Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Aug 1946, p. 3

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3 .Richmond Hill THURSDAY, AUGUST 22nd. 1946. DENTAL I â€" Dr. W. J. Mason DENTIST YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET PHONE 70 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Dr. M. J. Quigley DENTIST FORMERLY OI“ 'I‘I‘IORNIIILL Announces that his ofIICe is now located at the City Limits, North Toronto, directly 0pp0site the Term- inal, over Liggctt's Drug Store. Phone Office' HLland 9300 MEDICAL Dr.’ R. A. Bigford Office Hours 9â€"1.0 a.m., 12â€"2 & 6â€"8 p.«m. and by appointment MAPLE Phone 3 Dr. Jas. R. Langstaff â€"ANDâ€" Dr: Geo. A. Thompson OFFICE HOURS: 9-11 a.m.; 1-3 p.m.: 6-8 pm. Sundays and Holidays by appointment only. I 122 Yonge Street Richmond Hill Telephone 100 ‘ Dr. J. F. McQuay OFFICE IIOURS 9-10 am. 7.30â€"8.30 pm. and by appointment Langstnff, Stop 21 Yonge Street Phone Thoriihill 6 Ring 2 Dr. J. P. Wilson. ' Centre St. E. Richmond Hill OFFICE HOURS: 0.00 - 11.00 am. â€"â€" 1.30 - 3.30 pm. Except Sunday ‘ Telephone 24 Richmond Hill MUSICAL Alice M ecredy PIANO TEACHER Phone Richmond Hill 102r13 Thornhill 7r4 Adelmo M elecci kom the Toronto Conservatory of nusic will accept _a number of pupils in PIANO, ORGAN alid THEORY For information phone Mrs. Mylks, 108 Yonge Street Phone Richmond Hill 58.! Watkins Products A full line of well known house- hold necessities in stock Also hog and stock minerals de- livered to your farm, one or more bags at a time, assuring you of a fresh supply at all times. Eventually! Why not now? For delivery call ERNIE DURIIE Richvale P.O. Phone Maple 64r4 SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS SANITARY CONTRACTORS TANKS CLEANED OUT OF TOWN SERVICE W. J. ALDRIDGE 29 Elmhurst Ave., Lansing Willowdale, Zone 8-288 '(Toronto Subscribers Dial "Operator”â€"Message Charge) Wright & Taylor FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Richmond Hill Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at THORNHILL AND UNIONVIIE @ J. Roy Herrington NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCE'R GENERAL INSURANCE (Fire, Automobile, Etc.) ' Richmond Hill, Ont. Telephone 87 @â€" INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS With the increase of fire hazards, property owners should review thei. insurance policies, and due to the increased cost of materials would be well advised to increase the amounts of insurance. Also car owners who think it will never happen to them are caught seine time or other with- out protection. The cost is a minor amount to what it will cost if an accident happens. Consult A. G. SAVAGE INSURANCE AGENT Telephone 118 mâ€" SAND GRAVEL HAULAGE ._,_s r ' APPLY L. w. REID Phone Thornhill 30-R a Cook & Gibson Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Wm. Cook. K.C. Ralph B. Gibson, K.C. J. A. Gibson .‘oronto Office: 91‘.’ 85 Richmond St. West Richmond Ilill, Thursday forenoon Maple. Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate Federal Bldg. M acGrcgor & Wilson ALEXANDER MacGItl‘lCOIl. K.C. ALIIER'I' VI. WILSON, M.A. BARRISTI‘JRS _ till Confederation Life Building ICLgin BUZU Walter S. Jenkins Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Residence â€" 18 Poyntz Ave. Lansing, Ont. Room 6!", 18 Toronto. St., Toronto Phone AD. 5877â€"8-9 Mathews, Stiver, Lyons & Vale Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries N. I.. MATHEWS, K.C. K. M. R. STIVER, B.A. (On Active B. E. LYONS, B.A. JOSEPH