Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Jun 1947, p. 8

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g 33 Yonge St. Richmond Hill Telephone 5.! : 0.000an N OmO“0”9000000000“0600”0M09M‘ Home laundry; PAGE EIGHT IT TURNS WASH DAYS Come in and see it in INTO HOLIDAYS EAVESTROUGHINGV ROOFING operation CHARLES & CO. NEW FINDLAY AND PEASE FURNACES Parts and Repairs for all makes of furnaces SPAGHETTI MARMALADE PLUM JAM ALL WHEAT WHITE BEANS Wetheysâ€"With Pectin Penthouseâ€"In Tomato Sauce White Farm TINSMITH Kelloggsâ€"With 8 Free Picture Cards Aylmer Pure Qrgnge WASHES RINSES DAMP-DRIES 6 Blocks South of Wilson Ave. at PAUL DUBOIS 1763-5 Avenue Road idd in Tomato Sauce Dominion Stores publish this illustran'on as :5 service to all Canadian women seeking ideas and inspiration. They: are ideas both big and little in this picture to make your kitchen an easier, happier. more cheerful place in which to pgepare thpse unexcelled foods from your Dominion Store. Clip this advertise- ment (or your idea fileâ€"other illustrations will a pearun future advertisements. Design Cowley St. Charles Mann «mm: 60., of St. Charles, II]. AT .7 7,___.‘ Ski; 23c 2 1b Tin 15 oz Tins ALL AUTOMATICALLY 20 02 Tina Jar 25c 2'1" 31¢ PRUNES TOMATO JUICE SIMMER’SHSEEDS BABY CHEESE PEANUT BUTTER Club House. McLarer, Royal Manor APPLE SAUCE TOILET TISSUE KRAFT DINNER Leading Brands TOMATO SOUP Tendq§:Meaty Flower & Ygagetable Monarchâ€"Coloured Serve§w4 People White Swan Empire Stateâ€"Eancy Quality qupbells Size 30/40'3 Doncaster Community Club Doncaster Community Clu‘). held its May 20th meeting at the hone of Mrs. Atkins, Proctor Ave. It was a social and everyone enjoyed them- selves immensely. Prizes were won by Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Lefleur, Jr., Mrs. Angel and Mrs. Muttershaw. At the close, the hostess served a lovely buffet supper, for which a hearty vote of thanks was extended by the members. Congratulations to Barbara How- ard who learned she had successfully completed her course in Occupational Therapy after she had left town to intern for the next three months in 21 Vancouver hospital. Thornhill W.I. held an executive meeting at the home of E. G. McKean on Tuesday, June 3. Details regarding the picnic were discussed and Mrs. R. Holmes was appointedi entertainment convenor in addition to Mrs. L. Jamieson and Mrs. Sinclair who was previously appointed to take charge of refreshments. It was also decided that the Insti- tute would apply for a short course in glovcmaking in accordance with the Co-operative program in Home Economics. The course would re- quire three successive whole days from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. with a regular attendance of eight to ten members. Discussion ceniered on many mat- ters which will‘ be lbroug'ht before the June meeting which precedes the picnic to be held at the home of Mrs. G. Spring: A speedy recovery for Miss Mar- garet MCKean who has been ill for the past two or three weeks is the hope of many friends. Her many friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. A. Vanhorn of Cenâ€" tre St. is recovering nicely after her recent severe illness. » Congratulations to MiSs Barbara Neil who obtained her year in Occu- pational Therapy and will be leaving Saturday morning for Montreal where she will intern in a prominen; hospital for three months, after which she will spend another three months’ internship in a Boston hos- pital. ' ' t It was with real regret that the Attention Lions and friends! Thorn- hill District Lions Club ball team will match with Agjncourt Lions on Sat- urday at 7.30 pm. in the park, Come out and roar for the Lions. Mr. and Mrs. George Magvas of Morgan Ave. announced the engage- ment last week of their daughter, Laura, to Richard Aziz, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Aziz of Toronto. No definite wedding date has yet been set. Thornhill District News pound Large roll 1 I!) roll Pkgs 20 oz Tin Jar 20 u: Tins 10 oz Tins f? l9¢ 37° 25¢ 39° 25¢ 21¢ Su‘nkist 'L'émons, large â€"â€" Asize 300’s . . . 