‘ Eh @â€" TO RENT IINI’I'RNISIIED ROOM suitapr for three rooms and hath. on .\vcnize Rd. near Queen's Park. will chhangc l'or ,5 ELGIN MILLS GARAGE ‘_ 5H small house in Richmond Hill. hix «i. Yong'e Street High] ï¬ling. 0]". if"? 75â€). The Liberal. clw‘iï¬ OOOOOOQOOOOOMOOOOOWOQ†L? i, . .. ..:,_..r ~ «rip-ï¬zu-t-x-itzzvut-s...» Whigs/immanent» :4- .;\?..v‘; "V", ..\-_ ..\';1V.:L‘g1i’ .153..v;«_;£‘3..m air/Hdmtwugu "‘i‘n‘irumzï¬o‘m .0 FUELS e We have a stock of good I Coke. Anthracite. Pea Coal. i Alberta Briquettcs and Po- cahontas Coal. (‘an give immediate delivery on these fuels. OONOOOOOMOO Phone 10. The Elevator Richmond Hill I. D. Ramer & Son At Brathwaite’s 9 9990900099 ROASTING CHICKENS Dressed. Also Capons. Phone in your order and we will deliver. RICHMOND HILL 309W 'W%%W Give Plane Ride Tickets For Christmas Your opportunity to get a “bird’s eye view†of your community in Win- ter. Don’s miss the chance to really enjoy the beauty of Richmond Hill, Toronto and sur- rounding country from the air in a new plane. Make this a Christmas present to your friends. Tickets may be purchas- ed for $2.00 and up. May ‘ be used anytime (weath- er permitting). For information & tickets phone Richmond Hill 1361'6 ' ALFRED LORD 154 Spruce Ave., Richvale SHOP NOW FOR BEST SELECTION Gifts of Silverware, China and Glass Skis and Ski Equipment - Skating Outfits HOCKEY STICKS AT ALL PRICES PRESSURE COOKERS ELECTRIC MIXERS Kodaks, Cameras, Pocket Knives, etc. Electric Irons, Toasters, Lamps Good Variety of Metal Toys and . Mechanical Toys. Come in and look around soon. r. Y. w. BRATHWAITE HARDWARE RALPH W. PARIS, Manager Phone 18, Richmond Hill We Deliver CARLOAD GROCETE BUTCHERS & BAKERS ‘ 123 Yonge St. TO THE RESIDENTS 0F RICHMOND AND ALL A MERRY XMAS ‘ hâ€"â€"-â€"_“ ~ CANNED VEGETABLES Aylmer Choice Peas. ungraded Phone 77 HILL AND DISTRICT WE WISH EACH AND A HAPPY &: PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. Whole Pears Jr. Farmers Hold . . . $3.3 light housekeeping. Apply Box 23:) k- g c t t the Agoasall ujltll Lglllcc’ap III/(Shes. for a liichnmnd lllll l0. cl\\'-.i 7 ‘~ » 5 . V . ' in l.. {l'l V'o' m 'n : I ' ' -I'~l- . .~ , . Merry Chris-[mas and (I New Icm- of ,I ...I\l.l-.il1.:.2171.“l,,‘.,,.’,'.'l ï¬llll,,.,'.â€.']f.:...l. The WrW' I’lll'll“ gl‘f‘â€l"‘“5" i". V 7., I ' é _ v, d _ V .. . Aim“ “IA 5.7,. plâ€. I‘mmwl]~ and .\niutcur" l‘.Iitct‘tainttrcnt t'o‘nu- I IUI),)IN( his (UNI } I 0.8,)?! (1y, I. ol the tintzii to .luntor l‘.|l lllt‘l\ .\s .313. Twniix'lm ‘.\p_\prp\H.jA\-'p TH lily]: sociation tor Zone 5: \\II\' held at t'amilla in llril'Iei'iii County on Wed, nesday. liecemher llth at 5.30 pm. This contest was held under the diâ€" rection ol‘ the district directors with- in the zone and was very capahly presided over by Mr. ltoss Beattie. the district director from Stayncr. In the Public Speaking" Contest the first. place honours went to Mr. Norman Lambert speaking on “Thc Value of an Education" from Rock- wood in Wellington (‘ounty who had previously been chosen as winner in liistrict ti. composingr the counties of Wellington. Bruce and Grey. '.