_ s _ __.<.-__â€"_..-.-â€"â€"-â€"~._-~â€"uwyyâ€"â€"- PAGE SIX ouomomomouomcuomono CHANGE OF TIME TABLE Effective Sunday, September 26th Buses Leave Richmond Hill TO NEWMARRET 8.56 a.m. 7.11 p.m. 7.46 a.m. 6.11 p.m. O [l I] 0 ll 0 10.16 a.m. 8.31 p.m. 11.06 pm. [I O I] I] 0 ll 0 a x 11.46 a.m. 8.56 .‘t.i"'l. a 2.21 p.m. _ 6.11 pm. 11.46 a.m. Xg 8.31 p.in. 2.21 pm. 12.11 a.m. 12.11 an». a 3.51 pm. S'I'ANDARI) TIME yâ€"To Gravcnhurst o“ly gâ€"li'i'iday, Sat., Sun. cc 1101. .‘:â€"To Oi'illia ('itly ii [I o A,__â€" H To Noii'i‘ii em a . I] H except Sun. c‘; llol. : u M. SCHMIDT â€"â€" Phone 177 GRAY COACH LINES Homouomo=cmomo====ou u- SELL CHRISTMAS CARDS TO YOUR FRIENDS Here's a chance to make some money for your Christmas shopping. Generous commisswns paid. Don't delay -â€" Write today. . National Merchandising Service Adelaide St. l’.0., Box 10, Toronto it o , I . . ‘ u . l †Tickets and 111101 mation at O ~§€~§§§§ Playtime Practicality :31 ‘1‘ ‘ ; There's a tugofâ€"war-toughâ€" ness in our shoes for boys. They‘re practical for school play : sturdy withstand ‘_he or for and enough to tear of lively wear and young scamos. Thei‘t‘s no- thing makeshift about this. rugged foï¬wear . . . from heel to toe "they can take it". And to top it all they're pri.:der.ti_\.-' priced . . Don‘t miss theini s as: ' R. .i. CRAIGIE ' _ Men’s and Boys’ Wear Yonge and Richmond Sts. Richmond Hill Phone 218W ICE For Cool Economy Don't let t‘ood spoil through lack of refrigeration. With Ilill's ice refrigeration it costs so little to maintain healthful food temperatures. . .to guard food flavors...ai'id to utilize left overs...safe. pure. long-lasting I-Iill's ice is sheer, cool economy for you. Use it today. HILL’S ICE & FUEL TELEPHON E MAPLE 2-11'33 ‘.\‘vv i... “‘\ M Order it at its inexpensive best. . Carl Saigeon Agency MAPLE, ONTARIO E R N I E B R O C K Telephone Maple 11 C $ * i it i it i . All insurance matters will receive the usual prompt attention and service. lo. ii. DOWXEY, can. Huâ€"A Terms Cash. GORMLEY Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Henderson. also the Henderson sisters. spent Sunday at Fordwicli. Mrs. (,‘ccil Brown of St. Cathariiies spent last week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. 'IOIIII Bond, while her husband attended the Conference 1|. Stayiicr. We are pleased that Conference has sent. Rev. and Mrs. Iluson and Ruth back with us for another year. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hoover and family spent Sunday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Schlicter and family had supper Sunday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Donei'. John Edward and Marilyn. (,‘ongratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eade on the birth of a son at Newmarket liOspital. Last Friday evening the young people of the community were enter- tained by Mr. George DcWitt at a corn roast at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Davis 01‘ Stevensville visited over last week- end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baker. ‘ ‘ Mrs. Laura Druniniond is visiting her sister, Mrs. Harriet Tripp, in Montreal. Our sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. Stewart, formerly Miss Eleanor Conner, in her sad bereave- ment. The funeral service of Mr. Stewart was held in the Heise Hill Church and is reported to be one of the largest funerals to be held there for some, time. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hunt of Bethâ€" esda had supper Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. E. Hunt and Ruth. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mooi'hy and family, also Mrs. Sproule were guests at the Sheppard-Wright wed- ding at Mount Albert last Saturday afternoon. RIGHVALE The regular meeting of the East Vaughan Ratepayers Association will be held in the school building, Spruce Ave.. Richvale, Thursday. October 3rd. 1946 at 8.30 pm. Subâ€" ject. “The Spending of the Building Fund Moneyâ€. A special invitation is extended to new residents. All come, all invited. AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Imple- ments, Hay, etc. The undersigned has received instructions from ALEX .F ULLER Sunkist Valley Farm Lot 8. C011. 8, Albion Township V; mile east of Bolton To sell by public auction or: TUESDAY, OCT. lst The following; property: HORSES l Matched Team, G.P. horses REGISTERED JERSEY COWS \\ cwlside Star Lady, 100358, in full flow \‘uudside Morning~ Glory, 111363», in full flow Glcnalda Princess Jessie, 150372, in full flow Ghoulda Gypsy, 100350, in full flow ‘Glezi'slda Bluebell, 100358, in Iull flow Wcodside Wee Tiny, 164619, heifer U).p>y Princess, ..eifer (lo‘t'cn Lulu Bel’c, heifer Simkist Valley Belle, heifer GRADE COWS l .Icisey Cow, bred May I l Jcrsey Cow, bred Aug. 10 i .