Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Sep 1946, p. 4

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{Articles For Sale 100 Pair Flanelette Blankets â€" size 70 x 90 50 Pair Pure Wool Blankets, double bed size. colours rose. blue. green, beige and gold. Spring Filled Mattresses, all sizes, including crib mattresses. Felt Filled Mattresses, Drop Side Couches and Mattresses. Rollaway Beds and Pillows. Satin Covered Comforters, Chenille Bedspreads. (‘henille Bath Sets. Congoleum Rugs. all sizes. Domestic Broadloom Rugs, sizes 9x101/2, 7x9. 7x7'/;. 6x9. also good selection of Scatter Rugs 30" x 60”. Ice Boxes. capacity 75 lbs., 2” insulation. Baby Carriages, Doll Prams, Hassocks, End Tables, Living Room Cushions, Chrome Chairs, Kitchen Tables. Bridge Tables and Chairs, Studio Couches. FREE DELIVERY , Home Equipment Co. v 3368 Yonge St. at City Limits PHONE HUDSON 7911 TORONTO Anniversary Services Carrville United Church Sunday, Sept. 29th PROCEEDS TOWARDS YOUTH WELFARE 3 p.m.â€"REV. RICHARD MORTON 0F LANSING with musical numbers by Adelmo Melecci, Miss Lola Jones and others. 7 p.m.â€"PREV. C. E. FOCKLER 0F MAPLE with Maple United Church Choir. Pearson & Sons " CARLflAD GROCERTERIA BUTCHERS & BAKERS :_ 133- YONGE six. it‘teuMON’D HILL ' PHONE 77 Richmond Hill Bakery â€" Home of Taste Treats There is real enjoyment in our fresh mel- low-cakes and. pastries. They are full of creamy goodness. Enjoy this treat today. i THIS WEEK’S TASTY TREAT BANANA CAKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29c (MADE \VITH FRESH BANANAS) JELLY ROLLS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c BATH BUNS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . doz. 25c WEDDING, BIRTHDAY AND PARTY CAKES TO ORDER M Better Crust Pastry . . . . . . . . 7 lb. bag 25c 24 lb. bag 75c Royal York Coffee . . . . . . . 1 lb. bag 37c N Aylmer Vegetable Soup . . 3 10 oz. tins 25c N Chelce Ungraded Peas . . . 2 20 oz. tins 29c R Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea . . . . 1/; 1b. 44c “N Post’s Bran Flakes . . . . . . . .. lge. pkg. 15c GlassJarTops doz.25c Zinc'Rings .7 . . doz. 29c Parowax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 lb. pkg. 15c JUST RECEIVED NO. 1 ONTARIO POTATOES (NOT MARSH POTATOES) CAULIFI OWERS 1009,63, We Deliver LARGE SNOW WHITE HEADS ~ Just Phone 77 â€"__,. ' sugar. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HIL â€"_ the final series for the Lacro>se Leagrc championship uni the Jack Smith Tiophy with the l'ii'rt game being played tonight t'l'huh» day) at \\'oodbiidge and the second at Maple next Tuesday evening. Combines were eliminated from ‘li’J final series l‘y Maple in two straight games. Maple won the first encoun- ter at Maple by u St‘Ol'C ol' tI-ti, and the second game at Autorn arena Monday night by a score cf 8-3. It was stated in last week's Issue of The Liberal that the ('oiiilnncs home game would be played in llirli- mond Hill. and some fans were dis- appointed when they went to the local arena and found there had been a change in arrangements. It is unâ€" (let‘stood that the (‘ombines manage- ment felt that having played their home games at Aurora. the first play-off game should be pl'iycd there, and this was the reason for the change in plans. The game at Aurora was the best game to have been played in Thornhill W. I. On Thursday afternoon, Sept. 19, Thornhill W.I. gathered on the lawn of Mrs. E. G. McKean. John St., to commence a new season’s activities. The exceptionally lovely meeting place and the sunny day brought out a fair attendance. Mrs. B. \nggllkfi of Toronto, the president‘s mother. was