â€"- «ww m- till“. LTEERAL. ltlti‘llMt)ND lllll†ONTARTO 7 PAGE SIX ' 'â€" “STAPLE 1 Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 High School Notes mm :1- mo rears pass. r110 111111-21 VICTORIA Stilfï¬l“) married lil'e. they {Lo expresmrl =IIIIIIIIEIIIEIIIï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬ï¬gaflflflfl§3ï¬aï¬ï¬ifli£ _W ‘M \VEHDENU Xxxiylinslluxl- I at I I i i 1 â€" “J'H‘Hlt'i iwr' tiradaatillf 11â€â€œ 1 11- TII 1~ .1 I 32; .1 1- , H : I I H I†V ,V L I ' ‘1 "I “ 1“ â€"‘~ ‘ ‘ i 1" \ H is l \s 1 1 I a i L v1 . 1" ‘1’ “(mm L‘ s _ .' d) ] 1].... . .1 1» :1‘ 1 I I ll ‘ ‘ \ .111; :1! '111‘ ’1’ * Ipflt \r ‘ lint“ = fl 1 l.‘ i1111‘1 11.11191er Vlil‘a lt‘hl 1 ’ \\\(_ 1",.“ H I c it W 1 > 1 1 *1" -’ ' ' “v 1 1 1 1 1 11-11 .1 i . 1‘,A. \ h ‘ I \ Eli \ 1111.1 .1. 1 . 1 i . ‘, ., l I o 31'1 1 . \lr .\1.-c.111 1'1†.1.» so .11111 1' : V gem ' ii I il l 1 i i 111: i 11.1 '111’ 1... mi; 11111. 1". H W: V‘. I‘Mvp 11y. ,"J t ’1 l I l H. ‘ ‘1 , l .1. i I. . I 1 I h" .1 - 1‘: 1‘1 1‘,‘ 1 ‘11-1 I :1 i i" 1111.. 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M “"11"†“M†M" days 111 “which :1 111:1:1 1:111 an ouimin I m 1H1 ‘111 l 111 ’1'1. 1' "1 ‘1 “ 111 111‘1' 1"!11“1'1\'s. 1‘11 1“" ' 11111111 1.» take l.1~ 11-:.1‘11‘2s. 11' he I a w l H i 1 HI A "1“ ‘ Ilimiw i‘ :1†"3‘1 >1â€â€â€â€œ 11"“ '2 111' l 11111v\ 11- 111>11'\’ l‘e xxx-111d 11111-11“ I a M "'1‘" 1 ‘ 7‘ 1111- 11111' ii Vi! 1‘ Trill“, “it†11"†11m"- ‘\,â€l‘| (lH‘i‘ lid- eiitci'Iaiiiw-d inlllw lz'tvhen 111:111,\ :1 I a "1 1’1“ 1‘ 111' \I: ‘1‘412'i1 11:1‘.'1‘ 111’1'1 iiiiim 'H illu- iini 11" “Lilli: 'm I ‘2 till1(:. 111 this \\21:\' 111‘ 1‘A'i.l1l ‘s‘t't‘ l‘1>\\' I m 1 - . - - ,_ 11d 11l11\111|>. 11 1111111111o~»(\ 11.11 .. . .,. 1 In), hmw \. pvt h“ .1\._ .1111 Llit'll‘ll‘l. 11w. lxt-t-lei' is .111 1 . 11 ‘11 u]. 1- . .p‘ .‘ I w . . . 1. . . . . . l . - . .1 .V‘ ‘ W I} (T 11 1\ \1.1 11.s 1111' 111.1.‘.~(1\}1(r],tllt0 ol 1. t (“p.11 0†H“, “gm 1.â€! \\ 1h myâ€. .1‘1 s11... » - . _. 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I H H i i i I i I “I†“‘- 1““l" “1"†111 mm" “l 1"“ So on Saturdzu. .1111.) 21. they .1117 I ' ' P'â€" ':1'-s l s Her '11 l 1t us look .. .1 . . .. W- ..1. mm 1' c .1 ,1. ' l r ‘ Ell 1" ‘ l '1‘ “ l - Al N 1111.1111111 .11..»111 so 11 ...ll\( . 11c1 . I 6 iglocks SOUth Of 1150“ A\ t. l ' ) m“ “l '1‘“ ('lm'l’o‘h 1"†“'l"t"1v ‘1‘ and neighbors on 1.111: 111111 :111111~ I E “Knight inâ€. “MM “helm Illlll‘Y‘V \“w “ll ("i'n‘ Vcrsary at their hum» at Victoria “ I ‘ ‘ _ ' . .. . I ‘ ‘ llElrl‘iN Slhll SUN 1‘ TJOVVE RS 111:1lly pay dearly. 1111: “311011.315 ill's‘l Smer Thu “021111†mumn.‘ huh, , . AUTHORIZED DLALERs FOR m is... All 1.121 1‘ 1' 11-111 I ~ ‘ ~ "'“i pm“ †‘1" ("l-‘3' 1‘3 “'1 i :1 3'†their spacious law‘vi 1'otte1l wit 1 ‘ Phone orders dclu cred any- . , _. . r V _ Y .. I T c 1 E h V 1111-1 “(11111†“‘11 100 lllll'll “NHL†small decorated tables and seats in.- . hf‘ Where longe St‘ 111‘."»