â€"_ THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND lIlLL, ONTARIO PAGE FOUR ,..._______ A TIIL'RSIL-XY. JI'IX 3rd. 1947. .â€" Schomlicre, carrying red roses. The groom was Smâ€. hand 113‘ “re, (loge‘ 11ml ' term-“- "lâ€"9 1“ Yonge ’ 11.-\i<i.\1\'ii sinus". 111 1.1111111 111111111. tioii, se 14111121 11' .\'1ill this week. l‘lioiic 111 111111 llill 31111.1. Dolls:â€" 0 O 0 9 O mooooooooo¢ooooo90.999.009.09090990000990900.9000e VV [.‘DDYVCS ‘ T111212 Iâ€. ‘ V'I‘ITI: l’l. \f‘l’b“ I _7 . . . . W ANTED I ; ‘ H " ‘ $111111 SH’LINGS I’LR PM I .g‘ Q g B e. ~â€"4 . . 1. t 1 $51 -~ 1.: 111.1 131 11 15 1. g : (‘ONSTABLE-IIUIH 1‘1†1111 1111111 [111111 ‘ 11 ' " *‘ 4 †l 3/: ( ad E k H a 111111111 111311. "‘ 11w 7.- . , 1 St. Andrew's PresliytL-ri 11‘ i'iiuic'i. .-red 1 111-,1‘11 '»"‘H‘ E‘l""" . ‘ ’ ‘ H . ‘1‘ ï¬ 1 r _ - § " . J O )lark‘ ain. de1orated \yi'i‘ 1111 111115 1d 1111 11 , " i - 11 ., » l‘lllS 1S 1111: 113.1 11]? AD\ 141111813117 111311.14. llll'. M'Wliyttl' 1T: 15-1131) “11' ‘1‘1‘11331 I 11111â€"31111-: 11 no. v .3. ‘ 3 211111 ferns. was the scorn 111' .1 prettv 1y 11' 111-11 11* Who 11112-1: 2.1 ~ 1.: .‘- lI,\'l‘l-i.\‘ 19:1. Hum 1 Le“. 1‘13 riiis 1111 1 1<1 _nsor1oii 211111 -1’1 1‘82: .11\_ p1 "111111111111 41:121 « I\\l . wedding last Saturday \\'l‘~‘ll liat'V 111a 1‘11'1‘1'1.‘ 1'1- ":< sit“? :1 ‘- 1] 1111 11‘1 1‘. 111111.! iii»w."'111‘. ll\i‘!' .7 ir‘ws .1 vents 11111" V.‘ e 11X 1' 1 ’ E V r 1 .1 ‘ 7 Y H V l’u'iliiie lloover. flatigltt 111‘ ilr. 111111 11,1 1' 11::11: ‘ 1111.1 v;~1»1~1111~. ll" “11911111111 f\‘l1\‘lg; ("1151 1‘51 1’1‘1R 1,11\1'.. l 11» 1111:11ly_11(1)1d\ 13111-11111 ‘ v 1 . ~ .. , ., 1,.1 H .',. '.. . v - .31. â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" i 1. 1. .11‘1 z 1 ()MPLIJIILLI ALTOMAiic t 111;. 111111;; ,nn _~ 1 .1111 . . A rm S U .. . . W, . .1, ., 0 11‘110 11 er ici't . 11'.\'Il'111c!' 11111â€" 11 ai' 1'11'111. 1.11.4 :1-‘1111'! 1-1 11‘1‘ 4 V . I 4 f“ \Hi-X-LS LL Slum. 1111111“. _ ' -- ‘ O 3 stalile, son 1)" Mr. 1,'_ 1‘1". (VW‘stalrlJ than 1111' 111-111’. 111111 is »-111‘1I‘ ~11 I ‘ [J < Â¥ dhmll Ni. t.1 .1 l\‘l ° 111111 the late Mrs. (‘otis'ui l.- 113' 11:11‘. 1111': 1112111 thorsnnd 1'1“ :1 131' i11 I x r ' ' wk» . i ‘ -_ 1 1 5 - 7 . ..._., ~ 1 ’11‘. z . Maple. Rev. )1, Bri 1111‘, 111110 111' 11' vi; ht 111111»: 11 i'wl'll’" ‘ "l, l‘ ll'l‘ ldt M i H l l H “111:1 1 1'1,\ K lile\'1'1 1101131 Sill'l‘lc- 31" 1 It A11 ,lillliq ({1} 1x181 L'I\l\.1i{111211111 ltl'lllli '1‘- . the 1111 ’e. pert'orine’ tl1 * 1-1-1‘1‘1‘1121" l‘clo of i'icc 111121. one '11“ l! 7 1’1 ' i 11"\ 11) .\1 1111111 81. ; k‘l‘Vl I‘M!“ £17“ l 1>L,1,x\.\.' y'mm. 1,1.â€â€œ1 : 3 assisted by Rev. C. 11. lb-wman 111111 tractor. 