THURSDAY, JULY 18th, 1046. mm ll’l'llll’il LETTER DENTAL Dr. W. J. Mason Cook & Gibson Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Wm. Cook, K.C. Ralph B. Gibson, K.C. DENTIST , J. A. Gibson YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET .oronto Office: 91.2 Federal Bldg PHONE 70 85 Richmond St. West Richmond Hill. Thursday forenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate M acG regor & Wilson RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Dr. M. J. Quigley DENTIST FORMERLY OF THORNIIILL Announces that ,his Office is now ALEXANDER MacGREGOR. KC. located at the City Limits. North ALBERT .1. WILSON, M.A. V Toronto, directly opposite the Term- BARRISTERS \ImHM \\ H Prime King: soon leave to attend the Peace (‘onfcrcncc at Paris on July Lilith. Mr. King does not like the thought of leaving before the Session ends, but the inn portance of this Conference givz's him no choice in the matter. World affairs are in a troubled state an] the hope of enduring peace is :i Peace Conference at which the nae 6H Confederation Life Building inal, over Liggett’s Drug Store. Toronto Phone Office' HLland 9300 MEDICAL Dr: R. A. Bigford Office Hours 9â€"10 a.m., 12â€"2 & 6â€"8 pm. and by appointment ELgin 502!) Walter S. Jenkins Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Residence â€"â€" 18 Poyntz Ave. Lansing, Ont. Willowdale 308 Room 66, 18 Toronto,_ St.,’ Toronto Phone AD. 5877-8â€"9 MAPLE Phone 3 . tions of the world can get together 1 er in the true spirit of brotherhood airl Dr Jas R Langstaff a ews’ v ’ l m in Mr K" ' l e . o 0 un( ers (mi g. . ings ong __ AND _. Lyons & vale perience in public affairs, and his qualities of leadership particularly, fit him to make a very special con- tribution to this allâ€"important ('oi,- fereiice. Parliament and the people of Canada want him to go, and as he leaves shortly on this mission :he good wishes of all, irrespective of party, go with him. Speaking of world affairs, recently Mr. King said: “A great calm will come if we but strive patiently and tirelessly to Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries N. L. MATHEWS, K.C. K. M. R. STIVER, B.A. . (0n Active Sci-Vice) B. E. LYONS, B.A. JOSEPH VALE NEWMARKET OFFICES 100 Main St. 6 Botsford St. Phone 126 Phone 120 M acNaughton & Dr. Geo. A. Thompson OFFICE HOURS: 9-11 a.m.; 1â€"3 p.m.; 6-8 pm. Sundays and Holidays by ' appointment only. . 122 Yonge Street Richmond Hill Telephone 100 Dr. J. F. McQuay OFFICE HOURS , . . , - _ , , replace ill-Will With goodâ€"will and .4.'md by appointiiiigits 30 pm MaCNau-qhton conflict with coâ€"operation.†Langstaff Stop 21 Yonge Street Barl'IStersv 801mmâ€! Etc‘ C The debate on the budget conâ€" Ph'one Thornhill 6 Ring 2 1" Cameron Macnaughtoni K' " tinues here and main criticism of Alex' M- Macnaughton opposition is that more economics McKinnon Building . l9 Melinda Street. Toronto, Ontario T. C. Newman should be effected to reduce expend:â€" tures. Unfortunately. much of his criticism is of a very general iri- ture and is not as effective as if it Dr. J. P. Wilson Centre St. E. Richmond Hill OFFICE HOURS: loo - llï¬â€˜l’flggtguhggy- 3.30 pm. BARRISTER were more specific. That is, it 1is ' » ‘ a sort of wasteful pastime to (.eâ€" Telephone 24 Rwhmund H1“ SOLICITOR' NOTARY PUBLIC plore expenditures without being Richmond Hill Every THURSDAY AFTERNOON 93 Yonge Street I Immediately North of Masonic Hall Phone 87 â€" Richmond Hill Torbnto Officeâ€"1‘.†Toronto Street Phone Adelaide 5877 Jos. Rabinowitch, BA. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ' NOTARY PUBLIC Successor to B. B. Jordan. 40 Yonge St., Richmond Hill Telephone Richmond Hill 229 OPEN EVENINGS Residence, Markiialrln St., Richmond 1 MORTGAGE LOANS ARRANGED definite enough to say just what ex- penditures you would cut, just what government services you would curâ€" tail. There has been some complaint. if the move to tax (“o-operatives, but in the main, the change will receive pretty general support. This ha: been a contentious question since the early thirties, and the budget pi'o- posals are pretty well the same as the recommendations of the Royal Commission appointed to investigate the whole question. The Ilsley pro- posals are not in any way aimed at discouraging Co-operatives. They merely ti‘y to bring a measure of equality to the taxation of business. It was a difficult problem but the MUSICAL 'Alice M ecredy PIANO TEACHER Phone Richmond Hill 102i‘13 Thornhill 7r4 Adelmo M elecci Item the Toronto Conservatory of Husic will accept _a number of pupils in PIANO, ORGAN and THEORY For information phone Mrs. Mylks, 108 Yonge Street Phone Richmond Hill 58J ORDER general feeling here is that once - - " Mr. Ilslev has dealt with u - HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS agam. . .