THE HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 VOL. LXVIII. Ellie †liberal. "In Essentials. Unity: In Non-Essentials. Liberty: In All Things. Charityâ€. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 18th. 1046. Horseshoe Pitching Maestros Open For World Challenge J. E. Smith, M.P., and Reeve William Neal who opened the horse_ Shoe pitChi'kQ' contest at the Bard?†Part? - of St. Mary’s Anglican Church. are convinced that few if any pitchers Their only serious contender is J. A. Greene. former rceve and known Hill's Winston Churchill. he’ll have to head our team if and when we meet challengers." party. “If,†said Reeve Neal, “J. A. Greene pitches . And did the youngsters enjoy the garden anywhere can equal their prowess. throughout the village as Richmond horse shoes like Winston Churchill, Markham Regulate Farm Sub-division At Monday night’s meeting of the Markham Township Council a by-law was passed prohibiting the sale of property in the township unless the plan is registered. This questio‘i has been before the council members for a number of meetings and was discussed thoroughly before action was taken. The council members felt that this will stop the sub-dividing of farms and the building of soâ€"called shacks throughout the township. Several real estate agents have appeared before council in the past ' with unregistered plans for sub-di- ‘viding of farms in the township. With this new by-law the council will have no alternative but to turn There was fun for everyone and all who attended the party report up, the plan down. excellent time. The little tots were not amiss as shown by Little Anne White, and her playmate as they enjoy their watermelon. Large Crowd Attend Annual .,...,Â¥ Street Dance Around 3500 were estimated in atâ€" tendance at the annual street dance, sponsored by Lake Marie and Kine: Athletic Association in aid of Me- morial Park Fund. Substantial pro- fits will be realized and the W.I. re- freshment booth brought in a very fine sum for that organization. The special midway attractions were well patronized according to the number of prizes taken away by patrons. County pence were on hand and an addition called in to handle the gathering in the rather small street space allotted to the dancers. Everything was orderly and proceedings went well until the collision accident past midnight, in- volving the late Cecil Walker, who was struck down a few yards from his home by a car owned and driven by Ray Anderson. King RR. 3. The dance while nearing completion \‘vas closed down earlier and the spirit of celebration and gaiety was dis- pelled when it became known a trag- edy had occurred to a member of the sponsoring association. The crowd was broken up and gloom cast foreboding over the village and the numbers from outside points partici- pating in the occasion. Russ Creighton’s orchestra de- lighted the gathering and he and his band were welcomed by nunibers'of old friends at King. The magician drew attraction for many. As on former occasions the draw for the five lucky number tickets was the highlight. Mr. A. B. Wells, charter member and honorary president, made the draws from the famous draw churn. President. Bert. Kelley as master of ceremonies thanked the crowd for returning again for the. seventh street dance explaining the purpose of the proceeds. First draw. No. 4577, went. to W.; Morrison. Elgin )Iills, awarded the, $26.00 set of dishes. donated by '11, Eaton Co. 2nd draw, 5-18, Shirin Anderson, young lady of Tempeii-i anceville. (laughter-«if war veteran John Anderson. merchandise valued} at $20.00. am. No. 5:337. )li‘S. .\~.