Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Dec 1946, p. 1

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“Mzisic, tqo, hotels. an .‘important place 'il‘i' "0hr celebrait-ioh 'of Christâ€" ma‘s aud. has done so. down through the ages, At the‘birth ofrJesus the angelic éhoir“ sang ‘Cloi'y t6 God in the highest, 'and on earth peace. good will to men.’ So. at this time of year We join in songs of adoration and praise. The beautiful Christmas hymns a‘nd'mt‘bls“ gixié‘é‘xbi‘essién to our feelings and draw us closer in “Christmas for the chillren we say; yet it is good for us all to be as children sometimes, and never better than at Christmas when its mighty Founder was a child Himself. The first Christmas gifts taken with adoration by wise men long ago to the infant Jesus established the cus- tom of Christmas giving. When some childish heart is made happy, some ’aged one- madeponifbrtable by kindlyjjhouglit the fspiritwf ~Christ- mas is“ indeed shedding cheer and gladness. ~ “It is the essence of Christmas that we should think of others. Even the small child may learn the bless- edness ~efa~giÂ¥i>ng. laweur ~ehurches and Sunday schools we have the White Gift Sunday when the child- ren are ensouraged to come not seek- ing something for themselveS, but bringing presents for children not so privileged as they. All of which is in the true spirit of Him whose birth- day we celebrate, He ’who came not to be ministered unto. but to min- ister. Speaking to the members of Maple Women’s Institute this week Mrs. F. S. Rumble brought the Christmas message in an inspiring manner. Speaking on the subject of “Christ- mas” she said “Once again the great Christian festive season approaches, and the birthday of Christ is cele- brated throughout the world. In a day when the nations of the world are seeking to re-establish them- selves after being engaged in the most deadly conflict of all history we turn with fresh hope in our hearts to Him who said ‘It is more blessed to give than 0t receive.’ And what 'opportunities we have for giving when there are many who need en- couragement. There are always lonely hearts, those who are physi- cally handicapped, and many facing the future with uncertainty, and a word in season or a helping hand from us may do more than we real- ize to gladden the pathway or give a lift to the weary heart. So let us make the Christmas ‘season a festival of‘ friendship. Friendship shines" brightly today as 'it has always done against the dark background of self- ishness by which the world is curs- ed. Self interest is so often the dominating motive of our lives, but the secret of true Christmas (joy will never be found by those whose thoughts turn inward. Those who make of the Christmas season a time to minister lovingly to the great fraternity of human need will surer find happiness entering their own hearts. J. M. Barrie has said ‘Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from them- selves.‘ i Maple Women’s Institute Hear Inspiring Christmas Message In unveiling a memorial tablet to Pte. Roy Alexander Walke ', who was killed in Dieppe, he paid tribute to the many young men who made the supreme sacrifice. He spoke of Pte. -Walker's life in our community where he had many friends. and closed with the text inscribed on the tablet, "Greater love hath no man than this: That a man lay down his life for his friends.” Rev. H. J. McKay unveiled a tab- in memory of Sidney John Eng- .An impressive and memorable ser- wce was held in Brown's Corners United Church on Sunday, December 8 when a dedication service was con- ducted by Rev. E. A. Currey, as- sisted by Rev. 11. J. McKay, In his address Rev. E. A. Currey said it was fitting and seemly to remember the pioneers of this district with gifts to the church which they found- ed and supported. Furnishings dedi- cated were: pulpit and chairs, pre- sented by L. A. Hood; Bible by Jas. Thomson and fami'y; communion table, by Mrs. Glendenning; baptisâ€" mal font by the Davidscn Mission Ba_nd; doors by Mrs. Win. Brown. "1). who amst of PHONE MO. 2172 Dedication And Memorial Service Most Impressive THURSDAY. FRIDAY.iSA'l‘L'RDAY. DECEMBER 19. 20. 21 VOL. LXVIII MONDAY & 'l‘L'ESIMY. DECEMBER 2:: JOHN "0mm. NANCY (:I'ILD in ‘° SOMEWHERE IN THE NIGHT wa's choirmaéter and the church for a nu: OLIVIA DE .