present as a guest. Major Watâ€" kins of the Salvation Army requestâ€" ed a few initiates in which to preâ€" sent his plea t'or volunteers in the Army’s drive for funds. It. was de- cided to donate $10 to this worthy organization, and a few of the l‘l(l- ies volunteered their services. When the readers are approached for a con- tribution, will you bear in mind the work carried on by the Army, for its activities are amongst the ne- glected. aged. sick, and delinquent members of society. The Institute is to sponsor a post- er contest in commemoration of the founding of Women's Institutes. The contest is open to anyone in the community, and further details will be published in next. week‘s edition. Mrs. K. Mackintosh is to be convenor. A letter from Mrs. Hugh Summers of the F.W.I.O. was read explaining the Adelaide Hoodless foundation fund, which is to establish Scholaiâ€" ships for girls entering the home economics course. This fund is to mark the 50th anniversary of Wo- men’s Institutes in Ontario and each Institute is asked to send a sum to cover this. Fifty year: ago, Adeâ€" laide Hcozllcss founded the List We- men's Institute at Stoney Creek, and it was thought that special recogni- tion_shor.ld be made of its birth- place. In addition. when the celeâ€" brations are held in Guelph next June. this will entail still further expense, so the sum asked from each Institute is to cover these piojects. Each member of Thornhill W.I. to raise her dollar in whatever way she sees fit. A very interesting letter received from Mrs. Sumner, a member who is vacationing in Hannibal, Mo., was lead and will be printed later. A1 ready plans are being laid for the annual sale, and in this connection Mrs. Beeston was appointed is Maple And Woodbridge In Finals For Lacrosse Honors Maple and \\'oo.lbridge will entcrt lacrosse displayed. (‘ombines held sway of the game for the first two pciiuds but faltercd in the final stage of the battle. The Combine lm_\'\ seemed to lack fight in the dy- IM‘ minutes of the game amt dill not have the finish that the victozs showed. llairy Burton led the Combines with two goals while (‘leve Burton, Ilugh Kerr and ,I. Mziyberry collect- ed single counters. l“til the winners R. Thompson scored two goals. S. Foster, A. Mc- .\'aii'. G. Orr, Bill Parks, G. Ingram and Eldon Ficrheller one each. Recoid crowds are expected for the linal games and the fans are assured of' some keen competition and fast lacroSse. Maple club has the privilege 01' securing the services of one outside player. but whether or not. Cal Mill- ei will take advantage of this op- t.he ' l con-i venor. I On the suggestion of Mrs. Night-t ingale, three members. Mrs. Crow- hui-st, Mrs. Sinclair and Mrs. Harris were appointed a committee to iii- vestig‘ate cases coming under the heading- of social welfare. At the age of 16, a boy or girl at- tending high school is compelled to pay a higher fare, and on the sugâ€" gestion of Mrs. Holmes, it was moved that letters be sent the Reeves ask- ing that this question be taken on since our radials are in the limelight at this particular time anyway. The age limit should be increased to 18 years. Mrs. A. E. Kennedy of Agincourt was guest speaker for the afternoon, and she gave an address on the his- tory of Institutes and how members ' ice, auctioneers. ‘ 2.30 p.m. portunity will not be known until the team takes the field. LANGSTAFF In the absence of Rev. Phinney .who is to be away for the next couple of weeks. Mr. W. H. Layzell of Richmond Hill will conduct serâ€" vices in Langstaff Baptist Church on Sunday, Sept. 29. If you have never heard him, a