Phone 10, The Elevator Richmond Hill ; Olde Tyme, Modern and Square Dancing fl 0 o=o=o=o_o=o==ouo=o=o “Emm- III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIII-IIIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIII uuuu LUMIJ [IDAJADIID ll Cents Minute Gelatine pkg. 17c. Maple Leaf Cake Flour .. pkg. 298. . . . . 3 10 oz. tins 25C. Kellogg’s All Wle . . . . . . . . 2 pkgs. 23c. Choice Lombard Plums ». . . . 2 20 oz. tins 29c. Blended Orange and Grapefruit Juice . . . . .. tin 19C. Purity Oats, 5 1b. bag 250. Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour, reg. pkg. 14c. A ylmer Veg. Soup Texas Grapefruit, 5c. ea. CHRISTMAS AT BRATHWAITES SHOP NOW FOR BEST SELECTION Gifts of Silvérware, China and Glass Skis and Ski Equipment - Skating Outfits GIFTS “‘BLUE COAL DEALERS†PhonelO. The Elevator R Enjoy Automatic Heating. Costs no more than 2 tons of blue coal. Fuel saved. Labor minimized. Thous- ands of householders have installed blue coal heat regulators. One installed in this village 12 years ago is still working and has never cost anything for up- keep. Fuel saved. Even heat day and night. Saves countless trips to the cellar. 3 year guarantee. WERLICH TRICYCLESâ€"Guaranteed construction, rcmoveable spokes in wheels. bell. tool kit, large size. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . each $21.50 Other tricycles priced from $15.95 up WAGONS with removable racks, large and small sizes. all steel undercarriage, fully guaranteed . . each $14.50 Others from $6.45 up SLEIGHS, steel runners, steering mechanism, ea. $3.49 MECCANO â€" Complete assortment of meccano kits from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.60 to $11.75 Clockwork motor for above sets â€"- $1.00 DINKY TOYS by meccano. Shop early for best selection Large assortment of Steam Shovels, Wind-up Trucks and Cars, Doll Stoves, Kindergarten Sets, etc. Phone 18. Richmond Hill F. Y. W. BRATHWAITE HOCKEY STICKS AT ALL PRICES Kodaks, Cameras, Pocket Knives, etc. Electric Irons, Toasters, Lamps Good Variety of Metal Toys and PAGE FOUR I. D. RAMER & SON COAL SERVICE Mechanical Toys. (Vome in and look around soon. CARLOAD GROCETERIA 3 STATIONERY 4813 Yonge Street, Lansing Telephone Willowdale 580 WILLIAMS JUST PHONE PEARSON & SONS R. W. PARIS, Mgr. HARDWARE 123 Yonge St. Jelly Roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. Banana Cake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290. Oatmeal Cookies 2 doz. 29c. THIS WEEK’S TASTY TREATS You need energy for work or play to maintain rugged health and vigorâ€"eat bread, the energy food. Our oven fresh, mellowâ€"rich bread made with the best ingredients brings you delicious flavor and health in every slice. Come in today and take home a loaf of this extra good energy food, or leave an order and have it delivered regularly. BUTCHERS & BAKERS We Deliver Bananas, 14c. lb. TOYS SATURDAY, DEC. Tâ€"Auction sale of reg. Jersey cattle. model C Case tractor. farm stock. implements, etc. on lot 7, con. 2 Pickering Twp.. 0n Kingston highway just east of Ajax on the Lancallon Farm, property of the estate of the late J. A. Carvath. No reserve. Terms cash. Sale starts at 12_.30 noo_n. Ken and Clarke SATURDAY, DEC. IIIâ€"Auction sale of 30 head of reg. Holstein cattle. threshing- machine, near new W30 tractor on rubber, tractor imple- ».A.