Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Jul 1946, p. 6

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i 33 Yonge St. Richmond Hill .Telephone 5.] Wm“9m0m MOWMW“ O WOOOOOM'S'OOOOOO 60 OOOOWMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NO‘Vâ€"Vl'l‘A-DINE Slrcn g lhened 1 Blulchford's Feeds are slrcnglhenvd wilh VlTA-DINE fur grfalor \_'ilu_n!ill uml Rl_il_m_rul RICHMOND HILL FARMERS SUPPLY When the Family Dines Th0 new sufplrnu-nl for nrc-nlor Vill n n and minor“ conlunlâ€"gronlrr nulrilmnl Folks‘say: “don't count your chicks” but you can sure count on a high living rule when (“hika are Blalchford fed. And to make most profit from thcnl 15W”; .6}; N0 Wâ€" Strong/mum! u-ilh 101 Yonge St. 'V Blatchford's Feeds are S! rcnglheuod wilh VlTA-DINE for greater Vitamin and Minvral contentâ€"greater nulriliouâ€"bcllcr heal lh for your chicks. Blatchford‘s Chick Starter keeps ’cm healthyâ€"makes them grow fasterâ€"assures vitalityâ€"and pays me bigger dividends! ‘1 F. J. PRATT, Manager Telephone 139 And they‘ll slay healthy too- EAVESTROUGHING, ROOFING NEW FINDLAY AND PEASE FURNACES Parts and Repairs for all makes of furnaces PAGE SIX Bring the entire family where families go for appetizing, well-prepared food. We serve complete family dinners, from nutritious soups to delicious dessertsâ€"at prices that make family Visits here, an economical, thor- oughly enjoyable adventure in good eating. Every day is Family Day with us. TINSMITH FIRESIDE TEA ROOM PAUL DUBOIS Richmond Hill Telephone 159W 'ila 'ine Outside the above zone 5 mark-up is set at 10 per ( grower price and wholesazers up is 12% of actual cost. Phone Thornhill 54 WE DELIVER $4.25 ceilin $1.99 $2.44 as that set for all varieties in 194‘ and 1945. In UnLario the céiling on produce sales to wholesalers or shippers i $1.30 for a sixâ€"quart basket, and i1 British Columbia the producers’ ceil ing is $2.65 per 15 pound case, am wee k CEILING I'RICI Effective Jun‘ Lpox'ted cherl'i ingle ce , Trade 2k. 'Ihe per 25 pound case. '5 on sales to the p Sold by erries are to sell under ling, the Wartime Prices Board announced last ceiling will be the same for all varieties in 1944 SET FOR CHERRIES all dome shipper cent 1 x in hut out Him 1' nil-west- l 11121 1' “Cl Miss Grace Boynton and Miss Ann Linfield of the Grace Hospital, T0- rcnto. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. S. Boynton and family. The Young People have decided to discontinue their meetings for the summer months. but will resume the meetings in the fall, date to be given later. Next Sundav evening, July 7, the WA. will hold a special church ser- vice at 7 p.m. in this church. Mr. Clarion Baker of Lemonville will Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sanderson and Mabel, Mr. Ed. Britnell of Toronto had dinner on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Perkins and Coral. A number of friends from Head- ford, Brown’s Corners and Victoria Square gathered at our church last Thursday evening to have a farewell party for our minister and his wife. Rev. and Mrs. MacKay had given their services here for the past six years. Several addresses were given and a substantial cheque was given by the three circuits to Mr. and Mrs. Mac-Kay. Solos, piano instrumentals and a singsong, and afterwards reâ€" freshments, brought the evening to a close. Miss Gram: Boynton and Miss Ann Mr. and Mabel. Mr had dinner Mrs. R. Pa Rev. a_nd Mrs. H Sunday dinner with Boynton and family Week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Caseley Were Miss A. M. Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Orlas Caldwell and family of Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. Meryl Morris and family of Bradford, Mr. and Mrs. A. Case- ley and Lynda. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. F. Feigel on the arrival of their son. