NOWâ€"VITA-DIN: v Bhllchford's Feeds are \lTA-DINE for grqulvr \I'ilul ‘l V I Elmflll IIIIIIEIIIIIIHIEIIIEIll-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Folks‘say: “don't count your chicks†but you can sure count on a high living rule when chicks are Blalchford fed. And to make lnost profit from them PARIS AUTO SUPPLY Telephone 21W 'V Blalchford's Feeds are strong! hencd with VlTA-DINE for greater Vilamiu and Blincml contentâ€"greater nutritionâ€"better health for your chicks. DECORA'I‘OR â€" 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP Empire Wall Papers Pattern Books 383 patterns from 1293c. to $1.25 per single roll Phone Richmond Hill 9 or write P.0. Box 268 or E. J. HINSON, 4 Lucas St. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW l McCormick Deering' Binder. 6 ft., new 1 McCormick Deering' Binder, 7 ft.. new 1 McCormick Deering Binder. 8 ft., new 1 Olin Rogers Front End Manure Loader 1 No. 60 Allis Chalmers All-Crop Combine complete with scour kleen I New 5 or 6 ft. Dcering Mower 1 New 5 ft. No. 9 McCormick Deering Oil Bath Mower 5 Sets 8 ft Fleury Bissell Double Disc, new 4 Sets 7 ft. Fleury Bissell DoubIe Disc, new 1 Set 8 ft. Massey-Harris Double Disc, used 3 Sets Spring Tooth Harrows, used 1 3-Furrow McCormick Deering Tractor Plow, used I 2-Furrow Fleury-Bissell Tractor Plow, used ] «t-Can McCormick Deering Cabinet Milk Cooler, used 1 Otaeo Marsh Wagon with 10†wide wheels Pulleys, Slings, Draw Rope and a full stock of McCormick Deering repair parts and binder twine. Richmond Hill Auto PAGE SIX “IF IT‘S FOR THE FARM WE SELL IT†Floyd R. Perkins FOR SALE HOUSE PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING NOW AT REAR OF BELL TELEPHONE OFFICE and(}arage lVOWâ€"VITA-DINE Strengthened Phone Thornhill 54 WE DELIVER Phones 270 or 86 Sold by Richmond Hill August, Dated a Property Owners Pemberton Cres. Pemberton Road Walmer Rd., Take notice that 3. Persons desiring to petition against undertaking the work mUSE do so on or before the 11th day of August, 1946. Dated at Maple this 9th day of July, 1946. of July, 1946 Property Owners, May Avenue. Take notice that: LEThe Council of the Municipal Cor- poration of the Township of Vaughan intends to construct a road on May Avenue from the west limit or Lot 72 to the west limit of lot 52. regis- tered plan number 1987, as a local improvement and intends to specially asseSs a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly,on following land which is immediately benefittecl by the work, being sub-lots 32 to 71 inclusive and block‘ A in registered plan number 1987. 2. The estimated cost of the work is (“4,200.00 of which nil dollars is to be paid by the Corporation and the estimated cost per foot frontage is 87c. The special assessment is to be paid in five annual instalments. ",7 V- H.» ALuudu Club?†:“Oh, it disbanded. It was getting too hard to persuade passing motorâ€" ists to pick us up and give us a lift.†The grain supply outlook for 112(- appi‘oaching season is anything but reassuring, states the Monthly Re- view of the Wheat Situation. A pre- liminary estimate of world focL needs and supplies for 1946-47, pre- pared by the FAO, reveals that in the case of wheat the import needs of the deficit countries may be as, lax-g: as 30‘ million metr'c tons in Older to maintain a minimum sub- sistence. On the other hand, assum- ing average weather conditions, the amount available from the “Big Four" exporters is not likely to. ex- ceed 20 million tons. paid 1 mated agreement on a plan for intern: al agricultural action over that' iod of time. is likely to remain critical in one way or another for the next four or five years, and has urged some agreement on a plan for internation- V ,V“ Ample evidence exists to show that. even with the average or better than average yields for the remainder of 1946 and 1947, the world food. situa- tion will remain critical, at least un- til the harvests of 1947. Sir John Boyd Orr, Director General of Food and Agricultural Organization, has stated that the world food situation The critical world food situation may last for four or five year: ing spent. VSome of i came home with prizes WORLD FRUIT CRISIS MAY LAST FOR YEARS Quite a number of bowlers jour- neyed to Richmond Hill lawn bowling greens on Monday evening and all report a very fine and friendly even- Ell Mrs. H. Fowsett spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. H. Mortsm and Margaret last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mortson of Rich- mond Hill visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. Mortson, Wayne and Bruce on Saturda_y evening. Mr. H. Hagerman of Detroit is spending a few days with his siste: Miss Bessie Hagerman. Mr. and Mrs. B. ‘Sanderson and Mabel visited Mr. J. Holms and Mrs. R‘atcliff of Stouffvjlle. Mr. Holms has been confined to his bed for a tew weeks but We wish him a speedy recovery. 'e I‘SOI' Mr. and Mrs. H.