i Phone 86 . Richmond Hill 3 WWWMOOOOOMâ€OOâ€G "WNOOOOOOONOOOQOOOOOOOOOOHWOOOOOOO090060G James J. McCann, M.D., Minister of National Revenue The prescribed forms (S.P.1) are available at all Dis- trict Income Tax ofï¬ces of the Dominion Government. All pertinent information required on the form must be included or attached thereto in schedule form. Ten- tative or incomplete forms or those ï¬led after 3lst Augurrt, 1947, will not be accepted. Recent amendments to the above Act provide that all standard proï¬ts claims must be ï¬led with the Depart- ment of National Revenue before lst September, 1947. All applications are required to be in such form and contain such information as may be prescribed by the Minister and the Minister may reject an application that is not made in such form or that does not contain such information. Department of National Revenue Paris Auto Supply Ltd. PAGE EIGHT “Launderall†COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE Excess Profits Tax Act Standard Profits Claims Immediate Delivery NOTICE Ottawa Taste for yourself the finer, more delicious family mmls made possible by the tasty quality and high value of foods featured at your Dominiqn Store. A bail' team gathvrrzd from the local Lions cldb playrd a team reâ€" presenting the North York Oddl‘el- lows at the park Friday night. The spirited contest resulted in a win for the Lions by the‘score'of 11-6. Miss Greta Jacques and Miss Mar. The following Thorn‘nill girls left on Tuesday for Camp Alishunyoonq, the C.G.I.T. camp lecated at Vir- ginia, Lake Simcoe, Jacqueline Rich- ardson, Lyn Giles, Dove-321 Lougheed. Marilyn Wesley and Coral Crouch. Misses Geraldine Wesley and Mar“ J\‘]‘ie Jamieson are acting as Traders atythe camp. -Mrs. Johï¬ MacCallum. the former Edith Davies, returned to her home in Montreal on,Monda\. Mrs. Elre'y Gray of Ottflwa spent the week-end with her brother and sister-in-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. George Giles. The society was hon lured by the attendance of the District Director, Mr. Robert Little, and several mem- bers of the American Delphinium Sopiety. : Mr. C. E. Little of Richmond r11}! acted as judge and he also made a short address prior to the distribu- tion of prizes. A feature of the evening was the open class, 1 spike,~with an entry fee of fifty cents, the winner to take the entire entry fee money. Mr. F. Small, whdse flowers were outstandâ€" inz, won this prize. Miss Annie Cooper of Toronto is spending the summer at Homewood Hall, Centre St. Horticultural Society Delphinium Show The annual Delphinium Show was held on July 7th, convened by Mr. P. Bone and his committee There was an excellent display of blooms, beautiful baskets of Delpliinium and lovely table decorations of mauves, blues, whites and purples. The prize winners were? Mr. F. Small, Mr. Geo. Reynolds, Mr. P. Bone, Mr. E. G. McKean, Mrs. B. Heslon. Mrs. Hansen, Miss Margaret McKcan. The many friends of Derry Giles will be pleased to learn that he is progressing slowly but favourably. Derry wishes to thank those who have so thoughtfully been inquiring about him during his illness. Mr.‘ J. H. Crosby, vice-president of the Loan Supervision Department of the National Trust and Saving Corporation, Los Angeles. California, Mrs. Crosby and a friend, on their way to Richmond Hill, former home of Mr. Crosby, called on Miss Rasa Harris and Mrs. Stewart, old friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Don Davidson, Lois and Lee are vacatipning at Mountajn Lake, Hali- burton. . Thornhill District News THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO All persons having (any a-laim against the late JosephAIhel-t Glover who died on or about the 19th day of August 1942, pt against his Estate, are required to semi parti- calars of their clai’mS‘ t9 the under signed on or before the 12th day of July, 1947, after whiéh (data the as- sets of‘t‘he Estate Will‘bbfdistributeil, having r'lxegaz‘d‘ only tb’fthose ciaims af which notice shallitheï¬ have been received. ' Dated ‘at Twontp ‘thge 18th day a" L'une. 1041-. ml Wilkan; Cook .\v Dated ‘at Tm‘ontp Hiya 18th day 0" L'une, 1047.: m- William Cook Av GFb‘son, 912 Form] Building. Tog-un- to 1, Solicitors for thetz'k-hninistrat- IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF JOSEPH ALBERT guerite Campbrll are holidaying for several weeks “t Wasahza Beach. ‘ collision ~b tween ï¬n automobile a t a southbo -nd‘radi_al car at the co ner‘bf Yongp and; Golbourne Sts. on-lï¬Sl'lnday. re~u1ted~5xi injuries to tw? women. Mrs. Ritizv Hamming ol‘ Laingstaff, and Mrsi, Annie. Richard ofiiISh'erbourne Street, aim-onto, were boih slightly injured, while William Jeimings of Langstaj’fg escaped un- hutt, according to Prqvincial Con- steible .Arthur Harrison. Everybody likes to be humbugged once in a while, so long as they don‘t know how it’s ,done. Mrs. Geofge Dean]. Miss Mary Dean, Mrs. Wm. Dean and MiSS Murâ€" ie] Dean have returned after spend- ing two weeks at Apherley Inn, Lake Simcoe. CLOVER, late' df’the' Townsï¬iï¬'b’f Vaughan in the County 01' York, Guard, deceased. Notice to Creditors Harold W. Mortson Yonge St Farm Implements and Repair: Massey-Ha_rris Rite-Way Milken . Beatty Stable Equipjnent and Repairs Beatty Washdn bnur-‘Gain Fertilizer .Corn King Milken} “Gem†Milk (‘ruén tad Electric Fence" MASSEY-HARRIS t. ‘ Richmond Hill Telephone 