11111- 111 lLI'1 rho >‘11111.1 11‘1‘1111 “xx-\- 5 1;“ \T-H‘: MN. MI “My _' _‘_‘ > My . “v n _.__ y N 1111111]: “I'd-h 1. ~- . “H ‘ Pen 1’. la'sen. The w». 'ding music :1 pzil ot' \12111-1' to 1‘11‘10I111‘l' \11»l<:11:111,,\'-1;‘ [1 m. [Hrinnwui 11111 ‘1 -~3_ 1.111 1‘11 '.\. 1111 t 1\ >l.1t). 1:11'71 1~- 1| 7 ‘ _ , , H ,_ was played by Barhara S’e "l'l. 131W 111-111 plzu-cs il‘cfii in lltc .me, :1~ ,111111 1111†»\ 1 . “‘1 "ml THA.‘s]>1)]{’|‘:\’1‘[(1N 1.1111,†Thur-1 ' lliscox. so‘oist, sang “l‘hv- 1.11111“~ the lilil1‘l’llll‘ pun-pols :11 :1 11".«11 \‘1‘ll- . t 7 . A, ‘ C ' aâ€"‘H'ï¬ â€œI an“ . _ mecl“ 1m] Yuma“ 1 P ’ I» 2 Prayer" lict‘orc the 1"I'L"‘l'i!\' and ilai‘ to that for tractor 11'11‘.‘.i.i:', " .\l 1:138 S'l‘.\\'lil1\'(1 ll.\\. WWI-Vi 11';l.'-\ ,l All 3' lip-lililil“1.1111 lumiuu' liL‘i‘U ahont >1 ;:i1i. I’lii‘m‘ ' A S l ‘ "I‘ll “'alk Reside You" during We The planter ii>e1l in \V‘TEI 5‘11""! ~‘11 11â€â€œ til. r\l'l'l.\ \1111 “""11“1'- l"“" I i I" ‘i _ l‘i-‘ 1111111 11311 l"l\\' Uhâ€): ; u '0 y 0 signingr oi" the 1~eg1=te1g (iivcn in county i'cl't l".’.<l:lll1111 lzllili‘ I no i l 1 1'1 1'3Ԡ11‘1‘[\'\ ‘Hix‘ly'p [\Hhiv The L“ l __A L ._f_A-â€" - : INI 7 marriage by her filtll'.‘l. die ‘11 .1c hr the llep'ii'tincnt 211111 is ii;1 l 1111M. i i’I’KVHâ€"‘fl i" “111 ~ me 111 Illi'ldiioiid 11111. FEATHERS and feather boas of all] 1(: n o 1 . ‘ - , V v V _ >A A, ‘ \tll ‘,."' :l . ‘ , > ‘1 1 V ._ \ x ‘ A. '11,: . wore wh te satin and :1 floor lit-“51'â€! 1y on much larger DTOJ0(‘..\. 1111\1- .‘ ‘ 1 . C, _' 118M111 ioii chest piices pan . ; none 1", RIChmond : veil held by a headdres; of orange ever. help \\‘11.\ not availaldc :11111 the :1,†"\i‘l’h My" Nmtll' l.‘"‘f’,1l ' 11111.1 t‘tl\\'. 111511.. Apply , Writc,_ Queen City heather CO. 23 WOWQ“.99...â€.“4m..m“.¢........“....‘ 1“OS-“Om-‘U Sh? Carl'in For 1'05"»? "ll’l "Will 1‘“ l‘“l“l many _11~l‘l'<‘\’v 11" l“: V's-V ‘7'" \V __ _ A _ _>__ _ “M ( llcyi 111 ‘34. “111.. 2 \argh‘iii. Ba'dwm _ .. loronto, No.13 had on a “TISt, watch, :1â€! 0i the forested 11211 othorwhc \\u«‘ ‘l “11“ \"l‘1{»\\\’l‘117l‘l’ 11111 1\v “H‘tl 11"" \t l’l‘\‘ \"1‘ \\I111\'(' 1\Y â€"\ l {\l \\' ~\T ( '(‘l’ 1 i \ ‘tl 1 11111 , - , m- _ ,._.,.._ WW, . _ , | ,, , . . , > A ‘ A ‘V * H I ' ; ,~ _. 1 .-. . 1 11 . . 11 y . 1 1 1 1 1. 21111 "i 1 111:1- Lmom' HQ! agenda"! ‘ 1'†H 1m (“Mme unlll‘mud' “UV-1' 1‘ ‘1 --»‘- “‘1Ԡl M‘in- will†I 11 \ ’1tt 111111111 11111 l’i 'lini I>111 " 110)L‘I"l 1 ti“lct >1m'1" 31311711111» Hoover, sister, 111 yellow nylon shell“ 11m.