THE HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 VOL. LXVIII. STREET DANCE A PRECEDENT HARD TO BEAT -- REEVE NEAL With receipts of $3,600.00, Rich- year held the mond Hill Lions this most successful street (lance in their history, and congratulations are be- ing extended to P. C. Hill, the presi- dent and his able lieutenants, N. Chatterley as chairman and R. Paris as secretary, in making so impress- ive a showing. There were games for everybody, and a gay crowd of several thousand persons made up of dancers from near and far tripped the light fan- tastic until midnight. “Every body appeared to have a good time,†said Reeve William Neal, “and certainly enthusiasm and good spirit abounded. The 1946 dance sets a precedent it will be difficult to surpass in future years. Prize winners werczâ€"lst, iNo. 4904. refrigerator, John A. Mabâ€" ley, Richmond Hill; 2nd, 7973, washâ€" iiig machine, Mrs. W. Magson. 98 Robina Ave., Toronto; 3rd, 8510, hi- cycle, Doris Kinex, 125 Grecnlaw Ave., Toronto; 4th, 5016, mantel radio, C. S. Nes'bitt, Aurora; 5th, 1288, electric toaster, Mrs. E. Mans- bridge, Richmond Hill; 6th, 6960, electric iron, Sheila Allen, Richvale; 7th, 1123, blanket, R. E. Coles, 200 Fern Ave., Toronto; 8th, 8350, blan- ket, Leonard Murray, Woodbridge; 9th,\5158, mixing bowls, A. W. Pugs- ley, Sutton; 10th, 8270, pyrex set, .Jean Armstrong, Richmond Hill. l Melville Parisi Acquires Glass's Former Store Plans Shops, Apartments One of Richmond Hill’s Yoiige St.| landmarks, the shop in which the Glass family conducted a butcher business for many years until a Short time ago when Lauder Glass transferred it to his new store, has been sold. The vendor is the Pugsley estate and the purchaser is Melville Parisi, brother of Joseph Parisi, one of the outstanding merchants of the village. Mr. Parisi who has had consideraole experience in building apartments and stores in Toronto, proposes to erect two modern stores and apart- ments on the site of his new pur- chase. ‘ He hopes to have the new build- ings ready by Christmas, but pointed out to The Liberal that the question of the completion of a building de- pends largely on the availability of materials. Fall Flower Shriw Sat, Sept. 7th A well attended meeting of the Directors of the local Society was held Wednesday evening, August 7. on Mr. B. L. Anderson’s lawn, when arrangements for the Fall show were discussed and the date, September 7th, was confirmed. Twenty-four prizes will be given out to exhibit- ors. A1 Rice is the Director in charge. Other matters of interest to the Society were considered, including plans for next year. The Society is now the largest in its history. Humane Society Organized For Richmond Hill District The successful inaugural meeting ‘of the locale Humane ~- Society .was held in the Municipal Hall, Rich- mond Hill, on August 8th. Converted by Mrs. D. Askew, the group was addressed by Mr. F. H. Cook, presi- dent, and Rev. Chris. Loat,.secretary, of the Ontario S.P.C.A. (Humane Society). I Mr. Loat outlined the steps to be taken in the foundation of such an important local Society. The first aim of the Society is education. It is by this means only that it can achieve its ultimate goal: “To run itself out of businessâ€. Many high- ly interesting bulletins and pamph- lets are available for educational purposes, free of charge, to anyone. To show how successful the educa- tional program is, the speaker point- ed out that of the thousands of com- plaints received, only 28 convictions were obtained by the Humane Seciety in all of Ontario, last year. Richmond Hill and district has an exceptionally good record, only two complaints having reached Mr. Loat lately. This is one more reason, he said, to stress education, and keep the slate clean. -â€"-_. A temporary executive was elect- ed as follows: Mrs. D. AWi'esi- dent; Mr. K. Ruffman, vice-presi- dent; Mr. F. Redelmeier, secretary- treasurer; Mrs. Unger, education. as