3 Phone 5W Thornhill. ' Newlonbrook P.O. i oooooooooooooooo00.900909900000990oooooooooooooooooo NORTH BAY - - $11 PARRY SOUND - s MIDLAND - .1 Weoooonmwooooowmmmmwoohowg ReROOfing g=o===xo=o J.C I’hone 5W 'I‘hornhill. York Auto Parts “ Tony Saves You Money †Stop 1213 Yonge St. Phone Zone 8-218 50 Cars and Trucks wanted for wrecking. Best price paid. C. RIDDELL Refrigerator lockers For Rent BUS CONNECTIONS A'l‘ TORONTO FOR MONTREAL â€"- BUFFALO â€"- DETROIT AND ALL U.S.A. POINTS Firestone and Seiberling Tires The finest and best. All sizes in stock. If it is for gar. truck, tractor 0r army vehicle, we have it. PAGE SIX All insurance matters will receive the usual prompt attention and service. Y-Jl LEAVE RICHMOND HILL INSUL BRICK SIDING. ESTIMATES (‘IIEERFULLY GIVEN. Insulating RICHMOND HILI We specialize in re-roofing, CEDAR AND ASPHALT SHINGLES, ‘6 arl Saigeon Agency MAPLE, ONTARIO ERNIE BROCK ADIAL STATION 0 NORTH BAY Round Tri} The House of a Million Parts†FARES ARE LOW 0 l "’ 6 '66 DUO ickets and Information at TELEPHONE STOUFFVILLE 7508 WILLOWS’ STORE m ‘ m (Daylight Time Victoria Square - To Orillia. only. To Huntsville only Telephone Maple ll From Toronto 0:0 Tax Included OWEN SOUND XBUFFALO XDETROIT - PHONE 177 6.11 2.11 m m 5.80 10.60 $6.85 and , , 7 fl v â€" . ~uu 4 1.2†when the word “health†was in ed in the charter upon the pro; V _,---.-...\..w v; uy one workers retu‘ning to their jobs pend- ing settlement, leaving- 14 strikes still in effect at the beginning of July. Preliminary figures for the first six months of 1946 show 117 strikes, involving- 92,220 workers. For the same period last year, there were 95 strikes with 25,871 workers involved and a reported ioss of 564,- 925 working days. Approval was given in the com- mons this week to the constitutions of two United Nations agencies. These were the world health organ- ization and the United Nations Edu- cational, Scientific and Cultural 0r- ganization. In summarizing: the steps which led up to the formation of the world health organization, the minister of justice, Hon. Louis St. Laurent, said: “The steps leading up to the signa- ture of the‘constitution of the world health organization in New York on July 22 were initiated at the United Nations conference at San Francisc-n mum“. u. we dune Stl‘lKes as comâ€" pared with 47,730 workers in the previous month. Of the 36 strikes in effect during June, 11 of them were strikes which carried over at the end of May. At the end of June, five of the 11 strikes originating in May had been terminated and 17 of the strikes begun in June had been ended either by settlement or by the _..I.-â€".â€" I _V.J...b vv ‘1ch- come shortages and to provide the basis for high peacetime employment he emphasized. Due to several large and p1'010ng- ed work stoppages arising out of in- dustrial disputes, the time IOSt due to strikes and lock-outs in Canada during June rose to 935,188 men- working‘ days, bringing the total time 1055 fon the first six months of 1946 to 1.626.296 dam i+ “1-16 a» a w mums and lock-outs in Canada during June rose to 935,188 men- working‘ days, bringing the total time 1085 fon the first six months of 1946 to 1,626,296 days, it was an- nounced by Labor Minister Humph- rey Mitchell. The number of strikes and lock- outs at one time 01' another during June totalled 36. one more than in M y. A total of 70,688 workers were ‘1‘“), “I turn, will generate further wage de- mands and widening industrial dis- putes and will restrict and postpone that large expansion in production upon which we are l'elving- tn nvnr- Since the end of the war, Gor- don said, the cost of living index has risen by apnroximately five points and practicallv all of the advance has occurred since early in the pres- ent year. “In the best of circum- stances, there will be some further moderate increases in living costs, as not all of the price adjustments al- ready authorized have been entirely reflected in retail prices. Higher costs abroad will also have some fur- ther impact on our living costs in Canada . . . If particular groups ex- ploit their bargaining power to the full in the present condition of‘ shortage to obtain higher wages and higher returns, then we shall inevit- ably commence a new and severe cycle of price increases.