Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Sep 1947, p. 4

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III-IIIIIIIIIIIIlll-l’llllllllllllllllllIHIIIlllllllllIIll-Ill-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIII; I] Carnivai and Dance Q=0=0=l0 III-IIIIIIII IIIIIIEIIIIIIIII IIIE ll _ IIIIIIINIIIEIJ The biggest howl Monday to Friday at 9.30 pm. Phone 292-M MUSIC BY RUSS CREIGHTON LUCKY DRAW FOR GOOD PRIZES ROXY THEATRE. J Weedon’s Taxi Fitnerals â€" Weddings 4â€" Shopping WED., SEPT. 24th JOE YULE, RENIE RIANO as JIGGS and MA( “ BRINGING UP FATHER ” AND ON THE SAME PROGRAM LEON ERROL in “ GENTLEMAN JOE PALOOKA ” WEDNESDAY & TH PRESENTED FOR ‘By special request The play Broadway MA RKHAM PAGE FOUR RAINBOW GARDENS Magic by T. H. Maynard & Son COUNTRY-WIDE SERVICE Following Quickly! “T‘HE EGG 1 Laugh sensation ofl‘he century MONDAY “ KISS AND TELL ” With SHIRLEY TEMPLE, FRANCHO’I‘ TONE ADMISSION AND DRA\V 25c. Markham District Veterans Association Proceeds for Building Fund FRIDAY Matinee S ‘OEIO m BINGO AND GAMES DICK HAYNES. VERA ELLEN i' CARNIVAL IN-COSTA RICA IN TECIINICOLOR 24-HOUR SERVICE 80" SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19. 20‘ ALL COMIO STRIP SHO\V & THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 2-1 Tl ESDAY. SEPTEMBER I‘HE 0E0 a‘re T‘HE EGG AND I" ma at HOW] JIGGS and MAGGIE Richmond Hill ).m laughter 1 over two OEO‘ I ’l‘ in {KHAM iment vers 11' ca! and important auction sale of herd of good dairy cattle, I.H.C. Farmall TUESDAY, OCT. lâ€"Au-ction farm stock, implements, vhay poultry and ful'nitulfi, lot 35 Markham Twp., on the town] WEDNESDAY, OCT. 8â€"Extensive' SATURDAY, SEPT. 27â€"Extensive auction sale of farm stock, imple- ments, 10-20 I.H.C. tractor, thresh- ing machine, Surge milking machine, Woods cooler, household furniture‘ the property of Wm. J. Nicol, lot 16, con. 4 North York twp., east of Yonge St. at O’Sullivan’s Corners. Sale at 1 13.111. D.S.T. Terms cash. No reserve, farm sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. bet, used 1 year and tractor ment, cattle, horses, furnitur property of John Dew, lot 7, A King T\vp., just north of King No reserve as farm is sold. starts 1 p.m. A. S. Farmer, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 24â€"Aucti0n sale of farm stock and implements, I.H.C. W30 tractor, -new threshing machine, I.H.C. 22-40 tractor on rub- ber, used 1‘ year and tractor equip- ment. cattle, horses, furniture the THURSDAY, SEPT. 25â€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, roots, beef cattle etc., prop- erty of Arthur Arbuckle, lot 8, con. 8 Pickering Twp., 41/2 miles south east of Claremont. Terms cash. No reserve. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. TUESDAY, OCT. lâ€"Au-ction sale of farm stock, implements, vhay, grain, poultry and furnituly, lot 35, con. 9 Markham Twp., on the townline. the property of Joe Mertens. Terms cash. A. S. Farmer, auct. Lloyd Turner, clerk. Sale at 1 11.111 SATURDAY, SEPT. 27thâ€"Auction sale of 40 head of cattle' and pigs including Holstein, Durham & Short- horns, fresh cows, springers, steers and feeders, the property of Ivan Kay, lot 25, con. 4 Whitchurch Twp. No reserve as Mr. Kay has to sell due to loss 91’ barn by fire. All cattle good. Anyone wishing to have good cattle should attend this sale. SATURDAY, SEPT. 20 tion sale of Holstein herd, M-H trac- tor on rubber. horses, farm imple- ments, hay, grain, furniture, etc., the property of Gordon Aitchison, west half of lot 13, con. 6 North York township, 1 mile north of Weston. Terms cash. Sale starts at 1 11.111. D.S.T. No reserve