- clwl l'HUH ' k ' ‘ i' \ k nanâ€"l, maxim; I 1: "1.1) \vI-1~ \ 1l ‘0' 1 and Jean Constable. Myer of 11’.c 1 n" 1 I i. . _ l - ‘i- "c "‘ 9- e “/ ‘ fl" 3‘ “ groom. in orchid nyloi sheer, eat-h l‘ll_\\\'l’.liltlillC1\. (ii'dci's taken “Ifâ€"fix. I FVS for “110‘ Frank 1111111. Plion1/1_ oiiindi 01110.» cl\\l with matchiiiu' headdress 11111 (‘2111’16‘1 T ' ‘ ‘ vow: l' 1 1 11mm 111 :‘.1w\\' 111-s W. 1 '1' “ . 1‘ i. '. , “‘T‘ ‘ . . . . .. h ‘ H 1 ‘ J. . - ' ‘ 1 ' l) 1‘5. \ n" lll>1 lvt‘d. 51Ԡ3-11 IIILLI) V1 AIVIl‘d). A, 1.111) Ii.s111:111‘e I N nosegays of yel 0w rose: and <11 eet ('1111‘ (lxlnl’t t,. chhniond llill. ï¬ll)“: S k \ ‘ l.;-1\\,1 Comwmv randy/65,,“ rcwsesomiuhl,‘ , l 1 pf‘as- Rose Anne I’im‘hum 1'10wa D- §J-E / . cw“ “ ' -~3 7 W' ## 1111111111: -/-111d :1 1151:1111 11111111111 Lnder auspices of St. Andr v’s1 Presbyterian (‘hurch 2'1 “‘33 flocked “1 .‘IN‘CIE “X1011 “'1â€?- 1 . ~ 1 s 1 7..» 1. "~". _ 1.013 1’01? >ALE- 950 1“ “hm†11-311 1» 1-11151 191‘. for the right party. Gluild a. bandeau of tlnv “Rents; an} ,1:|._ “7. O (111‘..\ll‘11\1‘ 4.1.11 IFL 1. 11 [11 1'“. “mn- A], _ 1 3111111, Tmnpel-_i A‘Hflv BC ' \UQ The Lily)...“ 1::“152 ' v 1911 11 mntcl-mg npgegm- Rest man . L _ 1‘1‘1\\\11 reip i ztlt‘i’lill.‘ 1:1 $111111 1'11111‘11)» Hwflflu,’ King IR. R- .;.2“5._;‘ . L t 1 - 0n the CHURC AWIN “as Bruce dr‘onsth‘hle. 1:1-1111111c1l1t 1,1112, Grading 5: ,::tion 111m. .-\1111; 1 1111.1 51111111yi1l1‘ 1111\_.]. WV UTHD VW»â€"éEEEP!5 1511 TONS GOOD LoosE HAY 1;: 1 O'room. an us ers were 1ar.es ' ‘2 )i - ~' 1" I ‘~ 3 '- V *' Z ' he delivered at barn. corner of Fine S 7P1) trawl-lam and Fred callsml’lo The CUStom Gradmg‘ :\ I Ll‘m‘} 7‘ 7 W i ‘ 1 l““"‘-“~ 3 ""4 lin“ 9“": I) "'9 laml†I'ind "Ki-d c011 e st of Yonge Street “ a J J17 A , \ "r‘rle’s mother received in pink crepe blarkham Rd" anmlmd H1" (HE‘S ‘RHM‘D 3â€â€œ l‘m ('lmll'g‘ Home A Hill 11513. “WI (Quote price 'bv \ st c‘ird or letter i - ‘ ' hi'own 111 z " condition 3313: 1 #_ _, ' ' * ‘ 1 ,. ._., .1 1 ._. 4D; _, 1‘ , WV ‘ . ~â€" ‘ 511,111!“ .HLPVed from 0.30 0 8‘ :2;e:ԡԤ?r‘{e “RfogfdIggy“);Tllgql’gj’l’lli; ()111111111- cook «:11 1 your. \11 'jll \'111'N( PIGS, 12 weeks old; gltro Lghnton/Hunt. .R. 1, Todnioil lunlcrlzunnleni _ length lotion \ï¬lc‘ “re brnve f';nCiY.19 “vith . wnniiq}..(hal‘c‘tywo N I’l'iutlL‘ i 11} 11132,): I- [-111‘1' 111-11 1 ' (iLllLl; ] work Inn-SQ (‘en- r \V ‘ a .f . (. [N P . ‘â€"*f ’i 1\ iily (in: li‘arni.‘ Langstaff. w w x . IBMISSION 75 cents CW"??? “Olti’ledett M a “11.1 t0 ‘ :11 11111.1.1ws. 1 s111111i 1- « ‘ " - C2,,“ 0M†HORSES 1? CATTI-F Wm en mG. the l“'1’3 tr:1\-oi111~11- in :1 g . -. r . . ,1.4 111! Pm free 01 - hone RICH- "â€" 11.’ -~ . ~. - - ‘ Weeds cut on lots. etc. “WU-41â€â€œ “W†"M1 l†W“ - \F-ï¬mn 11111 1' VIVC ‘Mrd or ' we "mice tumllm‘e .c‘l‘t “"11 l“"“'" . . Nels; TU hem -\l*l‘l.