nichmond’Hiu Phonesâ€"15 and 1&2 ,Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at hem the Toronto Conservatory of lusic will accept _a number 0: pupils 1n PIANO, ORGAN and THEORY l'ox information phone Mrs. Mylks, 108 Yonge Street Phone Richmond Hill 58.! Dr. J. P. Wilson Centre St. E. Richmond Hill OFFICE HOURS: 9.00 - 11.00 am. â€"â€" 1.30 - 3.30 pm. Except Sunday Telephone 24 Richmond Hill OFFICE HOURS .40 am. 7.30â€"8.30 p.m. and by appointment Lungstpff, Step :11 Yonge Street Phone Thornhill 6 Ring 2 122 Yonge->»_St_ree_t Office Hours 9â€"10 a.m., 12â€"2 .& 6â€"8 pm. and by appointment MAPLE â€"â€" Phon THORNHILL’ AND UNIONVILLE DENTIST FORMERLY 01“ THORNHILL Announces that his office is now located at the City Limits, North Toronto, directly oppOSite the Term- inal, over Liggett’s Drug Store. Phone Offlce' HLlahd 9300 Alice M ecred y PIANO TEACHER Phone Richmond Hill 1021‘13 Thornhill 7r4 Dr. Jas. R. Langstaff â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€"â€" Dr. Geo. A. Thompson OFFICE HOURS: 9-11 a.m.; 1-3 p.m.: 6-8 p.m. Sundays and Holidays by appointment only. Dr. W. J. Mason DENTIST YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET PHONE 70 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Telephone 92-R Richmond Hill THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2%, 1946. FOR EXPERT REPAIRS ON RADIOS AND ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES PARTS GUARANTEED Wright & Taylor Dr. J. F. McQuay Dr. R. A. Bigford Turner’s Welding Service Dr. M. J. Quigley FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Adelmo M elecci R. H. KANE Electric and Oxy Acetylene Welding Repairs to tanks, boilers, cracked auto heads, pipe lines, cylinder blocks, machinery parts, etc. Anything welded anywhere (portable equipment) Estimates given free NORTH YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL Phones Richmond Hill Day 74J, Nights 461‘25 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MUSICAL MEDICAL rrv-"v Stree'é""' Iiicï¬mond Hill Telephone 100 DENTAL RICHMOND HILL 311w ADDRESS :_17 BEN$0N AVENUE Phone J. M. LINSTEAD Phone 3 For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any. where in North Yonge St. District 2518 YONGE STREET (At St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 Helen Sinmson Lynett J. F. Lynett Jos. Rabinowitch, BA. 40 Yonge St, Richmond Hill , PhOne Richmond Hill 229 MORTGAGE LOANS ARRANGED ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Richmond Hill Every THURSDAY AFTERNOON 93 Yonge Street immediately North of Masonic Hall Phone 87 -â€" Richmond Hill Toronto Officeâ€"12‘ Toronto Street Phone Adelaide 5877 Barristers, Solicitors, Natal-1e: N. L. MATHEWS. K.C. K. M. R. STIVER, B.A. (On Active Service) B. E. LYONS, BA. JOSEPH VALE NEWMARKET OFFICES 100 Main St. 6 Botsford St. Phone 126 Phone 120 Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. A. Cameron Macnauqhton, K.C., Alex. Macnaughton McKinnon Building 19 Melinda StreetrToronto, Ontario ELgin 5029 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public ' Residence â€"â€" 18 Poyntz Ave. Lansing, Ont. Willowdale 308 Room 66, 18 Toronto._ St., Toronto Phone AD. 5877-8-9 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Successor to B. B. Jordan OFFICE HOURS Monday, \Vednesday and Saturday mornings 930-1130. OPEN EVERY EVENING 8-10 Except Saturday 40 Yonge St, Richmond Hill ‘oronto Office: 912 Federal Bldg 85 Richmond St. West Richmond Hill, Thursday forenoon Maple. Thursday afternoon Money to loan at, Current Rate MacGregor & Wilson ALEXANDER MecGREGOR. K.C. ALBERT J. WILSON, M.A. BARRISTERS 614 Confederation Life Building Walter S. Jenkins M acN aughton & M acN aughton Mathews, Stiver, Lyons & Vale _ Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Wm. Cook, K.C. Ralph B. Gibson. K.C. J. A. Gibson A ‘ook & Gibson '. C. Newman Toronto Mrs. P. C. Hill announced that although not a candidate she would like to call attention to the trend of development on Yongc\St., a change evidenced last year for the first time in a quarter century. “Yonge St. is having its face lifted,†she said, and it suggests the necessity before us of developing some plan for the growth of our entire community. “Are we going to let it become hodgy Mrs. Barbara Langstaff, nominat- ed for the school board, said her three small children would soon be ready for school, and her ideal would be to make Richmond Hill public school the equal of the best in the city. “Our children,†she said, “should have all the Opportunities city children are given.