- . . . ‘ . very difficult Situation in a very able Watkins Pioducts For All Occasms mam“ Phone orders delivered any- Prime Minister Mackenzie King this week said that Canada intends to retain her price. rent and rationâ€" ing controls regardless of the U:ii'.« ed States action of abandoning sim- ilar war-imposed regulations in that country. At the same time, Mr. King ob- served that developments affecting: prices in the United States we‘re I â€"â€"" “not without their effect†upon Canâ€" ada and stressed that Canadian polâ€" MASSEY-HARRIS icies. as in the past, would “necess- arily continue to have such develop- Farm Implements and Repair! Massey-Harris Rite-Way where in North Yonge St. District 2518 YONGE STREET (At St. Clements) 'Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 Helen Simzison Lynett J. F. Lynett A full line of well known house- hold necessities in stock Also hog and stock minerals de- livered to your farm, one or more bags at a time, assuring you of a fresh supply at all times. Eventually! Why not now? For delivery call ERNIE DURIIE Richvale P.0. Phone Maple 641'4 ments in mind." p In a 400â€"word statement, Mr. hing noted that the American emergency Beatty Washers Shut-Gain Fertilizer Com Ring Mineral “Gem†Mill: Genera and Electric Fencers Harold W. Mortson Yonge St. Richmond Hill Mimeâ€. control legislation expired June 30th â€"â€" l Beatty Stable Equipment 3nd and that there now were under fedâ€" l Repairs eral law 110 controls, except for sug- ' l ar, on prices, rents and rationing in I that country. Certain States and municipalities, he continued, hazl taken emergency measures or main- tained existing regulations which were not affected by the expiration of the federal law. He then said: “This situation has not unnaturally raised certain ques- tions in the‘ minds of many Canad- Telephone 93 . . ’ ' ians. The government feels that the (Toronto SUbscrlberS Dlal first opportunity should be taken to u n ' Operator â€"Message Charge) assure parliament and the country ' that there is no intention of aban- SYSTEMS SANITARY CONTRACTORS TANKS CLEANED OUT OF TOWN SERVICE ' W. J. ALDRIDGE z 29 Elmhurst Ave., Lansing Willowdale, Zone 8-288 ‘ l . doning similar controls in Canada. Wright & Taylor Developments_ affecting prices in Official and Accredited FUNERAL DIRECTORS other countries, particularly the Veterinarian AMBULANCE SERVICE United States, are, of course, not without their effect upon Canada. Our policies have,- in the past, and will, in the future, necessarily con- tinue to have such developments in Richmond Hill Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE WEEK-END SPECIALS Dr. ‘J. Sheppard With Dr. S. W. Armitage, Maple Small and Large Animals_ 7 Y.T'§' LIPTON’S ~ "CEiiIi'clard Powder.. 4 oz. tin 10c Noodle Soup Mix' .. 2 pkgs. 25c RENNET ' ASSORTED COLOURS V Junket Tablets . . .. 2 pkgs. 23c Sunset Dyes - - . . . - -. pkg- 130 5 MINUTE Ground Rice . . . . . . . . . pkg; 10c “Jack†smith, MP. ’ North York by iiiiinil.†llut controls existed in Canada be- fore tlicy were adopted in the Unit- . (Id Fliitcs. .‘ll‘. Kin;r added, and the ('aniidian regulations, while similar in objective to those in the United States. had often differed “quite widely in their form and their na- lure." In other words, we in Can- adn. have followed our own course which we believe is well adapted to ('anadian conditions and to the Can- adian economy. We shall continue to follow policies which we believe to be in the general interest, mak- ing. from time to time, such modifi- cations as seem to be required in the light of internal and external con- ditions as they develop." The Finance Minister announced this week that the department is taking stops to have the copper-col- Olll‘(‘(l fiveâ€"cent pieces withdrawn from circulation. It will take some. time to do this as the actual with- drawal will have to be made by the chartered banks. It is hoped, how- ever, that these coins which are so easily