. formity with its policy of devoting >_ 40 to 50 per cent of the residents THE HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 l 1 VOL. LXVIII. WATER At a meeting held last week, with Mr. J. I). Lucas, Township solicitor, Reeve L. B. Goodfellow, Deputy- Reeve N. D. MacMurchy. village commissioners \V. A. Carson, Craw- ford Wells, 1). M. ROss, Douglas Lockhart. chairman of waterworks committee, and consulting engineer, AV. B. Redftrn, arrangements for letting of contracts and purchase of mater als for a water system project for King village were made) The deep well and pump house will be completed duiing the winter months and while no guarantee of a defin- ite nature has been made for deliv- ery of pipes and elevated tank, some assurance has been given that this would be made available_ in .early spring. Thus fire protection Will be assured at the outset. Findings of committees appointed at a communitv meeting to investi- gate the feasibility of erecting a community hall in King were pre- sented at a second meeting held in Memorial Hall on November 13th. Authoritative sources had been con- sulted pointing out that grants sought from public institutions gave control to that body. A campaign established to raise funds, is a serâ€" ious business, said chairman of“ the SUPPLY FOR KING 1 our WILLREADY soo meeting, Ivan Specht. Once..starte<l it cannot be dropped and once dropp- ed it could never be revived. But neither of thesehopinions should hin- der the project. The way lies open, and the starting point is careful con- sideration, good organization and de- termination, backed by coâ€"operation from all groups within the district. It was unanimously decided on re- commendation by Rev. E. W. G. W01“- i'all, to appoint an interim commit- tee headed by Clarke Archibald, to lay facts before all community or- ganizations, asking each body to name a representative to speak on behalf of the organization at a pub- lic meeting to be held on January 22 in Memorial Hall. “Knowing rural folk as I do,†said Mr. Worrall, ,“I would advise a period of time be given for consideration by eachl group within the district, of a inatâ€"' ter of such importance." With public opinion sounded. and time allowed for further disenssion,| the project of a community hall which would involve money, mater- ials and future care, will have been carefully gone over before any steps are taken. Mr. Douglas Lockhart supported Mr. Worrall’s amendment. Humane Society’s Films Are Widely Applauded A series of extremely successful movie nights were sponsored recent- ly by the North York Humane So- ciety. The filnis “Out of the Ilezirt†and “Animals in the Service of Man†were featured and the first skewing in the Richmond Hill United Church Sunday School room under the aus- pices of the Exl)l<‘1‘31‘s Group was enthusiastically received by an audi- ence of about 200 children. Most of the 206 newly enrolled members of the junior society were present and the technicolor films received a rousing reception. Maple was next on the list through them-operation of the Maple school board and further members were add- ed to the growing- junior society. The films were shown again, by invitation of the Vellore Women’s Institute following their 'F‘aniily Night Dinner. Here, the audience. mellowed -i-~by-rathe sumptuous;- 53am which the ladies of the Institute pro- vided, received the program well and the work of creating interest among the children was forwarded. All membersof the Richvale and Thornhill schools were given the op- portunity of seeing; both films as a result of the co-operation of the ‘staffs of those scliOols and their re- spective school boards. Reports in- dicate that. more than 125 junior members have been enrolled at Thoriihill, and it is hoped that sim- ilar success can be reported when reâ€" turns from Richvale become avail- , aole. The final showing was made poss- ible by the trustees of the VVoed- bridge Public School where an enâ€" thusiastic audience estimated at 160 youngsters gave the show their rapt attention. Shortage of Junior Humane Soci- ety buttons and pledge cards due to the phenomenal success of the camâ€" paign for junior members is pre- venting the societv from providing Woodbridg‘e with the necessary ma- terial for forming a junior society but this will be remedied shortly. It is estimated that the six showâ€" ii gs were .witnessed‘ by 750 children There will be a'general meeting of the adult society on Tuesday. De- cember 3 in the Richmond Hill Mun- icipal Hall at 8 pm. It is requested that all members attend this meet- ing at which officers will be elected for 1047. Anyone interested in the society is cordially invited. .