Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Jul 1947, p. 7

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TlilljllSDA‘f JI'LY 17th, 1017. l i l E l l l â€"â€",â€".'â€"-.â€" York Auto Parts “The [louse of a illila'ion Parts” If it is for car. truck. tractor or army vehicle, ye have it. Firestone and Seiberling Tires The finest and best. . All sizes in stock. woaomouomouo Innâ€" “050%.... :r 50 Cars and Trucks wanted for wrecking. Best price paid. “ Tony Saves YorrMoncy ” Stop 1213 Yonge St. Phone Zone 8-218 o=0r=ouo==o=mrz===omo 62:31:";â€" ’2 cuomomomomomonom OEO â€"â€" DECORATOR ' 30 Years Experience Phone 252.1, Richmond Hill Stop 24A Yonge St. P.0. Box 268 4 Service and Repairs ON ALL ELECTRICAL “APPLIANCES INCLUDING ELECTRIC MOTORS RANGETTES IRONS RECORD PLAYERS LAMPS ' TOA.."I“ERS OIL BURNERS , VACUUM CLEANERS RADIOS WASHING MACHINES SUPPLIED and GUARANTEED ,by FERGUSON 6 Elizabeth St., Richmond Hill, phone 14-8 j: «- o h; WOOOM”””OWOO¢MOOOOOOO¢0¢¢OOOOOOOOOOOO¢I R. COOPER and sons ° Custom Grinding and Mixing Dealers in SHUR-GAIN FEED AND FERTILIZER HARDWARE, TIRES, BATTERIES, GAS 3: OILS / 'I‘ESTON, ONT. 5 Telephone Maple 651‘21 .9ooocooooooooooooodomouioooooo«oooooooooum \â€"- W””OOO“””WOOO”OOOO0000.0”00000.0“... OMONNWMQ .Re-Roofing ” r! We specialize in re-roofing, CEDAR'AND ASPHALT SHINGLES, INSUL BRICK SIDING. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN. Insulating C. RIDDELL PHONES:â€"-TIIORNHILL 118W JUNCTION 2980 ooooooouooomonuoowooooommoouoouom MWWMM‘ MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMME M Start Chicks Right Protect your chick investment. Feed them high quality, nourishing, carefully balanced Master Chick Starter. It means fewer losses, more vigorous, stranger chicks. Master Chick Starter has been first choice among poultry- men for years. Feeders Who Keep Records Eventually Buy Master. ’ Get Your MASTER CHICK STARTER From M Phone Thornhill 54 WE DELIVER A”?! .. BALANCED ' FE 2gaps i All. CLASSES OF POULTRY FARM LIVE STOCK -., FUR SEEKING : INIMALS & DOGS FE E f FEEDERS ’ wuo' KEEP , mam ‘cv'sur'u 3.3333 33333333333 Roger \Vestern. Toronto, was the weekâ€"end guest of Joly". Lanedon. (‘lass Win First ('lass Honours Pupils of Mrs. ll. lta\\'li1.y_~:s achiev- ed first class honours .n the recent Toronto Conservator y of Music examinations. Shirley lawling's. grade 1 theory. SS per cent; Thelma (lordon. grade 2 theory. 86 per cent: Roger Rawlings, grade 4 piano. 86 per cent. _ Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Burns. and a friend of Bceton: Mr. and M 0 Cameron. and the farmer‘s *‘ Mrs. Gibson of Wes’on: M' and Mrs. George (‘ooper of Teston were visitors at the home of M“. .I. S. Lawson on Saturday. following Mrs. Mclllurchy's [funeral at Kin'l‘. On Monday last Mr. and Mrs. Reginald l.inham and children. Toronto. we‘.‘n visitors of the Lilwsoiis. Mrs. Andrew McClure returned to her home from Toronto Western Hos- pital. having- successfull; recovered from a surgical operation. It i< hoped her convalescence period will restore her health to a point where she will be out among: her friends soon. i Mr. ‘A. B. \Vells is confined to his home through ill health. but is now improving and able to sit on the veranda. Neither Mr. Wells nor \‘lrS. McClure were able to attend the fun-- eral of their sister. the late Mrs. Annie McClure held on July 12. Funeral Servioe for Mrs. McMun-hy Following declining health, death came to Mrs. Annie Eliza Wells Mcâ€" Murchy, widow of the late Neil Mcâ€" Murchy. at a Nursing Home at New- market on Thursday. June 10. where she had been placed a few days prev- iously. The funeral s3rvice was held on Saturday. July 13th from Kim: United Church. with the minister. llev. M. II. Jenkinsou. officiating and interment in King; cemetery. A lore‘e family connection was present and the bearers were nephews, Wilbert Burns and Alfred (li‘lham of King: J. E. Burns. Beetou; .