‘crscy Cow, bred June 17 1 Jersey Cow, in full flow 1 Black Cow, bred April 2?:- 1 Black Cow, bred May 1 1 Guernsey Cov', bred Aug. :30 l Brindle, Cow, Med Aug. 5 1 Brindle Cow, bl'Ul Aug. 24 1 Black Cow, bred July 1 .1 Black Cow, bred July 31 1 Guernsey Cow 1 Jersey Heifer 3 Jersey Bulls Cows‘T.B. tested, blood tested, mus- titis tested 1 DeLAVAL SPEEDWAY MAG- NETIC MILKLR, NEW 1 M~H TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT 101 Junior M-H Tractor on rubber, lights, power take-off, etc. 1 Cockshutt Tractor Plow, new 1 Cockshutt Tractor Double Disc, 1 M-H Grain Grinder, 101.5.»H plate=. new 1 Set Tractor (,ll.‘llls IMPLEMENTS 1 McCormick Deeiing Binder, new. \vitli tractor Litch 1 McCormick Deering Mower, with tractor hitch 1 Cockshutt; Manure Spreader, with tractor hitch 1 McCormick Deez'iiig Rake. new 1 McCormick Deering Sprinw Tooth Harrows I: Cocksliutt Drill Disc Kid Kangaroo Plow McCormick Deeri'ig Walking Plow, new Set of Dick Plow Wheels. Circular Saw li‘raiiic. new Hay Rack, new Rubber Tire Wagon, (300 x 16 Rubber Tire Wagon, tititixld new L\loop Sleighs, rew , Set 4 section Drag lIarrviws, new IleLaval Separator. electri: power Root Pulper. electric power Stewart Electric Clippers, new Hand Powered Clippers Electric Fence 4 Gas Drums Electric Paint Sprayer - Plg HOPDEI'S ] Water Trough Number of Water Bowls 7 1 McCormick Deeriiig Sciiffler, new 1 Set of Platform Scales HARNESS 1 Set of Brass \litllitC'l Heavv Breeching Harness ' L Horse Collars, Bridles. e: HAY ,_. Gâ€"Agâ€"Apâ€"lpâ€"‘bâ€"AP‘pâ€"Aâ€"‘pâ€"‘râ€"lvâ€"lbâ€"IH \- ) ‘_ Mews Hay and 1 Stack Quantity of Tools. Doubletrcc:_ _\'C l\'_ yokes, Shovels. Forks. l‘ail> .‘l'l-l articles too numerous to mention V . Sziie at 1 p.m. .\o article to he removed until ~ paid for. No Reserve as proprietor is retiring from farming. I A. M. McEwen. Auct. l’iione 137W Weston. ï¬, THE LIBERAL, RICIâ€"IMOND HILL, ONTARIO VICTORIA SQUARE Eail Haig Elects l On Thursday evening of last week members- ot‘ Victoria Square United Church gathered in the Sunday School room to personally meet Rev. and Mrs. Currey and also iiiake a piescntation on their behalf. The first part of the evening was devot- cd to an enjoyable programme which ctnsistcd of a number of iceitations by Miss Ruby Avison and piano iii- strumentals by Mr. Floyd Davies and Mrs. Davies of WillowdaIC. Rev. and Mrs. ('uri'cy were then presented with a lovely nest of tables given them by members of the congrega- tion. ‘ The regular monthly meeting of the, .Jr. Women‘s Institute will be held Tuesday evening, October 1st in the (‘omiiiunity llall. Everyone Is cordially invited. Members of the .I.W.l. and .l.l".A. are asked to bring their crokinole boards with them so that everyone can participate in a friendly game of crokinole during the joint meeting. The. ladies of the 'Victoria Square W.A. entertained the ladies of Milliâ€" ken and Edgeley associations last Wednesday. Mrs. Spratt, devotional secretary of the Central Presbytery. was guest speaker. Vocal selections and piano instrumentals were given by the visiting ladies. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. Messrs. Robert, George and Frank Beatty have returned after a motor trip through Western Canada. Mr. Irving Reid of Malibu, Van- couver, B.C., Miss Gladys Reid, R.N., of Brooklyn, N.Y. and Mrs T. Donn- elly of Churchill visited their sister Mrs. R. Bcatty and family last week, Mr. and Mrs. G. Mortson, Wayne and Bruce. Mrs. J. Mortson had Sun- day tea with Mr. and Mrs. N. Reid and Mrs. J. Brown of Brown’s Corn- crs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Clinkard and son,1,a(.k home again. Johnny visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. Brumwell, Wilbur and Denton. Rev. and Mrs. Currey had Sunday dinner with Mrs. W. Brumwell and Miss Marion Boynton. Miss Joan Paul spent a few (lays in Toronto visiting with Mrs. Miller. The Young People’s meeting will take place next Sunday evening in the Sunday School room. The meet- ing will be in charge of Mr. James Boynton. Mrs. Thompson of Mount Albert is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. R. Perkins. Sorry to report that Mrs. Gooding of Gormley has had to undergo an- other operation. The many friends in the community wish her a speedy recovery and hope she will soon bbe able to return to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver and son Geo. visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. Mort- son and