as owner is giv- ing up farming due to ill health. Manning McEwen, auctioneer. RDAY, SEP [e of IL rubbel hay, 2-1“ IIIIIEIIEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Sale Register elf reserve. Prentice ment in he1 TI modern ater. This farm at 9, concéssion nd farm scuth Also at the MBE‘E $11 150 am, complete herd egistered Hol- gs and imple- r and modem rty of Capt. at 12.30 noon iect to reserve ml implements 68 bills. Ken 11‘ m 91' Public adc . M-H trac ZOâ€"Ex- re farm m con. 4 3 City. Sale ‘ auct. ;. milk a barn drive solid nvenâ€" Kyle Auct THURSDAY, OCT. Qâ€"Auction sale of complete herd of dairy cattle, milkers and springers. on the north half of lot 25, con. 5 Pickering tum, 11/2 miles west of Bl‘Oug‘ham and 1/2 mile south, pitOperty belonging to Mack Elety. Sale at 2 p.m. Terms cash. No reserve. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. dairy cattle, I.H.C. tractor, farm stock, implements, hay,_ grain, etc. on lot 30, con. 1 Vaughan twp. 'on No. 7 highway 1/2 mile west of Thornhill, property belonging to Wm. McDonald. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Terms cash. No reserve as propriâ€" etor is quitting farming. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SATURDAY, OCT. 11â€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, furniture, etc. on lot 13, brok- en front, Pickering twp., straight south of Pickering village. Terms cash. No reserve as farm is sold. Property belonging to Irving White. Sale at 1 pm. D.S.T. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 22â€"Extensive auction sale of consigned goods con- sisting of farm implements, player piano, electric ‘washer, household furniture, stove. radios and other ef- fects. No junk at this sale. At Prentice’s auction rooms, Franklin Horase, Markham Village. Sale at 1.30 pm. sharp. Terms cash and no reserve. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. Jas. Smith, clerk. TUESDAY, 001;. Illâ€"Large auction sale of 440 head‘ (kt-dairy ‘ca'ttle, reg. Yorkshire pigs, farm stock, imple- ments, hay, grain, furniture, etc. at east half lot 2, con. 2 Scott twp., property belonging to Ross McGuck- in. Sale at 12.30 noon sharp. Terms cash. No reserve as proprietor is quitting farming. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. M tractor, threshing machine, farm stock, implements, hay, grain, corn in the field, etc., on lot 35, con. 6 Pickering twp., property belonging to Ross Carter. Sale at 1 pm; No reserve as proprietor is quitting farming. Ken and Clarke Brentice, auctioneers. Jas. Smith, clerk. FRIDAY, OCT. 10â€"Auction sale of Cemetery Dancing will continue on the smooth floor at Bolton Casino each Saturday night until Christmas. Merrymaker’s 9-piece Orchestra. Tue DIED PITCHFORTH, Ethelâ€"â€" THE LIBERAL, RIUHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Delivered or at bin Phone, Office 370 Stouffville Plant 5820 Stouffville are prepared to supply your requirements of crushed road gravel, cement gravel, block sand, 3/3” stone, 3-8” stone. Stouffville Sand & Gravel Limited rtl' {ichm clock pt. 16, 1947, Ethel Bam- oved Wife of William lear mother of'Lottie and DANCE : TaylorSs Funeral l Hill on Thursday Interment Thornhill At her Thornhill Ethel B 4w12 RASPBERRY CANES, large Order now for fall planting J. Manley, 23 Hunt Ave., B YY:1I SLACK COCKER SPANIEL, tho oughbred. Stan White, Elgin Mill complete 1931 MODEL A FORD. Apply Suth erland, 2 miles north of Maple: YOUNG PIGS Hill FIRST CLASS RECESSiABgil‘HS CHEVROLET COACH, 1936 ard. Apply 117 Carrville Rd Maple 644'33 after 6 p.111. Hill FENCE SUPPLIES. 