--l thur Brown. King. merchandise val- have=yet to be claimed by holders of tickets. Officials appreciated the h:er work done by committees and others in- terested in carrying out the evening to its huge success. Utotoooocoototoot PHOTOS ON DISPLAY The Liberal Office has on dis- "" play this week several pictures i“ that were taken at the St. Mary's Anglican Church Garden Party held on Saturday after- neon. .These pictures have caus- ed qu1te some comment in the village and viewed by many spectators. A copy of any of '- these photos may be had for a nominal charge. * **il..oo.1<:,: * *axra-a: HARDBALL NOTES This week was an off session for the North York Hardball League and the games remaining are ones that have been postponed. These tussles mean a difference to practically all the teams in the standing of the league and just how the play-offs will line up is not known. President Grant Nighswander in conversation to The Liberal had no definite date when the final roundâ€"up would start but was confident that. it would see action next week but just where :iiil when he didn’t know. Richmond Hill Midgets have one game left to play with Aurora and this will take place Monday night at Aurora. If the Hill lads can take this game they will take over the leadership of the league. 1; a f‘Darling." the young wife said to her husband. "the doctor says I may get liydrophobia from that awful dog biting me. Will you give inc a pencil and paper?" “And you think you ought to lake your will?" her husband asked Jokingly. “Certainly not." was the reâ€" lied at $15.00. 4th and 5th prizes pk" “1 “rum to “take a “St 0f __' the people I'm gomg to bite." ‘ m ‘ once at MO. .3112 I (‘nsllcl‘icld TIII'RSDAY. l-‘RIDH'. SA'I‘I'RDAY. .ll'l.\' is. if). ‘10 DANNY l\' AYE. VI! v {(llNlA MAYO †\\ ONDER MAN “ IN iii‘l‘ii and Sl~1l.l£(â€l‘lil) siioii’rs in MONDAY & .\Ll(‘l{ FA Y E. 'l‘l'liSl).\\'. ‘ l).\.\‘.\ .\.\'nur:\vs in " FALLEN ANGEL " .ll‘lA' 2'1. 2 a ~) â€"â€"‘â€"r-i Al.\‘()__._ V .lAt‘K ii.\i.ii‘i'. HELEN \‘.’.\l.l\'l'.R. Ri‘m' \'.\I.i.i-:i-: in " PEOPLE ARE FI'NNY " ‘5 soi‘.\‘l"ri~:ks Rlllll'l's \\'l£l).. Turns. l“lx‘l.. s.\'l‘.. .ii‘lA‘ 3i. :3. 26. 27 (.‘ENE 'l‘lliRNlCY. (‘ORNIUL \vii.i>r:. .ll-IANNlC l‘iiux in " LEAVE llElx TO HEAVEN " ll l Slil livriri) siioiz‘is .5 Sergeant (to rookie who has a stubble on his face): “Did you shave this morning, Jones?†Jones: “Yes sir.†Sergeant: “Well. next time stand closer to the razor.†Broadcast Organ Music To Entire Village Weekly Proposal Before Church One of the niost noteworthy im- provements in the appearance of Yonge St. in a long time is the re- juvenation of the tower of the Unit- ed Church. It has made the famous old structure one of the most dis-- cussed buildings in the Richmond Hill districti and has effaced those characteristics of age that to some folks are more or less forbidding and at the same time it has not detract- ed from the dignity of the edifice. “The general outward appearance of the church has been improved more than fiftyper cent.†said a villager who regularly worships in the United Church. “I think it is one of the best things we have done.†Residents are recalling that a few months ago a proposal was made to Mr. James Butler Sr., local Chairâ€" man of the National Clothing Colle‘â€" tion, announces that the response on the part of citizens of Richmond Hill was all that could be desired, some three tons of clothing, bedding arid shoes being Sent on to the main de- pot for shipment overseas. However, owing to the lack of vol- unteers, the task of gathering, sort- ing and shipping the clothing meant hard and strenuous work on the part of a few to whom too much praise and credit cannot be given. Mrs. Wm. Adams Sl‘., president of the Ladies Branch Vaughan and Richmond Hill Veterans, assisted by Mrs. James Butler, sorted and pa ed the clothing. Many thanks lad~ ies. To the ever willing and work- ing village clerk, Mr. Russell Lynett, must go a great deal of credit for the many tasks he so cheerfully unL dertook in connection with the drive. To the Lions Club many thanks for the contribution that made possible the hiring of the collection truck. Many thanks to Mr. Frank Schissler of Sheppard & Gill Lumber Co. for the transportation of clothing to the Toronto