special treat is in store for you, for Mr. Layzell is a (‘OllVlllClllg' speaker with a mess- age of hope for a world sadly need- ing it. A warm invitation is extend- ed to all. The annual missionary meeting of Forward Baptist Church, Geriard St. East and Glenmore Rd. is to take place on Thursday, Oct. 3 at Mrs. John Bell, returned missionary from China will be spe- cial speaker. An interesting pro- gram has been arranged including special music. Refreshments will be served after the meeting. All in- terested should keep this date open. On Friday evening the Young People’s meeting will feature mis- sionary night, with Eugene Aytonv as guest speaker. All young people are invited to attend. % Sale Register FRIDAY, SEPT. 27â€"Auctior. sale of high class household furniture, elecâ€" i,1'ic appliances, (Zectric range, dishes, utensile, garden tools, etc., the prop- leau‘ie this year and both teams dc- North York; scive much credit for the biaiid ot L, ONTARIO criy of J. E. Logan, on Kennedy Rd. ‘ , nines llu.i!1 of Agit’icourt at \‘Eaik's Corners, Scarboro Township. Sale at 2' p.m. Terms cash. No re- serve, property sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. ' SATURDAY, SEPT. 28â€"Important auction sale of tractor on rubber, hay baler, tractor and horse imple- ments, farm stock, hay, grain, etc. on Lot 12. Con. 4, North York Twp. at Downsview. 1/2 mile north of Wilâ€" son Ave., property of 0. II. Bag-g. Terms cash. No reserve, farm sold. Sale starts at 1 p.m. -D.S.T. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SATURDAY, SEPT. 28th â€" Auction sale of farm stock. tractor, .hay bal- ing machine and implements, propâ€" erty of Frank J. Selke, “Rolling Range Farm”, on the 5th con. King Twp., 2 miles north of Kinghorn. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1 p.m. D.S.T. A. M. McEwen, auc~ tioneer. Ii EDNESDAY, OCT. {Rhâ€"Auction t-OlC of dairy cattle, hogs, farm stock. implements, hay, grain, household furniture, etc., at Lot 23, rear Con. '5 (6th Line) Markham Twp., on Kennedy hgy., just north of Cashel, proyerty of Thomas H. Hobbs. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. N3 reserve, farm sold. Ken and Clarke Prent- TUESDAY. OCT. 22ndâ€"Extensive could advance, and to test the mem- aUCtion sale 0f tractor’ threshing bers’ knowledge, she put on a quiz 'originated by Miss Schlicter of the . Department. Mrs. Kennedy suggest- ed that we bring up at some future meeting the matter of increasing the local membership fee from 25c. to 50c. Stressing the fact that in the past each Branch had worked hard in connection with the war effort, Mrs. Kennedy felt it was time to work for outselves. That is why the Scholarship fund, anniversary cele- brations and erecting of a suitable memorial at Stoney Creek assumes such importance at this time. Mrs. Kennedy was thanked for her talk by Mrs. Pattenden on behalf of the Institute. Hostesses for the after- noon were Mrs. Mrs. Bone and Mrs. Banting. A brush demonstration by Mrs. Holmes was held at the home of Mrs. Mizen on Tuesday afternoon, coni- mission from which more than cov- ered Mrs. Mizen’s c0nt1ibution to the F,\V.I.O.'s request for funds. Prize winners were Mrs. Tanner, Mrs. Mizen and Joyce Morison. Lucky draw was won by Mrs. Beal. I K DON’T DISCARD OLD BOOK YET Stop and take a good look inside your old ration books before you chuck them into the ash can. That is the warning from the Ration ad- ministration following reports that many consumers who have obtained their new books are discarding the old ones. Some coupons in Book 5 are still valid and good for the purchase of merit. preserves and butter. They will remain valid until the Ra- tion administration declares them no longer of any use. “What would you do if you mar- ried a rich woman?” “Absolutely nothing." Ball, Mrs. Beeston,,l machine, tractor implements, ac- credited herd of Ayrshire cattle. farm stock, implements, hay, grain, roots. etc., on lot 6, con. 3 North York Twp., east of Yonge St. right by Don Mills road school on Don Mills Road, property of Chas. Wat- son. