Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Dec 1946, p. 8

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I" “Yes, sir.” went on the old man, m “I‘ve outlived them all.” IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII so that Canadians- may livii better. safer stand at the vcry thresholds of bio- logical science. disease-prevention guard the and safety of everything: for eating and drinking and of ingredients of PAGE EIGHT GUARDING PUBLIC HEALTH and longer. health watchdogs Canada’s sOIdIcrs of quality J. Roy Herrington NOTARY PUBLIC (Wired for bUlldinfi SHOW! bones “ml at 12.30 noon. Ken and Clarke CONVEYANCER healthy teeth, is recommended by Prentice, auctioneers, the Department of National Health GENERAL INSURANCE and Welfare. Ottawa. When the SATURDAY, DEC. HfiAtlctloii salc days “1'0 Short. “'0 Cannot depend of 30 head of reg. llolstein cattle. (Fire. Automobile, Etc.) Richmond Hill, Ont. Telephone 87 'I‘t‘rlL'llt'Ih, 1) 1'0. ‘13, par tion Inclusion of fish _ V child’s diet, particularlv in the win- ter months, to supply Vitiniin D. re- Vitainin D. in fish SCHOOL LI'NCHES particulme in who are tment of National of such lunches is FISH LIVER OILS liver liver oils, which CHRISTMAS DANCE â€" In the â€" HIGH SCHOOL 8.30 pm. “GYM” Wm. Smith and His Orchestra IADMISSIONzâ€"Non Members 50c. NOVELTY DANCES FOR EXPERT REPAIRS ON RADIOS AND ELECTRICAL Members 40c. REFRESHMENTS APPLIANCES PARTS GUARANTEED Phone J. M. LINSTEAD RICHMOND HILL 311W ADDRESS :â€"1 7 BENSON AVENUE HAIRDRESSINGx First door south of RA. Service Station at THORN HILL We specialize in hand weaving, hand knitted sweaters, men’s and girls’ socks, etc. Wool Feature Couts General Greeti Order early. Clyde Woollen Blankets ng and Xmas Cards Avoid disappointment. Telephone Thornhill 102 CARLOAD GROCETERIA 123 Yonge St. Oils and in ’2 OOOOOOMO“O“O“W W inta. interested l‘l sceiiii.r that their pupils have propcr noon- day meals, are notified by the Deâ€" Health I Welfare that guidance on organizaâ€" available. {1 upon the sun's I‘aVs as a source Of but health authorities point out that this vitamin is found should be served to compensate for the lack of sunshine. i WOO“. WWW LA GROVE GIFTS & HANDICRAFTS I Sale Register ' ‘ ’1 ‘ ' . . Lean Tralinu' ('o.. cvruer of Yonrre drugs and .me(h“ne>' .x‘ltmndl Through Provincial Health depart- , 1 r. . ‘_ i \. T1 m h.” T‘lfs Health authorities are working with , “I 1 I .h ,5. may Obtain am (UlDOlllL . t.. i .n I . ( in the familv doctor the specialist and men?“ 31-00 to“ CI‘ HT," R .,1 611511. .\o reserve. Sale at 1 pin. v ‘ ' ' ‘l' ' ' l a mm'snjp Funded . .18 u” A. S. I’armer. Auctioneer. the S(Ientlflc explolei, in t inic ant School Lunch.' “.hlm Illustrates laboratory, for a healthier humanity. simple ways of planning a program ‘ H v )7 v ‘ V q ‘ ‘ ._ of children's mid-(lav meals at 5311/ but“ - I)“ - Ii Allk'lwh fill“ school i 01 reg. .Iersey (‘21til('. model ( (use on lot 7. con. 2 the estate of the late .I. A. No reserve. threshing machine. near new tractor on rubber. tractor of Ellsworth Keffcr, lot 5. Vaughan Twp.. on No. 7 between Thornhill and Terms cash. Sale at 11.30 a.m. sharp. Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. COD. SATURDAY. DEC. ll~â€"ch‘. Hol- stein cattle. grade cows, h‘ogs. match. ed team, furniture. etc.. belonging to C. E. Conner. at lot 5, con. 3, Whit- chui‘ch. Sale at one. Terms cash. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. SATURDAY. DEC. l4â€"Auction sale of piano, household furniture, etc.. at 33 Catherine Ave., Aurora, the prop- erty of the estate of the late Thomas J. Spaulding. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.111. sharp. No reserve as prop- erty is sold. Ken and Clarke Prent- ice, auctioneers. \YEDNESDAY. DEC. ngConibina- tion auction sale. of household furni- ture. consisting: of ranges, heaters, electric broodcrs. also dishes. uten- sils, garden tools, etc. at Prentice’s auction rooms, Franklin House. Markham. Ont. Sale starts at 1 p.111. sharp. Terms cash. No reserve. Ken and Clarke Prentice. auctioneers, REUBEN L. STIVER A member of the 1046 Markham Township Council who is standing for re-election. He has had a long record of municipal service having served several terms as deputy-reeve_ “Yes,” said the old man. “I be ninety-six tomorrow, and I haven’t an enemy in the world.” “A beautiful thought.” the new vicar. answered 1 BUTCHERS & BAKERS Babbitts Cleanser . . . . . . . . . . . 2 tins 9c. Post Bran Flakes . . . . . . Lge. Pkg. 15c. Apple Juice, fortified with Vitamin “C” .... 2 20 oz. tins 27c. Choice Ungraded Peas . . . . 2 20 oz. tins 29c. Standard Peas . . . . 2 20 oz. tins 25c. . . . .By the case $2.95 Tomato Juice, fancy .. 20 oz. tin 10c. Monarch Sweet Mixed ' Pickles .. Crown Sealer 59c. Ideal Tomato Ketchup 12111011 Tin 82c. ‘ JUST PH Phone 77 Christmas is just “Around the Corner” and while . there will be supplies of dried fruits available they are not in any great quantities. maker doubtful of obtaining enough of these things to make her own Xmas cake. we can now To the Home- offer our own make of Christmas cake at the rate of 60c. per lb. Chocolate Cake . . . . . . . . . each Spiced Cake . . . . . . . . . . . . each ONE We are now taking orders. “K THIS WEEK’S TASTY TREATS 29c. 29c. WE DELIVER _ . . . . _ . _ _ . E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!EEEEEEEEESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEF!!!E--E SA'I‘I'RDAY. Iii-IV. T An. Lit n of antique and other household furni- ture including radio, lt.(‘..>\. Victor t'llC> crfields; electric irons; hooked rugs; silverware, the property of Mc- tractor, farm stock, implements. ctt'. Pickering Twp” on Kingston highway just east of Ajax on the Lancallon li‘arni. property of ('arvath. Terms cash. Sale stilrt< W30 imple- ments, farm stock. implements, hay grain. roots. furniture, etc.. property highway Woodbridge. No reserve, farm sold. Ken and Laundry Starch (Limited Quantity) Lu); Toilet Soap . . . . . . . . 3 bars 20c. Lifebuoy Soap . . . . . . . . 2 bars 13c. Currants (recleaned) Sultana Raisins lb. 18c. Sunjoy Tomatoes . . . . . 28 oz. tin 170. Orange Juice . . . . . 20 oz. tin 200. Blended Orange and Grapefruit . . . , . 20 oz. tin 21c. Mincemeat 2 lbs. 45c. VERNON W. GRIFFIN Thornhill merchant who is a candi- date for the office of municipal councillor in Markham Township. Mr. Griffin was born in Toronto 35 years ago and received his educa- tion in Barrie. For 13 Years he was in the Life Insurance business, three years as a branch manager. Five years ago he moved to Markham Township and is the successful own» er of the Leader grocery, a business which has greatly increased since he took it over. An aggressive young business man he is receiving strong support in his campaign in all parts of the township. OBITUARY The late William A. Baker passed away on Thursday evening, Novemâ€" ber 28. 