\' 1‘1“ 71111 MI. ‘1) KENQ 10 weeks MAPLE 29:3:1 l ‘tl h “(:(lII‘Slml'lds - 0’1} the†return they MOw'ng a Specmlty lichnioiidâ€"Mic.nionvl llill. “"11 old, Lai'v‘c "Me shelter an'l ("1311 Lin-1mg (‘hRDON pï¬yNIFelfFM1Â¥e -h \\'i resi e in oronto. _ _ , .H‘ ,1. f ‘ _ 0’ .1 ' ' . . v 1 â€" __ k_ REG. HUINTEIN 111'â€. (31111.“ 12,?! ‘ ""“H H†1‘ “-‘ “ml :lkl‘ ED, Toronto. phone AD. 3636. 1’16. '3 BROWN.HAMM()ND Apple 111-11 '12-, “71 ecliwo mt _____â€"____ ‘ 3 y 1 n. r’ in T. _ . . . 1'1' "‘1. 1: .~ "1' " ' ill. '1‘ . ' . - 1'1 . " v V “ .: [QR '5 “an 1111(1th DISCRH‘IHNATING The mama... 1s .1..,.n...,,.,.1 n. 1 111111.! 7 -1 f V 1 1N1I i_111>111lht_] .111.\l_.l).ll1}1‘, 311.11.1‘111111 11111111111). : IVI‘SS Mam. Louraino 1111111110111], n“ t N111 1 U i l' ‘ ALL “\il‘l - I l "iilnl‘lilli' ( 1pm “1.116. AR†y . H1 . . V I daughte. mo Mrs. Rimmwl ,L j, _ V ‘ ‘ 3â€". 1‘7 , , ,, , . . l\lll;1|'ltl_‘_,"1‘ arn ot 17. con. 5, I\lllg. . 1 1 : 1.15 1111., 1.111115 AND LUNCH AT - 111.111.. 0... .3111“? 131‘ 111.0ak “1'9"1;“"11'11'11'1'31 “1’51 ‘ “1"‘1'31‘1’311‘1 "1111‘- “1‘1‘1'1‘1‘ “W†D1 1111 1 1 ~ 1 » 1 . ' . ‘ . one ic mom i r: -" ‘*‘ "‘y '-‘ _, *z " ‘; r# vâ€, ‘1 â€" â€"â€" WELL, ‘ . . .x'pert wor - : 5 B13111 Sï¬lveit 113112011," ,5“; of M" l “Mâ€. Mk“ ‘1“?le 1“: 1111*: MW 21111 LAUNG HENS. New Hampamanship. A .Ymk & Brown, Oak O Monbtrn Wfldne‘dan' June éï¬t‘.‘ 111W. «oomcm -v....1 .I h ’7‘ W 1 . 31i1l1lliinson}£(hain 1.11., R1Ch‘?{)\l\111 qH RPEN ' lawn mowers and re- V ‘ the Rev'.A' G' .scott‘ The l‘rl‘l" “'2‘ IJ A N G D O N 9 S â€" - lâ€"Tâ€"‘â€" ' pziiri em by Joseph Winger, R.R. ’ glowned ]in an ice blue crepe frock. rill (‘()(‘l\lCRlCI1S, 3 moulds old. New 3 {11. 11 phone 62121_ *90w46 '3 ‘ : owel' lat. With White accessories 4‘ ‘ Hampshircs. some S'-'s"x, 50¢. each. â€"'â€"~â€"._._â€"._. kl““IN : and cariied a bouquet of pink roses. 11L" “W 'l'm'll 3"- l‘il‘il" Mlll‘V (Jornci'. Sprtlt' 1 “511111 22A Ricii- CUST M WORK done, cultivating, :3 ; i:The \vasliittended 1.)" her sister. Miss D .1 q . X f ' clwl V31... /, 1111‘“ double ,disu ' plowing Hung. \y_ -‘ 1:1,. .11. - - ,. , - Prma ammond. 1'11 11 peva grey" ill y keerce 1 "Tom mm , , H, , ' ' t - ~ ~ ~ r â€"â€" (10.1 11111, 3:) Elmhul‘st, Lansing. l ' gownv grey and black avcessories "Pd g Kin†, 18‘0" (111x11 1".I\ l BUAV 11‘)(‘l“‘1: “1].; *1S‘v43 .. as 1 ~ . , > 3 I \ . O fl Illa-IIIIIIIIIII‘IIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-II ill-IIIIIflIIWIIIII launch-1..“ We've had a wonderful t1me George Julv, 1947} ‘ I ~'. 1 . I . i - 1th 35 .1. . f 12. Th (bone ‘ which data Elsâ€" . . . . . . 