family on Saturday night. BUTTER COUPONS There is some confusion among consumers over which coupons are valid in their old and new ration books, according to Rationing auâ€" thorities. It is pointed out that. R21 is the last butter coupon to be used in the old ration book and that R22 to R25 will NOT be declared valid. First butter coupon to become good in the new ration book is BZG which comes due Sept. 26. f 3' I. EATING USE It’s a sure bet that birds that won't eat won't Iayl Step up the appetite of birds “off feed" with CHEK-R-TON, mixed right in the mash. Also helpful in killing large roundworms, reducing intestinal intlamation, returning bowel action to normal. Students’ Council Last Friday was voting day in the big red schoolhouse for everyone but the first formers who because of their recent entrance into the school were not allowed to vote. The picvâ€" ions day the student body assembled in the gym to listen to campaign speeches. Two new offices were iiiâ€" trodueed this year, chairman and viceâ€"chairman of the Friday Night Committee. (This committee hopes to hold a hang-up dance every sec- end Friday during; the school year). The four nominees, two boys for the position of chairman and two girls for vice-chairman, gave short talks on their stirling qualities, in addi- tion to the usual addresses given by the candidates for president. The speeches were all short and to the point, and in many places they were interrupted by bursts of laughter as the candidates goodnaluredly “slung inrd†at each other. Vigorous campaigning continued all day and on Friday morning the vote was taken, the results of which ‘were as follows: Bill Turner, presi« dent; Pete llunter, chairman Friday night com.; Betty Aston, vice-chairâ€" man Friday night c0m.; Bruce Es- coffery, viceâ€"president; Kathleen Speers, 2nd vice-president; Marg. Niblock, secretary; Valerie Aldcrson, treasurer; Mike Anevick. president of boys’ athletics; Shirley Stark, president of girls' athletics; Jean Taylor and Pete Bradshaw, pianists; Betty Murphy, girl reporter; Peter Wade, boy reporter. UNIONVILEE We are glad to see Mr. W. I’ellatt He reports glad to be home and is feeling quite well. Mrrs. H. Coathup is on the mend after an operation last week. We hope to see her weltand home soon. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brown and family attended the wedding of their nephew, Mr. Douglas Wag‘g of To- ronto on Saturday. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. E. Stiver and family on the death of her (laughâ€" ter and sister Mrs. Hannah Curtis who passed away on Saturday morn- ing‘. Mr. and Mrs. Little and family ar- rived home on Monday from a trip out West to their former home. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Maynard are holidaying in the Maritimes. Mrs. Schell of Stouffville is visitâ€" ing her daughter Mrs. Stan Stiver and family. IF SO BUYING WHEAT, OATS AND BARLEY. BARLEY AND OAT CHOP'ON HAND. ALSO BRAN Iieep up milk supply with Cow Chow mixed with your own chop. GROWENA FOR GROWING “CALF STARTENA" â€"- Nothing Better for Calves. PIG Phone 10, The Elevator I‘I'RINA l’RODI'CTS ARE NOT MADE TO Slild, .\'l‘ UNABLE TO GET ENOUGH GOOD Take Home a Supply Today. Always At Your Service D. RAMER a SON THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 26th, 1946. ‘V Start Right with Prest-oâ€"lite Batterie’s The Battery with a kick. Tow Cables, 75c. ea. Paris Auto Supply Ltd. Richmond Hill Phone 86 u... .. u,. 3 â€™ï¬ Vaughan Township Ratepayers I ARE ASKED TO CUT ALL Weeds-Brush ON ROADSIDES ADJOINING YOUR PROPERTY WEEDS, BRUSH and SMALL TREES along roadsides hold the drifting snow, stop vehicular traffic and in- creases snow plowing costs. During the summer the power mowers employed to cut weeds were handicapp- ed liy brush on roadsides. The Council of the Town- ship of Vaughan do request the ratepayers to cut the brush and weeds on the roadsides adjoining their farms. This is to your interest during the winter months and will also assist in weed cutting next year. J. M. McDONALl) Clerk BOYNTON WE‘LDRICK Reeve o; WIRE FENCING Concrete Construction, Stone Work Considerable quantity of cedar and metal posts in stock WALTER BONE & SON Maple R.R. No. 2 Belong to You i then bolslt 1‘ up your ration for layers, pullcts. bi'tnli is and turkeys. " Purina Chekâ€"Râ€"Ton Sun, lies Generous Quantity 01' Extra Vitamins Acts as Tonic and Conditioner 4 meme/pr Helps kill poultry 9 house insects, wood ;. preservative, lei- L‘mite control. Use spray or brush. Use Insect Oil AND MIDDS. HOGS. Richmond Hill .\ l'th'l-I lil"l' TO l’ROllltE BEST RESI'LTS AT LOWEST (‘OST