g Richmond Hill Telephone 5-J z I O§OM606ï¬mt N00.6606.600669606066000000w0090“. anommmuo MWOOW: % ‘ TINSMETH TO NORTH BAY Phone 292-M HALIFAX - - .. QUEBEC â€" - - - ST. JOHN - - - The. Petroiene Corporation Ltd. Distributors of Bottled Gas Yonge St. THORNHILL Phone 170‘] PAGE SIX BUS CONNECTIONS AT BARRIE FOR OWEN SOUND, COLLINGWOOD AND MIDLAND 12.11 a.m. ' xâ€"Fl‘i., Sat, Sun. & Hol. EAVESTROUGHINGK ROOFING Weeflmfs . Taxi Funerals â€" Weddings â€"â€" Shopping NEW FINDLAY AND PEASE FURNACES Parts and Repairs for all makes of furnaces Space LEAVE RICHMOND HILL RADIAL STATION COUNTRY-WIDE SERVICE Everything for your bottied gas requirements Official Opening a.m. p,m. RICHMOND HILL â€" PHONE 177 PAUL DUBOIS For announcement of our Round Trip â€" Tax Included FROM TORONTO - â€" - â€" $54.35 WINNIPEG - â€" - - 24.30 REGINA â€" - - - - 41.40 CALGARY FARES ARE LOW Tickets and Information at E. J. ROBERTS 24-HOUR SERVICE Gas Appliances of all kinds (Standard Time) 8.56 11.46 2.26 p.m. 12.11 a.: only and to Orillia only. WINNIPEG â€" - - - REGINA â€" - - - - CALGARY - - - - TO GRAVENHURST 21.111. Richmond Hill 6.11 X 8.31 12.11 p.m. $44.75 56.00 76.05 Phone 188 A good representation of St. Ste- phen’s Anglican church journeyed to King on Sunday night to attend the 90th anniversary service of All Saints church and the confirmation "service conducted by Rt: Rev. A. R. Beverley, Bishop of Toronto. Maple members in the confirmation class were Misses Nancy Martin and Mar- ion Waters and Messrs. James Mar- tin, Jack Whitney and Charles Han- ms. Maple Recreation Association en« toriained the young: fry of the vill- age last Friday evening to a Hallo- we’en party in the concert- hall. Prizes were given for best costumes. Earl Line and Jack House won first prize in the older class and Terry McCullough and Diane McGinnis won first in small children's class. Ev- eryone had fun bobbing: for apples and other Hallowe’en games. They then enjoyed several comic movies put on by Ross Knight The M.R.A. is to be commended for their thoughtfulness in providing suitable fun for youngsters on Hallowe’en. Hope Women’s A5sociat'ion catered for a banquet for the leaders of the Boy Scouts on Saturday evening in Hope Sunday school room. Congratulations to Billie and Jim Thomas, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Thomas of HOpe, both winning,r first place in the King and Vaughan plow- ing match held in Schom-berg on Ocâ€" tober 28, Bill in class 18 years and under, Jim 14 years and under. The Food for Britain campaign is well under way. If' you haven’t donated yet, you may still do so this week. All gifts will be taken to be packed and shipped on November 15. The Automotive Building at C.N.E. is the receiving depot, also all fire halls in the ,city. The Maple C.G.I.T. have decided to send a box of food to Miss Cook’s group in England. Miss Cook has recently visited the »C.G.I.T. girls and has become very interested in their work. / hund theh seen son, fish park JONES COAL- C0. ACTUAL SIZE Only $17.0 per ton SOLD BY 1t but pon hunte unfn‘e the b 31 Maple District News in irl‘e the The deer was first : yard of W111.