â€" â€" â€" ALSO -â€" â€" «- CHARLES BOYER. JENNIFER JONES ‘ “ CLUNY BROWN " JAMES CRAIG. FRANCIS GIFFORD in “ SHE WENT TO THE RACES " CHRISTMAS DAY, DECEMBER “ CANYON PASSAGE ” CAPITOL THEATRE 3;: THE HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT 2 HAVILAND, IDA “ DEVOTION ” SELECTED SHORTS SINCE 1878 â€"â€"-â€"-ANDâ€"â€"â€"â€" md or- number _ U ,, _.,.. ....... 5U zire 'hduslngfi‘ afipro‘xxmately 16,220 perSons {and a “conservative” esti- mate placed‘ at 28,000 the number whb would be in such accommodation by the ’enq of February. Financial assistance 'i-n‘ “meeting conversion costs was $2,066,164. The program involVed ‘ co-op‘era’tiOn ' by“"1‘niun‘itipal. provincial and federal authorities. CANDLELIGHT CAROL SERVICE The Christmas season is not com- plete without a Candlelight Carol Service. Such a service is now an annual event at St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill, and will be held on Sunday next, December/22 at 7.30 pm. It is expected that the usual large congregation will 'gather to sing the old and well loved Christ- mas Carols in a setting of ever- greens. flowers and many candles. The service will be held half an hour later to acconnnodale those who live out of town.‘ .A survey by ,the Cé1{t1-é.l__l\fov1‘twg.z;;2‘\é and “Housing Corporation 1_~eveals that i’Spg‘Qlus gqvernmenft' buildings SURPLUS GOVT. 111711117803. ‘l'S"E0~FOR HOUSING 4 SUNDAY SCHOOL CONCERT The annual Christmas party of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church Sunday School will be held in the Sunday School room Saturday after- noon, December 21 at 3.30 o’clock. An interesting program is being pre- pared including. special attraction. After supper Santa Claus will pay a visit to the school. All pupils of the Sunday School and their parents will be welcome. Descend to us we pray, ' Cast out our sin and enter In, Be‘born in us today. We hear the Christmas angels, The great glad tidings tell 0 come to us, abide with us Our Lord Emmanuel.’ “Old traditional customs make Christmas something stable and un- changing, something to cling to in a changing world. So let us observe Christmas in the same old way, for who will say that it can be improved upon. After doing what we can to brighten the lives of others which will make the true significance of the day come into our hearts, let us put up the Holly wreath, light the Christmas candle, join in the sine- ing of carols, read again? the Christ- mas story, and engage in the old, old custom of extending to friends and dear ones the old, old wish ‘A Manyâ€"achristmasil" The meeting was held at the home ’0! Mrs'l'Pa‘rneli White and there was a generous response to the roll call giving gifts for the Sick Children’s Hospital. A beautiful layette re- cently was sent to Britain. The dis~ trict president, Mrs. J. Snider, and district secretary, Mrs, 'Vanderburg-h, were present and spoke briefly. The ladies are planning- a social evening for Maple Lacrosse team of whichl notice will be given at a later date! Christian fellowship. ‘O Holy Child of Bethlehem Everyone is invited and a record crowd is expected to greet Santa whose visit here is sponsored by the Richmond Hill Lions Club. At the arena there will be a huge Christmas tree, and Fairy Queens will hand put gifts to all the child- 1’en. Santa Claus Is _ _ “Coming To Town Santa Claus will be in Richmond Hill Saturday afternoon, December 21 and at his Ice Palace in the Rich- mond Hill arena will greet children fr0m~the village and the surroundâ€" ing district. Commencing- at 3 p.m., there will be a parade from the north end of the village featuring a Clown Band and other attractions. ‘ of years. At the conclusion of the service a number of friends remained to wit- ness the baptism of baby Sidney John English, grandson of our late choirnlasier IDA LL'I’INO us we pray, sin and enter in us today. Christmas angels glad tidings tell , abide with us 1!! Ill Yungc at " btlefield Guant So on Whe Yet there urc‘ eyes, .in which alone Thy light of love doth brightly 0n Célvéry’s hill the storm will break; ' A cross up-raiscd against the sky, And cruel sin shall mail Thee there. Moclfy Thy suffering, watch Thee 10. Thy words will simply be just words; They’ll fall on hearts grown strangely cold. E'en though Thou speak of God and