1040' at Whitby. He was in his 76th year and was the eldest son of the late Mr. Simon Baker and Frances Aim McCague. and a bro- ther of the late Nathaniel ,Baker of the second concession of Markham. Mr. Baker farmed out at Olds, Al- berta for over 40 years and this last few years had made his home with his nephew Ralph Baker of Oxford St.. Elgin Mills until recently. He was loved by all who knew him as he always had such a cheery dis- position. Rev. F. G. Huson, pastor of the Gormley M.B.C. church had charge of the service which was held at Wright & Taylor’s Funeral Home. Interment took place in IIeise Hill Cemetery. He leaves to mourn his passing one brother Edmond of Olds, Al- berta. also 13 nephews and five nieces. (‘LEANLINESS An appeal for cleanliness on health grounds has been issued by the De- partment of National Health and Welfare. Ottawa. The health offâ€" icers point out that personal cleanâ€" liness. which includes sanitary liv- ing and working quarters, clean linen and outer clothing. and good hygiene of skin. hair, tooth, nail and foot, helps prevent the spread 0f communicable disease. It also pre- vents skin ailments. especially the chanee of infecting wounds. SAND & GRAVEL Haulage ORVAL JONES BUTTONVILLE Phone Stouffville 9104 . . . . . . . . . . . lb. 14c. lb. 18c. IlllllllflIII-IIII'll-IIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-IIII-IIIIIIIIIIIII TIIE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Classified Advertising THURSDAY. DECEMBER 5th, 1946.7 THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT. RATESâ€"Five lines or less. 35 cents for first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. each insertion. FOR SALE 30 IIENS. Ave, Stop 2-1A. YOUNG PIGS. Apply Barlow, Lang- staff, phone Thornhill 51112. *2w22 3 LEGIIORN IIENS. C. Higgs. Steele's Ave. W. Stop 123 Yonge St- ‘i‘1w23 45 BLACK MINORCA llENS. 1 yr. Apply :2 (‘entre St. E., Richmond Hill. 5 PIGS 8 weeks old. Apply Frank Schmidt, RR. 1 York Mills, Steele's Ave. E. *1w23 GLASS CUPBOARD, 38. J. H. Ellâ€" iott. Markham Rd., Richmond Hill. phone 461‘11. *1w23 PART POLICE & COLLIE PUPPâ€" Apply E. Turner, May fhip' c1w23 38 .;.1“,23 Bone. phone Richmond Hill 259J. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra 11" CHARGED NINE CENTS PER LINE. ('ORN. Bermor Farms. Richmond Hill, Lot 24. Con. 2. Markham TOwn- c1w23 M CHIC-KENS. 7 months old, $1.50 each. Mrs. Fish. Bathurst St., RR. 2 Maple. *1w‘23 ‘5“ MAN'S BICYCLE, good condition. D. Mansbridge. evenings, phone 203W Richmond Hill. *1w23 l BEATTY \V’ASHING MACHINE. rebuilt, copper tub. Apply Norman c1w23 flâ€" BATH TUBS. laundry tubs. kitchen sinks. 13.; h.p. motor :25 cycle, weep- ing tile and galvanized smoke pipe. Phone Thornhill 177. clw23 â€"â€"_â€"fiâ€"__ 1 SINGLE BARREL SHOT GUN. Apply Wm. J. E. Baker. 2nd farm south of Langstaff sideroad on west IES' App“, Mrs. K- Miller side of Bathurst St., Concord P.O. Ave.. Langstaff. tfc23 91mm ‘ V _ MATTRESSES, spring filled, felt IO‘ONRQCK PULLI‘ITS. '1 months old'; mattresses. 1.011_n“.ay beds and WOOL 193‘ U10"- Coupe- OllVel' yul‘elel' len blankets. Immediate delivery. Willowdale. phone 992. lâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"_â€" 150 CHICKENS. New Hampshire & n2W22 MOND HILL 7 or KING 24r, or Light Sussex cross, 4 months, mixed. MAPLE 2987. We pay telep one Phone Thornhill 160W. €1W23 QUANTITY 8-LINE FARM FENCE Ehlgrgg‘s. GORBON LIME?- â€"â€"“:â€"â€",_Tâ€" 4 and 5 ft., chicken wire, barb wire. 1 Orontoip one - - Cw 12. BARRED ROCK EULLETPV steel posts. 