PAGE TWO L“ _ _ _ _.__/__ _ _.._ -L.-.__._â€". (0'1 ’1‘ -:_,‘i,3;\ ‘7 ~ till: i.lii..l~.-lL An Independent Weekly â€" li:‘ablkslicd 187% Subscription Rate, $l.;'sc per y'ar; To the t'nrted States $1.00 Member Canadian Weekly :‘Cc‘.\'.’lllllit;l's .\;‘.~Uci.lti')n J. l}. SMITH. M.l‘.. l'Lr'l'siny 'ii:t‘;i'so.v~f i "I a: ‘ti. l“ u', .__._.____. pant; :‘Ji'ltiitlin‘ Labor stiikes as a mcaim' of straining “a better deal" for workers arc occouiuitr more and more the sublet-i of public criticism. lightly or vvioiip'ly. A; the lion. iiunipu» rcy Mitchell and (lillCri h; pmntid out. it viii take ytars of work at high-tr make up what losz' warts it.'i'.ei's in a few weeks. Thus. the ‘\\'<)l‘r.ll1“ll do 'ltli lit-unfit i‘xwli when they get all they ask. Obviously. too. the compari. s and their shareholders lose money. And Lire pubiic! The public loses the things it needs and wants 1.“ buy and l;~ willing to pay for. If someone could invent a sulw‘tddi,‘ for labor strikes that would be more effective in lull-ping: Canada’s industrial production on the move. paititulariy now when it is most nceded he would earn the {.s‘ratilddc of all Canadians. :.: :x :z- :2: :2: :2: =’.= 2.: THE LIONS CLUB ‘ Once again Richmond Hill owes a deft of gratitude to the Lions club. A community is truly blessed that can boast of an organization composed of citizens with as high a sense of public responsibility as the Richmond Hill Lions club. The welfare work the club unostentatioust carries. on is altogether meritorious. and the courage, and energy of the members in holding a street dance annually with which to obtain funds for the financing of their activities deserves the highest praise. Every resident of Richmond fill may well be proud ol the Lions club. the robust civic spirit of its members. This year special praise should be accorded the club's zealous president, Mr. 1’. C. Hill. who put himself whole heartedly into the job or making the street dance an unprewdcnted success. ,< BLUEBERRY PIE Every authority on the subject of pies throughout the Dominion appears to'be agreed that few things can equal blueberries as the substance of their favorite dessert. And Richmond Hill housewives and their men folk stand by the verdict of the authorities. But there appears to be something wrong with some of the recent blueberry pies we have tasted. and in the public interest we hasten to call attention to it. These pics that occasion our protest seem to be skimpy on fruit. Is it the price of the fruit .that is causing the trouble? We don’t know. but: we do believe it would be better for the housewife to spend less on hairâ€"dos. perfume. and even hold out some of the rent money on the. landlord than to skimp on blueberry pie. And let her fill her pies to overflowing. :1: :3: :!< =E= it: =i< TEACHING HISTORY The Picton Gazette makes a worth while suggestion with respect to the teaching of history. Lot more time be set aside in the schools for the teaching of local history. says the Gazette. pointing out that many interesting stor~ ies are to be found in the accounts of the lives of our early settle-rs. .1 statement that is particularly true of this part?â€" cular part of North York. Children should be given an .opportunity of acouainting themselves with these stories. and for many of the children it will he the story of their own forefathers. . “Hours are spent teaching the Napoleonic wars. the ‘amp-iic'us of Caesar. the victories of Alexander the Great and other 'uippeninos which are interesting but have little bearing on the affairs of the present day.