Richmond Hill Telephone 5-J 1 l 1 OMOMM 09“0.“Oâ€.“OOOOO¢O“O“OOOMOOOQOm...- .94 GAS RANGES for ESSOTANE WESTINGHOUSE MARCONI PAGE EIGh L EAVESTROUGHING: ROOFING Sales NEW FINDLAY AND PEASE FURNACES TIN SMITH Parts and Repairs for all makes of furnaces PEAS 8: CARRflTS TQMMO NICE DOMINO' TEA PECKLES RAISINS RICHMELLD COFFEE FITTED DATES MINCEMEAT GINGER ALE California Scedlws Dalton's “‘Jolly Gobd†CHDCOLATE Royal L‘iLy, Choice Quality Baker’s Unsweetened Fresh Ground A: Sold DOIX'HHU Drywvflus Deposit on Bottle Returnablc ‘ BLAAEK 33133315 DD NPR i"lli(~ iark‘s Frosh & Fruity PAUL DUBOIS (M'n Blend " APPLIANCE AND SALES PHONE THORNHILL 162-J Fuugy. Quality \x' tbt Mix'ed REPAIRS SerVice $.55" 14 16 07. Cello Pk: M 07 Cello Pkg 23:32 25* 19‘ u Jar ’éaï¬f 29° 43¢ Lbs in“? 23 Jar 27»- 29; 21c 519 31¢ BAKING PQWBER FLGUB CRANBERRY SAUCE MHSHRGOM SDUP STUFFED OLIVES PEACHES APPLE JUNE CHEESE Ocean Spray \fel\'et»1"0r Cakes 01‘ Pasz Iiraflr Plain or Smit‘ra! Brands. Choice Qualin Mitchcn Royal Manor arl “'e‘puy lliglwst pn-vz'iling market prices for uugrudcd eggs. Ship \V'IUI confidence In Dominion Stores Limited. 5'58 Old “'05th Road. Toronto. Rvg‘. No. 0-29 ream 01' Pimcnfo WOWOM WWWOM THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. E. Kent. B.Th., minister Sunday, Dec. 14. White Gift Sunday 10.15 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"Morning Worship, Sermon “The Ministry of Little Things". Anthem, “The Birthday of the King". . All welcéme. iber Have yup anything to sell? Try classified advertisement in The SAND â€"â€" GRAVEL CRUSHED. STONE LOAM â€" FILL L. w. REID 3 FROM 9.30 AM. TO 12.00 NOON l Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitteds F. L. LOWRIE, 11.0. :: . L': 99¢" OPTICAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACED Prescriptions for Glasses Fined and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month Centre Street, Thornhill Phone 77M EYESIQHT SPECIALIST WILL BE AT AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE TUESDAY, DEC. 30th Manufacturer’s Clearance 0 English Pottery Lampsâ€"Lamp and shade 3 Good Selection of Boudoir and Table Lamps Stop 20. Langstaff. 1st house on north side of Garden Avenue. phone Thornhill 7r3l 10 Oz Tms Lb Bag [:31sz Oz 6 02 Tin :i‘n‘n‘z iii; 25 43¢ Tin 33° 35 For Appointment l’hnne Richmond Hill 33 LAMPS & SHADES Murfee Queen Potatoes . . . . Florida Oranges ,sizc 200’s . . . . . (1%. 39¢ Mixed Nuts . . . . . lbg'339c Budded Walnuts, lb._~45c Sula-ted and Graded Turkish Layer Figs : . . f 8 oz. cello pkg. 17c Washed Turnips, 2 lbs. 9c Selected Ontario Tan gerines Washed Carrots Florida Thin Selected Ontario Cranberries Cape Cod Emperor Grapes, lb. 21c \H-ct and Full of Juicé “my THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND 13th ONTARIO S. A. LeRICHE rush Skinned u I?! Proud [723’ ms gathered in Earl Haig Collesiatc on Friday evening. November fol-gamual commence- ment exercises th‘erc. Mary Howard and Peter Wade received their hon-. our graduation diplomas in the upper school; and Peter read the valedict- cryâ€. Peter Was outstanding student, in the schodl‘ last year, being the winner of the Cod: scholarship, Uni- versity College, and the O. D. Bales trophy for proficiency, games and leadership. John Humphries and Dorene Holmes received school let- ters, awarded by the student society, while Sandra Adamsr'won the gen- eral proficiency book prize in grade 10. Michael Rochester won the third prize for proficiency in grade 10. In? grade 9, Jean Lak took second prize in general_ proficiency and _Douglas Cooper took “we 7th prize. 