PHONE 170 LA GROVE GIFTS & HANDICRAFTS HAIRDRESSING WESTINGHOUSE Oil Heating Equipment S.:‘kIJES V. W. GRIFFIN SIMPLE â€"â€" FOOL PROOF. Speciaiizing in Permanent Waving Machine â€"â€" Machineless â€"â€" Gold Wave TELEPHONEâ€"WILLOWDALE, ZONE 8-276 5993 Yomg‘e Streek. Newtonbrook Will be closed for holidays from August 10 to 17 inclusive INEXPENSIVE. SILENT GLOW SIMPLICITY OF LESS AND FASTER CLEANING. Yonge St., ThOrnhill EASIER STARTING. Yonge & Steele’s, Stop 13 We have Oil Space Heaters for immediate delivery. Pressure Oil Burners for Furnaces. Thornhill Thornhill for your kitchen range or heater. The DORA-MAE BEAUTY SALON First dnor south of RA. Service Station At THORNHILL ' Full line of Gifts, Handicraft Products, Linens, 100% Woollen Blankets COUTTS GREETING CARDS r PAGE EIGHT CONSTRUCTION. BLASI$BUISNZS {‘D A \Th VAUGHAN ELECTRIC QUALITY. AUTHORIZED DEALERS APPLIANCE AND SALES Answell Appliances Limited For household appliances that pro- vide the utmost in convenience, effi- ciency, and economy, see us. When you shop for the latest in post-war convenience ‘â€" for the mast depend- able up-to-date standards â€" coupled with old fashioned courtesy and in- formation -â€" we’re confident you’ll come here. Through war and peace your satisfaction is still our‘ aim. Call anytime. The Same Unvarying Service Sold by Phone Thornhill 135r21 Telephone 63r13 Telephone 102 MARCONI SERVICE Phone 13 THORNIIILL , ,0 V- _.._, “W... vuu. Believe, Mr. Director, in the as- surance of my deep respect. Signed (Widow) bepaepe, Dormortier, Paris. Dear Committee: ‘ ‘gfa‘fli I thank you sincerely for the money that you' have sent to my step-mother; for it has been my sav- ing- for two years, and the prices have been too exorbitant to buy eggs or butter for me to eat. The help you giye is precious. Kiï¬dly acEept thanks- most sincere. (Signed) Monique Temmerman. Thornhlll United Church Sunday School will resume its sessions on I give also at the present a few little notes to tell that I give the most possible to the re-establishment of my little adoptive girl. Confi- dent that you will make all diligence for the well;being of my little one. She said that she has been very happy to find out in this way that people are willing to take into con- sideration the situationâ€"an orphan of the war, mother and father killed in bombardments, and at the same time herselr sick and in treatment for oyer two years. “I apologize at first for everyâ€" thing, having been such a long time in replying, but have been very busy so it was necessary to delay a little. Presently I come to thank you for the aid you bring to my little or- phan, Monique Temmerman, of whom I have‘legal tutorage. Attachea to my IE££ET are a few words of thanks from the little Mqrgique, Responding to an appeal to “Save the Children†Thornhill Women’s In- stitute ‘adopted' a French child in February of this year by sending a cheque to the Fund for $48, which would provide food for six months. Some time later, a letter was re- ceived from the “Save the Children Fund†advising that the child adopt- ed was a thirteen year old French girl whose parents had been killed in an air raid. Subsequently the little girl contacted tuberculosis and was in hospital at Lille. Recently, the Institute‘s secretary received a letter from the child’s aunt, thank- ing the “Save the Children Fund†and enclosing a short note from Monique, the adopted girl, both of which read as follows: YONGEHURST ROAD I’hï¬ï¬ï¬â€˜fgé’fï¬Ã©â€™â€œ Geoffrey Jackson has been at Camp Kagawong for the past month and will be returning on F“‘â€â€˜Â°V. A .n, David spent two weeKs vacation in pallielson, Conn., U.S.A. ‘ Commencmg the weex of Septem- ber 9th, new ration books will :be available in the village. Thornhili Women’s Institute have been asked to volunteer their Services in the latest distribution. Time and place will be published later. At the reception held at the home of the bride, Mrs. Fullbrook receiv~ ed in printed silk jersey, and sht was assisted by Mrs. Percy Simp kins in navy and white with white accessories. A fuchsia suit was the bride’s travelling costume, and on their re- turn from the wedding trip to Niag- ara Falls, Sarnia and other points in Ontario, the couple will reside in Toronto. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jackson of Baywew Ave. on the birth or tnen‘ son, b‘tepnen Dav1d on august 11th. as maid of honour in blue sheet with white headdress and shoulde: length veil. Her bouquet was c white gladioli in fan-shape. Twin friends of the 'bride, were bride. maids, and were gowned in pink or- ganza organdy with tiny headdress to match, and they wore mittens. Their bouquets were of pink row- and white gladioli, also fan-shaped. Flower girl was a tiny friend frou Sarnia gowned in pink, and she car- ried a nosegay of pink and Mm gladioli. ’Alex Humphries acted as best man, and ushers were Ralph Bryant of Brantford and Victor rarks of Thornhill. with Mr.