Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Jul 1946, p. 5

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THURSDAY. JULY 4th, 1946. lirrfi LIDLILAL, rLleliLVl‘UlVD HILL, UNâ€"‘lfiAliiO â€"‘ PAGE FIVE g . ~ 3 V ‘ - ) ~ gleamenema-H-In-lllli-f-I-III!IIII!!III. bacufltyuiistunal NLiPLJg {{E;i(jgos â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"t . . 7 . . v i l '. " l » l . I ~ l)0n 1' ‘Vorly ‘x Jout a (/0211 Shortage ' a Mr. and .Mrs. .-\rt lidei. .lll‘ llitll' Mr. and Mrs. (K Sterile! .1" \‘ .\ liiisiiic~ o i I " l l ' I ’ \l ‘ ' i' I 3-: tayllia a: llc‘l' |‘~‘-l(i‘.ll‘ .i' ‘l mu. Sic. . Ittil‘. (:rllmin :1: i M: _ llis-i- mi ll:.i llrl 7 i I ', ">â€" wi' l’iil: ('llwlit. (liil.. \\l"l' \ E'n: Ull‘il‘ 3=‘ 'l l“ i: i a i I S I, Miss ()livc l’uyiic illl‘l Miss lC\<-li~ Zloiv l.'i"‘~!’;lll lltll'>“'lii."' 0., ll. ‘.l. . r-ll ll;,'; l $4 U ‘ \Villllll‘; spent lloutli‘un. l):ij. :3 11:13, _ . . E,“ 7 . I lilli't'ulo. XX. 'l‘iip Sunday Kiwi :wil l'iii.».w~~-iâ€" limit" llli‘ "twill-(s ill. in '4' ‘ â€" mini pi... i. ;.1' 7M. Lam...» ‘ lilR'rll ‘ " ' ‘ ’ ‘ LI I Mr. Fred (irailia‘cl' lcl'l lust \\l‘l‘li ii: s ll'l1l iii iii. .1; ii-.- 11:1,. _ \u. ‘ _~ ; o. - _. __ . N ,x _ l ‘1 _,‘ _ ,~‘. 1; , V5 , ,m-L \ v _ ’ I '1 iil'l' (lillfl'ill'i' \Vlll‘l'l‘ llk‘ \\ lil \ i~il lli~ .'l 1in :t'ii': «litlli'L‘L i . l l . ll‘sil-i\ l l I‘I'Il'ill’AIiii \l1i>liiidliillll‘TililUQl'l “will b" ‘\ nu! c\‘ h E lei»)! lid“ ( t I II «in irmhll. .v .; .. \l~.. .l::ii; ll.. 1 n" , j ; ; f ,_ 1 n BURNS CHEAP FUEL OIL .- «minim I Mr. and MW. lb)“ 'l‘l‘llll’li' Hull slicnt Suidny \‘lTll Mi :1izl Hi |-'.. ._ l‘l- i.‘ik..l,..“i:l; A\.\‘i|1]?‘-‘11n; .ll‘iuilli-l'w,‘if“: ' I: _Steady even warmth r _ 7 _.â€"., = )lzllll'tit'il are lllllllllil)lliu at Lakp sill. H_ 1.21M”. “I it m .11“ Immow, . “Um-l” :HI‘i j â€" v V I » A ~ . . on}: tlls \\'cc<. Miss .'\‘llill‘\ .\l«‘.\':1liuillri" i'i‘i-i- 1‘ 11w iv ii". I i l ‘ t I l g to mod to mov- 3. *~ . , r i '«~_>-_ a or ay, u y b. .- â€"l\0 coal to ShOVt‘l. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Howard 1‘ lilliklili £11111 Iici- lli lllt‘ on Muniiav Mi‘llillu l': I . v n - ~~ . .. - I No (“My . ql L, 1 .U r‘. -' l'amily let‘. on Saturday for their mum...“ m.“ “Niall. 1..“ “HUN,” \ l\\_ .\ll\l\.\ A Mi, :l!.l‘(lv.\-lls..i.;1i'l{ \\ :11. I“ I v ‘ II â€" - d‘ ‘ S 0 “ r - ' hm hm... ii. (lrilliu, ..,~ p... m..- ~ -‘ 1w Humor Munro Pcilrvl'l on 1 nurcn (irounds . abOUL : . \h‘_ fiv‘l' ‘T'l‘ “(m “H l, H I \ are happy ll- announce the birth of _, ). _ . , ‘ -ii A-r. ‘ -r‘U \lil‘n .m. , (,.\..\ ' ,W .1 . 1‘ i. ‘ ,.\..t '. .-- I = _Costs very lune to one“ I ‘ Mr. and Mrs. lylchald hdlnunds {‘1 and liiiiliu-r .\ll'l'l~il Lille “1' (inil is“:lilllllrlliiti-ii. I‘il‘iliil-il‘illllfi.3:, hum)” “l” I“ “HUI “Om "‘30 D'm' ‘0 ls "'m' ate. I :‘enllll'vlirl; \Ilh'i”"\:‘_(‘l‘il 1' l’”‘”“‘-‘" “W .\lll('llil mill-1 in; Iijplilinni incl; 01' MM “mm; .W] (pu‘lfl'ngq. (man? 'I‘H‘h'ls'l'g .30 pen“. 0 a h.’ s "\'. n M iv“, - I l - :s s. A A v . = _Replace5 2 t0 ‘1 Quebec = ‘ v _ ‘ U dll‘.l”l:l(lllll Mcl‘lachcl‘ii. one ill...