3' ‘I THURSDAY, JULY 4th, 1946. @ TOMENSON, SAUNDERS, SMITH & GARFAT, LTD. 89 12 Wellington St. E.. Toronto Phone AD. 4646 : EL. 3119 DEPENDABLE. INSURAN o, i MINCE DISTRICT R; REPRESENTATIVE @ 18 Elizabeth St. RlCHMOND HILL Telephone 25-R © 0 Be more comfortable this summer. Right now we arc showing a splendid collection. of wear â€" designed for eitlicr casual. carefree sportsâ€" leisure loafing'. Or for ardent activities â€" for cool comfort Add life to your summer appearance. and for easy fit. without taxing your clothing budget. Come in today. i R. J. Craigie f Men’s and Boys’ Wear w . Yonge and Richmond Sts. Phone 218W Richmond Hill York Auto Parts . “Theillouse of a Million Parts†llf it is for car, truck, tractor or army “ vehicle, we have it. Firestone and Seiberling Tires The finest and best. All sizes in stock. 50 Cars and Trucks wanted for wrecking, Best price paid. “ Tony Saves You Money †Stop 123 Yonge St. Phone Zone 8-218 . ‘ : gnogouomoaoaonor=ono (TRAY COACH l "155 LEAVE RICHMOND HILL ' (Daylight Time) To NORTH BAY 9.01 a.m. Y- 6.11 p.m. Y-11.26 a.m. X- 8.31 p.m. 2.06 p.m. 12.11 a.m. X .- To Orillia only. Y - To Huntsville only. BUS CONNECTIONS AT TORONTO FOR MONTREAL â€" BUFFALO â€" DETROIT AND ALL U.S.A. POINTS FARES ARE LOW Round Trip - Tax Included NORTH BAY - - $11.90 OWEN SOUND - $6.83 PARRY SOUND - 8.95 XBUFFALO â€" 5.80 MIDLAND - 4.90 XDETROIT - lll.lill X - From Toronto Tickets and Information at RADIAL STATION RICHMOND HILL _ PHONE 177 l l King City District News I l i Elsi) illltiliti studio. ‘ ley. 'Jack Mi lii i_-i lloxyuiiza‘ :i- 1 Mildly iiiiiwi 'o \Vyin‘ir'il'. \ liniali ‘u illit‘ll' i was spout . 7;. pLism. lying. :c- i‘ ili i} l..t’l:t ' .‘ill ill. ilt‘ ioi a1 a'ioiip, it'i .\li~ ll.i:i'_\ \\.isw.. pi'csiiimi it" 'l:i- iii. i-_\’ wicicii .ii.l llll>l|'."> of tin ma: .-i. acting :i \‘l‘dli'lilit'l :iiul l‘.o.~ti-s-, llcw-iiii lt‘iitll:‘_{-«' or. tlu- numb of [Mayor .i» a;:\'i-ii by Mrs. (. Kiniicc and Mis. Tuna Wil- *(ll. Miss l.lell'&l l3 '. Ixcllli‘ii). Lan- :i \icul sivlii in Miss lloiiiza \"il on. diiiu‘htcr ot' the poi-sun, u i o solo. ‘:~'1ippi-i' \\;i~ str‘i‘ci who ‘1» .slillliu' down. This 'lllllL|:ii ovtvit |* iiiiiui. «nioycd by ii._- lilillt‘s of llilill (lll'lt'llt‘\. \‘isilinu' Mrs. .-\. (i".iy and Mrs. T. Wilson rcicntly \vi-ic :iliss lltligarc‘. (hay, Toioiiio \ii'li 'icr t'i'ii-iiil .‘.liss lidnzi (ioi‘doii. Mrs. Douglas. fornu-z'ly Tillii Pat- ton. of ('oppcr Mountain, l§.(‘. and nor <on (.cora'c. are visiting nor :is- icr. Mis. l’rod Boys. at King: .\li.~. t'lizis. Btll‘llt‘s. Toronto and Mrs. Ai- viii Walker, lx'ii'klaui' Luke. on an ixtcudid stay in her lioinu commun- iiy. She also spent some time a? (ishiiwa with teachers ol' the public school there. where "l"k' taught lic- t'oic her marriage and departurc fâ€: lritisb Columbia. l-‘it'tj: dollars has Kin}: City .