1n Com- mercial, Marion Sarabura won the second prize for grade 10. Irene Banas won the grade 9 art prize and Veronica. Heraise took the grade 11 History. Thornhil] District News 10 lbs. 410 3 lbs. 190 doz.. 35c lb. 49c $4.95 Thornhill 'Hor‘ticultural Society presented its annual prize-giving ev- ening‘ last month in Lawrence Me- morial Hall and the large number who attended will vouch for its suc- cess. A surprise feature of the ev- ening was the presentation of gifts to the oldest and youngest member present who incidentally turned out to be grandmother and granddaugh- ter, Mrs. R. Simpson and little Nancy Simpson. Candle Light Service in Trinity Church The seventh consecutive Christmas Candle Light Service will be held in Trinity Anglican Church next Wed- nesday evening. December 17th. at 8 13.111. A short address will be given by Rev. S. A. R. Wood. Rev. E. E. Kent will assist in the service. If you have never attended this service before. a treat is in store for you and if you have. you will need no further invitation. Entertaining were magician J. Giordmaine who by producing rab- bits out, of a hat, making things dis- appear from one spot only to turn up in another. completely mystified his audience and frequently sent, them into gales of laughter, particularly the smaller fry who thoroughly en- enjoyed every minute of the perform- ance. Mrs. Harding of Richmond Hill sang two delightful solos ac- companied by Mrs. Echlin. The bride wore a pale blue dress with silver sequins trimming the bodice. For going away she donned a coat of the same shade with brown Russian squirrel collar and brown acâ€" oessories. ('ongratulations to the new Village trustees \\'hn'\\"ere elected this \veek. luonrgo Nuttall headed the polls with IOII votes. S. Findlay was second with 85 votes and Mr. Anstcy third with 76 votes. Mr. Thorne received 74 and David McLean 70 votes re- spectively. ,1 The- Fortnitc (‘luh of Thornhill Presbyterian Church held its annual meeting,r on Monday evening of this week at the home of the Misses Welsh. ('entre St... and the same slate 0r officers were returned to office 1'01“ another year. : 'l‘hm'nhill Presbyterian Church is planning to have a Christmas party in the Sunday school room on Fri~ day night, December 10. Further details next week. Following are a list of prize win- ners: Robert Simpson Co. prize (sil- ver tray.) won by K. Mackintosh for best specimen flowerin August show; 1‘. Eaton Co. prize (crystal vase. silver deposit) won by Margaret Mc- Keen for total number of points dur- ing season; table centre (Percy Bone trophy). won by Mrs. Luesby. Other special prize winners included Miss H. Welsh. Miss E. Welsh. MiSS Mar- garet McKean. Mrs. T. Pherrill, Mrs. Banks. Mrs. Hamilton. Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Wells. K. Mackintosh, G. Reynâ€" olds. Mr. Healey and Miss M. Dean. Professional class winners were E. Kohler and Mrs. Banks. Juvenile class winners were G. Brillerman. H. Gribble. Mary Harrison, Peter Han- sen Joy Hansen, Peter Ward, George Styan. George Black, Paul Ward Blackburn, Geoffrey Jackson, Bobby Caesar. Mr.\ E. Kohler, the president, we1~ comed‘ members and guests from Richmond Hill including District Di- rector R. D. Little, North York, etc. and thanked the donors of special prizes. Mr. Kohler was presented with an award of merit from the On- tario Horticultural Society for out- standing work done to promote horti- culture. The rwepLion was held at 01102 I‘arec, Toronto. 