‘irthrr \Vells of Maple; Harper and James Wells, To- ronto. Deceased was a member of the family of the late James Wells of ‘Ircisiey. a pioneer scatter in that locality. After her marriage she Settled on the filth concession above lx'iaghorn and upon her husband‘s death 30 years ago she moved to King: where she had since lived. Mrs. RUNNING water is u necessin in the form home today. And in stables, burns, poultry houses, green- houses und truck gardens it adds production and profit enough to soon pay for a DURO Pump installation. The new DURO Pump â€"â€" built to give a life- 4. . . IS the Farmer’s time of satisfactory service. See us for complete informa- lion rian 19M empire crass til-FE. 1:11 LOI'IUOI'I 'HRITIILTOI'I 'TOROnTD- SUDBURY-UJlnanE G ‘VAI‘ICOUVEH Hall, who with his [other and wth- and Mrs. Rock and other neighbors. witnessed the spectacle from about 11.30 p.m. on July in}: Mr. V. A. Hall counted 1:”) or the plateâ€"like phantoms. anl whether they were the same saucers trave 1log back and forth in rapid suece ion. he is not prepared to say. so mystic was their flight. They have been noted by residents on two oeca<ions at least: who are just as puzzled as the rest of the continent as to the classifica- tion of their identity. Members of King linith Church W.M.S. and Martha \‘iinter Mission Band enjoyed a picnic meeting at Memory Acres, Kingho 'n. on July 10. On July' 15 the couureu'ation am. Sunday School of the some church made a bus journey to FlintlEIIC Park, \Vomlln'ide‘e, for the annual outing. . King Township Free Chest X-Ray Organization within Women's luâ€" stitute bran-hes in King Township. for responsibility in the personal canvass for the Chest X-Ray survey is now under way. I’lt'tnes and indi- viduals will he approached and ac- quainted with the proicct, cards Dreâ€" seuted by the canvasser and these returned to the Cage Institute with names of those err-operating in the survey. The Institutes are the key to successful canvass, rays Dr: A. F. Kay. Schomberc‘. chairman of the Township committee Pro-school children are not enlizte'l but all othâ€" ers up to 160 years of age or more are urged to study ‘he need and the opportunity of the survey. It costs nothing. and is paid for by the Christmas seals of National Sanitarâ€" ium Association which you buy each year. The Xâ€"ray is a picture of your lungs, simple as a snapshot. and gives you the free opportunity to find out if any TB. germs inhabit your chest. or your neighbor’s chest. Note King Township clinic centres August. 1st and 2nd at Schomberg hall. August 5 at Nobleton Communâ€" ity hall. August 7 and 8 at King United church and August 11 at Ketâ€" tleby Temperance hail. Communities are being advised what centre they will attend, Can- vassers in each district are ready to answer questions. so there is an equal chance for all to he informed. Reeve L. B. Goodl'c-llow and wife have returned from Winnipeg where E mpc 0 Fixtures & Fittings Styled for Beauty and Utility for EMCO Kilchen, Bathroom and Laundry . . . protect the health of your family . . . add lo the comforts of daily living. Learn how easily and economically you (on modernize your home. Call Us today. MAPLE TINSMITH AND PLUMBING SUPPLIES MAPLE, ONTARIO Res. 621‘32 lelTE-D picnic t tine address by Mrs. Reekie of Kim: on her experiences in the Bible Field in