Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Feb 1947, p. 8

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PHONE l70 .OO“OOOOOO muoowooououmoouomm”oz Immediate Delivery On WEDNESDAY, FEB. “ 12th Str‘omberg Carlson Combination Radio Phonographs and Stromberg Carlson Automatic Record Changers. Stromberg Carlson Radios Crosley Radios Record Players Vacuum, Cleaners Electric Grills I-Iotplates Automatic Irons Table Lamps , Floor Lamps Something new and different â€" 3 way light bulbs that fit any socket and by a simple twist of a button on the bulb gives 25. 75 and 100 watts. Be sure and ask for a demonstration! Answell Appliances Our Entire Stock of Pyro being sold at greatly reduced prices. ALL AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES AT 8.00 PM. , ~ T Russ Creighton’s Variety Dance Band EXCELLENT PRIZES TICKETS 75c. EACH Sponsored by 'l‘hornhill Business Men’s Association DANCE & EUCHRE PA G E EIGHT Lawrence Memorial Hall, Tho'rnhill ndcr auspices Langstaff Home & School Assodation DANCING Valentine Party Saturday, Feb. 15th AT 8 PM. Lafivrence Memorial Hall, Thornhill SUFFEE fiAKlNG PEWBER Loadin PUMPKIN AYLMER SUUPS Richnu‘llo Domino PEAS (G 1‘00 11 PRUNES Lil; 60.51;} WETHE1’8 PEACH JAM I‘ssnuuct §gvcral Brands APPlt JUICE COME 1N AND SAVE MONEY ! ! 31mm uR‘on‘ms“ 2 PRUNE PLUMS' PALMOUVE SOAP 21,22 11¢ 3123‘; 23¢ fiilrus Juices (Case numuufl. cum L oar:- u Aylmm', A.M.B Royal City 'z_1\_'cs,_Scolia11 Gold MONSTER VALENTINE REFRESHMENTS ADMISSION 50 Cents '0 JUN) LIMITED 20 02 tins of 24 tins 24 tins 20 OZ uns 20 dz nus 25¢ 25¢ $2.95) ‘9 ) “Ht” Soz ccllopkg 29¢ Aylmer Pure Seville ORANGE MARMALADE rial" 29¢ Loading Brands, W PLUM MM lAMB 0R BEEF STEW Jolly Good “New Crop” PINED DAIES 802 < Burns â€"_ Heat and Serve CARDS THORN HILL E G G S W A N T E D We pay highest Market prices Shipping Tags available at 0|. See Manager fSr particulars. 'ith Pectin Major Foote gave those present an excellent talk. He dwelt on some of his experiences as a prisoner-of- war, and the effect of conditions ex- perienced, on the men. The environ- ment in a prisoner-ofâ€"war camp in Germany was such that the men had a tremendous mental adjustment to make to their new life. Simple things, such as food. cloth- ing and shelter became everything, and by proper organization and help At 911.111. the entire group ad- journed to the church where others had gathered. and Major Foote’s ad- dress was delivered. At 3 p.111. Major Foote, accompanâ€" ied by Mrs. Foote, telephoned from Port Hope stating that he was be- ing" dug out of a snow bank, but would be at the dinner if at all DOSS- ible. NeedleSS to say, Major Foote arrived on schedule and attended the dinner. which, because of lack of space in the Sunday School hall, had to be confined to members of the Men‘s Club only. ' Mrs. Fitzgerald brought the recon] of the Thornhill servicemen and wo- men, which she has been working on for several vears, to the meeting". Men's Club Holds Banquet One of the reasons why Major, the Rev. John Foote, V.C., endeared himâ€" self to the'man who served with him during the past war was clearly shown on Thursday, January 30th. MajOr Foote was scheduled to speak to the Men’s Club of Thornhill Unit- ed Church. Weather conditions be- came bad, and soon roads in many parts of Ontario were practically imâ€" passable. With rain and sleet t0~ gether with snow falling intermitt- ently throughout the 24-hour period” driving on the highway was at its worst. Thornhill Business Men‘s Associa- tion are sponsoring a dance to he held on Wednesday. February 12 at 'awrence Memorial Hall, with Russ Creighton’s orchestra providing- mu- sic for dancing. There will be door, spot dance and euchre prizes. Pro- ceeds will further work on the rink ,and'in the park. ‘ - Thcrnhill Library Association - ' Mr."N.' L. Morton was lie-elected president at the annual meeting of the~ Thornhill‘ Library Association held at the home of the Misses Welsh on Wednesday evening, January 29. Dr. Duncan, Rev. S. A. R. Wood and Mrs. J. A. Thompson were appoint- ed honorarv directors. Board mem- bers for 1947 are: N. L. Mmton, R. H. Neil, Mrs. 00. James, Mrs. F. Teasdale, Miss H. Welsh, Mrs. D.‘ Carruthers, Miss Robinson, Mrs. R.‘ E. ‘Dean, Mrs. R. W. Fitzgerald. Mr.‘ Neil will act as treasurer, Mrs. Fitz-1‘ gerald as secretary, Miss Welsh and Mrs. Teasdale as purchasing: coin- mittee, Mrs. Carruthers, hook re- views and Miss Robinson has kindly agreed to take‘the lihi'arv on Tues- day and'Friday afternoons. A voze of thanks was tendered Mrs. James, the retiring librarian. who has given ten years of splendid service. She will continue her good work of cata- loguingAand supervising the discards.I Cartage of all kinds Cement Mixer for hire Centre SL, Thornhlll Phone Thornhill 77W Thornhill [District News 2 “if; 29¢ SAND and GRAVEL 24 OZ Jar GARNETT’S )rices for Eggs. at our Stores. 