man, , Of treasures they are new and old. Then in a garden fresh and cool. We’ll see a tomb, a stone rolled clear: An Angel standing there speaks out To sfoothc the heart and quell the ear. ' shine; These are the souls Thy love hath won, Proud to feel that they are Thine. A time will come when Thou will teach The Truth of God in Galilee; Some men will turn aside in hate, Others will gladly follow Thee. There will be those who will not love, Will pass Thee by without, a glance; They cannot see the light of God Alight in Thy fair countenance. To bring them here to BEthlehem. The shepherds from the neznby hills Have come to see their Infant King; A day will come when Thou wilt teach To men, the art of shepherding. Others walk the streets this night Devoid of wonder or surprise, Not knowing that a King is born, And God looks through a Baby’s eyes. The learlwl ones kneel down to praise Thy coming, to his home of men; A starry herald was their guide The annual lnstalla‘ion of the Worsliipful Master and Investitnrc of; the officers of Vaughan Memon'c Lodge took place on Tuesday evening, December 110 in the lodge at Maple. One unique feature of the evening was the fact that the Installing Mas- ter, W. Bro. Andrew Snider, installed his father-inâ€"law, W. Bro. Ernest Sharpe. Many of the brethren who had._assopiated' with the newly install- ed~Masterin his work and' as‘ a mem- @brigtm351946 0 Little Baby, Holy‘ Child. Lying there in Mary’s arms, A wondrous light shines in her eyes As she smiles o'er Thy Infant ' charms. Installs F ather-in-law At Masonic Investiture Tokens of gratitude and esteem were extended to 30 servicemen of the Temperanceville district at a Turkey Supper and presentation held in their honor at the church on Sat- urday, December 14. Gifts of pen and pencil sets were presented by Mrs. Maurice Beynon, on behalf of the community, the event being soon- sored by the W.I. Branch of which she is president. The memory of F.O. Bob Rumble and W.O. James Kerswill, both of the Air Force, Probably every country in the world has its own pe- £5 culiar Christmas customs. but the ideal in each is no doubt ‘ g the same, namely, that peace and good will may prevail, ‘f _. that all men may bask in the smile of the Divine Infant. ' .- Christmas is and should be a festival of good cheer ' , because it recalls the greatest news ever delivered to man- " l : kind. the news, as a care] that is almost universally sung ~ a? puts it, “Christ is born in Bethlehem". V a. In Canada from the time of the eai'liest'~pioneei‘s, the = ' season of Christmas has been always one of lightâ€"hearted = " merriment albeit a season, too, of thoughtful religious ob- .. ' servance. The Christmas spirit exemplifies a Canadian, idea], and if Canadians could have their way about it, that ' spirit would not be confined to a brief time at the end of ‘i .. each Calendar year, but would be the prevailing spirit the ’ . year round, and every year. ‘ , That is the way The Liberal feels about it, and with ~‘ ‘ that thought in view, we wish all our readers a right merry .- gét Chrfstmas. _\ ‘17; . Temperanceville Hondrs W Th ‘1‘ IcHow-mcn And show to g merry @brigtmagég fear was nes: Rev bil'tf that night so Ion n star and ange bus, touch we in turn man u‘th. :Ln Essentials. Unity: In Non-Essentials. Liberty: In All Things. Charity”. )rn Sons Who Servedln War them Jlkc RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. DECI stilled Ie th 1V6 {old Thy ave hope h-iel empl 0 11-1 ble, 1pp1 a corvette in the English channel, replied that when he came home he knew definitely that he wanted above all to “be his own boss". A survey of Thornhill showed that there was a good opening for a dealer in used articles of all kinds so he lost no time in getting to work. Dayswere spent 'in‘ going through the prelimin- ary Government red tape and obtain-r «ing' the necessary permits, and more days in searching'for a secondhand truck, as a new one was not avail- able. The problem of accommodation was worst of all however; In the end he bought a small house from which to operate but this proved 21 fiasco and the tenants were unable to move out. when they expected to. mid he was forced to conduct his business from very limited quarters Saturday afternoon. December 7th A. S. Farmer conducted an auction sale