Phone 13 WESTINGHOUSE S A LES SILENT GLO UNITS FOR RANGES NORGE, DUO THERM, & SILENT GLO SPACE HEATERS We are now in a position to look after all your Thornhill PAGE SIX AERO Pressure Burner m. mmmmmm WWW "EENNED :00 SAL on ; Vern GRIFFIN FOR YOUR FURNACE BEéQ‘éEHBNZS Authorized Dealer for requirements AlI'FUORIZED DEALERS APPLIANCE AND SALES Telephone 63113 MARCONI SERVICE Camp‘bells NA VEL ORANGES. Sunkist 288's . . . . . . . . . . _ , . rlnv ELM JAM GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 12¢ iflMATfl SOUP LEMONS, Sunkist. 300‘s FLORIDA ORANGE Valencias, 176's .. CHICKEN GRAPEFRUI'I‘. Texas Thornhill .I‘iUSHRflDM SflUP l’lNEAPl’LES. lge. 24's. ed 290 B.(“.A BOMB BEAUTY APPLES Clarks Cream of â€" 1 dozen tins 990 LEADING BRANDS â€" Case 01' 24-20 oz. tins Beaver Boneless All Brands -â€" in Tin 'NFANT F0033 QETRUS IUICES Heinz WMATOES JULOENA Mitchells â€" Case of 24-20 07. tins $2.93 Grant 48 oz tin 280. iiPRLE JUICE ‘ "'11:? 25c \Volheys â€" With Pectin ' " ‘ PEABH 1M . 23:." 29° CHOICE QUALITY -â€" HAND PACKED York Canned )RANGE 0R BLENDED -â€" Case of 24-20 oz. tins $2.95, All melchandise sold at your Domin- ion Store is unconditionally guar- anteed to give 100% satisfaclim'l All Varieties, 1 dozen tins 92c 2â€.) tin 25c The St. Patrick’s warty being- giv- en by the Fortnite Club of Thornhill t] ‘l'hornhill from Elin, Ont. where he had a glocery business for '22 years. His partner. Russell Elgie, is a young veteran of the Italian can- paien who went overseas with the Saskatoon Light Infantrv and spent five réars as a despatch rider. On March 15 the POSt Office whinh has bee-n situated in the Corner of what is now Griffen’s store for the past 43 years, will be moved to larg- er premises in Wice's store. .Vliss Ethel Wir-e. formerly in the women's divisicn of the R‘C.A.FL will be the postmistress. The retiring post- master. Jack Warwick, is widely known in the Thornhill and Richmond Hill districts as well as to thousmds of ex University of Toronto stu- dents. Before coming‘ to Thornhill he was for twenty years hall porter at Hart House and known to all the students as “Wineieâ€. Mr. Warwick lost an arm in the first great war. The WA. and W.M.S. of Thorn- lhe village and their many friends will wish them enjoyment of a well earned rest. Mr. Smith comes to Thornhill from Erin, Ont. where he had a grocery business for 22 years. Mr. George Russell has sold his ‘ Red and White" grocery business to "r. Wib Smith and Mr. Russell Elgie who have also bought the pre- mises. The new owners took over last week and are now operating as an up-to-date gracetelia. In the eight "cars since Mr. and Mrs. Russell and Jim came from Newmai'ket they have won .the respect and likingr of ihe village and their manv friends ThO‘nhill's first groceteria wasgPresbyterian Church for the mem- opened last week and on the 15th of hers .and adherents of the chuich is March the Thornhill Post Office will to be held on Friday evening, March be moved to a new location. These 14th. changes on the short but busy main Dr. J. S. Duncan informed Thorn- :freet mean bidding goodbye to hill and Carl-ville churches on Sun- some familiar faces and welcoming day last that he would ask to be Ml Thornhill 6 for 4 lb tln (102. we. (102. 45c. (loz. 25¢ doz. 33k 10 oz tlus 12 01 [In w 5 01 llnu 49c 19° 45‘ 23c 23¢ 25¢. Russell has sold his NEW TEXAS CABBAGE, lb. 5c. WAX TURNIPS . . . . . . . . ll). 30. TOMATOES. firm ripe .. lb. 33c. (‘ELEIHZ Florida 18‘s .. cu. 19c. BANANAS. firm ripe .. lb. MC. CALIFORNIA CARROTS with CALIFORNIA LETTUCE lge. 60 size . . . . . . . . 2 CALIFORNIA DATES Royal City â€" Choice Qua“; PEAS 8: BARRUTS Barton -â€" For Pius, Standard (Quality PEACHES “11.2â€- 22¢ Burns [ME OR BEEF STEW VEGETABLE SOUP EREEN BEANS Aylmer CORN SYRUP (cps Cardinal ;7 Standard Quality Beehive or Crown lRISH STEW PUMPKIN Clarks â€" Heat and Serve Aylmcr, Fancy Quality $2.95, - Giant 48 oz. tin 27c. THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO st great war. S. of Thom- d its regular home of Mrs. . last Thurs- members and Values Effective Until Closing SATURDA Y, MARCH 15111. Case of 24 tins $2.95 3, Giant 48 oz tin 290. District News 2%2? was the subject of juvenile competi- tion, and a committee was formed headed by Mr. Kohler and including Muriel Dean and Willard Simpson. It was decided that seeds would be supplied by Mr. Kohler from his own 2%529¢ held an executive meeting at the home of Mrs, B. Heslop, Yong: St. on Monday of this week. Plans were made for the Spring meeting which is to 'be held in, Thornhill United Church