\lr. Glenn tirice from the Trixie Club in Peel County who was second those as his subject the Junior Farmer Motto “Self Help and Community Betterment." while Mrs. Velma Weir. Pcffcrlaw, from York County‘s Virâ€" ginia Junior Farmers†Club, speak- ing on “The, Advantages of Farm Lifeâ€, placed third. The Vellore “Harmonettes†from York County under Miss Margaret Watson’s direction came through for their third win this tall, taking: first place in the Amateur Entertainment Contest. Although handicapped by the’ illness of one of their members the York girls singing two numbers “Home†and “Carolina†gave an out- standing performance. Second prize went to the entry from South Sim- coe, a duet of two girls from the Churchill club. while the newly fortn- ed but strong club from Trixie in Peel County was third. The judges for the evening were Miss Esther McGee. Newmarkct. Miss Audrey Walker and Miss Kerr, South Simcoe and Mr. McKim from Duff- erin County. While the judges were arriving at the final placings Mr. Ross Beattie lead in a spirited sing- song including Christmas carols. Mr. Norman Lambert will compete against the winners of the other four zones at the King Edward Hotel on the evening of Wednesday, January 8th. At that time the “Harmonâ€" ettes" will not be in competition, but will provide part of the entertain- ment portion of the programme. After the announcement; of the awards the program concluded with “Auld Langr Syne". Jack Walkington GENERAL INSURANCE Life. Fire, Automobile, Liability, Hail, Accident and Sickness . Farm Insurance a. Specialty King City Telephone 28 RIA CANNED FRUIT 20 oz. tin 18c. LIBERAL, RICn'I‘iiOND HILL, ONTARIO ‘ THIS IS Till‘. DAY OF .\D\'FRTI l'l.\'l‘l’..\'rrl-‘ivc line: or loss. .17. tt‘l fur cat h \lllvv‘Iiili‘ It luv mil-H. Ii (:irh inst-iriqu FOR SALE ELECTRH‘ .\lil'l‘tlh‘. 1 I'. li,p, l‘horc 1.3;?le lichtnond ll'll. clwiï¬ lll't'KS. l'or t’hiistntas ::'l New Year’s. .laIncs liac'c. illlri',i‘ _‘l:tplc Tll‘i‘l. t'l\\i.-t l’.\l{'l‘ l‘tilldt’lï¬ r\'~ It‘llll". l‘l’l‘l'~ ll“..\'. .v\ppl_\ .\lt's. l\'. .\li.lti'. (iuidcn A\I'.. l,:InL-_\tul'r. 11.51", sr:r.r:rt'r‘7v\'ioiitz own (llRIS'l'HAS TREE. Win. .l:llts. |ClLiin $1.. Thorn- hill. phone lII‘JJ. lull? .\IAN‘SISl’l-ilili SKATICS. .im- {grunt condition. .lohn Haldane. 12 Church St.. Richmond Hill. I-l\\'3.'i _- .\pply .l. .\. iitis’covv bricks. Cosgrave. R.R. 2 Maple, l'hitliiitrst Fl. Phone Maple lR‘lri. l'.\‘_‘"x HOLSTEIN t'OVV dro to t'rshcn Dec. 2H. Apply Lot 24. ('oIn-wsion ti. Vaughan. .Iack Windas. '1w‘33 I’ll. GIRL‘S BLACK Tlllll'l SKATES size 5. 253.00. Apply l‘lthcl Layzcll. 2 Hunt, Ave., Richmond Hill. 