of antiques, household furniture and other articles at the McLean Trading Co., Yonge and‘ Colborne Sts., Thornhill. The sale was in the nature of a first anniversary for it is little ‘more than a year since the twenty-one year old proprietor, David McLean, took out a license to deal in used articles. When asked what made him choose this business the youthful veteran who spent eight Of his nineteen months naval service on It was gratifying to the new off- icers to see the presence of so mam" of the members of Vaughan Lodge as well as many visitors from neigh- bcuring lodges. After the eel-omen) was completed a number of the visit- ing brethren offered their congratuâ€" lations and best wishes for the conâ€" tinued success of Vaughan Lodge. ber of Grenville Lodge in Toronto came to see the ceremony and con- giatulute W. Bro. Sharpe on his 010- vzrtion to King Solomon's chair. The other officers elected and appointed were: I.P.M.. W. Bro. W. J. Hodge; S.W., Bro. C. E. Fockler; J.W., W. Bio. H. Bryan; S.D., Bro. R. Noble; J.D., Bro. D. Crook; Chaplain,.W. Bro. C. H. Bowman; Secretary. W. Bro. R. A. Bigfoifip Treasurer, R.W. Bro. I. B. Musifig-Layn; Director of Ceremonies, W. BI'O‘CA. E. Snider; S.S., Bro. N. L’und; J.S., Bro. W. Bailey; I.G.. Bro. W. Hallowell; Tyler, Bro. Robt. Ramsay; Assistant Secretary, Bro. G. Watson. Year In Business Teaches Young Veteran Many Things was silently revered, these young men having perished in the conflict. It is worthy of ignte that individual centres in King 'Ijo-wmhip have each honored the servit’? personnel of that particular district; Nothing has been omitted by each‘ immunity to show appreciation and ‘1 00d will to those men and women : he 'offered service to protect those ‘ n the home front and to bring about the peace cher- ished by all. Iea 1| p110: Chatterley; vice-president McGibbou; 'treasurer, Mis: recording secretary, Mrs, Little; corresponding seen E. Stewart; Living Me: Mrs. W. Hall; Dorcas sec ST. MARY‘S ANGLK'AN WA. ELECTS OFFICERS Local Poet Has Works Published “poet laureate", is attra bound, and will make an Christmas gift with a real mond Hill note. “Rhyme an‘ son" will be on sale at The I Office. him over the summer and in Sep- tember when the Francis house was put up for sale he was able to ob- tain this desirable property. He says that it seems quite a long time now since those ‘chicken house days’ when his initial stock consistedl of a hand- some antique walnut chair given by friends (others also were helptul and generous) and a few desks and waste paper baskets bought from a war plant. “There is a heck of a lot to learn about a business the hard way," he admits philosophically. The experimental sale was a case in point. Bidding was not as brisk as it could have been though there was a very good crowd in attendance. Many of the articles so painstaking-1y gathered, sold below cost and some collectors’ items went for a song. However young McLean feels that it served its purpose in acquainting people with his business and in nett- ing him many customers well pleased with their bargains. Now he is‘ busily gathering together an even‘ bigger and better stock of used’ art< icles of every description. Congratulations to Robert D- Little, Richmond Hill, who this week had a book of verse published, and the volume. “Rhyme and Reason", is now on sale. It contains 80 poems from the pen of Richmond Hill’s EMBER 19th, 1946 a little though: at; Christmastime, and that’s your Mailman. In your Christmas shopping don’t forget the fellow who lives the slogan “the mail must go through.” REMEMBER THE MAILMAN There’s one mam who serves faith-- fully and well in all kinds of wea- ther throughout the year who rates Three Christmas carols were sung during the meeting and light re- freshments were served at the close. Hostesses, Mrs. Sayers, Mrs. Endean, Mljs. Lynett. The executive and members of the Institute join in wishing everyone “The Compliments of the Season” and extend a cordial invitation to the women of the community to come to their monthly meetings, the second Thursday in each month. Watch for the announcement in The Liberal. The meeting voted to assume re- sponsibility for visiting a soldier at Christie St. Hospital each month, and generally cheering him with suit~ able gifts, gtrc. The Memorial Tablet