20 Empress Ave. Phone 720 WWW “04 Wmoomomoomwoowowo..-- . a °=°=O=O Phone 13 WESTINGHOUSE SILENT GLO UNITS FOR RANGES NORGE, DUO THERM, & SILENT GLO SPACE HEATER-S NE‘W SADDLES, HARNESS, RAIN COVERS MADE TO ORDER. Repairs of all kinds. ' AERO Pressure Burner FOR YOUR FURNACE Thornhill VednesdaVs+Aiults 25c Childre’n 15c DOORS OPEN 7.10 P.M. Wednesdays â€" Skating 7.30 to 10 p.m. PAGE SIX Richmond Hiii Arena DMISSICNï¬Mopdays & Saturdays 2556 Saiudays â€" S‘;at'ng 7.30 to 10 p.m. CECIL C. MABLEY, Chairman Arena Commission. 'e are now in a position to look after all your Vern GRIFFIN Willowï¬ Mondays â€" Gld-Timers’ Night 7.30 to 10 mm. (NO ONE UNDER 16 YEARS) BLASE‘SBPRNZS {‘E‘A “Q ODD A uthorized Dealer for requirements AUTHORIZED DEALERS APPLIANCE AND SALES Max Cropel Harness Shoal Telephone 63r13 OI=IO ‘ThOrnhill MARCON] SERVICE 0:5 Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman erble at Oak Ridges. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Jackson lizld‘ dinner Sunday with Mrs. Jackson‘s mother, MrsuRowntree, in Weston. Y.P.U. met at the home of Ross Anderson. Tom Whittaker had rharge of the topic. After the meet- ing a social time was speni. Mr. Frank Clarke of Toronto spent Sunday at Mr. A. Jack «:n’s. Mr. and Mrs. R. Anderson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman erble at Oak Ridges Mr.“ Young, a, to University, spoke m on Sunday. Hockey is still in the nens. Mun- day night Elia team met Caledml East in a sudden deaLh game and won 7â€"3. They now play Inglewood twq games starting Thursday. Thornhill Library “The World Was My Garden", an autobiography and travelogue by David Fail-child, is a work which is best described as monumental. The title is very apt as the author col- lected his material in almost cveiy country of the world. It is profusely illustrated with actual photographs which add .greatly to the interest. The reader who is fond of exploring strange countries throth the med- ium of books will be held spellbound by this work. For readers of dis- cernment this work is heartily Iv:- commended by your reviewer. Lees and two sons, Ronald and John. Her many friends will be glad to hear that Isabel Ramcr, who was in- jured when in collision with a truck on Yonge St. some time ago, was discharged from Sick Children’s hos- pital recently. However, Isabel will be confined to bed for another six weeks. ttendance and refreshments will in- sure an enjoyable evening; for pupils and friends of the school. 'Late Joseph Stanley Morris The funeral of Joseph Stanley Morris of Langstaff was held from Wright and Taylor’s Funeral Home, Richmond Hill, on Tuesday afternoon with Rev. Dr. Duncan of Thornhiil conducting the servine. Interment was in Richmond Hill Cemetery. Mr. Morris. who was in his forty- first year, had been ill for a few days. but feeling Somewhat improv- ed, had gone to visit friends in T0- ronto on Sunday. Whi‘e there, he suffered a fatal seizure and died within a few minutes. The family moved to Langstaff from Toronto eight or nine years ago. Sincere sympathy is extended to those who survive, his wife, the. former Miss Lees and two sons, Ronald and John. Her»many friends will be glad to The program included a singâ€"song led bv Mrs. Rumble of Headford; a devotional period conducted by R91" Arthur Jones of Willowdale; a Len- ten message by the Rev. Rov Hicks of Aurora, games and refreshments. -ss rearorie Jamieson of Thorn- ?l nresided. The annual winter SOciaI of Thflrnâ€" h"‘11 United Church Sumhy SchooI m’l‘ be held on the evening of Fri- day, February 28. Motion pictures, a‘“ program, awarding of prizes for Young People‘s Rally A splendid rally of young; people from the district area assembled in Thornhill United Church last M01;- (213' evening. The following churches, were