'IwZS MAN'S SKI BOOTS. size 1 year. 1 pair of skis. lilg Apply phone Thornhill third]. BENCH SAW; set of mechanic's tools; baby rail sleigh. Apply 33 Benson Ave., Richmond Hill, lw‘_3 l SETTEE & MATCHING CHAIR. cellarette: skates. size 4 and 1'). Ap- ply phone Richmond Hill 2|2W. ’lw25 7123, used it. long". (“l “‘25 l BABY CRIB; 1 crib for larger child; 1 child's tt‘it")ch. Mrs. A. Cooper. 10 Lucas St.. Richmond Ilill. cl\\'25 q'l' Li.) WHITE LEGHORN PULLETS. 8 months old. laying" wcll. SLTS each. loy Bowes. .\Iaple. phone T.\’rll. clw24 ____â€"_‘ G.E. REFRIGERATOR in A1 con- dition; kitchen sink and pump. good condition. Phone Thornhill 411‘1-‘3. , clw25 ____â€"*_ GIRL’S SKATES and BOOTS. black. size 6; large high back sink. white enamel. Phone Richmond Hill 329W. 61w25 BOY'S HOCKEY SKATES & BOOTS sizes 4. 91/2 and 11. Apply Art. Gattdier. Rumble Avc.. Richmond "1w25 Hill. 1 PAIR GIRL‘S WHITE SKATES, size 6-; 1 pair boy's skates, size 5. In good condition. Phone Maple c1w25 24r41. HALL RACK, with mirror; 1 Morris; chair; 1 three-quarter bed complete: 1 pair Ski boots. size 9. Apply phone Richmond Will illJI-R el\\")5 â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_ 100 LEGHORN YEARLING lIENS; also milk fed capons for Christmas and New Year‘s. .Jas. Stephenson. phone 4502 Richmond l'il' Mix->3 ___._______ ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS. stair hand rails. fire dogs, fire screens, fire sets and acetylene weldâ€" ing. Apply T. Elliott, Richvale. tic-10 CHESTERFIELD SUITE. 3 pieces: breakfast suite, 6 pieces; dresser: heater; large vise; 600x16 tire and tube. G. Beelich. Richmond Hill. *1w25 1936 FORD CONVERTIBLE, in ex- cellent condition throughout.- heater. radio and defroster. Apply F. Cos- grove, Bond Lake. phone King- 413122. ll-‘ l'ilAiiti-c'lt .\INIE Clixl‘s l'lll.‘ l C assiiied Advertisii g l SINILJHAKE TIIE MOST Ol?‘ IT. 11s for "liv' Er» and ‘. c ' _ 1““ l I.l.\‘l-'. , .. _ ’ltl .»..v l.l.l,‘ lillli ‘1.l.lt;"ll\'l‘tlll, l'cziâ€" -V“‘ lI‘ \wlu} l" l Iii-In: (ll‘lilUL‘. l ""“ lira \. :Iio'rom \ 1’] l-‘,. ext-ell- vnt . ' i. '. \cry rcucrtly ovciu '. I: H 3 row o ‘Ill kn \Hf‘l) lCl-ti'i .\li~ (image. phone llii'ltii‘oitl llill ' l\\'_‘5 H .. . mm.x:. , 't ‘1 W V' w ‘r - hilt“. ltl.l..~\l\l‘.(ll'§ «viii. inimiicns. at... mum tile l'dr owl's. pimp.» Jill‘l lll‘l".‘lll.0 <_\'-\‘< lent cold and ii tallwd. Frank York ll.li. l .\l“plo. pliwnc Illt‘fll. tt't‘lll lit'llIY AND l-'l~'..\'lll‘lli REPAIRS. ~pr.._\' panning. l'dt‘t‘ estimates triv- cn'. Stanley l‘aa'e. (lardcn Avenue. l.:I1i;r~t:il'l‘. phone 'l‘hornhill AlTrI‘n ticG .\IARHI'I'Tlll'l‘lC or (l'.‘.'1'il Smiley EtilYlll‘l Studio), ((lraduatn instruction in Public Speaking. l‘llllt'lllltill. lira- nt'itic Art. “llonicwood Ilzill". Thornhill. tl'cl'l TEAMS'I‘E t cellars dug. Apply Bert Smith. Ele‘in bill‘s. phone Richmond Hill 12.1112. tt‘ctQ lSAND ANII GRAVEI, delivered an" 'where in district. E. Charity. Vonv ploughed in ow i n g â€" Garden: grading and Street. and Brooks‘de Road. Pho" Richmond Hill 1021‘14. tf' l\LL KINDS FURNITURE repan upltolstcring. cabinet work. carving. Estimates given, N. VanDyke. 