THURS? HARE 11’ 1 J’. f if. ï¬gsâ€"n31“;,_i,wcf 7. . A - Ill-Innaslinnsnaannanaannsnssninamlnnas Don’t Vt’orry About The Cold Weather ' Space BURN CHEAP FUEL OIL â€"Steady even warmth. â€"No wood to chop. â€"â€"No coal to shovel. â€"â€"No dirty ashes to worry about. â€"â€"Costs very little to oper- ate. â€"Replaces 2 to 1 Quebec Heaters. â€"-Portable â€" can be taken anywhere. â€"Simple operation â€" one dial. stops. starts. or increases heat. â€"Will heat a 11-5 room bungalow. â€"For homes. cottages. schools. stores. churches: â€"Can be bought on convenient terms. Start one going in your home tonight! 7;: - HA _ ., n‘ a: HIIIEIIdï¬lllfllflllufllï¬ï¬‚flï¬ï¬‚flflflEt’fiflfltfliï¬itifl 'E Seeitat $87 50 8:. $121.75: 0 o I Due to rising costs beyond our control prices are I subject to change. 3000-6000 CUBIC FEET CAPACITY a u CHARLES & COMPANY ' I 1763-5 Avenue Rd. (at Melrose) Toronto 2 TELEPHONE MO. EH75} I III-I I III-IIIIBEIEHEIEIEEMHEEI / « i FOR SALE BEATTY WASHING MACHINES and KELVINATOR REFRIGERATORS â€" Order now. Immediate deliv- ery on 10 cubic foot HOME FREEZER _ See it at J 5 Arnold Street. ' Z I I i EMPIRE Garden Tractors. 1 ',"2. 3 and 6 H.P. models -â€" . I Prompt. delivery on 3 and 6 HP. sizes. Further ship- ment of 1V; H.P. Tractors expected shortly. See them at our ShOp. Prompt: installation of WATER BOWLS and RITE- _ WAY MILKING MACHINES. Also on hand, new farm i I sleighs, grain grinder. litter carrier tubs. used drills. ' 1 Harold W. Mortson 5 Arnold Street W Richmond Hill ‘ _ Telephone 93W 7 i V ELLORE Jr. Farmers and Jr. Women’s Institute PRESENT A 3-ACT COMEDY ' “A LITTLE CLtIDiitiPI’ER †In VELLORE COMMUNITY HALL _ 0N _ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19th, 8 pm. Instead of March 12 ‘ ADMISSION 50c. and 25c Tickets may be Obtained from any member of the clubs. DANCING AFTERWARDS ,Plani I FACTORIES AT RICHYALE AND NEUSTA ____â€"._._â€"_â€"â€"â€" II‘H‘ll'U'U'u'II‘II'II'n‘II'IA'II'II‘il'Ii'tl’li'll'u'li‘ti'u‘ll Ill-TATTA1 In ever loving; memory Hi atie'tr - st ‘1 and aunt. Irene tl’ee‘:j.a lieu“... him preset :t‘.‘.:tj, Mair}; l\. IUII. >‘i: s:.i"e talles at I shadows i'aII. wwet-i renieniorance tuttiu‘ls all. I.»L _ lured in I.te and living yet It iiio {calls of those who will ne\er itil'fl't‘l. I“.\t~r ieineinbeit.-d l'..~it- :tiil Iiilli". by I“rank. l_\ \IICMURI\.\I Alttl'd'iAT In Itr‘ling' memory ol' our parents: Mother. Annie .Ieanetta .\I:ll'lt. who passed away March 11. lltlti: I“:lll1i‘l'. John Andrew Mot'i'at. bet-in:in 2:. 103:5. No one knows how you. much we miss 1N Minion] \M II No one knows the bitter pain \\t- have sul'l'ered since we lost you Life has never been the same. In or r hearts your memory lingers. chetly tender. loud and true. There is not a day. dear parents. We do not think of you. r ~(Ireatly missed and ever remem- beted by Elizabeth and Jean. IN MEMORIAM SMITII’In loving memory of Be“tli.t l.. Smith. who passed away Mart-h lï¬th, liblti. No one knows how much we miss you, No one knows the bitter piin We have suffered. Since we lost you Life has never been the same. In our hearts. your memory lingers, Sweetly tender. i'ond and true, There is not a day. dear Bertha. That we do not think of you, WSadly missed and remembered by Mother and sister Irene. IN MEMORIA M TURNERï¬ln loving; memory of Uncle Will who passed away two years 21510 March 18th. When days are dark and friends are few, Dear Uncle Will we think of you; Friends are friends if they are true. We lost our best friend when we lost you. We think of you in silence, Your name we oft recall. There is nothing left to answer But your picture on the wall. Sadly missed and ever rememâ€" bered by Frank, Edith and children. Albert. Daphn, John and Jeanalec. ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Elizabeth Sharon. youngest daughâ€" ter of Mrs. Rumble. Richmond Hill. and the late William Stewart Rumâ€" ble. to Leo Michael Bendel. son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bendel of Le Roy, Saskatchewan. the wedding to take place soon. If you have anything to sell try a cIaSSified advt. in The Liberal, flettles :ttioftee $th 117 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL .n.n.n.u.n.n....n.. .-. .u.n.u.n.n.n.n.n After Your Skating TRY OUR Tasty Red Hots and Delicious Hot Chocolate (Opposite Municipal Hall) Open 9 am. to 12 pm. .n....u.n.u.n.u.mum.rt.:t.n.n.u.mum.â€,u.n,n.n.n.n.n.n.u.u.o.n.n,n.u.mum... .z.........u...........i.....t.......ti..........u.u.n....u....u.u.u.u.u.mama. 01: Your Kitchen? PHONE. Modern Planned Kitchens Ltd. t COMPLETE CUSTOM KITCHEN SERVICE Gerrard 4616 â€"â€" Richmond Hill 248-r-31 DT, ONTARIO a." In It. .7. Hit 1. n2: Ric. ‘ri itifli W; meeting or \" wit! take plat-l ' \\'~i!'h .ti: \\'..\. 1‘ at The Mary's :\:" Tuesday. .''t,‘li - I’:.i".~I. I!.t.l. lklit 11 Ali". and Mist I’liwd II. I'erltiz». i‘inirch St.. entertairt-d ;. number et guests to a tlelie'hit'oi Inntn iiI'll‘t darling Aliil'lilA K'\!"IIIIL'. The regular Iiit‘t‘liiiu' of Hip Pct..- byterian \\'.:\. \\i|I be held "mimic. I . .\l;m~h goth :11 i‘. tum. :11 the “‘illtrl' Mrs. Iâ€. Selii~sl0r. 5’. (‘ei‘tue St. ‘-\4 .»\Il Indies til. III\' t‘tiiigi't'e"‘.‘...i. .m- l cordially in\ited. ( The Presbyterian W.A. are hold his a linking Sale and Afternoon To; from I to 3.9.0 on Saturday. March l3 at the home of Mrs. II. II. Kay. lit; Yonge St. come. Altlt‘ Everybody web I.’\\‘.",t. The regular meeting of‘ tho '{umâ€" I‘Ic Ave. Ratepayers will take lililt't" at the home of Mr. (1. I'Iurt'ord on Friday. March l-t at s p.m. All new residents are cordially invited to come and get acqnamtcd. A euchre under the auspices ol' the \Vomen's Auxiliary of Veterans. Vaughan and Richmond Hill Branch. will he held on Tuesday. March IS at the home of Mrs. L. W. Zuet'elt at 12.15 p.m. Everybody welcome. Members of Richmond Lodge and their ladies and a number of guests. enjoyed a very pleasant evening Wednesday. March 12 at their annual “At Home". Music for the eve-r was furnished by Max Boae‘s Orchâ€" estra. The regular monthly meeting of the Young Adult Fellowship (ertip of Richmond Hill United Church will he held and take the form of :1 St. Patrick's Party at the church on Monday. March 17 at S p.m. All yonne; adults are invited. The next practice of the Richmond Ilill Choral Society will he held Wedâ€" nesday. March 19th at 8.15 p.m. in “ t . . l tin-"s .‘t - o .v t. , _ l l ' t; :..i. t ' II we.“ " .‘s in \\ II‘II \I“ 1" nnt' If. .t :i: It.ll.II,,\'. ‘ I ‘ ,1" t7 e Ion wt“ ~I sou. Se' itri' "‘ I IAII. NI-II ‘ II t'tiy:‘i’ It . IIIII :.II‘I “rat... t'ttl .si 'l‘li'is ;i_', I t' tan ‘1: i Hans. lIi Ilitt‘il'l iliil t H \il :t in. no“ the local II' k :11. I ‘n tore it Nils all mer. the 'Iiora lads lind in bi -I iY '- I“!e “iax'k viis‘t past I“ in Moon. t‘lt cart" a bid oi sewn :inie-. I:.