2 01. IlnS 29L _ _ . _ . . . lb. 758 Pop:.Luts of} thrills, 1.1L,- rodeos, 1031: (011055 2niezicinsficist 1é1ass 05nd:ti0171' sets of the Estat V Adistnquted, 1c - .. 1:l;l:)plnï¬:’n,ll.o$91115: “Eggpll'ré Farm sold su ject ’to reserve hid. h§"in‘c’f l'egalld 0" y to. thoâ€? my?“ GraDELrUIt Juice ‘- ~ ‘ 1~ ~ “‘ 5 ~0 11» which notice shall ticei. have con . . . . . . . . 20 oz. tin 10c Hedlund’s Samlwish Ovaltine .... 8 oz. med. tin . . . . 16 oz. lge. tin 58c 98c Happy Valley Pork & gallons Baker‘s Sweetncr to go out liy airplane and he gave me a mark- ecl cheque for it. G30: How come? Mom: He was guest at a big rodeo dinner that Cookie and I catered to. He was just like a kid for askiirz‘ Terms on propertv. 10“?» on dav of sale, 1/2 cash within 10 days. B211- ztnce left on 11stf mortgage at 41/2“. interest. Immedate possession, Salt- of farm at 3 p.m. C‘hattelsâ€"l h"cwn geldintr 10 yrs. 01:1; 1 black Perch- eron 10 yrs. old; 1 (‘lyde mare IO Spreaj ‘ questions and tasted ryervthinw 011 1 1 V l . . ‘. 5 yrs. 0111‘ 1 colt 2 Yrs. 0111' also fu.l . - - - the table. He wouldiit believe ill‘l't' '- -’ ~ . ‘ ‘ . I 1101‘ the HOUSBWlfe W Beans . . OZ. tln 14C .1. .1. 1 , A H _ ., _ 1 line of unplements. harness and . _ ' O _ . . 2 3 0,5, tins ho llkeS to v Lakei s b\\9(.tlltl LOL1111 inake thing equipment. Terms 01 chattels cash. so tasty. He was :1 ,1 man 2111,11 received. 1 Dated at Toronto thl.‘ 18th day ’1' June, 1947, 111. William Cook 1% Gibson, 912 Federal Building. I‘oron- to 1, Solicitor: for the Admiiiistrat- r‘x. . . . . . suppm‘ted 11' Mr. R - 1. . 5"1‘cei1s, lire sets , “710 “'Bl‘l' St, 1111i DOSSED'SZNL Apply 4 WELL DIGGIN‘ .179 llnes' septic Anyone Wishing to have a table set in the dignity of 1 M'tchell. Litter MI‘.â€al'l?1“M}::l.e§et‘0“€)rf iaturday « t ling-i Aimâ€: ‘ oak Awful-30" k l“ A“: ""‘le‘ “ml tank†commie .b m anal exw‘mtmg' . :1 _i . 1‘. . .' . . . .... - ‘ntt for Owen So_ 11, .- . mg to Aurora ’ \icwzi e. t C» 0 V 7‘ ‘ ' concrete we r1 '5. 0r er early. . 1 m†0 F “*2 '“mge M" h‘l‘e to make rebelh‘tlons' 1: fer a cruise on (11:11;le2122'10 ' 111-1- (rum rr r111 11 sink BARNETT ‘H metal “'111'9 100 1301ԠJarrett, ne Richmond H111 313“- : - . ,.. ; V J "’ ' J ‘ 11111 .1 . ,‘1\ y , 1 4 111. :1. ' - HU- 1‘ .".i' . _ _ 111111111- Richmond H111 118J 1 111:, Brown was formerly .on the : flames for 3" .Occas‘om 1111 1111111 1111121 o'm-ih'ive nil 1131- 1211231111†1331-3111? L11)? 1 “we†SChOOIof the Richmond Hill ngh 2 Telephone IUng' 56 : heater. recent .. verhaulcd. 1 Agply Mm {icimlond' Hm. " ' 1:1“.1 SAND AN GRAVEL denvered any. 1 ' 0 Harvey 11121" ‘ 1312111 Mil s . l â€"â€" 7â€"â€"â€"â€"- where in di. ic :’ E. Charity, Yong. .“..“m“.m.°â€.°.