Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Dec 1947, p. 3

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y Dr. A. J. MacKinnon VETERINARY SURGEON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11th, 1947 DENTIST FORMERLY 0F THORNHILL Announces that his offic'e is now located at the City Limits, North Toronto, dir‘ectly opposite the Term- inal, over Liggett’s Drug Store. .Phone Office: HLlahd 93-00 Dr. J. Sheppard With Dr. S. W. Armitage, Maple Small and Large Animals 9-10 1 MAPLE Centre St.. E. Richmond Hill Hours: 9-11 a.m.; 1-4 pm. Evenings and Sundays: Emergencies and appointments only. Telephone 24 Richmond Hill #0!!! the Toronto Conservatory [of Hume will accept .a number 0: pnpds m PIANO, ORGAN and THEORY For information phone Mrs. Mylkz, 108 Yonge Street Phone Richmond Hill 58.1 9-11 a.m.; 1â€"3 p.m.; 6-8 p. Sundays and Holidays by appointment only. 122 Yonge Street Richmond Telephone 100 Centre St. W. Office phone 360W Jack Walkington GENERAL INSURANCE Life. Fire, Automobile, Liability, Hail, Accident and Sickness Farm Insurance 3 Specialty King City Telephone 28 With the increase of fire hazards, property owners should review thei- insurance policies, and due to the increased cost of materials would be well advised to increase the amounts of insurance. Also car owners who think it will never happen to them are caught some time or other with- out: protection. The cost is alminor amount to what it will cost if an accident happens. INSURANCE AGENT Richmond Hill Telephc 29 Elmhurst Ave., Lansing Willowdale, Zone 8-288 (Toronto Subscribers Dial “Operator”-â€"-â€"Message Charge) ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS 2518 YONGE STREET (At/St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-8 Helen Sinmson Lynett J. F. Lynett Dr. J as. R. Langstaf f â€"â€"-AND-â€" ' DENTIST YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET PHONE 70 rRICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Dr. P. R. MacFarlane Dr. Geo. A. Thompson Phone Richmond Hill 1021'13 GAS EXTRACTION SANITARY CON'ljRACTORS TANKS CLEANED OUT OF TOWN SERVICE W. J. ALDRIDGE Miss Alice Mecredy Miss Sylvia Mecredy For ‘All Occasions Phone orders delivered any. where in North Yonge St. District :NOWOOOOOOOO00000960”.OOOOQOOOOOOOOOONOOWOQQ WOWNOOOOOOOOONOOOOWOWOMOOOOOOOQ INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS Dr. R. A. Bigford Dr. M. J. Quigley Dr. W. J. Mason Official and Accredited Veterinarian Dr. J. P. Wilson SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS Closed Wedgesday all d_gy_ M. & G. Electric Adelmo M elecci VETERINARY Phone Woodbridge 172 . G. SAVAGE and by appointment H. 1’. MATTHEWS OFFICE HOURS: r4 hâ€"t o MUSICAL PIANO DENTAL WIRING, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS Office Hours DENTIST Consult LICENSED ELECTRICIAN Richmohd Hill Res. 360J FI‘ielephone 118 XI RAY Phone 3 Hill l’honc Richmond Hill 1951'3 614 Conf ELgin 5025 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Residence â€"â€" 18 Poyntz Ave. banning, Ont. Willowdale 808 Room 66, 18 Toronto _v St., Toronto Phone AD. 5877-8â€"9 Except Saturday 40 Yonge St., Richmond Hill Phone Richmond Hill 229 MORTGAGE LOANS ARRANGED Jos. Rabinowitch, B.A. Barristers, Solicitors, Notafles N. L1 MATHEWS, K.C. K. M. R. STIVER, B.A. (On Active Service) B. E. LYONS, B.A. JOSEPH VALE NEWMARKET OFFICES 100 Main St. 6 Botsferd St. Phone 126 Phone 120 MAPLE TINSMITH & PLUMBING SUPPLY Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. A. Cameron Macnaughton, K.C., Alex. M. Macnaughton McKinnon Building 19 Melinda Street, Toronto, Ontario 93 Yange Street Immediately North of Masonic Hal] Phone 87 â€" Richmond Hill Toronto Officeâ€"18 Toronto Street Phone Adelaide 5877 Accountants â€" Auditors Suite 404 â€" 229 Yonge St. TORONTO â€"- ELGIN 3810 LANGSTAFF -â€"â€" Thornhi1163r14 Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Wm. Gook, K.C. Ralph B. Gibson, K.C. J. A. Gibson ‘ormto Office: 912 Federal Bldg. 85 Richmond St. West Richmond, Hill. Thursday forenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate 26 Years Experience [ox-k County, Uxbridge and Edith ing Townships Farm Stock and Furniture Sale: a Specialty Telephone Stouffville 7312 Address: Gormley P.0. Ken & Clarke Prentice . AUCTIONEERS ALEXANDER MacGREGOR, K.C. ALBERT