‘ Hull“ . . I,Ieaters. I M". (l- ‘3 14”").- illl‘l “HF-ll l'(‘.\l<ll‘lll (1' Slicl‘wwd. ll(l\\' of Regina, , . , . . v , - â€"'P0rtable ‘â€" can be take" I :ilfnhiiilv\liiimlilmli‘ilcliil iltmlll‘iludnil”h “ii. in 1121M“ ml gummy Himlll'l". i:(l.iill1'4]l\IlD(i1'”ull{l3l£lliOllllillfilxll I r... r s... .‘2 "v, I. ;. :i‘; .,\I 3* "a". " ' . = »“ll“vhere' I u A Hill’l’\ (a ‘ \‘t 1 ll\\~:'((llll'illllll':illlfitl Mr. Moi] Wilson ill-“Hudxl lllmlw‘l “1’ i‘tlllllm‘fllwl all“ ‘ _L‘l )e i _ e I . rs. . . aij. on re . . wcs. Lu. “1;. .‘ i , I~ :1. . it H - ‘11! ,i o .icil' son. a in» ier or . u c, I 1 -, . i' . ,' = [Exile 0.1:.HK 031. I entertained a number 01' ladics at a g]:(iz.\l\):.:,:|1;'”(l 11m“; “lynxl ill, [ppm 10:1” illlrl \Vlls'lli‘. on Tlllll‘FIlMfi JUNO {3 1 he [ililnliel 3 a] d “ 111 be Closed I . l.‘ 5‘ I“ h ‘ k‘ I farewell tca for Mrs. lloward l“l';llll{â€" spew.“ rump ' “ A ' 'JTth. 150113 at Mrs. Stanford's Niirs. ." ’1 t .d‘ Y J I r t-l = V‘Flllni‘reafes b l = llll l'Lm‘ellllN. “Nd \Ynhor Arniqwflng Elli: “whip. ':i('l]l‘1()l](1 y 9 I _ 1 en a “'0 r001“ [Inga ow- ‘ and Family of Ridsrctoiyn aw liiili. ““ ‘ , l . . . . . MI'S- Z~ Fm 01’ “‘0 Owner Home (i:1\'lll“‘ in‘ Tcstoli 'Ci-iih \lr. rm. l’()l.l..-\Rl)w.\lr. and Mrs. Goorge L. Monday, July 22nd. I â€"-F:or homes. cottages. schools. stores. (hunches. I returned illls week :il‘u-i. spanning-h m'mm WWW. Mp W1 Mi-I\IA\\,H-L WNW, “we me Wignmm) a”, A. : â€"(an be bought on convenient terms. = we'll Silll'ml, llillltlai' In Philadellihmi whit-pr, hiippy to announce the birth (if their 7 â€"â€"â€"~ ~. 1 . . . 1”“ A a“ 1“ l-V- Maple I'llitel (‘hnrch Slinl-i. :lauu'hlcr, Sandra Winnit‘red. on .lulv ' ‘ J ‘1 Start 0110 (IOlng 1n Y0ur Home Tonlght : â€"_“ School ntOllllwl'hlillltl l'ricnds _inullii ill'd. 184% at Mrs. Stanford's Nurdng‘ & I Mr. Gordon Merchant and nieceoi' ed by bus and car to ('hurchill Park “MN”- lill'llm‘m‘l l‘llll- RiChmond I See at I London. England who are lolll‘ll‘lfl.‘ on Lake Sinicoc last. Sililll'ilzlfv for mi I . . - Canada and the USA. called on Mr. outing. Although the weather was V I l and Mrs. C. Graham Monday. July hut, they Ll1] report a grand timp, IN MEMORIAM I I 1st. Our local Postmastcl‘ reports illtll‘ TYNDALLâ€"ln loving memory of the iespiinse from this district to the our dear mother, Emma Tyndall. who : & : MliSSCISIE‘PF-‘l .Sflmli‘l‘SOn Off linilli" allhcal for used clothing~ has been passed away July 6th. 1945. I H . F - \voor. al ornia spent‘a ew (21312 very good indeed. 14 full niail bags In our hearts your memory lingers. I 1463-.) Avenue Rd. (3‘; Melrose) Toronto I With her nephew Mr. (. H. .Sander- having been sent from Maple. Always tender. fond and true; I " ‘- ‘J l I $0“ umbrelle‘Vs‘d Olll ill'flumnlilm‘OS Mrs. George Bailey and family. There’s not a day. dear mother. I ILLL] HONE M0. 