011 tlwir return from (.110 wedding (rip to New York. the young couple plan to live in Thornhill. T-hornhill Women's Institute held its final meeting for the year last Friday afternoon at Lawrence Me- morial Hall, and although prepara- tion for the sale played the most prominent part. a short business meeting was held first. A quiet wedding was solemnized at her hqine on Yonge St. on Friday afternoon last when Elizabeth Rams- den Eaton became the bride of A1- fied Meadmvs Eerleston, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Eccleston, Amnour Heights. Rev, E. E. Kent performv ed the ceremony. It was decided to send a letter to the Village trustees regarding the necessity of a sidewalk on the west side of Yonge St., and also that some- thing be done to keep the snow clean- ed off present sidewalks in the vill- age. The Schneider demonstration sche- duled for Wednesday evening, Dc- cember 10, funds from which were to he applied tothe work of the Insti- tute, was turned into a .Q‘ala even- ing. the proceeds to go to the George family of Langstaff who were com- pletely burned out last week. “Miss Ada Mizen and Barr Errington of Willomlale were guest singers, while two quartettes from' the Lions Club as well as a turkey draw. games and euchre provided a really good time. Ten dollars was voted a donation to the Scouts and Cubs in the Vill- Lucky draw winners were; Woollen blanket, Mrs. Harris; woollen blanket. Mrs. ,Crowliurst; quilt, ‘Mrs. P. Maude; turkey. David Scarlett of Newtonbrook; ha-m, Miss Stansfield of Tbronto;'hamper of groceries, Mr. Stalter of Markham. It was reported that a parcel con- taining goods donated by the mem- bers had been sent to a family in England who have never received a parcel. Mrs. Aitken provided the name of the family in question. Ten dollars was voted a donation to the Scouts and Cubs in the Vill- age and S5 towards the Brownies. $10 was also donated towards the Hallowe’en party sponsored by the Lions Club. Their many friends will be glad to hear that $400 was taken in at, the Institute annual Vsale last Sat- urday, and to those who contributed to its 'succeSS the sincere thanks of the organization is extended. Regarding the glove making pro- ject which is to be held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, January 6. 7 and 8, Mrs. Mackintosh was ap- pointed to register members and ar- range details. Registration fee for members is 252'. and for non-mem- bers. 50c. Anyone wishing to take this three day course, please contact Mrs. Mackintosh at Thornhill 147. Further details later. 6 a “oomoommooomwnmouoouoooooouomu WWMOWQWOGOWWWOQ WWWOMOO“WWâ€OO90000600009009.000.†Momooooo 500000OOOOOOOOOOOMO’OOOOOOOOOth-OO‘ W OWWâ€OWWO . E Attention Real Estate Th0rnhil]168J Insurance Owners in Markham and Vaughan Twps. I need the following for waiting clients: Richmond Hill 136r33 Siding, Tr’oughing and Furnace Repairs Roofing of all types All Work Guaranteed. 6 roomed house in Richmond Hill. 3 bedrooms, near school. April or May possession. $10,000. 5 roomed house in Richmond Hill, must be on 2 floors, close to centre of town. 5; to 3 acres and home with or without conveniences, close to Yonge Street. 2 to 5 acres and home anywhere near city, around $6,000. To the Electors 0f the Police Village of Thornhill To the Electors of the Police Village of Thornhill I would especially like to thank all those who showed their confidence in me by voting for me on Monday, December 8. ' I would like to take this opportunity to congratu- late George Nuttall, Saunders Findlay and Wm. Anstey who were elected Trustees for the Police Village of Thornhill for 1948. thanking all those who during the election for promise my interest in ing the Village welfare. Vaughan Roofing Co. Wishing One and All Season's Greetings. Ronald M. F enn would like to take this opportunity of DAVID H. MCLEAN GEORGE NUTTALL 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE RICHVALE, ONTARIO LaGrove Beauty Salon GIFTS and HANDICRAFTS Specializing in Permanent Waving All Branches: of Beauty Culture Permanent Waves. Shampoo and Finger Waves. Shampoos, Rinses and Combs. Phone or write THURSDAY Phone Thornhill 102 kindly supported me Village Trustee and all matters concern- )I Estimates Free M B ER 11th. 1947