°‘ phone Ricimond Hi 0‘31'2. clwl FUR JACKET. size 14; lady‘s cont. Street and )kside Road. Phono A *â€"" _ new. . 'er heen worn, size 44; 1 coal Richmond Hill 1 r14. tfc. 1 TEAM OF CLYDES Bil.â€- ‘1‘11'1 111 stove. 2-bu‘ 1 1‘ deater. “Good ,. e white mar ' Us. '1 :1 111 7 years (1111.,Ch13m‘. e Richmmfl Hm 1341-11 ALL KINDS URNITU/R/E rapt»... - V :‘GUIIII 1311111 t )1 v""1‘l\'§1'»“-Y Lam†clwl 'ipholstering, c bin work. Wuvu 1111114: 11 - con. 1 auu'iar. __.__ . . . ( j ' ‘1 ' 1» .1 H . . carvmg‘. Est 5 given. N. 1.. R v 1 Phone Maple (11112111. in». 1191\1‘1 4:) AI REE stunting clover. _ J. A _ -’ ll iothy all’l alfalfa. Owner wll' VanDykev 33 Hunt Ave" Rmhmuu" V .1u \1. . s†.,_1;.< - .L ., IS ' , \II\I‘ CIIICis 1 3 NH fiv .\ h H“ 1“, NHL 01 010. Hill 1.1a. D1 \Y _ 1(111111t11s R Adlpiyt A- Rildttlr‘lv . P ' \V. ('aldodgh, \.\'eston ~12w4. ' ‘ . .V - nul'iiiey . 2., 5 arm 11’11rii 1"? . V] r 1 GI TARIO Come out 1111-11 lenJo'v. a N0- 7 h.†p ' C(mcelmn of ch OLD V WA N T E D ‘ ‘ hea.thful and MVIg‘Ol‘atmg Markham, phone llll()1'l\'.llc* 510 3. 115 PIGS 10 weeks old. Phone Richâ€" HORSES) h R N I E B R O (1 K Sport over miles of beau- ‘ “"50 Email “1,†“HM-fl. ‘¥‘lt°’:-}1 0}“ Campb l Mink Ranch . , H *' . 1 , 31'. a“ J *9 I ' 2"] 'l‘clcphone Ma )le ‘1 uful pnvaxto riding trails- (VASE TRACTOR P.l'0“" E‘llll'l'ol‘hwiu 0:11:11 .(t’fls. C011] 30A.m(.)achifilce. ays * ' ‘ I ‘ ‘ V___,_~_ (use 7 '. 1111111111) dis.) lizirr...\' '112111‘111Wle Thornhill my“; 11,. F . ‘ 'K . ‘ t . ‘ . power con "1, both used vnry little; .___.._â€".‘ $ 0. 0111‘ arr“. ' For informqtr also 1 horse jogging 1“ ‘ 311111 sleig‘ii. I‘1~1}I'P1N1CR COAL "1‘1 STOVE , - ‘ i H . c 011 and Leecluvood ‘ ' ' ; m‘lv-< lint of nearly new: 1 Wa' t bedsttali; Ihone Ag] ‘\18le - .1] lebel‘atlon phone 'l'lioriihill, 1 mil .outn " \'o. 7 119?. ; nuniher of large 1: .111] Walnut pic- |nsurancc Ina ers W] receive ticSZ tiire frames with ‘111ings. Apply ._ .â€" I“aple 4912 01‘ Maple 54r5 W06D§ â€"Câ€"OOI FRQ t‘ t ' tiâ€" t'tt Richmond 81., ’1 ' I11111 IIill. ‘ . . c 1 ., 1, 1-1'11n au tuna c #1111 , .31". u in the usual prompt attention Alex Dunscith Jr., Mgr. drop-in trim 3284- “elml milkâ€, \ T112111131211biéimiesiilï¬memm d . T with double unit, {1171). 1’2 and 3‘4. _ an seerce. . urn west from Yonge St, 11.11. (‘ent‘ury niot 's,‘ and Suï¬. . . on Elgin Mina Sideroad ILlet‘thLDzlll leiatetrs, l. a. IIIotlstclin Sale Reglster I . cows, 21y 21111 s raw 1‘1 :911 in r111 e. _ . ‘â€" 2 Iii-"9“ Toronto Radio & Spoi s Ltd. 241 .Qyâ€"vaDyY v ~ J A k “ . . ‘ .4/ 11 1 1 . . JULY Sâ€"Auction sale t _ 1°â€ng St:1__l_°1'm tic} ot tarni stock. implements. dairy ° . Ilull!!!llII!Ilï¬lllllflllllfliflflfllllllllIII-IBIIBIIIIIIIIIIIII I ' W H N“ "1" " “mâ€- Sl‘m‘lm‘c’" -" “09‘ poultry and Ill-IIIIIIIIIII' SEW NC .IAC I1 «1.10111 suite. H .