‘i"â€l f'll‘m't. 1h? lfil'e Whirl; der the shade trees. llt'lltllvos anl . ' I its 1‘1Ct 1w'1'crs' set-rrity and com ort. an1 friends enjoyed 1}“. momvship of I 2518 YONGE “Ill't'h “MOWI' “Mm 1’ 3â€â€œ “11 “11Ԡthose whom they had tot seen [or I (A, qt (‘loméntq) 11(‘till‘lv \vnlno mod; n Comfort-(tom Kemp“ Aft“, Cflnflmmmï¬ng. [1“. I ll V I i ii “lmmv 111:†To†53'1"†int“ mm“ 1‘1‘11 bride and groom on their successful I Helen Simnson Lynott J. F. Lynett FARES ARE LOW Round Trip â€" Tux Included FROM TORONTO Beavertoa . . . . . . $3.15 North Bay . . . . . . . . . . $11.90 larrie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.80 . ‘ (‘olllngwood . . . . . . . . . 31.8.11 (Subject to mange) Ticket.) and information at RADIAL STATION 111011110141) 1111.1. i‘nLWrioNL‘ hmond Hill llardWare GEO. M. HILL dz SON 52 Yonge St., Richmond Hill Phone 302-J RICHMOND HILL we Deliver AGENTS FOR MURPHY PAINTS and N = tVO ENAMEL 177 Ric TENNIS RA Prich at $2.11) and $2.95 ea 1 to clear I l l ' DISH SETS 55â€"picce Dinner Sets, floral pattern. $23.95 38-pieee Luncheon Set, Royal (‘amer- Tennis Balls. (i5c. caci‘_. ‘ onian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11.15 Soft Balls, 95c. to 32.111 eacl1~ 32-piece Luncheon Set, white & gold llard Balls. $1.00 and each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 810.95 Ball Gloves. $1.30. 3" 50 and $5.25 each PYREXWARE Just received a large shipment. a wide range to choose from. Replace the piece that is missing at regular prices. Make this store your headquarters for your fishing: tackle. We have now a good stock to choose from. GRASS SHE“, RS \Vl’l‘H N O'l‘t‘ll T]. 1‘1 ’ S LADDERS $3.15 33.75 $1.25 $2.19 Priced at $2.93 and $3.611 Similar to illustration m Similar to illustration HIE (it‘ll WINDOW llle’LAY (llt‘ TIA-TOX DDT. FLT-[HID 5'; DDT BERLOU Mtl'l‘ll SPRAY ({ct after those flies and mosquitoes STEP STOOLS All Metal with Rubber Tips 8:119 each liilchen Wall Clocks $7.97) plus tax (‘locks 542117) and 93.113 ' plus tax Electric Alarm t‘locks $13.31) plus tax Bedroom Alarm l’Ylt'1Hlll) HOUSE .l.‘\(‘l\'S FUR RCNl‘ llY DAY OR \VEE' it DO l‘il‘E t'li'l"l‘lN(l 'l‘llllEAlHNt} Alto Sash Glazing. We will pick up your sash and deli\ er. Good stock of tllass n (‘Al'le’lth ‘ Same as illustration WE AND I o 1' on hand. Oil RENT ELECTRIC lRONS AND 'iOAS'l‘ER ELEMENTS 1119111,.11‘11111 (111;: g Tho putting" away from you 111' all the dreams of high ll'vt'l‘lli,‘.1’;‘ in the 1"..1ms of your ment ll and spfrztnal 1111‘. The routine becomes a rut; 11:1 you sink into ,1, over deeper, ‘11'11' conversation how-mes the repoâ€" tition of what ‘pooplg 5,15" 1.1111 j.">1l grasp l'or any juicy hit 01' ;:o;s1,: :1- enlaen 11111 monotony: "Let u»- mow» :111111: 'thi.‘ .11) wf‘ 2'1‘11 here" The life 11" the soilx's.‘ the riulhnt or tilt" arri t (in my oil 1111‘ various arts man has deyclopcd 1'1 1i< 111111: pilgrimage). What i< price? The snrwndcr 121' t‘I-H' illiilh‘. ‘~'-."'