:96...Oâ€OOOOâ€OOOOOOOOOO960900000.066066666066066“ 0E0 :OOOOOOQOOOOOOOONOO966009000606â€.66000000600006.“ 'WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONOOOMNOO. .WOOWOwt‘OOMOO0WOQOO 09000.?0000969 “00M! 1% York Auu D=°==O=l02 Feeders Who lieep- liecor 9 Master. Get You MASTER CHICE . nu. CLASSES or a: " Pouunv 7. mm uv: SIOCK ; ‘ .‘ run aumuc ; ANIMALS a. DOGS: ' .3zzzzgagggzzazaz‘ Re-Roefinï¬ (5 Elizabeth St, Richmond Hill, phone 14-8 ON ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES 50 Cars and Trucks wanteer wrecking. “ Tony Saves You Money †Stop 12B Yonge St. Phone Zone 8-218 ELECTRIC MOTORS IRONS LAMPS N OIL BURNERS RADIOS PHONES zâ€"THORNHILL 118W JUNCTION 2980 Stop 24A Y0ng"e St. Dealers in SHUR-GAIN FEED AND FERTILIZER HARDWARE, TIRES, BATTERIES, GAS (1' Firestone and Seiberling Tires The finest and best. All sizes in stock- R. COOPER and S If it is for car‘, truck, tractor 0r army Service and Repairs y ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN. w Insulating C. RIDD L Protect your chick investment. Feed them high quality, neurishing, caref lv balance Master Chick Starter. It means fewer more vigorous. stronger chicks. Master Starter has been first choice amon oultry- men for years. Feeders Who Keep- Records Eventually Buy Master. Get Your SUPPLIED and GUARXNTE ((71 _ INSUL BRICK SIDING. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVE ALL CLASSES OF POULTRY FARM LIVE SYOCK F U l B E A R I N G We» specialize in re-roofing, CEDAR AND ASPHALT SHINGLES, ustom Grinding and Dï¬xixlg E- J. HINSON by FERGUSON omo 30 Years Experience J UI Phone II DECOR} Telephone Maple 651‘21 'l‘ESTON, ONT. 252.], Richmond Hill INCLUDING pr 00 19A rice 'I Phone WE HO farts RANGETTES RECORD PLAYERS \ TOAST‘ERS VAC-U M .CLEANE S WASH] I ES Milli have it. paid. on Parts†OED 0=O== P.O. B 50x OILS roses. Miss Evelyn Wilson the recipient of many at showers given in 1‘ fore her marriage 5.3 of Toronto on June '28 of" the Corporation of of Vaughan intends to dispose of the lane 1 the northerly limit of I ha:- from Bathurst St' ma'ny lovely am fore leaving the Simpson Co. wh‘ ployed, the staff leautiful matchi With 'the seas softball team h losses and were from day night with a score of 19-14. Manager John Dev and coach Norm Egan are doing an excellent job handling the team. The pitching chores are well locker] after by Mur- ray “Fire Ball†Ezard and Clark “The Old Sizzler" Archibald. ‘ The other players are Ron Kyle, Art Kerr, Emerson Jennings, Ewart Jennings. Keith Kyle, Bab Walker. Rowly Winter, Art Ross, Nip Arm- strong, Ross Boyair, Kcn Richards, Len Shropshire and Jim McDonald. A By-law for the said ‘purpose will he considered by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Vauhan at its meeting on the 5th day of August, 1947.1e1d in the Council Chambers at Maple, Ontario, at which time the Coum'il will hear in person or by Counsel, Soiicitor‘or Agent, any person who claims that his lands will be prejudicially af- fected by the By-law and who apâ€" plies to be heard. A copyrof the proposed Byâ€"law and plan of roads affected is in the 0i?- ice of the Clerk of the Township at his offices, Maple. Ontario and m'ay be seen by any person interested. DATEU this 24th day of June, AD. 1947. ' J. M. MCDONALD, Clerk, Townshio of Vaughan cottc Kem ert l'iC .‘l‘ey )‘165 TAKE NOTICE Tue: i-ve 'v 1a 3T1 Bujll with stronger Rayon Cor Dominion Royal Fleelwa Tires or design- ed for'tou aulugeâ€" long lifeâ€" low-cost mileage PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. {ichmond Hill. Ont. Telephone 81‘» I. PARISI SONS Complete Tire Service TRUCK OPERATOR§ were IST CHOICE OF lilN G E.l’.,‘ and J nd Thistletow The tie ,tzan NOTIC uet one 3d. AIM .1 enterta 'n where and neix: ll] and 115! the offi where I the C ' Cour ‘son 'ht vex ibï¬d 011 rm “'i a 111 nnn an 1 autiful gift honour be enneth Sin King Unit Kemish en AL feated King: vas played l past week e E.P. 10-9 “‘1 Y1 lamps over, 31'6 Towns} p up a T -1 hur 4. W I‘h 111 LAN( The Donald White (Spell With the increase of fire hazards, property owners should review thei- insurance policies, and due to the increased cost of materials would be well