well as representatives from the fol- lowing communities: Mrs. E. Need- ham, Edgeley; Mrs. L. Redman, Concord; Mrs. E. Abram, Markham. The executive was charged to com- mence organizing the local Society, until such time, when the members know each other better, and a per- manent executive can be elected. The territory covers Richmond' Hill and district, including parts of Vaughan. Markham and King townships.. and it is planned to have each district represented on the board. After the election of officers, Mr. Loat showed two impressive techni- colour-sound movies of animal life. and the activities of a humane soâ€" ciety. These films, it is hoped, will later be shown in the public and high schools in the district. Anyone interested “To Help Thmc Who Cannot Speak For Themselves" IS inVited to join the local Society, by communicating with any member of the executive. U ges ‘Safety Campaign’ Receive Generous Support The Liberal gladly acquiesces in a request to publish the following let- ter by Harold Nash, president of the police association of Ontario. A. H. Wilfred, Esquire, Toronto. Dear Sir: As President of the Police ASsoci- ation of Ontario, I fully endorse the “Safety Campaign†being sponsored by the Chief Constables’ Association of Canada. In my opinion. there never was a time in the history of the motor ve- hicle when such a campaign was more necessary. taking into considâ€" eration the greater percentage of the motor vehicles being operated on our highways that can be classed as hav- ing outlived their.usefulness as far as mechanical fitness is concerned. It is of great necessity that the motor vehicles be given a very thor- ough inspection so as to safeguard our citizens from serious injury or. in many instances from resulting in a fatality. Statistics find, through investiga- tions of accidents. that many defi- ciencies are found to be caused by the neglect of the motorist in not having the essential parts of his vehicle checked periodically and re- paired without delay. The Guelph Police Department will co-operate fully in the forthcoming campaign and requests the motorist, resident of this City of Guelph, to give their full co-operation and be assured if they so desire to present their motor vehicle for inspection at the Police Department such service will be granted readily. In conclusion, I appeal to all mem- bers of the Police Association of Ontario to give their hearty sup- port. not only by word of liloutl', but by their carrying out the neces<ary functions requested by the Chief Constables‘ Association in such cam- paign. Yours truly. HAROLD NASH. President. Police Association of Ontario PHONE R Yonge at MO. 2172 Castlefield \VED., THURS†FRI.. SAT" AUGUST 2|. 23. 23. 21 ROBERT W A LK ER, MON DA Y. 'I‘LTESI) A Y, “ SCARLET STREET " _ _ _ ALSO _ _ _ LAUREL AND HARDY “ BOHEMIAN GIRL “ CANADA WORLD TRADER .ii‘NF. ALLYSON in “ THE SAILOR TAKES A WIFE " LOOKING .\’1‘ LONDON _ BADMINTON _ QUIET pme \YEDN ESDAY, EDWARD G. ROBINSON, N AUGUST 26. ‘27. 28 JOAN BENNETT in Adult Entertainment in ticket Breeders‘ RICHMOND IIILL. @flbi .Q’ ONTARIO. Is Speed Limit 8% M.P.H.? It’s What The Sign Says Enthusiastic SDOL-(lOi'S approaching Richmond Hill from the south have been learning from a sign board as they enter the village that the speed limit here is 80 miles per hour. I‘rcâ€" sumably when they have successâ€" fully negotiated the lenglh of Yonue St. within the municipality at that speed they will have to slmv down to speeds legalized for the rest of the province. “We all appreciate the fact that the changing of the 3 to an 8 was the work of some mischievous per- son or persons,†commented a Yonge St. merchant, “but how long will the council permit the outrageous figure to stand. Those who see it smile, and the smile is at the expense of‘ the town. A few minutes work