donated by Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Gamble was un- veiled by Mrs. J. Clark, a sister of Robert Gamble, one of the boys hon- cred at the service. Other names on the tablet are: George Adams, Fred Carter, Cha'rles Hill, Roy Russell, Ernest White. ’ Following the dedica- tion by the Rector, there was three minutes silence and the Last Post and Reveille sounded by James Butler. “Joyous. Church Bells” then was heard on the new chimes in the tower. Local Institute Hear Christmas Story Mr§. Zu'efelt on Current Events re- viewed the disturbing situation in Palestine. St. Mary's Angli'an Chur h was filled to capacity Sunday afternoon when impressive service's were held marking the unveiling of memorial for six young men from that church who gave their lives in World War 11. Rev. W. F. Wrixon, Rector, was in charge of the servic'e assisted by Rev. L. C. Secre‘tt of Willowdale, a former Rector. Owing to weather conditions many members were absent from the Wo-~ men's Institute December meeting held in the Municipal Hall last Thursday. Those present, however. felt amply repaid as they listened in rapt attention while Mrs. Lloyd Hill told the story of “The Doll’s House”, her 'theme being “And when I love and cherish them, I serve the Babe of Bethlehem". The story pic- tures two destitute children starry- eyed and breathless over one glimpse of the little lamp in the Doll’s House, thgproperty of a sheltered child. impressive Service Held At St. Mary’s Tuesda Memorial 'l‘ahlet And Chimes Dedicated W .A ,h a real Rich'- Rhyme and Reaâ€" e at The Liberal ecreLary, Message sec” Mr (e? , M attractively idcél Mi 31' Yonge St. 3 “ 11{L1{SLL\\I ul )H)NIL\Y. TlW 877171? B( 1-} ~ _. "mfiQEKPE ____fl____________________________________ - - .p .- - -. -- - .v.0.m.m-II-v-.o.n-<tz 1 “The spirit of Christmas is essen- tially the spirit of gift giving,” ex- plained Chester Unger, president of the council, “and particularly When there is an element of surprise in the gift giving it ought to be a real jolly affair.” On behalf of the youth' council, )ir. Ungcr wishes all of the grown- up well wishes of the organization. and in particular those who have found opportunity to contribute to its Another festive party is planned for this Friday night. It will be held at the Masonic Hall. All mem- bers are asked to bring gifts, not exceeding 35 cents each in value, to be inter-changed with other members, and after that event there will be dancing with recorded music. Newâ€"members may jai‘nwtfie Youth Coun‘cil thflt} evgniflg‘if they wish. Executive heads of the youth coun- cil are being congratulated on all sides for their effort to stage a Christmas party of such appeal, and many of the young people who thought they had become too sophis- ticated to believe any longer in Santa Claus received an eye opener when Santa himself, arrayed just as he is in the pictures, appeared among them and distributed favors. Youth Council Will Hold Gift Giving Party Friday “It was one of the finest and 'joll- iest parties we have ever held,” was‘ the unanimous verdict of the youth of the village with respect to the da_n_ce last Friday at the high school. Now that the municipal election: have been held‘ in the majority 0f rural districts and in some instances acclamations accorded while where contests occurred a greater interest was shown than during the period of war. The average ratepayer was more interested in the maintenance of roads, the cost of hospitalization, increase in expenditure of the Child- ren’s Aid, etc. than the educational system or the future improvements that could be made in the Public Schools of the different townships, The population of the rural dis- tricts is likely to double during the next decade. Would not the present be the opportune period to make a survey of existing conditions as well as successful -planning for the fu- A recent edition of your paper carried a most significant item. refer to the appointment of a school nurse. To those of us who have moved from an urban centre to this area, it is indicative of progress. When we secure a kindergarten as well, the local school should com- pare facourably with a city school. The matter of securing a compe- tent school uurse should Le of para- mount importance to- all your read- ers. Truly I wish to