†James Pollard, also a candidate for the school board, cheered his auditors with the hope that the addi- tion to the school would still be pessible at the price planned. Paul Angle. who is retiring from the board after 18 years service, wished the members of the new board every success. Mrs. P. C. Hill announced that although not a candidate she would like to call attention to the trend of develomnent on Yonge‘St" a change Wes. Middleton, seeking- re-elec- tion to council. explained how short ages of material and labor delayed road improvements during the presâ€" ent year. “Still,†he said, “we open- ed new roads, widened old ones and put in new drains. But in some ways it was a 'heart breaking job. For example, we let contracts for repairs to certain roads, and we had every Hydro Activity P. C. Hill, candidate for council and chairman of council's Hydro committee, explained that the elec- trical department has to its credit $11,500 in bonds and $1,350 in cur- rent‘account. The re-wiring of Cen- tre St. and the wiring of Highland Crescent were undertakings this year that cost $2,000 and $4,000 respect- ively. Stop lights had been installâ€" ed and it was only a matter of wait- ing for a few parts before they would be put in operation. During the year 27 new services had been added. “I consider," said Mr. Hill, “that one of the main projects be. fore us is the lighting of our town, and that will not be neglected if it should happen to be my responsibil- ity next year.†Alan Bales, chairman of the wat- erworks committee, said that, 43 new services were added during the year and ten old services renewed. In 1945, the consumption of water had been 22,700,000 gallons, but this year much more would be used, and new sources of supply would be a neâ€" cessjty. Ralph Paris who has had charge of the parks and arena pictured the future of the arena as a great com- munity centre. “I have tried over a period of four years to improve it in every way possible, and, as you all know, it has now a new floor. “The day will come when it will be used for concerts, dances and all sorts OI recreation," he prophesied. Await Stable Prices Mr. Paris said that he ,definitelv favors a sewage system, but that it should be held in abeyance until prices stabilize. If he should run 101' office again this year, he would promise the same sort of service he had given in therpast. Mr. Middleton, for three years chairman of the roads committee, said he was in favor of a sewage system, but pointed out that authorâ€" ities agreed it would be foolish to go ahead with such a project just now. “They would simply be a burden to those who would have to pay for them,†he declared. “Imagine a $100,000 estimate jumping to [$35,â€" 000 and then a proposition that we consider installation on a cost plus bas1s. ' Morley Hall, nominated for the school board, expressed a similar sentiment, and said that if elected he'would do his best to co-operate with his fellow trustees in the best interests of the children of the vill- age. Saved Over $1,000 He told of the construction of the municipal garage for trucks and equipment by village labor at a cost of $1,800 compared with a cost of $3,000 if it had been built by con- tract. “We saved over $1,000 on that building alone,†he said, “I haven’t what you might call a popular job,†concluded Mr. Middle- ton, “but you can’t do it properly without tramping on some people’s toes. I would ask anyone on whose toes I have tramped to forget it, and to remember only that I didn’t do it to_b_e spit‘efulu assurance that they would be rdorri‘e, but when the time came the 00n- tl‘actor just didn‘t come as per ap- pojntment. that building alone,†he said, He pointed out that he also occu- pies the post of building inspector, no sinecure considering the fact that building permits issued involve $34,â€" 875 new construction and $18,000 in alterations. W. J. Taylor acknowledged the great honor and responsibility link- ed with public service, and express- ed approval of the sentiment that every good citizen should be preparâ€" ed to shoulder some share of such responsibility. “I may assure you,†he said, “that if I am a candidate I will have no axe to grind, and I will make but one promise, namely, that I’ll do the best I can to serve He told also of the erection of pre-fabricated houses, and of how they were approved by engineers and by the Ontario‘Housing Commission. (Continued from Page 1) council, expressed gratification that the village is in as sound a financial position as the annual balance sheet shows. “Let’s keep it in that con- dition,†he declared. “That would be my ambition in council.