would, restore the figure :1. Why isn‘t it .w undcilakcn . “I would favor letting the ‘80’ stand." said another resident. “It shows we are offering the travelling public something more than any oth- ‘ or community offers, the privilege of going as fast as their car will travel." “But,†said a third party, “if a motorist should take the sign literâ€" ally. as some of them appear to be doing. and break the 30 mile limit could he be punished after he points to the directive on the sign? it doesn't so much matter who put it there. The fact is that it is staying there. and the village knows it, A mighty interesting legal question would involved if someone were killed.†he Cattle Breeders To Hold Picnicâ€"Wed.,Sept 4th The directors of the Maple Cattle Association at their last board meeting were, encouraged to learn from secretary J. M. McDonald that there are now 175 members and the farmers are delighted with the calves which they are getting from liliriborolnB’s Ask For Local Arena Marlboro Ji'. B who will be L‘lllCI‘Otl’ in the O.H.A. this year are making a bid for the use of the local arena for one night a week during the coming winter season. Several cn- quiries have been made throughout the entire section for ice surface and an official request is expected to be made at the next local council meet ing. This Marlboro team will be com- posed of players who are not quit: good enough for the A team and is expected to be a strong group of players. An invitation has been extended to three local boys to try out with in: A team and if failing to make this artificial insemination. lluycrs are picking up as many of these. calves as possible at attractive pi‘icOs. President G. AV. Keffcr of Maple reported on the meeting of Simcoc County farmers at Barrie which he and some of the directors attcndcd along with W. M. Cockburn of New- market. rural. "In Essentials. Unity: In i'rin-Ess»ntials. Liberty; In All Things, Charityâ€. THURSDAY. AUGUST 22nd. 1916. M ADVERTISING IN THE LIBERAL GETS RESULTS No. 8. Richmond Hill Lions’ Street Dance Photographing a group of persons dancing; cm never be satisfactory for one reason because only a few of the group have their faces turned towards l,ll(‘ camera. and the backs of people‘s heads are not always in- TOI'Or‘tilifl studies. because evening light is poor for photographic purposes. Photographing a street dance is ever. morc difficult because of the greater spaces involved and The Liberal. therefore, does not offer the above ‘snap' as a representation of the great street dance the Lions held a few days ago, but merely as a glimpse of a few of the dancers. Fraser Gee Wins Field Quip Award The Department of Agriculture has Upper School Results For Rift-LS. Announced The Department of I‘ldm'ution an of the ,yf .“., i, . ..( . .i ;‘ (‘cmictitiom conducted b the Richâ€" School examinations cld Ull‘w‘ mil- to ban the work extruded .ii'o in.†l y summer at Rwhmmm [ML 1h? {0]. county and was presided over by S. mond Hill Agricultural Society, and lowing alphabetical list of candidate: L. Page of Barrie and F. A. Lashlcy requests the announcement of the shows thy subjects passed 1W mph op AlliistonVAgf‘icultplgl) awards “which are as followstwlst, with official rating re honours, ii 1 l'A ' -«i" y . .5. ii)“ -(,I . m 1 Tm.‘ THU. 1. ,( Fraser Gcc; 2nd, II. I). Meringue; any. (eitilicatcs .iic t-cing ninilti. lk‘ollCCthD- Immm’t “‘15 km"! ‘1’“! 1 I 4 } Alf I to individual students‘ who 'irc urc'cd ' v' - - ‘ - r d» ‘ 3rd Du ion {unine '; ti, r04 3 ‘ .‘ '7 following an OlltllilL of the “Oil, by , .V to use them “11,1â€th (101.4} m makmg Mr. lx’effer and Mr. Cockhurn about twenty canvasscrs were appointed to contact the owners of Holstein cattle. On Wednesday, September :1, com» Brigg; 5th. W. T. Cook; 6th, R. Mc- Cleary; 7th. Campbell Snider; 8th. IJon Head Farms. The judge of this contest, Mr. H. L. Griffin. speaks very highly of the application for cntrzmcc to Colleges or Normal School. Janics Boynton. Trig. and Static; C; Mary Burnett, Literature (7: Al gebra C, Chemistry C; Marv Butt .