‘ Collard an family visited with Mr. and Mrs, A Stevenson and family at their cot: age at Midland this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Boynton and Ver; had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. C Sanderson and family on Sunday. A large number attended the an nual Sunday School picnic at Wood land Paljk last Thursday. Wflat’s become of the Hiker The Mr. and Mrs. T. Oliv of Toronto were visitor of Mr. and -M1‘s. G. MI and Bruce. on or before t, 1946. at Maple th Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald and H‘s-iv niece Shirley Baker of Smith‘s Falls are spending a few days with M{._ and Mrs. C. Nichols and family. VICTORIA SQUARE under in five NOTICE NOTICE J. M. MCDONALD M. MCDONALD. C1 )t Oliver and Geo! tors at t Mortson irtipal Co‘s- )f Vaughan 4 on Pem- Pemberton our Members mus jay o erk the honï¬e 1, Wayne 31'] tt per- ' Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York and Ontario Successor for Corporal Ken Prentice of C.A.S.F. and of the late J. H. Prentice, formerly (Prentice & Prentice‘ Farm and Farm Stock Sales a spe- cialty at fair and reasonable rates. Millikan, Ont., phone Agincourt 52w3 26 Years Experience York County, Uxbridge and Picker- ing Townships Farm Stock and Furmture Sales a Spec1alty Telephone Stouffville 7312 Address: Gormley P.U. Sellers 3: â€"Ari7€iï¬json LICENSED AUCTIONEERS AND VALUATORS Specializing in Farm Sto'ék, Furni- ture and Property Sales Bills Prepared.and Posted , Prompt Service â€"â€" Reasonable Rate: Phone: Agin. 20-w2 Stouff. 290 For particulars phone Floyd Perkins, Richmond Hill 21w (former sale clerk for the late Carl Saigeon) Auction Sale Service SALES CONDUCTED ANYWHERE 25 YearE Expezjence N ‘- Real Estate Inéurance Auction Sales Personally Listed and Advertised. 1 The Women’s Institute will meet ‘this week at the home of Mrs. Dave Brown when the District President will be the speaker. Roll call, dona- -'tion for Mrs. Aitken’s Canned Foods ! to Britain. 1 Our local boys played a good game of baseball on Friday night against Willrwdale winning 8 to 3. A good ClOWd was in attendance. High honours came to our com- munity recently when a local girl. Miss Marion Saver took the title of “Miss Canada†in a beauty contest. Miss Saver also held the title of “Miss Toronto†in 1943.‘ A playground has been opened on the school grounds on Drewry Ave. for the use of all children up to 16 years of age. A full time super- visor is paid by the North York Lions Club and the equipment has been purchased by the G. R. Gould- ing Home and School Association. Equipment on the grounds consists of swings, slide, tuters, tether ten- nis, volley ball and baseball equip- ment. Two hours each morning the children who. wish can attend hand!- craft classes held in‘ the basement with a qualified lady instructor. There are also many small games to be played either inside or out. This is the first supervised playground in this area and so far has been very successful. This week we welcome to our vill- age Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Allen and family who are making their home in the house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. George Dalton. We hope they will enjoy their SOJOUI‘H in our commun- ity. Mr. anti Mrs. L; Gilbert and daugh‘ ter Jeanie of Malton were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Shen- field. Sunday calléfg éfflï¬iiec'home of Mrs. A. Glendenning were Mr. an} Mrs. Fred Morgan and Mrs. McDon- ald of Agincourt. Thistletown tel' Craig. Miss Margaret Hood is spending a week’s holidays in Midland. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baker visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Joyce of Agin- court'on Saturday evening. 'Sunday callers at the home of Miss Lena Fféseru viSited for the weekâ€"end with her sister, Mrs. Wal- Miss Ada Tribmson of Toronto is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs... Rqssell vBoyington. J. ATKINSON HAULAGE Miss Florence Craig is holidaying the week with friends in Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. L. King of New To- ronto and Mrs. A. Jex of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Walton on Sunday. Saturday evening Mr. and Ms. Douglas and their two daughters Vls- ited the Shenfields. Mrs. Buchanan of Toronto, accomâ€" pamed by her aunt Mrs. Scott, spent luesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Shenfield. Misses bare] and Verna Risebrough of Newtonbrook are holidaying with them aunt and uncle Dr. ana Mrs. George Kelly. SAND and GRAVEL was the Rev. Erla Currey of Cen- tral Butte, Saskatchewan, sister of the newly appointed minister, Rev. E. A. Currey. She based her dis- course on me three‘ sentences “I stand where He stood,", “Jesus Wept" and “Rejoice wit htnose that do rejoice and weep with those that weep.