†A. J. McLatchy announced that he would accept the nomination for council, and would do everything in his power to Justify the confidence reposed in him by the voters. Kenneth Tomlin declared that this was his first opportunity to stand for public office in any community. He viewed the municipality as a large business that requires business like administration. “Richmond Hill,†said Mr. Tomlin, “should be the fin- est residential suburb in the entire you. greater Toronto area, and if I am elected I will do my best to help make it so." Two F or Reeveship year for the first 1‘ century. “Yonge St. ace lifted,†she said, the necessity before THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HELD, ONTARIO WithDr. S. W. Armitége, Maple Small and Large Animals clusivc, in Concessions 3 and 4. Polling Subdivision N0. 6â€"Commun- ity Hall, Victoria Square; James Smith, D.R.O. N0. 6â€"Lots 16 t0 35, inclusive, Concessions 3 and 4. Polling Subdivision N0. 7â€"Premises John Galloway, Hagerman’s Corner; James Mun-head, D.R.O. No. 7â€" Lots 1 to 8, inclusive, Concessions 5 and 6, and all that part of Lot 9, Concession 6, included in the lands contained in a Plan regis- tered as Number 2196. Polling Subdivision No. 8â€"Township Hall, Unionville; Wm. Noble, DR. 0. No. 8â€"Lots 9 to 15, inclusive, Concessions 5 and GL Polling; Subdivision No. 9â€"Premises W. J. Powell, Cashel; Herb. Spoff- 21rd, D.R.O. No. 9â€"Lots 16 to 35, inclusive, Concessions 5 and 6. Polling Subdivision N0. 10 â€" Resi- dence Karl Cowie, Lot 5, Con. 7E; Karl Cowie, D.R.O. No. 10â€"Lots 1 to 10, inclusive, conceSSions 7 and 8. Unionville, November 9, 15-16 Monday, the 9th day of December, 1946 Poang- Subdivision No. 11 â€" Resi- dence Menno Raymer, Mount Joy; Alvin Wideman, D.R.0. No. 11â€" Lots 11 to 20, inclusive, Conces- sions 7 and 8. Polling- Subdivision No. 12 â€"â€" Resi- dence Wm. Grove, Dickson’s Hill; Edgar Brownsberger, D.R.0. No. 12â€"Lots 21 to 35, inclusive, Con- cessions 7 and 8. Polling Subdivision N0. 13 â€"â€" Resi- dence Lorne Dimma, Cedar Grove; Frank Dimma, D.R.O. N0. 13â€"- Lots 1 to 15, inclusive, Concesâ€" sions 9 and 10, and Lots 1 to 10, _ inclusive, Concession 11. Polling Subdivision N0. 14 â€" Prem- ises Jas. Cowan, Mongolia; Jas. Cowan, D.R.O. No. 14â€"Lots 16 t0 35, inclusive, Concessions 9 and 10. All persons interested are hereby reâ€" quired to take notlce and govern themselyes accordingly. to serve in the said Township of Markham for the year 1947. If more Candidates are proposed than are required to be elected, the proceedings for filling said offices will be adjournetl until podgy or make it one of the finest suburbs north of Toronto?†she ask- ed, urging the advisability of form- ing a planning committee with the services of an architect. Mrs. Hill told of a highly interesting plan be- ing followed by Leaside with re- spect to the raising of funds for the Township 'of Markham From 1 o‘clock until 2 o'clock in the afternoon for the NOMINATION 0F REEVE, DEPUTY-REEVE and THREE COUNCILLORS Building of a FOR THE YEAR Public Notice is hereby pursuant to the Ontari¢ Act, and By-Laws No. 1‘ 1177, a meeting of the Richvale l‘.0. Phone Maple 641‘4 Twp. Hall, Unionville Monday, Nov. 25, 1946 A full line of well known house- hold necessities in stock Also hog and stock minerals de- livered to your farm, one or more bags at a time, assuring you of a fresh supply at all times. Eventually! Why not now? . For delivery call To the MunicipalrEBEStors of the D:R.O. No. 5â€"Lots rsuunt to the Ontario Municipal t, and By-Laws No. 1150 and NO. 77, a meeting of _the Municipal Electors of the sand Township of Markham. will be held in the Watkins Products PROCLAMATION Dr. J. Sheppard Official and Accredited Veterinarian ERNIE DURI E VETERINARY CHARLES