__â€"_. Ciet Out And Vote Dec. 9 Lions Urge R. H. Voters Richmond Hill Lions Club, in con- itself to the promotion of civic bet- terment, is this year sponsoring a campaign in corinection with the municipal election, the slogan of which is: “Vote as you like, but vote.†‘ Provincial and Dominion wide surâ€"I veys of municipal elections in recent years reflect a regrettable apathy on the part of large numbers of voters In many communities, not more than entitled to vote take the trouble tol cast their ballots, and in most casesl it has been shown that distance from the polling booth is not a‘factor in parent apathy on the part of some as much as the voters who didn’t vote lived quite close to the point at which their ballot boxes were loâ€" cated. “In villages and towns,†said a proponent of the Lions’ campaign, “most voters live within very rea- sonable distances of their polling booths, but it is often in such com- munities where the most apathetic voters, or perhaps they should be called non-voters live. There is no excuse. except illness that keeps the voter in bed on election day, for not exercising the right to vote." “It is worthy of note," said a vet or who hasn’t missed casting a bail- lot in many years, “that the citizens who fail to vote are usually the ones who do the most grumbling about cool WEI)" 'l‘Hl'RS.. FRI" S.\'l'.. (KATHRYN GRAYSON. PHONE MO. 2172 “ TWO SISTERS FROM BOS‘ SELECTED MONDAY & LON (‘H AN EY. J L‘ N E LOCK H A RT. “ SHE WOLF OF LONDON †“ SMALL FRY †Till. THEATRE 'l‘l'ESllAY. MARTHA O‘DJR/ISCOLL in “ HOUSE OF DRACULA " â€" â€" AND â€" â€" what the council does and doesn’t do. How they can reconcile their lack of interest at election time with the critical attitude they take later is more than I can understand. When- ever someone grouses about the council to me I ask him whether he voted, and if he replies ‘no’, I ask why he thinks he has a right to complain.†students of voting tendencies in re- cent municipal elections is that wo- men who in pre-war years cast a comparatively heavy vote no longer do so. members of her sex, a Richmond Hill woman interested in public affairs (Continued on Page 6) Arena Friday Night night at the Richmond Hill arena Friday, November 22nd. There will o‘clock, followed by official opening the new floor, and a concert by the Aurora Boys' Band. At_9.30 there will be dancing to mus'c by Max Bone and his orchestra’. In addiâ€" tion there will be the ever popular Another trend that is interesting When asked the reason for the ap- Community Party At The Lions Club is planning a gala be a movie program starting at l of the arena to mark the laying of Bingo and other games operated by the Lions. The admission for _all children is free and for adults 20c. Yonge at Castlet‘ield NOVEMBER 20. 21. 2'2. '13 .II'NE ALL ~SON in N 9’ SHORTS 26 NOVEMBER 25. SARA HADEN in N 00min RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, Vellore Club Now ion Champs As we mentioned in a recent issue, York County Juniors won two cham- pionships at the provincial Inter- County Club Contests at the Ontario Agricultural College when the cloth- ing and dairy teams put the county on top with two wins. Last week in the National Club Contests at the Royal Winter Fair these teams re- presented Ontario against the other provinces. The Vellore Homemakers‘ Club team in clothing consisting of Misses Orphie Orr and Evelyn Hare of Maple, won the Dominion Champion- ship with seven provinces compet- ing, Orphie having the highest in- dividual score. They were coached by Miss Lulu Row, Home Economist for York County. The Markham Calf Club team cori- sisting of John Kennedy and Ray Ingleton of Agincour‘t, ran a strong second in the Dairy Cattle division losing out to the Quebec team. With all provinces represented this was the keenest competition of them all. The boys were