congratulate the persons who were responsible for Miss-Hallowell’s selection. Her abilâ€" ity in training, in University and as a public health nurse 'in the city schools indicate that she is a person of unusual talent and ability. Now, let us, as parents egt behind the nurse wholeheartedly,’ If some physical defect in our children is noted and reported, let us give our grateful thanks and above all, let us not adopt an attitude of ignoring helpful, kindly assistance. Our chil- dren will be healthier and better citizens if we can only play our part as wise, thoughtful parents. Now for the kindergarten. Pleasantly surprised parent. Kindergarten And Nurse Viewed Signs Of Progress The Liberal this week received the following letters on school subjects: Dear Sir: Editor, The Liberal, Dear Sir:â€" Yonge St. at Glenforest Bd. * llUdson 3437 MONDAY. 'I'L'ISSDAY, \\'EI)NI£SI)AY. DECEMBER 23, 24 JUAN LESLIE in “ JANIE (-‘E'I‘S MARIN-El) " ~â€" _ â€" ALSO â€" â€". â€" ('.\l(()Ll-,‘ man in “ BEHIND GREEN LIGIIT.‘ " URGES MORE INTEREST IN EDUCATION 'l‘HL'RSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 19, 20, 2) TO.“ BRENEMAN in “ BREAKFAST IN HOLLYWOOD ” _ PLUS â€" ROY Romans, DALE EVANS in “ DON'T FENCE ME IN ” recént edition of your SPECIAL CHILDREN’S MATINEE 2.30 RM BOXING DAY. DECEMBER 26th. Quality You’ll Enjoy ADVERTISING IN GETS RESULTS THE LIBERAL SCOUTS HEAR TALK 0N BEES Mr. E. Abram gave the R‘chmond Hi1] Scouts a very interesting ‘lcc- ture last Tuesday night on “One Sea- son nf Boo Keeping”. Mr. Abram was detained for an extra half hour. answerin;r questions and has prom- Zscd some practical lessons in the art; at his apiary next summer. sficéess dqring the year, '2 Mr}! merry Chrlstmas and a happy and prgsperoqs New Year. . an't forget your admission is.a small gift not to exceed 35c. The annual meeting of the King and Vaughan Plowmen’s Association was held in Maple December 11th. Officers for 1947 were elected: Hon. Pres., Capt. Aubrey Davis, Newmar- ket. 0nt.; President, G. S. Lawson, King. Ont.: lst Vice-President, Gor- don Orr, Maple, Ont.; 2nd Vice-Pres. ident. Chalmer Black, Kettleby, 0nt.; Secretary, H. E. Ross, King, Ont.; Treasurer, Andrew McClure, Wood- bridge. Ont. T561947 match will be 1 King Township on October 28 ture We owe the pioneers in education a debt of grut'tude in their division of municipalities into school Sections which was carried out 100 years ago, the erection of schools, and the con- duct of the same, but many commun- ities are now faced with a. very heavy cost in conneciion with the maintenance, as well as a demand for an additional room to be added to that school built. generally speaking, F0 or in many cases, 70 years prev- iously. ' ' Probably should building material become available many antiquated school buildings will be replaced with modern structures which may not be located to the best advzntage.‘ We must admit that we live in a new age, a modern period and that the education that was good enough for the early residents is not suffi- cient for the youth of today. the education that was good enough for the early residents is not suffi- cient for the youth of today. While juvenile delinquency is on the increase could not this be re- duced by wholesome recreation carr- ied on in proper playgrounds located in connection with school buildings. Plowman Elect G. S. Lawson As Pres. For 1947 As the date of your school meet- ing draws near, see that these are well attended and trustees only who have the interest of a better educa- tion of the future citizens elected. Christmas and New Year’s holidays falling this year on Wednesday combine to make difficult complications for week- ly newspaper publishers. Next Wednesday being Christmas, and the following- day, Thursday, Boxing Day, there will be no issue of The Liberal on Decem- ber 26th. However so that ad- vertisers may reach our read- ers with New Year's messages our issue of January 2nd will be published Monday, December 30. We thank all readers, advertisv ers and contritutors in anticiptr tion of their coâ€"operation. N0 ISSUE OF THE LIBERAL DECEMBER 26'”! m-o-n-o-a.«-m led for an extra half hour. questions and has prom- pl‘actical lessons in the ulfil; my next summer. RURAL RATEPAYER. 119111 in

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