 gal. 15c.. gal. hints or can, 151-. car‘h. No shipment nâ€. We pay express up 1111' :nih‘s it' money order accom~ panics order for H oi more e‘allons. Sn‘eirtrer ' uuaraiiteed money back. (990. 1C. l‘hm 12.. v.:;ii.iil':u-titiitit: cheniâ€" .s‘roat'r'vllle. Ont. ‘ lS (it Pp l\l‘l. l Learning to Do by Doing These girls are a few of the many members of Homemaking Clubs. part; of the great. national youth organization (labs of Canada. I'Iere. thl-v are shown workint: on :1 these Homemaking ( llllIS llilllilif‘l‘ “1'11.†than 100‘“. and. in Several other acti\ ities. make IllrtllV or known as the lurin lioys‘ and (lirls' clothian proiert. The members of I'l‘llilllll it) llll‘ll‘ rtr'n :tliH‘lt‘S of clothing which are the last Word in style and good“ orkinanslnp.