Depot; to the village coun- cil and the Reeve for the use of the Municipal Hall as a depot; to Mr. Les. Baker for his assistance at the hall; to Mr. Ralph Paris for dona- 1. Cn- Thornhill Lady Known ’3 Hobby Around World It is as true in the country as in the city that “if you can make al better inousetiap, the world will bet a path to your door." In our own district little dramas of success are being quietly enacted. Take the c-re of Mrs. J. H. Hayes of Thornhill. for instance. She specializes in smocking and possibly you saw some of her exquisite work at the Handiâ€" craft Fair. Mrs. Hayes has never advertised, nor set foot outside of Thornhill in sear-ch of orders, yet in Paris, France; London, England, the Bahamas, New York, Washington and in cities across Canada, child- ren are wearing- exquisite frocks made by her. She has met only 5 or 6 of this far flung clientele perâ€" sonally, and never, never has she had a dress returned. Though English born, Elizabeth Hayes has 'always been nimble with her needles, whether knitting or sewing, she did not turn her talent to gainful use until the dark days of the depression. Then one or two little dresses made for acquaintances were sufficient to “start the ball rolling". They were noticed at par:- ies and weddings by fond mamas. grandmothers, and aunties who de- manded where they could obtain simâ€" ilar ones for their own small darl- ings. Almost immediately Mrs. Hayes began to receive enquiries and even letters addressed simply to “the children‘s dressmaker, Thorn- hill". And so her fame spread from one satisfied friend to another, from embassy to embassy and across the ‘C‘oods Not Held Back’ W.P.T.B; Official Confirms The Liberal has received a cor.- g'rati‘latory letter from a highly placed official of the Wartime Pllt'.‘< and Trade Beard over an editorial in the issue of June 27 entitled “Re po‘1s \viilniit foundation." “If true." writes this official. at during the transition period :1 war to peace. some price iii- hzivc been iieccssiiai-nl. * upward adjustments have he '.i limited to the sinzillc>i amount i': ini‘rlul :is pi'aclii‘zililt'. “Whenever we henr Stoiics of ' being held back in the lief} ' pi'isvs. we wonder \\'ll("_i‘t“_‘ E'Lllill‘l‘t’l L: in piling- u': thew hru‘c inventories li- ' forgo.â€" ien \vlizi' ' ' is ‘ll 1‘. Piiccs' l' l' -1 and in; win Hugh: \\'l\. i";.: li;.d 1o he >0. l“. far :00 many t‘il‘tï¬. Miriki'npn-y' \\;.~ I'm- result. "Tilt‘ " 0.. adniini. 'e men s seas. One of her most unusual 0rd,- ers came during the war from a sol- dier in France. He had noticel and admired the dress (made by her) in which a brother officer’s young daughter had been photographed and l l Richmond Hill Sends 3 Tons . Of Clothing For Europe‘s Need l illuminate the tower at night time. making it visible for miles in all diâ€" rections. A more recent proposal is that an amplifier be installed in the tower to make organ music avail- able to the entire village every Sun- day and perhaps on certain occaâ€" sions during the week. “In Toronto." the proponent of the plan told The Liberal. “few things are more enjoyable than the chimes of the Metropolitan and the T. Eaton Memorial churches. Chimes are quite expensive, of course, but an ampli- fier for the broadcasting of organ music would not be expensive and I am sure the music would be enjoyed by all. It would certainly be a fine gesture on the part of the church." â€" l l tion of twine for wrapping; Mr. Jack Atkinson and Stanley Butler; to The Liberal Press in donation of handâ€" bills announcing the pick-up and our sincere thanks to all who. in any way contributed to a worthy cause in the clothing of others less fortunate than ourselves. During the clothing pick-up the truck had just stopped on Roseview Ave. when a little six year old girl approached Mr. James Butler and said, “Mr., are these clothes 101‘ the little boys and girls overseas who have no nice clothes.