TEMPERANCEVILLF mm mp 11010 The W.A l1 1‘ wurx can De cal'rleujnrougn wunout placing any un- due burden on the taxpayers of this village I am in favor of praceeding with this undertaking. -We have a fine community with many advantages and an attractive tax rate. We want to go forward and get more improvements but. we do not want to threaten our future by unconsidered action which might lead to disaster. In appealing for your support for another year may will and of a 1911 I have been cfiticized for not installing sewers this year. and I want to make my position very clear to the ratepayers. I am in favor of the construction of a sewer system in Richmond Hill. just as soon as conditions of price. labor and material are favorable. I do not agree‘with those who say we should build sewers now, at any cost. ThOSe who say we should are either ignorant of the facts or have no concern for our future tax rate. I am not in favor of con- structing sewers on a “cost plus†contract which could run into a figure which might increase our tax rate by ten to fifteen mills. With members of council this year we have done the groundwork. and made all poss- ible plans and preparation for this needed improve- ment. and just as soon as ed-nditions warrant and the work can be carried .through without placing any un- due burden on the taxpayers of this village I am in favor of praceeding with this undertaking. I have given of my best in your serviceand once more I am asking your support for the office of Reeve. I do not believe that this is an office which should be monopolized for a long period by anyone. and it is my intention to retire at the end of 194-7. if any. member of present council is willing to step up and assume the responsibility. However I do feel that now there are many problems pending with which I have been closely associated and with the solution of which I think I can be of service to the people of Richmond Hill during the ensuing year. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: It has been my honor and privilege to serve as your reeye during the past three years. They have not been easy years. and in our plans we have been handicapped by shortages over which we had no con- trol. and with which we have had to contend in private as well as public life. Having served you for a great many years offering my services to you for 1947. l permitted to serve you I can assure you ‘ perience and knowledge of the needs of pality shall be, with the co-operation of directed towards the best interests of the As you know the village is growing, and h time to care for the duties of office. I we fully solicit your vote and influence. 1y .11 all PAGE TWO 1|] all W M I' extend to one and all and co-cperation in the in return I pledge you II the people of Richmo af To the Electors of Richmond Hill To the Electors of Richmond Hill M CANDIDATE FOR REEVE J. A. GREENE M1 my th years mks for your good I have served you. t efforts on behalf as your Reeve for H'EADFORD M 11‘s. I am agaln If I may be u that my ex- 3f the munici- )f the council. he community. I having ample would respect- h M M M We 9:0 )1 Jas. BUTLER Sr ' Councillcr for 1947 Election Day. Dec. 91h. 1946 VOTE FOR AGGRESSIVE ADMINISTRATION WITH PROGRESSIVE ECONOMY. a] To the Electors of Richmond Hill 11 VOTING DAY MONDAY. DECEMBE 0 the Electors of Richmond H ELECTION DAY. DECEMBER 9th at 111 . C. HILL the Electors "of Richmond Hill Electors 01" Rich} COUNCILLOR FOR 1947 one hich omomoao 'rogre th )UNCHJH VOTE T0 RE-ELECT Tl' VOTE T0 ELECT Councillor For 1947 . McLatchy 1’ 6 =6: 11 ssive Administration Vote to Elec 1d rt 1i EDGELEY e W a Tl \" e 1' M M 1‘ fl THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND will, O“T"'ixj Mi M1 at \V hmond Hill M M fl M1 M He avah‘y M 1t the M 1 01:0 about up H1 M M 'le ut ridir chap in R 9, 1916 E A S" from 1.5% Mrs. E111 the distri attend. ‘ fled the 1946 Detroit. ‘rt course on will be giw the Departm a afternoons 4 ruits \vc 1‘1‘ W 'illis troit cour Id 1t )Zl( fir ,\I thm‘ on. I :1] ("=0 lippe ridin M wing p.m 1on- eley Hill .v} M1 am nd New Books At Thornhill Library Daku. Lenm'el: Beninmin Franklin. Franklin: Give Us This Day. Leie‘h- ion: Brother to the Ox. Kitchen; Blood and Bannuefs. Fromm. Juvenile â€" Red