14 and 16 ft. farm gates. « ' months old, laying. $1.45 each. W. cedar posts all sizes. ‘Ve deliver. HOLSTEIN COWS, fresh or near J. Hopper. Elgin St., Thornhill. Norman E. Bone phone 251” Rich fresheniiig. taken in trade on new . c1w23 mond Hi“. ' clwzg Woods Milk Cooler or DeLaval Milk- ‘ . ._ ers. Immediate delivery. from ,o_ur 50 BARRED ROCK PULLETS. SIX 2 WINTER OVERCOATS, men’s, Toronto stock. Toronto Radio_ months old, $1.50 each. L. W. Sgeck; Size 40’ 1 almost new; 1 p,._ skates Sports Ltd” 241 Yonge St" Toronto. Icy, Gormley, phone StouffvdleQJ‘Ot‘. and bootsY Size 9, gents; 1 studio ’ tit-€16 "1W2'3 couch, green; 1 3-piece studio set; M IRON FIREMAN, model 8-20, in ex- memo“: Mm E- Kirkwood, Spruce . cellent condition. R. D. Little, Ale" Rwhvale' CIW23 Vaughan Road, Richmond Hill, phone REG. JERSEY COWS, T_B_ and 28- blood tested, due in Dec., others due £3034 AfilND BOAIRD thI‘ glantlfmeg, . . . . . ‘ -, Q in Jan. E. A. Radford, con. 3 Mark- . W89 1'. App y p one ape 9 . Mrs. D. Townsend, Oak Ave., Rich- h'ghway’ phone Unlonwlle 30131,. 22 vale, *2W2‘3 c CHOICE YOUNG GEESE. Orders _ . ‘ KENTUCKY BLUE TICK HOU D, taken now for Christmas and New Roastlng Chlckens black head and back. Lost in Egin Years. Phone Freeman Barker. DREQSED Mills district Saturday. Phone 1341'12 Richmond Hill 471;. c2w22 ‘ Richmond Hill. c1w23 CAR TRUNK will fit 1039 Ford or Also capons LOST ' ' ' . , . a V . on Highway No. 11 on Mon- any older make; also.1941 Rogers 6 A‘erage Weight 4 t0 7 lbs- day, November 11. valuable live mink tube. large mantel'radio. Apply MrS. Phone In your orders and we (snow white). Think this has been Robinson, Thornhill, phone 43.1. will deliver_ seen in Richmond Hill. Reward. 4 KITCHEN UTILITY CABINETS; Richmond Hill 309W 3.33;: jgfgfen’ 8 mm St" 1 davenport; 1 antique chest, spa- ' . cious; all in good condition. Apply , ‘ ‘ 124 Yonge St., Richmond Hat? 23 Sweet Apple Cider MISCELLANEOUS “V 500 Per Gallon _ 1‘ . ‘ ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS. p ti o . 380 "10 "a stair hand rails, fire dogs, fire leasecgntggnzr:r own 001119: gOOd “’atCh dog- ADPIy'JohII screens, fire sets and acetylene weld- Apply T. Elliott, Richvale. tfc40 1 AYRSHIRE COW, fresh; red heif- er, springer; 1 part Jersey and Dur- ing. ham cow; 1 good heater, coal or wood. Phone Woodbridge 91‘14. _ c1w23 TROASTING CHICKENS. dressed, also capons. average weight 4-7 lbs. Phone in your orders and we will deliver. Richmond Hill 309W. ' c1w23 BARRED ROCK PULLETS, ready to lay; also roosters ready for mar- ket. E. A. Radford, con. 3 Mark- ham, lst farm north of No. 7 high- way, phone Unionville 301‘3. tfc‘22 10 ROOM BRICK HOUSE and gar- age on Catherine Ave., Aurora, $5.- 800. $2,000 cash. Apply Mrs. F. E. Graham. 52 Centre St., Aurora, tele- phone 511W. c1w23 HAND WASHING MACHINE and wringer; 1 Stewart hand operated clipping machine; 3-burner wickless coal oil stoVe with oven, 1 year old. Phone Maple 731-11. *1w23 1 REG. HOLSTEIN HEIFER, T.B. tested. 5 months old; also large quantity of barnyard manure. Ap- ply Geo. R. Legge, Temperanceville, phone King 261'22. GUERNSEY HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALF, 3 mos. old; 40 Muscoyy ducks, large breed. Apply E. Mulr- head, Mill Road, Stop 23B, phone 1051'23 Richmond Hill. *1w23 MUSCOVY DUCKS and drakes for breeding purposes; large white Pekln ducks, table use. breeding purposes from Edzcll stock. Princeton. Apply Jas. Bagg, )honc Maple 741'3. " clw2o SKIS. practically new, 1 pair 7 ft; 1 pair 6 ft.. complete with harness and poles; also good pair lady’s (LCM. skates. size 7. Mrs. Joseph Spencer, Edgeley, phone Tlrll Maple. c1w23 li‘IIIE WOOD, good values in maple. mixed hardwood, soft wood, split body wood and limb wood. Also cedar fence posts. Immediate delivâ€" ery. Fred Taylor, 71 Richmond St.. Richmond Ilill. tfclB LARGE DUMP TRAILER, suitable for use with tractors or horses, ball bearing wheels, solid rubber tires, hiin rack. Apply Broom’s Garage. Spruce St., Richvale. StOp 22A Yonge St.. phone 24511:: Richmond Hill. ELECTRIC CHICK BROODERS. Warrner &i Jamesway, capacity 350 and 500; chick feeders and chick waterers. Purchase while available. W. R. Dean. phone Thornhill 54. clwfl‘d CHILD'S TRICYCLE. large size. $8.50: 1 pair of girl’s white skates and boots. >th.