‘4.._ :4 _,, ments, farm stock, implements SATURDAY, DEC. 7-â€"Auction sale of antique and other household furni- ture including radio, R.(‘.A. Victor: chesterfields; electric irons; hooked rugs; silverware, the property of Mc- Lean Tradinp: Co., corner of Yonge and Colborne St., Thornhill. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1 pm. A. S. Farmer, Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 4â€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, sheep, lambs, furniture, hay, grain, etc., on lot-18, con. 3, North York Twp., east of Yonge St., 1 mile north of Lans- ing cut-off at Oriole. property of John Hill. Terms cash. No reserve, farm sold. Sale at 12.30 noon sharp. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. Cal-thy, lot 21. rear con. 4 King: Township, 5 miles west of Aurora on Aurora sideroad. Terms cash. Sale at 1 o’clock. No reserve as farm has been rented. L. S. Mount, clerk. F. N. Smith, auctioneer. TUESDAY, DEC. 3â€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc, the property of James Mc- Carthy, lot 21. rear con. 4 King: Township, 5 miles west of Aurora on Aurora sideroad. Terms cash. Sale SATURDAY. NOV. 30â€"Auctinn sale of entire into? household furniture, brood sows, fat hogs, Harden toolS. etc., on part of lot 11, con. 2 Mark- ham Twp., lst street running north off No. 7 highway, 1/4 mile east of Bavview 'Ave., property of P. Petti- grew. Terms cash. No reserve as pronerty is sold and proprietor mov-l ing to EC. Sale at 1.30 pm. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. “DANCE SATURDAY, NOV. 30â€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, hny‘; grain. etc., the property of Joseph Bishop. lot 5, con. 2 King, just west of Temperanceville. No reserve as proprietor giving up farming. Sale at 1 pm. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. We specialize in hand weaving, hand knitted sweaters, men’s and girls’ socks, etc. Wool Clyde Woollen Blankets Feature Couts General Greeting and Xmas Cards Order early. Avoid disappointment. WOOON iowumm ‘x'entice, auctioneers LA GROVE GIFTS & HANDICRAFTS HAIRDRESSING First door south of BA. Service Station at THORNHILL Sale Register N C E BUTTONVILLE COMMUNITY HALL FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6th Ken Rose and His Orchegtra Phone 77 B.C. Delicious Apples, 6 for 25c. WE DELIVER ‘OEO‘ , Bay, . . . . . . . . reg. btl. 32c. Thick Yorkshire Relish - . . . . . . . . reg. btl. 32c. Camp Coffee Essence 41/2 oz. btl. 29c. Aunt Dinah Molasses . . . . . . 1/2 lb. pkg. 19c. Walnut Pieces JUST RECEIVED Yorkshire Relish .. 16 fl. oz. btl. 17c. Cut Mixed Peel No. 1 White Beans . . . . . . . . . . 2 lbs. 19c. . . . . . . 1/1 lb. pkt. 25c. Shelled Almonds THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL; ONTARIO . . . . . . 