†says The Gaz- ette. “We don't suggest that British and world history be forgotten completely. We merely desire that more time be spent teaching the history of the community." “MIRACLES†ON FRUIT A resident of l‘i’OQtlln‘khre is producing seedless toâ€" matoes on the same vine as the seeded variety through the use. of a hormone treatment. and research chemists in Britain claim they can now'control the blossoming and ripening of fruit with hormones. thus cutting down' the less of fruit from frost. Still another spray about which word comes from Britain will hold a fruit stalk and preâ€" vent premature falling. Market gluts can thus be avoidâ€" ed and more regular supplies thus made available. But. probably best of all. British fruit men say that by the use of hormones 'they can make fruits shed their crops with- out hand labor. .1'1 r': :1: :2: :31 =l: :2: :‘s THE TOURIST“ TRADE Some tourist camp operators are complaining that alâ€" though the season is half gone business has not been up to expectations. The Financial Post says that somebody told them there were going to be 20‘ million American tour- ists here. this year. and that the camp operators put up their signs. opened their shutters and waited for the flood. Now since the flood is proving to be no more than a com- fortably steady and controllable flow. they grumble. “Sound tourist operators never expected 20 million \isitors." says The Post. "They sincerely hoped they wouldn‘t see half that number this year for they would have had to send them away dissatisfied. We simply didn't have that much accommodation. “The best Canadian hotels are not going begging for guests this season: and. if some of the poorer ones are bpinq ivyâ€"passed by visitors fortunate enough to have a choice in the matter. the Canadian tourist industry generâ€" ally will benefit. There are camps. cabins and hotels in every province that would only be tolerated as an extreme. last resort. “Much of the grumbling should be discounted as com- ing from persons who were not out to build an enduring tourist business. but merely to make a killing in this first post-war summer. “Preliminary statistics on border entries to date show more than double figures for 1945. and promise an allâ€" time record for the Dominion. The fact that we’re not welcoming ‘20 million tourists is no one's faultâ€"except that ef those who guessed too high and shouted their guesses too loudly. The current situation. with reasonable accom- modation available to a record number of guests. is a much more healthful one for the future of the tourist industry than that over-crowded one which was anticipated by some drum beaters.“ WEEDS GOING TO SEED Weeds are rapidly going to seed throughout the counâ€" try. and North York farmers as \vc‘l'as farmers in practi- cally all parts of the province fear that unless prompt ac- tion is taken to cut and destroy the seed before it is broad- (ast. the weeds will spread into well kept pasture. hay and cultivated fields. “Weeds are one of the farmers‘ worst enemies. causâ€" ilifl‘ heavy lll><’\ anuugillv to thy crop-4." points out the Owen 'Sound Sun Times. “While some years ago veiy f‘OllSltlt‘l‘ttlll“ iroe‘r s:- but luv *7 made in retail control. the war years. with the truian tips shortamls of u‘iaupmver. machinery and i'llw'ilii‘mls. l; .‘l urea“ my: ' re \lll‘i’lei. This .year. thv-ueh inanimwr slpu‘ta'jes arc cont' si‘cil minis. many new. inu riwed t‘ll.‘l‘lls1lls h in» be In mad... ;..-;.jl;.l,2 r_ Many \‘(N'Wtills' have i:"‘i‘itil in] :l «nusiilirulili uracil-um .‘iu‘aiust thi- weeds this war, but in Hilli‘l' Sitiltliis llllil-il‘- eully little has been done. lâ€|il’oi‘tiiii:ilel\ the areas can» ‘4‘ â€"_____â€"_â€",â€".__ â€"â€"_â€"___ â€".:..___.___. _ -..:‘______â€"._____â€".__â€"__â€"___ 4’ not be isolated. but the seed from one spreads to the sec- i"Lll.< where action has been taken. Roadsides frequently I‘."\ltli‘ a feitile bed, from which the weeds may spread. .