Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Dec 1947, p. 7

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” THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ON'I‘AEIU PAGE SEVEN Tlâ€"lT'RSDAY. DEI‘PKIRER 11111. 1947. =_â€"â€":' â€"_ \ 9“0906969000NOOOQQ””ONNNOOMOQO”MONOQ K o i i i N 1 L [:8 . mg ty str ct ews W, _. Tl‘o \‘lWHIi .'1‘.'l 111-11 1‘11) " l‘.1 -| Health Services llisciisscd . 111‘11113' as :1 rarc 1'11111'1111111111. This 1 Iltt' the 1’ :1‘111121‘ ‘1‘ 1 1:1 "71 .â€"\1 :1c ann1ai ~11'1111 111111.1111; sponâ€" 111’1111‘ 1111111. has 1.111'111'11nipai1111 111 _\'::â€" 1‘1‘11. 11 1s ‘1-111‘12 1.1-111 111 1 1 1 11111 1 .111'1111 11‘; King Township T1‘arher511115111' plays c’ivcn 111 11111111111 and .s (111.1“! on \\ 1111111-s.;1\ 11111'1‘ . 1 “‘~1.A Associatioi. 1'111' trnstcc hoards held :11'l{ll11\\'11‘1121’1l 1111111 an 1112'1‘1111111.s plcâ€" I '-1>1' 1.. .\ 2111111 1111 ’ 1 '1: ‘ :11 l\1-1L.el1j1' ~1'l‘111111 1-1st 11111111. Miss sci~1a1i11n. _ V liicpaiwl.~ ‘ " 15.111111 31111111}. (nitaiio 1'91‘111‘11110111 111' ltc-instate 1.1).L. Banquet 1.1111 \‘1‘1111â€"‘1;~ \ss11.1-1'111 ‘1v- 1 â€" ' llcalih. spokc on 1111* advantages 111‘ .\l11’1- than 150 young pimple 111" 1.;is- their 1191‘11111111'7tllt‘t‘li‘flf :It 1211' a school 11111'.~1- 1111.11 cxnlaincd 1:11\\' :1 11".} 111s111c1. lllt'iUtllllU' a 11-\\ adalts. 111 Mrs. I’:1111 Snider. .-\‘ inc 1111\1‘ >1‘111‘111 lwallii 11'2'11111Z11111111 111‘1111 111' 11.111101 ;1 1111kev Sll‘pper at Laskay 11. 1111* 1110111111: 1110 (‘11‘1"‘1 11’ 1111' V r a x sct 11p. $3111 2111\111'111111 11111 1:1.«4‘111 1'11111111 1'11111'1'1‘1 1111 ‘xilllll’llilk 1'V1’1l'1lu‘. IL‘t’l‘s‘ 1111‘ 11:1 1111s:11n_r )1‘111’ 1111c,11.1 a health 111111. “111111 111'11\1111‘\ :‘1'1‘1111'1‘ 11111 :r-s1111111ti1n 111 an 11111111111 cxcnt :11‘11 1111* 11‘1111\\1n: 11111-9 1:1111'111: ' I - 4 - s1-111111 111 school 111111111111. «\11111111112' 1111' l.21>l\§l) 'i.l’.L’. 1:11 111 111111 1 l’iesiiicni. .\lis, .111s_ 11:1 111411111: ' 1 111 11.1- 1'111111111‘s. The 1111:11111 111111 cronp 11-11111 'loront1 piii\'i.lwl 11111 1‘11â€" \11‘1‘â€"111’U.\'11101ll. .\11s. ltnssil l’cars- 1.: - \\ 111111 may 1'111111'11>L’ 1.5111111 1111111111- 11111‘11111110111 \u1111'11 111.1'11ie111111 inspir. *1‘111‘ltll\'. M12 W, 131111.111: 1111-.‘11-w- palitics is 1111111 .‘11-111. x1311 \llr‘ 111111nal addicss 11)‘ .\11‘. (has. Minty. 311s). ;\1tlnr .11111'ks'1111. .\1 '12- 1i111~1 ~~ O" . V ‘ ' ' r ' 1.11-‘. 