\ 1 fl ‘.‘ I 111111 twin ,‘beds, SDFIit'Z'n 111111 SW1.11511111“;‘etuuilréinqi h‘tgtxranyogc ULAflGE 11:15:11.2:1511;1.12111{31:11:11 ~ . 11 Gravel . - . -’ .' l. ‘. 7-. . ~iston highway from 1e Liverpool 3 111111 tuinituie nd used artiLles 0i _\ ‘ H )1 > V v J A Fair 1 all W W ~ Trading 01-1111: 1°Ji..'..“‘1°."i.â€~‘ <31. Ston & Fill Yonge St., Thornhl 1111112 12W. " i '1 x . b ‘. . “ Open daily 31 a.m. to 1 11.111†Thursâ€" llll‘llmeml' 1* qulttllig'ytarmingz sale W I day eveiiino's until 9 [1.111. clwl at 1.1l‘m' D'S'T' he“ and Clall‘e 40 C 1 O D ‘ ’†Prentice. auctioneers. ‘ 1 1 , r _ ~ â€"~â€"« Phone Richmond Hill 147J . .A 4 A J 1 ' Milkers completelv installed with El) 5': “61;: £3,111 hail-[gt .)1 -.2s .‘ - ‘ .t-. ("5"2' 9~“ . . '74 I)IJ & 1119111. 101 2-1, ('011. 2 3121313121111, RlCE‘l- \‘w .| 3/4 h_p_ ence Controlsv 1.90.: $12.95, mond Hi'll, turn east olf Yonge SI. _. L3: ' (-1 _ f8 D El . cc on to 111“V‘l(l'1;11n Rd. for 114 Wiles t1) ‘ 23 St. aliï¬nldgl. phi f 51133“. Uglï¬ig egg; con. 2 (Bayview Ave.) and 4th farm IN THE MATTER 01* THE ES- . t .. ’ 1- . (11' '~ "4 ‘â€" 1iorth on east side of road tii: TATE 0F JOSEPH ALBERT _ I Cockium G1 11 I.) oft. $30. New . ,1 , GLOVER I t f th Town.'n- of Emmi wood “mugs $6850 property of Bermor Farms Limited. 7 1, a e 0 e f {P _k u) on q ace he 81.5 310?; 9’5 HOL DESCRI TION OF PROPERTY: \aughan 1“ the County 0‘ 01 1 R0 31 Y ‘. [)1 ' i siein c1111: hay an straw taken in 9†acre “my 18 “mes from City Guard’ deceased' y 01“ Aaln ' . Quak r M ffqt‘ trade Toronto R‘ldl & S orts 2-1.1 Hallv TON tor elECtrlCity 1†3 bamg‘ ' - ' Ch ,3 1 ' e u t b nu*'1 St 1.0 1‘ ' pi ‘tf141 80 ft. chi en house. 70 ft. impleâ€" A.“ persons havmg any ‘llalm ees‘d’ /2 lb‘ pkg. 21c - 0 he " 0‘ n 0' L men ‘l1ed ar e hank barn all roofs 32.211"le the late Joseph Albert Glover 9 k 17 1 g . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 p gs. C . - . , .. _. b.- . who died on or about trio 19th day , . v . in 1st (1. condition. Sioom 11(‘l\ , , Golden Wax B . and POP‘ Gem .Wldl‘ If 1t house 2 but r0 ms wi‘h showers and 0f AugUSt 1942' or agnms‘: ms eans Purlt F1011 ls" t. Mom and Pop' \Oure both ' 1 '~ ' o. ‘\- . ~- 1, Estate, are equired to send parti- _ .L y r lookmg swell How come? P0p_ 1111.001 plu bin.“ Never failinb calms of the Iai 4' th nude, 1 ' 11 c . ' 1. ' ‘ .t" tl‘ e'h ‘ ['1 f ' l'tv. '_ ' 0 ms '0 '3 " Chmcv quailâ€? /\. . . . . . . . . 7 lb. pkg. 27c “mired it from A'Wta- Mom: Eulealcl‘il'es 101312111 “15111111, 021 p582: 1‘11 Signed on or b fore the 12th day of . . ‘ ' w , I I _ 1 , . Sale at 1 p.111. DST. No reserve as Marasch‘l‘o Cl‘err‘es me “1y “‘9 best Burns 111 em" “W 1.1.1.. 