†This, in, L...“ , 1n About oneâ€"third of this latest in- crease. which brought the index from 123.6 to 125.] points, represents the seasongl advance in vegetable prices which alomst invariably reach their yearly high point in the early sum- mer, before the new crops are com- ing to market in volume, he declar- ed. While to this extent, this rise in the index need not cause concern, the larger part of this month’s in- crease represents changes of a more lasting character and, like the inâ€"‘ creases in the index during the two preceding months, the bulk of in- crease reflects price adjustmentsl which had to be authorized this year in the face of seriously higher costs, he continued. ,____ -...V._ \. “It provides a mild foretaste of the sort of conditions for which we are headed, unless all groups in the Com- munity make a serious effort to hold the Aline,†he added. The increase of 1.5 points in the cost-of-living index between June 1 and July 1, while not expected, places the issue squarely before us, Donald Gordon, prices board chail- man, said. It shmvs us that our choice lies between a moderate and carefully controlled readjustment on the one hand and a sharp and ac- cumulating inflation on the other, he declared. While this increase, he continued, was in large part expect- ed and unavoidable, it\is neverthe- less a matter for most serious con- cern. It is the clearest sort of eviâ€" dence that the job of keeping prices in hand during: the aftermath of ".he 1211' is becoming extremely- difficult. ware. Due to advances in health maintenance and recreation sections, the miscellaneous items index rose from 112.1 to 113.7. Unchanged were the indexes for fuel and light at 107.2 and for rentals at 112.6. The rise of July 2 reflected widely distributed price increases, affecting four of the six budget groups. The foods index advanced from 142.1 at June 1 to 144.2, prices increasing for eggs, beef, lamb, potatoes and car- rots. Clothing moved up from 124.3 to 126.4, due mainly to advances in men’s wear and footwear. Home furnishings and services showed :1 substantial gain from 122.4 to 125.1 as the result of increases in furni- ture, textile furnishings and china- mu. Alyuu v1. uuA‘y ullu x)uF‘uuL. 5 Another increase was recorded in the dominion bureau of statistics n. 'In introducing the UNESCO con- Stltutlon, MI‘. St. Laurent said in cost-of-livingr index at July 2 when it part: “Heâ€? in canada We have 1101} yet determined what form of action was computed at 125.1 as c0mpared| _ . with 123.6 at June 2, an advance of we “"11 take to b.1‘mg the. b03195 111- 1.5 pointsY according to ï¬gures 1.e_ terested in educational, selentific and leased this week. From August 1. Cultural adV_an?ement int0 relationâ€" 1939. when the index stood at 100.8, Shlp w‘th thl§ International organiz‘ to July 2 this year, there has been anon '. ' ' It 15 deSII‘ed 130 have some an increase of 24.1 percent. 9:239:91?“leng ,thï¬t “3.111 bf? Widely The work of parliament is pro- gressing well these (lays and present indications are that the session will end about August 24th. The hot weather is tending to speed up busiâ€" ness and members are unanimous that sessions should commence ear- lier in the year and not drag on dur- ing the heat of July and August. Another increase was recorded in the dominion bureau of statistics cost-ofâ€"living index at July 2 when it was computed at 125.1 as compared with 123.6 at June 2, an advance of )5 points, according to figures re- are _1'e1yiné to over- rposal HTTAWA LETTER†by "Jack" Smith, North York King cu; His own are never left alone To hear the thorn which must abide; He lmgers ever near your slde, Unseen, perhaps, but alwayS near, Tn haul +1.