HOOVER, Returning Officer. hall 5â€".Commun- Clme Burr, 1 to 15, in- 1947 given that DATED at Toronto this let day of November, 1946. gIIdWMALONEY, GENERAL INSURANCE Life. Fire, Automobile, Liability, Hail, Accident and Sickness Farm Insurance a Specialty King City Telephone 28 MAPLE TINSMlTH& PLUMBING SUPPLY Accountants â€" Auditors Suite 404 â€"â€" 229 Yonge St. TORONTO â€" ELGIN 3810 LANGSTAFF â€" Thornhill 63114 After the last-named (late the as- sets of the said Estate will be dis- tributed among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the Executrix shall then have notice. WJ. BAZAAR AT UNIONVILLE The Women’s Institute of Union- ville are holding a bazaar and tea in the Township Hall on Saturday, De- cember 7 from 2.30 to 6.30. Miss Jackie Watson of Toronto will be guest soloist. Christmas gifts for sale. No admission. Come and bring the children. All persons having claims against the estate of the said late Andrew Gordon Everingham, who died on or about the 20th day of August. 1946, are hereby notified to send them to the undersigned solicitors for the Executrix of the said Estate, duly verified on or before 19th day of December. 1946. With the increase of fire hazards, property owners should review thei- insurance policies, and due to the increased ecst of materials would be well advised to increase the amounts of insurance. Also car owners who think it will never happen to them are caught some time or other with- out protection. The cost is a minor amount to what it will cost if an accident happens. INSURANCE AGENT Richmond Hill Telephc IN THE ESTATE don Everingham, I ship of Vaughan, ant, deceased. Maple Edgéley Hope 10.30 a.m.â€"Sunday School 11 munâ€"Worship Service. Willowdale, Zoné 8-288 ' (Toronto Subscribers Diai “Operatorâ€â€"â€"Message Charge) SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS SANITARY CONTRACTORS TANKS CLEANED OUT OF TOWN SERVICE Harold W. Mortson Yonge St. Richmond Hill Telephone 93 Farm Implements and Remit: Massey-Harris Rite~Way Milken Beatty Stable Equipment and Repairs Beatty Washer: bmr- Gain Fertilizer Com King Mineral “Gem†Milk (truer; md Electric Fencerl Accountants W. Ernest Lansdown & C0. MASSEY-HARRIS 29 Elmhurst Ave., Lansing Tinsmithing and Plumbing Em‘cstroughing Furnaces Installed W. J. ALDRIDGE Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS SAND GRAVEL HAULAGE INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS 30 'p.m.â€"Sunday School. 30 p.m.â€"Worship Service Baptism of Children MAPLE UNITE!) CHURCH 30 panâ€"Sunday School p.m.â€"Worship Service. Jack Walkington Rev. C. E. Fockler. minister Sunday, Dec. 1 A. G. SAVAGE Telephone Maple 19M J. ATKINSON HAULAGE SAND and GRAVEL Phone Thornhill 30-R L. W. REID Richmond Hill Telephone 147J 40 Church Street 80 King St. W., Toronto'l, Solicitors for the Executrix. L. HOUSE APPLY Consult of Andrew Gor- ate of the Town- Hospltal Attend- Telephone 118 Re-Elect [1, Albert R. HILL Richmond Hill Phone 86 i E I I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIII III-Ill- IIEIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ellllnlll a=o=o=o=moao puo=d=o Paris Auto Supply Ltd. 9 TOMENSON, SAUNDERS, SMITH & GARFAT, LTD. 35 18 Elizabeth St. RICHMOND HILL Telephone 25-R {E Quantity of Used Tools and Tool Boxes ENSURANCE To one and all we extend the most cordial season's greetings. We extend to the ratepayers of Vaughan Township our thanks for the honor of re-election by acclama- tion for the coming year. As in the past we will devot: our best attention to your municipal business, and we look forward to your continued co-operation. Your Vote and Influence Solicited to ontinue Efficient School Administration Morley HALL To the Electors of Vaughan Township 12 Wellington St. E.. Toronto DISTRICT To the Ratepayers of Richmond Hill School Section VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP COUNCIL To the Ratepayers of Richmond Hill School Section Richmond Hill, Stop 24 Yonge St. General Trucking Boynton Weldrick, Reeve John Hostrawser, Deputy-Reeve Bert Phelps, Councillor Marshall McMurchy, Councillor Carl Shaw, Councillor will be sold at bargain prices. T39. New Process 8â€BENCH SAW $48.50 mvzngé HERBERT R: BUTT RATES REASONABLE H. STEVENS School Trustee School Trustee 1339mm ELECT Phone AD. 4646 : EL. 3119 PAGE THREE REPRESENTATIVE