†She was as- sured that they were. “Well Mn". said the little one, “if you would wait a minute I have some dolly clothes I think I can spare.†She trotted away to return in a few minutes with a little parcel all neatly tied. “Now some little girl I don’t even know will be happy, won’t she l\l.'.", said the big-hearted little girl. What. ever effort we may have made, we were well repaid in the kindness of that little girl, said Mr. Butler. If all me votingsters in tnis town grow up in that spirit, then We need have no worry for the future of this village. 50th Anniversary ; Celebrated By Thorhhhl Couple Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Thompson of Doncaster Park celebrated their fif- tieth wedding anniversary on Jul]; 4th. Married at Holy Trinity Church, Northshields, Northumberland. Engâ€" land, they came to Canada 23 years ago. Almost 30 relatives gathered in the afternoon to honour the “gol- l he was dEtEI‘mined '50 llaVe one “Widen†bride and groom. and in (h‘ his own small girl. Mrs. Hayes’ success is firmly basâ€" ed on two factors, meticulous work- manship and originality of design Whether she is knitting lacey child- ren’s socks (also much in demand) or doing smocking. she simply is not interested in copying patterns from a book. As a result, this busy wife and mother, who keeps a spotless house, has all the advance orders that she ran handle during the next two years. “These good times will not last forever,†warns Mrs. Hayes, "but there will always be a demand for smocked dresses. I feel," she said, “that young girls with an atpitude for needlework would do well to learn how to smock. It will always come in useful and on occasion it may even prove a very welcome ‘backlog’.â€â€"D.M.F. TENNIS (‘OURT OPEN ‘ The Richmond Hill tennis court is now in first class shape and is ready for play. The court has undergone a lot of improvements in the last week under the guiding hand of :he Youth Council and all who desire to play are asked to turn out to the court any night next week. ’ing a chaotic and disorlcrly infle- tionary rise in prices and in the chi of living." =< Â¥ i: it i it . Q . ‘ ‘ I. t * GIRLS' SOFTBALL PRACTICE Richmond Hill girls are hard ‘iit work organizing- a softball" team for the village. Several girls have been contacted and it ' s- is expected that a mooring will be held in the Municipal llzill on “ Thursday. July lbth. a: T p.1n. It is expected tllzlt iiic Youth Council will Supply ihe equip- ment l1 r this activity. Girls. if you Wish to play ball now is your chance to >lli)‘\\' \vlia: “ you can do. Turn out on l7ri« you can do. Turn out tonight. lt will iw too late :0 c †‘.' any league but several CNlll.ilil«“l he arrangel for and Homer cez: the grouiml work made for an- ‘ .. a lg; cvei v i to it. the responsmnity for preven‘- ()tl I‘ A'C‘le‘. .C'...‘.#**ttt*3$ evening 70 guests were entertained at a dance and reception. A beau- tiful three-tiered wedding cake adorned the table. The couple were taken for a drive to Toronto, the car wellâ€"decorated and a placard read “Just Marriedâ€"Fifty Years Ago Today. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson re. ceived a large sum of money, a gift from the family, and many lovely gifts from well-wishing neighbours and friends. Relatives came from Detroit, Windsor, Toronto, London, Port Perry, Pefferlaw and Agincourt to do honour to these residents of Doncaster Park for over 20 years. Horseshoe Pitch Garden Party Fun Low] and imported talent lined tip at St. Mary's Anglican Garden Party held Saturday, July 13th to pitch the first open local horseshoe pitcli~ ing competition held for som: years. Jack Smith, MP. and Reeve Bill Neal heaved the opening lOOpers and the day was on. Some trouble was :xâ€" perienced with Len Clement wanting; to pitch one bind and one fore shoe but eventually all squared off. Wyn- nersâ€"Singles: 1st, Glendenniiw~ 9n}, Perkins. Doubles: Murhill anTIYC'a's- lisle. n