8 and 9 line farm fence, 7 and 8 ft. steel posts, chicken fence, also large quantity of snow fence. Norman Bone, phone 259J Richmond Hill. c1w12 ELEC'TRICVRAZOR, Packard, used only few times, $15.00. Apply Box 41 The Liberal Office. EECORD PLAYER, Victor, with radio attachment, in- good condition. Apply phone Richmond Hill 255. .v ~1-.-» ners and figilé; jasper black. Saund- ers, 72 Edgar Ave., Richvale. *1w12 i935 FORD COACH, good condition, will sell reasonable for cash. Apply 45 Church St., Richmond Hill.” 2 ACRES, good loam land. lots 19 and 20, west of Yonge St., Elgin Mills Rd., easy terms. Pat Duffy, 135 Sherbourne St., Toronto. *6w7 new, high back, coal or wood, rea- sonable. Reason for selling, changed to gas. Apply phone 4115 Thorn- hill. *1w12 AYRSHIRE BUL‘LS, calves to breedâ€" ing age. Registered, accredited, vac- cinated, from R.O.P. dams, reason- able prices. Geo. J. Spring, -St0p 14A Yonge St, Thornhill, phone 149. *8w9 1‘0 SQUAREwof _INSUL‘ 3331015, cor- FORDSON TRACTOR and Oliver plow, price $140. Fred Wilson, 1/2 mile north ‘of GOI‘mley P.O. *lwlz TABLE, porcelain top; five chajrs, white; girl’s bicycle, good conditlon. Apply 36 Yonge St., Apt. 2. *1w12 ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS, stair hand rails, fire doge, fire screens, fire sets and acetylene weld- 200 BARRED ROCK PULLETS, some laying now, balance ready to lay; also a few hundred 4 to 5 mos. old. Harold Hill, Gormley RR. 2, phone Stouffville 1520. >1‘1w12 REG. NO". 1 Dawson’s Golden Chaff wheat, certificate 69441, almost com- pletely smut.\f1'ee, third generation, yield 46 bushels. E. A. Weir, Milli- ken-, phone Agincom‘t 30w12. c1w12 TRUCK, International, panel body, 1938 model, good rubber. Concord‘ Floral 00., Concord: c1w12 ingf Apply T. Elliott, Oak Avenue, Richvale. tfc35 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, new, hot water ‘heating, well insulated, hard- wood floors throughout, on John St., Thornhill, with 1 acre good garden land. Apply A. Mele, phone Meh'OSe 6640. *2w12 BUILDING LOT, to close estate Benson Ave., Richmond Hill. Apply R. H. Kane, Real Estate, Richmond Hill. c2w12 1/2 gal. $1.00, 1 gal. $1.75. We pay shipping charges in Ontario general but only north to North Bay and pro ratio. When cash accompanies the ’order for 6 or more gallons. N0 shipment less than lgallon. Posi- tively no refund on containers. Geo. E. Baker, Phin.B., Pharmacéutical Chemist, Stouffville, Ont. KITCHEN STOVE, Beach, almost various lengths and widths; also 5” kiln dried yellow birch and white aSh suitable for truck bodies. Fred Tay- lor, 74 Richmond St, Richmond Hill, phone 315W. *1w12 MOM and, POP. Tom and wife fly down from their ranch in Alberta and knock on door. Pop, come in. Well, Tom and Lucy all 'the way from Alberta. Mom, when blubber- ing subsides, tell us about the famâ€" ily. Lucy, why Mom what a lot of peaches and pears you have done up. Mom, Prices have skyroeketed and we have to save as much as we can: Lucy, what about sugar. Mom, Oh that doesn‘t bother us, we use Bak- er‘s Sweetner, it’s cheaper and eas- ier to use. Lucy, say Mom, it tastes like sugar. You. say no coupons. Mom, yes, $5.00 worth of Baker’s Sweetner is as sweet as $14 worth of sugar. 