Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Nov 1947, p. 4

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“9”.”00090000m0000 OOOOOOOOWOOOOOOMOOOOOO ( 30 Il-Onnnnw-mnu. 3”“...OOO0...”...999m000”9009900 000609900“ 0000 all-EIIBIIIIIHull-IEIIIIIIIIIIIEEIEBII flUIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIWIll]!!!lflmalflall Bridge & Euchre; VVED., DEC. 3rd? Prizes Galore GENE STRAT'I‘ON POR’I‘ER'S ROY ROGERS & "TRIGGER" in “ KEEPER OF THE BEES ” “ MY PAL TRIGGER " Revealing the true story Lucky Draw for Turkey and other prizes ADMISSION 50 Cents An imm Masonic Hall Richmond Hill Prizes will be on display in Glass Meat Market shortly RICHMOND HILL BOWLING CLUB ROXY THEATRE, MARKHAM ll story of the West today in the tradition of the West of < WILL .IAMES’ “ SMOKY ” ' IN MAGNIFICENT TECHNICOLOR A With FRED McML'RRAY. ANN BAXTER, BURL IVES E X T R A l “ R.C.M.I’. FILE NO. 1365 ” 3 DA YS DAYS PAGE FOUR a1 â€" MON the Wes JAMES OLIVER (‘L'RWOOD'S “ GOD’S COUN'DRY ” ROBERT LOWREY. HELEN GILBERT 2ND EXCITING FEA'I‘I'RE! STI’ART ERWIN, SHIRLEY GREY in " THE GREAT MIKE ” STARTS THl'RSI)_\Y, NOVEMBER 27 TY THURS. FRL SA’I‘.. NOVEMBER 20 TWO BREATHTAKING HITS! The yeal ANNUAL '10amufld...F-M"Ufl-DHUBUHIK â€"â€" IN THE â€" 'l'l'ES.. WED. NOVEMBER one of Canada’s thrilling manhunts! 1'6 1t reer f1 in ma M Refreshments hrillel ‘ificent techni 1y 21 1t 26 fresh cows, swingers, yc Ford'fl'actor, farm stock. 1 hay, grain, etc., lot 21. cm ham twp.. pronerty of H Terms cash. No raserve etcr is quitting farming. noon sharp. Ken and CI: ice, aucts. SATURDAY. NOV. 29â€"Imnortant extensive auction sale of Holstein dairv cattle. I.H.C. tractor, farm stock. implements, hay, grain. etc. on lot 18. con. 4 Vaughan township near Maple. property of R. D. MacNaughâ€" ton. Sale at 1 p.111. Sharp. Terms rash. No reserve as farm is sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, aucts. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 26 â€" Auction sale of household furniture. dishes. boddmgxv Singer sewing- machine, em, the property of Miss E. McEwen, 11 Richmond St.. Richmond Hill. "I‘m-ms cash. Sale starts at 2 p.111. £10 re- serve. A. S. Farmer. auction er. FRIDAY. NOV auction sale of almo household furniture cc, nut dining room : ckester-field suite, m electric range and c( of silverware. set of ale of cows. No isserve as propri \2‘ farming. Sale 12.34 Ken and Clarke Prent SALE REGISTERS < Lake. Terms ‘ Harpel )8 imple â€"Extensive sum of dairy, cattle rs, young cattle tock. implements 21, con. 10 Mark p6 Auction ments. rty of i Sale clerl‘ \Vhit at 1 entll oote ale 13" ‘116 truck for snow removal will he re- ceived up to 1 o'clock pm. Monday, December lst, 1947 for furnishing truck and drivers (snow plow and wing will be supplied by the mun- iripality) for the removal of snow on the township roads during the season of 1947 and 1948. Prices to be quoted on one or all of the following methods: 1. Standby price and hourly rate for plowing snow. 2. Attachment for plow and wing fitted on truck with hourly rate for plowing without any standby quota- tion. FURNISHED ROOMS in Willowdale. comfortable quiet home, Stop 8, five minutes from radial, garage, gentie- men, no drinkers. Phone Hu'dson 2614 Toronto. c1w21 CALL FOR TENDERS 3. Or otherwise. Tenders to state size and make of truck. The lowest ‘or any tender_not ne- 2 OR 3 ROOMS, unfurnished. Apply Clifford Lloyd, Maple, phone MW Maple. c1w21 WILLIAM G. MAXWELL. Road Supt. Markham, Ontario Dated at Unionville Nov. 10. 1S prietm Clarke WEDNESDAY, DE( sale of tractor and h plements, equipment, con. 1 Vaughan Twp at Langstaff corner, t Salé at l‘p.m‘. sharp. lTel‘ms Eash NQ reserve as lease expn'ed and p1‘0~ con. 1 Vaughan Twp. on Yong at Langstaff corner, the propert longing to the late Wm. G. I F‘stute. Sale at 1 pm. Terms No reserve. See sale bills. Ken Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. TI SEALED TENDERS rum LIBERAL, RichOND HILL, ONTARIO TOWNSHIP OF M ARK H .