~ .. 2 . _ , Auï¬c-zL i‘. work of the entrants in producing . N _ I .{ H / lllï¬iliil’lt’Slumléill.Tito Zlv‘l-o‘imcvi of very high quality, and 535,115,335 CRvTjtlor‘eggd2:15:31 ,3 ci‘voneb interested at the .farm of States that the..d€CI-‘1°“S an‘wed at Com Ogiiion'c. “3' R,,. 1) (Winkle; Geo. C. Jackson, Downsvicw whore ‘f‘jel‘tofl'llzt‘iltfl ‘lllftf‘fi'llli lub‘lYifl" todh: G. pcémpogim’m 'R;‘3’M‘a'ck' Clef all the bulls of the Association wc1e “L 1" 1‘ H 61ԠWW“ “919 ° ment, G_ Commsition R; “in.†D. bred and raised. Special speaker will be Byron Jenvey of Ingersoll, forni- cr field man for the Canadian IIol- stein Association. W. P. Watson. Assistant Director of the Ontario thyey mic assured Of a place With the ' 'o-Stock. Branch. VVAlluédIZlRC some BS; “hey are Herb R050: Mad" observations on artificial insemina- Clement and Norm Stunden, all stars of Richmond Hill last year juniors. Two of last year JI‘. O.H.A. tcaml have signed tO make the journey to Scotland and will this year play all their hockey in the old country. They are Earl McCrone who hailed from Scarboro but for the past two years performed at centre for the Hill boys and George Fox who was an out- standing left wing player for lush year’s local team. Best of luck boysl in your adv: .ire. Thornhill raiiiiower Show Wed. Aug. 28 Thornhill Horticultural Society plans to hold its Fall show at Law- rence Memorial Hall on Wednesday evening, August 28th, between the hours of seven and ten. with a sale of' vegetables to take place at the close of the Show. This is the final and largest Show of the season, and there are classes for vegetables as well as flowers, with one special class for juveniles and one for pro-i fessionals. If you have attended, these Shows in the past, you will} naturally be present at this one, but if you have not and are a lover of flowers, plan to keep this date open.i Althouin Thornhill SOciety boasts a' membership of over two hundred at this time, the welcoming hand of friendship is always extended to new members. Mr. P. Bone is president and Mrs. H. McKean secretary. atoooooo******zss$ GORDON ORR WINS * JERSEY HEIFER AT ’ MAPLE JAMBOREE "’ Gordon Orr. York County's * popular agriculturist, was the winner of the Jersey heifer don- " ated by Maplccrcst Farms to the Young Men's Club of Maple. The dance had to be called curly "‘ in the evening.r but the draw was ‘ "" made and the complete list of * tion in Great Britain, Denmark and Sweden as seen on his recent Visit close in quality. It is to be hoped that a larger number of farmers will become interested and make entries in the Field Crop Competitions in future years. STREET DANCE PICTURES ON DISPLAY to Europe. , . The hull barn at Maple will 1,? Several pictitres that were taken open for the public to inspect ,the at the Richmond Hill Lions Club bulls up to 1.45 and again following the meeting. I’romptly at 2 pm. 31 draw will be made at Mr. Jackson's Street Dance are on display in The Liberal Office window. These pic- I Collard, Algebra C; Marian L. Heisc, E. Composition C, Geometry R, Trig. and Statics C. F. Authors C. Murray S. Hirtle, Algebra R; Rob- ert K. Hirtle, G. Authors 2. G. Coni- position 1; Elizabeth L. Jackson, E. Composition C, Modern History C, Geometry R, Trig. and Statics C, F. Authors R; Donald L. Little, Chem- istry 1, G. Comp0sition R; Marion E. Little, C. Authors 2. G. Composition 1; Alma Marlnol‘f. E. Composition R, E. Literature C, Modern Mistory R, (5. Literature C, Modern History R, F. Authors R. Philip F. Mihorean, E. Composition 2 E. Literature C, Algebra 3, Geom- etry 2, Trig. and Statics 1, Physics 2, Chemistry G. Authors 3, G. Composition 2; William S. Moore, E. Composition R, Algebra C, Geometry C, Trig. and