‘ 13, $2.00; 1 pair boy’s COM. skates and boots, size 31.1,, $35.50; all in good condition. I’. Mansâ€" bridge. 15:; Yonge St.. {ichniond llill. phone NEW evenings. clw23 “BEST CHICKS EVER RAISED," that's what Rom. Lusclicr, Thcdford. Ont.. says of lll> Digâ€"l t‘hickS. “I must congratulate you." You should order yours now for lliiT delivery. especially early in year. They're Canada Miprowd. breeders pulloriim tested. Get the ‘c'OUd‘ chicks that give you the ‘cxtra' profits. llcrc \\‘c_lLr L‘lul‘ls ILIC, (ion-I , 151.". clivdii $1W23 Write or phone Home Equipment Co , 3368 Yonge St., phone Hudson 7911. EDGELEY ORCHARDS , Edgeley â€" R. McCleary, Prop. M. ' g A reward of $5 is offered for in- formation leading to the location of half a dozen green R.H.H.S. sweat- ers now missing from the school. Anyone who may be able to help should contact the school immedi- ately. MAPLE There will be no supper served at the bazaar on Saturday, December 7 in the' Masonic Hall. Other goods and Christmas gifts on sale only. Maple Public School will hold 1; eir Christmas concert in Maple Concert Hall on Thursday, December 12 at 8 p.m. sharp. Program will consist of “tumbling” exercises, plays, inu- sic and recitations. Vaughan Township Council is to be strongly commended for its ac- tion in appointing a school nurse. The village of Maple and district are delighted with this action and very pleased with their choice, Miss Mar- garet Halloway, R.N. of Concord. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Campbell and baby Helen have moved with Mr. Campbell’s brother Earl to a farm near Alliston. The brothers are vet- erans of World War II having served as R.C.N.V.R.'s. The December meeting of Maple VVomen’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Parnell White on Wednesday, Dec. 11 at 2.30 p.m. roll call to be answered with a gift for the Hospital for Sick Children. POTATO GROWERS OF ONTARIO WIN HIGHEST AWARDS The high quality of Ontario pota- toes was again established when growers from the various sections of the Province won highest honours at the Royal Winter Fair by obtaining 55 prizes in six classes. The awards included the grand championship for the best entry of certified seed. won by Emerson Budarick of Palmer Rapids in Renfrew County on his en- try of the Katahdin variety. The American Hotash Institute will re- cognize the winner by presenting a solid gold watch to him at a ban- quet in the local vicinity of the win- ner in the near future. The reserve grand championship was won by Frank Rick. Trout Creek, of the Parry Sound district. on his exhibit of the Green Mountain variety, In the classes for juniors, Bert Harper of Goodwood won first for intermediate varieties and Blake Schinicns. Haley's Station first for late varieties. The regular classes were open for competition from growers in all provinces across Can- ada and also from the United States. Milton \\'t-athcrilt and Sons of Bethany in Durham County won the Grand Championship award for On- tario on his entry of the Sch-ago var- iety. in a strongly contested class of 2:4 top winners in potato contests conducted by various branches of the Ontario Crop Improvement Associa- tion. on more than farms in poâ€" tato growing areas throughout the Province. The winner will receive Agth 33-30 in cash. plus a handsome trophy 1‘1".