1/; lb. pkt. 43c. Take notice that a gravel road- way has been constructed on Elg‘in Street, Thornhill, from the west limit of lot 9 to the east limit of lot 14, Registered Plan 8 as a local improvement, and a Court of Revi- sion will be held on the 5th day of December 1946, at 2.30 o’clock p.m. at the Council Chambers, Unionville, for the purpose of hearing com- plaints against the proposed assess- ment or the accuracy of frontage measurements and other complaints which persons_interested may desire to make and which are by law cog~ nizable by the Court. Dated November 18, 1946. Woman to take charge of Ladies’ Rest Room, Richmond Hill Arena. Township of Markham formerly of Quebec City, passed awn; at the age of 76 at the home of he! daughter. Esther R. M. Marshall (Mrs. G. C. Marshall), 793 Vaughan Road, Toronto, formerly of Richmond Hill and Newtonbrook. She was buried at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery N0- vember 18, 1946. She leaves one son: E. H. Dawe, and one daughter Mrs. E. R. Marshall, one grandson Peter Marshall, and one granddaughter Marshall, and- Sandra J. Dawe grain. roots. furniture, et< of Ellsworth Keffer, lot Vaughan 'I‘wp.. on NO. between Thm'nhill and X Terms cash. No reserve, 1': Sale at 11.30 am. sharp. Clarke Prentice. auctxoneel’s tt RUSSELL LYNETT. Clerk Wanted Village of Richmond Hill Telephone 29 For information apply Twp.. on No. ’7 highway Fhornhill and Woodbridgc. ah. No reserve, farm sold. 0:0 DIED CHAS. HOOVER Ken property . con. 4 0:9 Clerk ready for market, $2.00 each; Stew- art Warner Radio, late model, com- plete with 6 volt battery, S40. M. Sorensen, 2 Oliver Blvd., corner of Steele and Dufferin. *2w21 50 N.H. LAYING BIRDS, 61/2 mos old, $1.50 each. 70 Light Sussex and Plymouth Rocks (mixed), 4 months old, 70c. eéch: also 2 brooder stoves, 1 electric and 1 coal, $10 each. W. Wilson, R.R. 2 King, Ont., Laskav. c1w22 FURNITUREâ€"Kitchen cabinet, bed, chairs, tables, desks and other art- icles. Will be sold cheap as the building to be torn down. Apply C. Clifford, Proctor Ave., first north of Steele’s on Bayview. phone Thorn- FIRE WOOD, good values in maple, mixed hardwood, soft wood, split body wood and limb wood. Also cedar fence posts. Immediate deliv- ery. Fred Taylor, 74 Richmond St., Richmond Hill. tfc18 “THE BEST CHICKS A MANY BUY.†That’s what Robt. Lu: of Thedford, says of Kitchener 1 Chicks. It’s going to take every and all the poultry meat we can duce to meet the markets. Ar BEAD, plastic and shell novelties suitable for craftwork or Christmas stockings, car heaters, hot water. McLean Trading 00., Yonge Street. Thornhill, phone 12W, open daily 11 am. to 6 pm. ’-‘1w22 75 BARRED ROCK ROOSTERS 2 THRESHING MACHINES, “Fav- oriteâ€, nearly new with chaff blower, clover attachment, shredder and ele- vators; also new threshing machines. Phone James Fisher, Thornhill 76. c4w20 1 BRAND NEW badminton racket and press, $5, (Bentleys); also a man’s blue wool overcoat, size 38, fair condition, suitable for work. Apply Liberal Office. stair hand rails. fire dogs, fire screens, fire sets and acetylene weld- ing. Apply T. Elliott, Richvale. _ V_ CENTURY ELECTRIC MOTOR, 1/4 h.p., 25 cycle. Also single drain- board sinks, laundry tubs and furn. ace smoke pipe. Phone 177 Thorn- hiLl. clw22 HALL RACK, with mirror; 1 ris chair; 1 three-quarter bed plete; 1 pair tube skates, size pair brown ski boots, size 9. A phone Richmond Hill 3141'3. ‘ “very. Canada A pullorum tested. 