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. No re- serve, farm sold. Terms cash. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. THURSDAY, OCT. 24â€"Auction sale of tractor, tractor implements, farm stock, implements, grain, furniture, Percheron horses, pig's, etc., on lot 22, rear con. 3 North York Twp., cast of Yonge St., 11/2 miles north l l l of Lansing Cut-off on Don Mills Rd. i property of John Valliere. Sale af 1 p.m. sharp. Terms cash. N0 re- seive, farm sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SATURDAY, OCT. 26 â€" Important extensive auction sale of tractors, threshing machine, tractor imple- ments, Hereford and Angus cattle, farm stock, pigs, near new imple- ments, hay, grain, furniture, etc., on lot 16, con. 5 Vaughan Twp., 2%. miles north of No. 7 Highway, prop- erty of Harry Moore. Terms cash. No reserve as farm is sold. Sale at 12 noon sharp. See posters. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SATURDAY, NOV. 2ndâ€"Extensive auction sale of horses, farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc., on lot 20, rear con. 4 Vaughan Twp., 1 mile west of Maple, property of Roy Bowes. Terms cash. No reserve as farm sold. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auction- eeis. SATURDAY, NOV. Simâ€"Extensive auction sale of tractor, threshing machine. tractor implements, farm stock. implements, hay, grain, furni- ture. etc., on lot 17, con. 5 Vaughan Twp.. 3 miles north of N0. 7 High- way. property of Duke Jarrett. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. Terms cash. No reserve as farm is sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. Classified THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVFRT RATESâ€"Five lines or less. :15 cc for each subsequent insertion. ( each insertion. FOR SALE NEW TRAILER. Apply C. II. \Vcsr, Garden Ave., Langstaff. ‘lwli‘. TOMATOES, 317ml- bushel. Mrs. F. Davis, Mill St., Richmond lIlll. ‘ lv:l:l 1 TEAM iionsns. Apply in. (ieo. Abbott, May Ave., Stop 2-1A Yona'e St. clwlfl .‘1 ACRES OI“ CORN. cut down. Nor- man l<‘crguson. RR. 3 King, phone 1312. clwlil SPINNING WHEEL, over 100 years old. perfect condition. Phone Thornâ€" hill 112. clwlfl INSUL-BRICK SIDING, seven and a half squares. Yerex Electric. Rich- mond Hill. a COMBINATION BUFFET and china . cabinet in Oak, Al condition. Phone Maple 3114. *1w13 M__ __ _ 1 EXTENSION TABLE; 2 trunks; hall rack with mirror. Phone 471-1 Richmond Hill. 1930 CHEV. COUPE with .1 new tires. J. Ziegler, Garden Ave., Long- staff, phone 47r41 Thornhill. c1w13 x.â€" JERSEY COW, due about Oct. 1st, tested, heavy producer. Mrs. M. C Jackson, (Teston Rd.), Maple. *lw13 2 INCUBATORS, Daniels, 50 andilt‘iO egg capacity, make offer. Apply Houting, Oak Ave., Richvale, Stop 22. E KITCHEN RANGE, steel top, warmâ€" ing closet, copper reservoir. Apply phone King 431'14, opposite Summit Golf Club. *1wl3 m 2 ACRES OF LAND, lots 18 and 19 on Elgin Mills sideroad west of Yonge St. gin Mills. tfetl CAPABLE GIRL or WOMAN .51. general housework. no washing, 1 or 2 days a week. Phone Richmond Hill 193W. c1w13 2 USED CAR TIRES 600x16, 6 ply; 1/; h.p. motor in good condition; 1 furnace blower. Apply 22 