1111 has :1'11111111' 1111‘.lllllll'.j|“ \\1111 s 111111 1111 1111* “\\111'1ll\\i‘110111'~s 1" 111’ 11101111112 1111 11111.1ss $1110. rc- ‘ - For Coalflng’ Heatlng! Iforlgeratlorl 1\lliaan1naEli*1‘ sisicnis. 111' 1111111; l'c11plcs‘ \Vui'lt‘. .\1-1‘.\c1y 11'1s11ni11111s. ‘ T1111 1111111111‘ was \icwcd \\1tli 11111111 1i11-r1‘>1111 111 pr111n11li11n 111' 1111- 1"11'i-A Miss .\rn .1111-1Ls1111 spcni 1111 wcckA You wilueed l‘iH‘UIIP. 311‘ 200 gallons 11:111 1111111111;r 1111.1 inlll'cnccs 1‘0111'1‘1'11- 111111 at 1311- 111111111 111' (1,300 lbs. milk) iv'lercst 111 111111-1191} and 11‘11>I1'1-s. and I I 1111: their lives. Ml'. Minty >110S>t‘-l .1111 Mrs. 1}. (fl .l;1.-1\-\- 11, the suggestion was ad\an1-c11 111 l1:1\1- SEE OUR DISPLAY OF MODERN 1111- Issac picscntcd :11 animal 1111117 11111 111-1-11 11 r leadership and support We are glad 111 11111111; \111’4. 1111M“ pavors' meetings in each school scc- 111' 11111111‘ prisons 11111111111 1111* iiioveâ€" l'caison and Mr. 11. (‘_ Jackson 11.12‘1‘ on , A A . ' . 1 - . " [- 1\)l 1~ . - . . '. ' . . 11011. with a \'1(".\ 111 :1 later meeting nicnt. llc 111111) 1 11\es 111 lllL 11‘1‘1*\t‘l('1l tiom icccnt lllllt‘.sst‘.~. ot' trustccs with 11111 111\\11>liip 1‘111111s work. and \\111'11L‘Il Inc danu'cr 01 Mr. Edward Whittaker and Mr. swimming" too far 1'r11ni 11111 slinre 111' Poss Anderson were delcuatcs 1.11 1111‘ ('hiistian living. (1111» 111' 11111 group. l'.l“.0. convention 111-111 :11 11111 hi»; a magician. 11111121111111 inc :1111118111‘1‘. ltldward [1011-] last wook. 011111- :1 :11111 smcial 1111is1cal ll‘lllll'lt’l‘.\. 111111111. nnnilmr from 1111111 attended 1111- 11:111â€" 11111111 111111 sing sonus 1'o1nplcted :1 1111141 and dance in 1111‘ (‘1'ys::11 llall 11111 program. Mr. .1csse Hiyson. 1'1‘0’11 on \Tcdncsday iiig'lit. AND HOT WATER HEATERS 1i|. T111- prolilcni 111'111'alth service is a vital one, said (Jordon l'lanipson. presidr-ni of the association. 211111 11development is surc 111 conic. .\lis~ Moorc plans 111 :ii-qiiaiiii trustee 111.;11'tls with details 111‘ the unit sysâ€" CAIF FEEDS You feed only 25 gallons ‘ a,» (225 lbs. milk) _ Call us for your requirements . tcni as set 111) in othcr scctions 111' Y.l’.l'. prcsidcnt. \‘.;1s host 111' 1111* The Y.I’.l’. 111111 111 11111 11.111111 111' E R- t the [)I‘iwllict'. 111 81111113. 1111- president. Gordon Harbor 1111 S1111. v ' Dr. l\'. (l. Sti-othci's. licaltli depart. (‘lirisinms Services for .\n::’licun 11'11‘ 1112111. 1101111 Amh‘l'fillil “In” ill a R n R v meat, spoke 11iicfly on individual Parish charge of thc topic. Thc 011’1'11111 o‘.‘ ‘1 teaching for the hackward child. 