Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Sep 1947, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT .â€" WWOO”OOOOOWO”WOOONOOWO' IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON ,. washing Machines With the return of cooler weather you will he think- ing of your heating requirements. We have a fine selection of Coleman space heaters and can fill orders from stock for a limited quantity. See us while the supply lasts. ' Eor an abundance of hot water at low c0st we Offer Coleman and Evans hot water heaters. Place your order now for immediate installation. Inquire about our convenient budget plan. Prompt, dependable service on all types of electrical wiring and repairs. Answell Appliances Phone Thornhill 170 Nights. Sundays or Holidays, Thornhill 195r22 Womuoowomowuooemotooooooooeooooooe 9 9 0 6 Q 9 0 O O 9 O O Q Q O O 9 9 § 0 g 9 O O O 0 i O O 6 § 0 0 O 0 0 6 O RICIIVALE, ONTARIO Richmond Hill 136r33 Siding, Troughing and Furnace Repairs Roofing of all types All Work Guaranteed. Estimates Free 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE ".1, as, .3 . r (l F.L. LOWRIE, R.O. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST WILL BE AT AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 24th and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 AM. TO 12.00 NOON Eyes Examined, Glasses fitted OPTICAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACE I) Preacriptions for Glasses Filled ‘ Vaughan Roofing Co. Following a prnll’xneed illness, Mr: Anizie Alct'luinplia/wll'e of Alex )lc- llumphu. u‘i'eenskeeper at Tnornhill (ielt' & ('ot‘nti'y t'lub. died at her home early Saturday. September 11%, l’uncial servith from Wright A“ Tay- l“uneral Home were conducted Rey. S. A. ll. Wood of Trinity Anglican Church. and intermth took place in Westminster Memorial Park on Tuesday afternoon. loi"s The late Mrs. McCluinpha was born in Scotland tiil years age and came to Canada in 1912. residing in Toronto and Thistletown before (:Olll~ in;r to Thornhill seven years alto. loth Mr. and Mrs. were members of a Scottish organ~ Toronto and i7.ation while living in were sul‘isequcntly honorary mem‘ bers. A member of the Presbyterâ€" ian Chitreh. Mrs. McClumpha was an active worker before her illness. and at ,one time was president of the Women‘s Association of the Presby~ tr‘rian Church at Lansing. While in Thistletown she belonged to a lad ies‘ auxiliary there. Survivinzr besides her husband one son. William. and the commun~ itv joins in extending sincere sym~ pathy. Doncaster Community Club The regular meetingr of the club was held on Sept. 9 at the home of Mrs. J. Baker. Clark Ave. A corn and wciner roast held on Sept. 12 Is proved quite a success. and the mem~ » bets of the club were very gratified. it being the first event to raise money. r The next meeting. scheduled for Sept. 23. will be held at the home of Mrs. W. Garnett. Morgan Ave. at 7.45 p.m. All ladies of the commun- ity are cordially invited to attend. Sympathy is extended to the fam- ilv of the late Ada Emily Bail who died at her Proctor Ave. home on Sunday. Sept. 14. Rev. Milne of Queensville will preach in Thornhill United Church next Sunday, Sept. 21. Rev. E. E. Kent taking the anniversary services at Quecnsvillc. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Walker on the birth of their little daughter. Gayle Patricia, on Monday. Sept. 8th. The Junior W.A. of Trinity Anglis can Church is again in progress, meetin'g- each Tuesday evening~ at the Rectmy. The Fortnite Club of Thoi-nhill Presbyterian Church met at the home of Misses Welsh, Centre St. on Tues- day eveningr of this week. The club is working: in conjunction with the \‘y'omen's Association of the church in preparation for their annual baâ€" zaar which will probably be held at lVIcClumpha‘ nhill District News Sunday SCl‘tuul room of the church :ast Thursday to spend the morning quilting: After the regular meeting, WM in the alter-noon. the quilt was -ompleted and plans made for the *omment‘t’ntt-nt of anotht‘r. These {Uilts are being made for the bazaar. The project to be carried on by York Homemaking Clubs this Fall is ‘(‘otton .