Sunday School room at which Mr. E. Kohler will give a (lcmom stration on seed planting and genâ€" eral preparation of a garden for Spring. Movies in connection with this will be shown, and the conven- tion report will be given by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Reynolds who were the society’s delegates. Refreshments and a collection will complete the evâ€" ening. The principal matter for (lis- cussion at the Directors’ meeting Thornhill Horticultural Held an executive meeting home of: Mrs: B. Heslop, Y at bar! nalg' Collegiate this week. A speedy recovery to Mrs. T. La- poidavan who was the victu'n of a hit and run accident in Thornhil; two weeks ago. Thornhill Horticultural Society Plans Spring Meeting Congratulations to Sandra Adams and Veronica Heraise who placed f.1‘st and third respectively in the lower school oratorical contest held at Earl Haig' Collegiate this week. Thm-nhill W.I. will hold its regu- lar monthly meeting next Thursday afternoon, March 20 at 2.30 at the home of Mrs. R. H. Neil, Yong-:3 St On Friday afternoon the lnstitutc, as well as several members of Rich- mond Hill W.I., will attend the Royal Ontario Museum in connec- tion with “Historical Research". The Young Ladies’ Guild of Thomâ€" hill United Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Geo, Giles. Centre St., on Thursday evening, March l3. Miss Margaret Hallowell, R.N., District School Nur_se, will be guest speaker. hill and Carl‘ville churches on Sun- day last that he would ask to be released from this pastoral charge and was looking for another field at the end of the conference year. A joint meeting of the two congrega- tions has been called for Wednesday evening, March 19. India will be discussed by Dr. J. T. Taylor, former principal of Ir.- dore Christian, College, India, in Thox'nhill United Church on Sunday morning next. An offering for the work of the women’s missionary so- ciety will be taken. The mission bond will have a part in the ser~ Vice. 2 bunches 170 10 oz. 23c. 2 for 25c o 20 oz tins 5 lb "n 10 01 “as lb 0': 28 oz tlns 15 oz tin 7:? 19¢ H‘orticultuyal SocieAty 59¢ 25c 17c 27¢ 19¢ 7.45 Hear testimonies vicemen telling Ch ‘ t' SUNDAY NIGHT RICHMOND HILL I’RESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle. B.A., minister Sunday Services 10.30 a.m.â€"â€"Sunday School. 11.45 a.m.â€"Divine Worship. Rev. C. B. Brethen, B.A., minister Sunday, March 16 10 a.m.â€"-Sunday School. 11 am. Moming VVol'ship. 4 p.11).â€"Evening Worship. All are welcome. mon. “Some Aspects of the Prayer Book.†4, “A Guide to the Sacra- mental Life.†2.30 p.m.-â€"â€"Sunday School. 7 p.111.â€"Evening Prayer and Sero mon. “Ideal Church 1\'Iembe-:shig)." 4. “The Church Member’s Fight Against Sin.†qu., “181;. 19fâ€"Devotions and Ad- Sunday, March 16 Lent 4 S a.m.â€"Corporate Communion of Evening Guild. ll a..m.â€"1\Iorning Prayer and Ser- mon. “Some Aspects of the Prayer Book.†4, “A Guide to the Sacra- mental Life.†2.30 p.m.-â€"â€"Sunday School. 7 p.111.â€"Evening Prayer and Sero S'l‘. MARY‘S ANGLICAN CHURCH ‘RICHMOND HILL Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th., ILD. Rector The humming bird’snwings, believ- ed to be the fastest moving things in- nature, vibrate 12,000 times per minute. dress. Questions and answe All are welccme. ‘ SU ND A Y AFTERNOON BIBLE SCHOOL Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill Everv Sunday at 3 p.111. hildren. Young People and Adults Classes for all ages fv‘vr. ... ..-,.._._ A7, :ugsley, Saints, Devils and Ordinary Seamen; B. H. Sanders, Emily Mur- phy, Crusader; G. J. Tranter, Plow- mg‘ the Arctic. 'Advlt Fiction: N. Collins. London i Funeial service was conducted on Monday by Rev. 8. W. Hirtle from the funeral home of Wright & Tay- lor, Richmond Hill. with interment in Thornhill Cemetery. Elgie-Spring Rev. J. D. Parks performed the wedding ceremony for Frances Eliza- beth Spring. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George_James Spring, Thorn- hill. and Dr. Richard William Elgie. son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard ‘M. Elgie, Sault Ste. Marie, in Sher- bourne Street United Church, Toron- to, on March 8. White candelabra, palms and white spring flowers formed the setting when Mr. Spring gave his daughter in marriage. She wore a traditional satin gown de- signed with a deep bertha of alencon lace, and a caughtâ€"up hemline to show ruffles of the same lace. Her fullâ€"length veil of tulle illusion was held by a white flowered coronet, and her flowers were lily-ofâ€"the-val- ley. Mrs. John Hodkinsun, sister of the bride. was