Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Dec 1947, p. 5

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THURSDAY. DECEMBER 231b, 1917. ouo=omomouo===lomo=o=l SKATING _AT_ Richmond Hill Arena l l t l l SKATE Keats. VILLAGE CHRISTMAâ€"S NIGHT‘ SKATING THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25th (No Skating on Christmas Eve) RICHMOND HILL T H A T A BOXING DAY Friday, December 26th BE PROCLAIMED . Civic HCl' 37 OF WM. NEA L. Reeve THE OLD THE NEW WEDNESDAY, DE Skating 9.30 Mondays â€"â€" Old-Timers’ 7.30 to 10 p.m. Joy étasun’s detecting}; ' The very foundation of bumendship, and with each Christmas it gives 3 pleasuEe to extend best wishes to those whose f iendship we treasure. May your Christmas be happy and your New Year be prosperous. ‘ Admissionâ€"Adults 35c. Doors open at 7.15 p.m. ouo===o=o===m=o===o=o==zcan WOWWW“WW “New Years Eve DANCE i __ 1N _ Victoria Square Community/Hall WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31st Ken Rose and Wu ADMISSION 50 Cents Proceeds in aid of Bowling Club “A Thing of Beauty is a .on Forever”â€"So wrote John Our business is to brin _ ‘ we thank our patrons for their conti ’ued support and confidence. May we now express to them our Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. Minerva’s Beauty Shoppe Yonge Street WARRAN S. RAMER (No one under 16 years) Wednesdays & Saturdays, 7.30 to 10 p.m. Mr. l‘ttet' l.:\!ltlt ol' liut'linu‘lon, Iowa. is \]lt‘t.tlilrg‘ t lrll\llllil> with his i\lt-. 1‘. l1. . l ll.ttt‘ltl\. .\ll. :tn.t‘n->. t 1.urclr Street. lCllis ol' a ten days llich« Newnrarâ€" a llrydon spent week \isrtinu' lt‘l:tl]\'t‘< llr Mr. and .\lr<. Ilosseau Road. tlnt, last llill. 'l‘hornhill anl nrond Ltd. We extend t't')!l‘_{‘l';lltll;ilinns to Mr. and Mrs. John Vat'ley. t‘urrvrlle who ititlr celebrate on Friday. Ilccernlrer > untri- their thirty-eighth \‘crsaty. \\ t'tltlltl'f Owinu' to the tart that the first Thursday of January is New Year's day. the next regular meeting of the Atternoon Auxiliary ot' the W.M.S. ot' the Unitedflt‘hur'ch \\'lll be held on Wednesday. January 7th. The Liberal welcomes news items and social notes. and we believe your ctr-operation itr letting us have names of your ('hr‘isttrras visitors. We go to press next, week on Tuesday and our telephone is Richmond Hill ‘J. RUSSELL LYN ETT. Clerk All ladies of the community are cordially invited to a luncheon spon- sored by the Richmond Ilill Women's 8th at 1 (‘hurch Sunday room. Miss Anna Lewis. Director of Women's Institutes. will speak and show pictures of her recent ICu- r-opean trip. Tickets 50c. for the (‘ornmunity llall. p.m. in School Institute January the United Proceeds winners at the St. Mary‘s ILC. etrchre and lucky draw held In the Parish Hall Friday night last were as follows: Lucky drawvu'l‘ur- key, Mrs. Fred Clark. Richmond Hill; goose. Father MeGinn, Richmond Hill; chicken, Mrs. 1}. Watson, Rich- vale; duck. Mrs. John King‘mu. Oak Ridges. Euchre Ladies. Mrs. J. Russell. Richmond Hill; Mrs. R. Fox. Richmond Hill; Mrs. W. J. Taylor, Rielmond Hill; Men. Morley Beynon, Richmond Hill: Neil Malloy, Rielr< rrrond Ilill; Norman Carter. Richmond Hill. (,‘onvenor. Mrs. Vincent Mc- Culloung and Mrs. Ollie Murphy. The next euchre will be held Friyllay. 1 rs. Prize AR ER 31st . to 2.15 a.m. January 2. ('onverror will be Francis (‘osgrove . Ight â€"‘â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" There are said to be 1,000,000 Com- munists in France. thus reducing to a mere 40.000.000 the number of Frenchmen who can't be wrong. Q E ll 0 ii I] O ’EAR OUT and u E H l] 0 Children 25c. [I CANADA €355““"‘"*W"'“My AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC WATER HEATER cosrs us TO OWN! The Inglis Glasteel Electric Water Heater costslcss to mrn.’ Life- time glass protects the steel tank from rust and corrosion, guaran- tees that you Can spread the first cost over many, many years trouble‘free effi- conomical use. Now, t last. you enjoy all the con- ”ence and economy of h t water as clean and p ire as the source ' of you water supply, absolut y free of tank rust and orrosion. This amazing water You ife and ,.. n... v ' heater is 100% auto- GMSTEEL matic . . . thermostatic- 5?... ’ ally controlled. Manufactured under license from A. O. Smith Corp., , Milwaukee, Wis., U.S.A. H. LeCUYER RICHMOND HILL 34 YONGE ST. PHONE 234-J Richmond Hill / / ,/ is / I, /, kiglr’éfi IRA D. RAMER ,7 . bat-tat and Personal I Mr. lar'r‘e hive. liluin Mills. has returned from lr:s- trip to Western tunadu and wt.l rlll‘llll t hr'lstnras at Its Itl'lllt. -â€"-â€"â€"â€"1‘=_â€"=__â€"â€":=== =-"â€"â€"â€" l l Rev. S. W. Hirtle. B.A., minister 1 Sunday, Dec. 28th 10 a.m.