J. WILSON, M.A. BARRISTERS 614 Confederation Life Building Licensed and Authorized for the Counties of York find Ontario. Farm Stock, Implements, Household Furniture, Real Estate Sales a specialty. At Fair and Reasonable Rates Dual service for the price of one. Milliken P.O.. phone Agincourt 52w3 Markham P.O., phone Markham 206 No sale too big or too small THORNHILL 'ANfi ’UNI’O’NVILLE BARRIS'BER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Successor to B. B. Jordan OFFICE HOURS Monday, Wednesday and Saturday morningg 93041.30. MacGregor & Wils¢_2_n_ BARRISTER SOLICJTQR, Nolan} PUBLIC OPEN "EVERY EVENING 8-10 Real Estate Insurance Auction Sales Personally Listed and Advertised. Tinsmithing and Plumbing Eavestroughing Furnaces Installed Accountants W. Ernest Lansdowu & C0. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Richmond Hill, Telephone 15 Branch Offices at Telephone 92-R Richmond Hill Thistletown Walter S. Jenkins luuuu AAAII ~A v THfiiiléDAY AFTERNOON Wright & Taylor WNaughton & MacNaughtcn Mathews, Stiver, Lyons & Vale A Cook & Gibson Telephone Maple 102 Residence 62r32 R. H. KANE T. C. Newman Richmond Hill Every A. S. Farmer Woodbridge 64123 Phone Weston 703r12 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE L. HOUSE Ken Love AUCTIONEER Onta 2'10 Toronto EARM FIRES CAUSE ANNUAL DAMAGE OF OVER $10 MILLION It is estimated from a recent sur- vey made by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics that there were 8,000 farm fires in Canada in the 12â€"month period ended June 1, 1947. It is difficult to obtain adequate represen- farm fires in Canada in the 12â€"month period ended June 1, 1947. It is difficult to obtain adequate represen- tation of farm fires because if a fire is sufficiently serious to destroy the farm residence and it is not rebuilt. there is little possibility of collecting information about the fire from a sample survey of households. How- ever, even with this probability of under-estimating, the results of the survey indicate that farm fires oc- cur with considerable frequency and cause enormous property damage. The estimated value of farm property destroyed by fire in the period un- der review amounted to $10,254,000 and the amount of loss covered by insurance was estimated at $3,778,- ‘000, just under 37 per cent. This indicates that a relatively small pro- portion of farm property is ade- quately insured against fires. 1 1 Fires were most frequent in barns or outbuildings and 45 per cent of all fires originated in these places. The farm house was the location of 38 per cent, and 15 per cent were stubble, bush or gra5s fires. The re- maining 2 per cent of the fires con- cerned machinery and equipment. In addition to buildings, including the farm home, it is estimated that farm equipment was lost or destroyed in 16 per cent of the fires and equipâ€" ment and live stock in 15 per cent. The frequency of farm fires shows considerable seasonal variation, the late spring and summer being the season in which fires are most com- mon. Nearly half of all farm fires occur in 'the four months of May to August: ADVERTISING NOTICES Correspondents and contributors are reminded that advance notices of coming events such as bazaars, teas, suppers, euchres, concerts, etc. are advertising, and will be charged for at our regular rates. Rate for read- er notices in news columns is seven cents per line. -Display advertising rates on application. For running sores, sore feet, poison ivy, cuts, shingles, bealâ€" ings, wounds from rusty nails, scalds, chapped hands, use HYE'IT‘S Celebrated Ointment. Hyett’s Remedy for Stomach Trouble, Bronchial Coughs and Colds. White Liniment for pains in the chest, swelling, bruises. Acid Liniment for large veins and swollen legs. Here are a couple of testimonials from satisfied customers who have benefitth from HYETT’S REMEDv IES: Dear Friend: I thought you ought to know that my husband’s leg is healed and d0- ing‘ fine. It will be ten years next Spring?” since your Ointment; healed his leg and his leg has been won- derful since. u: u». a“. ....... It is 33 years since the terrible accident occurredâ€"he fell eight feet onto a rusty four inch nail which penetrated the hip joint. He went to the Orthopaedic Hospital where they put “him on a stretcher for five years. After he got