\lcmorial Li‘irary cxccu- ll\".' toward the ptli‘t‘lizisi‘ of childâ€" icii's books. A (-aiet'ui study of the host typo ol‘ rcadinzr has bccn sub- initti-d by Miss .lari s. chairman, in conjunction \vitn Miss Patton's ad- vii'c. thc latter of Kinu' school staff. Mrs. M. R. .lonkinson has been ill in Toronto Western l'l-‘izpilal. where she underwent a surcral operation. She is doing \vcll and is able to re- turn to King. At the same time. Mr. .Tenkinson's father was in hos- pital which altogether has taken up much of Rev. M. R. Jenkinson's time. Recovery in both cases is satisfacts ory. Mrs. Henry Hamny was again reâ€" moved to Western hospital for treat- ment and improving at last re- port from her family here. On Sunday. June titlth. a son was boin to Mr. and Mrs. John Binaham been voted by is (nee Effie Rice) at )Vn'k County Hospital. Both are (icing well. At York County H o. ital, Tiiesâ€" day. June 25th. a daua'litcr was born to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gollatly of King. Mrs. R. (lellatly and daughter Jessie attended the wcddiny; of Miss Edna Gollatly. Toronto. the foimcr‘s granddaughter, whic.i wa: hle on Saturday last. Mr. Alexander Coward iil' Vicâ€" toiiu. lit. is visiting: his sister. Mrs. Aubrey Campbell. Joiiicd by Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hawkins. Toronto. they all were guests of th: Carat-rou- Cai‘lilc wedding. Oak lodge-3 on Sat- urday. Juno Ztiih. Forcgoinwthcir annual picnic this year. pupils of “:io Community Settlement school. 5th c127,, were giv- en garden seeds. to toe value of :30 ceiiis. each family represented in the school to ena'agc in gardening. the plots to be judged at it later date. Community activity at King cenâ€" ti'cs on the forthcoming King City Street Dance .luly lli‘li. sponsored by Lake Marie and King: Athletic Association. Proceeds will go to- ward thc l\’icmorial Park here. Kiug‘ W.l. July meeting will he ‘n'ithdrawn this month in oider to participate in a shari- ot’ the event. The refreshâ€" ment booth will bc unvlcrtakcn by the Branch. Fai‘iiily of the Rev. E. (l. Wcrrall have moved from Coboura' to the rectory at King. They are welcomed back to their former lit‘lll'} licrc. vaâ€" cated by them during Mr \K'orrall’s overseas duty as padre in the Canâ€" adian Army. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lawson were guests of their daughter. Mrs, Irvâ€" lllg‘ L. Scott at their cottae , Vii:â€" totia Harboi'r. over Dominion Day weekâ€"end. Eveisley Presbyterian “KMS. out a mission hale valued at $126 which was assembled at the June meeting marking- the 64th anniversâ€" ary of the society. Miss Ethel Fer- guson and Mrs. Phillips gave readings and Mrs. T. Proctor a voâ€" cal solo at the meeting held at the home of the president. Mrs. A. Mr- Clure. ' Miss Florence Cain is establishing: a hairdressing parlour at Feiielon Falls and left on Monday, will her brotlicr \‘incent and Lorne Brown by motor. scat J. Piano Recital A large gathering: of parents and fl'icnds were present at the home of Miss Dorothy Armstrong.~ of King 1:- hear her pupils in an outstanding: piano recital. held on Friday evcnâ€" ing. June 2811i. The cxcelioncc (it expression and technique was a mat- ter of congratulation for the class and teacher, who carried through a lengthy program with intiiiiug care dcspiic the excessive heat of the avâ€" cning‘. Mrs. Blanche Stoiic l’roctor rcndcrcd g‘rorps of fine vocal solos. accompanicd by Miss Armstrong. At the close of the evening. Mrs. 1i Wilson expressed appleciatioo on heâ€" lialt' of tho paicnts of children whose musical training: is being developed by their tcachcr along: very mendablc lines. As a monunio the admiration felt by the class for Miss Armstrong. Miss Jane: Lang'- don on behalf of the studio pi"~cii.â€" ed her with a gift of money. The studio rioni was adorned with poor.