‘zlcli year concerted action is delayed sees the situation THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND Putt. ONTARIO * WVâ€" - ilvlï¬nllllfgi much more serious HARD WORK THE ANSWER “lfoliiiiiiieiit. machinery. l'uiniturc. almost everything i~ scan-c," }.1‘ote~»ietl a Richmond Hill resident a few days l‘lnrc seem to be bold 'I‘. â€"ups in every sphere of life. no i don‘t think we‘ll get back to anythingr like normal .Hl years. if we ever do come out of it." “\".'ill we ever come out of it. Of course we will. time's straighten themselves out when we apply the rem- ‘lv? and the remedy is work and production. ()ne tact cannot overlook is that machinery has been wearing out for six years with no replacements. Another fact is that since the end of the war too many of as have been concerned with conditions of (‘iiving things ahead. suffering in the process of “c . iimixe that if everybody poshes a bit harder to swell ii]. p oduction. not working rather than OI There may be a lot of unneeded omiug out of it." but we can MAPLE NEWSY NOTES ‘ Rev. and Mrs. S. Cooper of Zion Lutheran Church have returned from holidaying in Haliburton district and visiting their family in Welland and services were resumed last. Sunday. Miss Jean Keffer attended thcl leadership Training Camp of the‘ Lutheran Church held at Edgewood Paik near Guelph during last week representing: the Young People's So- ciety of Zion Lutheran Church. The Harvest Festival and the 140th anniversary of Zion Lutheran Church has been set. for SeptembEr 22nd. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brown and Madeline have returned from a holi« da\ in Detroit. Miss Margaret Fockler left last. week to visit a school friend in Cin- cinnati. U.S.A. _ w About 25 friends and neighbours called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jarrett on Tuesday. August. Gib. when Mr. Jarrett celebrated his N-lth birthday. The evening was spent in :1 very enjoyable game of cards. Mr. Jarrett is in very good health and spent. his birthday thresh- mg. The August meeting of Maple Wo- men‘s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Palmer on August 8. An excellent paper on “Citizenship†was given by Mrs. Victor Orr. Mrs. Earl McNaughton gave some inter- e:ting and very instructive ideas on home nursing and first aid. Mr. W. C. Archibald of King showed sliues on “Frozen Foods†and explained the entire process. Plans were discussâ€" ed for the refreshment booth at the Jamboree August 21. September ioll call to be answered with an article for a layette. ‘ Ken Liddle cf Pow'issan. now rwi a faim near Aurora for the summer vacation. called on his aunt. Mrs. T. F. Jackson and family last week. Mrs. Grace Robson and son Ross enjoyed a visit last week with Mrs. Rchson’s sister at Churchill. is Miss Isabel Oliver of MoOse Facâ€" tory is home for two weeks' vaca.~ tion with her parents in Maple. Miss Jane Nearing of Bay City, Michigan and her cousin Miss Lois Harrison of Concord called on her uncles Tom and Ephriam Jackson reâ€" cently. Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Currie of Rosetown. Susie, recently married, have been visiting with Mrs. Georgâ€"'0' Bailey and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry loved a cruise on the last week. Mrs. Pollock spent last weekâ€"end with her (laughter Mrs. Orval Bars Alderwood. ' A search party was organized last Tuesday evening to hunt for Mr. Poss. aged father of James Ross of Maple Cieek Farms. who had been missing for seine hours. Mr. Ross was found in Richmond Hill having; ,iourneyed to Kiner and across to Yonge St. and then to Richmond llill.; He is none the worse for his adven- ture. Mr. Tom Pollock left on August 12th for Brandon, Manitoba to his uncle's farm. Mr. Harvey rFletcher Michigan, is visiting with Mis. Richard Jarrett. Miss Rhoda Pollock spent last weekâ€"end with her cousins Mr. and Mrs. Donald McIndles in Oshawa. Mr. H. Fletcher and Mrs. Arnold Rumble and Mr. Richarl Jarrett motoied to Tottenham to visit Mr. Jairett's only sister. Mrs. Joe Patâ€" ton. A very delightful serial evening was spent at the home of Mrs. (.