coached by A. O. Dal- rymple, Newmarket, Assistant Agri- cultural Representative for York. Nomination Matting Here Monday Night Richmond Hill’s annual nomination meeting will he held in the Municipal Hall next Monday evening. Novemâ€" ber 25th, when annual statements will be presented and nominations made for reeve, councillors and pub- lic school trustees for the coming year. The meeting opens at 7.30 p.m. and nominations will be receiv- ed until 8.30 p.m. after which candi- dates will be heard. baptismal Font VITPresented To local Wmï¬ A beautiful Baptismal Font was unveiled at, Richmond Hill Presby» terian Church last Sunday morning, family in hcnor of the memory 0f the late Harvey G. Aitcheson, of Toâ€" ronto, who for many years was a dc- voted member of Queen St. East Presbyterian Church. The Font was presented by his daughter Mrs. Rob- ert P. Ross, Markham Road, Rich- mond Hill, accepted on behalf of the congregation by J. A. Monkman, clerk of session, unveiled by Robert. P. Ross and dedicated by the min- ister, Rev. S. W. Hirtle. A baptismal service followed, the following being: baptised, Ian Leigh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Ross, and Sandra Winnifred, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Pollard. Miss Nixola Fisher was-guest soloist at the special service. Trustee For Long Period Retiting [’AI'L E. ANGLE At the last meeting of the trus- tees of Richmond Hill thlic School Paul E. Angle. a member for the past 18 years. announced his inten- tion of retiring. For a number of years he served as chairman and alâ€" ways has been a keenly interested and active member. Chairman D. M. t‘hamney and his other colleagues expressed sincere regret at his deci- sion but paid glowing tribute to his long years of service. Previous to coming to Richmond Hill Mr. Angle was a school trListec for seven years, which gives him a record of school board service of over a quarter cenâ€" tury. This leaves one vacancy on the board and other trustees whose terms expire this year are trustee< A. R. Hill and Jus. Pollard. It is expected Mr. Hill and Mr. Pollard will stand for reelection. LIONS TO ENTERTAIN TEA t‘ H ER S Members of the teaching staffs of Richmond Hill High and Public Schools will be guests of the Lions Club at the regular meeting Thurs- day night. The special program will be in keeping with Education Week. l "1n Essentials, Unity: In Non-Essentials, Liberty: in All Things, Cha THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1946. w w Junior Plownion Winners Chosen The Junior Farmers Home Plowing Competition held earlywii' the month was climaxed with a fine banquet in the Sunday School r0013?! of the Agâ€" ineourt Presbyterian .iyhurch when the prizes and tl‘ophieS‘hvei‘e present- ed to the contestants. jAbout a hun- dred of the plow boys and their friends enjoyed the address of T. R. Hilliard, Junior Extension Fieldman for Ontario and formerly Assistant Agricultural Representative for York Cornty. A quintette 'of,girls from Vellore under the di. . ion of Miss Margaret Watson rendered two dc- lightful groups of vocab numbers. President MaSOn Fletcher called on the judge, W. L. Clark of Gorm~ ley, to comment on the work of the contestants following which the reâ€" sults were announced,’ ' A. O. Dal- u r‘ymple, Assistant A ‘ .- iral Reâ€" presentative as follo‘ ~;, Sod or Stubble, ‘elhss lâ€"«Davc Thomson of Scarboro' Jet: (MacGre gor Trophy); Allan O,‘ LLjf Maple; Norman Tapscott of l jlliken; Norâ€" man Tyndall of Richmopd Hill; Roy K. Smith of Gorinley. Tractor. class 2 George Timâ€" bers of Stouffville (THI,~EatOIi Troâ€" phy); Doug Miles ofplIIilliken; 'Vicâ€" tor Johnson of Aurora} Clare Pen- rose of Aurora. , Walking Plow, class 3â€"Duncan Watson of \Voodl‘fld‘ .,(Eckai‘dt Tea Service); Leonard Jarvis of Agin- court. '5 a Tractor, class 4â€"Jactb Warriner of Markham (I.H.C. Plowdg; Elson Miles of Milliken; Grant Wells of Stouff- ville. . 3.