- Inâ€. ‘ _ , .7..." "u; nuuws wnat L These things are. blessing-s above, 'And each is measured by His Then glory in your lot. Grieve not In this as uneve not; you are of grace I In this assurance sweetly rest Your Father well knows what is rmnnn_ LLz, ' Be still! You sh Cl‘y not against Your Lord and And yet His pat} Led to a throne It was His F; In the House of Commons this week Labor Minister Mitchell an- nounced that 1,377 voluntary repat- riates to Japan left Vancouver on August 2 en route to Japan. This is the third sailing of voluntary I‘e- patriate groups, the earlier sailings having taken place at the end of May. The number repatriated to date totals 3,151. A three-pound increase in the sug- ar ration for domestic consumers over the balance of the calendar. year, with comparable increases for industrial and quota users, was an- nounced in parliament by Acting Finance Minister Douglas Abbott. Mr. Abbott said improved stocks made the increase possible, although world sugar suppTies are still not sufficient to meet the demand. V The increase to the householder will be made by declaring valid three additional ration coupons, each good ior the purchase of one pound of sugar. Two coupons will be declar- ed valid in September and the third on or about December 6. Prices board officials said the an- nOuncement was made well in ad- vance in the hope that housewives would devote more of the sugar sup- person. Five sugar coupons will be declared valid on Senteml'mr 10 mm sugar allotment of ten pounds per person. Five sugar coupons will be declared valid on September 19, two in October, three in November and three in December. GENERAL INSUiRVXNCE Life. Fire. Automobile, Liability, Hail, Accident and Sickness Farm Insurance 21 Specialty :i'no‘ (Why "‘ ‘ ‘ ) heai t‘her ahhudbt‘l1 He never leaves His I’hone.277 Canadian body that will be widely representative of the Canadian pun- Iic and that will be entirely divorced from any partisan political influence, PLAIN &A BOCK FACE private, persons.†AV 1 3 Ion-)U its view that caution should be taken in outlining financial commitments until UNESCO has had some experi- ence in securing the co-operation of existing international organizations and societies in the educational, sci- entific and cultural fields. UNESCO is authorized with the approval of the executive board to receive gifts, bequests and subventions directly from governments, public and priv- ate institutions, associations and “minâ€; A u Telephone {ii-R "The precise financial relationship between the budget of UNESCO and the budget of the United Nations has yet to be defined. A supple- mentary agreement is to be negoti- ated for that purpose between the two organizations. The view of the Canadian government is that the United Nations should exercise a general supervision over UNESCO budgetaz‘y‘ arrangements. It is also r ...... u. “u-uvuu», to make this a matter in which all those in Canada interested in educa- tional, scientific and cultural devel- opment will feel that; they have a “-«L part CORNERS " Richmond Cement Blocks WILF. PORRILL SAND and GRAVEL J. ATKINSON HAULAGE tion.†of the delegation from Brazil. Fol- lowing this action the states, repre- sented on the appropriate commit- tee unanimously approved tne de- claration of Brazil and China, on the calling of an international confer- ence for the purpose of establisning an _international health organiza- Richmond Hill Telephone 147J 40 Church Street TIIE LIBERAL, RICHMOND REAL ESTATE INSURANCE You shall not suffer ill, against the pain or lossâ€" 'd and Master bore a cross, {is path of thorns and sighs + ' > V I'll-nun L“ i throne beyond trhgusukiké: His Father’s will. BE STILL ‘J Richmond Hill KANE sailing of voluntary re- lps, the earlier sailings l place at the end of number repatriated to 1r. Richmond Hill dry the tear~ s own. W. Telephohe 28 grace beget valid three each good pound of be declar- the third is best. from Martin love; , r-v v"‘-“"V‘-J- ‘ The acting pallbearers were John Kyle, Charlie Kyle, Ed. Kyle, Wesley Stong, Clarence Stong, Arthur Stong. Surviving, besides her hm- band, are three children, Percy, Flossie and Gertie (Mrs. Morley Kinnee) Maple, two sisters and five brothers, Mrs. J. Manning, Maple; Mrs. Wm. Scrivener, Richmond Hill; William, George, Edward and Chas. Cooper, Maple; Percy Cooper of Un~ ionville. 