‘has. Robson and Mrs. Robson Sr. last Tuesday when the village folk showâ€" crcil Mrs. Dean Quinton. recently of Manchester. England, with gifts. Mrs. T. F. Jackson. spokesman for the committee, Mrs. Veufeld and Mrs. H. Wilson. welcomeo Mrs. Quinton to Maple and said that Canâ€" adian women were glad if an opporâ€" tunity to repay English “unit‘uifor their hospitality to Canadian lads in England during the war. Sh; said that even though the English womcu were Vmore strictly rationed than Canadians were. they still shared with our lads over there. Mrs. Quin- ton was surprised and delighted with the friendly Canadian custom of showering: a bride with useful gifts for her new home and exprcsscd her sinceie thanks to the ladies for their thoughtfulness. Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Routley res :rrned to Maple on Saturday ‘after spending six weeks in Euro‘ie, Dr. loutley represented Canada at the _.\utioual Red Cross Conference held .ri Geneva, Switzerland. Mr. Stcwurt Mills of Kettle‘iy had misfortune to wreck car :lie inteiseciion of Keele Sheet and ii. hmoznl Hill sidcroad in Maple l:.:t Taylor cu- Grez‘.t Lakes :11 of Flint, .‘Jr. and .i , . “19 H'S at reels. Mr. Mills. who was travell- ire north. sweived to avoid a tolli- sier. with Mr. Charlie White of Maple who was turning soifh on [0 lxccle SI. his car lea .ng the road ;.n.l crashing into a b‘lwlvr's garage. sciiiewhat d: ‘iil fit‘l‘ed sever-(1 “e face from to one ha Mr. ic- ls .. Hill; 1' it." \Vn‘in p ~ \lf‘s oi l V a Iv '. .\rw"rwv's l'.'e~"‘\?4 ': * ‘. c ‘ llt'i i 1370 llCAllll‘ «if ‘ill‘s. ll. .\:m: ii on \\t"illk“tl'l_‘, t‘\L'l:lll‘J ! Donald August 7th with Mrs. Geo. Matheson presiding. A portion of the study book on Africa was given by Mrs. Allen. For the entertain- ment of the evening Miss Joanne Johnson sang and Miss Marilyn Sni- der gave a piano solo. It was the very pleasant task of Mrs. Elmo Keffer to present to Mrs. Arthur Lawrie a certificate of Life Memâ€" bership in the W.M.S. while Mrs. V. Orr read the address of presentation. At the close of the meeting a social time was spent while a dainty lunch was served by the hostess. VICTORIA SQUARE Mr. and Mrs. G. Morison, Wayne and B1uce visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Perkins and Audrey of To- lonto on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Davis, Thor'n- hill. visited with Rev. and Mrs. E. Currie the weekâ€"end of August 10th. Miss Helen Boynton has just re- turned after spending nearly three weeks in Toronto and Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. F. Perkins and fam- ily of Richmond Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Perkins motored to Norland last Sunday. Miss Grace BoyntOn of the Grace Hospital. Toronto, spent Monday last at her home. Mr. and Mrs. D. Romney, Connie, Phil., George and Miss Betty Barber are spending a few days at their cottage at Port Sydney. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols mot- oied to Smith’s Falls to visit with relatives and to bring Lillian and Marion home with them. Mi. and Mrs. D. Pickering and Kenneth returned Friday after spending nearly two weeks travell- ing in the United States. Choir practice will be held on Fri- day at 8 pm. " . As fall seeding approaches many farmers are enquiring; for seed wheat from a crop reasonably free of loose smut which on an average reduced yields by four to five bushels per acre this year. Agricultural Re- presentative, W. M. Cockburn. in- spected a number of fields produced from seed brought in from Renfrew last year and there was only about one percent of loose smut at time of banding. in contrast to the 10 to 1232. in most fields. _ There is considerable 1uterest In this seed and it can be procured from some of the local seed dealers, seed cleaning plants or Mr. Cot-kâ€" burn will put. farmers in touch with growers. Any farmer planning to enter the 50 Bushel Wheat Club for 1946-47 would do well to secure some of this seed. The Loose Smut orâ€" ganisni is inside the wheat and can only be treated by the hot water tieatment. HRGENT Bottles are badly needed. Reason â€" new bottle production slowed by shortage of materials. Remedyâ€"Return ac- cumulated empties. Put them back into Circulation. Check your basement today. Bring tbem to nearest Brewers Kctdil store or [clap/Jone for pick-11p. __ WEDDINGS l MASTERSâ€"MASTERS St. Thomas Aquinas Church was the setting of the marriage of Gladys .