20 oz. 35c.. 40 oz. 500.. QUANTITY OF ELMUPLANKINQ Apply CAR, Baby Austin 1938,“,g'ood condi- tion, good tires, leather upholstery, under $125 down, $350 payments. Apply evening's after 7 p.m., Mrs. H. Gaudier, Rumble Ave., Richmond Hill, phone 346J. *1w12 DUCKLINGS. Fill up those empty brooder houses with our Mammoth White Pekin ducklings and» [have them ready for Christmas. Burwood Farm, phone Maple 39J. c3w11 with Century motor and magnetic” unit with stainless steel pail, bar- gain price, $200. As good as new and worth over $300. Immediate de- livery on new milkers and coolers. Holstein cows, hay and straw taken USED DELAVAL MILKER complete in trade. Toronto Radio & Sports Ltd., 241 Yonge St., Toronto. tfc8 RATESâ€"Five lines a“ less, 35 cents for first i: for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 each insertion. IF CHARGED NINE CENTS THIS IS THE DAY OF‘ ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT Classified Advertising PONTIA( C. W. } an FOR SALE is as sweet as $14 worth 20 oz. 35c., 40 oz. 500.. 1.00, 1 gal. $1.75. We pay barges in Ontario general north to North Bay and When cash accompanies for 6 or more gallons. No less than lgallon. Posi~ Phone Thornhill SS. G. Barlow, Doncrest 1ff, phone Thornhill 5112. ~ *lwl‘z C 8, will sell cheap. Hamilton, Mill Road. *1w12 :e- berries. g-_ Apply Rlchmond c5w9 Stand- phone c1w12 c1w12 c1w12 1w12 POTATO tion. Ph LADY’S BICYCLE para 1 medium sized tricycle Maple 84M. TOMATOES by the basket or by the bushel. Apply 92 Richmond St., Richmond Hill. GURNEY Silent Gl‘ STANDING CLOVER, about HANGING LAMP, sideboard, odd dishes. N. Bell, first house north of Orange Home. Yonge St. *Iw12 Apply Mrs. Jas Richmond Hill. crop. Stop 1935 CHEV., standard coach, in good condition, price $425. M. McTa‘ggai‘t, phone 46123 Richmond Hill. c1w12 GIRL’S BROWN OXFORDS, sizé covered with insulv roll brick-.7 Apply Chas. Spencer, Hunt Avenue, Rich- mond Hill. *1w12 11 ACRES STANDING CORN NEW 65 PULEETS, New Hampshire and Barred Rock, starting to lay. Apply Jack Morrison, Doncaster -Ga1'dens, phone Thornhill 1941'41. c1w12 400 PULLETS, Leghorn Hybrid, March hatched, from Tweedle spe- cial mating, priced to sell. B. C. Jackson, Teston Road, Maple, Ont. c1w12 TEAM 0F HORSES, Clydes, 6 yrs. old. weight between 1700' and 1800 lbs. each; 1 set double breeching har- ness; 1 set sleig‘hs. A. Crossley, lot 1, con. 3 King, phone King 21‘3. >1‘1w12 row nari-ow bottom, 7 ft., automatic control; double disc 'harrow; both used very little. Would take part pay in custom plowing. B. R. Leech, 21/; miles east of No. 11 highway, 1 mile south of No. 7 highway. tfc12 100 ACRE FARM, lot 34, 2nd con. Vaughan Twp., bank barn 40 x 64 with a steel roof, poultry [house 17 house with 6 mond Hill 247 ROOST RS, L.S. x N.H., 6 to 7 lbs., also Iayi g‘ pullets, same breed. E. A. Radford, con. 3 Markham, phon’é Unionville 30j3. tfc12 WOODS MILKING MACHINE, two units and piping, price $250.00. J. Wvooley, lst farm south of CFRB tower, west side of Yonge St. jackknife dining table, excellent con- dition; chests of drawers; baby car- riages; guitar; sewing machines; ice box; household furniture and used articles of all kinds. McLean Tra’d- ing‘ Co., Thornhill, phone 12w, Open daily 8 aminto 6 p.m. c1w12 WALNUT” GATELEG amp leaf floor, suitable for 2 elderly ladies or gentlemen, tray ‘service care if re- quired. Reasonable rates. Resthav- en; phone Thornhill 161‘21. c3w12 FURNISHED BEDROOM for yOung working man. VApply Box 28 The Liberal. c1w12 LARGE Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55 have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportun- ity to get established in a profitable business of your own. For full par- ticulars write today to the J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-R-5, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Quebec. WELL DIGGING, ‘expert workman- ship, septic tanks dug out. Apply York ‘& Brown, Oak Ridges. tfc2 SHARPENING lawn mowers and re- Pajging thgm by‘Joseph Winger, R.R‘ WIRING‘, new