5 for 15:: 19¢ 10° 17¢ 1 friends! T} J_uicy, California ijeL Sweet Cuban Pineapple size 24’s . . . . . . e Ripe Tomatoes, cello pkg. . . . . . . . . . ea. 29c Texaé onions, 3 lbs. 250 S_\v_eet and Full of Juice Florida Or‘éfiâ€"gués, large, size 176’s . . . . doz. 35c Eirm, Red 133w Crop, Yellow THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING, SATURDAY DOMINION STORES UNITED hill Public School learned of resignation of their teacher principal, Mr. Wm. Blackshaw. Blackshaw commenced his ( last September and immed establishedhis popularity amon pupils. Without indiscriminate poral punishment, he yet manag bring forth coâ€"operation from boys and girls. ‘His late classe the benefit of those who needed tUition Proved his interest in progress. Late last Fall he wit and friendly “smile, Mr. Black- shaw has endeared himself to the boys and girls who, along with their parents, wish him success for the future. arent Old? Get Pep, Vim fiée‘dsd' ane'r’m Imz Iron plus ca MEN. WOMEN 2 hunxvorl V'l‘akre OWN 'l‘nl'fll‘i" '( For sale at SHELLED PEAS CAULIFLOWER SPINACH WHOLE KERNEL CORN SLICED PEACHES Richmond Hill, Phone 97 MANSBRIDGE MEAT MARKET With IRON: plus suppien'wnts CALCIUM, VITAMIN BI (In Heavy Syrup) SQUASH (Cooked) . ea. 29c of 40. 50 60. Don‘t h? old. weak. wornâ€"out. m- >rl. ’l‘nke Oslrex. ('ontnlns mnic (men r 40 â€" by bodies old just bocausr lurk- us vnlclnm. Vilnmln BI. Thousands now .Will’g .anlnzer, Try Oslrex Tnnlc Tnhlnts lot introductory size now for only 35c. all drug stores everywhere. pupl learn M 1' the The annual meeting of Langstaff Home and School Association was held in the school on the evening of May 20th. The president, Mrs. H. E. LeMasurier presided, and the an- nual report was read by the secre- tary, Mrs. R. Cudmore. The report contained an outline of the activities of the Association, which was Organ- ized last October, and of their ac- complishments during that time, A scholarship in the amount of 2325 has been established, and is to be award- ed to the child in grade 0’, who dur- ing the year has proven himself the best citizen through his manners, de- mocratic attitude, co-operation and scholastic effort. A proficiency prize is also to be awarded to the child in grade who has the highest stand- ing. A prize is being given'in each room to‘ the child who during the year shows the most improvement in his printing or writing. These are all to be awarded at the Home and School meeting in September, which is t otake the form of a commence- ment evening. Mrs. A. Inch of Willowdale, and treasurer of York County Home and the coming year. Mrs. Beeston, chair- School Council, installed officers for man of the nominations committee presented the following slate of off- ‘cers: Pres, Mrs. H. E. LeMasurier; vice-presidents, Mrs. J. Cook and Ml'S. Nathan Hicks; treasurer. Mr. The children of the intermediate grades sang: several choral numbers, and the following solos were given: Charles Smith, violin; Paul Ward, solo; George Styan and Ronald Hicks, piano rduet. . A list of convenors of the various committees will be published later. The final meeting of the associa- tion will be held on the‘ second Tues- day in June. (10), and the 'speaker will be Miss Welch of the MacMilian Publishing Company.. G. Campbell Smith; rec. sec., Mrs. R. Cudmore; corr. sec., Mrs'. W. Black- burn; exec. members. Mrs. P. Bone, Mrs. P. R. Pool, Mrs. C. Russell, Mrs. Willard Simpson, Mrs. Styan. The speaker of the evening was Dr. R. Arthur's, Psychiatrist, pres- :ntly on the staff of Sunnybrook hos- pital. His subject ’was “Psychiatry and Children”, and proved most in- teresting. He also outlined the work that department is doing with the patients at Sunnybrook. ' Miss Hallawell, school nurse, spoke briefly telling of the proposed “pre- school day" which is being held on June 12 in order to check up on chil- dren who will be starting to school in September. Lang‘staff Public School Sr. Gii'ls‘ saftball team (Tefeated Thornhill Sr. Girls by a score of 23 to 