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stong‘, Terry and Clifford. Mr. and Mrs. G. Morr- son and family, Mrs. Mortson Sr. had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. D. Pickering and family. . Al'e Holy Communion was solemnized at the church service on Sunday morning and Rev. H‘. J. MacKay ex- pressed satisfaction at the number who joined both on profeSSion of faith and by certificate from other churches on this his last Sunday. He spoke of the kindly feeling that had existed between minister and congreâ€" gation and wished them continued success with their new minister, the Rev. Mr. Currie. Rev. H. J. and Mrs. MacKay have already left for their new home in Toronto where Mr. MacKay will add to his duties as Secretary of Prestâ€" tery, his new work with the Lord’s Day Alliance. This will take him to many churches where he will con- tinue to preach. We wish them every success in their new work. say farewell to Rev. and Mrs. H. J. MacKayx Mrs. Chanin of Melville was the snecial speaker at the open session of Brown’s Corners United Church Sunday School last Sunday. Her message was particularly interesting dealing with her work among the In- dians at Norval, Manitoba, where she and her husband were stationed be- fore coming to Melville. She stress- ed the fact that we can all be mis- sionaries without leaving our own community. Mr. Wm. Brookes, the superintendent, was in charge. A duet, “Follow the Gleam” by Barbara Bruce and Marion Hood was much appreciated. Holy Co'mmunion was solemnized at the church service on Sunday morning and Rev. H‘. J. MacKav ex- pressed satisfaction at the number VICTORIA SQUARE Telephone 92 Mabel Banks of Uxbridge is spend- ing‘ a few days with her cousins, Shirley and Clifford Dalton. Brown’s Corners United Church was well represented on Thursday evening- when members and friends of the three churches united and held a social evening at Victoria Square to say farewell to Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Donnie Walamakin and H. Basinger and Dennis are guests of P. Basing‘er. Mabel Banks of le Mrs. G. Dalton and Mrs. William Tomlinson snent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Wes. Eves of Newmarket. Mr. and Mrs. George Dalton and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Banks of Uxbridge and a‘â€" tended the Decoration Service held there. Mrs. E. Fraser of Toronto ing‘ with her daughter Mrs Craig; for the summer. Mrs. G. Dalton and Mrs. Tomlinson snent Thursday a with Mrs. Wes. Eves of Ne Mr. and Mrs. George D21? Mr. E: Nash with his brother ronto. lunch was much on Saturda were px'eser of stories ‘ Rodick read ice Bruce n cation. Mrs. 0. Brool entertained the idson Mission I on Saturday. were present to of stories and Work R. H. KANE Mr: (lay Schoc ‘eptem nd the Mrs ,2 Mr REAL ESTATE INSURANCE ‘n and 1 ed their BUTTON 5 holiday at Bea1 lle last week. 5. Walton was a g iding anniversary 1ter of Brantford atulatior teache ‘ervice xys are and we h Mr ,chmond Hill J. MacKay Mr. and Mrs s to Dc are: He the hoste a“ the c spent the Din A. Na Tl‘ of Toronto is visit :ames tory : as and Mr hildl‘en of and at th [‘l1irty-five enjoy the poem fRi VILLE sebl‘cugh, Mrs. L. Burbridgo. of Sprucedale family of Mt. Mr. and Mrs. enjoy their v . Mi§ and Mi ger enjoyed a 3eaumaris and and ice Nash their children week-r. )I uuulcll. week-end 1 sh of To- N iker and C and son Peffel'law 0 C 1 Z 1 t George 1 g twenty 2 18V. A ) is visit- 1 '. Walter 1 1 William 1 ifternocn 1 wmarket. 1 lton and 1 1 1 Mr. and and 21‘â€" who s.' Mnge the Dav deli 1‘8 had M 2 CI“! Satu 11( 110 31‘ :xry 3 Large Folding Door! 1 Buck Saw ] Toboggan Number of Snow Shoes Number of Skis and Poles 1 Electric Fan Number of Jardinieres Other Useful Articles Terms Cash. Sale 2 pm. DST No Reserve, Property sold Ken and Clarke Prentice, Aucts. Phones 1 Chest of Drawers Quantity of Bedding Number of Pillows Number of Wool Blankets Number of Cane Bottom 1 Cupboard 1 Heavy Number of Window Screen Number of Veranda Chairs Number of Veranda Rugs Quantity of Garden Hose 1 Extension Ladder Number of Garden Tools 1 Steel Lawn Roller 1 Set Child’s Bob Sleigh! 