fi‘es‘inicnts. bingo. Pi'oeeeds Lions Welfare Work. Admission 135v. MONDAY. AL'G. Jibâ€"Gaelic Socic'y, lll’l’lllilllrl Games. pipe bzind (‘4)ll-. ren. :ii \Vnmlhrirlgc Fair Grounds†\\ EDNESDAY. AUG. llih â€"â€" Rich- iiioizd llill Lions (‘liiii Annual Sti'tc: Dance and Frolic. Lucky draws, games and entertainment for all. Bill Smith and his orch- estra will supply the music. THE GETS Richmond Hill public school boa. i, decided at its July meeting that not‘ more than $80,000 can be spent on the fcur room addition to the school building. and that unless a contract in comes forward prepared to do the" work for that amount. the project will have to stand in abeyance. “We will hope for the best and, meantime, make other provisions for the children when school i‘e-opens," said D. M. Chamiiey, the chairman, “but we cannot go beyond our means in any expenditure.†Some months ago the board a:â€" eepted a tender for the work at $86,000 and the municipal board :ip- pioved the undertaking. Getting ADVERTISING IN LIBERAL RESULTS No.3. lSchool mtion Deferred i Price Viewed As Too Big such approval involved a lapse of some weeks, however, and when the time came to notify the contractor that he could proceed, the latter de- cided that difficulties in getting ma- terial and labour made it inadvisable for him to go ahead at a price less than something over $100,000. Other contractors are also disin- clined to chance the ‘ob for the same reasons. but it is doubtful whether the municipal board would agree to a higher price for a four room addi- tion, and, in any case, the trustees are opposed to putting any bigger burden on the taxpayer especially when it may be possible to avoid do- ing so by waiting a little longer. GET TRAFFIC SIGNAL NOW RICHMOND iiiir LADY URGES The’ Liberal has received the fol- lowing letter frmn a well known Richmond Hill lady with respect to traffic control in the vi‘lage. To the Editor of The Liberal, Dear Sir: I have read with interest the argâ€" icle appearing on the front page of your paper of July 4th under the heading of “Not Bird’s Eye Centre, Passing Motorists Warned." Indeed I think it is high time that drastic measures were taken to cur-7 the menace of motorists speeding through this village. The residents of Richmond Hill have shown great patience in having to tolerate tiie danger and inconvenience caused bv this growing practice. It should be mad: emphatically clear to passingr motorists that the speed limit with‘vi the precincts of Richmond Hill is 30' miles per hourâ€"STRICTLY EN- FORCEDâ€"and then see that it is carried out. Since there seems to be little, if any. attention paid by the average motorist to the speed permitted in the village. why not have a signal in charge of an officer.(as suggested in vour article) such as was in. use on May 24th? This could be put into operation at once for the months of July and August when traffic is the heaviest. There is no reason why we should have to wait for an electric signal system. ‘ ' the time to act is NOW. Yours truly, “Subscriberâ€. “Most accidents happen on Satur- day or Sunday.†I “It’s a great life if you don’t week- end.†Photo Service For Hill Press Photographers Here Richmond Hill is to have a new business, one to which few people have given probably little thought in connection with plans for the busi- ness expansion of the community. J. and D. Ward, press, commercial and portrait photographers; announr-e that they are open for business in the Richmond Hill district, roughly from the city limits to Elgin Mills, west to Maple and King and east to Unionville. “We believe we will be rendering a real service,†D. Ward Explained. to The Liberal. “We have bad man; calls in this district to photograph prize cattle. properties for sale, and a number of calls for one of our outstanding specialties, the photoâ€" graphing of babies and children in which we have had years of experi- ence. “Our headquarters are in Richâ€" mond Hill and for the present we can be reached easily for appoint- ments at any time. When we can find a suitable location for a ,studio and office we hope to be on call at one hour’s notice. 