Statics C, Physics C, Chemistry C. William J. Neal, E. CompOSiiion C, Geometry C. Physics R; Shirley R. E. Paris. E. Composition R; Douglas A. Scotchmcr, E. Composition C. Modern History C; R. Alverna Smith, E. Composition C, Modern History R, F. Composition C; John Wiggins, E. Composition C, E. Literature C, Modern v History . «v Good Time For Everybody Aim Of Catholic Bazaar for one free service to a club mm tures were taken by J. and D. Ward! An enthusiastic meeting of the open to members and non members and may be PUI‘ChaSEd for a Small l’al’IShloners or the Chum“ or S‘- ' lMary Immaculate was held this there at that time. chargc. l . . . Distinguished Prelate Flying Bishop of Arctic Visitor In Richmond Hill week in the residence of Rev. Fred- eric McGinn, the pastor, when plms for the annual bazaar to be held October 9 were discussed. The bazaar has become not 012;? one of the features of the year at St. Mary’s, but for the past four years it has been an attraction for Catholics as far north as Ncwmar- kct and for many also in Toronto city parishes where Father McGinn was formerly stationed. , . . One of the reasons ascrihe'l for . . . . . . i.. . ' i -) . .. , ‘. A distinguished ccclcsiastic. the “will Olfd‘ldlltfi ‘1ԠIl§9~ {)‘ml 1““er, the success of the event 1g tin of. most Rev. Gabriel Brcynat, O.M.l., 01113 “199 39Ҡ43° ec‘lube 1' fort that is made not only to give known as “the flying bishop of the Arctic,†was a visitor in the Rich- mond Hill district the greater part of last week, and daily he offered the Sacrifice of the Mass in the little church of St. Mary Immaculate of which Rev. Frederick McGinn is health would not permit him to conâ€" tinue his work. in his vast diocese for the openin-I of four boarding schools, six hospitâ€" als containing 200 beds and 27 mI=â€" sions. In his jurisdiction were 50 priests, 50 lay brothers and 85 Grei‘ Nuns from Montreal. He was responsibl;H value but something more than wing in the merchandise offered for sale. This year a problem is because of the shortage of various materials. but the decision of the committee in charge is to overcome this difficulty as much as possible, confronted . satisfied and well pleased patron. “Everyone who comes to the ba- zaar will be certain to have a good time,†said a member of the coin< mittee, “and also certain of going home with a parcel or parcels that will make him or her glad that they came.†Fancy booth, country store, bingo, fish pond and other carnival attrac- tions will again be featured, and there will be the famous turkey din- ncr at a popular price, with highly efficient dining room service thrown in. 0 ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC The annual picnic in connection with the Sunday School of St. Mary‘s Church, Richmond Hill. will be held at Fundale Park, Woodbridge, We<i~ nesday, August 28th. Members of the Sunday School are asked to meet pastor. . ‘ . ‘ H I w and at the same time to continue the at the church at 2. p.m. where Cars His Excellency, who while here ibiï¬Ã©ifxfcgletï¬cg Eéigï¬c‘szsg’liitt 13:5,; policy which has been so successful will be provided to take them to the was the guest of Mn zmd Mrs. Gi;_ _ , , ' _ . _ ~ of making every purchaser a well picnic. Bring baskets. be“ LaBi»ne of Carmine w.†4.0â€â€œ in mining which is practically un- ‘_ _ \‘ ._ .’ ,‘_‘ f touched, but also in agriculture and uh Vital Apostolk of MdclxtM-L general settlement He himself an- --..