\M quitting Prentice AY, DE( TO RENT armin aucts. rentice, auct 3rdâ€"Auct 1'se drawn ztc., on lot for rent of Terms cash, Ken and Ken 'and Milen and mun- snow the 194 Hoard, No. 1 pine excellent lumber. Hill 243J. 1 GUELPH COOK STOVE, white enamel, with reservoir. excellent con- dition. Apply Geo. Foster, RR. 72 ply M. Hair 2 Markham. QUANTITY of new dry inch ha INTERNATIONAL 3 TON TRUCK stake SINGLE IRON BED. box spring. reasonable. Also small ,table. Apply Mrs. Beam, 4 Elizabeth Street, Rich- mond Hill. c1w21 LARGE OAK BUFFET; large exten- sion table to match. Apply Miss R. Baker, Yonge St, opposite Stunden's Garage, Oak Ridges. *1w21 dition. Appl Maple, phone FORGET YOUR FEETâ€"~walk on air ACME COOK STOVE, steel top, good condition. nearly new, white enamel. Apply Miss Austin, 36 Centre St. W.. Richmond Hill, phone 253. c1w21 en with broiler and warming oven; also late model Frost King ice box. Hood, 2 Markham Road. *1w21 250 PULLETS, R.O.P. sired Barred“ Rock. These put-lets are from 51/2 to 6 months old readv for the laying pen. Harold Hill, Gonmley R.R. 2. phone Stouffville 1520. c1w21 lbs. Barter’s 'Machin'e Shop vale, phone Richmond Hill 35 8-PIECE DINETTE‘SUITE, cushion seat chairs; also Quebec stove with side oven. Apply ‘V. Ivanoff, 11/2 miles east of Yonge St. on N. 7 highway. *wal ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS, stair hand rails, fire doge, fire screens, fire sets and acetylene weld- ing. Apply T. Elliott, Oak Avenue. Richvale. tfc35 RANGETTE, 1 year old give them Lloyd’s Corn Salve care 50c. at Scotchmer's Drug Store. ELECTRIC STOVE. four burner, ov- MIXED HAY PLATFORM SCALES, weigh to 1000 200 GALS .’ ClassifiedA JUST ARRIVED at LaGrove Gifts and Handicrafts, grand new shipment of wool in full range of colors suit- able for sex, sweaters,, etc. Phone Thomhill 102. ' , tfc20 TWO ACRE LOTS 01' will rent for the season of 1948. Lot numbers 19 and 20 on Elgin Mills sideroad west off Yonge. P. Duffy, 135 Sher- bourne St., Toronto. *4w19 40 AGENT for all electric supplies, washers, radios, Moffat ranges, re- frigerators, etc., also the Hinman milkers and repairs. Soliciting your requirements, J. A. Rose, telephone Maple 84M. tfc16 WOOD. Order now for immediate delivery. Hard body wood, also dry soft wood, slabs and hardwood limbs cut any length. Also cedar posts. Lageer Bros., Stouffville RR. 2, phone Mt. Albert 4120. *2w19 LaGROVE GIFTS and Handicrafts announce arrival of new shipment of wool (grand color selection); Christ- mas cards by Coutts, reasonably priced; line of toys, including dolls; other Christmas selections. Phone Thornhill 102. banded. Write for pri and find out about our order discount on order fore Januarv 1, 1948, z livery. Hillview Farm JUNIOR SIZE BED, 5'6” long and chest of drawers to match, maple finish, in good condition, reasonable for quicksale. Phone Richmond Hill 265W at 7 Roseview Ave. >2‘2f21 TOLEDO SCALES for store, f TOLEDO SCALES for store, fan type, capacity 20 lbs., finished in white porcelain, good as new, easy to read, price figures, price $40. Fred Wilson, 1/2 mile north of Gormley on con. 4 Whitchurch Twp. . *1w21 5-ROOM BUNGALOW with sunroom, brick veneer, full basement, with acre of land, garage. Immediate posses- sion. In Richvale. Apply 46 Edgar Ave., R‘ichvale, phone , Thornhill 11081'15. *1w20 stablmg' for dairy. cement silo, poul- try house. new, 17x27, driving: shed 24x30, water ‘in the barn, 6 acres of bush. Price $7,500. Phone 247 Rich- mond Hill. *2le 100 ACRES FARM LAND on can HILLVIEW FARM CHICKS [on ‘00( 337 lie YEARLING HENS, Barred Rocl' Ink Beatty. Yongehurst Rd., Ste phone 19512 Richmond Hill..‘ for each 8 FORD DcLUXE SEDAN, 1'2 heater. Apply Walter W)‘ ne.Ma‘ple 281‘4. *lV THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Five line DODGE SEDAN, good condiâ€" g'ood heater, new slip covers, tires. Phone Stouffville 4016. ‘c1w21 body Road Maple Ave )‘J SSâ€"Five lines c7 less, 35 cents for ach subsequent insertion. Over 5 insertion. IF “HARGED NINE C FOR SALE hi good condition. A Garage, Oak Ridge Twp., 4 miles from Rich- stucco house. 