represented at the rally: Au rora, Richmond Hill, Victoria Square Brown’s Corners. Headford, Carr- ville, Newtonbrook, Willowdale and Thornhill. son, on January 31. S45 Real‘zed at Valentine Tea The Evening Auxiliary of the W0- men’s Missionary Society of Thom- hill United Church realized $45 at their Valentine party on Saturday afternoon last. M1 on MEL. MALTBY’S CITIES SERVICE STATION This service is now available to you at and movie on “Warb sented by the Natim bring your neighbor. J. M. McDonald, Clerk Be the Important meeting: ate TOWNSHIP HALL, VELLORE THURSDAY: FEBRUARY 27th THORNHILL birth Warble Fly Control ELIA v Nowâ€"Without charge or obligation â€"â€"you can ï¬nd out if your car on- dungers you and othch through the generation of cxccssiye carbon monox- ide gas. Cities Service is oll'erinh‘r the services of its famous exhaust gas un- allyzcr the Power Provcrâ€"to all mo- torists in an effort to stem the tide of deaths and serious injuries caused by this dread poison. Thcrc is u Powcr Pi'orcr station ucur you. The quick, accurate cxhuust test will lcll you if you arc runnng a r i from carbon lllOIIOXilll.‘ fumesâ€"if your motor is wastinggusolcnc and deliver- ing only a fraction 01' its host perform- ance. â€" ‘- ngTatuht d Walker 29 Yonge Stree 0n “Warble Fly Control†will thyNational Film Board. Come-rand 811 THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO ï¬t from Toron- m Eli'u church NOTICE AT 1.15 RM. ng: of Cattle Owners in Vaughan Township at the Richmond Hill, Ont Mr hild Boynton VVéldriék;-\Re‘éx§é'§~§ Home and SchoolTMeeting llanqsm‘" Home and Fichcrr A‘cm- ciation held its regular monthly meeting in the school on Tuesday ev- ening of this week. Mrs. H. Le- Masurier presented to Mr. Wood, on behalf of the home and School A.~s » ciation, an album A†“P‘*"' ' ‘ ‘ Wolfâ€, ln appreciationrof the work H ,, __ ,. -.... "v... accomplished by tflc children in m n mg posters “4 A"""""“m; the Hall .or the Valentine party. I ll Their first project ir- me renova- tion of the teacher’s mom. and the. school board, taking- a sympathetic View of the whole matte-1 mav sup- n"v part or all of the material need- roses, assisted by the groom’s moth- er in blue and white printed silk with a pink corsage. For going away, the bride donned a coat of American Beauvy all wool fleece with brown acces:;0rius. Successful Valentine Dance Langstaff Home and Schml Asso- ciation held a most sue: ssf’ui evenâ€" ing‘ at Lawrence Memorial Hall last Saturday when they cleared over 870. The mus1c was good, the food excellent and everyone had a good time. {orman Jess. Toronto. The bride, 'Lessed in - two-piece frock of all vool, robins egg blue crepe, with )"cwn corded silk peplum, small :1own hat trimmed with flowers and :eil, and wearing a cor; "‘0 of Jo- hanna Hill roses, was ar ‘ted by Miss Helen Russell of Lanqscaff as sridesmaid, wearing a brown all wool dress with corsage of pink roses. Mr. LIalrold' Bridgeman of Toront: at- tended the groom. For the reception held an the home of the bride's parents. which was tastefully (ecorated with spring “lowers. the- guests were received by her mother gowned in blue silk crepe with black hat and cor; we of pink roses, assisted by the groom’s morb- er in blue and white printed silk with a pink corsaze. The Women’s Feliciiï¬siï¬lwef Lha'ï¬Ã©â€" staff Baptist Chum}? wi'ililï¬flieet ‘at We home of Mrs.. Wv,--M(;Le*.n‘1', Elgin Mills on Thursday, aiéébruziry =27 at p-ln. . ‘. ' . '1' Cookes Presbyterian» Young Peo- ple’s Association will Le guests of Jangstaff Baptist Young People on Friday evening, February let, and lie service will be under the leader- lzip of the Visitors. {:0 or obligation if your our on- 01‘s through the Misses Jean Gates and Dorene {olmes spe_nt the week-end m