-\cces:=ories for the Club lirl's Bedrrmm". and includes some ;tutfy of color for the bedroom as veil as arrangement. The girls are tlso taught how to make attractive liesser covers. chair pads and bed spreads of suitable cotton materials. This is a popular project and open o all girls between the ages of 12 and ‘26 years. One or two leaders from each club is expected to attend the leaders‘ training school to be held at Department. of Agriculture. Newmarket. on October 9 and 10 between 10 am. and 4 p.m. Any girl in the community who may be interested could Contact. the local Women's Institute for further partia culars. The Altar Guild of Trinity Angli- can Church will commence its proâ€" gram again this year by holdiue its 'irst meeting in the Rectory Thursâ€" day of this week to make prepara- tions for the Harvest Festival which s to be held next Thursday, Sept. 25. Rev. F. Jackson, Rector at Campbell- ville. will be guest preacher at the Harvest Festival service. A group of ladies from the W0- men's Association of Trinity Angliâ€" can Church attended the Board Meet- ing held in Newmarkct last week. Derry Giles was the lucky recipi- ent of a luscious cake, the :rift of Mrs. Redmond, and a duplicate of the one with which she won first prize at the C.N.E. this year. Inci- dentally. Mrs. Redmond ir- to be con- gratulated on her succ‘ss in taking other prizes in the baking: class. Election of officers for the Young People’s Association of Thornhill United Church was held on Monday evening: in the Sunday School room. Following were elected: Hon Pres, Rev. E. E. Kent; past pi‘c:.. Ruth Hicks; pres, Betty Bone: vice-pres., Allan Ford; sec., Helen Shouldice; Publicity sec., Joan Sharpless; ti-cas., Ernest Kent; convenors~ fellmvxhip, Ruth Hicks; citizenship, Eric Ford; missions. Jean Morton; culture. Bar- wishes bara Blake; pianist, Ruth Hicks; committee. Allan Ford. Betty Emp- ringham, Barbara Blake, Dcrothy Shouldice Shirley Kent. The handsome baske: of gracing the altar table in Thornhill Presbyterian Church last Sunday was in memory of the late Mr. James I-leslop of Willowdale. , . the end of October this year. Miss Margaret Martin, Centre St.. For Appomtment Phone Richmond HI“ 33 ll The “LA. and W.M.S. of Thorn- was honored at a miscellaneous and . =i:=‘â€"â€"__â€"______â€"â€"â€"q. . hill Piesbyterian Church met in the community shower held at the bomb â€"â€"'â€"'â€"iâ€"â€"‘â€"._â€"_‘“â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"- W "Ante" Brand GRAPEFRUIT JUICE “Apte” Brand ORANGE IUICE Catelli in Tomato Sauce SPAGHETTI Brights or Culvethouse “New Pack" TOMATO JUICE 2 23m": 21¢ Clark’s "New Low Price" PEANUT BUTTE 16 oz Jar Tenderflake PURE LARD 20 07 Pin 20 oz Tins 29¢ Tins pound Mitchells Daltons Assorted 20 oz 2 313k?! Tins Z Habitant Lam. 2;”? 4 1-0115 2 “New Pack” Choice Quality Eigfiffigeet M’xed 15 Oz PEAS 22.5" 15¢ Aylmer Meat, Fruit & Vegetables INFANT FOODS 2 Try Its Tender Goodness Richmello BREAD Fresh Ground as Sold Campbell’s .â€" Mushroom, Chicken Gumbo SOUPS Maple Leaf MATCHES 5 Oz 10 Oz Tins Tins 29¢ 23¢ Pkg 0! 3 Boxes Makes Dishes Sparkle Large Pkg VEI. 29¢ Ontario Cooking ' ~ Onions. . 10 lb. bag 39c Ontario Washed Sunkist California Lemons, size 300’s Carrots . . . . . 3 lbs. 140 No. 1 Ontario Golden Yellow Bananas . . . . . . lb. Meliigfitoes " 10 lbs Blue Grapes All Values Effective Until Closing Saturday. l 29¢ 25¢ 27¢ 1 2Loaves 1 RICHMELLO COFFEE n, 43¢ . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 for 250 .. . . . . . . 6 qt. bskt. 75C ‘ 10, 3¢ 8¢ 5’; 5C . 29c _‘â€"-â€"â€"_ All niert'han â€" disc 5 o I d at v our Domin- ion S t o t e is unconditional- lv mmrnn‘cpd to give llltl'7/ Jnntinn. ‘ snAl THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO asters People’s meeting.r in Langstaff Bap- least 1/; acre. G , H I 5 room bungalow near transportation. size of let not - g arnett s an age ' lodein house on large lot, cash buyer. OOOOOOOOWOOO” 'l'l'll'RSDAY. SEP'l‘I‘IMBER lb‘tb. 1.947. â€" Thurs- IEIIIIIHEIIIEIIIHIIIIIHHIIIIIIIIII last The Widowâ€" of Mrs. Talbot Findlay day evening. Sept. ll. be was presented with a handsome N I] Y k H A l' floor lamp. electric iron and alumâ€" t iitum ware on behalf of her friends and neighbors in the district. In _ v . addition she received many lovely 481;) ‘lonqe Street LanSlng personal gifts of linen. glassware, ** ’ etc. llostesses who also planned the PHONE ZONE 3-111 event were Mrs. Talbert Findlay. Mrs. Echlin and Mrs. Brilline'er. Margaret's marriage to Mr. Norman Sweet of Bradford is set for Satur- day. September 20. l Place your order now for early delivery â€"â€" or _ REFRIGERATORS KELVINATOR - GENERAL ELECTRIC - ROGERS CROSSLEY-SHELYAI)()R A WASHING MACHINES THOR - EASY - HOTPOINT - GENERAL ELECTRIC ELECTRIC & GAS RANGES GENERAL ELECTRIC - MOFFAT RADIOS â€" Mantle & Combination Sl’ARTON - VICTOR - ROGERS - CROSSLEY GENERAL ELECTRIC A minister a member of his flock going home a little unâ€" steady. and gave him a helping hand. Pressed to enter the house. the min- ister demurred. “Come on in. man." he was urged. “come in and let the good wife see who I've been with to- night.