111- (‘lnislmih' sé‘l'vik‘t’fi for thc .Akng'li- officers took placc and 11111 1711111111. "‘ Distributors of Bottled Gas spcctor (‘. Howitt was also present. Miss Eilecn Nixon, teachcr ot' Kcltlc- 1:1n par sh 111‘ King are as follows: inofwcrc elected: President. Gordon St. Stephen's. Maple. t‘liristinas liaiwer; vice-picsidciit. Weslcv Whitâ€" “00600. 00000000600000.60000.0000”.O“QOOOOO”OOOOOOOO00600000O 0s : --- _________â€"â€" â€"____.“.. .â€".._ _._ YongieZ Sto, Phone by school was hostess. 11".‘11 Midnight (‘oinmrnion (-oiiiiiiciic takci': sccictary. Larva T111115": b , following the Master Calf Feeding program Not only Wm - ' I I I \VootIIn-idge Group Play 1113.r at 1113-11) p.111. ' ti casnrer. Allan Jackson. At the y . , ' Waco“. Kim: Masonic hall was filled to All Saints, K1112". (‘lll'lfilllllls 11213'1 (low of thc meeting Mi s. 1:11'111-1' you grow better calves, bUt you W111 raise them for less money! standing room for the vlay pl‘csent- 111 Holy Communion. scrved refreshments, ed by a \Vomlliridge group in the St. John's. ()ak Ridges, 11111111 Thc hockcy ('luli held :1 croiginnle Day. ('omiiiunion 11 am. interests of King \\'.[. on Heccnmcrl ('hiistmas narty in tho Sunday school 1-1111111 1n _____â€"_.â€" 1.1. . .»1.n.v1.11.11.11,...”.11.n.u.n.1~ 1,-1.11. i.n.u.u.u.n.n.u o o . , 5111. The plot was intcrestinc' andi (111 Sunday. December 21, ('ln-ist- Tuesday night. Prize \\'1nn(11-< 111111-11; ,_ . . t. d lively, and the acting; exceptionally. mas .scrvicc and carots at Oak Ridges- l.ailies. 1st. Mrs. R. Pearson; consoâ€" MaSter calf Starter’c‘ro'ver ‘5 a combmadon Of Penets and well donc. It was the 131st prescii- 1'11111‘1'11. 1.510 11111. conducted by tho laticn. Mrs. W. Buchanan: Gents. l>t. specially processed cereal grains designed to replace whole or No Down Payments 12 Months .to Pay 1111111311“1117113105175 11511510171 111551." 1133311»11f"11131151115119111111111111 m .l‘ill-illmllihmm" m”“‘°‘““""‘ ‘"”‘"" skim milk “Med dry- “You PrefergruelfeedinguseMasm mmnnwymdNMHmes §tmntnsonrnrnnnlrncsnnnmmawmninsomncrgmmgdg CTMTu vars called for and delivered. Free estimates. 121:3“ .1"111311.133 11,-...[11"11.117111:i$.‘;:.’L“11;:1.“1.3.1011: 51111113." .5312: ., I- NORTH END AUTO REFINISHERS i;f...§“‘{111':“135‘”l“1’f 11211111?“ 31:11:33.1 ilifim‘wi’Et 11211,115115111-.“lfill‘lllitll 11111111121 11.111‘111‘311... 11.1.1 .1 PHONE THORNHILL 51 “'11 DELIVER Garage ill Thornhill. Telephone 212112 PSI-Silt”il-Tlililnlllll‘]:1'“lTlllllllt‘3r l“iiiiilgillxmii-iii;11:15:...31111'1~111~1s ol‘ mm; 1412111111115“ninth,l,|,':,l1:li,.:ll“ofprlllvgl[1.31: ‘ a m MW m / ' _M_- musical olltL‘l‘lillnlllL‘llt was o'cncrons. 