6 rooms. steel roof 40x64, good ' dairy. cement silo, poul- BElytrees wth of No cixvale nd STRAW. deliver more. S. Wins: ade fuel oil n'icely grained, Phone Richmond *1w21 oil. Ap‘ arm. con Apply ), Rich 381'14. For the c4w21 c1w21 Apply ffville 1 they c1w21 mies 1w21 1W2 1 1w21 1 \\' 1w21 (I \V Zw19 ii ACME COOK STOVE, coal & wood, black and white enamel, with shelfv grood as new. Phone 276W Richmond Hill. clw‘21 ducks 3141'2: 1938 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. in good condition, best Offer this week. Phone Willowdale 2421. clw‘Zl GIRL‘S WINTER COAT, size 16 oven burnex 44rl3. 2 FRET SAWS, treadle machines: large kitchen cabinet; child’s loot, with mattress. large size. Phone Willow- dale 2421. c1w221 pru l‘ill COOK STOVE, McClal‘)‘ 30 PULLETS, Barred Rock and Light Sussex, 51/2 mos. old., 81.25 each. Phone Maple 77R. (‘1w21 OAK STORE COUNTER, 14:1 good condition. equippedvvfith €15. Apply Red & White 90‘ m 193-1 FORD COACH, excelle dition. South-wind heater. ized, new tires. Phone 234‘ mond Hill BOY’S OVERCOA'I excellent condition. cash offe Richmond Richmond Hill." ‘ 1 YEAR OLD HENS and THIS MONTH ON Northern Spy apple‘ no culls, at $1.75 greenings $51.75 pe] $1.25; delivered. W phone Thornhill 19( dark green, worn once, lcn Apply Box 27 The Liberal. Richmonidi Hill causing you concern this‘ year? If so. visit LaGrove Gifts and Hand?! crafts and learn how beautiful gifts may be purchased on easy terms arâ€" cording to the new Christmas Club plan. ' tfcm LaGROVE'Gifts and Handicrafts has added a luxurious line of fur coats (Persian lamb, mouton, beaver, etc.). Workmanship guaranteed. See coat on display and consult Mrs. Black- burn regarding; easy purchase terms. IS YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT LIST COFFEE URN. v5 gals; wardrobe trunk; walnut drop leaf tables; pine panelled doors; fire screens; doll beds; used articles and household furniture of all kinds. McLean Tradâ€" ‘ing‘ Co., Thornhill, open 12w, open daily 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Wednesdav 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. c1w21 1937 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, good shape, good tires, cash or trade. 1936 Ford coupe, mechanically A1, needs body work, $375 cash or trade. 1933 Dodge coach, good tires, new batt- ery, runs good, 3300. 1928 Chev. coach, $64. Yes it runs. Langstaff Dodge coach, good tires, new batt- ery, runs good, 3300. 1928 Chev. coach, $64. Yes it runs. Langstaff arage, corner Yonge and No. 7 hg‘y., hone Thornhill 161'4. >-“1\v21 1 PR. MEN’S SPEED, SKATES, size 10, like new; 1 army greatcoat, new; 3 small books on toolmaking; 1 copy Senior Chemistry, Cornish; 1 copy Modern Poultry Farming; 1 Machin- ist’s Library, 4 volumes, complete coverage of all machine tools; 1 set Parisian novels, unabridged; 1 Swiss 17 jewel gold chronometer wrist watch, unobtainable in Canada, a beautiful timepiece; 500 ft. virgin white oak lumber; quantity of barn beams, various lengths and Widths; 1 Kennedy machinist‘s tool box, all steel, 8 drawers, combination lock, like new; 500 fence rails suitable for fencing; large quantity fence posts, clot-hes line poles and hydro poles; truck body materialâ€"stakes 2x6’s, 5” board, good quality hardwood; 1000 ft. elm planking; 1000 ft. maple planking. Fred Taylor, 74 Richmond St., Richmond Hill, phohe 315w. The Third instalment 'of the current year’s Taxes is due on Pay promptly and avoid the penalty which must be imposed after DECEMBER 5th Richmond Hill, Nov. 6, 1947 RUSSELL LYNETT, AT STRAW TAXES ‘0 avertising Oh. for the quiet old days when XNTITY OF CINDE La Salle College, A1 NOVEMBER 15th hr FORD SEDAN $75. Apply ph< Phone