VALE NEWMARKET OFFICES 100 Main St. 6 Botsford St. Phone 126 M acNaughton & M acNanghton Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. A. Cameron Macnaughton, K.C., Alex. M. Macnaughton McKinnon Building l9 Melinda Street, Toronto, Ontario T. C. Newman RARRISTER SO'LICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC Richmond Hill Every THURSDAY AFTERNOON 93 Yonge Street Immediately North of Masonic Hall Phpne 87 Richmond Hill Toronto Office 1? Toronto Street Phone Adelaide 5877 Jos. Rabinowitch, B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Successor to B. B. Jordan 40 Yonge St. Richmond Hill Telephone Richmond Hill 229 OPEN EVENINGS Residence, Marklhiafii l MORTGAGE LOANS ARRANGED ORDER IIELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District 2518 YONGE STREET (At St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 Helen Simpson Lynett MASSEY-HARRIS Farm Implements and Repair! Massey-Harris Rite-Way MilKets Beatty Stable Equipment and Repairs Beatty Washers Shiir~Gain Fertilizer Corn King Mineral “Gem” Mill: (toners and , Electric Fencers Harold W. Mortson Yonge St. Richmond Hill Telephone 93 l l l l VETERINARV' Official and Accredited Veterinarian Dr. J. Sheppard With Dr. S. W. Armitage, Maple Small and Large Animals Auction Sale Service SALES CONDUCTED ANYWHERE 25 Years Experience Sellers & Atkinson LICENSED AUCTIONEERS AND VALUATORS Specializing in Farm Stock, Furni- ture and Property Sales Bills Prepared and Posted Prompt Service â€" Reasonable Rates Phone: Agin. ‘20-w2 Stouff. 290 For particulars phone Floyd Perkins, Richmond Hill :21w (former sale clerk for the late Carl Saigeon) A. S. Farmer 26 Years Experience York County. Uxbridce and Picker- ing Townships Farm StOck and Furniture Sales :1 Specialty Telephone Stouffvillc 7312 Address: GorinIL-y P.O. lien, Love AUCTIONEER Real Estate Insurance Auction Salcs Personally Listed and _-\dvcrtiscd. Thisllctown â€" Ontario Woodbi‘idge 641'23 Phone Weston 7031‘12 Old Horses Wanted (‘ampliell Mink Ranch pays $13.00 at your farm. l’honc Agincourt ISJ12 col- lect for pick-up. _K‘ St., Richmond J. F. Lynett Toronto Willowdale 308 Service) Phone 120 BUTTON VILLE Miss Anne Suiiiliicis .lli‘l mcmbci's of iii-r Sunday School ci:is< cilioycd an outing to Port llililllvllrlu Thurs- day. Mr. zilltl Ml‘r. Ii. \\(liLlrl, \‘it‘ll‘ guests at the Nichols »\'ui.d Itcil wedding at Bowinunyillc. Mr. and Mrs. ll, I'lurr and tiilnlly and Mr. and Mrs. .J. Ili'own and l'umâ€" ily spcnl Sunday zil Mldhui'sl, Sunday guests at the hmnc ol' Mi, and Mrs. Ii, Mlddlolon \\l’l(‘ Mr. and Mrs. ('lipp of Kingl'lcld. King~ and Mr. and Mrs. Ilaldston and I\'cllh ol' I’ickcllng. Mr. and Mrs. Parker and Jim of Toronto spent Sunday evcning at tho h<inc of Mr. and Mrs. A. Slicni'iold. Mr. and Mrs. L. Mozart of Moli- ll‘clll, Que. Mr. and Mrs. S. Langley of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. (‘. Burr and family of Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. R. Rowntrcc of \l'oodlii-idgo were Sunday guests at the home of1 Mr. and Mrs. Cline Burr. Miss Julie Nicholson of li‘rankl'm‘d visited with Mrs. A. Stephenson last week. Mr. ('olwill ol' \Vindsor calch on Mr. and Mrs. E. \Valton at the week- end. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W'altei' Craig were Mrs. McIntyre and Bill and Mrs. Kyle 01' Toronto. «0; Mrs. G. Kelly and George have I‘Qv turned home after spending a dc- lightful vacation at Minden. Miss Florence Craig who spent an enjoyable two weeks Minden returned on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Rossetter of ’I‘o' ronto spent Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Burr. Week-end visitors at the home of Mrs. S. J. English were Miss .loannc Gray of Kirkland Lake and Master Douglas English of Scarboro. Brown's Corners United Church held their service as'usual on Sunâ€" day morning. Rev. Capt. (Turrcy Occupied the pulpit. The beautiful floral bouquet that graced the comâ€" munion table was in memory of I’ie. Roy Walker who made the supreme sacrifice at Dieppe. UNIONVILLE Ml‘. and Mrs. Andy Morrison and daughter Patsy of Penetaneuisheno are visiting her mother Mrs. Court during their holidays. Miss Blanch Fluinnierfeldt of To- l‘UlllO is visiting her aunt Mrs. Bowel] for a few days. Mrs. N. Anderson. Marilyn and Donnie have returned from their holi- day at Blue Water Beach. Mrs. Minton and sons and Miss Velma Findlay are spending a few days at Hall’s Lake. The Unionville Horticultural Sociâ€" ety will hold its final show of the year on August 28th in Crosby Meâ€" morial Rink. With the shortage of flowers (them too?) this year it will be necessary for every member to make a special effort to enter as many classes as possible with your best blooms. Yours may be the only flower for that claSs, so bring them along. There are severalkprizes worth trying for. The T. Eaton Co. have donated a beautiful crystal vase einbOssed with silver for the winner of the most points in the flower sec~ tionâ€"points to be given as follows: Special and first prize, 3 points; second prize, 2 points; third prize, 1 ponit. The Robt. Simpson Co. have donated. a lovely tray with 8 glasses. This prize will be given for the win- ner of the best vegetable collection. Read your prize list carefully and obey the rules. Entries will be rcâ€" ceived from 2 p.1ii. to 4 pm. Please bring your entries tagged for classes as this will help the secretary to place you quickly and properlyfThe doors will open at 7.30 pzm. and the Judge for the show will give a talk on flowers with pointers for next year’s shows. Everyone is welcome. also at Remember the date, August 28, Wed-' nesday. _Misses Vera and Ila Weighill were Visitors in Kitchener on Sunday at-"= tending the opening of the new Apos- tolic Church. Letters From Overseas The following letter was received by Mrs. P. C. Hill from a citizen 01' Richmond, Surrey, England: July 11th, 1946. To the citizens and friends of Richmond Hill. Ontario, Canada. I am deeply touched by your thought and help during our time of need. Yesterday, July 10, 1946. I received your gift box of various nourishing food which was duly dcâ€" Iivercd intact. (Eleven packages pct list). For seven long- war years we housewives have had to and still have to spend weary hours queuingr for our meagre rations which are no. cessary for our existence. We arc still shackled with ration books. food points and coupons and such is the shortage that ten months after the cessation of war we must face fur- ther cuts from our limich diet. Our richness of life and variety of focd has disappeared from this isle. \\'o have had years of hardship and w: shall still] have lo suffer hardships before we drift towards that plenty and variety which should be the lot of every individual. We have to do without those things which we are used to and which help to make .1 happier existence. Still our lioncs are hiin and while it still sccms mizst tread alone" the path of au5~ tci'ity and unsatisfied desires it is towards a goal of happiness. sCL‘ll.'