} Boys 16 and under, Eelass 5â€"Norâ€" man Watson of Woodbridge (M-H Plow and McLean Troghy). Beginners’ Class, class 6 â€"- Floyd For-syth of Stouffville; Walter Richâ€" ards of Agincourt; Eldred King of Markham. - The J. A. Greene Spocials for the 4 youngest plowmen wei‘e awarded to George Timbers of Stouffville, Nor- man Watson of Woodbridgc, Grant Wells of Stouffville and Elson Miles of Milliken. ' - r rityâ€. WARRANT OFFICER ERIC WILSON Son of Dr. J. P. and Mrs. Wilson. Richmond Hill. in ltanor of whose memory a special service of remem- brance will he held at Richmond Hill United Church next Sunday at 3 pm. A set of organ chimes with ampli- strongholds in Holland on the night of December 6th, 1942. The raid was. highly successful in that the 0bâ€" jectives were effectively bombed. Several planes were shot down in the attack and others were by enemV fighter planes near the coast and some more were lost. All members of Eric's crew were report- Cd missing: A graduate of Richâ€" mond Hill High School he enlisted on the final day of the school term in June 1940 and went overseas in June 1941. intercepted I At Sunday’s service the minâ€" ister. Rev. C. B. Brethen. will assisted by Rev. G. E. Coulter Ont., be N cw here. Lowell, former Library Fund Expl To R...‘ The Richnibnd Hi. Villfmen's Insti- tae. ..,1~e.1;t-.a«= no. notth »' t was doï¬ted‘dwy’"n’iémli‘ers’ï¬'tfl‘th? ' meeting iast‘ Thursday witli a fair attendance. The meeting was in charge of Mrs. E. Little who is com- piling the historic data on Richmond Hill. She explained in detail just what she needs to complete the book up to this time. If anyone has some interesting material of historic no: ture would they please submit it to Mrs. Little as soon as possible. This is a tremendous job for one person and it is hoped all will coâ€"operate. Mrs. O. L. VVrig‘ht very thoroughly explained how the Library Fund be- gan and to what purpose it is in- tended to use the money. She said the library was first situated in a dingy room at the back of the Ma- sonic Hall and some years later moved to its present site. It is hoped, she said, to have a much larg- er and better equipped room than at present. Two Lovely Solos Miss Hilda Thibert favoured the meeting with two lovely solos, “Loeh Lomond†and the ever lovely “Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyesâ€. Miss Helen Topper was her accompanist. Mrs. James Butler read the paper on current events. She very aptly' told of “What Canada is dOing- for" our Returned Boys". She stated that the Veterans’ Act had beenl H7. Women ,1); cf Richmond Hill, was an unex- amended 18 times since it was startâ€"i ed; also that there is a. special act “1’32" q v.2 ‘La \- “L55. fiers has been donated to the church by his family as a memorial and will, be dedicated and heard for the first time Sunday. W.O. Eric Wil- son, a navigator, was reported miss- ing after a raid over enemyâ€"held of pastor I t't t for every need. I I Report on Conventién Mrs. Poil‘lhid'gave a very interest- ing report on the convention that was held recently at the Royal York Hotel. There are 36,000 members in the Institute and of that number 500 to 700 were able to attend each day. One of the most interesting speakers was Miss Ethel Chapman of the Farmers' Magazine staff. Richmond liili delegates were delighted to have at their table for luncheon Miss Clark, a former president of the \V.I. Mrs. Phipps of Br‘antford. former- 1 pected visitor to this meeting. Ev- eryone gathered round at the tea hour and had a lively chat with her. Hostesses for the meeting were Mrs. Zuefelt, Mrs. Blanchard and Mrs. Pollard. tuthern Minister Going To Sudbury Rev. S. Cooper who for the past four and a half years has served as minister of the Lutheran congrega- tions of Sherwood-Unionville parish will preach his farewell sermon next Sunday, Nov. 2"th. He is leavingr shortly to take up mission work at Sudbury. The best wishes of his many friends go with Rev. Cooper as he goes to his new home. Plan To Modify Make-up Won’t Affect Girls Here Over a grapevine or clothes line or through some underground Chan-I the impression that the girl upon \vord reached some Richmonl Hill girls this week that 1947 would see new facial makeâ€"up styles. The report was that girls would be called on next year to deglamâ€" orize somewhat. tone down to a con‘ dition of sweet simplicity, make drastic changes in the art of using roua‘o and lip stick. The Liberal's Inquiring {eporter undertook to run down the report and get at the facts for the young: ladies. and he learned from the earâ€" tor of a beauty inagazine2~ (11 That there has been some talk aion'r such lines. (‘2) That nothingr is being- considâ€" ered that will affect the majorin oil girls. but only those who overdo the of “And what." he asked the wo'nunk expert. “is to he done to them?" “Nothing can be done to them, of course,†she replied. “except ta let them know one and another til'dt they are not in style. that it's not good form to smear lip stick on iiel, use cosmetics. w a y too thickly or to give the beholder whom he looks has high blood pres- sure she make a on so red does each cheek.