Richmond Hill 102183 AVY HORSI TEE Hill and FEED OATS FOR SALE $1.10 per bushel Apply phone Richmond evening's. c NTS' PER LINE )u Id n um} I‘OVE, McClary. warming; tank. equipped with oil Apply phone Richmond Hill RAPLANE COA( nsertion Oxf Apply 10 proximate 0rd St.. E DNLY, hand picked ples, domestic grade. F5 per bushel; also per bus.; Baldwins, Wm. Vanderbent, 190r21. c3w19 none 8 ize 10 me 23- ne extra Z‘Or Treasurer. publi THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20H Winter- 4J Rich- *1w21 4.1 ndition Thorn- length. c‘Zle young (1 Hill c1w21 ft.. in draw- Stoie. c1w21 M‘ill c1w21 1 W 1w21 Ile St., 1w21 tfcl C011 POTATOE (111‘ For free nick-up nhene RIGH- FIOND HILL 7 or KING 241’4 or MAPLE 2937. We pav telenhone charges. GORDON YOUNG LIMiT- ers. Woods Coolers, 9nd Wood Ranges & Sports Ltd., ‘24 ronto. ‘ “ WANTED TO RENT PASSENGER Hill 7 3.111. t ED. ' Toronto. phone AD. 3636 I R ANSPORTATION DEAD HORSES & CATTLE want. WELL DIGGING, expert workman- ship. septic tanks dug out. Apply F. York. Oak Ridges. ' tfc15 _,_ WILL DO ODD JOBS. VV‘ill repair and fix storm sash Hill 2522.}. CUSTOM PLOWING DONE. Apply E. A. Radford, con. phone Unionville 30J3 WIRING, new work, repairs, farm wiring, primary and secondary lines run complete with poles. Phone ev- enings Markham 741‘13. *12w11 ALFALP LIGHT MACHINE WORK, welding and brake drums trued. Barter’s Machine Shop, Richvale, phone Rich- mond Hill 358r14. ' ‘1 tfc14 WELL DIGGIH oipe lines. septic tanks, concrete work and excavating, concrete well cribs. Order early. T. Jarrett, phone Richmond Hill 3131-4. c1w3‘ SAND AND GRAVEL delivered uny- where in district. E. Charlty, Yonge Street and Brookside Road. PhonI Richmond Hill 1021‘14. tfc. PAPERHANGING and painting, ex- pert workmanship. 35 years experi- ence. Free estimates given. Harry Forster. Victoria Square, telephone Stouffville T516. tfcl4 ALL KINDS FURNITURE repuua. upholstering, cabinet work, wouu carving. Estimates given. N. u. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmom Hill. tic. PERSIAN CAT, white and coffee colored, male, very timid. Reward. Apply Mrs. Beam, 4 Elizabeth St., Richmond Hill. . c1w21 OOOWWM” Township‘ Of” Mafkhanfx Clerk’s Notice of Voters’ List, 194 In Richmond Hill or vicinity. Permanent residence for busi- ness man and his family. Excellent References DOMINION STORE Yonge St. EATHERS and feather be ascriptions. Highest pric '1-ite to Queen City Feathe .oowmooommoom VG have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law. The last day for appeal being November 21. 1947. Dated this 3rd day of Nov., 1947. Clerk, Township of Markham CHARLES HOOVER, VOTERS’ LIST, 1947 Notice is hereby 'ven tha'ft I'have omplied with secti 9 of the Vot- z-s' List Act and that I hav‘e posted p at my office, Unionville, on the st (lay of November, 1947 the list f all persons entitled to vote 'in the uitl municipality for Members of ’arliament (01' as the case may be) t Municipal elections, and that such ist remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters 0 take immediate proceedings to HgllggES WA N T E D Campbell Mink Ranch Pays $15.00 at your Farm Phone Agincourt 18J12 MISCELLANEOUS Will move on your lot where possible. te to Quee iwin St., ' HOUSE â€" COTTAGE APARTMENT on phone M Phone Thornhill v73 MORTGA( C. MATTHEWS A or clover hay or straw in new 01' used DeLavaI Milk- Is Coolers, Oil Heaters, Coal COUNTY OF YORK Municipality of the H 0 U S E FOR SALE WANTED FOUR ROOMS wanted at all times in mall quantities. Apply hinter, phone 1021? Rich- 3/0 Wm. Morrison. Phone tfc20 Toronto ; leaving Richmond Bav and Albert Sts., 4.45. Apply 8 Baker 29 Richmond Hill. LOST 1'01' s.. Toronto 'Radirc 41 Yonge St, To- Richmond Hill nt m Phone Richnionfi LOAN irst \K‘ anted from aving 6-6.30 iaily. Apply *1w21 Markfifim, tfclS d5 of all es paid. ‘osting- of Stor clw21 treat; tchO $500 seph

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