98 H are holidaying for f. Wasaza Beach. tween an automobile nd‘radi‘al car at the “mu WOMOWN“¢ iGarnett’s Haulage Street Dame Wednesday, July 23 on Markham Main St. (Rainbow Gardens in 62153 of rain). Russ meighton’s Band. Dancing- 25 . Lucky draws, games, bingo, fine 6 - ‘ertainment. Sponsorel by Mark-r ham Veterans. Proceeds for Buildâ€" ing Fund Ethelwyn Hobbes broadcasts neWs of special interest to women, Mon- day to Friday, at 10.30 a.m. EDT, over mid-east and mid-west stations of the CBC Trans-Canada network. She may also be heard on Tuesdays at 4.18 p.m. EDT, over eastern sta- tions of the same network. WMWOOOOâ€Oâ€MOOON This CBC commentator is an ard- ent reader, which helps explain the diversitypf topics she is able to deal with in her broadcasts. Fan maii comes to her from all over the con- tinent, and her replies are enough to keep a small postoffice busy. Most of her letters go to listeners who write for information, on a variety of subjects ranging from snord- dancing to cheese-making. ETHELWYN HOBBES ‘ CBC Commentator Ethelwyn Hobbes is a friendly wo- man with an infectious laugh, and an amazing fund of homemaking in- formation which she shares w"th thousands of radio listeners in her broadcasts. Off the zil', she charms every new acquaintance with the same disarming manner which has won her wide popularity as a com- mentator. (She also makes funny faces to amuse babies' in street cars. and can give you an interesting new recipe at. the drop of a teaspoon.) Ethelwyn Hobbes was born in Winnipeg, graduated in economics from the university there, and work- ed as a reporter on the Winnipeg Free Press. She also spent some years as an advertising copy writer, and during the 30’s ran a restaurant in Montreal! 'In radio work since 1940, Mrs. Hobbes fills the important post of consultant on consumer information for the CBC, and is well known as a free-lance writer for Canadian and American publications. She has a grown-up son, and knows from prac- tical experience how to combine housekeeping and a professional career. ‘ J. Rny Herrington NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER GENERAL INSURANCE (Fire. Automobile, Etc.) Richmond Hill, Ont. Telephone 87 COMING EVENTS CARL'E‘. HILL, M.D., M.O.H DEPARTMENT OF HEIALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK Phone Thornhill 77W In September 123 children will commence in Kinder- garten and 363 in Grade 1. 4257, 1/2 pints of milk were consumed at school in first half of 1947, in 1946, 5181 14 schools gained 297 pupils, 5 schools lost 34 for a not gain at May 1947 of 263 pupils. May registration in 18 public and 1 separate school was .3547, the largest; school, Lansing, 495 pupils and the smallest school (Zion and Emery) each With. 26 pupils. .During the spring immun- ization campaign in the schools 2164 treatments were given to pupils and pre-school children against diphtheria and whooping cough. Attendance at the Child Health Conference for the first six months was 751, in 1946 same period 446. Dental examinatio were completed in June YE» 1550 rural pupils, 819} of dental consent cards have been re- turned signed “yesâ€, 9% “no†and 10% not yet re- turned. In September 123 children will commence' in Kinder- garten and 363 in Grade 1. Sand, Gravel, INTERESTING FACTS AND FIGURES Loam, Fill the spring immun- campaign in the 2164 treatments W0â€â€œ00.000600090090996000Oâ€OMWM“W Wm“Oâ€00096009900â€â€ONOOOQâ€OQMOMOW Consult us regarding all electrical wiring Flat Rate \Q'atcr Heaters Installed. IlflllI-lllmlflflflflfllfllllllIIHIIIIl-II III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIII' J. Carl Saigeon Agency WILL BE AT AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE WEDNESDAY, JULY 23rd F .L. LOWRIE, R.O; Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted SPECIALIZING 'IN PERMANENT \VAVING ALL BRANCHES OF BEAUTY CULTURE PERMANENT WAVES. SHAMPOO & FINGER WAVES SHAMI’OOS, RINSES AND COMBS. and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 A.M. TO 12.60 NOON OPTICAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACI D Prescriptions for Glasses Filled For Appointment Phone Rlchmond Hill 38 ALL KINDS OF WIRE FENCING, ALSO RAIL FENCE BUILT. ,SEE OUR STOCK OF FENCE AND POSTS WOOD AND STEEL. FROST STEEL AND WIRE PRODUCTS MASONARY WORK DONE Maple RR. 2 Phone Maple 2872 EYESIGHT SPECIALIST % All Work Guaranteed. Siding, Troughng and Furnace Repairs Roofing of all types ' Beautiful Des Rogers R.C.A. Victor Rogers 2 Arnold St. LaGrove Beauty Salon Make Household Tasks easier with GEN ER AL ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER Only $79.50 Terms Some with Floor Polisher Attachments Richmond Hill Taxi North York Home Appliances All insurance matters will receive the usual prompt attention and service. Gifts and Handicraft Vaughan Roofing Cd. Walter Bone & Son TRY OUR PICK UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE. Haughtpn Brothers TELEPHONE 300 4815 Yonge Street, Lansing - PHONE ZONE 8-411 COMBINATION RADIOS As Low as $119.95 R.C.A. Victor MAPLE, ONTARIO E R N I E B R 0 C K Phone Thornhill 102 A Radiu for every room MANTLE RADIOS 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE 10‘ RICH VALE, ONTARIO Telephone Maple 11 Sparton Sparton General Electric TITE’RSI‘ Richmond Hill 1361‘33 EX-Servicemen Quality Performance General Electric Estimates Free 17th, 1947