1 Wesley Clark. R.R CHOICE YOUNG GEESE. Orders taken now for Christmas and New Years. Phone Freeman Barker, Richmond Hill 4713. c2w22 25 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, 2 and 3 years old, some-fresh, others close springers. Apply John Spang, J1'., Stouffville, phone 6715. *2w21 ORNAMENTAL PORCH White Teg‘wrï¬. :‘L‘Z‘f’lv for the iayiwng‘ pen. Mrs. Taylor, Stop 24A Yonge 812., May Ave. *1w22 9_Q__PULLETS, just off the range 1938 WILLYS SEDAN, fair tires, price $290 cash or best offer. Apply Mrs. D. Townsend, Oak Ave., Rich- vale. A *2w22 HAND WASHING MACHINE and wringer; 1 Stewart hand-Operated clipping machine; 3-bu1‘ner wickless coal oil stove with oven, 1 year old. Phone Maple 131'11. *1w22 IRON FIREMAN, model S-20, in ex- cellent condition. R. D. Little, Vaughan Road, Richmond Hill, phone 28. 47 PIGS, aged from 6 weeks to 3 months. Frank Whittamore, was}; part lot 38, con. 1 Vaughan, Bathm-st St. *1w22 1 QUEBEC HEATER, medium, in good condition. J. Salmon, Oak Ave., Richvale, phone Richmond Hill 11-24. clw22 heifer. springer; 1 or wood. Phone MILK HOUSE, frame; Gem 8-can cooler in perfect condition. Cullen, Richview Sideroad, Weston. *1w22 11 PULLETS. Plymouth Rock. 51/2 months old. all laying, $1.75 each. Phone Richmond Hill 441-32. c1w22 35o FT.’NO. 8 LINE WIRE. Applgz Peter Elias, Church St. 8., Richmond Hill. *1w22 OIL BURNER for stove, Northwest 1 AYRSHIRE COW, fresh; red Quick Heat. Hill 248R22 ELECTRIC RANGETTE, in condition. Richmond DOUBLE tion. For'particul 4, 96 Yonge St. PUREBRED BLACK DUCKS and Mallard. J. Newell, Mill Rd., Stop 23B Yonge St. *1w22 50 CHOICE S EWES. Cullen Weston. BLACK PUPPY, small, 7 weeks old. Phone Richmond Hill 303.1. clw22 YOUNG PIGS. Apply Barlow staff, phone Thornhill 511'2. COOK STOVE. almost new. E. Coop er, Hunt Lane, Stop 2-! Yonge St RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 351258“ for for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 each insertion. IF CHARGED NINE I THIS IS QAY OF‘ADV‘ERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IvT . mun Classified Advertising CHOICE YOUNG BREEDING any time Satiu‘ FOR SALE OUTHOUSE in A1 c0ndi~ Hi1] Jct nger; 1 good heatei', c0211 Phone Woodbridge 91'14. RANGETTE, in good Apply 54 Yong‘e Street, Apply phone Richmond "1w22 il’ “S Richview Sidel'oad a 1' IF CHARGED NINEdï¬ï¬Té Fï¬ii iiNF'. apply at Apt. “'1w22 Ilay to Mon- *3w20 MA\Y CAN ener Bxg RAILS Apply c1w21 clw22 c1w22 c1w22 tfc40 Morâ€" com- 1w22 the an The Third Instalment of t current year’s Taxes is due Pay promptly and avoi4 penalty which must be in after DECEMBER 5‘ 1 WALNUT WARDROBE, 4 draWers and space to hang clothing, pre-war; 1 boy’s overcoat, size 12 yrs., brown; 1 girl’s fawn winter coat, size 14 y1‘s.; 1 transom windw with fix- tures, size 34x171/2. Apply Stan Ransom, 17 Centre St. 13., phone 53 Richmond Hill. *1w22 6’8â€, $3.00; 1 screen door, 2’8" x 6’8â€, $2.50; 1 storm batten door, 2’8†x 6’, $2.00; 1 pair sash 2’3%†x 2’31/2â€, $1.50; 1 roll builder’s paper, $1.50; 1 bag cement. Apply 7 Roseview Ave., Richmond Hill, phone 265W. 