-l:' l‘ankt- \\:., it e trig. Lt-xal it» Ivai Iyyb- in Aurora the music room in the high school. As there is an interesting and well planned program ahead it is import‘ ant that all members make a greatâ€" er effort to attend. This your society, help make it a success. is The Evening" Auxiliary of United Church VV.M.S. will their regular meeting 'Ftle‘;1l:’f.' evc.i- ins-g, March 18 at the home of Mr»:. Lee. 15 Richmond St. A member of the afternoon auxiliary will be the guest speaker. All ladies inter- ested are cordially invite] to attend. Meeting: commences at a p.111. sharp. Friends and relatives of Mr. Ern- est Taylor gathered at his home on May Ave. Saturday evening and tendeied him a surprise birthday party. Games were played and the customary congratulations expressâ€" ed after which a dainty lunch was served with the lovely birthday cake and candles making the event complete. Some of the guests were Mr. and Mrs. .Iack Brown. Todmor- den; Mr. and Ml's.’ Rutl Rotham and son Walter, Toronto; Mr. Murray Bowen and Miss Betty Taylor. Richâ€" mond Hill; Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Arbon, Richmond Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Hutâ€" chison. Lansing; Mr. Jack and Miss Vera Hutchison, Brampton; Miss Kathleen Stunden. Richmond Hill. and Mr. Jack Watson. Unionville. BIRTH BRADLEYâ€"To Mr. and T. R. Bradley, Elgin Mills (nee Gray), for- merly of Middlesex, England, Mon- day. March 10, a son, Colin, 11 lbs.. a brother for Roger, at Mrs. Heeicy s Nursing: Home. Elg'in Mills. CANADA SENDS HORSEMEAT TO HUNGRY EI'ROI’E The Canadian Commercial Corp- oration, acting on behalf of UNRRA, had, sent 10,000,000 lbs. of canned horsemeat in gravy to Poland and Italy by the end of 1946. The canned horsemeat is part of Canada’s contribution toward feed- ing hungry Europe and an additiom 21] 16,500,000 lbs. of it will be sent overseas early this year. All of this UNRRA horsemeat is being tinned at Swift Current, Sask. Total cost of the order, which is be- ing- paid partly out of Canada's bash gifts to UNRRA and partly out of UNRRA free funds: will be $4,008,- 000. " n 0 m M51614- Now ide gas. you. The quick, ZIIICC. This service is now available to you at MALTBY’S MEL. CITIES SERVICE 29 Yonge Street Richmond Ilill. Ont. Telephone 12 without charge or obligation you can ï¬nd out if your car c.11- dangers you and others through the, generation of excessive carbon monox- Citics Service is offering the services of its famous exhaust gas an- alyzerâ€"the Power Prover torists in an etIOI't to stem the title 01‘ v deaths and serious injuries caused by this dread poison. I to all ino- There is a Power Prover station near accurate exhaust test will tell you if you are running a risk from carbon monoxide fumesâ€"41' your motor is wasting gasolenc and deliver- ing.r onlv a fraction of its best perform- STATION R. ..n.s. mm. .l',;t ‘it. s --x. i‘. .\ '_.v' \ ‘. .Iit Io"e Richmond Hill niarlv er lli'l n; tit‘ II‘JId it: the sec-pd pctiod. tittr second line ol' l‘anke. Iitl\\tlt‘!t and liootl outshone the first ‘tt to give Atnora tne nit'st trouble. Aluntlell. Simmons and Kyle out iti noithern slip. The group. 13 r the championâ€" Iill juniors will play off with .