â€"The Sabbath School. 11 armâ€"Public Worship. Subject, Retrospect. TIIORNHILL 1,45 p.m.â€"The Sabbath School. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO FINE RI‘INIHTION OF t‘.\ROI..\' ,\'I‘ l‘ \Rlv |{O_\l) BAPTIST t‘lll'Rt‘lI ST. MARY‘S EVENING (il‘lld) l tlly til-ad Mcl.atehyi The Order of the Carter came as Wm“ (From a contributor to The III“ a great shock to most ot' us at they 11' there be any who have no! at- meeting last Tuesday. for it Was Dirt ; tended a (and l"t‘~lt\;rl, w.- cannot ex:tstl\ an honourable bestowul. and but t'ecl that they lt.t\e missed a the itir'irrrtitry' was anythier lint dig» very wonderful tat: ot' thristnras tzl'tetl. It more or less resembled a t't'lt'lilillltrps' snake dance as \\e wriu‘L’led and t'hr'istnras calls for a man‘s- lrt‘s’l \\t'<stled in uni out ot' the aztr'tct'. thotte‘lrts and emotions generosity and it was not one ot‘ those heart tl‘tltrlx’sgiyittf. lo} and humility lilttttcr'inu' jiazz' creations- which which can lie cypressetl to many adorned our t'eminine limbs ot‘ yes» ways. but most sincerely. w.- thinly. terytar. but the uninteresting eva- in music and song. day hand which \\'ll.\ a changed piece It was this contributor-1 :‘utrtl t'oi» Ollit’ltts'llt‘ when we were t'inrshed willr tune to be present this year at the that syncopated rhythm which we all annual t‘arol Festival at the Park seemed to acquire. Road Baptist ('hurch en the t‘\'t‘lllll}.1‘ Ilecenrlrer lTllr. There l'ew Shoo, sheo. baby. was quite a of are game too. taelr member was shood occasions when we ha\e had the tshoed) to retrieve her shoes and pleasure of hearing a choir render dash back again with tho t'leett'oot a prour'arrrrne more harmonioust and of a deer. If you could t'ind your with more genuine l'eelitzu'. Very great credit is due the or. garrist and choir leader, Miss Muriel (iidley. and to the evident enthusâ€" iasm ot' the choristers in the attainâ€" own shoes you were well shod, but alas. it was not as easy as we tlrtnrg'ht, and then to be rewarded for the effort with a balloon irr need of inflation. with the one and only “WM “1. “It'll l‘k‘llht‘k'lion. (‘Xttt‘i 0X0â€" renmining breath. was more than cotton and clear enunciatton. ller some ot' us could blow. thank heav own perlormarrce and accompani- tnetrt on the org-an were superb, and our regret is that time did not per- mit. nor was the occasion appropri~ ate. for an encore in the form ot' a Bach Fugue. The Festival opened promptly at 8.31) p.m., when the choir, leaving;- the vestibule. commenced singing an old English processional t'olk carol. en- titled “A Virgin Most Pure". Grud- ually the voices came closer. and the Ciroristers, preceded by two girls carrying.r candles. passed through the eloisters and advanced into the choir, This was a most attractive siu‘lrt as they marched in pairs; the girls aâ€" head dressed in black gowns with red ens we still have some windy ones let't (not mentioning names). It was a grand party, the air (mostly hot) was filled with the tin- est music on earth. laughter, for it was a Xmas party and we all felt like laughing and the program comâ€" mittee u'ave us our fill of fun and frolic which we will long remember. And at this wonderful time, we must not forget those who have made this Guild a ‘rnust' on our proaram and the generous space at't'or'ded us in this chummy little newspaper, by our esteemed publisher and goodna- tured villager. Smith. up. On behalf ol' the Evening; (ittild, I wish you and your most affable lltlutli and lllt’ men l'ttllO\\'lH‘£. lllso in stat’t'. a very merry Christmas and l'l‘M'lC It“ Will] lllllli I'Ufl'S. Th0 a prosperous New Year, church was dim. lighted only by u Attention Guilder-s! Look snbm; ulnw ol' red from hidden larrrps. not sombre, for tho next meeting; against which the lrltle decorations .Ianttarl t; and ‘wateh your bat'. U” lllt‘ (Vlll'le‘lmfls lI'PO-s‘ r'lmm‘ ltrill- _.