confused with coppers, will be out of circulation in the near fu- tiii‘e. Revenue from radio receiving liâ€" ccnces in Canada last year amount- ed to $4,260,379.14. Cost of collec- tion, including commissions and en- forcement, amounted to about 1297-. The number of licences issued was 1,754.35]. The Province of Ontario accounted for 607,968. The number issued in Aurora last year was 581, in Newmarket 1292. The figures for smaller municipalities available. The Press Gallery at Ottawa is a most, important parliamentary instiâ€" tution. It is composed of accredited journalists, representing various Canadian newspapers, the Canadian Press. British United Press, the As- ' sociated Press. New York Times ani are not yet others. Its present membership is fortyâ€"six, composed of some of the leading journalists in this country. It includes the distinguished represent- atives of the French-language press in the Province of Quebec. Some of the. largest of the Canadian dailies have as many as three representa- tives. Most of the dailies have one representative. The Canadian Press has eight representatives. The Press Gallery is a largely au- tonomous organization. It has its own constitution and elects its own officers, who manage its affairs. Its privileges are jealously guarded. Only its members are admitted to the Press Gallery of the House of Com- mons and the Senate. A large Press Room in the Parliament Buildings is made available for the accommoda- tion of its members. Its members are the only persons outside of mem- bers of parliament, and their agents, Iwho have the privilege of dining at -the Praliamentary Dining Room. And tliey’11 stay healthy too- Blatchford’s Chick Starter keeps ’cm healthyâ€"makes then) grow fasterâ€"assures vilalilyâ€"and pays me bigger dividends! JVOIVâ€" Strengthened with Vita-Dine '1 lie new supplement for greater vitamin and mineral coulombâ€"greater nulrilionl THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO ‘ " "‘ UNION VILLE Visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. D. Harrington over Sunday were Dr. John and Mrs. Watson of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth \Vat. son and son of New York, Mrs. Cor~ bett of Toronto and Mr. Muirlicad of Pasadena. California. Mr. and Mrs. Tlios. Burnett are visiting friends in Uxbridge. On Sunday afternoon at 2.30 the St. Philip's Anglican Church will hold their annual Cemetery Service. Rev. Woods will be guest speaker. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Carey in the loss of her mother, Mrs. M. Dillnian who passed away suddenly last week. The funeral took place, Fri- day morning. Mrs. Dillmaii had made her home here with her daugh- ter. Interment, was in Mount Hope Cemetery. The news came suddenly also of the death of Mrs. Fugard who pass- ed away on Monday morning. Mr. Fugard is in hospital for an opera- tion on his eyes. The sympathy of the community is extended to the family in their bereavement. The July meeting of the Women‘s Missionary Auxiliary was held Thurs- day, July 11th in the United Church with Mrs. W. Young, president, in charge. After the hymn the min- utes were read. Mrs. Fair chose as her subject for the worship service “Listening to the words of Jesus". Later in the meetin Mrs. Newton dealt very capably With the conclud- ing chapters of the study book which will now be ended and the study of India will be used for next year. Mrs. Braithwaite spoke briefly on her visits to various churches during her winter holiday and the ladies were glad to welcome her home. The members were happy to have the new minister’s wife, Mrs. Butt, with us and expressed the hope that she and her family may be happy in their work among us. Mrs. N. Og- den closed the meeting with prayer and the ladies were invited to go across to Mrs. Newton's lovely home where afternoon tea was served and enjoyed by all. Misses Beverley Bratton, Joan Chapin, Margaret Burkholder, Becky and Mary Smith are attending the junior camp for girls at Camp Ah- shuiiyoong from Unionville and dis- trict. Misses Helen Russell and Marion Dewin will attend the Inter- mediate Camp which opens on Sat- urday. We hope to hear that Mr. George Martin who is now in Christie Street Hospital will soon be able to return to his home and work. a Women like the silent type of man because they think he’s listening. All the average girl expects Out of joining a correspondence club is some first claSS mate. IN g g: E i l l l TIRE PUMP 1.98 Supreme Quality Giant size. heavy duty pumps. built to army specifica- tions. The has! money can buy. “0.0-0-1-0-0-DI-0-0-n-(>.U-O-0-l1-0-0-0.