India. Miss Jessie (it‘llately and Mrs. L. Shropshire sang: a duet; Mrs. A. Jones, Mrs. Shropshire, Miss Gel. lately and Mrs. D. Ross sang a quarâ€" tette and Mrs. Jones gave a reciâ€" tation. Nobleton Street Frolic The horse and buggy days were the times when small community pic- nics were annually held in the local groves, and good times they were. With the advent of the motor car. no distance is too great to travel to a community day in rural Ontario, Through the press and radio these celebrations are widely publicized and with revenue derived from such occasions rural communities set. up selfâ€"contained recreational centres, large or small as the case may be. but indicative of the movingr spirit of the times. Nobleton Memorial Rink is the inspiration of the Frolic on July 18th and the completion of the $15.0th estimate required to fin- ance the project. And too. there will be time enough to get in a few hours sleep and go on to the Aurora Legion celebration on Saturday. July 10th. Albert Neil Oliver Meades is the proud addition to the family of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Meades of King. He was born on June 28 at St. Michael’s hospital. Toronto, on the seventh wedding anniversary of his parents and his sister. Carol Anne. one year old. was born on the sixth wedding anniversary date of Mr. and Mrs. Meades. King Branch Canadian Legion, N0. 438, will hold a dance at King on August 23rd. Other important events are being planned in this connection. The A.Y.P.A. of All Saints church has closed for the vacation season and will reâ€"open in the fall. the leader, A. L. Meades has announced. The membership stands at about 25. and growing interest points to a good year ahead. ‘ EDGELEY Edgeley United Church \V.A. will hold its July mCEting‘ at, the home of Mrs. Alan Poole, Concord, Thurs- day. July 24 at 2.30 pan. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ciffen and son. Mr. and Mrs. George Cameron and children of Toronto visited. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Bag:r and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Keffer on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Bagg- called on Mr. and Mrs. Sheardown of Schem- bcrg on Sunday afternoon. The binder twine has arrived and can be secured at the home of the club secretary. Mr. Paul Snider. Mr. and Mrs. R. .J. Burlington and sons visited with Mr. and Mrs. Kingâ€"_ ston at Bronte on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Georg), Snider and sons visited at Fair Haven on Pfi- day. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Mortson and baby Alan of Lansing visited at Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Stoog’s on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Keffer and fam- ily are moving into their home on Baldwin Avenue, Concord. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snider, Mr. anl Mrs. Andrew Snider of Maple, and Mr. and Mrs. John Coats ef New Toronto motored to Listowel on Sat- urday to attend the funeral of their uncle, the late Mr. Frank Pearson Anderson. I' Miss Margaret Devins. Mr. Jack Devins of Thistletown and Mr. Beas- ley of Weston had supper with Mr. and Mrs. A. Bagg‘ and sons on Sun~ day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mortson. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortsm and sons of Victoria Square and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mortson of Richmond Hill visited with their mother, Mrs. Mortson, on Sunday. Billy and Terry Elliott are spend~ ing two weeks at Camp Sunfish, near Stroud. 4‘ «10".. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Broadbelt and daughters had supper with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stanley Sunday evening. Mr. Bruce Snider. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Snider and Rev. Mr. and Mrs. McLean of Willowdale visited at Fair Havens on Saturday. Miss Halbert’s entrance pupils, Isobel Keffer, Lily Young, Billy Ellâ€" iott and Ross Humphrey's all passed. Congratulations! Mr. Ellsworth Keffer is building a house in Concord. Master Donnie Horan of Toronto spent the weekâ€"end with his aunt. Mrs. R. G. Keffer. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grubbe of Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jackâ€" son and Jimmy of Maple visited at Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Kct't'er’s Sunday. The Chest Xâ€"ray will be at VVOOd- bridge on July 28, 29 and 30. The district is being canvassed by mem- bers of Edgeley W.I. DANCING Ilancinu' Every Saturday night at llolton (‘asino to Merryâ€"makers‘ El- piece orchestra. 3*:4w52_ / Confederation Life MAPLE I THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILIJ, ONTARIO ' an“ ' '- " PAGE SEVEN __ =_â€"=:â€"_7' _ _. . .__.____.___ :r/ â€"- K. {3. Do a N :nu\uiripal ..\»\v'.t'lc‘renceys \verclheid.{ ‘ ( ‘ ‘_ g V , ‘t t t . ttl'lllil i‘ is. Aililt‘l Alllll‘t “I. ' a" i j" :‘ '7‘“ f ‘ " ’i i -‘ a. Eng bl y Shirley llauiiug‘s. 1"1' 7. than tet't â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€" r, 'l‘tuw'iay I'oi t‘amp .\h\i,ur.yooi,.'j. 11‘ 1,...)t-l \Vuijkuigtut‘. i!‘ 3"" 1'41 "1.31;" r < it"‘l‘f' V 11 PW. 1lake Simeon. for erriit days. s Huiwhuw' staff of Hut-:1 Mwunl H'I 3“" rum 7t. 14th .1th 1:: '. 'i t'. . tin MM MW, “WW” 1)},1LHLW‘O. .lwml and spot-kill” in art. :- =.i‘.i-‘ -t‘ hire” liedml Vii“ in} I ‘l'fiXoi-feton. otterdctl lit'l‘.\ at t‘!‘)\'\l=". . in: “or thy-El \L'zll »‘to:m‘r to lv-r- '11 “us 3W lat l-L'W! il ‘ \i 1‘ 1" . lhwuh. inhifl‘: :i coitus" lil‘l' the o‘â€" ‘ I arts :::.d vial-1's ‘11 It”. 1 t" 's 2H" 1“ l l" ‘~ ‘43 """ Jllxit‘ll. yhx 1..., '1 [1,1]..“ lil'illt‘liittl of jacv'v- 1'” ' ‘ l “ 12' “"1 Parsonage Morlua‘le Wiped (ll't' Hum“ pig}, Minot. ,\ lini'difltillf ....’.isc was wri'itai of ‘ c cra'll‘ 'lhe l>lllll:l‘.f_: of rho morteagc t'i . .\\lll1 her sister. .\lr~. l‘dtil't‘l‘rv \Voili- '«ll. o" ~50 1‘U "" ~ ilc iiaptist llilvl'>\\llll:t‘ ..t King" was :t d A it :tor. at lx'ine'. her home ant WM"? ‘ ‘Jl' matter of immediate interest to the _\]l-, ant Mrs. W. Nee ant I‘omiljf ‘ieufiiiv :znd :i‘rurru“. Sic '\ ~ "UL-1 roixei‘ce'ations at lictiteliy. Second I H,“ “Hm”, “I '1';1;,'.-1‘,:.‘\_ Xtiit‘i- ‘i'ie' , ifs nat‘ire and” had rut“ King and lying vil‘acc. The event . , , _ _, viii illllitlln. i 1110 lk‘rllk‘t'l till 11 ‘1‘7‘l0 circle «3' was characterized on .l'lllO ‘ZTlh with i "m0 >01”. car (hod‘ed on our up-to-date Power Mr. and Mr». Frank .-\l'l\‘.<ll’tlllv_f Sr. ti'iend~. ller hudrwl lil't'lrreustti ,, 51.0.43] Spry-p... 3,, K Hg ppmth, 1n- Drover for Gas \Yastage. . are motorintr throne" Northern (l.iâ€" her about fill years .‘i. Flie is MW tended by the three appointments. â€"â€" Izir'o on a vacation HUI. \‘in lav qu l‘l'dlllm'] «’\- 1”. “Vii?”- whcn llev. ll. ll. llaidy. Toronto. st REPAIRS TO ALL l‘IAKES 0F Mr. and 111;. Russt f'lall', Shel-i hints“. Wm. \Q'L‘llfi-(‘Il‘mm‘if‘y ill-«1117 the speaker. It “a: drrina' M". drake lloulevard. [‘oronto. \i.~"tv sister. Mi». .. . v v'ltl'tz \HIL“. «‘li‘t‘ Hardy's pastorate in lit-“:3 that the . l' ‘lu-ir uncle. Mr. Peter L‘lark. 01‘. Sun- a nephew. 