â€" I’arlur. and of siiaiid‘v'aaonz. icccfvei! iiiLii refreshment: were and thc ’l‘hi- t'ollmving~ students .lo_\c(‘ Aime .‘lcsâ€" Patton. ('zii’ol c0111- 1) lllt' git". of Bruce with a vast- Mrs. .-\iins:riin;: daizg‘liicr. pa stat ics. her and by boys girls l‘l- took pair in llaicly. Johnny D. W- :lic pzozrain Walker. Armstrong. tcrs. Carol Ai'nistr Stephen Jarvis. Marâ€" .ititlc‘ \V on. Biih llodson. Phyllis llai'kcr. .lulia Boll. Bob Mcsicy. Mary Moorc. .loan Richards. Ken John New. Maiilyn Pearsons. lluti Williams, Marlcztc Lloyd. Bruce Parker. liunicc Hunter, .lO‘lii Reid. Rexcrly Lehman. Elva Woods, Gerry McDonald. McDonald. Beynoii. care~ Calder. Joan llaicly. Anne llam. Wilson. Hobson. Mai-wOo'l. Mar- lsobel Kyle. Ccinwin Laiigdon. Janei Lang- Francis Florrie Donna Alison Kathleen chnon. John don~ .loliii Luna‘doll. l“l‘0da ll‘niiz, loin t'airns. .lim Mi'llonald. ('ameron-(‘arlili- in a setting: of pcoiiics. .s‘i_ .lohifl» 1 inc Anglican t‘hi’ich. 021k Riilc'i . \\ is the scene oi~ a pretty wcddiii-g' or Saturday. rlllllt‘ Zt’lli. wbi-ii .lc:.‘ l‘:llll.\llt‘ t'arlilc, daughter ‘il' .\lr. Ili.‘l Mrs. .\r(-bio ('arlilc. Oak Ride-“As. (it‘- t'lllllL’ ilu- bridc of DOULrltls lit‘t‘l'LH' Cami-run. son of Mr. and .llrs. \\"i‘.. t‘amcion. Aurora. The Roxy It), \\'. ti. \Vorrall officiated. :ind Mi,“ liolcp \\'hiiicn was at the mean. -ii:.: iltc l‘litl("~ aunt. Mrs. Asa Cook. :\lll'l‘l.l. saiiir “(l Perfect LOW‘". The ushcrs wcrc lCric Buiin and \'crn l’owcll (liven in marriage by her l'atiicr ilic briilc worc white slipper satin. ()uct'i: Elizabeth gown. styled in sliii'ill .~i-' capeâ€"line effect and high in". iictk~ line. l“l'0lll a coronet. of ()l'ulig‘p blossoms was arranng a full length embroidered tullc veil. She carried a cascade bouquet of ros-s .inil lilyâ€" i:l'-thc~v:illcy. and she wore a two strand pearl necklace and earrinr-. the gift of the grown. Tlic- hridc's Sls‘it‘l's‘ \‘l'ti’Hl attendants. As matron of honour. Anna Mae Carlilg .yas dressed in spider web blue, llltlli’llllltf sweetheart halo and fingertip rail. The bridesmaids. Mrs. Eric l'iililli and Mrs. Norma Chadwick. were crowned alike in shadow flowered sky blue organza, and matchizle- liaio headdress and veils. Th-_-y (‘Rll‘ittl variegated nosegays. Attending 1h: gromn was his brother Edward (tan:- cron. The reception for a llllll(ll(‘(l guests was held at, Lai‘chmersg Sumâ€" mit. the home of the bride" parciits. when Mrs. Cal'lile was drcrzscd Ill white eyelet embroidery, wliitc pic- tizre hat and white accesmrirr. Asâ€" sisting. the groom’s mothor wore romance blue, matching hat and ac- cessories and both wore corsain of roses. Travelling to points in Unit- ed States. the bride wore white lace dress. white hat and accessories. and black satin coat. A spray of roscsl and bonvardio completed the c0s-l titme. Upon their honeymoon rel turn. the couple will live in Aurora.l Mrs. John Wade Buried in Kim: Cemetery Mrs. Eliza Moody Wade. wife ot" the late John Wade, passed away peacefully after a lllifl‘t‘l'illuj illness at her home, third concession. King. on Friday, June 28th in her 79th year. The service was held on Sun- day from her late residence with Mr. Roy Boak officiating, assisted by licv. M. R. Jenkinson. She was laid to rest in King cemetery beside her l husband who passed away three years ago. Mrs. Wade