5, Vaughan Towu’sï¬ip on Thursday, August 8th with Rev. C. E. Focklel‘ conducting the service. Interment took place. in Mazp‘le cemetery. The funeral service took place at her‘jatefesidgnce, lot 13, concession to her death. She was the former Annie Louise Cooper, daughter of the late George and AnnHCoopcr of Teston. She was a member of Maple United Church. « LATE MRS. E. PUTERBAUGH The death of Mrs. Edgar Pumv- baugh Tuesday, August 6th, 1946 saddened the 'hearts of many. Mrs Puterbaugh was in her 74thfl§éarw5h~<i had beer} ailing for some time prior Saturday the 3lst features two pacing race events, 2.18 and 2:27; pony races in two classes; judgâ€" ing of beef and dairy cattle, the draft and light horse classes, with specials for 4-horse and 6-horse hitch; judging sheep swine and 'poultry; in the saddle horse ring heavy hunters go their paces. See 'all the neighbors at Sutton Friday and Saturday, Aug. 30, 31. Friday night sees Street Dance and games in downtown Sutton till the wee hours. From 1 o’clock Friday the 30th to evening of Saturday the Blst, there is a full program on tap. Friday has parts of Sutton Fair going in four different spots on the grounds: at the horse jumps where saddle horses go in singles, tandems and unicorns; at softball diamonds where 8 Junior Farmer clubs of York and Ontario play; at the Arena, ï¬lled with tables of ladies’ work, children’s work, root and vegetable display, flowers and baking ; in front of grandstand, where children’s races, open to all climax in relay 440 yd. races. a prize list and schedule of events that is bigger than ever. Friday and Saturday, Aug. 30 and 31 may be just another weekâ€" end for many people, but for all the fall fair exhibitors of York and Ontario Counties it is show days for the revived Sutton Horse Show and Fair. ’ Shut down after the show of August, 1939, when all the owners of horses went into the services, the big annual event for the top of York comes back this year with Sutton Horse Show; Fair Fri., Sat’y, Aug. 30 & 31 HILL, ONTARIO THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 1‘ of banking services. In some cases these are simple but essential; the bank takes cash receipts on deposit, makes change, operates cur- rent accounts, and accepts and records used ration coupons. Other retail accounts involve considerable handling of drafts, andâ€"~21 very important serviceâ€"the making of loans to enable retailers to take advantage of trade discounts. All this entails Banking in Action. BflNKEMW ETAILERS make F. HOOVER, i 33 Yongc St. Richmond Hill 'l‘elephone 5J oooooooooooooooooo99060900ocoo06099600690900.0000... O.“ ,R “OMOOOOWOOOO b. 09. 00099900099999.0900900099†Oâ€. D constant. use Cities Service Station Empire Wall Papers Patter 3S3 patterns from 146. to $1.40 per si. Phone Richmond Hill 9 or write P.O. or E. J. HINSON, 4 Lucas St. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW 'l‘clephonc I EAVESTROUGHING, ROOFING DECORATOR â€" 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP It's wise to be a crank about your car re- pairs. It's smart and economical, too, to have it serviced by experienced mechanics, who have modern tools and machines, wheth- er for minor repairs or major overhauls. Our service is prompt â€"â€" thorough â€" and reason- able in cost. Drive in today for a free esti- mate. TINSMITH \IEW FINDLAY AND PEASE FURNACES Parts and.Repajrs for all makes of furnaces m ï¬ï¬WO/V HOUSE PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING PAUL DUBOIS M EL. P. MALTBY Use our services for your banking requirements, whatever they may be. Consult our local Manager. The Canadian Bank of Commerce has among its customers many retail houses, from the small corner store to the large chain and depart- ment store. Strict attention to their particular needs is given to all the Bank’s customers. ager Local Branch THURSDAY, AUGUST 22nd, 1946 Pattern Books 3. to $1.40 per single roll write P.0. Box 268 Richmond Hill 722-A