\' 'm't‘its that the first -- 11h '2 hore‘ain: and the setting“ {-11'171 on what may he a lowly mad. in 111.11‘11 will lie lion‘s ol' 111411111111thâ€" 11.111 and rocky sic-.gtuyr of selfâ€" 1 ‘\r1l row let 11's lool: at. on" mar? Tlils one is 11.11 as is the sec-ind. may he 1 . I’es oli’erintrs. ‘4‘st‘i.te1l to the low ‘ it 111 on to all whate'u‘i' their immediate enyitonmcnf. it is the s'alwart soul. The price is the inhest of all. hecausc {he pnrch:1.~c iv a rarity. it must he paid for. first Of all. hy the widening (11' your horizons. hyeo'd sell". 11'}'-.’~'1nl family. 1‘eyon11 your circle of congenial ac- quaintances. out to the world's t'ar end. 11 demands the (‘Olll‘tlg'zj which ’ares to think independently. which ‘11] make no compromise with inâ€" ~astire. with falsehood, with second Mists. ll. 11111._will demand the sur- render of many of the valued amen- ities of lil'e. The choice of this pilâ€" e‘rimae‘e is lor the stourdieai'tLL for those who love risk rather than seâ€" 1111‘ity. the dangerous slopes to the peacet'ul Valleys. “l have just one thin: to add as we look at. these three wares. The world of today is such that one canâ€" not ceunt on the sccaiity that the first choice offers. Those who would t'ace our tomorrows without cringina cowardice need souls well knit. How you will meet those' tomorrows is 1war resimnsihility. "Take what you 111:0.†said God. Take it and pay for 11.‘ "hi these my last words to you as the class of ’47. I should like to read to you the prayer of«a ereat Canadian. who has cned to Tlunyan's Pillrt'im- May we he children of. May we he choldren of and hotter day which We trust is cyen how lreginnine' to dawn. May we not impede but rather co-operaL’: with the great spiritual forces which we believe are inmelliuq the world onward and upward.’ “And my fondest: wish for you is that when you are near the end of 30111' journeying: you. too. may he able to say: ‘My sword I ine to him that shall succeed rec in my Pilâ€" grimage. and my courage and skdl to him that can very been lik~ the lii'ighter the brighter Hot 11‘." ' . R. H.‘ KANE REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Telephone 92-R Richmond Hill GEORGE WADE and His RN HUSKERS EVERY FRIDAY Old Time and Modern Dancing Dancing 9 â€" 1 Admission 50c. Wednesday and Saturday Eda‘ewatcr ’avilion Jackson’s Point their pleasure in meitnig so many. former acqua1111111111113. Relatiyes and l'111-~1.l\ were there from T‘etrol‘ia. Ottawa. l\1lt'll\‘lll“'. Freemore. T‘arkhill. l _11>11I111, \1n - land. Toronto, Stouflvilh. Rinemol and (lormlcy. . On looking: over 111" crowd 11:1“ could see the forms and features- of Mr. and Mrs. Louis: Niclols ninlii~ plied. Now instead of two wlxi started out together they are 1111's;â€" ed with a son, 111') daughters. a daughterâ€"inâ€"law. a :1111â€"111-law and ten grandchildren. After enjoying each other's comâ€" pany for a couple ol‘ hours Mr. Nichâ€" ols inyitod the guest-4 :11 accompany the family to Maple \'1lla in Maple. where he had preyim1:!..' ordered at appelixinu’ repast \\'111“l satisfied the physical needs. Alter dinincr \\'1 it toy, E. .