6. Co‘igra- tulations, Langstaff. Mr. Pat Malloy will be the guest speaker at Langstaff Baptist Yulmg People’s meeting on Friday evening of this week. agomst you but. Citlzens UL North York are not easily or usually deterred by inclement weather. A strong virile na- tion is proud of its homes and its homelife, the unit in this country is the family. As you take a proud interest in your home, so will the neighbours in theirs and thus We‘will have a fine community and in turn a fine country. There is no fin- er country in the world today so let everybody contribute their share in keeping their home, their community and their country â€" this Canada of ours â€"'in a clean and at- tractive condition.- We are counting on you to do your part where you are. CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.O.H. Have clean backy envirc DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK Complete Tire Service Built with stronger Rayon Cords, Dominion Royal Fleetwoy Tires are design- ed for tough haulageâ€" long life â€" and low-cost mileage. TRUCK OPERATORS PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. {ichmond Hill, Ont Telephone 86 I. PARISI & SONS IST CHOICE OF LANGSTAFF z ard m s the about your lawn: 5, your home an during this me a weather has you but citizen 11' nont I‘ll-IIIIIIIIEIIIIII Illllfllllflllflll' I 4815 Yonge Street, Lansing PHONE ZONE 8-411 III-IIIIIIIIIHIIHIIIIIIIIIRIIIIIIII-E Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted F.L. LOWRIE, R.O. EYESIGIIT SPECIALIST WILL BE AT AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11th and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month OPTICAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACI D Yonge & Steele‘s, R.R. 1 York Mills, phone ’l‘hornhj_ll _11_8J SPECIALIZING IN PERMANENT WAVING ALL BRANCHES OF BEAUTY CULTURE PERMANENT WAVES. SHAMPOO & FINGER WAVES SHAMI’OOS, RINSES ANI) COMBS. Living Room Table Lamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.95 General Electric Irons, automatic . . . . . each $11.00 Travelling Irons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . each $54.65 Hot Plates, single and double . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.65 up Toasters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.95 up IDEAL ASSORT‘MENT 0F GIFTS FOR WEDDINGS AND SHOWERS A Beautiful Mantel Radio . . . . . . . Portable Radios. will fit handbag Portable Record Players . . . . . . . Automatic Toasters . . . . . . . . . . . . . loudoir Lamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l’.Vrex Coffee Makers . . . . . . . . . . . Presto Cookers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tri-Lite Lamps, complete . . . . . . . Living Room Table Lamps . . . . . . l (H’XECE ORCHESTRA DANCING 9 TO ]. AI We service, repair, and rebuild everything in refriger- ation, Domestic or Commercial. Display Counters, Walk-in Boxes and Freezers built to order. When planning modern refrigeration in any of its applications consult us, we will be glad to engineer the job for you. FROM 9.30 A.M. T0 12.00 NOON Jackson’s Hardware ESTIMATES GIVEN 0N ELECTRICAL WIRING. Prescriptions for Games Filled _ For Appointment Phone Rlchmond H11] 3! 6024 YONGE ST. I WILL. 577 Connaught Ave. and Yonge St. FRIDAY, JUNE 6th LOOK! At These Ideal GIFTS For The JUNE BRIDE! North York Home Appliances reml e r LaGrove Beauty Salon Gifts and Handicraft MAPLE COMMUNITY HALL Modern and Old Time Dancing Lindsay, Member Reflig‘eration Service E VAUGHAN REFRIGERATION Septic Tank Fittings â€" $34.00 Venetian Blinds $1.69 and up REFRIGERATION COMPLETE LINE OF’HARDWA‘RE egion Dance You are cordially invited to'come in and look around. VACUUM CLEANERS TERMS ON ALI; APPLIANCES to ihe Harmony Kings Phone Thornhill 102 CYLINDER MODELS Just North of Stop 11 Newtonbrook ’ $79.00 l'HURSDAX ADMISSION 500. low as $28.95 . . . . . $48.00 sale $43.95 . . . . $24-00 pair $9.90 each $3.65 each $15.95 .. $27.95 . $15.95 II ineers Society NE 5th. 194 Royal 101:6

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