1112' picttircs. plns draws, Santa ('lans osti'ii. ‘ rlw‘ll ___â€"__. .___-_-â€" .l'll‘lD‘Il'll’ll'll'll'll'll'u'i"|l'U'Il‘n'lI'II‘U‘IL'U'I'HI'II' a Ll'l:'IHIi'I111‘..4.i'qu‘u'u'n‘u‘I- 1y provided 11y the visiting- R'rorp, 211111111115. All 11111111011 H years and H . o o 0 Mis. Al. Woods and l’cv. 11111 1 1. under admitted free, Nominal alâ€" t" R . h H ‘ ‘ ‘ L. H. HODGSON 1C mon 1 I aim cred piano duets; Ivan Vanderbui'g'. 11115511111 for all others, hoy pianist. Introductions \icre made 5111111118 11f childrcn 1111811111115." 1111‘ AUTO GLASS INSTALLED A , 1. by ML THWK 11;; .} L,“ -i;]w,11 Christmas Tree 31101111 1 r‘ w ' ' ' 7 ' PISTON PINS FITTED. VALVES REFACED 11mm.“ l” ‘ 'm‘“ 1‘ ‘ W aim...” 1.1 «Jimmie 11011111213111? General CO’ltraCtl’lg TRY OUR PICK UP AND “ Ntbleton (‘ommunity Association lcr in Maple or (‘omrade Alvin Mc- ' - - 1' Y I AND RESEATED WHILE YOU WAIT. Sponsor Shooting 111111-11 x111- in 111112- 1101'111e T111s11uy..11<1- l""“‘““‘" and Res‘dent'a‘ DEMVERY SERV ICE' A shooting- match sponsored by (‘Olll)01‘lfilllv ‘ ' NUDletmt Meinmial Rink Associatirn l‘tVelSleY [)1‘951‘3'191'13” w-"- "9' 013.8" for (lontraCts tick] on Saturday laslt op two l‘dllg’esi clcctlcd] 1(1ff11('(‘tli:~' alt thc afnn‘ipil nIIcet-l Repairs and Renovations I iiew a arge Cl'()\\'( 0 cxpei'iciicm na' 1(‘1 a to 1111110 1) .is. “1-01 . . r I‘- ‘ marksmcn who competed for fowl. (‘Ui'tisx Mrs. lloward (‘aii‘ns re- NewBu'ldlngS- Richmond Hill â€" Phone 86 . . . , v lbqrmmcnt and app-arc] worn 11y SOVâ€" mains prcsidcnt; Mrs. \\. Shropshirc. v - - , h - 1st vice~prcsidcnt; Mrs. A. .loncs. 2nd Apply Box 100’ The l‘lberd] Z f‘rnOId ISX'Seercemen era] contestants was very attractive. and marksmcn came from Toronto \1<'(‘-1110>l‘lf‘lll: MH- Jfimcs Ball. H“:- and other distant points. The zlSSU-I l’t‘l'rll'Xl 1116 01111' 01131120 helm: al)- c'aticn Conducted a ray-95111110111: poiiitnicnt of Mis. Frank Armstrong" booth on the grounds. The Novciii- “5 il'l‘ilflll'f‘lfi 101112101112 MI‘S. Howard her and Dcceiiihcr committee in NVlll- P1021111“ PlanningWVlll1190011â€" 1-haitre of fund-raising events are N‘th l'.\' M”- l Lillklll. 311's. 1"1 Stokes (‘haiiiberlaiiL Forest Kaake (‘Ul'tls and 31131 RON Bowen: Miss and My. Walton, Lily Andeison, quilt convcnor and On December 15 King and whit- organist. Mrs. Charles Gordon. The church township councils will make t1'9215111‘01"5 1’91101't ShOWWl 3154-56 1'0- Ippoiintinrtints to the high school are-.1 a‘eiptfs 1toy the year; expenses, $35.55. ‘ _ V ‘ .1oai'1. 