\. ('urrcy. 0111‘ tsteelued pasâ€" tor. toastâ€"master. T1'lllC friends were called on to say :1 l'ew \\’o1'1l:. Many kindly exprcs~1 ins ot’ pron-e were attrihutcd to 1111.11 hride and groom who inyited company to 21s titt‘ return to their home where the wedd- ing‘ cake and other ict'reshmenis were served and ea."1 enjoyed more fellowship. With wishing" .llr. 11111? Mrs. L_ l. Nichols many. many more happy r0- tiirns and thanking t‘icm 1‘111~ their kind invitations the (111113711111: social event came"to a close. 11ml .', 1111 11113111115 M A R K H A M 'l‘wo Shows Nightly at 7 and fl p.111. Last Times Thurs, July 3rd ROSALIND RUSSELL IN “ SISTER KENNY †Fri. & Sat" Jilly Jth & 5th In To hnicolor Douglas airbaan Jr. Maure n O'Hara IN â€"« “ Sinb d , he Sailor †Mon. & Tu Clementine †Wed. & Thurs. July 9th & 10th JAMES (‘AGNEY â€" IN â€"â€" v “ 13'Rue Madeline †Saturday Matinee every of Hardâ€" wood. Softwo (l. Slabs, Fireplace Logs. Cedar Posts and l’olcs. Sawdust Wood cuttina‘. post ho‘.c digging. pumping; lowing, local cartag‘e FRED TAYLOR 7-1 ltlt'ilMONl) ST. l‘hone .‘BISW at 2 17.11:. Custom Work 3 ’OOOMWM 09000000000099“. 9009.00.6“WMWQ 1 1 1 1 .1 t g l .’. 4, ’7‘ "t .452! r 15‘». of?» i 1 *~ ’ l Jigï¬gï¬? other“ W A ELARENE \BROWN Pillillllllllllll CLAUDE J RMAN, JR. as‘JODY' $13373 DAILY 9. AM ‘WVQ‘O $90004906066900.000090909000090...90099000000 Walter Bone & Son ALL KINDS OF WIRE FENCING, ALSO RAIL FENCE BUILT/.4. SEE OUR STOCK 0F RENEE AND POSTS W . 1 D STEEL. ND WIRE PRODUCTS MASONARY\-WORK DONE Maple RR. 2 Phone Maple 28r2 for Information on your Insurance rohlems -â€" Coverage, Rates, Ca 2 2 MMAA- M \‘lL'T LEAD A l. OTHERS IN CANADA On Wood's Mil Coolers, accurate Minneapolis-Honeywell controls keep temperature oft nk within a 31/2 d gree range. This saves electricity because [he cooling goes ahead steadilyâ€" of in iumps. it saves reiects of warm milk -â€"the temperature is under close-range control at all times. Thousands of dairy shippers who must have efficient, dependable cooling, rely on Wood's Coolers. Built-in models for 410 24 cans. Ponable models for 3 to 12 cans. * POSITIVE CIRCULATION all water in tank at same temperature In Wood's Coolers the water automatically circulates continually into all parts of the tankâ€"no wczm can: in the outside lows. ALL cans cool quickly. 1% ICE CANNOT FORM on coils to lower cooling power The rapid circulation of the water in the Wood's Cooler prevents ice from forming on the coils to act as an insulator and reduce their cooling power. THE WOOD’S MILKER â€"â€"oflers many advantages not found in other milkers Y,ET SELLS AT AN ATTRACTIVE LOW PRICE. Built to Wood's customary high standards with one- piece seamless pail in either aluminum or stainless steel. Genuine gum rubber inflations. Rustless. Easier to clean. _ 7 E. .l. STICleEY ORLX SQTLKRIS PHONE STOUFF‘ ILLE 7513