33 llunt Ave., Richmoi. Hill. LOST ll()[.'I\'l). brown hcad. eye. Liberal lowdale X133. \thr Eh white. of left \V'ilâ€" “Ilwil liluck sist in reward. FOX and corner Phone 531.1 . . Gilt Suggestion for Richmond Hill THUhSDAY. DECEMBER 10th. 1946. l WANTED HAY .-\.\'ll STRAW. “'e pay high- est market prim“. Apply John Cave. .\lnplc. phone 10131. *8w19 "riuo'rur HAY. must be baled. Ap- l‘l‘ S, 'l‘. Stcvrns. Roselawn FarmS. l: . llil uni Hill. phone 54. c1w25 I'I!i_;lC.\IT. wanted. a small house to rent as soon as possible. Please \Yl'lr‘ P. W. Burkholder, RR. 2 Au- rora. tt'c20 P-OY'S llOI'ICEY SKATES & ROOTS .47.. 19,. with steel toes,. in good con- r‘ition. Art. (luudicr. Rumble Ave: Richmond Hill. *1w2a POTATOES WANTED at all times 3it large or small quantities. ADDIV Harvey \lzishinter. Elwin Mills P.0., phon Richmond Hill 1021'2. tf025 iionsits To KILL. highest pnnys nnid. .\nplv lax 54 Richmond Hill l‘.(t. or t'mn-tland Mink Ranch. 03(- t'ord Stu. Ele‘in Mills, phone Rich- mond llill "ESSAY. *SWZO POULTRY \VANTEI) â€" We pay highest. cash prices for live poultry. “'0 also custom pick at 8 cents per hird. S’chombcrg- Poultry Process- ing Plant, phone, Schomberg 78. tf30 DEAD HORSES & CATTLE want- ml For free nick-tin phone RIGH- ‘iï¬Nn HILL '7 or KING 9.4!â€! 0!‘ MAPLE 2927. We onv telephone "barges. GORDON VOTING LIMIT- ED. Toronto, phone AD.3636. tic. "Illld'thG LOT. four or more acreS, voodle and scenic. Thornhill to Au- era and Uniform to Bavvicw. would (insider larc'o acreage if priiced rea- ‘onuhlv. Apply Box 84 The Liberal. ' *4W24 â€".â€"_â€"â€"_â€"‘ ‘IOISTEIN COWS. fresh or near ‘rcslieninc‘. taken in trade on new Woods Milk Cooler or DeLaval Milk‘ ers. Immediate delivery from our ~ Toronto stock. Toronto Radio & Sports Ltd. 211 Yongc St., Toronto. ti'ch Try a .classifiec advertisement in The Liberal for results. Nâ€"â€"â€"â€"-_. For Christmas This year give a Season Skating Ticket Arena to solve that _ last minute gift problem. Adult Tickets each $5.00 Children’s Tickets each $3.00 Tickets obtainable at Ticket Office or 5 R. W. Paris. Chairman Arena Commission. 333.: WC‘Z‘K‘V-Y‘AV ‘:§'§\th-€‘3 .... -,, .. ,, r‘k‘diuï¬x‘l/Lï¬ihflh ’-Kfl’li.<‘u/llw‘ é GREETIN At this festive season may we express to you our appreciation of the cordial relations between us and extend best wishes for a Happy Christmas. Cs . . . . . . . . 2 20 oz. tins'29c. Culverhouse Ungraded Peas . . . . . . . . 2 20 oz. tins 290. Stokley’s Honey Pod Peas . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 oz. tin 17c. Culverhouse Golden Corn . . . . . . . . . 2 20 oz. tins 31c. Whole Kernel Corn . . . . . . . 