29¢ Ripe Sweet Cuban Pineapple, size 24’s, ca. 290 Sweet, and Full of Juice Florida Oranges size 250’s doz. 19c Califolnia Firm Crisp Iceberg Lettuce size V60's . Texas Yams California Green Pascal Celery. sxze 4855 1W LTRFRAL, RTFHMOND HILL. ONTARIO 2 medium stalks . .. 2 for 29c ‘, kiln dried On Sunday morning next, February 8th, there will be a special musical treat for those who attend the Unit- ed Church here. The combined choirs of Lansing and Thornhill United Churches will lead the service of praise, and the Rev. Richard Mor- Langstaff School. Samuel Queen of Thornhill escag- ed serious injury, along with a pass- enger, when his car hit a guard rail at the base of Jthe hill leading- to the city limlts' last Friday. Mr. Queen, proceeding south on Yonge St1;eet on his way to work, swerved to avoid a northbound car. His car skidded over the car tracks and was brought to an abrupt halt by the guard rail at the edge of an em- bankment, as it hung- part way over. Getting out of the car cautiously, Queen and his passenger got a. tow truck to pull them back, then pro- ceeded on to work. The car was only slightly damaged. a month. Children on Steele’s Ave. will be transported to Goulcling Me- morial first‘ _then children attending Thorlihil] and finally pupils of Lang- staff will be picked up and taken to Langstaff School. elation are planning- a Valentine party, in lieu of their regular meet- ing, for Friday, February 14. There is to be dancing, bridge, etc., and all interested are invited to attend. At a joint meeting of the school trustees of Thorn-hill and Langstafi' Public Schools held at the home of Mr. T. Jackson on Tuesday evening of this week, remaining details gov- erning operation of a School bus for these two schools were ironed out with the bus operator. Operation of the bus will commence on Mondav next, at a cost of approximately $125 ,.av. January 27. Earl Haig Home and School ciation are Rlanning :1 Va party, in lieu 0f their regular ing, for Friday, February 14. is to be dancing, bridge, etc., 2 interested are invited to atte The Fortnitn Club of Thornhill Presbyterian Church held its annual meeting at the home of Miss E. Francis recentlv. and the f""llowiwt members were elected for 1947: Jean Hooke, president; Beryl Pattonuen. vice-president; Jessie Hooke, secre- tary; Jean Hooke, treasurer; Miss H. WEISh, work convenor. It was arranged at this meeting that a certain person provide the lunch for each meeting: it was also decided that all meetings for the winter months would be held at Miss E. Francis‘ home since it was so central. At a later meeting, work on a layette was commenced and plans are being laid for a bazaar to be held in the Fall. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. H. Orvis, Henderson Ave, 0n the birth of their second son on Mon- ,.av. Januarv 27. The exechtiverof the C1111) thorized to make plans for the ing of an annual- Men’s Club c} service. The paid up membership of the Men’s Club now stands at 60. There was a good turnout despite the bad weather, and an excellent dinner was provided by the Ladies’ Guild. The basic element in the world to- day is the home Iife, and home life is part of community life. In a prisoner-of-war camp everyone did his share for the community in which he happened to find himself. In civil life, there is no compul- sion, but nevertheless the same need for friendly understanding and Co- operetion exists in all Canadian com- munities today. ' adian soldiers who were taken oner remained unbroken. By his experience as a pris of-war, Major Foote felt that he qualified to stress the great for everyone being willing. thr co-operation, work, courtesy, ju mention a few factors, to he] his or her community. Annual Meeting, Fortnite (‘luh lb. 11c ning details gov? 27th a school bus for ever were ironed out V911" 01'. Operation of! Man ence on Mondav l'e'e] proximately 8125 Hi,” on Steele’s Ave. Pom to Goulding 'Me- Chal nildren attending due ' pupils of Lang- T} nn and mixer. +n ' be H ‘or the holdâ€" Club church '1hnrsday, Feb. 13 in the Municipal in 95cm)- Hall, Richmond Hill, at 2.30 p.m. 1 a pas; The ladies plan to leave Thornhill uard rail on the 1.40 p.m. radial. adincr to . The meeting- of Trinity W.A. usual- ay' DMF. | 13' held at 2.30 in the afternoon will n Yonge be held at 8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 13 swerved1 in Lawrence Memorial Hall when His car‘ Miss Robinson will show pictures on and was her work in Aklavik. ’ prisone IhLfi'S( A