~John- :en in Dr. Routley’s later in the village Richmond Hi“ we up ht 200 that the eer 1t deei a phea- by the THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO II )Y calf ‘ 3â€"Holstein Cow, 3 yrs. old, due 4â€"Holstein Cow, 4 yrs. old, due 5â€"Red Cow, 4 yrs. old, supposed to calf Dec. 5 6â€"Holstein Cow, 3 yrs. old, sup- posed to calf Dec. 7 7â€"Holstein Cow, 3 yrs. old, sup- posed to calf Dec. 20 8â€"Holstein Cow, 4 yrs. old, sup- posed to calf Dec. 20 9â€"Holstein Cow, 3 yrs. old, sup- posed to calf Dec. 30' 1-0â€"Holstein Heifen, 2 yrs. old, sup- posed to calf Jan. 10' 11â€"Holstein Heifer. 2 yrs. old, supâ€" posed to calf Jan. 1 12â€"Ayrshire Cow, 7 yrs. old, sup- posed to calf Jan. 25 13â€"Holstein 'Cow, 4 yrs. old, sup- posed to calf Feb. 25 14â€"Holstein Cow, 6 yrs. old, sup- posed to calf Feb. 30 15â€"Black Cow, 4 yrs. old, milking, supposed to calf Mar. 3 16â€"Holstein Cow, 3 yrs. old, milk- ing‘, supposed to calf Mar. 4 17â€"Holstein Cow, 5 yrs. old, milk- ing, supposed to calf Mar. 11 18â€"Holstein Cow, 4 yrs. old, milk- ing, supposed to calf April 1 19â€"Roan Cow, 4 yrs. old, milking, supposed to calf April 25 , 20â€"7 Holstein Heifers, 2 yrs. old, not bred ‘ , 21â€"10 Holstein Heifers, 1 yr. old' 22â€"10 Holstein Heifer Calves, ris- ing: 1 yr. ‘ 23 , 1 Reg: Holstein Bull, No. 175386, Rag Apple King, born Dec. 18, 19-13 24â€"1 Shorthorn Reg. Bull, 15 mos. old. red roan DAIRY EQUIPMENT 1 Deszal Milking Machine, double unit, complete ‘with pipe line for 27 cows ‘ 1 Electric Motor, 1/2 H.P. 1 Milk Cooler IMPLEMEN’I‘S 1 Fordson Tractor (Irish model) on steel, in good condition, comâ€" plete with extensions for wheels and pulley ‘ 1 Set Spring Tooth Harrows, 3 sec. 1 I.H.C. Binder, near new, 8 ft. cut, complete with 4-horse hitch, also tractor hitch, in exceptionally good condition 1 Frost & Wood 5 ft. cut Oil Bath HARNESS 1‘ Set Brass Mounted Team Harness complete with breechings, real good 1 Set Spreads, Drops and Tops Number of Horse Collars and other ED. KYLE, Clérk FURNITURE Quantity of Antique Furniture, real good and old Other Useful Household Effects About 15 tons or more of good Baled Hay About_ 1500 bus. of real good Tur- mps About 15 feet of Emil-age Terms Cash. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp No Reserve as Proprietor is quitting farming. Ken & Clarke Prentice. Aucts. Markham P.O., phone Markham 2‘06 Millikan P.O.. phone Agincourt 52w3 Public Auction Sale of D A I R Y C A T T L E Fordson Tractor, Farm Implements, Horses, Harness, Hay, Feed, Antique Furniture, etc. SATURDAY, NOV. 15 old 1 Bay Rea. Belgian Filly, 6 mos. old (Above mare and colt are outstand- ing) 1 Black Percheron Colt, 1 year old 1 Cream Colored Saddle Horse, 12 Lot 41. Mower, in real good shape 1 Dump Rake, 10 ft. . 1 Out-throw Disc Harrmll with foreâ€" carriage _ 1 I.H.C. 15 Disc Drill, good 1 Good Scuffler ‘ 1 Set Drag Harrows, 4 sec., near 11er 1 Set Drag Hal-rows, 3 sec., good 1 Heavy Farm Wagon Gear 1 Set Heavy Sloop Sleighs 1 Flat Hay Rack , 1 Flat Rack for Sleighs ‘ 1 Set Scales, 2000 lbs. capacity, good 1 Chatham Fanning Mill 1 Root Pulper Numerous other useful articles The Maple C.G.I.T. will meet at the Maple United Sunday school room on Friday, November 7 at 7.30 p.m. for their regular meeting, also uniform inspection. LEO C. BURTON CATTLE 1â€"Holstein Cow, 3 yrs. old, fresh, calf by side 2â€"Holstein Cow, 7 yrs. old, due to Fat Hogs‘ Hogs, weigh approx. 