Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Oct 1947, p. 5

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flllllflllllllllfl THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 1947 I Ill-IIIIIIIIIEEIIIIIIHIHE. HIE WO“”“MQOOONOOOO°OOO00¢¢ca b‘OOOOOOOOOOOQ: D g TelephOne Maple 651‘21 : c.0000“oooowoomoooooeooowo9000900000009“ NORTH COMMUNETY HALL SCHOMBERG Canada Savings Loan N. L. MATHEWS. RICHMOND HILL. ONT. Dealers in SHUR-GAIN FEED AND FERTILIZER HARDWARE, TIRES, BATTERIES, GAsS & OILS WE BUY GRAIN R. COOPER and SONS Bonds are available in denominations of $50. $100, $500 and $1000 and are all registered as to prin- cipal. There is no better security. Ontario Liberal Leader AND OTHERS Bonds may be converted into cash anytime at face I t I value plus Interest and mthout cost Phone 18 MAZDA LAMPS 25, 40 and 60 watt, 15c. each 100 Watt Frosted 20c. each CAULKING MATERIAL Black and Gi‘ey- Quart or Gallon Cans Caulking Guns for Rent Acting President. HEATERS â€" Findlay 5,000 and 7,000 ft. capacity $100.50 each OIL BURNING SPACE COOPER and SOP Custom Grinding and Mixing Q U A L I T Y ' inch Stove Pipes â€" 25c. ' inch Black Elbows -â€" 35cc Applications may 2%“ BONDS DUE 1957 PRICE 100 8 F. Y. W. Brathwaite 'l‘ESTON, ONT. SPEAKERS : . Herrington RK LIBERAL ASSOC. HIIIIIIHI AT 3 RM. IN THE fleeting RALPH W. PARIS, Manager aced through SHOP AT H. W. PEARSON. HARDWARE TELEPHONE 87 Secretary. McCLARY GAS RANGE§ FOR ESSOTANE GAS Come in and see them $98.00 each where meetir 1‘1ve byterian Young; People’s Society will meet at the home of Misses Shirley and Joan Bowen, 14 Arnold St. at 8 p.m. A bridge and euchre will be held by the ‘Vaughan‘and Richmond Hill Veterans at the home of Mrs. Jas. Butler, 30 Wright St. at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, October 29. fir The Explorers will méet on Mon- days at 4 pm. at ‘the United Church school room. Please notice that the time of meeting is changed from 1 pm. to the above hour. The first of a series of winter euchres at St. Mary Immaculate church parish hall will be held this Friday evening, October 24. Every- one cordially invited. ‘ Gerald Cuttance of the R.C.A.F‘., now stationed at Edmonton is‘home after an overseas flight in which he engineered :1 “Halifax” over to Eng- land and 21 “Lincoln” on the return flight. Mrs. F. A. Clark has returned af- ter being in charge of the ecoking at the Children’s Aid Home at Wil- lowdale (1‘ staff cook Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 'Vanderburgh of Elstoro, Sask. arrived here Satur- day and will be visiting friends and relatives in Toronto and here. STICK T0 EXPERTS It is as important to understand the positive truths on which genuine health is built, as it is to realize how false are some of the ideas which have grown up about main- tenance of well-being. Accordingly, health authorities ad- vise Canadians to get their informa- tion on 'how to keep healthy only from those fully qualified to advise and to treat them. It is not safe to trifle with such an important mat- ter. Our physical and mental health should be entrusted to specialistsâ€" the doctors, dentists, etc., trained and practised in treating human minds and bodies. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Angle left Monday for Atlanta, Georgia nere they will attend the annual eeting and rose show of Roses Inc. 1d will return early in November. Social and Personal Mr. J. B. Lamb, managmg- euum the Moose Jaw Times Herald ar- Jed by plane Thursday to spend a ort vacation at his home here. On Tuesday, October 28 the during the illness of the ‘amb, managing- editor We Deliver THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL} ONTARIO More than good general health is needed to ward off the communicable diseases. Doctors say that, although disease is less likely to attack a healthy person than one in poor con- dition, such protection as inoculation, vaccination and other forms of im- munization is essential, particularly for children. As children go back to school this Fall, medical authorities count on parents ensuring their safety by tak- ing advantage of all the special sci- entific protective measures. BIRTH ELDRIDGEâ€"Mr. and Mrs. R. Eld- ridge, Elgin Mills. announce the birth of a son, a brother for Robin at Mrs. Healey’s Nursing Home, El- gin Mills, Ont. IN MEMORIAM WARMANâ€"In lovmg memory of a dear wife and mother, Gertrude Em- ily Barnett, who entered into rest October 25, 1936. What would we give her hand to clasp, Her patient face to see, To hear her voice, to see her smile, As in the days that used to be. But some sweet day we’ll meet again Beyond the toil and strife, And claSp each other’s hand once more In Heaven, that happy life. â€"-Ever remembered by husband, son Eric, daughter-in-law May, and granddaughter Gail. 7'”T'iié§"1’oێ"5ur hearts hold Gear, Fond memories l‘ingwer every day, Remembrance keeps him near. â€"Ever remembered by mother dad and family RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Sunday, QsctOber 26 10 a.m.â€"â€"Sunday chool. 11 a.m.â€"Morning Worship. 7 p.m.â€"Evenin-g Worship. All are welcome. Young People’s Union Sunday at 8.15 pm. All young people invit- 1‘0 1 1 THORNHILL 1.45 p.m.â€"â€"The Sabbath School 2.30 p.m.â€"Public Worship. Everybody welcome. THE PARISH OF KING Rector, Rev. E. W. G. Worrall All Saints King, 90th year 10 a.m.â€"â€"Morning Prayer. 2.30 p.m.-»â€"Sund;1y Schbol. mu'Iv‘héV-ébthVannigersary of the con- secration of this church will be ob- served- Sunday, Novenltger at 11" a.m. and 7.15 p.m. The Bishop of Toronto will be present at the even- ing service and will administer the sacred rite of confirmation. St. John’s, Oak Ridges, 100th year 100th Anniversary June 24, 1948 Sunday, Oct. 26th 11.15 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. Sun- day school at same hour. St. Stephen’s, Maple 7 .p.m.â€"â€"-Evening Prayer. Preacher at all services: The Rector. ‘HE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., minister Sunday, Oct. 26th RICHMOND HILL v a.m.â€"â€"The Sabbath School. . a.m.â€"Public Worship. Tuesday, OctoBer 28th p.m.-â€"-Y;P.S. at the home of the Misses Shirley and Joan Bowen, 14 Arnold St. Phone 42 C. TWhters & Sons PROP. iKeep Fit MASONIC HALL RICHMOND HILL ATTENTION Young Folks, Adults Sunday, October 26 3.00 P.M. Coloured Slides Mr. John Small will preach the gospel illustrated by slides on “THE LIFE OF JOSEPH” SUNDAY NIGHT GOOD NEWS HOUR, 7 p.m. SPEAKER: MR. HILLARD ORTON Mrs. Orton will sing Everygpe welcome Sunday Afternoon Bible School SURE PROTECTION Drink plenty of Milk, ] and be sure of an: ample supply, pure and wholesome, by . having us call every} day. l. Milk, Cream, Butter,! Chocolate Milk and! All Dai-ry Prodch. i ' Milk is the best food you can possibly serve I ; your family. ; o u .