“â€"Northwestcrn Bell. LANGSTAFF Commencement Evening: Langstaff Home and School Assoâ€" ciation are holding: a cornmemcmcnt evening for the entrance graduates at Lawrence Memorial Hal,‘ on Tues- day. September 23 at 8 p.m. Mr. G. A. Preston. principal of Earl Haig Collegiate is to speak n “Vocational came U D011 Prompt and Efficient Serqice on Guidance". All members, parents _, ~ and friends are invited. A large group of friends and REPAIRS RADIOS members of Langstaft Haptist church gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. McLean. Eig‘in Mills, to Rate ‘Vflter I'Ieaters Installed aggralel’isfel‘lfanzlgi 3")“,QL‘YV‘”¥§;: IlllllllllllfllllfllflllIluulllflllllll latter, former residents of Doncaster Gardens, Thorvnhill, and now of Gar- den Ave.. were victims of an unâ€" fortunate fite in which they lost all posseSSions in addition to their home. Mr. Loverock was presented with a Bible, the gift of the Women's Fel- lowship. Both he and Mrs. Love- rock responded graciously, and a de- lightful evening concluded with 1e- fleshments. Due to return to his home in Lani!- staff very soon, Clayton Stone, in- jured in a motorcycle accident some months ago, suffered an unfortunate setback when a leg was broken for the second time. However, the pluck exhibited by Clayton throughout his long illness will stand him in good stead at this time. and his .many friends in the community extend best for his speedy return to FRIDAY and SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 19th. and 20th, 1947 Corner Steele’s Ave. & Yonge St., Stop 13 In Aid of Building; Fund for . North York Veterans’ Social Club NEWTONBROOK, ONTARIO GAMES 4 PONY RIDES â€"â€" BINGO REFRESHMENTS FRIDAY, 8.00 p.m. CHILDREN’S LUCKY DRAW FOR BICYCLE AND TRICYCLE When Acc0mpanied by Adults SATURDAY Good Prizes for Decorated BICYCLE AND DOLL CARRIAGE in Children’s Parade to be held on Steele's Avenue at 2.30 p.m. STREET DANCE Saturday Evening 8.00 TO 12.00 RM. Admission 50c. Couple Music by George Young’s Orchestra GRAND DRAW SATURDAY at 10 o’clock health. Miss Gertrude Killam, recent gradâ€" uate of the Bible College in Winni- peg. was guest speaker at the Young tist Church last Friday evening. Speaking on “Service”. her message portrayed the path by which she hopes to reach her goal. Miss Killam will be returning to Winnipeg this week to fill a position in the office of the 'Bible College there for the next few months. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Caines are the proud parents of a second son born on September 7 at Private Pa- tients Pavilion, Toronto Western Hospital. Mr. Huestis of Richvale, who unâ€" derwent an operation in Christie St. hOSpital recently, is expected to re- turn to his home some time lthis week. Knowing the seriousness of the case, his many friends will be glad to hear he is coming along very nicely. The Women’s Fellowship of Lang- , staff Baptist Church will be holding their weekly meetings in the church each Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock for the next few weeks. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Sunday. Sept. 21 IO antâ€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.-â€"Morning Worship. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Worship. All are welcome. Rally Day, Sunday, September 28th. Rev. Dr. Archer Wallace will speak. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A.. minister Sunday, Sept. 21 1‘0 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"130th Anniversary Service. Rev. C. H. MacDonald, Moderator, will be guest preacher. Admission to Grounds: Adults 250. Children Free Come One! Come All! Help a Good Cause and have lots of fun. In Case of Rain Monday and Tuesday Following ST. MARY’S ANGLIC'AN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th., R.D., ' Rector 15 Roseview Avenue Sunday, Sept. 21 ,Saint Matthew 8 a.m.~Holy Communion. IO a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer. Preach- er, Rev. J. A. Langstone, B.A.. Diocesan Secretary Social Service and Religious Education. 7 p.m.â€"â€"Evening Prayer and Sermon. Preacher, the Rector. All cordially invited to worship with us. M W. GARNETT General Electrician Motors rewound. Expert re- pairs tO Magnetos and Auto Electric. House Wiring. Alterations of all kinds. GRAVEL CRUSHED STONE FILL ' L. W. REID CENTRE ST., THORNHILL SAND LOAM I PHONE 77M OOQOOOMON . Attention Owners in Markham and Vaughan Traps. Free Estimates. PHONE THORNHILL Mr” I need the following for waiting clients: 2 to 5 acres. at least 2 bedronns; close to bus or trolley SEI‘HCE. Between Stop 10 and 24, a or G room house on at “â€" WOOWOOMN 0 u or 4 rooms on [4' acre or better. Sand, Gravel, Phone or write Ronald M. Fenn Real Estate Thornhi11168J Insurance WOWOI WOOWMOOO”WWMWOW Loam, Fill Phone Thornhill 77W l t t i A

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