Roseview Ave., Richmond Hill. *1w13 $6,300, TERMS, or best cash offer, 8 rooms, garage, 1/2 acre, basement, furnace. Garden Ave., Langstaff, phone Thornhill 471‘4. *1w13 60 PULLETS, Light Sussex and New Hampshire Hybrid, 51/2 months, $2 each. Apply Jas. Curtis. Headford, phone Richmond Hill 481‘13. *1w1’3 a. _. DARWIN TULIP BULBS, mixed, good colours, priced according to size, 3 doz. for $1.00 and up. N. J. Smellie, Thornhill, phone 42J. tfcl2 M ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS. stair hand rails, fire dogs, fire screens, fire sets and acetylene weld- ing. Apply T. Elliott, Richvale. > tfe40 BARRED ROCK HICKENS, mix- ed, 3 months old. E. A. Radford, con. 3 Markham, 1st farm north of N0. 7 highway, phone 301'3 Urion- ville. 1 TEAM CLYDE HORSES. good workers; Holstein cows, milking" heavily; also some heifers, fully ac« credited, blood tested. Apply E. H. Redman, Concord. c1w13 H. YOUNG HITE EMBDEN GEESE .& GANDERS. Also young fawn geese and genders. Ganders 85 ea., geese $4.50 ea. Freeman Barker, phone Richmond Hill 4713. *1w13 PURE WOOL BLANKETS, ‘double bed size. comforters, chenille bed- spreads, flannelette sheets and blan- kets. Home Equipment Co., 3368 Yonge St., Toronto, phone Hu. 7011. Free delivery. *5w9 ICE BOXES, capacity 75 lbs., gypl‘oc insulated, immediate delivery. $49.50. Chrome kitchen tables and matching chairs. Home Equipment Co., 3368 Yonge St., Toronto, phone Hu. 7911. Free delivery. *5w9 “H FORDSON TRACTOR complete with Fleury 2 gang plow and spring tooth cultivator, good working condition, $300 for the lot. R. J. McGuinness, RR. 1 Agineourt, phone 21,1J12 ev- enings after 8. e1w13 x REG. JERSEY COWS, coming in IF (‘IIARGED NINE Apply Sidney Smith, EL. c1w13» â€".... Advertising ISIN(lâ€"â€"MAKF. THE MOST 01“ IT. ms for first insertion and 2:3 cents Wei 5 lines 3 t't‘llIS per line t-xtra CENTS I’ER LIN E. 2 BI’IIJIING LOTS on Ilall St. Ap~ ply los‘ Yonge St,. Richmond Hill, t‘l\\’l~li 00 BARRED ROCK ROOSTEIIS. l’limio Bill l'oultou, lilTrl Richmond Hill. I MOI'I‘AT RANGE. cth or \\'(‘od. in good condition. I .-\rno‘d St., ilit'li- mend llill. clwlil IIHI’IW 2 months old. male, rfox terrier-spaniel cross, nicely marked. Gardiner. Mills. ‘lwlI; lililti DODGE COACH, ‘xcliunge for Apply M. Richmond 'l‘-\'l'l BUNGALOYV, Elgin light truck or older car. McTaggart. Hill. 5 ROOM phone 4612} DOLL'S completer furnished, size 2:1"x3tl" when closed. Phone 162 Richmond Hill after 5 p.m. ctwlil “\,_ ELEI‘TIZIC RANGETTE and Find~ lay wood and coal stove; Hawaiian guitar. Apply 54 Yonge St. or tele- phone 250 {ichmond llill. cl\\'13 200 MIXED LEGHORNS and Whirc Sussex. 10 wks. old. .Ios. Ziegler. Garden Ave., Langstaff, telephone Thornhill 47141 after 6 p.m. clw13 BALED WHEAT STRAW;â€"aE-o_io:it stiaw, good quality. E. A. Radi'oid. con. :3 Markham. lst fa"ni north of No. 7 highway, phone 301:: Union- \'ille. clwlil K 1 TRACTOR, 10-20 McCormick Deerâ€" 1 ing, in excellent condition, complete- ly overhauled with new style gov- ernor. Apply M. A. Wilson, King. phone ~18. clwlll N 1037 STEWART TRUCK, motor in A1 condition. hydraulic brakes. sell for trade for late model ca“. Apply No. 1 Yonge St., Richmond Hill, phone 211. clw'ltl QUEBEC COOK srovuiviih wat- er tank attached, white enamel front, ,nickel trim, fitted with Oil burner; ' large truck load chopped kindling wood. Apply 68 Mill Road, Stop 23B Yonge St. *1w‘iil HYDRO STOVE; suite, full size; bed complete; Murâ€" phy bed; extension table; studio couch, and other articles. Apply Mis. Wise, John St., Thornhill, 1st house west of tracks, Saturday from 12 noon to 5 p.m. \. ONE-WAY DISC, nearly