â€"‘.r-â€"‘ dâ€" n good general health is rard off the communicable )octors say that, although less likely to attack a 5011 than one in poor con- protection as inoculation, and other forms of im- is essential, particularly Richmond Hill Mr. and Mrs. Herman Th Markham, wish to announce gagement of their younger d: Dorothy Mae, to Gordon Leon of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Wilson vale. The wedding will tal vale. Th November IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES AI BERT CLUBINE, DECEASED. All persons having claims against the estate of James Albert Clubine. who died on or about the 19th day of August, 1944, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of November, 1947, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the last, mention- ed date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the partâ€" ies entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice to the exclusion of all others, and the un- dersigned will not then be liable to any person, whose claims the under- signed shall not have notice for the assets so distributed ‘or any part thereof. ’ at Aurora this 22nd day of October, 1947. \ Charles Wilbert Clubine and Law- rence Douglas Clubine, Administrat- ors, by their solicitor, Lorne C. Lee Aurora, Ont. Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the contract of collecting ashes weekly in Rich- mond Hill November 131: until March 3lst, up until October 20. Lowest or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. For full particulars apply to Tenders for Collection of Ashes Village of RICHMOND HILL Daily Service to Aurora from King, Nobleton, Schonlberg Saturday Night 5 King 10 Aurora i 3 Coaches for all Occasions Telephone King 56 WWW Notice to Creditors RICE - Seedleés Raisins 220 NO RINSING. NO WII’ING Spic & ' Spanm PKG-23C PKG. . " V , _ I. We have built our business on a fair and square deal for all â€"- a policy that has al-__ ways maintained the lowest possible prices on high quality foods. By keeping the lid down on prices we help you balance your household budget. We invite you to profit by this policy by shopping here for all your food needs. B‘iHWZ 200 l éhiiér - 61c Washed Carrots 13c N0. 1 GRADE Oht. Potatoes 29C Grapefruit $51625 4525‘: SNOW “’HITE Cauliflower 3%" 25C . Lynett, Clerk ENGAGEMENT 1 GRADE Th the e1 aughte il' ‘1 WNOWWOMOWOOWNM O 2 SOMETHING BIGGER SOMETHING BETTER : 5 V MOOWOOOOOOOQ‘OOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOONOOW RICHMOND HILL WV TWO SHOWS DAILYâ€"7 AND 9 RM. SAT. MATlele 2 SATURDAY & HOLIDAYS CONTINUOUS FROM 6.30 to 12 FREE Dightheria Toxoid Service Protect Your The Medical Officer of injections at th( 24th, 1947. Coming Soon MASQUERADE DANCE M. K. HALLAWELI Public Health Nurse Olde Tyme and Modern Muéic GORDON GENOE and his Queen City Mountaineers ADMISSION 50 Cents MONDAY, TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER CORNELL V‘VILDE. MAUREEN O‘HARA “ HOMESTRETCH ” IN TECHNICOLOR THURSDAY. FRIDAY. SATURDAY. 'OO'!‘. 30. 31, MAUREEN O’HARA. DOUGLAS FA‘IRBANK A _..._._ A. Art nn H BUTTONVILLE HALL FRIDAY, OCTOBER 318T FRIDAY & SATURDAY. OCTOBER 24. 2: GENE AUTRY TWILIGHT ON THE RIO GRANDE PHILIP REED, HILLARY BROOKE “ 1 COVER BIG TOWN ” rizes Given For Best Costumes n‘SfNéKfi'THE SAILOR” “ THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES the school on We RosesFlouri13$139 K R A l‘"l' or Cream 23C KRAFT 0r CHATEAU Mlincke Meat 333310 Tomatoes CALIFORNIA NO CLARK’S Celery Hearts ALL PURPOSE SWEET PASCAL CAPE COD Cranberries 1‘ . (Mums Cofiking Dnins 14c NO. 1 GRADE 7hild Against Diphtheria of Health will begin this L PUB! J. P. WILSON. M.D., Medical Officer of Healih school children (over {ID PAGE SCHOOL 30. 31. NOV. 1 OCTOBE Bundle 1b LB 9? 45c QI‘K‘ 28. 29 23c RM I'.M

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