~ ity and plciily for everyone which is the desire and aim of the govern- nicnls of our country. And so lilo citizens of lilcilllll‘lld I'Illl. Ont. very many thanks and good wisth lo you all. Also thanks lo Mr". Norman McGibhon who laboured to pack lllO>c ihinc‘s whish gave me ,iL‘F :ilil delicii; and variety. Mrs. t‘. I L‘ ,n M, lief" .\t . Clarke Prentice Licensed Allctiozzccr for :iic (‘ountiel of York (hit in Successor for Corporal Ken I‘i'ciitic‘c of L‘.A.S.F. and of the late J. II. Prentice. foriiici'ly (Prentice & Preiiticc‘ Farm and Farm StOck Sales a spe- cialty at fair and i‘iasonable rates. Millikeii, Oi1:., phone Agillcour‘: 52w3 and l l l l g... TIIE LIBERAL. RICHMOND Illlill, ONTARIO and FENDER GUARDS Sturdy O Gleaming Chrome NO TWIN HRIHJI (:l “in, to" long, iiillv :i.|ii'-liililc Upliglns in" lllL’ll, \‘ciy >‘allllll‘l (mill ntlorl will) I" angle Problems When You Shop At Canadian Tire Corporation Limited «loss liars. ’l’i'lplc plutnig c--. FENDER GUARD similar construction to above. but 11" uh and 'J~'1' \Hrll‘. Very ncat. and l pi.ic;lciil pi'onclmn _ c . , _ _ _ _ , Ford “A” Crown and Pinion Sets 11.98 DRIVERS’ r: , CUSHIONS ', HOOK-UPS RAH, AND SOCKET COUPLER. 5. la 6 N wde “Hm”, m ,1 andI |])0\lll\'(‘. Drsignrd for SerllTlIl ’ . - ’ , :i z Wlirn in iositlon FIJH' G £1,153“? Sg'i‘lilllc‘lgl v pm. pom Vs Muanla lilil‘l to , tlrlifileroiiiayslixeliiiidlockcd to mull-.39 and Gallnrdiiie,- ln lHl'.’ lnclusnc many colors. 1.09 'llioir‘s still limo if you hinrv, In our In» Ilfkii‘l and lio<| ill most Iyprs of iuvldo :inrl cooinnicnt. Highest quality laiicst piiris. , _ â€" ~~ ‘ _ _ __ _. ._ -m ,»_. “II-’u-H-H-u-u---|--"_P-Iu‘.’ - -«--v-lr-u-u-u li‘oi‘ Plymonlli. I)od.ig i-lc, Models 11m} to lfll‘: _ _ . _ , _ _ M.â€" 2'50 BUMPER nnnipcis up to l ‘_v" ll..liL-l‘S __ 4,”. . 'I'llAIIJuR TRAILER COUFLERS AND BALL ONLY for zilioic _ . , I , . _ s .53 (7()l‘Pl,l‘Ill. \\l(ic {in light .69 Fits " CHRYSOTILE " I I I I I I g BAITS, PLUGS, ETC. I I I I I E : Balanced Brake Sets . . . Engineered for each car or truck . . . Built to original equip- ment quality None better price we is sso a g, ass to 2.25 of 0"- any [OR FORDS '32 to '42 , _ c _ . _ _ . . FOR CHEVS. Jawâ€"V mv ml â€"or "i mi m nlva4 D! u! POSITIVE CABLES GRCUND STRAPS ' ;‘ ’. . 7: ‘ ,, . .‘f‘ 33 so '42 _ 7 A A _ _ _ ~ ll I grind ii il Chiv, .32 I . It! .f 6 loin: l‘.u . FCR PIJMOUTH, i t 2 ,_,,_. m t .28 ELBGC, tc. _ s . _ _ _ ‘. o no '2'; _, . " 3'27 i "(HILTER .11 . I.-.'., film-n,s‘anda“ ~ 3;; BATTERY ('LIPS ALL OTHERS iN PRopoRTION .1 v .oa 1.5:: i‘i’éZ3ii-Ld'..~..‘i‘°.lil’gf i... ----- ‘23 I! L'.hlrl.:-,“l _'.\‘ 5.5:“; \Hillilnl c‘» ‘ CARRYING STRAPS “‘ ' f ‘ A 1‘, "f r r r r ‘ ‘ ‘ A * Safelyv removes and carries all types 0 i came snor SERVICEâ€"Most crc stores have MWMEMT‘ m special -_ 88 mm... “mm, Mach“, 0, dc. modern equipment to install "Chrysctile" linings Your Shoes BATTERY TERMINALS “shed '1‘”? A 77:75:." ‘â€" J9 on your brake shccs. Charges very moderate . . . or a Complefe “Nth bolts and "um P 'BAlql'l'er' comma-[eyes do the rest cf the job yourself 8 k b Tm" 501mm)” mm“ mm d '12 11th txlviign tilts: ilrxilsuiii9 figglkin: $23255. you can . n.” y .. , __ ~ . - 2 5.: . ra e o (5.1513(19 F“ I'm HO ‘01 m is oral IJJIIE‘I'KS. 