-\1'iora juniors this week for the t-hampitnship oi their group. May the better team win! (Could be that both the swimming" and hockey championships will be decided at this one liit‘L‘ilItu't. At basketball. the seniors the are still undefeated Ieae'ne St‘littlttlt‘ with only a game remainâ€" ine’. that with Newmarket next week. Should be a dandy. our boys just takinu‘ the last game IT-lti. Victories during. the last week for the Ilillers were really something! On March 5 Billy Neal hit the hasâ€" ket for 28 points against St. Andâ€" in regular rew’s in a 33-237 victory. Another doozer on the ltith. Pickering this time to the 11‘.th of Tillâ€"ll. ('lenient stood out for the Richmond Hill squad. Talk even reached to a bunâ€" dred points in a single game! Wow! The juniors although not quite so successful. are fighting: for second place. The week brought a tough 27â€"21; defeat at the hands of St. Anâ€" drew's and a t‘l'l'SIlinQ' win over Pick- erine' College. The score. 50â€"4. Their crutial game. one they must win to stay in second spot. is with Newmarâ€" ket next Tuesday. ()n the social end of things. rum- ours have it that the Youth Council will have a welcome dance come the 21st, with a Toronto orchestra in attendance. ('ARI) OF THANKS Mr. .Ianies_l\1mrison and wish to express their heartfelt thanks to their many friends and neighbours for their kind e‘<pi't_i<.iviiis of sympathy and ‘l'loral tributes dur- ' their recent bereaveiztent. 111;}: fr mily EXPRESS THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wood and son I.)ennis..RichvaIe. wish to thank their many riends for their kindness shown Itennis duringr his stay in the hospital. Iï¬Xl'RliSSES THANKS Mrs. Chas. I‘eelar wishes to thank her man)‘ relatives and friends for the flowers. l‘ri'it, letters and cards sent to her while in the hospital. They were very much appreciated. I’ITTFJ) DATES SM ART'S PUMPKIN MEI’HISTO Kipper Snacks NORWEGIAN Just 3 Arrived Choice 35‘ Quality FINEST Sardines AYLMER Peaches TABLE FIGS - WHOLE GRAIN 2t) LIMI'I‘EI) QI'ANTITY GOLDEN RIPE Bananas - TEXAS FRESH BEETS - - CUBAN Pineapples stood t" r the winners who now go on play Newmarkt't. leaders of the I TIN TIN .8 oz. - PKG. 3‘ l . 1; I Sunday, March 16th HY HYDRO» nterrnption 2 â€" 4 RM. ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION D R O o 0.0 Two SH ws DAILY7 AND 9 PM. PRESBYTERIAN W.A. BAKING SALE Afternoon Tea SATURDAY, MARCH 15th 4 TO 5.30 PM. At the home of Mrs. H. H. MacKay 126 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill E V ERYBO DY WELCOME ’ SAT. ATIEE 2 .M. SATURDAY & HOLIDAYS CONTINUOUS FROM (5,30 to 12 P.M. ________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" (12/. 5‘4 OZ. TIN 07.. TH ['RSDAY. FRIDAY, SATI'RDAY. WALTER l’IDGEON. MON DAY, TI'ESDAY. WEDNESDAY. BRIA 55 MARCH 13. 14, 15 iLONA MASSEY in “ HOLIDAY IN MEXICO †IN TECHNICOLOR MARCH 17. 1.8, 19 N DONLEVY. ALAN LADD. \VM. BENDIX in TWO YEARS BEFORE THE MAST †THI'RSI 25c 14c ZWZSC 25c 24c 190 R I C E New Cabbage = 14C Zmrrslgc “m29c New Carrots - 2' 1 " SHE FRIDAY. SATURDAY. MARCH 20. 21, 22 FRANCES GIFFORD in To THE RACES †)AY, ‘ JAMES CRAIG. WENT 5., , ,2»: w.- 28 oz. 17c 27c 17c 6C 250 290 180 - LB. '60 2 25c: 19c 6.0.23: 7c AYLMER Peas I‘ARA-SANI Waxed Paper \\ H [T E Serviettes - STAR AMMONIA - WOODBI'RY'S Soap - AYLMER Plum Jam 20 oz TIN SIZE NO. 3 100 Ft. ROLL 70's PKG». 24 oz. JAR ICEBERG Lettuce - PASCAL GREEN Celery Hearts ‘M ARSII SEEDLESS Grapefruit Large Heads Size {it"s l