111 arca plan will conic into 01:1 111 ancc 8374.08. The work of CEl‘vu‘JNT RIIXLRS 101‘ rent by day, W881; (11‘ month effect in January. and while it will "1" Ai‘xiliarv ShO\vs"lively interest . ‘7 not. Show 2m)- Visibie change in the and meetings have been well attend- CONtTRLTE STRUCTURE HAlWMN Sand & Gravel Concrete Foundations Phone Willowdale 2434 0. HOMO.” WWW ed. Laskay United’ W.M.S. reâ€"elccted‘ Mrs. Lawrie Boys president. at the high school course for the remain- der ot thc school term. it is. thought full operation will commence in Sep- l tember of next year. King township ““llal "well"? held 1831 Week other [may have two representatives on the Officers 31'91 MI'S- w- BI'XSOII. vice- .; 0 area hoard; Whitchurch one repre~ 11’1‘95-1 311's. G19“ 1300ka SECl'elal’l'i A R C d : gentthe; the sewn-ate school' one .vris. N. Bi'vson. missions treasurer; . appointment if desired. Dr. G. W. M“- J’“ HUM”. W-A- 106211 tl’é‘fls- ' t\\1lliains of Aurora is the York coun- [TI‘II‘QIZWSIGO Will be 56m to lTllSSlOHS- ‘ j ‘ . . . . y representative imd the Aural-u ie .A. receids are about 3:161). . (Justom Grinding and Mlxmg 1......“ 1.... mm... 1)., ,1 L. 11...... hMr. and 1111.3. w. Noble 11.111 two cw I gale}. i iart. am Ernest Eveleish. Aurora (2 ildreii of Toronto are new r si e .' ~ - ~ "‘ " ' QHUR C ‘IN FlEeED ZN?) FERTILIZFP public school will name its romp m ng‘ having. mehased m: 7:9 sure and Visit Santas branch store for your Xmas gills. (vlflrs for the 'enilre .1 - u A . sentative this month. .01‘ “21111th home. The llanibly’s liimliy. You mil)’ purchase these on our Lin-Away Plim- A515 “5 film“ “"5: plan HARD‘VARE‘ TIRES, BATTERIES, GAS & OILS The .year 9111! meeting“ of l{in;r .lluvenmovcd to their new home on when \‘isilin’: our store. “7E I‘UY GRAIN township count-1' \\‘111 he held at king 1119 111th concession. which the.“ 1111"? i ) x . . O 0111 pecanber 15. l>l]'llt 1111:1112; the summer and fall. , ‘ . {en ichards shot a deer dressing T195" “'1” 1‘0 “11358111 111011 King! Vill- § 160 pcunds during. the one“ season ag'e. Mrs. Noble is; .' ster of Mrs.l Telephone Maple 651.21 . O in Simcoe County last week. ._-\1'cliie Campbell Of1King‘hOi‘n. and l Christmas Shopping it is hopcd they all find King: a pleaâ€" The rush and turmoil of Christ- 51ml Place to “Ve- iiias Shopping which precedes the sea- The Kins and Vaua'han Plowmen's .5911 of joy may be greatly reduced banquet held for directors and wives It shoppers in the district find their “'35 110111 at LaSlial' H2111 this \Vefi'lLl way to the stores at King. Merâ€" CatC‘l'e‘l by the INStlmte- ' i' ‘ 7' ciilailits have wellvstocked shelves 111 *~ - - \J L .