1 Grindstone 1 Snow Markham 206 Jas. Smith, N. McDonald, Clerks. 1 Large Arm Rocking Chair Number of Bedroom Chairs Number of Bedroom Rugs 1 Oak Dresser 2 Rocking Chairs 1 Single Bed, springs and mattress 1 Bedroom Chair Number of Small Rugs 1 Washstand 1 'loilet Set 1 Bedroom Suite, Walnut Small Chest of Drawers 1 Steel Double Bed, springs and 1 Cellar Cupboard Number'of Cooking Utensils 1 Love Seat 1 Wardrobe 1 Edison Victrola and Cabinet 1 Round Table 1 Dresser Number of Electric Table Lamps 1 Walnut Wardrobe, good 1 Rug 2 Book Cases Number of Smoking Stands 1 Sideboard 1 Kitchen Table Number of Kitchen Chairs Number of Kitchen Stools 1 Enamel Top Table 1 Clock 1 Cellar Table Number of Dishes Number of Stone Crooks and Jugs Chairs - Number of Large Mirxors 1 Hall Rack and Seafi 1 Rogers Majestic Radio, good 2 Pair Velour Drapes 2 Pair Lace Curtains 1 Walnut End Table Number of Books Number of Pictures Number of Ornaments 2 Electric Floor Lamps Number of Small Tables 1 Card Table 1 Electric Table Lamp Number_ of Walnut Upholstered Stop 17, Thornhill, on Yonge St. Next to Anglican Church SATURDAY, JULY 13 CEMENT BLOCKS Phone 277.] Richmond Hill 1 Axe 1 Lawn Rake 1 Sewing Machine 1 Long: Handle Shovel Number of Fence Rails and Fire Wood 1 Set of Grass Clippers ] Carpenter’s Square Many other useful articles Terms Cash No Reserve, Property Sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice, Aucts. Milliken. phone Agincourt 52w3 & Markham 206 JAS. SMITH, Clerk AUCTION SALE of Household Furniture, Garden Tools, etc. I’LAIN & ROCK FACED CORNERS Richmond Cement Blocks MISS W. SIMPSON WILF. PORRILL l Cellar Table 1 Stone Hammer 2 Benches 2 Wash Dishes About 1 ton or more Hard Coal 1 Coal Oil Stove, 3-burner, good 1 Oven 1 Washstand 1 Kitchen Cupboard 1 Good Extension Ladder 1 Step Ladder 1 Lawn Mower 1 Hand Saw, new I Small Coal Oil Barrel with tap 1 Axe 1 Lawn Rake WM. CUMMER THURSDAY, JULY 11 at 7 pm. D.S.T. sharp 1 Steel Be¢ 1 Single S 1 McClary 1 Cane Bo Number of 1 Stretchm 1 Feather 1 Large R 4 Good 0d 1 Bed Lou Number of Number of Number of mattress J. ATKINSON HAULAGE SAND and GRAVEL AUCTION SALE of Household Furniture {ngjn St., east of Yonge St. Village of Thornliill THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILII, ONTARIO 40 Church Street Richmond Hill Telephone 147J ldstone 1 Sxiow Fence ge Folding Door! gincourt ~52w3 and The Property of ’g‘he Pg‘operty_of Blankets Bottom Chairs 1 Heavy Crowbar .v Screens a Chairs 1 Sniall 'Desk Book Cases ble Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York and Ontario Successor for Corporal Ken Prentice of C.A.S.F‘. and of the late J. H. Prentice, formerly (Prentice & Prentice‘ Farm and Farm Stock Sales a. spe- cialty at fair and reasonable rates. Milliken, 0nt., phone Agincourt 52w3 26 Years Experience fork County, Uxbridge and Picker- ing Townships Farm Stack and Furnlture Sales 8. Specmlty Telephone Stouffville 7312 Address: Gormley P.U. Specializing in Farm Sto'Ek, Furni- ture and Property Sales Bills Prepared and Posted Prompt Service -â€" Reasonable Rates Phone: Agin. 20-w2 Stouff. 290 For particulars phone Floyd Perkins, Richmond Hill 21w (former sale clerk for the late Carl Saigeon) Auction Sale Service SALES CONDUCTED ANYWHERE 2 Good Hanging Lamps Number of Table Lamps 6 Lanterns Quantity of Rope Quantity of Blocks and Tackles 2 Good Iron Well Pumps Some Good Well Equipment Many Other Articles such as Carp- enter’s Tools, Shovels, Rakes and Hoes too numerous to mention Terms Cash. Sale 2 p.m. D.S.'l‘. N 0 Reserve as prouerty is sold and owner is going out of business. Ken & Clarke Prentice. Aucts. Phones Agincourt 52w3A ancl Real Estate Insurance Auction Sales Personally Listed 'and Advertised. Neckyokes 1 Dog Kennel or Chicken Coop Aboutfi29 Real Good Log-ging- Chains, all lengths and weights Number