'l‘htpu‘is' (“Ullfi‘l'fin lSlnli‘i'l. parsonage was purchased hert- at'ter ‘xTTi‘h d: ‘. Ncumarltet. \\ iom >110 HUSH. amalu‘anmtion of the‘(‘ coiie'ragzi. ' ' 7 1Mrs. Cilhcrt Follinif and daughter \\'l1cn the (‘anadian Legion Post of mm; in the Same “pump Mm. “um-y LI‘ E STOCR SPRAY AND SPRAXERS (‘hervl of Montreal are spending \Villmvtizlle made a 1‘11! lo the ("31' Webster and Mrs. John Little sauu‘ holidavs with her parents. Mr. and of Buffalo. N.Y.. Mj'ri. Alex Brooks a duet at the service and afterwards Mrs. Arthur \Vcllesley. Mr. Folliott of Strange. one of 11f” mvmhm‘S ‘10- a social time was spent at the par- ' ° ° ' l9 (‘Xlll‘l'll‘ll WT“ lillt‘l" Vile“ “"13 “m ““mllillllt‘i1 l'.\‘ M”- l'lt‘d “"375. “ll-S sonaa‘e when other musical t-ontri- be spent with his parents, Mr. and in attendance and 1‘01 "rts a wonderâ€" billions were made and a short 3.]. Mrs. Albcrt Folliott. Tcmpei'anso- ful outing and sifl‘lll'>f‘(‘lllf£ expt‘dl- dress given by Mr. John Edwards of ville. litm- the Secondâ€"King congregation. "' Justice C. Ford and wife of Calâ€" h. Dom Flying: Saucers Maple Presbyterian W.M.S_ enter- Phone 12 Richmond Hill Q’ary were guests of Mr. and Mrs: Fly-mg- ;uupmg have hem soon at taiued Eversley Society at the home .lohn Riddell last word; anl nirrmlrl King. Village. appomfinv: (.y'oy (in. Na. of Mrs. John Phillips- early in July the street dance at Kine; the fir>t 5011'”. 111,11 am] Angliuai chum-h 1mm}. with the Maple president. Mrs. Geo. in their experience. Justicw l‘ord it\" They- wm-o like phosphoriis dis-ks- Mathewson. conducting the devotion- fmmd the dam-o a lovely Spot and Mime withmug,(1~;1\'eiliiisr;it a rapid al and the business for that group. the entertainment full of surprises: speed 1,0111 oust and west. said C. ll. l‘lversley provided the program in a 1 «Andrew Snider it INSURANCE Representing State Farm Automobile Queensland and Insurance of North America Fire Box 1th Phone 91W IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE of: Fully Accredited & Reg. HOLSTEIN HERD I.H.C. Tractor, Threshing Machine, Farm Stock, Implements, Dairy Equipment, Furniture The Property of HARVEY M. USHER Lot 14, Rear Con. 5, North York Twp., 1 mile north Wilson Ave..on S A T U R D A Y REG. HOLSTEIN CATTLE . 1â€"Herd Sire, Lochinvar Desrgn, No. 178129. born July 17, 1943 11.H.C.FarmallM Tractor; 2~â€"Cow, Peggy Korndvke Alca1‘tra,, No. 34-1912. born Jan. 2, 1936, fresh, calf by side 3â€"Cow. Toitilla Kaye: Inka, No. 526061, horn Mar. IS, 1942, fresh 4â€"Cow. Ashdam Mechthilde No. 561362, born Mar. 17, 1943, fresh calf by side 5â€"C0w, Dewdrop Artist Marina, No. 485059, born Jan. 27, 19-11, bred to herd sire Nov. 17 6â€"Cow, Rag Apple Toitilla“ Al- cartra Keyes, No. 565569. born April 0, 1943, bred to herd Sire March 11 7â€"Cow. Rag Apple Jean Posch Tweede. No. 565368, born April 10, 1943. bred Nov. 18 Sâ€"Cow, Rae: Apple Flo Colantha. No. 601723, born Mar. 21, 19â€"14. bred Nov. 9 to llll‘tl Sire 9â€"~â€"Cow, Rag Apple Haken Posch. NO. 601722, born Mar. 11, 19M, bred Nov. 15 to herd sire 10â€"C0w, Ida Rag Apple Piebe lgenol No. 507792. born Sept. 26, .941, bred Nov. 9 to heed Eire 11â€"â€"Heit'er, Rag Apole Belle Abbe- kerk. No. 633626. born Jan. 16, 1945, bred NOV. 5 t.) herd sire 12â€"Heifer, Rag Apple Betty Piet- artbje, No. 633625. born Jan. 12, 19-15. bred Dec. 13 to herd sire 13â€"Heifer, Rag Apple June Aleartra Girl. No. 616495. born March 25. 19-15. bred to herd sire Nov. 4 14â€"Heifer, Rag Apple Alcartra Jean No. 657778. born April 20. 1945, bred Nov. 16 to herd sire 15â€"Heifer. Lulu Dewdrep Chieftain NO. 666264, born Aug. 10, 1945 16â€"Heifer. Rag Apple Piebe Dekol. No. 666216. born Sept. 18, 19-15 17â€"Heifer. Lochinbar Aieartra Peg- gy, No. 684813, born February 22, 19-16 18â€"Heifer. Lochinvar Pontiac Col- antha, No. 708227, born July 29, 19â€"16 19â€"Heifer, Lochiner Mary Rag Apple, No. 7108230, born August 15, 1946 20â€"Heifer. Lochinvar Lulu Burke. No. 708828, born Aug. 22.. 