†From these she showed the attitude 01 Jesus toward His Iellow- man and exhorted us as Christians to act like hlm and really love our neighbours as ourselves. Mr. Walter Craig is spending a few days With triends at rooermory and Lion’s Head in the Bruce Pen- insula. Clarke Prentice NEWTON BROOK 40 Church Street Guest speaker at. Brown’s Corners nited Church on Sunoay morning Richmond Hill Telephone 147J Woodbridge 64123†Phone Weston 703r12 THE LIBEï¬RAL, RICHMOND HILIJ, ONTARIO A. S. Farmer Ken Love AUCTIONEER BUTTONVILLE Onta 'io ,A. From your letter we cannot see that you can be given any notice to vacate from the old or the new ownâ€" er. Under WPTB rentals regulaâ€" tions, tenants of self-contained ac- commodation are frozen. as far as notice is concerned. .If the new own- er is a veteran and providing he bought the house or occupied it at the time of his enlistment, then he could give you three months notice to vacate. Otherwise a veteran- owner is on the same footing as a civilian owner. If you have any furâ€" ther questions about your position as a tenant, please call in at the nearest Rentals office. They will be glad to give you any information you wish. Q. I have lived in this house for six years on a monthly basis. Today I have been advised the owner has sold the house to another man. Would you please advise how long I have to find another home or can they put me out? If a returned man happen- ed to be wanting this house, would that make any difference in time al- lowed me to find another place? A. No. This is a conditional sale and such sales are illegal. The dis- play of merchandise in a store in Ontario does not make it necessary for the storekeeper to sell. In other words he can refuse to sell these articles which are in limited supply. but he cannot ask a customer to buy something else in order to obtain any other product. Q. My grocer has pork and beans and tomato ketchup for sale in his store but you cannot buy either one unless you buy a can of tomato soup and a can of vegetable soup at the same time. Is he allowed to do this? A. There is no indication that the “freezing order†will be lifted in the near future. When the regulations are changed to permit persons to give tenants one month’s notice to vacate you may be sure that theru will be ample notice given both in the press and over the radio. CEMENT BLOCKS Phone 277.] Richmond Hill ‘ Q. Would you please let me know when restrictions will be lifted so 1 can move into our own home by giv- ing one month’s notice to our ten- ants? As you gave us the name of the laundry we have checked their prices and find they were given per- mission by the Services Administra- tion of the Board to increase the price for this particular type of work from six to eight cents a pound. Their-prices were below those charg- ed by other laundries for simiiar work and it was impossible for them to continue [this service except at a considerable loss. PLAIN & ROCK FACED Q. Are laundries allowed to in- crease their prices? The laundry I have dealt with for years has raised tle rate on our laundry from six cents per pound flat work to eight cents. Typical Puestions consumers have asked the Wartime Prices and Trade Board this week are answered by the Central Ontario Consumer Branch Committee. CORNERS Richmond Cement Blocks Price Control And Rationing Information WILF. PORRILL ()ilawza. Canada HON. JAMES G. GARDINER. DOMINION DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Now that the “81‘ has ended all the Services of the'Dominion De- partment of Agriculture â€"- Experimental Farms, Science, Production and Marketing â€"- visualize a broader and fuller program of usefulness to the people of Canada. The facilities of these Services are varied and ex- tensive. Everybody in Canada is invited to take advantage of them freely. The Department is always ready to assist in any way in the advancement of the basic industry of Canada â€" Agriculture. As a result of the work carried cut in the past by all the Services of the Department in (-U-Upï¬'allon with the provinces and agricultural colleges. a much greater measure 01' stability has been given to farming in the Dominion. In 1886 -â€" 60 years ago â€"â€" the Dominion Experimental Farms were founded. Starting with five farms the System has since been extended to 34 farms and stations and 210 illustration stations. This System, the largest alld mOSt comprehensive of its kind in any country, is maintained, With the other Services of the Dominion Department of Agricunlll‘c, for the promotion of agriculture and the national economy of Canada. AT YOUR SERVICE Minister MNOWMOOOOWWM ‘WOOONNOWOOOOOWWNWOWOO 20 Years Experience Year round roofing of all 'kinds â€"â€" asphalt shingles, slate, tile, built-up roofs, tar and gravel, siding. Annytlllg u; tun-no, uuucna, Luaanu autu llcuus, pipe lines, cylinder blocks, machinery parts, etc. Anything welded anywhere (portable equipment) Estimates given free NOTlCEâ€"We are now operating at PAT’S GARAGE NORTH YONGE ST.. RICHMOND HILL Phones Richmond Hill Day 74.], Nights 46r25 Turner’s Welding Service Repairs to tanks, boile_rs, cracked auto heads, pipe Refrigerator Lockers For Rent Electric and Oxy Acetylene Welding C. B. ROOFERS EAVESTROUGHING, CHIMNEYS Telephone Richmond Hill 248r14 WILLOWS’ STORE Victoria Square TELEPHONE STOUFFVILLE 7508 H/l/IH/‘\\‘\‘\\\\‘\°\\\\\ ESTIMATES FREE DR. G. S. H. BARTON, Deputy Minister THURSDAY, JULY 18th. 1946 All Work Guaranteed ,y!