THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th, 1946. at CHARLES & Co. $20.90 We maintain a staff of experienced, licensed electricians for all your radio, washing machine, stove, refrigerator and electrical requirements. We Deliver To serve you and your community expediently, courteously & promptly. CHARLES & CO. 1763-5 Avenue Road at Melrose Phone MOhaWk 9478 VII-IIIIEIIIIIIEIEHEEililifllllflfllll IHIIIIIIIEIHIIIIIIEIIIIHHIIIll-IIEIHHEEIIIIIIE'HIIIIHKQ ’â€" OCTOBER 3, 4, 5 FRIDAY. OCTOBER 4TH YORK COUNTY BLACK AND WHITE SHOW DISTRICT GUERNSEY BREEDERS' SHOW .IUDGING CONTESTS BY JUNIOR FARMERS RACES â€" 2.28 and 2.20 PONY RACES HORSESHOEING CONTEST MARKHAM HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS' TRUMPET BAND SATURDAY. OCTOBER 5TH DISTRICT RED AND WHITE SHOW HORSE SHO‘v’, INCLUDING 4-HORSE TEAMS JUDGING HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP. SWINE and POULTRY RACES â€" 2.24 AND FREE-FOR-ALL PONY RACES BIG MIDWAY WITH RIDES AND SHOWS SCARBORO BAND IN ATTENDANCE BIG DANCE IN ARENA SATURDAY NIGHT ADMISSION 35c. AUTOS 35c. CHILDREN FREE GEO. B. LITTLE, Pres. R. H. CROSBY, Markham, Sec. “ STAND IN †Willi LESLIE HOWARD. JOAN BLONDELL. HUMPHREY BOGART “SHORT†“ Overland Mail †Chapter 10 Lon Chaney. Helen Parrish. Don Terry. Noah Berry Jr.. Noah Berry Sr.. Bob Baker I SEPTEMBER 28 IN THE Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill SATURDAY, First Show 7 p.m. ' Second Show 9 p.m. ADMISSION â€" Adults 30c. Children 18c. WWWâ€"wan-~. . - - - HOUSE PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING DECORATOR â€" 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP . Empire Wall Papers Pattern Books 383 patterns from 14c. to $1.40 per single roll Phone Richmond Hill 9 or write P.O. Box 268 or E. J‘. HINSON, 4 Lucas St. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW 4.. 3 F .I... LOWRIE, R.0. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST WILL BE AT AUSTIN’SrDRUG STORE WEDNESDAY, OCT. 9th and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 A.M. TO 12.00 NOON Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted OPTICAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACED Prescriptions for Glasses Filled For Appointment Phene Richmond Hill 38 The Liberal Ads. Get Results , __= "THE Social and Personal Attention C.G.I.T. girls! C.G.I.‘T. will re-Open October 3rd at the Unit- ed Church at 7.30 p.m. sharp. The Richmond Hill Choral Secicty will meet Monday. Sept. 2:0 in the high school gymnasium at 5.15 p.m. Turn hack the hands of your time-- pieces Saturday night, Daylight Savingr Time ends :it 2 ant. Sunday morning. Mrs. Clarence L. Mylks spent. last week-end with her husband who is stationed with the II.E.I‘.(‘. at Kingâ€" ston. Leslie Reardon, Yongc St.. Rich- mond Hill. was bereaved bv the passâ€" ing of his brother Print-i: John Reardon at Orillia last Sunday. Mr. Jos. Caruso of Vancouver. iif'. is visiting for two weeks with and Mrs. Luigi Delbrocco and fam- ily of Carrville. Walter Braybon, a former resident of Richmond Hill, died at his home. 86 Ilford Rd., Toronto, Sunday, Sept. 22nd in his 78th year. He is surâ€" vived by his widow and two Frankt E. and Kenneth L. sons. An enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Miss Marion Scrivener by the members of St. Mary": Am;â€" lican Church Evening Guild on Monâ€" day night for Miss Zeta Milne who leaves for England next week. The regular monthly meeting: of the Afternoon Auxiliary ot‘ the W0â€" men's Missionary Society of the United Chuich will be held in the Sunday School room on Thursday. October 3rd at 3 p.m. cordially invited. An interesting pro- gram is being prepared. The monthly meeting of Hill Presbyterian Church W.Il1.S. will be belt. at. the home of Mrs. TIIOs. Moore, South Yonge St.. Thursday, October 3 at S p.m. Maple Auxiliary will join us at this meeting and have arrang~ ed an interesting program. Every- one cordially invited. regular the Richmond Mrs. M. Gillies, Carrville Road, Richvale, entertained at a tea party and personal shower Sunday, Sept. 15th in honour of her great niece, Aim Wood, whose marriage takes place Sept. 28. Presiding over the tea table, which was d Blightfully made up to represent a huge engage- ment ring, banked by blue delphin- ium and pink gladioli and white tap- ers in silver holders, were Mrs. N. Alexander, Mrs. Stan Wood and Mrs. Ann Clement. The bride-to-be re- ceived many beautiful gifts and the best wishes of her many gill Irieuos and cousins who were present. ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th., R.D., Rector Sunday, Sept. 29 10 a.m.â€"Sunda_v School. 11 a.m.â€"-Morning Prayer. Preacher, the Rector. Trinity 15 7.30 p.m.â€"Community Service of Witness, United Church. Preachâ€" er. Rev. W. J. Gallagher, D.D., Secretary of the Canadian Coun- cil of Churches. All cordially invited. All Services on Standard Time RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., minister ' 10.30 armâ€"Sunday School. 11.45 a.m.â€"Public Worship. 7.30 p.m.â€"Community Service of Witness at United Church under auspices of local branch or the Layman’s Council of the Canadian Council of Churches. All services on Standard Time. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Sunday, September 29 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"Morning Worship. 7.30 p.m.â€"Combined service the auspices of Anglican, Presby- terian and United Church Lay As- sociations; Combined Choirs; Wychwood Citadel Salvation Army Band; Rev. W. J. Gallagher, D.D., Secretary of the Canadian Coun- cil of Churches. Please note that all services are on Standard Time. All are welcome. under KING, MAPLE and OAK RIDGES ANGLICAN CHURCHES Sunday, September 20 All Saints, King, 10 a.m. St. John’s, Oak Ridges, 11.15 a.m. Preacher, Mr. C. Minty. St. Stephen’s, Maple. Harvest Thanksgiving- 9.30 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. 7 p.m.â€"Evensong. Preacher, the Rector. Harvest Thanksgiving Service will be observed in St. John's Church, Oak Ridges, Friday, Oct. 4th at 8 p.m. The preacher will be Rev. Harry Gar-butt, and also Sunday, Oct. 65. MAPLE UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. E. Fockler, B.A., minister Sunday, September faith 11 aimâ€"Sunday School Rally Ser- vice. Speaker, Judge H. Mott Of Juvenile Court, Toronto. 7 p.m.â€"Evening service in charge of Dr. J. S. Duncan and the Thorn- hIII United Church Choir. THE LUTHERAN CHURCH Sherwood-Unionville Parish S. Cooper, Pastor Zion. Sherwood It) a.m.â€"Sunday School. ]] a.m.â€"The Service. Bethesda, Unionville It) a.m.â€"Sunda_v SchOOI. 7.30 p.m.â€"The Service. Sermon Themeâ€"“Why Evangelism." All are welcome. Dora: “What became of that bash- ful man and bashful girl you were telling me about?†Jack: “Oh, I each other and in three weeks they were en'a e( †t» g - “Eu-.35.“: Mr. All ladies are: toria Square visited with Mr. Mrs. Norman Reid on Sunday. introduced them to BOWLING successful NOTES Men's Trchh-s held at 1'...- Satut‘day. Septeiniwr 21. 1st. llr.; Ilaliiy Another Tournament last p1i'/.c was Iota'. e‘rcen l I The ‘ Wheeler rink winners his were: and front Beach (this is the 2nd tournanwrt l". i succession that Dr, Wheeler has wou‘ ‘at the local green); 2nd. :1 Rii‘l‘lllltlltil IIiII rink composed of R. W. Hall. A. A. Eden and G. Yerex skip: liuh t'or Evis of Curadu (duh, and the Iiiin one game winner was W. Power of Yermont t‘Iub. To~ ronto. ('apons were given as prizes. A miwa doubles tournamcni on: he held at the green on Situidag. September Zo’th. ('apons for all prizes. Please pick your own pail. uers and make your entry early. two wins. E. gBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO " I - Douglas R. Walton. killed in an acci- ROAD Sl'PT. TO RETIRE twenty years has been Whitrhurch Twp. Road Supt., will lento owingr to ill health. BUTTONVILLE A capacity congregation attended anniversary servu'es at Brown‘s ('or- Muili l Henry \Yiddifield. who for the past net's l'nited (‘huich on Sunday for both services. Morning- service was conducted by the minister, Rev. L. A. Currey whose theme was “(.