7 “A photographer’s studio, howev- er, is not now of as much import- ance as was once the case. At best it is limited to portraiture, but most folks prefer home portraiture and as press photographers we must carry everything with us so that we are in a.p0_sition, so far as background, lighting and everything else is con- cerned to turn out photos taken 'in one’s own home of as high a qual- ity as would be possible in a studio. We are also quite ready for ath- letic, church, fraternal and commer- cial assignments.†Scots From Many Places ' Sponsored bv the Gaelic Society 0 Toronto and Woodbridge Board of Trade, the Ontario Chainpionsliir Highland games, to be held at Wood bridge August 5, will be one of the mest colourful events of the season. Starting early in the afternoon with a parade through Woodbridge, the skirl of pipes from numerous gaily kilted Highland bands will summon one and all to the Fair Grounds. where the games will be held. Ancient customs dear to the hearts of all familiar with Scotland and its traditions will highlight the The ever popular traditional such as tossing the caber staged along with modern day. contests will be track and field games, such as the hundred yard dash and 880 yard run. Numerous pipe bands. l-lighlaiid dancers. individual pipers and popu- lar athletes will compete for top honors. A lacrosse game which will provide thrills galore for sports fans is being arranged for the early even- ing prior to an oldâ€"time and molern To Gather At Woodbridge A contest which promises to create wide interest will be a tug-of-war between a group of Woodbridge muscle men and yet a mysterious, unnamed challenging team. The Woodbridge Huskies say they’ll out- pull any team in the district; how- ever the challengers no doubt differ with them on this point and intend to show the locals how. Valuable medals, cups and cash prizes will be presented to the win- ners of each event in a colourful ceremony after the games. Though not announced as yet, this bonny Braemar will probably become an annual affair, according to com- mittee executives, thus bringing to Woodbridge one of the top shows of its kind in Canada. Further details will be published as final arrangements for the Games are completedâ€"so be sure to keep this big day open and come to the Woodbridge Fair Grounds Monday, August 5. \l\'l.‘.X BLAINE. \‘- ith With .lH.\' llALL. )ioNini‘. 'i'i'i~:si).\i'. \\'l£l)_\'l£Sl).\Y. .ll'LY 23. 2: “ DOLL FACE " AND H _ " MEN IN HER DIARY “ LOLISE ALLBRI’I‘TON DENNIS ()‘liEl‘II’E ‘ dance to he held in the Elm Park Anyone interested in competing in h\'(‘1'_.Vb0(ly had fun .at the 0th“ pavilion. The dance. complete with these games should contact Murdo attractions. S9me ladleN ale "0“" floor show, will finish an eventful )IacGrcgor. 00 Roe Ave., Toronto, well stocked with canned Goods will day for all who attend these coloui- for further information and entry Clflarettes. Johnny Greene knows hf'W ful Highland Games. form. to ring ’ein. He is the perenan symbol of good sportsmanship in tech Village "3‘ .0..-».«â€"o¢â€"4 -Q--- -~--~-m--»â€"_--WC The party sponsors are hopi-i: LI make the affair an annual one lit-<1. cause they feel that everyone tllllf‘i came will bring a half dozen friends i . next time. ‘3 ?! l "once 81- a! “lemon-m fld- * Illldson 5437 With, .lt'l.Y lT#Sii'cet mince. coni< H†"PITT 1' Kim“, M,†in)»; :itl‘dnlf‘flm‘ .2" ninnily sing-song .\'cwm'irk-et, ' (HRL‘HAIAS IN (O.\i\h(11( 1i] "Ml-“Wâ€..m‘mW 0" Ciiiel'lï¬m- i \Vilh BARBARA S'l'.\N\\')'(‘l\'. DENNIS MORGAN iiieitt. Soitnull game a: T . ., nucl- >lli,‘,râ€".<0!‘.;: Eli $.30 p.m. lJiillJL' at u u Ev p.1ii.. Art West‘s: orchestra. Re- ‘ “uh m‘n. “(NTRR‘ ! I i I I ‘0 -vi-u-mv-o-r-.- v-i--o-u-uu-.v- t-n.~n-n-fl-u-‘