1946 21â€"Heifer, Lochinvar Betty Calam- ity, No. 708229, born Aug. :4, 1946 0 22â€"Heifer, Lochinvar Hilda Segis. No. 725998. born Jan. 16,1947 23â€"Heifer, Lochinvar Mary Alcartl‘a No. 744506; born Mar. 29, 1947 Above mentioned cattle are fully ac- credited and practically all are vaccinated and with exception of two heart have been raised on the farm. Anyone wanting catalogues apply to auctioneers or Mr. Usher, Wes- ton R.R. 2. DAIRY EQUIPMENT 1 DeLaval Magnetic Milking Machine 2 single units, 25 outlets, com- plete with pipes, in excellent condition 1 Electric Motor, 1/2 'r.p., good 1 Woods Electric Milk Cooler, 8 car cap., complete, electric motors 1 I.H.C. Cream Separator 1 Milk Strainer 1 Set Stewart Electric Stock Clippers 1 Electric Sure Shock Fence HORSES 1 Bay Mare. Belgian, 11 yrs. Old 1 Dapple Grey Mare, Percheron, 5 yrs. old Terms Cash. 6th Line North York J U L Y 2 6 T H TRACTOR, IMPLEMENTS AND FARM MACHINERY. complete with pulley, lights, starter and equipped with rubber tires, al- most new _ 1 Mount Forest Threshing Machine, 28x42, complete with high ele- vator, clover concaves, straw shredder, wind stacker, self feeder, etc. This machine is good as new, in excellent. condi- tion ' ‘ 1 I.H.C. 3-furrow Ace Bottom Trac- ' tor, Flow in‘ ‘éic'Eel'lent condition 1 Frost .&1 Wood Cultivator, 17 tooth tractor hitch 1 I.H.C. Grain Grinder. 91/2 in. plate 1 Circular Saw complete with mandle, steel frame and 2‘s in. sa‘w blade 1 Set Tandem Disc Harrpws, Mâ€"H 1 Rubber Drive Belt, 6 1n. HORSE DRAWN IMPLEMENTS 1 I.H.C. Binder, 7 ft., truck and car- rier, horse and tractor hitch, good 1 I.H.C. Mower, 5 ft, tractor and horse hitch 1 Hay Tedder, I.H.C. 1 Dump Rake, I.H.C. 1 Frost & Wood Hay Loader 1 I.H.C. 13 Disc Drill, good - 1 Cockshutt Manure Spreader, good 1 No. 13 Fleury Walking Flow 1 Drill Plow 1 Turnip Drill 1 Set Heavy Diamond Barrows, 4 see 1' Set Light Seed Harrows, 4 sec. 1 Scuffler, I.H.C. 1 Steel Land Roller 1 Set Bob Sleighs 1 M-H Farm Truck Wagon 1 Democrat ‘ 1 Flat Hay Rack 1 Cutter 1 Sleigh Box MISCELLANEOUS 1 Beatty Litter Carrier Bucket com- plete with car, etc. 1 Horse Fork Round Rod Car 1 Horse Fork 1 Set of Sling Ropes and Chain. 16.0 ft. Draw Rope complete with pulleys . 1 Set Renfrew Scales, 2600 lbs. cap. 1 Wheelbarrow 1 Root Pulper 1 Roll Farm Wire Fence, 40 rods Number of Steel Fence Posts Quantity of Chicken Wire Number of Steel Barrels 2 New Sets of Doubletrees Whiffletrees, Neckyokes. Forks, Sho- vels, Rakes, Hoes, Chains and numerous other articles FURNITURE 1 Findlay Kitchen Range, enamel finish, high back, warming ales. et and reservoir, complete With oil burner ‘ 1 Kitchen Table 1 Kitchen Cabinet 1 Kitchen Cupboard Number of Kitchen Chairs 1 Lard Press 1 New Single Bed, springs and mat- tress 1 White Iron Bed, springs and mat- tress ] Brass Bed, springs 1 Dresser 2 Washstands 1 Coleman Gas Stove 1 Churn Number of Jars Numerous Other Useful Articles HARNESS 1 Set Double Harness with breech- ings for twin neckyokes 1 Set Single Harness' Number of Horse Collars POULTRY About 70 White Leghorn Yearling Hens About 100 White Leghorn Pullets, high bred, 4 months old 2 Geese and 1 Gander No Reserve Farm is sold and Proprietor is quitting farming. Sale at 12.30 Noon sharp D.S.T. L. E. Franklin, Ken and Clarke Prentice, Aucts. Markham l’.(’).. phone 206; t'llA S. HESLOP. Clerk. Milliken P.O., phone Aglncom’t 52w3.

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