matron of honor, and Mrs. John. Sprague, Mrs. Kenneth Zealley, Miss Grace Newton and Miss Jean Dodds were bride maids. They wore gowns of rose moire with matching mittens and looped chap. lets trimmed with sequins. They carried cascade bouquets of pansies. Dr. John Sprague was best man and Jim Spring, John Hodkinson, Dr. (‘lare Baker and Dr. Donald Finlay- son were ushers. The reception was held at the bride’s home, Mrs. Spring receiving in beige lace with matchâ€" .ng straw hat and corsage- of coral roses. The groom’s mother assisted in sapphire blue crepe with matching hat and corsage of red roses. The couple left on a trip to Montreal, Quebec and the United States. They will live in- Sault Ste. Marie. The men of Trinity Church held a bee last Saturday under the direc- .ion of Mr. Harry Hages and Mr. Percy Poole and insulated the roof of the church. New.books recently added to the I‘hornhill Library: Adult Non-Fiction: A. Buchan, Un- “orgettable. Unforgotten; S. Camp- bell, Too Much Salt and Pepper; E. (Barr, Growing Pains; RhFontaine, "1m Hanpy Tine; B. Hutchinsorn, Thé Unknown Country; Lieut. W. H. Besides her husband, the late Mrs. Morrison leaves one daughter. Mar- garet (Mrs. Eckhardt of Stouff- ville), and five sons, James, Georg-e, Arnot, Randall and John, (one son having predeceased his mother), as well as one brother and one sister. In her 72nd year. the late Mrs. Morrison came here with her hus- oand Irom the Orkney Islands 43 years ago. The couple had always lived in this vicinity, farming at Stouffville and Newtonbrook and in Doncaster Gardens before it was di- vided into lots to become residential pronerty. garden to all juvenile members (evâ€" eryone under 16). to be grown by them. with help from adults if ne- cessary. these to be put up for con- test with a very special prize. All juniors should. therefore, register for membership at once. Everyone in the community is in- vited to join Thornhill’s ever-grow- ing Horticultural Society. Its aim is to have a meeting almost every month, a part of which will ‘be edu- cational. so come and bring your questions and its officers will try to supply the answers. You will be warmly welcomed by a large group of friendly garden lovers. Late Mrs Morrison Sincere sympathy is extended ’to the husband and children of the late Margaret E. Cruston, wife of Jas. W. D. Morrison. Doncaster Gardens, who died at the Tdronto General Hos- pital on Friday, March 7th, after a prolonged illness. Message, RICHMOND HILL llN ITED ('H U RCH The p.111. from two ex-ser- how they became REVIVAL HOUR ova of G'ud‘ WW WWWOWO II, PHONE ZONE 8-411 : IIIIIllIIIllllIllllllllllllllflllllllllly â€â€œâ€Wâ€OO“Oâ€OOOWWMOâ€W Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted OPTICAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACED Prescriptions for Glasses Filied ' For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 38 F.L. LOWRIE, AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE WEDNESDAY, MAR. 261 and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 A.M. TO 12.00 NOON PHONE 170 Immediate Delivery On EYESIGHT SPECIALIST WILL BE AT North York Appliances Model R156A Complete Standard Broad- cast Coverage. Powerful Performer. Stromberg Carlson Combination Radio Phonographs and Stromberg Carlson Automatic Record Changers. Stromberg Carlson Radios Crosley Radios Record Players Vacuum Cleaners Electric Grills Hotplates Automatic Irons Table Lamps Floor Lamps Model 348P Popular! 3 tube amplifier Marvelious control Something new and different â€" 3 way light bulbs that fit any socket and by a simple twist of a button on the bulb gives 25. 75 and 100 watts. Be sure and ask for a demonstration! Centre St., Thornhill Answell Appliances Model No. 60 Exceptionally fine tone Beautiful Design. 4815 YONGE STREET Our Entire Stock of Per being sold at greatly reduced prices. R.C.A. VICTOR ALL AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES SPARTON PHONOGRAPH Only $49.50 A STAR PERFORMER Sand, Gravel, Crushed Stone, Loam, Fill $43.50 OUR CONVENIENT Tl Guaranteed Repairs and Service to all Electrical Appliances. Ready NOW for YOU! NEW TABLE MODEL RADIOS RADIO - PHONOGRAPHS ROGERS COME IN AND SAVE MONEY ! 2 OUR SPECIALTY . W. REID LIMITED THURSDAY, MARCH 13th Only $28.95 rlE PLAN IS FOR YOU Yes! You’ll find the radio you want at North York Appliances . . . Ready now for you. See them! Hear them! Today! Vacuum Cleaner ylinder General Electric Model CL 500 Ideal for bedroom or rumpus room. Immediate Delivery The Sensational ROYAL Phone 77M THORN HILL LANSING Upright 1947