quick return to health is wish- ed for Mr. Percy Simnkins by his many friends, especially those of Thornhill Public School where Percy is such a favorite. Mr. Simpkins has been confined to bed since last Fri- day. although he had been ill be- fore that, and it may be some time before he is able to return to his position in the school. In the mean~ time. Mr. Jack Simpkins is carrying on with his brother’s work. V The annual meeting of Thornhill Presbyterian Church was, held in the Sunday School room on Monday, Jan. 27th. Good balances were shown in every department, and reports were rum‘y mm at 3 p.111. The regular monthly meeting of the Yougg- Ladies Guild of Thorn- hill United Church will be held at the home of Mrs. E. Eaton and Mrs. M. Sharpless next Thursday evening, February 13 at 8 o’clock. ton will be guest speaker. - Baking Sale and Valentine Tea Under the auspices of the Even- ing Auxiliary of the W.M.S. of Thornhill United Church. a baking sale and Valentine tea will be held in the Sunrlay School room of the church on Saturdav afternoon, Feb- ruary 15th at 3 p.111. BOX 7th. Good balances were shown in very department and reports were ery encouraging. The Board of lzlnagers appointed for 1946 were e-electerl for another term. Mrs. ’iitle and Miss E. Francis were ap- ointed organists to replace Mrs. hapman who Jesigned some time ago me to ill health. ' Thornhill Women’s Institute are to PAINTING and PAPERHANGIN G breathing. Carbon monoxide is the gas which kills persons foolish en- ough to run their motor car engines in an enclosed space such as a garage with the doors closed. ' A. ROLLINSON So. beware ox1de! CARL E material containing carbon. _ It is present during electrlc‘ storms. when buildings burn up and after explosions and fires in mines. It is found in smoke and in looms which have been painted and sealed. . Carbon monoxide is particu- larly dangerous because it has no smell.‘ It is col_01]ess and should not be confused with carbon dioxide gas which is ex- pelled from the lungs in DX 38, LANGSTAFF P.0. Phone Thornhiil 471‘13 Beware of Carbon Monoxide! This gas which has caused thousands upon 1thousands of accidental deaths does not apâ€" pear in nature. It results al- most entirely from incomplete oxidation of the bruning of material containing carbon. It is present; during electrid EPARTMENT OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK CARBON MONOXIDL A KILLER Feb HILL, M.D.. M.().H. ichmond Hill W'.I. on 13 in the Municipal 3. Hill, at 2.30 p.m. n to leave Thornhill of carbon mon- Institute are 1m; been fortw of Toronto. D branches of b and hair :stylil l’honc Thornhi 0:0 has been fortunate in securing services of T. Howlett of Toronto. Mr. Hewlett, who is familiar with all" the branches of beauty culture, specializing in cold waves and hair styling, will commence his duties February 3. Phone Thornhill 102 and arrange for early appointment. =0=O=O=Ol=°=0=l Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted ' PHONE ZONE 8-411 I F .L. LOWRIE, R.0. OPTICAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACED Prescnptions for Glasses Filled and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month Sunni-:Iilâ€"m WILL BE AT AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE WEDNESDAY, FEB. 12th EYESIG HT SPECIALIST WESTINGHOUSE SALES -* FROM 9.30 A.M. T012490 NOON Ngyth York Appliances Yonge & Steele’s SALES SERVICE REBUILDING Centre St., Thornhill Walk-in Boxes built to Order, 6 and 8 ft., white porce- lain display counters for delivery this month. Kelvinator 6 cu. ft. Refrigerator, completely rebuilt and fully guaranteed, $149.50. It costs no more for professional work, fully guaranteed. Phone Thornhill 1.35er L. C. Lindsay. member Refrigeration Service Engineers Society. When planning modern refrigeration in any of i applications consult us first. 4815 YONGE STREET Thornhill aughan Refrigeration Look At This Value! SPARTON â€" GENERAL ELECTRIC -â€" ROGERS R.C.A. VICTOR â€" CROSSLEY OBTAINABLE NOW ON DEFERRED PLAN A GOOD SUPPLY OF RADIO TUBES TUBES TESTED FREE FOR ALL WIRING PROBLEMS CONSULT US m: gun. » .9.._ .. Electrié Phghogfaph NOW - oniy $49.95 THE RADIO OF YOUR CHOICE DEFERRED PLAN IF DESIRED 10'; DOWN. Sand, Gravel, Crushed Stone, Loam, Fill BRAND NEW For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 83 REFRIGERATION WHILE TH E Y LAST RECORD PLAYER â€" $19.95 PLAYS THROUGH YOUR RADIO 0:10 BLAQSEQBNZS AUTHORIZED DEALERS SERVICE APPLIANCE AND SALES THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 61h, 1947 _ __ 3.4â€". Aa‘â€" final-Ill-iiillI-Iillllll THURSDAY, FEBRUAR oaom '. REID Telephone 63113 Phone 77M MARCONI

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