'l‘l I7 , . __ .12 Train, .u. nor/r AND NI'T. Tenn .03 u N {infliy " “£73391???” M y n . .. r. . I‘ U '1' lilt't‘ I‘. .' . “A 1“ POOP Slum"- Make‘ 3 “km in crs that linvc corrodch Replace sills “I'll sisal 'l".’l0 T'.’ll For Fords l1!) to II" T597 In my." THXI tei'ics up to IEI'VU' BATTERY HOLILI) ‘IS-Il. , T396 Adiustable type for all battcr'm'. corncction whcn trrminal loose. Adjustable Iorrall batteries on Adjustable for im'lro. ion: .39 bar- u; mid w “my. .39 for Ell-er Car. Truck. Tractor, Boat, Motorcycle. etc. 49 HYDROMETERSâ€" T223 Straight. baricl type _ _ c c c _ OH'N FR .\ M II S -03 T'" or bitlll'l‘lF‘S H" x i T‘:Il for batteries NHL." x 7" .15 .39 rd cal'l‘icl‘s at these low prices. " “A .44 MGR-POWER BATTERIES A r2153? ccmflclc Ciitl c::','-€‘:- follow Rand Map of Ontario on." the - - Lock-on C35 ."Aarihmcs FREE! to Motorists presenting their Lock. 1.79 Chrome Plated Caps 22c Tank Cap. Yale Regular (:15 Tank Fix That Leaky Water Pump WATER PUMP REPAIR KITS and Shafts Ciili‘pfi‘lflV to year. No need to throw rotilciii with a leaky l‘l:.k_t’nlllll. Job is no;cs>.il':.' for safe (ll'l'iillLL-~(l0 lL now! .44 Willi Hardened Ground golds? l’cntwc all lllOl'il‘" parts and those subject V your old pump or be A water-lite pump license cards. Ask for your copy today I 0-1 -4 at cm -iltjjfl in if, I” if, -m f in inunuoo- .aor-mwm in -n'i-1m, I: x. I I *v’ »' .\ lllfl.\l :‘(lllllflcil’ _ vial ; \' lf-\‘.ll i-.. s i- H-.. UTILITY LAMPs VOL; FZUEB For Cars. Trucks. Boats, DRILL sums. l V 1 3 Motorcycles, Etc, needs a (11111 MALI a A Lamp For Every Need Suppllzd with l‘(‘(I green, clear, timber or blue Ions. Stillablc for truck clear- ZS‘s - 45's 12c and 60 Watts , . _ _ s _ . _ _ alive lamps, auto parking lanipS. inur- lIHl “all. “’0ch __________ .16 inc iuniiiiil; lights. etc, BLACK ENAMEL loo .uizil loo Walt, clear ______ .22 um “nit. clear __,c_______-__ _29 i'-\'~.Ti,\ l,aiii;is.100,2tlo :mo Watt I64 :iicly availabie. $1th (ELE‘UIING (‘IIROME 46c 26c from '33 Lo,“ I'.I l [1 I).\\‘I.I(RIIT JLIHI \Villl. p1,,” llOl (ill SLIH'ICE LAMPS. fill .39 \'.'.i‘l ,,.,,,,,,,~,___,,,n,, ‘ ‘-'“l"- l / riigi 7‘ In i-L.‘l‘5 “oil-1.x; \Hlll 'th F \i... .31. ll ll! I’ockrl Size l l l . I Tim“ 8”!” PM“ . RAYFIELD CARBURETORS o For Economy 0 For Performance 0 For Power 'nk‘ of 'litir "d n-i‘i Io I For l-(ztl Llctitls A and B H" 5.98 w ..... 12.35 \.1Il 1'. to lilil'ir ‘ i for Churclci ‘3“ Fats Illlll‘ became the 512" )lrdium Size. 61,2" DRILLS AND STMCDS “KILLSâ€""Hill Sl‘I-Il-jl) .’ ‘(D (KUHIUN, :ld QUALITY OIL STONES Yul lzr‘ii 0.‘r (I tilts” id“;c Size. 8" X' ' lll.’ tilir. F.i.rcst l): icrs, E. v ..' user of (izilis s:.iliii. ncc'liii .II(‘.l\:V inllllt.‘ (hi'lr. [or I-Hnext olililâ€" Sircs li'om ol You HH'C l‘- llllllll’I 3- I I I I I I I l I I I I I a [1111‘s a \‘. n‘ 2.. LC. .m/(s to. I I I I I I I I E I I I l I l l (ASSOCIATE STORE) 97 Ionge Street, Richmond Hill # 3 Telephone 14 SPRING HANGER SETS '1!) HT l-‘()!lll,\"l~‘:olit or i‘ccr rein- 1.79 CANADIAN TIRE CORP. P. C. HILL, Prop. shit? ‘ pin, it .[lllbi'. 'wzzli LiCLI . -«ll‘l:i;,' o.l “II »â€" _ 7 V _ _ _ _ _ 'o. Alinllj an; I V‘viill lllll'IE.’ I);_l.:n;s nrti ; i 'x INK... .24 : HTS ,ilsn ('\RRll,D l'()R CHH'RO- l I.|.'I AVI) ('IIRYSIJLR Ill'll'l' CARSâ€" I' _ _ _ w . . V _ . . ASK I‘UR PIIII‘IIS, --------------- .15 5 ‘I New ; i946 ‘ Models PACE .THREE “" -u~u-o-o-o-u-uw“T , , _ .. . . . u“ .9- .“ l-U-u-u-U-U-n-.i-u-l‘-U-U-fl-u--V‘-IOâ€"v>’-0-J-0~"-i-0-ll-li-U-U-0-l n. -. â€"- -.»-l'-“-\ - “.0. -d- -i . -u-0-0-u-o-n-I-< .0 DD. - -o- '-r-.v-I-\|.1I-<|-<I-n-<I-II-u-\I‘h-J-.I-~>-.-.I-I-.>- i-..-.-o-..- - I-J- --.n-o-o-o-i >0.0.0.»I-u-n-vi-d-o-t - I-H-v.‘-l

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