100 lbs. or more Yorkshire White Brood Sows, bred in Oct. | Reg. Yorkshire White Boar POULTRY , Leghorn Hens, laying HORSES Bay Belgian Gelding, 10 yrs. old Bay Clydesdale Gelding, 9 yrs. old Chestnut Reg. Belgian Mare, 9 yrs. t 41. Con. 1, Vaughan TWp. mile west of Stop 23 Yonge Street on Carrville Road (South of Richmond Hill) yrs. old harness HAY AN D FEED The Property of calf Dec. 20 Cow, 3 yrs. old, calf Dec. 30- Heifen, 2 yrs. old, calf Jan. 10' Heifer. 2 yrs. old, calf Jan. 1 PIGS 3 yrs. Dec. 20 ft. cut Oil Bath good shape In his younger days Mr. Phinney was greatly interested in music and later operated a private radio sta- tion at his own home in Richmond Hill at a time when local broadcast- ing was in its infancy. Possessed of a happy, cheerful temperament, Mr. Phinney made many friends and will be greatly missed. The funeral was held on Monday, October 13 from the Bennett Funeral Home, Lansing, Ont. and was largely attended. The Rev. L. C. Secrett of St. George’s Church, Willowdale had charge of the funeral service and in- terment followed at Richmond Hill cemetery. All Saints, King 10 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. Special service for newly confirmed. 2.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School. St. John's, Oak Ridges 11.15 a.m.â€"â€"Morning Prayer. Remem- brance service. Sunday school at same hour. ers and one sister survive. For many years Mr. Phinney was section foreman for the C.N.R. and prior to his death served in a simâ€" ilar capacity for the T.T.C. on the line from Toronto to Richmond Hill. Due to an accident the death oc- curred on Friday, October 10, 1947 of Mr. Allan C. Phinney of Rich- mond Hill, Ont. - The late Mr. Phinney was born at Gelert, Hali-burton, in the year 1886 and was the eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Phinney. His wife, the former Pearle Sedg- wick, predeceased him 10 years agO. Mr. Phinney is survived by one son, John Randolph, of the R.C.M.P., sta- tioned at D’Esconsse, Cape Briton Island, Nova Scotia, and one daugh- ter, Helen Candace (Mrs-A. Camp- bell) of Peterboro. Also six broth- ers and one sister survive. Sunday, N931: g St. Stephen’s, Maple 7 p.m.â€"â€"Holy Communion. 'Special . service for newly confirmed. Preacher at all services, the Rector. PARISH OF. KING Rev. E. W. G. Worrall, rector LATE ALLAN C. PHINNEY OBITUARY Trinity 23 Tuesday, Nov. 11, 1947 PRESENTATION CEREMONIES Relatives and Friends Invited to Attend Phone 12 â€" FOR â€" Refrigerators ~â€" Ironers â€" Washers Power Drives â€" Stokers â€" Pumps Cities Service Products STORAGE â€" WASHING â€" GREASING Cars called for. Have us prepare your car for cold weather driving V E L L 0 R E TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1947 FOR Members of His Majesty’s Forces TO BE HELD AT THE Vaughan Township Memorial Hall Cities Service Station MEL. MALTBY PROCLAMATION F RACTIONAL HORSE POWER V-BELTS ublic Holiday TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 6th, 1947 AT 2 O’CLOCK P.M. EVERYBODY WELCOME BOYNTON WELDRICK, Reeve THAT BEA Richmond Hill