â€-0-1.0-0-0-"-0-1 Spark Plug Wrenches 39c AT THE SIGN or .iHE_BlG B-A my", " " "W PAGE THREE fl‘ CAR manufacturers say it will be some time yet before new cars will be available for all. So it's still important to take the best possible care of your present car. It's a fact that this is a job your B-A dealer can really help you with, because your B-A dealer leaves nothing to chance. He's trained and equipped to do the thorough kind of a service job that will keep your car running longer. That's why thousands of motorists all over Canada have come to rely on B-A's friendly service and quality products. You, too, can always buy with conï¬dence at the sign of the big B-A. E RV‘CE THAT'S WHY P E E R I E S S sms on IONGER o _ iii:"viii-caciliaiiMiiEv* WIRE FENCING Concrete Construction, Stone Work Considerable quantity of cedar and metal posts in stock WALTER BONE & Maple R.R. N0. 2 SON “PM ‘j W; “MOB-POWER†SUPER BILT STORAGE BATTERIES ' For Power 0 For Performance 0 For Durability 0 For Lasting Satisfaction Cream of Wheat 14 oz.ï¬pk'g‘.'1§‘c Victory Peas . . 2 20 oz. tins 25c AYLMER'S CREAM OF MLSHROOM Soup . . . . . . . 2 10 oz. tins 19c OLD ENGLISH Scratch Cover Polish . . btl. 25c LYNN VALLEY Green Beans RICHMOND HILL FARMERS SUPPLY F. J. PRATT, Manager . . 2 20 oz. tins 25c â€"â€"-â€"â€"-~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_,â€" . h HAYHOE Certo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . btl. 29c ’lelev one 139 Sunbury Tea 1/ 1b. k . 44c KELLOGG‘S. . - /2 p g Rice Krispies . . . . . . 2 pkgs. 2% R. H, KANE KELLOGG‘S REAL ESTATE " I\IRL\ [\A'IE . , , Bran Flakes . . . . . 2 pkgs. 23C Rust Proof Cleaner H I , ICC Tclcphoiljgggégï¬gnd Hm Raisins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb. 19c Prunes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1b. 17c New Potatoes . . . . . . 10 lbs. 45c f Prepared Mustard, 9 oz. jar 9c DDT Fly Spray - - - - - - tin-290 J. ï¬ligfgï¬fon FULL LINE OF FRUIT AND VEGETABLES CONVEYANCER ’1 GENERAL INSURANCE i a" .' (Fire, Automobile, Etc.) s Richmond Hill, Ont. Telephone 87 . ,-_....a.. QUEE’S General Store MEATS and GROCERIES Phone Richmond Hill 134-14 We Deliver i.0-1I-U-li-n-n-U-(l-(D-Omt h-n-iV-lI-sV-I-‘I-fl-(I-1l-U-ll-0-ll-( m l 7'1?" TINNERS’ SNIPS Supreme Quality 7" 1.35 10" 1.69 12" 2.19 N23â€"Supt’r Service. 15 plates, 117 amp. . Replaces all 11 and lï¬lâ€"plate batteries 9" long x “i†wide x 81L.†111511. The hmubt cconomicul‘and satis- ac ory In t c Ion: run. List $13.75 , NlEIâ€"Armorâ€"Glass. 15 plates, 1:35 anips. _ A snner battery for use where long lile (:l to 6 years). plus extra is needed. List "punch" and “snap†$18.45 “.7â€. we r 7 _ _ . . 7 N‘15â€"â€"Super Scrvic 17 plates, 120 am« gems, 101,3" long 7" wide. 8" high. I‘ll; Ford V-S, '2'. :19. Cher. 'IIT~'.'59. inc: oqthers_ with low Linc installations. is cit.“ . , A . . _ L . . . . , _ , _ I NIHâ€"Armor-Glass. 17 plates, 1‘20 am- neres. Same size as .\".‘.‘). 3â€"year guar- anlcc. ,_ _, N:I.‘)â€"â€"Suncr Service, 17 plates. 1.71 am« List $15.95 _ l, plugs. HUI/I13" long. 7'." wide. ll'p" i; . Lil‘s Ford 1910-12. .. List Si3.i5 , ., , 1'0'1'51‘ l7 ENGINEERED BATTE CAR, TRUCK, Nailâ€"Armor-Glass, 17 plates, 151 am- pcrels, lit-year guarantee. Same size and aiinica ion as N37. L'sl. $13.95 w j "1.... 13'10 N‘nâ€"Super Service, 17 plates, 13?? am- peres. Replaces all 15~plalc balterlcs. Size 10'4" long, ‘7" wide, 8%." high. 1*.ther nuitichLand power at but a small ex ra. co . .’ .1.‘ s 18!. $18 1; , L _ _ _ N6'1â€"Armnrâ€"Glass, 17 plates. 138 am- peres.' 3-year guarantee. Ruilaccs all batteries 10%" x 7" v 8-3;", where cvtremely long life is dc- .sired. Factory in: $19.95 ._ 13'50 N‘zllâ€"Armor-Glass. 17 plates, 6 volts. 11-51†long. 7†“'ldc. 160 amps. For large models 01 Buick, Chrysler, Cadil- lac, Dodge, Franklin. ctc. . List S‘.’5.DJ ., , .1, .- Scrvicc longâ€"type (19%“), , 1? plain. For Buick, ",7 etc. 7 Factory RY TYPES FOR EVERY CYCLE, ETC. (52¢?! Replacement OIL FILTER ELEMENTS' [for all makes of filters and for "9!! car or truck. JACKS i Double-screw,ball- hearing axle-lype ! % luck with long, folding handle. 1.79. Screw Type Bumper Jack 1.49,