new; one- way disc, 3 yrs. old; 12-20 M-H tiactor, in good repair; 2-‘furrow disc plow; double disc; oil bath pump jack with 3/4 HP. motor; new Good- year tractor tires on hand. Harold W. Mortson, phone 93W Richmond Hill. clwl-‘l bed Chesterfield TO RENT FURNISHED UPSTAIR ment, 3 rooms, no children, suitable for quiet business couple. Apply H. H. Newsom. King, Box Tl. c1w13 LOST BLACK ROUTE BOOK belonging to Richmond Hill Dairy driver. Reward, Phone 42 Richmond Hill. m 1' Time Table Chan res 1 Effective Sunday, Sept. 29, 1946 and other specific dates. l Full information from agents CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS GARNETT’S Cartage of all kinds SAND and GRAVEL Cement Mixer for hire Centre St., Thornhill Phone Thornhill 77W 2nd calf; also few grade heifers seen ; to freshen, reasonably priced. Ap< ply E. A. Radford, con. 3 Markham, lst farm north of No. 7 highway. phone Unionville 301‘3. c1w13 SEVERAL 20 ft. lengths 1/2” water pipe, couplings, elbows; incubator; mandolin; 2 radius and parts; set of michrometers; ’38 Dodge clutch and fly wheel, manifold, cylinder head. Phone Thornhill 47r4. '1‘1w13 SPRING FILLED MATTRESSES for immediate delivery, no priorities re- quired. Roll-away beds, drop-side beds and mattresses. Home Equip- ment (70.. 3368 Yonge St., Toronto, phone Hu. 7911. Free delivery. $5w9 PULLETS, 125 free range Leghorn pullets, 6 mos. old, 82 each. These birds are laying and have given exâ€" cellent results to our other custom- ers. We also huve 100 LS. pallets, $1.60 each. Burwood Farm, Maple. ')l‘l0118 Maple 39.]. "‘2w12 1 HAMMER MILL, Fairbank Morse, 11 in.; 1 Fairnenk Morse oil bath pump jack; 2 Beattie Bros. shallow well electric pumps; 3 jacket water heaters; 2 sets lift-easy garag'. door hardware painted and galvanized barn door track, track hanger; an‘l door hangers; drinking bowls for cattle; Moffat Electro Pail water heaters: electric fencers and baitcr- ies; Shell livestock spray; Shell D.D.'I‘. barn spray; Shell oil and grease. E. J. Stickley, Victoria Square, phone Stouffville T513. c2w12 J. ATKINSON HAULAGE SAND and GRAVEL ’ 40 Church Street Richmond Hill Telephone 147J A LITTLE MORE LAUGHTER The Line-Up Another line is forming I can’t see where it goes. iPray. can you tell me, stranger, :COttltl it be nylon hose? Perhaps it's sheets or shortening, rOr bread or flour or cheese, i White shirts might cause this frenzy. Won't someone tell me, please. It could be for a movie, That‘s just a bit risque; Again it might be bacon. Won‘t <omeonc kindly say? I Wirll you’d look behind me, The end‘s three blocks away. Oh well, it doesn't matter, I ncc'l some From Tinnnin.» Daily I’l't‘Sm any way. APART- F THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 26th, 1946. ' WANTED would like \\'O!l{ Box 25 Tho Libeiai. |)\' the WOMAN . clu I3 day. MAN for cleaning windows and odd jobs. I’hono 131 Richmond Hill. t'l\\'l.'l Al.l".-\Ll".~\ by the stack or mow, Write G. .llzit-Kinnon. lltl Mdi‘KJy A\'e.. Toronto. to 1.; ALFA LFA IIAY, preferably inileii, S. 'l‘. Stephens. lloselawn harms, Richmond Ilill. etc. 1.". NHL of wooo RANGE. large >i7.c. in good condition. Apply phone lltl Richmond Hill. "lwlfl \\'OM:\N to do housework 3 days per wet-k. Apply Kev. .l. S, Duncan, Thornhill, phone .12K. -‘lwlii WILL BALI" ll\\' and S'l‘llAW. Apply Sum 'l‘ondlnson, Markham 81.. lit-limond llil‘. AlTrt‘S. Ilwl2 APARTMENT or HOUSETD i'olil for I or 2 years in Richmond Hill. Apply Box 282 The Libeial. -1wl:; BEST OFFER PAID for good qual- ity of alfalfa hay. Apply Metre. Sudeyko, phone Stouffville T302. '“twl'l COMMUTINC from GTn‘mley ninTo- ronto daily via