advised to increase the amounts of insurance. Also bar owners who think it will never happen to them are caught some time or other with, out protection. The cost is a minor amount to what it will cost if an accident happens. ton (Hi Richmond Hill {ea ant (‘ARRVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOI . PROMOTIONS If my peopl by my na: themselves, : Wicked from 1 theï¬7E AcWT-G-em ommand- eth all men everyWhel to re- penit. . A A m‘ ~r 1 ., “AL INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS ma! us th What is the 111 Back to the Bible and God Crusade A. G. ' SAVAGE i.) mated tc STAFF PROMOTION :ked way: In heaver {Ytsin a1 e is being w111mg t sin. When we a1 forsake our sins ( the powe_r to obey arv Burton, T) vern McCart'n_-. INSURANCE AGENT 11 Beaven. William ( Hobbs, I Ar :lCe (Spel 11‘ 3L! m )l' rle name, shall numuie es, and pray, and seek . and turn from their vays, then will I hear aven, and will forgiVe 1 and will heal their Chi-on. 7:14. “The time is ful- ld t kingdom of God 1T in 3A1 W Consult M L] M e Mar 33’ ( m which are c 5. shall 'hu IE Morton Ch ‘xza'ret Che 11 £11116 Telephone 118 Carol Jun 5 Stvan, Shi White (Spel of the 1 nl'ig'hte 'eer arle Wage xt 2" ment en Kea '( Math.) My W ‘Carol Ru 31: Houtix vern all PetEI )bert LeMasux'- l Munro an VVors- t} called humble 1d seek M (Arith ‘e Doic: n00! ft 3ND HILL, Donna harles Ienery Ereen- M Mary 511' 111 1 Sat thy d )ll meeting Baldwin bert J e1 JUNE El The topic ' (refrigerati want notâ€; Art) TEMPERANCEVILLE Also hog and Stock minerals de- livered to your farm, one or more bags at a time, assuring you of a fresh supply at; all times. 11 Richvale Art) ature m D I'l' Eventually! Why n01; now For deli'very call a1 Watkins Products full line of well kn0wn house- hold necessities in stock ads refre mm on Jennm ERNIE DURIE A1 romotions PR ’1‘ Womer at'the Ir :Dona Char] OMO'I‘IUN i n to G1 Jt es Sw Art), tu1 Wi Phone Maple 64M (I If H :1 Swan (I (Rec. in 1 M A Ite eatt Art) o If maiiers little who} you w n! to buy lhese days ; : ; soap, a shirt; :1 new car . . . even electricify (which you don't have lo"line up for) coniinues to be scarce in South rn Ontario. Have you tried to build a h e lately? 2 : ; tried to 'buy building materials «of any lz‘ind. What a headache! How would you like to be shopping for what's neede for a new electric power plant? Unimaginable amounts of concret steel and other materials, as well as tremendous quantities of electrical equipment, would have to be sought out and purchased. It takes several months now to get such equigment as transformers and costs are up by more than half. The bigger they are the harder they are to get. What about the huge generating stations required to supply Ontario with an additional badly needed half-million horsepower? Well, they are being built. They were started years ago. But they cannot all be ready in 1947. Some won’t be ready next year. In the meantime, demand for electricity is growing faster than new power plants. Few people anywhere use as much electricity per person as in Ontario. Few have as much to use. Enioy your Iow~cost electric power, but use it wisely. Your Hydro Commission is doing everything pessible to increase the supply; but it will still be necessary to conserve electricity this fall and winter. , Ml will A1 HA M (H) Anm H in ’hone 12 26 Yonge St vgenera! Motors Parts Genuine Ford Parts and Accessories We now have for immediate delivery both 8†and 10" Plain ¢ d Rock Face Cement Blocks. These blocks are ‘51 '1m cured in kilns to give you good ‘ out chips or cracks. Order now ' he spring and summer. timates g given. souni’ to avoid disappom Any information or (‘ AR ave your car Germley Cement Block C0. Phone RICHM®ND HILL 340w REPAIRS Iities Service Station MEL. MALTBY Rock Face Blocks (1 Specialty m: grow SPRAY AND SPRAYERS { AND PASSENGE FULLY INSURED. 2'0 SL. iRchmond Hill, (opposite Radial Station) Day and Night Service NEW STUDEBAKER CAR Phone Richmond Hill 292M our car checked on our up-to-date Power Prover for Gas Wastage. PAIRS TO ALL MAKES 0F CARS FARMERS TAXI TORONTO MA. 7709 GORMLEY, ONT. EDON PAGE SEVEN Richmond Hill DON'T BREAK SIREET LIOHI'S in“