9473 I 1n the village. enjoyed Dominion Day week-end at. We do not think 01" .V'OU- IIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII M C D H. i 1 F Hal-ace Jvast cottage “em. Gl.a\._ 77,L()\.ing.1y renmmhmfd by Song rs. reorge e inger am (allow: eiihrtrst ill Muskoka. and daughters. ter Yvonne. Mr. Guliding‘. Mr. and (‘migratulations to Maple Grade MrslMilncMMrs. Mary Hewllttland IX students who passed into Grudq (augltel‘ ill'fs’al'f‘i “'919 “HIP-X X at Richmond Hill High School. lie-8’66‘z“MF guests 0f MI‘S- W. H. l\l.\'ll\'\‘. They are Bruce Lavcr (exempt from ' ' ' ' w i - - â€"-â€" final examinations), Agnes Kinnce. TWO SHOWS DULY â€" 7'30 \ND 930 l’ M DS’I‘ Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sallen of S!l\'- I‘Ol'een Down“ Bruce Jone. Mum > SAI‘TfiRl ' 1‘ I: ‘ . . . . . . E r .i m i . )A\ MAllNlaE 2 l’.M. der N.\. were Visitors last week pile Jackson qml Lois P-rlmer \[R (‘()\'|) " ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ i ‘ " . ’ . ' - ¢ » < - .‘ ~ . )l\ i i ) I i).\ I‘ fil'lt.hi1\1}.‘alltill Mrs' Biil'fiql'lm'l'li- film Women’s Institute members. their n” FD [0R ‘( H ( l OR! .“ el'.'i.l'.r -' . . . . . .. - “ > . Wednesday‘ July 10”: beggmhwgklut l‘.\l L lll‘lNREll). MAUREEN ()‘HARA, WALTER SLICZAK in Mrs. Stewart Kidd visited with her 3 pm, Ladies bring lunch baskets, _ “ ” hUSband m Sam’t JOlm. N.B.vf‘0r FU- lhe Rev. Mr. John McCilmmon and . » . g .. , ' ‘ IN TECHVICOLOR 1oral days has: weetlxi. Mf. IElfltlfl'laiq Mrs. McCriinmon of Beamsville an!” i\' T35" SPECIH V\'l“TR \CTIOV‘ een moved own lere 1y" 1s .11“.n spent the holiday week_end with .. .. . . .,'. . “ ‘.".. ‘ , ‘ “J . , , . . ‘ and The leem] “fishes hm] every . their daughter Mrs. Bruce McDonald H E\( Ll SlV I: L01 rh-t ONN (HAMI ION IIGHI‘ l [(TBEL success. â€"â€"â€"-§_â€" r ~ MONDAY TL’ESDAV WEDNESDAY. Jl'LY 8. 9. 10 , , RA ['ION BOOK . ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Piercer and . {NO 6 . . ROBERT ALDA, JOAN LESLIE. ALEXIS .SMl'l‘H in little daughter Joan left. this week Ration Book No. 6 Wlll be distrlâ€" £6 in ” 0 I , by motorffor thelrdhomeI in Northern huted acr'Oss Canada during the week R 1 in (omfmt while "oft . A ‘ Ontario a ter spell ino~ tieir vacation f g. .. l . (I . i r z“ 9 fax ' ' ' 3" ' ‘ V p L ,_ _ . ,. .. _V I c 0 with Mrs. Piercev's parents, Mr. and O..V(.pt(1.n)m i to septcmhel ll)‘ 1-" Spl'mf-Z'Y ('Ul‘ln 211111931 maglc‘ally ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ' " i ’ Mrs H. L. paxt'onl dl‘tl'lbutlml “111 be handled by moi“ all over your head. One visit . . I, . 7. I, .. . . . ' _â€" than (300 local ration boards throng ‘- here will convince you why dis- ' out the countyi'. criminating women rely on us R f 0 ‘ YOI'TH (‘OLVNCIL N')'l‘lZS .. ~ - ,I - - - I ._ i 1'cr pri‘iitaiicli :: ii' finer. lollger- t i All members are asked to come 1.Ciontlnuglolatwnmg m cand‘l“ “‘1 lasting loveliness, at moderate e out Monday evening, July 8th, and “‘5 COL-“t” 5 amwer t0 the WON“ prices. (‘all today. help clean up the tennis court. Cl‘l’lnz' for help," said Donald Gor- . . â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€" 1 ‘ i ) _ . . h v ‘ . , _ I ( 9 Enjoy COO] comfort While maintain_ Pleae be thele. non, 'Pllctt; B(oald Clidllmdill. ail- ‘ ' ‘ , “â€"“‘"'“""‘â€"_ nouncing' e iovernment’s recisi-ni . _ J12 that “:ell'pressedi I Impeccablc to issue another ration book. “A: Vlctflrla Square 1 k VVJ 0. . , . s a . J A ‘ .. i . ~ . ' 00 . L One 30111 stilts d scren- long .is human beings lil so many _ TF1 FPHOVF “TOUFFVH 1F PM»; c - v u i . - . r) ' A 4 4 J l 4 L l A l 1 v i < ilflc. dlrt-free. odorâ€"free cleaning .101) A rink 01‘ bowlers from the local ("lunnlle‘ “1 the “NM “1'9 Smflllilh’l ihnne 119‘ Ruhmund "I" i I v- i i v '. ‘. sin-“.4477 ,_;;.