Elgin Mills. Do you require transportation '3 Telephone Stouffville 6301i. ciwli} . YOUNG LAD for rcftigeriition and oil heating appliance business, goo/l future for someone willing to learn. Apply phone Thornhill 135121. c1w13 PASSEN inns, leaving north eiid‘of Richmond Hill 7.30 a.m., returning from Queen and liathurst 6 o'clock at night. Apply Liberal Office, *lwlt‘. _‘__“ MAN to dig flower beds and tians- plant pcrcnnials and shrubs. Apply L. Barter, Goodrich Service Station, Richvale, phone Richmond Hill 1114. clwlil ._â€"._ COOK GENERAL, six roomed apart~ ment in central Toronto, private room. radio, no heavy work, highest wages paid. Apply Liberal Office. *1wlli HORSES TO KILL, highest prices paid. Apply Box 51 Richmond Hill I’.O. or Courtland Mink Ranch, Ox- ford St., Elgin Mills. phone Rich- mond Hill 288W. *UWIU POULTRY WANTED We pay highest cash prices for live poultry. We also custom pick at 8 cents per bird. Schombei-g Poultry Process- ing Plant, phone Sehomberg 78. tf30 ANYONE desiring transportation to down town Toronto leaving Rich- mond Hill between 8 and 8.15 a.m. Monday to Friday inclusive contact, Frank Martin at telephone Richmond Hill 150W. *1w13 “g DEAD HORSES & CATTLE want- ed. For free Dick-uh nhene RIGH- MOND HILL 7 or KING 24M or MAPLE 2937. We pay telephone charges. GORDON YOUNG LIMIT- ED, Toronto, phone AD.3636. tfc. WOULD YOU LIKE to earn some money in your spare time? If so, LaGrove Gifts and Handicrafts re- quire hand kiiitters on sweaters, sox, etc., wool supplied. Mrs. Blackburn also requires an experienced hair- dresser. Anyone interested could get in touch with ‘her at Thornhill 102. clw13 MISCELLANEOUS WATER IIAULED for dry cisterns and wells. Gibson Transport, phone Agincourt 138R. ttcii WELL DIGGING. excavating and pipe lines. concrete well cribs. T. iJerrett, RR. 1 Richmond Hill, phone I: 24814. *1w9 m lWELL DIGGERS, also cement tile [for wells. pumps and pressure sys- l r tem sold and installed. Frank York, RR. 1 Maple, phone 311‘24. tfc10 AND FENDER REPAIRS, spray painting. Free estimates giv- en. Stanley Page. Garden Avenue. Langstaff. phone Thornhill 471'3. tch e*â€"â€"â€"._Lâ€"â€" SPECIALIZING in hydro lines on private property, primary or second- ary, flood lighting and poles sup- plied. Phone evenings Markham 741‘4. TEAMSTER â€" Gardens ploughed, cellars dug, grading and lmowing. Apply Bert Smith, Elgin Miils, phone Richmond Hill 1341‘12. tfc48 LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED & repaired. Joseph Winger, corner of Carrville Road and Dufferin Street, phone Maple 621‘21. tfc43 ‘â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"“â€"_ SAND AND GRAVEL delivered any- where in district. E. Charity, Yonge Street. and Rrookside Road. Phone Richmond Hill 1021'14. tfc. {CUSTOM GRAIN GRINDING. We can turn your grist at your farm on short notice with our portable mill. Metro Sudeyko, phone Stouffville 7302. ‘34wl'l BODY ' MOWERS cleaned, sharpen- ed. repaired and adjusted. A. Nicol. Elgin Mills, 1/2 mile west of ‘i'ouge St., phone 1341'31 Richmond Hill. tfc5t‘ serviced service Kendrick, P.0. llox 4 wt 1 ALL KINDS FURNITURE erhA..." STOVES and and repaired, guaranteed. Apply Oxford St., Elgin l-iit Richmond Hill. FURNACES satisfactory ('hris Mills; upholsterinrr. cabinet: work. Wm“. carving. Estimates given. N. ... VanDykc, .‘12,’ Ilunt Ave., Richmun l Hill. in. MIGHT BE DIFFERENT A judge decided that just because she tiled on hats for several hours straight, a woman necessarâ€" "nit maybe he didn't See wasn't ily insane. ,thc bola ~â€"â€"(iltelph Mercury.

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