Randall of Pearl Harbor, Bowen; Red Randall in Burma. Bowen; On the Green Mea- flows. Bui‘ve=s: Blackv the Crow. Rnrtzess: Whitefon‘r thp Wood Mouse, Burgess: Tlnr‘le Wiggilv’s Fm-tune. Caris; Uncle “lige'ilv in the Connh‘v, Gm-is; Uncle Wiggily and the Little- +nil:, Gariez Joyous Peggy, Cone: Rnbbsev Twins in Eskimo Land. Hone- Robbsev Twins Treasure Hui-ut- ine‘. Hone: Boliksn" Twine at Cedar Kristow; Now ’l‘hat Am‘jl’s 'I‘nere Neumarm: Claudia. F‘rankan: Chladi: and David, Franken; Office Wife Baldwin. Adult Non-Fictionâ€"African Jour- hev. Robeson: Sleening Island Downea: Old Ma=ter. Krzms; Young Ladv Randolnh. Kraus: The Stream Runs Fast. McClung‘: Pea‘EY’s Cove Tivesav: Ideas Have Leas. Howard: Daku. Lenm'el: Beninmin Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Parson and Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Boynton and Vera, Mr. and Mrs. Rolpli Perkins and Coral had dinner Sunday e‘vening with Ml‘. and Mrs. Bert Sanderson. The W.M.S. will hold their next meeting in the form of a candlelight service. It will take place Wednes- day, December 11 at 8 p.m. at the parsonage. All are invited to at- pal ten List of books purchased by Thorn- hil] Librarv Asosciation Oct. 1946:â€" Adult Fioï¬on â€" The Friendly Per- suasion, West: Thu River Road. Keves: The Yellow Room, Rinehart; The Foxes nf Harrow. Verb": Cabb- ages and Crime, Nash; The Sain’r on Guard.‘ Charteris: The Human Com- pdv. Sal‘ovan; Tomorrow is Forever, Rl‘istow; Now That Am‘il’s There. Neumann: Claudia. Frankan: Chmdia and David, Franken; Office Wife, come offering is am given to the M body welcome. The annual. Decembe1 the VICTORIA at if rbor, Bowen; rma, Bowen; On .vs. Burwe=s: B' I‘gess: Whitefoo‘r I'Q‘ess: Tan‘le W ris; Uncle VVizgi] ris; Uncle Wizgi 1:. Garie: Joynl NI Tl' .vn 'by :pcelal Mi 31' W W annual. Christmas concert 0 . 6 will be held on Tuesday 91' 17 at 8 p.111. This coy vere so preside Ann J: M Hi1 W M Ruth Ml h \V A1 M M2 at 8 m due ELIA Enter. Krnns; Young: Kl‘aus: The Stream “Jung; Pea‘Ey’s Cove. Have Leas. Howard: 11 a V All SOY! ‘xt arry fte Sunday will be Collard. Pic- ountries will be ‘ey. There will ided and a 200d SQUARE spent the wee} re. T-ittl ELECTION DAY MONDAY. DECEMBER 9111. 1916 M Mrs. W] the teach All we] M plat Pre T0 the Electors of Richmond Hill Q '0“ OWNWNMWOO prary V Thorn- , 1946:â€" 1d1y Per- 1' ROHd. {ineharh ": Cabb- Sainf on an Com- Forever. There. Cllmdia e Wife. m Jour- Islam] ; Young Stream ’5 Cove. Howard: Conscientious Administration of Municipal Affairs. El will ‘fin Councillor for 1947 asident, Tom derson: efrESh- 9 home 1d very T‘l M1 in Polls open from VOTE TO RE-ELECT “Qua- WOO†«qmwmmwmmmuo munitv Give a Young'Man a Chance to Serve You YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED T0 ELECT Efficient Municipal Administration Harold J. Mills business of the village my and never have hesitated to public question. If you think my record of service merits your continued support and that my practical know- ledge of the village and village affairs can be bene- ficial on council for the coming: year. I will ap. preciato your vote and influence on my behalf. .VE The election day is Monday the voting hours are from 8 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN T0 the Electors of Richmond Hill To the Electors of Richmond Hill Ana. Oku‘OAAA. mmOOO“OWW“ T0 the Electors of Richmond Hill To The Electors of Rio It has bee pal counci 1m 11 have tried COUNCILLOR FOR 1947 mdidat .m.t " o 1 pm. Councillor For 1947 VOTE TO ELECT l} n m _V 131‘“ Wes. Middleton THURSDAY. DECEMBER Sf'ï¬. 10 1t . Taylor )1 pa KEN. W. TOMLIN time civic here ren he‘l‘e can I 2. I have the energy to pr0vide whatever action is needed to solve these prob- lems to the satisfaction of all of us. As I am one of the new candidates for Council for 1947 it is only fair that you should he assured on several points. l. l have the time to de- vote t’o the active pursuit of all problems that are facing Richmond Hill at this time. number of years. an Dctinn for the 00min a.m. to 01W 11W My motive is one of duty. My home is I have young child- who will be reared and I want this com- ‘o proud of. If I am Decembel 1‘ V 6 UH 1V6 0"“ 3n the mun- the public ’ attention md on anv p.m 9th and 1h 1t