‘ and Mrs: Hayes. Fifth Avenue Baptist Church, To- ronto, beautifully decorated with gladioli, was the setting on Saturâ€" day, August 17th, for the marriage of Elizabeth Olive Fullbrook, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Fullbrook of Toronto, and Jack Simpkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Simpkins, Thorn- hill. Given in marriage by her fath- er, the bride wore a gown of white organza organdy, styled on princess lines and with sleeves coming to a point over the back of the hand. Ha fingertip veil was caught at the sides with rosettes. She carried a cascade of red roses and baby’s breath. The bridal attendants were Rita Simp_kins Mr. and Mrs. W. Bennetti of Niag- ara Falls, N.Y., spent the week-end with Mr.’ and Mrs. Haves. Miss Rose Edï¬orthy and Miss May Northway were guests of Mrs. Hayes duplgg the week-end. Winning by a score of seven to four, Newmarket defeated Thornhill softball team at Thornhill on Tuesâ€" day evening. It was a good game and all players gave a fine perform‘ ance. Some outstanding work in the field was turned in by Clayton Scott, Harry Redman and Ron Healey. After four weeks’ vacation, Dr. Duncan resumed his work in Thorn- hill United Church on Sunday morn- ing, August 18th, and at Carrville on “Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Claussen and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph DauSchmidt of Waterloo, Iowa, nieces and nephews of Mrs. Frank Findlay, were recent guests at her home on Centre St. Thornhill District News F RANK’S GARAGE Refrigeration Service and Repairs Domestic and Commercial â€" All Makes WELDING. IGNITION WORK AND TOWING All Kinds of Electrical Motors Repaired GENERAL TIRE AGENT AND MACHINE SHOP THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Miss Lottie Pitchford has return- ed from a three weeks vacation visit to friends at the Red Lake Inn, Manitoba. She went by train to Kenora and flew in from there, en- joying both modes of travel very much. “The scenery was wonderful,†she reports, “and Red Lake though a very recently built mining town, is very complete. All the houses have conveniences, electric stoves, frigidaires, etc., and there are three up-to-date hotels. Everyone takes great pride in their gardens, and the public flower beds are lit up~at night. In spite of the fact that most sup- plies have to be flown in, some com- modities are easier to obtain there than this part of Canada.†Thornhill citizens were shocked to learn on Sunday last of the death of Arthur Royston which took place in St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, after a. fall from a. straw stack at the farm of Norman Brodie, Head- foi'd. Mr. Royson was much m- , spected in this community. He was on the Board of Stewards of Thorn- hill United Church. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon from Wright & Taylor's Funeral Home in lRichmond Hill, and the service was in charge of Rev. A. E. Currie and .Dr. J. S. Duncan. Interment was in I Maple Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bone have been vacationing at Algonquin Park. While on an outing she passed the simple and touching funeral of a prospector who was drowned when his plane fell into the lake. The plain wooden coffin was draped with a white sheet upon wnlch his friends had laid bunches of Queen Anne’s lace, gentian and other wild flowers tied with string: _..., “Auuï¬lvv AUGU Wu old and respeccea resmem. iui. vuul- mer is a grandson of Jacob Cummer, the first settler in Willowdale. He was born in German Mills and farm- ed there until retiring, when he mov- ed to John St., Thornhill. Some months after the death of his wife he sold his house to Mr. Ross Dean and Went to live with his sister in _the city.i When Mr. W711. Cummpv mmmd *0 Toronto recently this district lost an -14 A†I vass tï¬e cor'nmurï¬ity.“ “Eel tails. wil_l be publisned next week. The I.0.0.F.:1re holding their To- ronto Area picnic on Saturday, Au- gust 3lst, in Thornhill, in honour of Mr. Wilfred Dean who is the newly appointed Grand Master. Actually the picnic was scheduled for last week but had to be postponed on account of rain. Thornhill are putt- ing on an exhibition ball game in the afternoon as a small contribu- tion to the entertainment. The Year-Up Club are sponsoring a Street Dance in Thornhill on Sat- urday, August Slst, part of the proâ€" ceeds to go to some welfare fund. There will be a carnival in connec- tion with the dance, and a lucky draw on the gate ticket. Prizes will include a mantle. radio, table' lamp, etc. Tickets will be available on Saturday and may be obtained through Mr. Crosby, who is treasâ€" urer, or from any member of the Year-Up Club, who‘also plan to can- Mr. and Mrs.°Harry Swift of Win- nipeg (on their 2151: honeymoon) are viSAting with Mr. and Mrs. H. Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. Swift plan to visit Niagara Falls, Windsor and Detroit begqre Igtugning to Winnipeg. Rev. E. T. Doï¬glas of Toronto, former pastor of the United Church here, is expected to take a part in the service next Sunday morning. the_ secol'td 7Sunday of September McLEAN TRADING YONGE ST.. THORNHILL Telephone 12W Open daily 11 a.n1:to 6 p.m. evenings by appointment Dealers \in household furni- ture, bicycles, chinaware, electric motors, stoves, lawn mowers, sports equip- ment, electric appliances. watches, rings, cameras and used articles of all kinds. GARNETT’S Cartage of all kinds SAND and GRAVEL Cement Mixer for hire Morgan Ave.. Thornhill Phone Thornhill 14r14 COMPANY .aï¬â€˜g; 3.3.1:: Our girls’ baseball team is still in there putting up a good show. sev- eral games have been called just when it looked as though they had a chance of a win. Still time to do it yet girls, so more power to you. A local wedding of interest took place in Newtonbrook United Church on Saturday, August 3rd when Iileen Riddell. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Riddell, Kenneth Avenue, North- mount, was married to Mr. Bill Copeland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Copeland of Newtonbrook. Our playgrounds are entering the last two weeks of operation and from all reports have proved a very successful adventure. A good aver- age attendance has been recorded every day and the weather has been very much in our favor. It is hoped that another year will see them car- ried on and extended to other areas. So far no ‘bad accidents have been recorded, and it is very noticeable the scarcity of children playing on the streets. One thing about those Nazi war criminals; they are at least being given a chance to die of 01‘ *u ANNUAL DANCE Russ Creighton’s Orchestra Proceeds for our Markham Fair Grain Show of the Unioï¬ville Junior Farmere at the beautï¬ul decorated EAESE YOUR OWN WAGES BY FEEDING TO PRODUCE Friday, Aug. 30 Rainbow Gardens Markham Arena NEWTONBROOK Gef rid of weeds in your lawn without hours of buck-breaking labor with our new Purina Weed Killer. Does not hatm lawn queues. See us today for com- plete information about . . . ADMISSION 50c. Use Good Sanitation Products -- it Pays Dividends PURINA PIG GROWENA MAKES PIGS GROW! Builds Big Frames Fastâ€" Packs on the Pounds Builds Big Frames Fast, and Packs on the Pounds Try raising a litter this way: Purina Pig Growena, straight, to 140 lbsâ€"then Chop and Pig Growena, half-and-half, to mar- ket weight. It’s a proved proï¬t ration . . . builds big frames fast, packs on the pounds, gets them away to market in short order and so saves time and feed. .Try it! _ od show. Sévâ€" n called just, .xgh they had ‘a 1 time to do It A kitchen shower in honor of the newly-arrived war bride, Mrs. Roll- inson of Langstaff (formerly Faith Baker of Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng- land) was held at the home of Mrs. Ellwood McLean, Willowdale, last Friday evening. Mrs. Rollinson was showered with many practical and lovely gifts, as well as the best wishes of the friends gathered to welcome her. Mr. and Mrs. Rollin- son plan to build in Langstaff. Rev. H. H. Phinney, formerly of and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 AM. TO 12.00 NOON Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted EYESIGHT SPECIALIST WILL BE AT AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE WEDNESDAY, AUG. 28t OPTICAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACED Presglptions for Glasses Filled Repairs to tanks, boilers, cracked auto heads, pip lines, cylinder blocks, machinery parts, etc. Anything welded anywhere (portable equipment) Estimates given free NORTH YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL Phones Richmond Hill Day 74J, Nights 46r25 LANGSTAFF Electric and 01g Acetylene Welding urn_er’s Welding Service v1th many practical and S, as well as the best the friends gathered to er. Mr. and Mrs. Rollin- Foi Appointmalt Phoneuï¬rchmond Hill 33 Hog Warmer Kill: large round- wonns, safe, 0co- nomical, easy to administer. Purina Pigmbs _..- wr “c an - _ " ’ Pastor and Mrs. J. Boyd of Cal- ’ twil?£$le 10f 1‘14“- vary Baptist Church, Guelph, have Mrs Rolligsi’n “3:: been visiting at the home of Mr. and am, Drama†mm Mrs. H. Games, Langstaff. THURSDAY. AUGUST 22nd. 1946‘ New Serum, near St. Thomas, com- menced duties in Langstaff Baptist Church on Sunday, August 4th. Mr. Phinney accepted the call when» Dr. M H. Blandin found it necessary to resign. due to ill health. What has become of the old-i ioned business man who said can’t complain"? Anthracite in nut, stove, egg and pea 0n percent- age basis. Orders taken for fertilizers for Fall Wheat seed- ing. It pays to fertilize. Also best grades of Coke in range, stove and nut sizes. Barley and Oat Chap. Buying Wheat, Oats & Barley. Consult us for your fuel needs. Hardwood and Hemlock Slabs cut to order. and Brignets sizes. Alberta Coal, Nut, Cobbles Richmond Hill of the old-fash- pipe