‘hrisâ€" tian Service in the Community. Past. Present and Future". Evening ser- vice was in charge of Rev. J. Woods of Bcdt'ord Park United Church, "1‘. ronto whose topic was “Need for L'o-ordinated Christian Service". Spe. cial music by the choir under the leadership of Mrs. S. .I. English was well rendered and enjoyed. Morning soloist was Mr. Edwin Bruce. Evenâ€" ing soloist was Mrs. Aubrey Steph- CllSOll. An enjoyable social evening was held on Monday in the church. A short program was followed by the piesentation of a chair and purse of I money to Rov. and Mrs. E. A. ('ur- rcy. Mr. C. J. Russell and Mrs, Wm. Brown plesented the gift on behalf of the congregation. Games and contests were followed by a dc- lightful lunch to end a very pleas- ant evening. Artists for the evenâ€" Illg‘ were Mrs. Clayton and Mrs. Giles who rendered a duet, Mr. BruCe and Mrs. A. StephenSmi favored with solos. Miss Ellen Boynton delighted with her readings and Miss Anne Summers led in community singing. A regrettable accident occurred on the fourth concession on Sunday evâ€" ening when George Padgett was struck by a car and seriously in- jured when returning home from at- terding chuich service. George is in the General HOSpital suffering from a compound fracture of the leg and other injuries and it will be some time before he is able to be home. The September meeting Of Button- ville W.I. was held at the home 0f Mrs. George Kelly on Thursday. An unusual and impromptu programme was much enjoyed by the members. The speaker for the afternoon was unavoidably prevented from attend- ing 50 the following members took part in the program: Mrs. McGimp- .sey related her experiences on a trip to North Bay and back the re- turn trip being made by plane. Mrs. E. Hill read the appeal for funds issued by the Salvation Army and Mrs. W. Baker read an article c...â€" ering Operation X, carried on by the medical research department of the United States during the war. Mrs. Muir'head rendered two lovely Scott- ish songs which were much appreci- ated. Canvassers were elected to collect funds for the Salvation Army in this locality. After a contest a delicious lunch was served by the blosltesses, Mrs. G. Kelly and Mrs. E. I . Mr. and Mrs. H. Barber, Harry Jr. and Marjorie of Victoria Square were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Craig on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Brown of To- ronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. Hood. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Brumwell and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson of Vic- and Mr. and Mrs. Cuff of Temperance- ville were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Middleton on Sunday. Mrs. Zimmerman of Stouffville visited with Dr. and Mrs. G. Kelly. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baker were Mr. and Mrs. J. Joyce of Agineourt. This week we welcome home Mrs. .P. Bassinger who has returned from spending an interesting six weeks visiting and sightseeing in the Can- adian West. Some of her ports of call were Jasper National Park, Fort Fraser, Fort St. Osage and Vancouver. through the Caribou country was very much enjoyed as was also a boat trip to Swamish. Her vivid de- scription of the scenery makes us How- welcome James, Regina, A bus trip wish we had been along tOO. ‘ever we are glad to say home again. Brown’s Corners Memorial Service will be held in the church on Sunâ€" day. October 6th at 11.30 a.m. Ser- vice will be conducted by Rev. E. A. Currey. , Brown’s Corners Y.P.S. will conâ€" duct a tour of the Danforth Tech- E nical School next Sundav. Cars will leave the church at 12.45 p.m. Ev- ‘ervhodj' welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Len Parker and Ray. mom] of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tennyson on Monday. VICTORIA SQUARE (‘IRCUI'I‘ l'NI'I‘El) (‘HI'RCII OF CANADA Rev. Eldridge A. Currey, ILA, RD. Minister Sunday, September Ileadford 10 anniDivine I at by SS. Brown's Corners 10.30 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11.210 a.m.