-\lice Masters to Ray Fraser Masters on August. 17th. u‘ivcu in marriage. by her fathci. wore a gown of white maiire taffeta with a Juliette cap and fingertip veil. She ('zll’l‘it‘d a cascade bouquet of red roses and bouval'dia. .»\tteud~ “12' the bride was her sister. Mi>s Rose Masters. dressed in pink taff- eta and carrying cream gladicli. and Miss Olive Ross dressed in pale blue taffeta and carrying pink gladioli. Tcm Masters. brother of the u‘room was best limp and Ken Masters and Joe Masters were the ushers. At the reception held at Lawrence Me- morial Hall. the bride's mother re- ceived in turqroise printed silk with white accessories and acorsage of cream gladioli and blue cornflowers. assisted by the groom‘s aunt in navy blue crepe and white accessories with a corsage of cream gladioli and blue coinflowers. For a trip to Northern Ontario the bride wore a suit of aqua blue wool and white accessories. BRILLINGERâ€"MacMILLAN Blessed Sacrament Church. Toron- to. was the scene of a quiet. pretty wedding on Saturday. August did when Mary Edna MacMillan. Toron- to. became the bride of Joseph Har- old Brilling‘er. Richmond Hill. Rev. Father Swan officiated in a setting of pink gladioli. Given in marriage by_ her uncle. Sylvester Dodge. the biide wore a gown of white slipper satin styled on princess lines with finger tip veil and carried red roses. The attendants were sisters of the bride. Loretta as maid of honor in pink taffeta and Olive as bridesmaid in blue taffeta. Both were matchâ€" ing flowered headdresses and carried bouquets of pink gladioli. James Cowling acted as best man and Leonard Hodgins as usher. At the reception the bride’s mother received wearing a frock of heavenly blue sheer with white accessories assist- ed by the groom‘s mother in a fuch- sia crepe dress with black hat. Later the couple left for a trip to Ottawa and pomts north the bride travelling in a navy crepe dress with lime trim and matching accessories. On their return they will reside in Toionto. CREAN-SMITH In Richmond Hill United Churc'h. August 3rd. Selah Theresa Smith. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Smith, became the bride of John Al- vin Crean. son of Mr. James J. Crean and the late Mrs. Crean. Rev. C. B. Brethen officiated in a setting of phlox, delphinium and fein. ed by Mr. A. Melecci and Miss Betty Brethen was soloist. Given in marriage by her brother- in-law. Mr. Frank Randle of Hamil- ton, the bride wore a gown of blush Ivory satin with full skirt extending- into a train, and full length veil with halo trimmed with pearls. Her bouâ€" quet was of Johanna Hill roses. baby's breath and larkspur. Miss Gwen Smith was bridesmaid. weal: ing a gold crepe gown fashioned on similar lines to that of the bride’s, ’and with matching headdress. Her bouquet was of Talisman roses and lblue cornflowers. The best man was Mr. Arthur Crean, brother of the groom. Ush- ers were Mr. Norman Mabley and Mr. William A. Poulton. ‘ The bride’s mother received wear- ing mauve sheer crepe. For the wedding trip wore a light blue wool white accessories. l bride with the suit ARCHBISHOP 0F CANTERBURY TO VISIT TORONTO The one million seven hundred and fifty thousand Anglicans in Canada ministered to or connected with the Church of England in Canada, will be more than interested in the forth- coming visit