III-III.- . III-IIIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII [IIIIIIIIIIIHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBIWHEN.“III IIIIIE IIIIII’IIIIIIIII-IIllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII PHONE 170 CHOIR-S OF "HE THREE CHURCHES WILL UNITE TO LEAD IN â€" ' PA‘GE EIGHT Answell Appliances Join our convenient “Lay-Away†Club manner. . .to save your precious time. The new appliances are convenient. . .they’re economical. . . they gleam \viLh goodâ€"looks. . .and they’re yours to command today. Let us show them to you. to own these modern miracles. Electricity is harâ€" nessed for your needs. . .to serve you in the grand ELECTRIC TRAINS, TRICYCLES, RELIABLE DOLLS, SKIS, GAMES, Etc. TOYLAND Complete range of toys for all ages. HE‘BDBIN RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Sunday, September 29th at 7.30 p.m. (Standard Time) OF WITNESS St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hiil GIFTS, STATIONERY, TOYS 4813 Yonge Street, Lansing Telephone Willowdale 580 WILLIAMS Watch for the opening of GuestPreacher: The Reverend W. J. GALLAGHER, D. D. UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE RICHMOND HILL DIVISION OF THE COUNCIL OF LAYMEN IN SUPPORT OF THE CANADIAN COUNCIL OF CHURCHES LIMITED It's like having a £111}- scale household staff THORNHILL uUKL‘Hb‘S- WILL UNITE TO LEAD IN THE SINGING, AND THE SALVATION ARMY BAND OF WYCHWOOE CITADEL, TORONTO, WILL PROVIDE SPECIAL MUSIC. EVERYONE INVITED TO JOIN IN THIS COMMUNITY CHURCH. SERVICE. Subject “HE IS OUR PEACE.†SECRETARY OF THE CANADIAN COUNCIL OF CHURCHES Thornhill Area residents will be glad to know that at a meeting of the Parks Commission held on Wed- nesday, Sept. 18, it was decided to take immediate steps to get the park rink in shape for the winter. The job of straightening the light poles and connecting the lights has been given to‘a contractor, and it is ex- Mr. and Mrs. R. Sharpless‘ and Jean spent the week-end in Ottawa where they attended the McNee-Mc- Donald wedding. Mr. McNee was a former Group Captain in the RCAVF. a valued member of Thornhill W.l‘., will be glad to know that she is coming along nicely after 'her recent operation. Mrs. Reynolds is in the Toronto General Hospital and will probably remain there for another two or three weeks. Injured last week when their car struck a pole on Wilson Ave. in an effort to avoid collision with another car, Mr. and Mrs. A. Vanhorn of Centre St. suffered severe cuts and bruises- as well as chest injuries and broken ribs. Year-Up Club Reopens The Year-Up Club of Thornliill inâ€" vites the young people of the village and district to a weiner roast and sing-song to be held on Friday, Oc- tober 4th, at the Park. As this is their" first endeavour to begin the Club for another season, the commit- tee wish to see all the old crowd back together again, along with the new- comers who are interested. Tell all your friends and hike on over to the Ball Park any time after 8 pm. Bet- ter late than never remember. Many who will not be eligible to join the Club will be entertained at this event, so there will be a silver col- lection to defray expenses. Come one, come all, join in the fun. You may think you are old, but we know you are young. Everyone is welcome to come and join in the fun and good time, so let’s make it a date. See‘ you there “Docâ€. ‘ The many friends of Mrs. G. Rey- nolds of May Ave., Richmond Hill Meeting on Monday evening of this week, the first since the holiday sea- son, the Y.P.U. of Thornhill United Church held an election of officers with the following results: Honorary president, Dr. J. S. Duncan; presi- dent, Ruth Hicks; vice-president, Howard Walker; cor. sec., Irene Banas; rec. sec., Helen Shouldice; treas., Arthur Bone; fellowship conâ€" venor, Betty Bone; citizenship con- venor, Joan Cooper; missions con- venor, Arthur Morton; cultural con- venor, Elizabeth Eaton; recreation committee, Ralph Nuttall, Betty Empringham. Present as guest speaker was Miss Evelyn Lapp, Cen- tral Presbytery Recreational Leader, who conducted recreation and a sing