1 STORM BATTEN DOOR. 2’8 PUPS, registered Collie males, sable and white; also a few registered Hol- stein cows, near freshening to the service of Montvic Rag Apple Darkie. Findlay Dairy Farms, Edgeâ€" ley, phone 74114 Maple. c1w22 EDGELEY ORCHARDS Edgeley -â€" R. McCleary, Prop. GASOLINE ENGINE, Briggs and Stratton, suitable for washing maâ€" chine, etc. Apply A. Jackson. south half lot 30, con. 2 Vaughan Twp.. 01' Box 80 The Liberal: *1w22 SKATES and BOOTS, Men’s Star, international figure skates, with boots size 8, in good condition. R. L. Langstaff, 41 Church St.. Rich- REG. JERSEY COWS, TB. and blood tested, due in Dec., others due in Jan. E. A. Radford, con. 3 Mark- ham Twp., lst farm north of No. 7 highway, phone Unionvill'e 301'3. open fireplace; also modern wood bed and sprlng‘. Apply 8 Mill St.. Richmond H111. WESTINGHOUSE MOTOR, port- able, 1.1/2 h.p., 25 cycle, 110-220 volts, complete with 50 ft. of cable. Apply Chas. Shropshire, Maple, telephone 701‘4. c1w22 L. Lang‘st mond Hill MATTRESSES, spring filled, felt mattresses, roll-away beds and wool- len blankets. Immediate delivery. Write or phone Home Equipment Co , 3368 Yonge St., phone Hudson 7011. *2w22 1 STUDIO FOLDING COUCH, never used; 2 studio arm chairs, never used. Apply phone Richmond Hill 304W. c1w22 COAL BASKET and SCREEN for AYRSHIRE HEIFER, pure due Jan. 12. TB. and blood E. A. Radford, con. 3 Markhe farm north of No. 7 highway, Unionville 3‘01'3. BARRED ROCK PULLETS, read: to lay; also roosters ready fm’ mar ket. E. A. Radford, con. 3 Mark ham, lst farm north of No. 7 high way, phone Unionville 3013. tch: DRESSED POULTRY, roasting; chickens and capons, from 5 to 8 lbs., will deliver. Phone 3‘09W Richmond Hill. >"1w22 1932 BUICK SEDAN, good runnina' condition, good tires. Apply R. Beale, Doncaster Gardens, Thorn- hill. , c1w22 ailso 10 ewe lambs. Apply P. Puter baug'h, phone Maple 571-22. *1w21 7 PIGS, from 3 months old. Apply White, Oak Roads, phone Richmond QUANTITY OF TIMOTHY HAY 100 CHOICE RANGE PULLETS Light Sussex, starting: to lay. Cullen Richview Sidex‘ond, Weston. *lw‘li as new. chromium Phone Richmond Hill oil burner. Maple 74r23 SKI SUIT; skating dress; sizes 12- 14. Skates, size 5. Apply 120 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. '“1w22 LARGE QUEBEC {K GREEN COAT trim. Cheap. CHRISTMAS TREES McArthur, Richmond 1 breed. Weston QUEBEC COOK STOVE, with 10 in HA VE 2 LARGE ASPIDESTRA PLANTS Apply C. Baker, 70 Edgar Avenue Richvale. ('1w22' CHESTERFIELD SUITE Phone Richmond Hill 3C 2 WORK HORSES; also 7 ton Tim- othy hay. R. Chenery, Garden Ave... Lang'staff. clw22 MAROON BARK TAXES NOVEMBER 15 Sweet Apple Cider 50c Per Gallon HOLSTEIN IIEIFERS Please bring your own containers iti first insertion and lines 5 cents per 1 10nd Hill. Nov. 12. 1946. RUSSELL LYNETT, Treasurer. ull ff, 41 Ch phone 112 Apply D. ’Giffin, phone *1w22 NAILS 11 147. Phon 1e HEATER hvi ARRIAG} L Apply 1 Hill, telephor at )2W to 6 months 15th avoid the e imnosec' and Avenue Hill 1133. 