to the Dominion of Can- ada, 0f the Most Reverend and Right Honorable Geoffrey Francis Fisher. D.D., Lord Archbishop of Canter- brry. Primate of All England. This is the second occasion on which an Archbishop of Canterbury has visited this country. In 1904 the Most Reverend Randall T. Dav- idson came to the United States, to be present at the General Conven- tion of the Protestant Episcopal Church. He also spent some time in Canada visiting the cities of Quebec. Montreal and Toronto. The present Archbishop of Canterbury is also to ‘ of the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Philadelphia, after which he will 'I'Iiect THURSDAY. AUGUST 22nd. 1946. â€".__.._ The bride. . The wedding music was play-‘ I l l ‘ Right from the First Step If your feet are comfortably shod. they feel right â€" lOOk right â€" and walk right. Put your best foot forward by wearing our distinctively de- signed. all-leather shoes. And this is important: We do a precision job when fitting you. Take the first step to footwear satisfaction by com- ing here for your next pair of shoes. R. J. CRAIGIE Men’s and ‘Boys’ Wear Yonge and Richmond Sts. Phone ZISW Richmond Hill l Licensed Agent All Types of Insurance Life, "Fire, Auto, Personal Floater Box 100 MAPLE Phone 91w IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I) I I I I I I I I I I I I I K! I I I I I I E I I H I I I I Fl L‘J I I I I I m I I I I I I I I’ I I I I I 2‘0 to New York. Baltimore. Albany,‘ N.Y., and Washington, and will re- ceive degrees from the Universities of Princeton and Columbia. The Archbishop will arrive in Can- ada at Halifax on August 24th, and will visit Quebec, Ottawa and To- ronto. before proceeding to \Vimiipeg to preach at the opening- service of the General Synod of the Church of England in Canada. The Primate of All England will be in Toronto on Friday. Saturday and Sunday. August 30. 31 and Sen- tember 1 and the programme will be as follows: FRIDAY. AUGUST 30 12 o‘clock noonâ€"Reception at the City Hall by His Worship The Mayor of Toronto. 1 p.m. Luncheon to be given by the Mayor of Toronto at the Royal York Hotel, in honour of the Arch- bishop of Canterbury. at which Church and Civic representatives will be present. 8.30 pairâ€"Convocation at Trinifv College. Toionto. The degree of D"ctor of Divinity. honori: causa. will be conferred upon His Grace The Archbishop. followed by a re- ception in the Provost‘s House. SATI'RDAY. AUGUST :11 4.2.0 to it p.m.-â€"Receptiou l‘v .»\ichbi~'hop cf Toionte and O‘.‘.‘cll. Strachan ll‘lll. ('olleu‘e, All Church of England Ill‘lil‘lp are inv‘teii to be o'i- :n‘ 'o meet Archbi. .op and Mrs, litter, SI'NDAY. SEPTEMBER 1 The .-\ichhishop of Canter" ‘_1!'\' will preach ll mm. ii: S1. Jamcs‘ t'athcdral, and at T in 9?. nm. Pilili'> Church. Blooi' .‘il'Cet. «1-... MW. in ll? Trinifvj ( l » I" . M.“ WhatA Big Girl Ioungsters thrive on tasty, cream-packed Rich- mond Hill Dairy milk. At no extra cost, this milk comes to your table with valuable contents of cal- cium, phosphorus, protein, and vitamins to bring vibrant. glowing health to adults and youngsters alike. Have health at your doorâ€"daily. Call us for deliveries, today. Richmond Hill Dairy C. O. WATERS & SONS, Prop. Telephone 42 Yonge St., Richmond Hill TMMMMMmMMMMMMMMMmMM GROWING PELLETS OFFER THESE ADVANTAGES TO SAVE FEED ON RANGE 1. There is no waste. 2. In open happers, pellets are not blown out by the wind. 3. Loss from spillage and billing out is eliminated. 4. Birds cannot “pick over†the feed, they get a com- pletely balanced ration. K 5. Pellet feeds retain their vitamin content longer. 6. The birds like them. ****** W. R. Dean Phone Thornhill 54 WE DELIVER _ ASTER EEDSA 3333;323:33332329 BALANCED FEEDS All CLASSES 0F POULTRY _ FARM LIVE STOCK : F U R B E A R l N G ANIMALS E DOGS MMMMMu MMMMM mnom {mumps mom a undies ’"333'3333333333333 ‘ BUY: A ST! E rim:- 3 W9. 5km;