----- ..........._.W. with his See at Fort Smith, N.W.T. llis pastorate reached the 6‘Uth para- llcl to the North Pole. sonic 700.000 square miles, not including the is- lands of the Arctic Ocean. His spirâ€" itual directorship extended also over Athabasca which gave him a tot-11 territory of over one million square miles. The initials O.M.I. after his name tr-ally raised potatoes 300 miles north of the Arctic circle, but only after seven years of cultivation. in the progress of the vast north counâ€" try. “the flying bishop" believes air travel will play an important part. One trip he was obliged to make in the early days, for example, was to a mission that necessitated 27 (1a)“5 of dog-sleigh travel. By plane hc IIUdson 5437 “Mb-". " PRIDE OF THE MARINES " Expect Seedless Tomatoes '"' winners will be published next ‘ week. 3 i O The bingo which was proving '~ i « very popular with the large “ g 3% . . . .' i l ‘. o . - , . -_ _ \ “fwd “I†h‘ he‘d R‘I‘L‘Hl‘l-l 0‘ Toniaio growers in the Richmond ilv than thosc in outside rrardciiS. 1" . cning. August 241D 1n the Hall. " H,“ 1-. V. -, _ _ . , mm, } . , ", . , . . . . . n s u a u . . o . u o o u ‘ (hunt \\lll be Dittiestcd in .1 dlll> liliei‘ll‘ldii tomatoes ma.) report from \\'oo.lbi'idj:c that toinu- “Imdm SHWC’TSIUI‘X “‘mu‘d m. 1h“, iocs \\‘i'li i‘ \\"’lioL1‘ >c‘l\- ~ lw Wu)“ 5m}! MYT' RCCYO‘ .“Ihf‘.†“S. ' “ ‘l 1‘ ‘_ U‘ “I†‘ kcciily alive to ilic possibilities oi, . 0 L'i‘own on 1ch sonic \‘iiic, éli'coi'rliuu' the innovation as her hi'sbzind. “B\" 6 {W464 l“ l‘il‘illlli 0- it‘i‘VU- “Ti†Thrill“ 1“ >lX controlling conditions wc find that lr‘ib‘! 1'~‘\\’>' 0i llt‘él‘TiB' lil‘lt‘ll li'm'd'i“ L‘l‘L’K‘liliiiihL’ fiuit i< of better flavor. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 2\‘ *lil-l!‘ k‘izv 1} ii! in“ fluid?†21> limi‘f “5 1:11‘201‘ :Iiid rniooriicr.†Benefit Dance under the L1Ll>iilvc< 130 5203“. Mrs. l‘ik‘l‘Yi’ said that idniiis of ills“ of Lake Mario and King Athlctlc "113' ll lrlll‘ii EWI'HWV-k‘ ll‘k‘lttlill'ui we .~ \‘orictv are lit“ priultn‘iim‘ ASNN.†Ken RLHOK “ruluiflnp 01,1 ll‘itl‘. \ll'c‘S . .lt‘ L‘Xlrliilllt‘ll Utility. rapidly (iiiiiiglp in my“ {iii (lpmuyil FRIDAY. AUG. Jillâ€"Unionvillc .ll'. .‘V'H illtl’ii‘ I“ ircuirncnt when i‘ic of «liwiriut lionscu'fws. irannors Dim“. 2,1 Mal-Iii \- l~lo>>oiii< Lil'c “11H rich: to l'ci'ti'x'l. ii. “This i» (or first yin:- xviï¬; ‘m‘ Arcnn. Riiss Urcfc‘hion's omits. ihcflfrizi: will almost cciiain M (-x (‘I’Iliit'.i. and \\L‘ i'czilim ‘.\c would ti'a. mimic»; but tic tic-.iinicn: mus‘. 3W :ir' mch a \\li«>lc>;ilc drumml.†~lii‘ ‘ MONDAY. SEPT. 2. (Labour Dui‘Iâ€"i “‘llllllilï¬it‘l'wi cai'ci' lk'. We hate, ' “'l‘lx-wi'oi'c. xvi; have been stilâ€" Aurora Legion Celebration. Town found tho: 1,.) lil'l‘l..uil'\'i‘.:{ “.fhl the in: die ~Lll‘}ii'.l.< croo to the siorcs Park, Races, Bull. Tolll'nafnunz:. quuiiiy of the fiui: E< improvul by of 13:0 rilsll'mi. irlltiliit‘ llt‘lllilll‘l i< Midway. Beauty Contest, Daitciijg Ilic treatinan and cdl'lier ripcnin;r in: greater ilizit‘. the supply." in the evening. Lucky prizes, also l> made possible." iii; uni Ali-5' pew-k. mans; ,,, MONDAY. SEPT. ZaBolton .l;iiiib- Mr. and Mrs. llcc'sc have found 1“ 71' farm 31} Nears ago and estabâ€" Oi'ee, Soldiers" reception and enter. tho: a'rccn house plants may be iisferI a name for {licmselvcs as pro- tainnient. Military bands, l adapted to the treatment more read-l ducur: of flower: and vegetables, 1 Starring: JOHN GARFIELD â€" â€"â€" â€" ALSO â€" â€" -- “ MAMMA LOVES PAPA †\Viih LEON ERROL NEWS 811ith thatfhpu is almcmbclrtol' l‘lfk‘ was able to cut the trip to tlil"‘€ THURSDAY. FRIDAY. SATURDAY. AUGUST 22, 23, 24 in cs 0 . ary inmacu a e wiio hours. ‘. ,. . . I . . . . ._ ‘ . r . carry on extensive mission work in It is interesting to note that Lmndf m v ihc no_rth west. As an Oblate he has Bishop Breynat met his Richmond I,“ J been 01 years with the Eskimo will llill host. Mr. LaBine, about the .H _ A. an _ _ - - q lndnin. ~10 years as DisliOll. Hc \\'lil time the latter made his famous di~- ,, RU‘UIJuZEILY JR' my 07 ‘1‘ he {3’ Neal's or age next October. covcry of uranium at Great Bear AKIMRON (ANARX Bishop Brcynat conic from the Lakc. l UAR'l‘iiONS FOR SATURDAY MATINEE MONDAY. 'I‘UI‘ISDAY, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 26, 27. 28 (Or-1---).U-(D i l l i l