25 cents 16 extra THURSDAY 5th ready to 9 bred tested am, 151 c1w22 phone tfc22 clw22 clw22 tfc22 lw22 good ards. 1w22 1 w2 l w ALL KINDS FURNITURE repau- upholsterinc. cabinet work. WWI: carving. Estimates given. N. n. yngyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmunn Hill SAND AND GRAVF‘JL delivered any- where in disfrict. E. Charity, Vomze Street and Pronksh]? Road. Phone Richmond Hill 1021‘14. th. NOTICEâ€"Unless person who lâ€"eft NOTICEâ€"Unless person who pulley for new bushing- calls pays charges. same will be so davs after this notice. Bartel": chine Shop. Richvale, phone mond Hill 313114. ( of Owen Smilev Studio), instruction in Public Speaking, Elocution, Dra- matic Art. “Homewood Hallâ€, Thornhill. tfc17 cellars dug, grading Apply Bert Smith. Elq Richmond Hill 1341'12 HOLSTEIN COWS, fresh or near freshening‘. taken in trade on new Woods Milk Cooler or DeLaval Milk- ers. Immediate delivery from our Toronto stock. Toronto Radio & Sports Ltd., 241 Yonge St., Toronto. tfc16 WHITE & BLACK FOX HOUND last seen east of Wilcox Lake Fni- day, November 22. Reward. Phone 235 Richmond Hill. c1w22 TEAMSTER Day and Night Service 9:1. For free nick-um nhnne RIGH- MQNU HILL 7 or KING 9AM or MAPLE 2937. We Dav telenhnne nhargps. GORDON VOVVC' LIMI'I‘~ ED. Toronto, phone AD.3636. tfe. WELL DIGGING, ' excavating and pipe lines. concrete well cribs. T. Jerrett, RR. 1 Richmond Hill, phone 24814. *1W9 WELL DIGGERS, also cement tile for wells, pumps and pressure sys- tem sold and installed. Frank York, RR. 1 Maple, phone 311'24. tfclO MARGUERITE BOYLE (Graduate DEAD HORSES & CATTLE want- Hill BODY AND FENDER REPAIRS, spray painting. Free estimates giv- eh. Stanley Page. Garden Avenue, Langstaff, phone Thornhill 47r3.‘ 7 1 RED HOUND, female Summit Golf Club, Thu 21. Please phone 288V any woman in 1 money with Avon not interfere with ' income. permanent. The Liberal. POULTRY WANTED â€"â€" We pay highest cash prices for live poultry. We also custom pick at 8 cents per bird. Sbhomberg Poultry Process- ing Plant, phone Schomberg 78. tf30 WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY f‘ Do you need Clii'istmiis money? Plea sant part time work with Avon Prc ducts will provide it. Apply Box 1 The Liberal, cl‘w2 TRANSPOF from Stop staff. each to King S EU. or Courtlar ford St. Elgin mond Hill 288W HOP paid MECHANIC'S APPREN be over 16 and intereste ing‘ a mechanic. Little mond Hill. MA NURI We haul. rent as so wrlte P. W rora. FOR WOMAN living HAY AND M 11-1 FIMOTHY CUSTOM BAUNG EARPENTERS, woodworl ind wanted. steady work. II RGEN’I Phone 145R Richmond Hill U} ABY’S CI MISCELLANEOUS K in 111e, p} John Ca {RES TO KILL, highest prices Apply Box 54 Richmond Hill or Com-Hand Mink Ranch, Ox- St., Eln‘in Mills, phone Rich- (1 Hill 288W. *8w20 NOVEMBER 2 TAXI ' Please phon PANION 11 H. VVEEDON top 20, Ga) 10h mol‘mns HILD WANTED H A Y TATION II STRAW. We pay high- n‘icos. Apply John Cave. e 101'31. *8w19 \ LOST mt Bm‘kh apply ITIG Garden ve. Mable M t’l’UK'l‘UNlTY for Thornhill to .earn 1 Products. Does home duties. Good Apply Box 263, c1w22 den A ' at 7 Phone Met Iale, vicinlty Thursday. 1‘ Model-n lle, Ont )1 in Thornhill money ? Plea- youn Ave.. )9 sold 3| rter’s Ma ploughed mowing Thornhill cl “'22 chmo clw 346 of all 0d paw. Planned c3w22 Floral clw22 h tfc48 lady ang- tch and £16. [US )1“ 3v. nd