†Possibly the explanation will re- licvc whatever may Cxié't- liowover, a gentleman who profcs>C~ to have an eye for beauty and form llllllL) charm says:â€" spot tension “Even if the girls make their faces different. they are going to be the same ol_l gals. The makeup and ttcliiiique may change, but I'll her they'll still be putting on the l‘!’ >lit‘k in restaurants. slapping on the powder ()‘l street curs aiiil lll'illllllllL‘.‘ wherever they may he." KING T‘HVNSHII’ N«~zliiii:iii«i1< l1 r lleevc. Deputy ilecvc and (wingillors will he held at N-uidc‘wn llzil.‘ on Friday. NHTE‘lll-i Ber 22_;. l pm. If an (*lL‘L'llUIl i< in be held llm date has been set as Friday. Ilcccmiiei‘ ti. There are no indications at the moment of an: \\'illl(ll‘zl'»’.ili.< from the present counâ€" c 1. Village trustees for king, Schcmberg- and Nobleton will be nom- inated on November "" --Ih NOMINATIONF TH E ADVERTISING IN LIBERAL GETS RESULTS _â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" No. 21. NlCilNliINlI Nlll. VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD NINETING MONDAY NIGHT The statutory meetin: of the muiiâ€" icipal council of Richmond Hill was licld Mondav cveninc'. and ReeVL‘ William Neal atinrunced that he would be a candidate for re-clcction as Reeve for 1947. but that he iii- tonded to retire at the end of next year if any member of council_wish- ed to step up to the Roeveship. The financial statement of the year’s operation< was presented by Treasurer Russell Lynett and show- ed the village finances in a very satisfactory con'iition. Council start- ed thc year 19-16 with a bank bal- ance of $138,848, and indications are that despite substantial expendi- tures the balance at the end of the year will be approximately the same Tax collections have been very gpod and the treasurer reported only 17 ratepayers in arrears. The annual by-law was_ passetl providing for the nomination an] election, and the following; were ap- pointed as election officers: dcputv returning officers, Jack Brown, N. .I. Glass and E. D. Cunningham; poll clerks. J. C. Cottrell, C. ‘V. Poet and John Dexter. J. A. Mabley will be constable. Dr. W. J. Mason was reâ€"appointed as County representative on the Richmond Hill High School Board. Frank Schissler who has served as a member of the Board for man; years and whose term of office ex- pires December 31st has intimated his desire to retire. Reeve Neal an'l council members expressed apprecia- tion of Mr. Schissier’s services but laid over until next meeting the ap- poirtment of a successor. Fire Chief Bert Cook conferred with council relative to new supplies of hose needed and was authorized to make the necessary purchases. The chief reported that firemen are now busy painting~ the interior of the fire hall to have it in first class shape for the arrival of the new fire truck. Councillor Hill reported that splendid progress is being made in construction of the new fire equipment which should be ready be- fore the end of the year. ' Councillor Ralph Paris, chairman of the Parks Commission, reported that while the Lions sponsored open- ing of the arena following the laying of the new floor will take place Fri- day night the new floor is not exâ€" actly complete: Weather conditions have not been favorable for con- Cluti Winner struction work and the floor still needs seasoning and further treat- ment. When finally co‘npleted coun- cillors are hopeful it will be a satis- factory job. May Have Deputy Reeve The Municipal Act provides that a municipality having over 1000 elig- ible voters may have a deputy-reeve as well as a rceve and councillors. The Village of Richmond Hill this year has 1113 eligible voters, an iii- crease