~v‘ 2.. .1 : ' that actuallv restores and reiuven- club captured second prize for :i wins 01' "6111‘ slfll‘Vélllmti ll ls’lllltl‘inlmlllv ” ' at the St. Albuns men’s trebles Oil that Canadians should refuse 10 do ates tabrlcs and colors; makes Stilt\ Saturday afte1llooil. They were J. their Shim. in 1191mm, out .. P" I V ‘ N V Y ‘H ‘ . I ' .. a '. i -‘ " .. . _ .iel as cool As they look. Defeat ayaigi‘iingkipR Vi Hall llltl inn Tlmmamk of volunteer workers : [11.x or PA‘LMOHVE :lm he‘d? Staldt “3mg 0m d1} Clean‘ The mixed jitneys “111 be held t()_ will again be recruited to serve at ' (I \ k . m are serv1ce t0 ay. {light and on Monday night commenc. distribution c(-lttlcs and Local Ri- i 5/: ( 3 T i t cg C \ ing at 7.30 sharp. ‘ v tion Boards throre'hout the coiiili‘I‘fV 0 é e o Messrs. R. W. Hall and Car. Xerex a”, Calling. fm. volunteers. 5 f 9" l’I’RE CALIFORNIA were successful in \‘i'lllJllHL' tlicil ' ° three games at Markham last “lk‘d- Offlé'la“ 130‘“th out that willie 5 ‘ criolcE QlViLlTY ‘ 0 nesday_ the distribution will be continued I: 5; Ii oz. ° â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"vâ€" during the week in various parts at" w B o ‘ TIN C O the country. local distribution cenrrcs : ‘ .3 - - DIED Phone :RJChmond VALLIERE, James I. _ At his late will be open only on certain days : INGERSOLL MONTSERRAT 19c 43cc Yollme Sh.eet _ Richmond Hill residence, Mill Road, Richmond Hill, throughout the week. and warned . ‘ _ I b i V‘- Sundayi June 30, 1945i JameS I. Villl- consumers to watch for local an- 1 1 m d ‘8 02' “i M' i 3 c ieBSE . . iere, husband of Mary Vallierey dear PKG. . ll'l‘ll. "“h‘m’ lie, Ethel, John, Flossie, Beatrice, father of Letty, Maude, Angus, Les- oooooououowwwmowouommumoomwou Irene. Edgar, Mary and the late in their own locality. 1‘. LIPTON’S AYLMER Agile. in1 his 90th year. W Lateâ€"comers. who have not picked . ' '05 ° l3 “7' unera service on ednesday, r'. i i . h. f’ z . U c “TL. ° July 3rd from Wright & Taylor’s upih‘” ’0‘” 1“ .t L ““l f“ "” ‘ e nitâ€"<1 e o C O which the centre is open, \‘lll not Ch nouncelnents previous to Scplcnliigr £1 to learn when centres will be open Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. lil- terinent Richmond Hill cemetery. be able to receive 5‘ lmok “91'0"? MAPLE LEAF CHOICE QIYALITY .___..-_-___..._ September 30, and will thereby cow‘s 44 O7 ‘31) oz. Y themselves considerable inemveni- ' r n P v .v i C RICHMOED HILL 5 L . PRG. C o . 1“le UNITED CHURCH em“- Rev. C. B. Brethen, B.A., minister ___‘â€"_‘_ (“HOICE MEATY MONARCH 10 Sunday. grill-v 17th ' ' IP 15 ll.\(l a.m.