was born at Glcnvillc and came as ‘.l bride Fill years ago to the farm on the third, which has been carried on by her son Aubrey. She was ti member of I‘lvcrslcy Presbyterian Church and a life member of the W.M.S. which she served most faithfully for as long as she was able. Years of cxper: needlework went into the making of quilts for the mission bales and she was always ready to Serve the church in whatever capacity was within her reach. Her modest mali- her and loving: dispositior. made her a favourite with all. Mr. Beak spoke of her close association with her children and grandchildren and the pleasure she gained from their de- votion. The bearers were Eldon Wade. Maple; William Fry. and John Stewart of Thornton; Norman Ferg- uson and Duncan R055. King; Will-. iam Lane, Newmark’ct. ‘Siirvivine' are one son Aubrey and a daughter, Mrs. Scott Bovair, both of King; Mrs. Laura Legge, Toronto ‘and Mrs. Ethel Tennyson of Regina, Sask., six grandchildren and one great g‘l'émd- child. There are also four sisters and one brother, all of Newmarket. Mrs. G. Close, Mrs. W. Lane, Miss l"ronie Moody. Mrs. Bertha Chap- pelle and Albert Moidy. Eversley Anniversary will be held at 11 a.m. and 7.30 tan. or- Sunday, July 7th. The Rev. Currie Creel- man, Weston Presbyterian Church, will preach and at the morning ser- vice Kettleby United Church will be guest singers, with Laskay United church choir in the evening. 1 Master Jim Lang'doii is on the sick istn Laskay Field Day and Reunion has been postponed to Saturday, July 5. Rain on Dominion Day was the rea- 501’]. The big event of the coming week will be the annual street dance held at King City under the auspices of the King" Athletic Association. As in previous years another bumper crowd is expected and all that is necessary to assure this is for old man weather to be kind that evening. This year Russ Creighton and his Stling' band will supply the music for modern and old time dancing. There will be many midway attrac- tions and the highlight: of the event will he a master magician who will give a performance during the even- ing. A lucky draw will he held and tickets are now on sale for some very valuable prizes. The entire pro- ceeds will be for the new King- City anorial Park. The officers of the association are Beit Kelley. president; N. D. Mcâ€" Murchy. secretary, and Jack Walk- ington. treasurer. HENS NEEDED TO LAY EGGS t To discourage early slaiiglitL-viiiQ; . . . i of laying hens and thus nidlliirilri‘ maximum egg production across i Canada. the period during,r \vlii:li towll (hens) may sell at the liig‘hzst iil‘ihf‘l level has been extended from Junc :30 to July 31. according to a L'cceiit announcement made by the \Villlltll’; Prices and Trade Board. Board officials explained that cause of the unusually cool \vctitirs'n the majority of flocks were :till in good laying condition and by cxlt’l‘ll- ing the high price level period poul- trymen would he encouraged to hold the fowl for a longer period. Under the previous order the p“ic(’ would have dropped2‘g cents Di‘i" pound on July 1. The drop is now scheduled to take place AllQLlsl !. oc- l‘HE‘ LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Me: u_â€"._ mnzn i.. 3m _,‘Lm§u . Page Seven 2% EASY OILO-MAGIC Automatic QUAKER Circulating Oil Heaters and STROMBERG Washing Machines Oil-Fired Kitchen Ranges Service Combinations by FERGUSON Elizabeth St.. Richmond Hill . Telephone HS w: ‘..l-.;i )l_\lll\‘ itlllili“: . .i r . ~‘iyl'st who :idds :i siiiil. Hi .