of 13‘.) over 19-15. It is poss- ible next year steps may be taken to have a deputy-reeve elected at the 1948 elections, thus giving the village a second representative at County Council. Profitable Investment At Monday night’s council meet- ing Clerk Russell Lynett in review- ing the village finances pointed out that since the inception of the North Yong-e Radials in 1927 Richmond Hill to the end of September has re- ceived 850,510 in operating profits. Deficits paid have totalled 92723 and debenture and interest payments $35,621, leaving a net profit to the village from the radials over the 91 year period of 321.165. Br. [Wile Buys Brookdale Farm The sale is announced of Brook- dale Farm by Mr. E. B. Warriner to Dr. Clark Noble of Toronto. Dr. Noble, who has recently returned from overseas, where he held the past of Director of Medical Services of the R.C.A.F., has taken up resi- dence with his. family and will con- tinue his practice in Toronto. All the equipment and live stock, including a fine herd of accredited and register'ed'Guernsey cattle were sold with the property which con- sists of 100 acres situated on the north east cornzr of Bayview and Elgin Mills Side Road. Mr. ,Frank Dalton remains as farm manager. The farm name has been changed ’0 "Magiscroft" after Dr. Noble’s ,g‘randmother’s home in Scotland. “a...†a «Hag» A m 632 Bus. Df Spuds Per Acre Over 100 potato growers and their friends gathered in .the Sunday School room of the Newinarket Pres- byterian Church on Wednesday ev- ening to pay their tribute to the members of the 500 Bushel Potato Club which in the third year of the organization had reached their 0bâ€" jective. During the afternoon a p0- tato show had been held in the Mar- ket Hall for half bushel lots of No. 1 Fancy and No. 1 Large or bakers. The results were announced and prizes awarded at the conclusion of the banquet. Mr. A. H. Martin, Associate Diâ€" rector of Extension of the Ontario Department of Agriculture as guest speaker outlined some of the card- inal points to be kept in mind in making commercial potato growing a success. He was introduced by Frank Marritt, president of the York County Crop Improvement Associa- tion, sponsors of the club. Follow- ll'lg‘ a couple of entertainment num- bers W. M. Cockburn, chairman of the evening called on A. O. Dal- rymple. Assistant Representative. to announce the result; which revealed that the 19 contestants had an aver- age yield of 433 bushels per acre. The grand prize of a geld watch was presented by Chas. Hooper. 0:†Markham, chairman of the County Agricultural Committee to Clifford Wallwork of Ballantrae, who had a yield of 6:52 bushels per acre of which 605 were marketable. It is interesting to note that Mr. Wall- work is completely mechanizing his potato growing and from 5 acres in 1940 has increased to over 50 acres in 1946'. Many present had visited his farm on the pasture and potato tour in the fall and had seen the potatoes rolling up his mechanical picker. Other prize winners and yields were: Herb Jones of Maple with a yield of 55-1 bus. per acre with 523 mar- ketable; Ever'ton Goode of Queens- ville with a yield of 540 bus. per acre with 504 marketable; John Pet- rie of Queénsville with a yield of 520 bus. per acre with 497 marketable; Thos. Clarke of Stouffville with a yield of 513 bus. per acre with 390 marketable; Arthur Gibson of Rich- mond Hill with a yield of 495 bus. per acre with 472 marketable; W. T. Cook of Maple with a yield of 478 bus. per acre with 470 marketable. VAUGHAN NOMINATIONS Vaughan Township annual nomin- ation meeting will be held at Vel- lore Friday afternoon. November 22 at 1 p.m. If an election is neceSS- ary the voting will take place Mon- day, December 9. 4â€",. Yonge TH E BENG CROSBY, IN “ THE/BELLS O ‘"u~~4~- -4 -. cw».u-n~4-_>q.n.n-0~..- WW THL'RSDAY. FRIDAY, SATURDAY, ACADEMY AWARD “'INNERS O llUrlson 5437 NOVEMBER 21, 22, 23 GRID unnorux in F ST. MARY’S †4 MONDAY, 'l L'IL" AY, WEDNE â€" .7 â€" AL ('llARI as BUYER. I. v in: -II- i-o¢v “II-U-K>-4r-ii¢i)-li-1_fl-O-n-i0.. 2 WILLIAM rowuu. in E HOODI.U)I SAINT †CONFIDENT MA_4_-->~-I------4_-_-M SDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 26, 27 so _ _ _. AL'REN’ B.\('Al.l. in IAL AGENT †5’. x-u- m“-->’o.o-n.o-o.u-u-