“‘l'l'f‘l ls: Canadian Industries. 1.111qu d. I WANTED DOLL'S PRAM wanted. large size, in good condition. Apply BOX 16. The Liberal. *1w23 METRONOME WANTED, used but in good condition. Apply Richmond Hill phone 102r13. c1w23 HAY AND STRAW. We pay high- est market prices. Apply John Cave, Maple. phone 10131. ‘8W19 IIOUSEKEEPER from January 1 to April 15. Apply Mrs. W. Redel- ineier, Don Head Farms, Richmond Hill, phone Maple 55W. c1w23 >â€"â€"_“_______ URGENT. wanted. a small house to rent as soon as possible. Please write P. W. Burkholder, RR. 2 Au- rora. tfc20 â€"“â€"___ HIGII SCHOOL STUDENT, 18 yrs. desires work Saturdays as mother’s help or clerk in store. Apply Box 21. The Liberal. *1w23 â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"._._____.___._ HORSES TO KILL, highest prices paid. Apply Box 54 Richmond Hill P.O. or Courtland Mink Ranch. 0x- ford St.. Elgin Mills, phone Rich- mond Hill 288W. *8w20 POULTRY WANTED â€" We pay highest cash prices for live poultry. We also custom pick at 8 cents per bird. Sbhomberg Poultry Process- ing Plant, phone Schomberg 78. tf30 â€"_â€"____________ DEAD HORSES & CATTLE want. M. For free pick-up phone RICH- Allen, Elgin Mills sideroad. *1w23 WELL DIGGING, excavating ’and pipe lines, concrete well cribs._ T. Jerrett, RR. 1 Richmond Hill, phone 248r4. *1w9 â€"â€"_________â€"___ WELL DIGGERS, also cement tile for wells, pumps and pressure sys- tem sold and installed. Frank York; R.R. 1 Maple, phone 31r24.~ tfclyO a-â€"â€"â€"â€"._â€"___.___s BODY AND FENDER REPAIRS. spray painting. Free estimates giv- en. Stanley Page, Garden Avenue, ‘Langstaff, phone Thornhill 47r3. , tfc6 â€"_.___~_________ MARGUERITE BOYLE (Graduate. of Owen Smiley Studio), instruction in Public Speaking, Elocution, Dra- matic Art. “Homewood Hall", Thornhill. tfcl’l â€"â€"â€"~__________ TEAMSTER â€" Gardens ploughed. cellars dug, grading and mowing. Apply Bert Smith, Elgin Mills, phone Richmond Hill 134r12. tfc48 ‘â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"_._ SAND AND GRAVEL delivered any- where in district. E. Charity, Yong. Street and Brookside Road. Phone Richmond Hill 1021'14. tfc. lâ€"_â€"â€"___â€"â€"‘â€"â€"â€"â€"_“‘_ /NOTCEUess person who left I FREEâ€"4 PUPPIES. pulley for new bushing calls and pays charges, same will be sold 3‘0 days after this notice. Barter's Ma- chine Shop. Richvale, phone Rich- mond Hill 313114. c3w22 â€"â€"â€"-â€"~__________ ALL KINDS FURNITURE repain- upholstering, cabinet work, Wow carving. Estimates giVen. N.-w. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. :10. CARTAGE Quick reliable service any time. N. CARTER Richmond Hill, Phone 195r21 Order Your Chicks Now Feb. and Top March de- qual'ty R.O.P. Barred Rocks. Only large eggs set, every egg pro- duced on my own plant by Pullorum Tested and govern- l for Jan., I ment banded breeders. Be sure liveries. Sii ed of chicks that live, lay and pay well by ordering Hillview Farm R. O. P. Sired chicks new. Price list on re- quest. Dealer equipment. HAROLD HILL Gormley R.R. No. 2 Phone Stouffville 1520 Barred Rock for J amesway Wanted Woman to take charge of Ladies” Rest Room, Richmond Hill Arena. For information apply RUSSELL LYNET'I'. Clerk Village of ,Itichmond Ilill 'I'ulgghgna 3'9 a -.__ -.u .. 5r

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