of Gbod 6 and 4 in. Drive Belts 1 Gasoline Gas Tank Hose, new 2 Garage Heaters Number of Good Wrenches, all kinds and sizes Contractor 1 Truck Radiator, good 1 Lawn Table Number of Good Whiffletrees and all sizes, large and small Number of Barn Door Hangers ‘ Large Number Good Steel Oil Drums Number of Hot Air Registers 1 Wine Press Number of New Garage or Barn Door Tracks complete with hangers, enclosed type Number of other Door Tracks 1 Iron Kettle 2 Heavy Steel Pulleys suitable for 25 Good Picks 6 or 7 Forks Number of Iron Wedges Number of Good Shovels Number of Leaves for truck springs Large Quantity of Real Good Bolts, good 1 Circular Saw Frame and Mandel complete 2 Water Troughs, lead lined, suit- able for milk vats 2000 Hard Second Hand Bricks IQuant ty of Building Stones Quantity of Field Stones 2 Rolls of Snow Fence Quantity of 6 inch Tile Number of Flower Pots ' 1 Snow Scraper 1 Pile of Manure 1 Pile of Cinders Number of Hot Water Boilers 2 Steel Draw Bars 1 Mower, 5 ft. cut 3 Heavy Jacks, capacity 30 ton 1 Extension Ladder, 60- ft. 1 Double Reduction Truck Rear End 2 Truck Axles 3 Sets Truck Chains 1 Truck Tire, 34x7, and rim 4 Inner Tubes for Truck Tires 1 Blacksmith Forge. large size, com- plete with blower Number of Blacksmith Tools 1 Anvil 1 Bench with Iron Vise Large Number Pipe and Pipe Fitt- Sellers & Atkinson LICENSED AUCTIONEERS AND VALUATORS Thistletown AUCTION SALE 0f BUILDINGS & CON- TRACTOR’S TOOLS 80 Riddle Ave.. west of Bathurst it.: just north of Eglinton Ave. SATURDAY,’3UEY"1§ 1 Two-Storey Frame Building in goocl condition, on cement block foun- dation. suitable for' any. kind of building or summer cottages, size 39 x 32 ft. 1 Frame Building 32 x 16 with loft above Number of Good Fat Hens 9 Frame Hen Houses Quantity of Hardwood Planks , Quantity of Hardwood Inch Lumber Quantity of Lumber 10x8 in. Number of Short Scantlings Quantity of Steel I Beams 1 Cultivator 1 Road Grader 1 Set Iron Drag Harrows ' 1 Scuffler 1 M-H Gasoline Engine, 41/2 H.P.. Clarke Prentice THOMAS CATTLE Woodbridge 64rz3 Phone Weston 703r12 A. S. Farmer g5 Yearg Expeljepce Ken Love AUCTIONEER of Good Wrenches, all kinds sizes Hanging Lamps of Table Lamps The Property of Markham 206 Onta 'io Mowwuouoomo“oooooooonoooooAm“: “OM OMO“WW WWW fOOWWOWWOOW Rea-Roofing DWWWMOMWO“NW”W Guaranteed Workmanship Phone 5w Thornhill Newtonbrook P.O. C WOOOOMOOOO oooooowmoooouoomooooouoooo We specialize in re-roofing, Cedar or As- phalt Shingles, Flat Roofing, and we in- vite your enquiries. Estimates will be cheerfully given without obligation. “WWW O” 00”“WMOOOW ‘OM- UNDER SOLE MANAGEMENT OF H. l’. MATTHEWS ALTERATIONS and INSULATING Year round roofing of all kinds â€"â€" asphalt shingles, slate, tile, built-up roofs, tar and gravel, siding. EAVESTROUGHIN G, CHIMNEYS 20 Years Experience All Work Guaranteed Street Dance C. RIDDELL Repairs to tanks, boilers, cracked auto heads, pipe lines, cylinder blocks, machinery parts, etc. Anything welded anywhere (portable equipment) Estimates given free NOTICEâ€"We are now operating at PAT’S GARAGE NORTH YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER MIDWAY ATTRACTIONS A. E. Kelley, Pres Russ Creighton’s Orchestra ENTERTAINERS LUCKY DRAW Electric and Oxy Acetyléne Welding Maintenance and General Electric Phones Richmond Hill Day 74J, Nigfiis 46r25 Concrete Construction, Stone Work Considerable quantity of cedar and metal posts in stock WALTER BONE & SON Maple R.R. No.2 ‘ Thursday, July 11th urner’s Welding Service Under the auspices of the Lake Marie and King Athletic Association KING CITY ANNUAL Lucky Number Admission Ticket. M. & G. Electric C. B. ROOFERS PHONE RICHMOND HILL 195-r-3 WIRE FENCING Lucky Draw 0n Merchandise amounting to $75.00. Telephone Richmond Hill 248114 Licensed Electrician VALUABIJE PRIZES All Proceeds for Memorial Park ESTIMATES FREE THURSDAY. JULY 4111, 1946 Norman MacMurchy, Sec

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