--. ,ii'i" tune. The “iniddlo moi" oi" Illis famous Campbcll Si.‘lkl". \yi.o.-i- vii :il grills havc brought didinc’io in Toronto radio L‘ll't'lt'\. \l‘ii‘Xr is llt'lll'il I'i'câ€" (pit-titty \iiili lln s l‘ {lil'tti Jack Allison Show. pii .\ll“l;l_\ to Friday at .‘ ll.ll'. l-llil' wt‘r the ('l‘.(' 'l‘iiiiis-(';iii:w..i mt \. . Hits is r'iiv icntly si'w'ng' "l "l'ivi St’ sum i ovor iliv :iii‘i. 1: 'I‘irui‘srlzlysd zit 7.th p.m. lili'l' â€"â€"_.__.____......._......__ l l . GENERAL ' INSURANCE FIRE. AUTO. LIFE and CASUALTY Richmond St. Maple Jack Walkington GENEIIA L Life. Fl llail. Farm Kng City Telephone 91W INST‘RANt'TlE} re, .'\utoinobil(‘, Liability, .‘\('t'lilr‘lli :iizd Sl‘llll‘ss Ill.“ll'ill"" :i 53"(‘i'ial‘y t'clcphone 28 Q \\ ~\\\\ . \‘ $5 MESSAGE: to Motorists Insure your driving safety for the summer ahead. and give your car a new lease on life. by first coming here. That's what so many motorists are douig todayâ€"not only to make their car last longer. but to protect its trade- iii value for the day when new 'tli‘s are plenâ€" til'ul. See how We keep them humming. Drive in today. Cities Service Station MEL. P. MALTBY Telephone 12 Richmond Hill AN mnusmv Til THE FURTHERANCE [If ABRICUIJUIIE Founded and developed on the basis of helpfulness to the former, the implement industry is entirely dependent on the prosperity of agriculture for its own success. Through the years, the implement maker has, with quality of product and genuinely helpful service, won the high regard and goodwill of the users of his product. There are few farmers who do not value sincerely the service of the implement company. The farmer and the implement maker have mutual interests in the welfare of agriculture and its progress towards higher standards and improved methods. Work- ing for the common cause both have contributed much to the betterment of farming in general. in the post, new developments in equipment have enabled the farmer to do his work in less time and at less cost. Such equipment has helped the farmer offset adverse conditions such as drouth and soil drifting, to combat insect pests and other types of crop destroyers, and to replace manpower in times of labour shortage- The self-binder, the tractor and power farming machines, the one-way disc and the pull-type combine, each in its time has helped the former in making his effort; successful and proï¬table. Achievements in the past have been notable and fruitful. Setbacks from time to time delayed but did not prevent the onward march of agriculture. And the future will bring advances in forming, too. The self-propelled combine, perfected by Massey- Horris prior to the war, has opened up new ï¬elds of possibilities in implement engineering, and other new machine developments assure that, in his efforts to further improve agriculture, there will be available to the former equipment that will offer greater advantages in saving time, labour and expense. Massey-Harris is proud of its long association with the farmers of Canada in promoting the welfare of agriculture. EY-HARRLS . LEEEERS iii} THE IMPLEMENT INDUSTRY SINCE-1847 ma (-7 ,-r .r em nevi-v: e s Oil Heating RADIO and ELECTRICAL Appliance CARLSON Radios and