11 A. s. 0 W N E R S _ 6 07 'jar , sausa 6, OZ. tln 27C would help him to reduce. Baker's “Uttwneml’ phone StomiwmiE â€"- IN â€" r ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " Sweetiier in lx'es tasty (liiiiks, llakâ€" m "' 1 Royal York Coffee This Week’s Tasty Treat JUST PHONE W Durham Corn Starch 11b.pkg..ldc er's Sweetner helps you to slim. B211:- 1>i~‘s Swvctiicr 's wondtrt'iil for canv- 1112' and queen 'ing‘. liitihctirs like ie1~t to change without notice. Transâ€" portation prepaid on cash with orde'i‘ shipments of 10 gallons or more, up SA'l‘URDAY,‘ .IL‘LY . Bothâ€"Auctioi vale ot‘ registered and accredited Hol. ’ 7'1111‘139 ('11p: “I'se your noodle, lady. use, Markham and _ . . . . . . . . 1 1b. 3.11:“. 391: - l ‘ . Baker's SWL‘L‘IIK '. SHILH'V tzist 1, no «fin , heâ€le tractor,“threshth ps' i l ‘ . t h C k ' 1oltpons easy to \‘E‘ Vote 11 cl") m‘l‘lllmi‘ Ml!†““ple’llt‘ms' mllkllm Rub A “.0 I . eI‘SCO C ~11 e . . . . . . . . ea: 330. Ay1n‘er MlXed l)eas {Hunt lie,“ 11m“ “lg-Jug)â€. ' (i "I". lIlIlL'l‘llnlJ. Wofd: l'le(‘t)'lt~ milk cooler. "1‘ YOU \VISH' O y p‘l‘o b d 1 IHKHH \, ,l‘,[‘,,l,\‘,[, li(ilr\(‘ll‘1lil tLiiitui-1-, et1'., the prop- QEII YOUR 28 oz til 340 3111113113 ‘ Cake . I ea 33c an carrots ' 211 111.’ ‘ ' ‘ 225 113.111.. “‘1' “3' “MW-V M1 “5'39†1‘“ "4'; “1‘1" ‘ L . -------- ~ ~ 1 ~ - "WW- ° 1 .. . . . . . .. 211 1.12. 1111 18c ‘11:; 1.11: 1101111: - FARM - LOT ‘ I l1),‘1j‘ltl‘.l.]l‘1‘ili11g . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1110mm High. No reserve as farm 1.. IMMEDIATELY I‘li‘t‘h 11( 1 iii 231111111; i ' i ' ' i I ' ' ' ' I ' 91/131; “’1‘ “‘1 l""’lâ€'l“'»â€" is giving 1111 CALL 1 1‘1 1 ,- H, I 1 1 v ) A» V -1,v ,1: I ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ';.__,'l':,_ forming. Fab rtili‘ls‘ at 12.30 noon 1 v i N \1‘01‘131LARROTS,CALBAGE, LETTUCE, TOMATOES, CUCIJMBERS 1:311:11: :::::::::::: $131131: 11111-11111- 13.111151111111113! ,;1;;;1 RON LD M. FENN _ V n ,2. S ...,;1. \1‘1 :1111 11'1‘1‘ 'ci1uc..:1 1'11 - I ORANGES â€" LEMONS - GRAPEFRUIT 11.3 1211.1312’51 11.33.533.11. wa Matte and Insurance I llflflï¬ï¬‚llIIIIllaIII!-IIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIHIIIE"'RH E to 1010 milesmto nearest express or your noodle" ’â€" THORNHII L. 'E-Ill-IIIIIII' _ ili'l1|ll<};(il't l1))‘1111'9. (7e11, 1C. Beikoi‘,l Lady: “My gomlnessxwhere‘is'it? PHONn 168, II I: W .m .1... ,f :1, \ I. _I , . I IllllflillllIII-llllllllllIllllliillllliiIiihliiillllfllllflaflli 31111111111111 milliole ll mm“m,1ill1l 1131111“Mdllum‘lbmltmng1111mm.“ W-"c’wï¬â€" A