- r " '1 a mes, and the friendliness of the PARISH OF KIN“ ' . i courlitliyl store and the courtesv exâ€" S ReCtOI'i Re“ E- W- G. Wm'i'i‘ll CIOCkS NIuSlcal PO‘Vder 13371.6X C 19,1191 )y merchants and staff-‘11.“... . unday, Dec. 11 Advent ill Alwavs Silent until vou Boxes A lJltfiteeJn villsglpffwfitl 111 the 139st. M Alllos‘fl'lt>1_§lmfsflâ€" u I _ want it to wake you in)! A Just lift the 11d and 11 Percolatol . 1 ‘ _ \- Ln‘mwn of hmg Wd.3 . n a.m. . Oining Player. Hf 1 3ft {p Q. ,_ v h , Beautiful lllOt‘lUl'Zl (lesion guest speaker at Vellore W.I. this: 3-00 11-"l-â€"Slmllu.v School. UN n g1 ('1 Uel“ ome' plays! Its a handsome "th l‘t‘ 'h‘l h‘ 1‘ b ’ \\-€el\". .7 I John's, 021k Ridges. llllitii Nymph. ea. . . ‘and “,ill really be l(liflk' (1)10 dllIlrL. All (‘hnbtmas Entertammems 11.11) Praycr. .luii- -1})-eciatnl ‘ Idem 21”. 7 December 15_Ch1~istmas party at ior congregation at same ilOL‘l’. (HI Pa kettleby Baptist church combining. 3 1).iii.â€"N0rtli End and Wilcox Lakc $‘l'95 ea‘ ~â€" . V 1 the WA. and Sunday school. Sunday school in parish hall. â€" w ' ‘- December 17â€"Teston United 8.8. St- Stel’llen’sv Mapleâ€" conceI-t. T pawâ€"Holy Communion. December 18-Kinghorn school con- fiâ€"‘“â€" â€" 11 8 TEMPERANCEVILLE December l8â€"Carol singing- direct- ed by Mr. 1. Harris, by students of King- school at t] 3 .1 .. a ; Thc _W.A. and “HMS. are lI'Ildiv'n' « 7’ open invitation. ‘8 5L “L1 it i p'm‘ avmteletinlg on TlllilkN‘Ida)’, December 18 , ' . December 18~Variety concert 111111 ' . "f mm.” 0f 1 m' ROY FOIliOtt‘ V ' I ' fimmfimmmmmmmm “mmmr mmm WWW . .1 ' -â€"â€"1 15' 1 2g. ' .‘ .‘ ‘ ' ‘ 1: - -1 1- 11-9” ‘ " evening. 1 _ M ‘ '1112' m o is 1mm - ' .' ' i ‘ ' ‘. oticet cconveniento ass an es “:3 v . . x‘ ’_ Dec?mb" 19*511‘3112'9 school con- mg", '1,“ make 21 grand Lg‘i'ft (com- perfectlayer cafies or doubles baklflg and 59””):- _D65Ԥ?ed f0? cert. 111“ entertainment. W... New with cord) or meatswegetablesandothcr bak- by}: or deal” beguni- f 9?‘ “X December 22 â€" Laskzly United "‘3' “ashes easily' A pa": makes gm H to saw CUP oar apace" (‘htél'ch 00n('}:‘l'lt1211n(l tree. F d T ‘ ea. alovely gift. Each only.......52c lsetot‘ threc.only. ..,.$1.40 azaars ct )y All 831 t. W.A, -" - 1' LEAVE RICHMOND HILL and United Church WA. “.1: King â€"â€" - MC 21 MELâ€"â€" (Standard Time) were], successfully carricd out. ' ' ’ ’ . 7.