14 oz. tin 15c. Mexrcorn . . . . . . 14 oz. tin 17c. Sun Joy Tomatoes . . . . . . . . . 2 ’20 oz. tins 29c. Green Beans. standard cut . . . . . . . . . 2 29 oz. tins 330. Wax Beans, Choice . . . . . . . . . 2 20 oz. tins 20c. FRUIT AND VEGETABLE JUICES ‘ Tomato Juice. fancy _ . . . . . . . . . 2 20 oz. tins 19c. Apple Juice. Scotian Gold . . . . . . . . . 2 20 oz. tins 29c. Blended Orange & Grapefruit Juice 2 20 oz. tins 18c. Orange Juice . 20 oz. tin ISc. Lemon Juice . 2 6 oz. tins 25c. JAMS AND MARMALADES Plum Jam 24 oz. tin 34c. Grape IJam 24 oz. tin 37c. ‘Peach Jam 24 oz. tin 36c. Apple and Raspberry Jam . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 oz. tin 35c. Orange Marmalade . . . . . . . . . 24 oz. jar 350. Orange Lemon Grapefruit . .. .2 . . . . . . . 24 oz. tin 37c. Tangerine Marmalade .. 4 lb. tin 73c. 1 coupon 24 02.. 2 coupons 4 lb. ,, Geese, There is great enjoyment at this season of the year in a Rich Fruity Xmas Cake either plain or 'topped wtih real Almond Paste and tastefully decorated. Drop in and see our display of Xmas Cakes made in our own bakeshop. We have them in several sizes to suit your requirements. also our own make of Xmas Puddings. § ENJOY THESE XMAS SPECIALS Xmas Cake, plain or decorated,â€" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb. 60c. Xmas Pudding . . . . . . . . . . . . lb. 50c. Mince Pies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . doz. 35c. Shortbread . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . ea. 25c. Chocolate Marshmallow Roll . 25c. MAKE YOUR OWN JELLIES Harry Horne’s Jelly Kit, various flavours, (makes 50 servings) .. 59c. _ CARROTS Fruit Belt Peaches 20 oz. tin 24c. Choice Lombard Plums 2 20 oz. tins 29c. Bartlett Pears, 20 oz. tin 24c. SOUPS Campbell’s Mushroom Soup . . . . . . . . . 2 10 oz. tins 29c. Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup . . . . . . . . . 2 10 oz. tins 29c. Campbell’s Chicken Gumbo Soup . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 10 oz. tins 29c; Campbell’s Tomato Soup . . . . . . . . . . 2 10 oz. tins 21c. Campbell’s Vegetable Soup . . . . . . . . . 2 10 oz. tins Clark’s Vegetable Soup . . . . . . . . . 3 10 oz. tins BAKING SUPPLIES Purity Flour .. 7 lb. bag . . . . . . . . . . . 24 lb. bag Shelled Almonds .. 4 oz. Shelled Walnuts, pieces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 02. Cut Mixed Peel l/z lb. 1 lb. Magic Baking Powder 16 oz. Baking Soda, Cow Brand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l/z,S 50. 1’5 10c. Spices â€" F'avourings NUTS Mixed Nuts . . . . . . . . . . lb. 49c. Soft Shell Almonds .. lb. 23c. Fancy Red Spot Nutmeats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb. $1.60 25c. 25c. 27c. 75c. 22c. 25c. 19c. 35c. 27c. , (cellophane container) Raisins . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . lb. 18c. Prunes. 