off the stretch- er, his leg broke out in deep runn- ing sores, six of them, and the odor was terrible, but now the odor is all gone. He only used the Ointment twice when he noticed an improve- ment. His leg was so inflamed he would take vomiting spells and chills till he shook the bed. In two weeks he took no more of those spells and gotihis regular appetite back. No more pain tablets, thank goodness; no more odor in the house. Richmdnd Hill â€"â€" Ontario For severe pain try HYETT’S Pain and Ache Linimcnt. ' Before using Hyett’s Ointment and Medicine he told all our friends he would not see Spring, lie was so ill. There is no Ointment so healing, nor a tonic so good as Hyctt’s, as far as we’re concerned. I would advise all sufferers to use this Ointment. Give it a fair trialâ€"you will never be sorry. To Mr. Hyettaâ€" I was a sufferer from asthma for years, so bad at times I had to go to the luspital. I tried every kind of treatments that were advertised in the papers. Also our doctors give up trying to do anything for me, only the needle for relief. While in the hospital a lady told me about Mr. Ilyett's remedies. I used them faithfully for one year and I have had no return of the asthma and that is six years ago. Anyone wish- ing: to write me I will be pleased to answer their letters and tell them what llyett‘s Remedies have done for me, etc. All products manufactured in our fine new plant on Yonge St. just south of Richmond Hill. HYETT’S Celebrated Remedies (Establimd 18871 (Signed) Harriet Stokes. Winghum, Ont (Signed) Mrs. Thus. J. Dowkcs Shelburne, Ontario, November 3, 19â€"17 Wingham, Ont Nov. 21,'1u47 Ontario During the early years of the last- century, when Canadian agriculture was in its infancy, it used to be said that Scots were the best settlers for virgin land; t‘hat thgir. strong phy- . .- a... .VV siques, as well as their quality of perseverance, enabled them to do the heavy work of tree-felling and preâ€" paring the land for cultivation. But that once the land was cleared, the English and Irish settlers made the 1Best cultivators.â€"â€"The Ingersoll Tri- une. Fred Sloley, candidate for council in Scarboro Township elections, De- cember 8, told a ratepayers’ meeting at Birch Cliff Public School last week that counc11 meetings “were really a good show." “I heard of one couple who stopp- ed going to the cinema Monday nights to attend the council meet- ings. They figured the show they were seeing at the cinema was no- thing like the show they were miss- ing at council.” He told the ratepayers that all council did was fight, instead of gett- ing something doneâ€"Markham Econ- omist and Sun. CEOI==10=O 0:10 EIIIIIIHIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIHHIIIII WHAT OUR NEIGHBORS SAY BETTER THAN THE CINEMA THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO “Runs: .1- w, To the Electors of Markham Township To the Electors of Markham Township To the Electors of Markham Township To the Electors of Markham Township To the Electors 0f Markham Township May I express my thanks and appreciation for the generous way in which you supported me in my campaign and election for the office of Reeve for the year 1948. The confidence you have placed in me shall never be betrayed. I promise to administrate the af- fairs of this township to the best of my ability in the interest of all. I wish to congratulate the successful candidates in Monday's election, and I wish them every suc- cess in carrying on the administration of town- ship affairs during the coming year. Any help or eo-operation I can give them will be extended cheerfully and whole-heartedly. Many thanks to all who gave me their support and I hope that I may have the opportunity of being a candidate at some future time. 0N FARMERS I wish to congratulate the successful candi- dates in the election held at Markham Town- ship on Monday. December 8. and to wish them all every success in carrying forward the administration of local affairs in the com- ing year. I thank all who gave me their support at the recent election and for their confidence in the past years. VERN GRIFFIN My Very Best Wishes to all for Christmas and the New Year. I? 6 gthank you for your support and influefice'in re-clecting me lo a seat on the council for the year 194-8. I will endeavour to serve you to