Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Jul 1946, p. 7

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THL'RSDAY. JULY 18th, 1946. 5) 'l‘OMiNS‘ON, SAUNDERS, SMITH & CARFAT, LTD. 3 l2 Wedingtun St. E., Toronto DEPENde SERVICE DISTRIL‘T R; REPRESENTATIVE [3 18 Elizabeth St. RICHMOND HILL Telephone 25-R @ Phone AD. 4646: EL. 3H9 SURANCE Phone ZISW i i i i § i t i i .4 Every man apin'cciates our comfortable, yet styled-to-fit sportswear â€" for comfort and for looks. It provides a welcome change from his regular wardrobe with quality. biIdget-priccd. apparel like this. For clothes that men really can live in. comd here first. R. J. CRAIGIE Men’s and Boys’ Wear Yong‘e and Richmond Sts. R eéR o o f i n Richmond Hill .We specialize in re-roofing, Cedar or As- phalt Shingles, Flat Roofing. and we in- ‘VItc your enquiries. Estimates will be cheerfully given without obligation. 'ALTERATIONS and INSULATING C. RIDDELL ” Guaranteed Workmanship fPhn W hriill OOOO”“WWOWONOM WWW Important Notice Hail Insurance » IS LOWER THIS YEAR Losses are heavy due to damage by hail on stand- ing crops in York County and other counties. Only five companies are writing Hail Insurance in the whole Domini0n of Canada. A number of farmers who are not acquainted with Hail Insur- ance rates have the impression that the rate is high but this is not correct as the follmving ex- ample will prove: The average grain crop on a 100 acre farm is approximately 40 acres. made up as followsâ€"~10 acres wheat. 10 acres oats. 10 acres barley and 10 acres of mixed grain. Wheat is covered to amount of $40 per acre. oats. barley and mixed grain to the amount of 830 per acre and the premium for the 40 acres of standing crop is $13.00 per annum and you have a total infurâ€" ant-c of $1300 on same. PREMIUM MUST At‘t‘OMl‘ANY APPLICATION 0 J. CARL SAIGEON AGENCY Ernie Brock Maple, Ont. Newtonbrook Q. (‘ecil Walker Fatally Injured King City District News .liiss Iltitli L. IIochI'. dutiu‘litcr cl tllt‘lttlitills over (it‘l‘mtltly in Apiii. NIt-ly'illc Hoover ol' Noblcton has 1504.3. on tho eve of t-cssuiioii oI' iN‘t'Il acct-pied 21s stcnou'mphcr iii. l-Iurnpczin hostilities. thL‘y \\’crt- I‘;llll"l King- Township offit'c hcrv. ll’llih” upon to \\';tlt patiently during ill" in}: Mrs. Harold (i. llosc who hrld nciiod he was repoItI-d missing. anl the position for four and 1t nal: ycars. and Sllt'rvt’tiiltu' Miss l’crc‘tâ€" son of Scliombcrg. Miss Iloov-I. discharged from tlic (alindiun No. "i in li‘ebrunry. which she scrvcd closi onto two ycurs. rcccivcd hcr acu- demic training.r at Noblt-ton and \‘l'cu‘. tcu. and before euli>tmcnt \"us t-ni- ploycd at \l'oodbridgc. Since her navy dischmu'e shc has bccn (‘l\\lli"_\- cd in the office of (ll‘and and Toy at Toronto. Ilcr war service \vcord has shown advancement. Graduating as a \Vren. Miss lIoovcr was posted from (ialt trainingr school to TIM. (ZS. t‘otnwallis. Digby. NS. She became attached to thc Royal Cunâ€" 2'Ilian Navy us mcsscng‘ci-t,ypist. At Vancouver she was transferred in Motor Transport I‘epartment. Ruth is now 20 and has shown ability in each stage of progress, The town- ship office is fortunate in securing the services of a capable young wo- man and a native of Nobleton. Rev. Alex. (T. Sinclair. his wife and two sons. Donald and Dougla: and his mother. all of Mitchell. Indâ€" ana. have visited Mrs. T. Wilson at Kinghorn. The visitors are also visiting at Barrie and Toronto. Mrs. Alex (Tray is visiting her < in. James D. Gray at Ottawa for a few weeks. '..t‘lt‘ callcl upon to :icccpt sat-r.- fit“ of life, which they did bi;i\'t-i\' 2rd with no complaint. This {‘Xllt'll- cut-c demanded strength. I’iunu'crl into the tragic sscnt- ».' :l‘ic accident. near their own don; the family have ng‘flin trod :1 u‘l'ici' stiickcn path in the loss of .i kind husband and father. ('ecil Walker was born 5s years ago at Tcston, the son of the la v James Walker. and with his- broth» ci's. Ross. the late Lester \\'ulkc:'. Alvin. and a deceased sistei. \\'2's Iczircd in Vaughan, coming to I(lll;: several years ago. He was widvlj. known in district and Toronto sports teams and followed King baseball teams closely. He was active l“. NUTS Athletic Association and w.i.. May Wilson of