40-50’s . . . . . . lb. 21c. COOKING APPLES ONIONS FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS DINNER Ducks, Chicken â€"â€". c1w25 BARREDEROCK PULLEVTS. layingzl ERICHMOND iiiâ€"5.7m $1 sun; liliORiili‘iiliifcï¬idy filiQH-‘iiiiliit‘ntgil YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL farm north of No. Highway phone ' . "' r ' I . imiwn «crown in"? wawuwwiw 'a. 47wa um a- I Best Wishes At Xmas May it be one of unsurpassed happiness for you and n u ,_ l 4 BANTAM HENS and 1 rooster; 1 bedspread, blue chennille. new; Ac- cousticon hearing aid, band construcâ€" tion. Apply 50 Youg‘ehurst Road. Stop 24. Yonge St. *1w25 FIRE WOOD, good values in maple. mixed hardwood. soft wood, split body wood and limb wood. Also cedar fence posts. Immediate deliv- iililhmgiiiidHrliilllm" l4 R‘Chmon‘lfih yours, and may the New Year bring you hea'th and ELECTRIC CHICK BROODERS, prospem-V- At this time We feeli'tifitting to express our sincere thanks for your helpful co-operation and understand- ing of our problems during the year now ending. Sheppard and Gill Lumber Co. Ltd. Warrner & Jamesway. capacity 350 and 500; chick feeders and chick waterers. Purchase while available. \Y. R. Dean. phone Thornhill 54. c4w23 2 PAIRS GIRL'S WTIITE FIGURE SKATES .& BOOTS, size 3 and 13. good condition. E. A. Radford, con. 3 Markham. first farm north of No. ,' RICHMOND HILL 7 Highway, phone Unionville 301-3. ’ tfc25 nâ€"â€"h BROWN FUR JACKET. size 14: blue sheer evening dress. size 14; gold sequin evening- bag; gold slip- pers, size 6‘2; man's steel grey ov- ercoat, size 36-38; bov's brown evâ€" , r fords, size 11. Mrs. Lamb. 117 a g Yonge Street. *‘1w25 4-BUCKLE GOLOSHES. nearlv new. size 12. $2.50; 1 pair brown leather 12†top boots, size 11: 1 pair lady’s Like the voices of Angels i1? C.C.M. specdcrs and black boots. :5 . . nearly new. size 4: 1 storm batten;Z 0n Christmas tide, door, 2'8" x 0'. $2.00. 7 Roseview , .‘ . AW" R“'l‘"‘“â€â€˜l “l†"l‘m‘t‘ 3â€le .- “a†Ilfay the songs of JOUOItS children c w'_.i . _ ‘ . nun; MAPLE LEAP 'l‘RL't‘lEVTtIâ€"Iitléié [4.011773 rmg far “’1d “"19- stake body. high rack». L'ood tire». I . n... .,« _ , , good condition. Also 11H? [.21 5:!ch tel.“ a Meal]! ltd). igln so series “our. «'I'lliiilllill. wLI f v .- - make trade in :Ilet' niczztipncii. .\wif‘é The glory 8' I†[St '5 blrfh’ Iljll‘jm'fï¬lllillllli.(“‘li‘lumli.‘[35“. “x; Ami bring again His promise .__ - . . . .. .. “Chill; v. “‘1‘ -’““- PM Of “I’ acc, Good Will On Earth!†KITCHENEII BIG-4 t‘lllt’lis‘ in :~ ‘1’. demand. They you the ‘cxt *’ .... .-.-., . ..-..i.1 .... ..~..ii hum. (gm V... ; nda Approved, breeders pullorunt ‘ mg. #3 EQ‘M? we"! v: tested. Order now through wen-n: ‘ kart.) ’1" 31;?an L41 5316;; (I . LI‘II .\.I'Cc _\'o.:t‘ lingo I.Iill"“?'w.‘.l-‘.’ ‘, wan ‘ I2... I. . . . 1.01.. .. ., . , - RHIHIOND HILL .lll't'il contact agent. \\'r~<'ej: flick. [LR . Got-nth). wl\"_"~ ï¬lial? (3.701"? It 2