Ceil- rgwood sknng'. A quiet wedding took place at the Shomhil] United parsonage on Wed- esday afterncon, Feb. 1'2 with Rev. Jr. J. S. Duncan officiating, when lelena Isabelle, eldest daughter of .r. and Mrs. Robert Hmmus, Lam:- Ldff, became the bud), of \Vifliam ames JeSS, son of Mr. and Mrs. {orman Jess. Toronto. The bride, Les.sed - two-piece frock of all the spread of such diseases as outlined above? Are you one who believes in the Golden Rule? Are you willing to ob- serve what, in many cases, is only an inconvenience in‘order to protect the Public and yOur own children? , Answn fhese questions please to yourself. CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.O.H. Chickenpox . . . . . . . . . . 33 Mumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . _30 Scarlet Fever . . . . . . . . 18 Whooping Cough . . l. 5 Are you doing your share V20- wai'ds the control of commun- icable diseases in this munici- pality? Are you co-operating with your School and your Health Department to control DEP‘RTMENT OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK LANGSTAFF. Jess-Hoilnes 1‘ V Diseas mwnicable first project. "1- L‘rulufew ‘r w-L noon .« . Thâ€â‚¬â€â€˜Q group atuMï¬ptori-a i‘diiiii‘e 'li a very succogqfuigVal- entin F'lig‘;{01’1,Saturdav nighï¬Ã©n the coinriun‘lty‘fhgill. There WAS a fish pmnd that absorbed the attention of jumui anglers. L‘he:e were rames that required skill, such as meeting gallery, ring tosses, ten pins, darts and bean bag throwing. Those who prefened bingo tried their skill in that line. Soon the aroma of coffee and the rumour of heme made chocolate cake attracted yen to the cooking booth. There \\ ere hot dogs piping hot and n. cflke tr cool you off after an absorbing game of crokinole and Chinese checkers. The girls wish to express their thanks to the community who tprned ont to support them in their Glad to report than Mr. Harsh] Mortson of Richmond Hill, formerly of Victoria Square, is improving sut- isfactorily after his recent appendix (peration. A number of Young People atten-lâ€" e': the Young People's Rally at Thornhill Monday evening last. Congratulations to M1',_.an<l Mrs. H. Thomp§oni on the arriqu of their daughter. ’ " . Mr. and_Mg~s. Bodv ‘of Oshawa spent Sunday with Rev. am’luMiis. xE. Mr. and Mrs. F. Perkins and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. D. Pickering and family had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. R. Perkins and Coral on Sunday. The Young-'2! Peoples meeting- was very well attended. M‘s. Willows gave theiopicl'and spenial music was provided. The Young People’s meetâ€" ing next Sunday will be in charge of rMiss June Collard. art mine, For Thee all the pleasures of sin I resign, My Gracious Redeemer my Saviour art Thou, If ever I loved Thee my Jesus ’tis now.†The speaker pointed out that sing- in;r is not a product of civilization. people of all ages sing. Singing may often reveal the thought and char- acter of the person. It is the perâ€" son who sanctifies the place, and not the place the persu. Bob Gimby and his orchestra Rev. E. C. Muddle outlined the theme “Singing in the Night" which really refers to pmising Gvd when we are experiencing the darkest mu- ments of our lives. As an illustra- tion of this, he outlined the experi- ence of Paul and Silas in the rlung“n with their 'feet in the stocks. this as we read history was certainly a situation that would be a test for anyone’s faith, as the dungeons in those days were places that were generally damp. cold and dark. Through their faith they changed a prison into a place of praise, thus demonstrating how with God’s grace the spirit can prevail over the flésh and that faith and patience can pre- yail over tribulation. Another illus- tration is the experience of Catn- erine