Teston. a son Jack. returned from overseas in li'ebruni'y and a daughter Helen. at home, A .grandscn. Jackie. the son of Jack and Mona (‘ousins Walker. also guzâ€" vive. A brother Ross resides at Kim; and younger brother. AlVin at Kirk- land Lake. Wednesday. July 17th from the resiâ€"i Mrs. Earl Wellesley has arrivedidence of his son Jack. Interment here fmm Ottawa and is remaining. with her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Welleslcy. Provincial Of"â€" icer Wellcslcy has been transferred from Ottawa to Morrisbrrg. Living took place in King City Cenietery.l imp LIBERAL, RICHMOND HLLL, ONTARIC \ Oil-Fired Kitchen Ranges l' ranrcs ' .imcr. who was singin { I .. ciIcles. having been manager of the and dancing“ at I‘l\'(‘~’tl. former km}: IOOtball and hockcy the late ‘twcutics. is one of the Vt!" “The where t‘lose harmony Tli'I.‘ agi- vocal members Jack Show" connected with the United (‘anchI-s “ll'l “mill Yangt- lll't‘ the in“; of King and Tcston. lecps SUI‘VlVlllL" 31‘" his “lift? ill“ I'm‘mm' tiii- Allison L'Jl‘ouli :‘ocs on the (BC Mon» sutilc Allison Front-cs busy just now, daily. EDT. Trans-('anada network day to l’ridny. at ' p.in_ ANDREW SNIDER quarters are as difficult to find at Morrisburg' as when he first settled at Ottawa a few months ago. Unâ€" til a home can be located Mrs. Weil- esley will be at King. Mrs. E. Wellesley and Miss Blanche rie over the week-end attending the Archibald family picnic held at Midâ€" hurst on Saturday. Mrs. George Wilson. Aurora. spent, a couple of days with Mrs. Tenn Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. James Rock left onv Monday for vacation in Muskoka‘ district. DO YOU KNOWâ€"â€" not permitted to increase the price charged for milk served by the gigs-H Wellesley visited their sister at Batâ€"I or by the bottle with meals...}=i~1m-. ity stilt purchase certificates will not be issued to err-servicemen afte‘ October 30th..As long as nieat core pons remain in the hands of corâ€" sumers meat must be kept in ("an- ada to honor them...Ration Bookv No. 6 will be distributed between The Rev. M. R. Jenkinson condusted the service. Restaurant and cafe operators arel l Mr. and Mrs. Dent and family are Sept. 0 and 13...Conditional sale holidaying at Algonquin Park. They by which merchants require a CM. are occupying the cottage owned by Mr. Jas. Keenes. remaining there for the week until the Kcenes family go there for vacation. Ontario rural centres have been brought to realize the importance (f Iccreation centres. It would be diffiâ€" cult to put into words the value 01" Such to King“ and district. There are numbers of boys and girls whose un- bounded energies must be directed under the guidance of parents and. elders. which can be done only with~ in the precincts of the community. The memorial hall. park and sports centre is providing); this opportunity and the association. supported by other gloups is striving to attain suitable environment and leadership which the years ahead will pI'Ove the project one of inestimable value. Thel Boy Scout Troop and Cubs are al- ready established in the Memorial Hall. and on the evening following. Friday. July 12th. they were given a weiner roast in the park, from the remains of the refreshment booth supplies. District Orange Lodges Parade District Orange Lodges, headed by District Master Halold G. Rose. County Master Harry Gould, and other notables. paraded 60 strong for service to All Saints Anglicai Church, King, on Sunday evening, July 14th, when the rector, Rev. E. W. G. Worrall preached the sermon. Highland pipers led the parade. rs. Robert Riddell entertained King United W.M.S. and Mission Band on July 10th. The program was based on home missions, taken by various members. The Band enâ€" joyed sports on the lawn. Mrs: W. Parker, Ronald and Caro- lyn are visiting Mrs. Donald Mac: Murchy at Hillsbut‘g. tomcr to buy additional goods when buying other goods have been bannâ€" ed by the Prices. Board since August ‘ lit/15%. Jack .â€"Walkington GENERAL INSURANCE Lite Fire. Automobile, Liability, Hail, Accident and Sickness Farm Insurance 3 Specialty King City Telephone 28 5’31“ ONTARIO GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE. AUTO. LIFE and (‘ASUALT’Y Richmond St., Maple Telephone 01W t Guacamoaomonomouo __._. ._ ._.._‘.