â€" umay re 00. "' ~ i . Prunes . . C Pastry Flour 1 C | Hail-insurance .IS LOWER I i z i i i g 3 , - g The Sabbath School will be closed Losses are heavy due to damage by hail on stand- f until September. i g i z i i . o o o i O i o 3 2 3 E o Lord’s Day Alliance of Canada. 3 p.1n.â€"The Orange Lodges of York County will attend a special ser- l] a.m.-Morning Worship. ()Ll) DUTCH NE‘VI’URT .s’ql. Cleanser 2’ 19C Fluffs . . MZSC R. Skinner, Field Secretary of the 1 LB. 5' 07- Parowax 120 Certo . . . vice. All are welcome. “- . RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHL'RCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, minister Sunday, July 7th 11.45 a.m.â€"‘Public Worship. LOCAL FRESH r QT HO’l‘HOl'SE Green Peas BSKT- 49C Tomatoes . TEXAS FIRM ONTARIO 2 - -r- LB. 43 Ripe Iomatoes C Head Lettuce. - drama iii (‘lJC’s west coast studios. RIPE _‘,\'EET ‘ SOLID GREEN within the walls of which the Yaliâ€" .‘. ' 1.:A(-H comer lawyer and actor spends a . I . good deal of his time. His past perâ€" formances include leading roles ill .‘;3 ing crops in York County and other counties. Visitor“ “’elmme' Only five companies are writing Hail Insurance in the whole Dominion of Canada. A number of farmers who are not acquainted with Hail Insur- ance rates have the impression that the rate is high but this is not correct as the following ex- ample will prove: The average grain crop on a 100 acre farm is approximately 40 acres. made up as followsâ€"10 acres wheat. 10 acres oats. 10 acres barley and 10 acres of mixed grain. Wheat is covered to amount of $40 per acre, oats, barley and mixed grain to the amount of $30 per acre and the premium for the 40 acres of standing crop is 513.00 per annum and you have a total insur- ance of $1300 on same. PREMIUM MUST ACCOMPANY APPLICATION ST. MARY‘S ANGLICA)‘ (‘HI'RCH Rev. \V. F. “'rixon, L.Tll.. R.D.. Rector Services July and August 11 a.m._Morniug- Player. N0 Evening Service. Holy Communioni First Sunday 11 am. Third Sunday .s‘ a.m. Guest Preacher for Julyâ€"Rev. J. H. Kidd of Wood‘ilidg‘e. All cordially invited. Bill Buckingham's name spells radio -/. :1 till hc 100 inaior stage productions.‘ apart from ONTARIO I.()(‘.‘\L radio. and his present (BL eiigziv;e- le h - merits include the weekly preseilta~ B h B t ’ V C G 0 tiolls of "Pacific Time" on Fridays s o :_ at 11.30 p.m. EDT over eastern stil- tiolis of the Trans-Canada network. THE Ll'THERAN (‘lll'lil'll Sherwoodâ€"['nionvillc l’urish icy. S. Hopel', Pnsinr Eâ€"L7.â€"’_ I Zion. Sherwood 10 a.ln.~Suil_lav Scloal. 11 a.ln.illoly ("olnniullioih Bethesda. l'iiimnille ltl :l.iil.-Sunday Sciicul. 7.30 p.lll,lelc Service. All arc \velcomc.’ Ontario Potatoes 5 lSAND GRAVEL HAULAGE . 0 APPLY l J. CARL SAIGEON AGENCY 3 Ernie Brock ‘v; 0 l..\\(iS'l‘.\Fl’ BAPTIST Clil'lti'H Pr. M. H. Blandin. Pastor Sunday. July 7th 11 aimâ€"Bible School. 7â€"G05pel Service. Guest Speaker. Mr. Austin Chamb- ers. Soloist. Mr. W. (rump. A (‘hristiali welcome awaits you. L. W. REID l Maple, Ont. Phone Maple 11 1 Phone Thomhill30-R omuwuooonoooooooooowmoommw«09099»

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