song. Special harvest services are to be held in Trinity Anglican Church on Wednesday, Sept 25th at 8 pm. Guest speaker is to be Rev. A. C. McCallum, M.B.E. For the benefit of those who,will be unable to at- tend, the services are to be carried Over to Sunday. There will be spe- cial music. Thornhill District News THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILII, ONTARIO Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church Congratulations to Lorraine Vau- tier of Doncaster Gardens, the win- ner of a. twoâ€"way talkie set in at re- cent nation-wide contest. Hodkinson-Spring Hope United Church, Toronto, was Treasurer Arthur Morton did an excellent job of outlining the newly organized club’s financial situation, and total receipts on the night will probably meet all expenses incurred by the Young Women’s Guild in prei paring; the dinner. A parficularly happy feature of the evening’s activities was that af- ter the draw for the door prize, sup- ervised by Don Davidson and John Purdy, the winner was announced to be Gordon Walker. a very hearty dinner prepared by the Young Women’s Guild with assist- ance from some members of the W0- men’s Association. The function 01)- ened with a word of welcome from the club president, Geo. Giles. A few remarks were offered by one of the vice-presidents, Willard Simpson, who paid tribute to the boys who did not come back. An impressive one minute's silence was observed in their memory, previous to which Mr. Duncan, pastor, read the names of the six members of the church who paid the supreme sacrifice. Follow- ing the dinner, guest speaker Mr. Jack Houck, delivered an inspiring talk. He outlined some of the prob- lems encountered today by ex-service men and women, and offered his own program for success. Mr. Houck left with the men the motto, “Seek, Strive, Winâ€. j pected that this work will be started at the earliest possible date. Fol- lowing a general discussion on the watering situation, it was decided to have a survey made by an engineer from one of the firms manufacturing water pumps. The Parks Commis- sion will meet every two weeks until the work on the rink has been com- pleted. A committee of two, Mn Percy Bone and Mr. F. C. Crosby, was appointed to see that whatever is necessary will be done to place the rink in operation, and residents can rest assured that the work will be completed in good time for the cold weather. Thornhill United Church Men’s Club, organized in May, 1946, had an excellent turnout at, the dinner given in honour of the ex-service personnel of the church on Thursday, Sept. 19. Approximately 60 turned out, includ- ing 22_ex-service men, and enjoyed Soloist was Miss D. Bell and the wedding music was played by“ Mr. B. Comer. At the reception held at the home of the bride, Domico Farm, J‘horn- him, her mother received in moss green crepe with gold and brown ac- cessories and corsage of talisman roses, assisted by the groom’s moth- er in teal blue crepe and col'sag'e of Johanna Hill roses. We extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson of Toronto gvkho were residents of Thornhill for 22 years and WhoiVWâ€"ilrlrflgevl-e-EI‘QEé their 25th wedding~ anniversary on Saturday, Sept. 28th. For travelling to Georgian Bay, the bride wore a beige suit trimmed with brown squirrel, printed silk blouse and brown accessories. The couple plan to make their ‘home in Toronto. Inside and Outside Work ESTIMATES FREE Phone ’l‘hornhill lr33 PAINTING W. WHITE Richmond Hill United Church WESTINGHOUSE LA GROVE GIFTS & HANDICRAFTS HAIRDRESSING SALES AUTHORIZED DEALERS SILENT GLOW SIMPLE -â€" FOOL PROOF. INEXI’ENSIVE. SIMPLICI'I‘Y 0F LESS AND FASTER CLEANING. EASIER STARTING. COUT‘TS GREETING CARDS Yongc SL, ’l‘llornhill Te Thornhill for your kitchen range or heater. Thornhill First door south of RA. Service Station At THORNHILL Full line of Gifts, Handicraft Products, Linens, 100'? Woollen Blankets CONSTRUCTION. BLASISPHIENZS QUALITY. APPLIANCE AND SALES . GRIFFIN THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th. 1946 Sold by Telephone 63r13 MARCONI SERVICE Telephone 102 Phone 13