__. __ ._ _ SAND GRAVEL HAULAGE APPLY L. W. REID Phone Thomhill 30-R l l CHAMPIONSHIP IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH ' Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Scott called on I parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lawson I Photograph S110“,q on Sunday evening, returning from I their cottage at Victoria Harbour. Mr. John Chilvers. Toronto, visited I " Patrol Sgt. John Cobb D GA at A. Wellosley's Sunday evening. He : popular Toronto P0- was an airforce chum of Earl’s and expects to reside in Maple, and w‘lil : lice Force Athlete, commute to business in Toronto. King: W.I. will be interested to learn that a picnic to Guelph O.A.C. will be held in August. date later announced. Bus will leave at 1?. noon. The death of CBcil Walker of King occurred on Sunday afternoon. July 14th. at York County hOspiuIl after a futile effort made by the best med- ical experience to save his life, fol- lowing collision with a car on the roadway near his home at King. sometime past midnight on Thurs- day, July 11th. As a member of Lake Marie and King Athletic Association Mr. Walk- er was active during the street dance held on Thursday evening at King. and sold gate tickets until late. 11"? had appaicntly gone up home for .1 matter of about 15 minutes and was returning to the scene of activities walking on the roadway in company with Harry Edwards when he wa Struck by a car owned and driven by Mr. Ray Anderson. King: RR. 3. near Eversley. He Iemained unconscious from the moment of the accident and the int- tending physician. Dr. (I J. Devins. ordered him removed to York County Hospital, describing the injuries as fractured skull. His condition from the first was considered very giave though on Saturday he showed very morning he became weaker and passâ€" moIninc‘ he became weake rand pits“â€" L‘d away about 3.45 p.m. with his wife and family and brother Ros.» . liis bedside. Mrs. Walker. Jack and Helen were :. IIIIIIIIIII beside him for almost all of the time I :It‘IeI hospital cntrance. The grcnt courage displayed by Mrs. Walker - m.â€"_â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"a = tossing the caber. John will be seen in action August 5th. Games sponsored by: OAEUO SOCIETY OF TORONTO and WOOOBRIOOE BOARD OF TRADE was most helpful both to her hus- I Phone Maple 11 ouuooooomowonooooooooooomoooo«09090990000 band. the physician and the nursing I I ADMISSION As parents of W.0. Gordon V'. I staff of the hOspital, Walker. who lost his life in the set- I vicc ot' the R.C.A.F. during flying I EIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII FAIR GROUNDS ADULTS 50c. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII... Page Seven EASY Washing Machines OILO-MAGIC Automatic Oil Heating QI'AKER Circulating Oil Heaters and RADIO and ELECTRICAL Appliance Service S'I‘ROI‘VTRERG CARLSON Radios and Combinations by FERGUSON 6 Elizabeth St.. Richmond Hill Telephone 1~lS v. .0 MOOO”W”“OWQO OMOMWOOOOOOOOONOOW TINSMITH EAVESTROUGHING, ROOFING NEW FINDLAY AND PEASE FURNACES ‘arts and Repairs for all makes of furnaces PAUL DUBOIS 33 Yonge St. Richmond Hill Telephone SJ 00000000666009.0006...0000000000609600609060.6060... 0=0$0fl01=100=l0=0g0= i York Auto Parts“ “The House of a Million Parts” If it is for car. truck, tractor or army vehicle, we have it. The finest and best. All sizes in stock. 50 Cars and Trucks wanted for wrecking. Best price paid. “ Tony Saves You Money ” V Stop 123 Yonge St. Phone Zone 8-218 moz==o=o===ouo===o=o====lo= _P____â€"____________â€"â€"â€" I‘ iii I D II n O . . . . ll Firestone and Seiberling TIres fl 0 I] B ll 0 MONDAY, AUGUST 5 (Civic Holiday) Featuring . . . . . Traditional Scottish Customs Modern Track and Field Events Famous Military Pipe Bands Well known Civilian Pipe Bands * Popular Athletes Renowned Highland Dancers Individual Pipers PARADE Bands will parade through Woodbridge to the Fair Grounds at 1.30 pm. OPENING CEREMONY 2.00 pm. in Front of Grandstand at Woodbridge Fair Grounds DANCE An old-time and modern dance, complete with Floor Show, commencing at 9.00 p.m. in Elm Park Pavilion, CHILDREN 25c.

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