Booth dying .E'Z'om cancer of the throat. wrote on :1 slate asking them to sing for her. “My Jesus I_love Thee, I know Thou KEN WATTS, M.C. Friday, Feb. 28, 1947 High School Auditorium Members 25c. Visitors 50c. Courtesy Robt. Simpson Cg). Ltd. VICTORIA SQUARE e anthem, “The Lord’s Prayer†and was accompanied on the organ by Mr. Sam Dickey. A trio composed of Misses Connie Lloyd, Betty Moddle and Irene Myers also con- tributed to the service. A solo by Miss Mildred Folliott, aceompanied by Mr. Sam Dickey. nianist. closed a. very delightful musical evening. The congijegation joine ii the si kg 01:; some of the well known hymns :f t“ "9% enthusiasm It Wis most Interesting toylyhear somexof the cir- __...i;,»anceswun_der which main ‘Of our well like. hymns were written, whighlae‘re 3 IV explained bv_..Rev. Next Sunday will be a Speci Ladies’ Night at the church. T" ,u- will provide special music. Thc zuest speaker will be Mrs. Huson (. Gormley, and little Carol Mansbi‘iJge of Richmond Hill will recite. This Young lady is an outstanding- eloâ€" cutionist, and recently won the cup for her class in the North York Temperance Convention at StOuff- ville. This will be a big night for Temperanceville church, you will n‘t want to miss Tt. The musical service presented 135' Sunday was very successful and much appreciated by everyone in the congregation. The choir under the leadership of Mrs. G. Bracken sa‘†“Hiâ€"Kidsâ€. Look who’s coming to EMPERA N (BY 1 I AURORA OW‘ MWMMOOONOOOOVOOOO 0909099099.†, II IIll-llI!!!Ila-EIIIIEIHIIIHIHINHI IIIIQF f Centre St., Thornhill Phone 77M i 9 MOQOOâ€OOOWâ€0 OOOOMOOOOOOOOQOO OOOQOOOOOOWO Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted F .L. LOWRIE, RAâ€). EYESIGHT SPECIALIST WILL BE AT AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE WEDNESDAY, FEB. 26th and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 A.M. TO 12.00 NOON OPTICAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACED Prescrlpawna for Glasses hiked For Appointment Phone Rlchmond Hill 33 PHONE 170 Lf"’*(-3*R0VE lmmédtate Deiivery 0n North York Appliances ‘EIIIIIIIIEEEEIIIIIEIIIIIII-I-IIIIII has been fortunate in sccuring services» of T-. Howlett of Toronto, who is tam l.ar with all branches of beauty cul- ture, specializing in hair styling and cold waves. ‘ Try our silhouette scalp treatments. Bring life back to faded hair. Fac als, packs and manicures. ~ Phone Thornhill 102 Stromherg Carlson Combination Radio Phonographs and Stromberg Carlson ’- Alltomatic Record Changers. ‘ Stromberg Carlson Radios Crosley Radios Record Players Vacuum Cleaners Electric Grills Hotplates Automatic Irons Table Lamps Floor Lamps Something neï¬â€˜v‘yand qiffel‘ent â€" 3 way light bulbs that) fit VangV'Socke't‘l andiiiy' a simple‘t'ytiéff’bftyélgbh ftï¬nfloï¬x: the 'buib gives 2'5, 75 and 100 watts. ye sure"_ï¬yd;*§§1e‘i for a demonstration! " i h ’ ‘ ' " Answell Appliances 4815 YONGE STREET Console R.C.A. Victor General Electric Mantle A Super Value in Extra Quality Attachments and Poï¬ish Brushes available f( AIR-MUYSTI‘RE YOUR HOME WIT] THIS PORTABLE AlR-CONDITIONE Our Entire Steck of Pyro being sold at greatly reduced prices. ALL AT SPECIAL LOW» PRICES Sand, Gravel, Crushed Stone, Loam, Fill Victor Marvei - Aire Unit BUD-GET TERMS AVAILABLE F011, 831‘? deliV‘L’l‘Y place your order nmv! COME IN AND SAVE MONEY ! ! sï¬â€˜g‘rf's‘iï¬ï¬ï¬lu ROYAL $74.50 VACUUM CLEANERS General Electric ELEl’TRIC REFRIGERATORS WASHING MACHINES GAS AND ELECTRIC RANGES FOR L. W. REID {SIT OUR RECORD BAR Bluebird Columbia PHONE ZONE 8-411 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY THURSDAY, FEBRUA $528.95 & up NTRODUCING RADIOS LIMITED eamy Parï¬am 133:: $39.50 ARY 20th, 1947 for vacuums LANSING THORNlllLL Console Spartan Rogers Mantle Decca