- R1. .. A . To NORTH BAY To GRAVENHURSTéil‘tl";%dififflim 1.1.11). WOOD PRODUCTS 1 m “PM” 8'56 zl'm- - 8-56 3-m. 6.11 pm and bascment £1ko 0' " ‘ (' m 1 . . ‘ . 1 king Ui til '1 ’ ‘ 6.11 p.111. 11.46 321.111. x 8.31 p.111. _Ch1|l‘1‘h 1s going forward satisfaLl-lotil- ll. RICHI‘IOND 8:1" l Greenle? 12.11 a.m. 2.26 p.m. 12.11 a.m “NI-Una Unit“ 1 1 M. . B d RlChmOIld H11] 1 ' Auger B'ts x Fri., Sat. un. ' 0. on] v .1. ‘i '1 l . - .- ’ 2 ("5’1" 4 1531011 2111 l . 1’” o 1116". 'amous ‘ j, S w 1‘1 10 01 1111 01W gtinqigeo 11.111 Sago-{11111. I\)\e('ember 13 TELEPHONE 315w 1 M." F 11 N0“ 4 Falcon iuianli 1101 good qiialitv H . 1 ..1 p.111. a . rs. K (‘2 '5 '~ . i “ “' BUS CONNECTIONS AT BARRlE FOR OWEN homo. ” 0”” __ 1 er a. S meOth Plane from 85c. ea. SOUND, cOLLINGWOOD AND MIDLAND I M11111,- ma,- . . Hand Drlll Ha. 0" Cutter 91'10110- F..- - ~ ~ All Salrlts Nativity play will be . . WE SELL Takes up to 1/1." steel drill. 5 ‘ ‘ ' ' . ‘.°' ". plesented m'the Clumh 3” Ki”: ”"' - (“Oiitaiiis 8 wood drills on 913' man needs “115‘ 1” 1115 3‘ , , Timmy Wylimzu Decembm 21st and Fence Posts. Hydro Poles. l 10p of hqndle \ An 11191] home workshop. STOVE PH ES , Round Trip â€" Tax Included . 3‘3"" 0". ‘1‘?“‘lQ-V “6”.”‘3‘1 .DCCeml’er (‘lothes line Poles Fence l ' - ( i ‘ R . l; All _._n(l. The senior choir \vlll outline ) . 2- 1 “ 2'” 101 llle handy {nan- epalrs 0 FROM TORONTO the story of Christmas 1111.11 19.11111. halls P'rewood of 8“ U’Pes- 1 $7 95 ea $650 93' M kes of Stoves HALIFAX _ _ _ _ WINNIPEG _ _ _ _ $44_75 tul old. hymns and carols familiar to ' . a W QUEBEC - - - - - 24.30 REGINA - - - - - 56.00 a“ “We the 11111011111011 and Sun- WE DO 1 Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded ST JOHV _ _ _ _ 4140 CA] CARY 76 or day school representing the angels. , .1. . ‘ . 1 . x . I . I 4 n - - - - . O the shepherds. the people of Bethle_ I'ree Felling. Logglng‘, l r V I . .I 3,, 1“; a: ; : . 1 f. ‘_ â€"-‘â€"‘â€"â€"_ ‘ merit. the little children, the three \VOOd Cutting, Snow P]0w- '1 -' v. 4 *7 Tickets and liitormation at lfl‘l‘fl's- and the peoples of the earth ing‘. Post Hole Digging. 1 " 3" 1' "a ’ ,. E. .I. ROBERTS a" 011‘ ouchrrsmlv and themselves 'l‘owino' Pum in 1 I "i ' ‘ ‘ ~‘ ‘ ‘1112‘ 21ppi1‘1priat1'1 carols. <1 . 5‘ p ‘9" _ 10m 1 .v ' . .t . 1» .A D I I; b '1 T I 0 N The 11.1-111111cticn of this Nativity (anal-11% Small Blnldmgg ' I l M RICHMOND 1111.1. PHONE 177 N“)- “jl'lllon 111' \Iarioi-ie Jarvis, 1.- Moved. Winch Service. ., '. . . unique in that itsh’orm has not been 151W“ GlSOWlWrG. and stands out dis-,

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