â€"Divine \Yorship. Victoria Square 1 p.111.‘~Sunday School. 2.30 p.m.â€"Divine Worship. warm welcome awaits you. A thought for the week: “I will liclp l tliec."â€"Isaiah 41le. at. Worship. t'ollow- BIRTH SLIGERâ€"Mr. and Mrs. lichard Slider (nee .Ioan Mecredy). announce the birth of a daughter at .lackson. Miclj. on Monday. Sept. 113;. ltllli. BIRTH \‘.\I\'I". .\‘. York t‘onnty Hospital on Sunday. Sept. 13. to Mr. and Mis. lliare Yang of Richmond Hill. ;. daughter. I‘illilt’lli't‘ I.:i\ini:i. (ARI) OP THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to ielatives. many friends and neighbours for their kindiu‘ss.' sjiinpaxhy cards and beautiful l'loral llililllt‘\ l’t't't‘lYttI in the beloved husband and lather. Mis. Laura llone and loss ol' 1‘ l';iiii.|y. IN MEMORIAM WALTON In loving memory ct" dent. ()t'toher Ill‘d. Illlil. My lips cannot tell how I miss him. My heart cannot tell what to say. God only knows how we miss him In a home that is lonesome today. â€"Sadly missed by Mom, Dad. Doris and Murray. IN MEMORIAM» STEPHENSONiIn loving memory of our dear mother and grandmoth- er. Mrs. (i. I“. Stephenson, who pass- ed away September 210, lit-.15. Two dear brie-ht eyes. a tender smile, A loving heart that knew no guilc. Deep trust in God that all was right. IIcr joy to make some other blight. If sick or suffering one she knew. Some gentle act of love she‘d do; No thought of self. but. of “the oth- er"; I knew He said, mother.†â€"-Lovingly don, Mabel and “Well done. dear remembered by G or- Madeline. OLD (‘OI'PONS Coupons still valid in the Old ra- tion books are: S1 to 25 for sugar and preserves; R18 to 21 for butter and Q] the Rationing :uiministration. to J. for meat. according: to They also announce that no additional corn pens in the old ration books will be declared valid. YEREX Yerex Electric would like to an- nounce that we are now in a position to give refrigeration service. We are equipped to make re- pairs on all commerCIal and do- mestic refrigerators. Our ser- viccman is well nutt‘ified to give' you prompt and efficient ser- Vice. We also give service on wash- ers. radios, ranges. motors and small appliances. Phone 242 Richmond Hill PURE CIDER Vinegar . . GRADE A Pallet Eggs . m OLD DUTCH Cleanser 2 B AU M ER’I‘ Cream Cheese MAPLE LEAF Cake Flour . i: CONCENTRATED Pth. STAR SNOW WHITE Cauli NO. I WAXED Washed Turnips L SELECTED Washed Carrots SELECTED Broccoli Blue 4 oz. Ammonia“ 60 one?“ . . . . . 10c PROCLAMATION STANDARD TIME RY AUTHORITY OF RESOLUTION OF THE ('Ol’hit’ll. OF THE MUNICIPALITY Oi" THE VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL. I HEREBY (‘ALL UPON ALL CITIZENS TO REYERT TO STANDARD TIME SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 29th AT 2 AM. TIIP. (‘O-OI’ERATION OF ALL WILL BE APPREI.‘IA'I‘ED. R. LYNE’PI“. ('lci‘k WILLIAM NEAL, Reeve WNOWOWOMWWOWM Yes, now is the time for Fall FALI. PLOUGi-IING IS BETTER THAN SPRING PLOUGHING NO JOB TOO LARGE OR T00 SMALL FREE ESTIMATES . EXI,‘.\\.'A'I‘IN(} & GRADING CONTRACTOR W. H. HOUTING' Stop 22 Yongc St. at Richvale. phone Richmond Hill Ir3l 00“0990â€OMâ€OO»WOWWOOWOWM QOOWO QONGQQOQOOQOOOO TWO SIIOWS DAILY â€" 7.30 AND 9.30 P.M. D.S.'l‘. SATURDAY MATINEE 2 I’.M. FRIDAY & SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27. 28 ALAN LADD, GERALDINE FITZGERALD i “ O. S. S. †A DRAMATIC ACTION PICTURE MONDAY. TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 30. OCT. 1. 2 CLARK CHILE. GREER GARSON “ ADVENTURE †THURSDAY. FRIDAY, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3. 4. 5 -' CORNEL WILDE, ANITA LOUISE “ The Bandit of Sherwood Forest †IN TECHNICOLOR l AUSTRALIAN Seedless IlaisinsLB' 17C NeedIeSoup Mix 2§25c 430 2-390 £190 Feeds. 3§250 1 lb. TIN 49C 300 G. 170 29C FLOOR WAX EXTRA CHOICE BLACK FIGS GREEN GIANT Javex }. , Peas . . _ ii? 190 )1... Orange Pekoe Teas 02:44c . 230 EACH 1 20 oz. TIN LGE. SIZE flower . . . 8' 3C ORANGES 37c GREEN PASCAL Celery Stalks 25 19c _‘ McINTOSH ‘6 QT. Red Apples BSKT. Grapes . . . 59C 3§10c