work, repairs, farm wiring, primary and secondary lines run complete with poles. Phone evâ€" ening‘s Markham 741'13. *12w11 ALL KINDS FURNITURE repuu... upholstering, cabinet work, Wooo ianing. Estimates given. N. u. a nDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmonu Hill. no 5N VOPPORTUNITY! Established CUSTOM WORK done, cultivating. double discing, plowing, tilling. W. Gooderham, 39 Elmhurst, Lansing. *19w43 WELL DIGGINO oipe lines, septic tanks, concrete work and excavating, concrete well cribs. Order early. T. Jarrett, phone Richmond Hill 3131'4. c1w34 SAND‘ AND GRAVEL delivered anyl where in district. E. Charity, Yongs Street and Brookside Road. Phone Richmond Hill 102r14. tfc. PIGS 9 wee} 81'12. 1/2, scarcely worn, $6 when new rice $4. Apply Liberal Office. Map’le, Ont., bhone ~621r21. V *20w46 OLD HORSES MISCELLANEOUS $15.00 at your Farm m 0] Phone Agincourt 18J12 Campbell Mink Ranch Pays BUILDING, 11/; story, wired driving shed 24 x 30, stucco ASE TRACTOR PLOW, 2-fur- C. Burton, Carrville Yonge St. BRIGHT ROOM, ground Hill HEATER TO RENT IGGER : Maple sertioa and 25 cents cepts pggline extra 6 rooms. Phone Rich- 17. thIO PER LINE WANTED ul'ne excellent 541'4. equl] Ph Phone ticallv new: Telephone Wood THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 18th, 1947 acres Lane *1w12 good load, 1w12 1w12 .vith c4w9 PROFESSIONAI wishes to rent 5 apartment or du] 4564. ed.’ For free pick-up nhene RICH- MOND HILL 7 or KING 2414 or MAPLE 2937. We pay telephone {hiarggs GORDON LIMIT- Liberal COOK GENERAI MAN COOK GENERAL. p ress. and dishwasher take in washing and Villa, Maple, Ont. FEATHERS and feather beds of all descriptions. Highest prices paid. Write to Queen City Feather Co., 23 Baldwin St., Toronto. tfc43 4561 Richmond Hill at 8 a.m. to Daven: port and Yonge St., returning at 5 pm. Roy Plewman, phone Richmond Hill 284J. *1w12 RELIABLE TRANSPORTATION to Queen and Spadina or vicinity from Stop 23 Yonge St., working hours ii to 4.30. Apply Olive Middleton, (Tarrville Rd. 01' write Richmond Hill P.0‘. *1w12 HOUSE or building lot, dry location 60â€"100 ‘ft. frontage. restricted dis- trict, v1cinity of Thol‘n‘llill, close to transportation. Apply phone Rich- mond Hill 208M or write Howard, Elg'in Mills P.O. c1w12 T0 RENT 1 ACRE OF LAND .with small house with water, close to Richmond Hill, 01' small house in Richmond Hill, must have lots of land. with option of buying" if satis- factory. Steudy employment in To- ronto. single. Apply Box 31, The Liberal. clw12 WWW” PASSENGERS WANTED, leaving Well liked by women everywhere. There is an exclusive opportunity for you to be an Avon representative in your neighborhood. Write Box 200, The Liberal. - c2w11 DEAD HORSES & CATT‘LE want- ED. wToronto, phone AD. 3636. 7 tfe. DO YOU USE AVON COSMETICS? bomw 9M EENERAL STORE wanted, villa :1‘ country, conveniences. furnal rood living quarters. Box 22.. T COLLIE PUP, tan with white streak down face, white paws. Reward for finder. Phone Agincourt 21w12, re- verse charges or Liberal Office. REENHOUSE HELP WANTED eady employment. Concord Flora PPLE PI( hone Maple ARDEN PLOUGHED Registered Grading Station Markham Rd., Richmond Hill Phone 359r21 Canadian Anodized Products Ltd.‘ BROILERS, ROASTERS & CAPONS DOUBLE Male Help WANTED Apply at Plant 01' phone Aurora 505 WANTED GOOD WAGES 11 highway highway, WANTED STRAYED )1‘ duplex Anodizing Taping Buffing AURORA ‘6 II n few Apply 1nd ironin phone Maple 681‘ art time waitâ€" . also one to 141 11' Waverley tfch dis Ave] ewtor clwl c1w12 m Maple clw12 lwl 8w10 clw12 The 1w12 11

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