the best of my ability. you for your generous support and to express my appreciation to all those who helped to make my election possible. wish to take this opportunity to thank CHARLES H. HOOPER W. L. SCANDRETT FRED WICKS JR. WIN. TIMBERS o=o===o=m 0:0!” The Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Keffer Mon- day evening. A number of our mem- bers were helping to organize forums at Laskay and Hope. Next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. W. Oerecember 15. On Tuesday. December 23rd the Lutheran church will hold its Christ- mas concert. Come and hear “Xmas Eve at Hillside Village". Mrs. A. Perkins and son visited with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snider at the week-end. Mrs. C. Stong had the misfortune to fall recently. She broke a bone in her shoulder. We wish her a speedy recqvery. _ Mr: and Mrs ner with Mrs. day. We are sorry to hear that there are some measles in the community. Edgeley Farmers Club held its an- nual meeting Thursday, December 4. The following officers were elected: President, Mr. Percy Usher; vice- president, Mr. Lawrence Keffer; sec.- treas., Mr. Paul Snider; executive committee, Mr. P. Puterbaugh, Mr. Wilfred Bowes, Mr. Howard Lund and Mr. Harry Jackson. Mrs. King of Toronto was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Darling- ton on Sunday. EDGELEY ;o=0::==omo Mortson ‘had din- Mortson on Sunâ€" the home WWWWOOMOWOM”OWQOOM 3 E Walte‘r Bone & Son § Momonmooo OOOOMOQM OOWOMOMO“””O§ Richmond Hill, There‘s Still Time In Secure Tlml M {WM}? Co'nplc element factory no lost Order Now Far Prompt Delivery "0le LINE ’i‘lPli. Fits 11ng lower hose conm ALL KINDS OF WIRE FENCING, ALSO RAIL FENCE BUILT. ‘SEE OUR STOCK OF FENCE AND POSTS WOOD AND STEEL. FROST STEEL AND WIRE PRODUCTS MASONRY WORK DONE Maple ER. 2 Phone Maple 287‘? Box 100 s; '1: kԤҤ?:fi$a 6 813 (5 Elizabeth St, Richmond Hill, phone 148 ON ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES INCLUDING Confederation “to State Farm Automobile Queensland and Insurance of North Amenca Flrc Canadian Tirr-‘s new WIT-IS Full and “'inlrr Supnlemcnt crammed with Automolive. Farm and "mm: Shop Supplies Goods. Radio and Car Batteries. etc. Ask [or your copy. ICI.E("I‘IIIC MOTORS IRONS LAMPS OIL BURNERS RADIOS Service and Repairs been! heat 32-PAGE FOLDERâ€"ASK FOR YOUR COPY BURNERS VACUUM CLEAN HOS WASHING MACHI SUPPLIED and GUARANTEED it caxs with vei-y th cord and 4004mm Andrew Snider Phone 14 by FERGUSON HOT WATER HEATER J. A b' 221a“ egg: '44 . . . but you must Hurry Our big allotment of heaters wove sold soon alter arrival. but more are trickling through from the factories. Come in tomorrow and we'll tell you what we have in stock and thone wr expect It must be first. comeâ€"first served ’Ihese m4? models are the Des: heaters we've seen yetâ€"reason- ably priced. too. fromâ€"- Moto- Master Anti-Freeze INSURANCE allun scaled Safe Economical 17.45 ‘° 29.65 Kosy Wheel .ng part bcu requn‘es vel' for all to lower hose connection This type is most sans- ng part benefits: there ‘5 .44 ‘OVCI’S Plug-in Electric OVERNIGHT CCI‘S Engine Heater ' Easy to Install ' Economical ' Permanent CANS. MAPLE Quarl Representing as very little short conncc Richmond Hill, Ont. Sure C.T.C. BATTERY CHARGER For an Abundant Power Supply at ALL TIMES Install a Here with and amps dang! If desired 4.59 WENDSHIELD DEFROSTERS shields with electrical moms Four suction cups. De 2 luxe . . . . ‘ ‘ . . . . , . . Defroster Suction Cups. each Quarl Pfl’ Gallon fiâ€"Gnl Drum rc's a new ind: idual battery charge: 11 greatly improved ampere outnul i gonm'al pertarnmncc Plugs into .' 1m V circuit for charging radio 1! ,o ham-vies Charging rates 1: and 5 ps with automatic taper to eliminate lg'fl’ of overcharging Complete \vit'r 'd. plug and battery clips to permit lrging battery while in car 1 n q: For Quality and Economy Nugoid Zero Oil rr Supnlemopt . . . : page: Shun Suppliesâ€"Winter Sports your copy. vmeut R A N G E’l"l‘ ES RECORD PLAYERS TOAS’I‘ERS M‘UUM CLEANERS \SHING MACHINES 3.75 PAGE THREE .22 .79 Wiring Thou- [unclion Is to motor lcnumraturc q Iy and retain it for cicnt hot water h performance For many popular cars ' TH ERMOSTATS Phone 91w Assembly P. C. Hill 0° 2.98 19.95 ES: .98 .34 r em. hralm

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