__~___ __ - iuntly. The choir was illuminated by BIRTH a row of graduated candles which were lighted by the two leading: girls as the choir took their places. This, and the old 16th century French recessional carol. "Ding, dong! Merrily on High", sung: when the choir withdrew, were two of the highlights of the evening. llROVV’NimMr: and Mrs. \V. J. Reynâ€" old Brown (nee Dorothy Mae Fennl announce with pride the arrival of their 8 lb. :1 oz. baby boy at the Rellville General Hospital. lellville. Ont. on Monday. Dec. 22. INT. MARRIED POLL/\RD-DYSON At Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church, on Friday, December ltl. Nancy Agnes Dyson of Hull. Yorkshire, England, to William F. Pollard. Richmond llill. The Rev. S. W. Ilirtle officiated. thr- choir rendered their programme. varied with Miss (lidley~â€"“Rhapsodie Breton Melodies". by and “Noel: Une Vierge Pttcclle , by Lt» ,‘ieque (1630-1702). The women clroristers demonstrated their skill in Mrs. Alfred 1131], 20 Arnold Spv two selections, “Tyrle. tyrlow, tyrle. wishes to thank all her friends and llzll‘lwn- by Healey “Imam and "The neighbours who " dly remember- 1‘1"“ MFH‘CYH‘ by PQtel‘ Wall00k- m her with (muskâ€"35¢] enqumes At this point we have to mention during her recent illness. and wishes ‘1 Very fan llal‘ltone 5010‘ “on the Road to Bethlehem". by Michael Head. and delightfully rendered by - Harold Sallach. followed by “The Shepherds Had An Angel", by Mau‘r- ice Besley, and performed by Dor- othy Walker, soprano, Florence Hag- two organ numbers by .\'o., :i on Satrrt-Sacns, H ERRTHiSSESâ€"THANKS them all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. EXPRESS THANKS Mr. and Mrs. F. George wish to thank the many friends ' d neigh- bours and the ice I the various el'lnan, ViOla- 11ml aCCOIYlPaniEd b." districts for tr ‘y t' l assistance the chorus. Miss Walker has a fine. during the past few weeks, since we clear voice. and held her own with lost our home. At this time we Clarity and ease. Later in the evening Miss Gidley and Florenea> Huger-man perfumed tou‘ether in three French airs by Marais (1656-1728) i which the viola was heard with great distinction. wife and mother, Clara LineY who And we must certainly not overlook passed away December 23' 1945. a very excellent performance of Just a th Light of sweet remembrance, Bl'ahms' “Cl'mlle SOUE 0f the Virgin" Just a n nory fondland true, in \\'hl(‘l1 tlle organ anti viola pl'O- Just a token af etion vided accompaniment to Harriet And a hearta- still for you, Banting who took the solo contralto More and ve eahh day we miss part. We must also pay tribute to yo Delbert Rogers, tenor, for some fine Though our thoughts are not re- Singing during the evening“. vealed, The congregation had their oppor- Little do they know the son-0w tunity in two well-known carols, That is within our hearts coneeaL “Silent Night" aml Perhaps 0118 Of ed, the best known of English traditional â€"Sadly missed by husband, Minnie 0211015. HGOd Rest Y0“ Mel‘ry Gen- and Muriel. tlemen". .__________ All in all the evening proved to UNITED CHURCH be a most entertaining one. _that c. B. Bremen, BA” minister clearly demonstrated what a chorr of Sunday, Dec 28th 1947 mrxed‘vorces can do. when enthus- NEW YEAR'S SERVICES iasrn Is directed by able lleladership. 10 a_m._sunday School_ We hope we may be prrvrlegedto 11 a_n.,___Mm.ning. worship. hear them again In a future Christ- music. mas vrogramme. 7 p.m.â€"â€"Evening Worship with usual service of music. All are welcome. would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a” Happy New Year. IN MEMORIer LINEâ€"In loving memory of a dear Rev. Special the NATURE LORE A kangaroo at the time of birth is unusually small, but from then on it grows by leaps and boutrds.â€"â€"Kiteh- ener Daily Record. ST. MARY’S ANGLIOAN CHURCH Reyna W. F. Wrixon, L.Tlr., R.D., Rector CHRISTMAS SERVICES Wednesday. Christmas Eve 11.15 p.m. Midnight Communion and Carols. Thursday, Christmas Day 10 antâ€"Holy Communion. Sunday. Dec. 28th 11 a.m.~â€"Morning Prayer and Serâ€" mon: ' 2.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer and Sermon. Congregational Hymn Singing. All are invited to these service. “Science is wonderful,” exclaims the Sault Star; “now it's going to take the smell out of limburgerl” And a right smart trick it is, if Sci- ence can do it. THE PIESBYTERIAN CHURCH RICHMOND IllLL 2.30 p.m.â€"Public Worship. Rett‘OSpect. Everybody welcome. Subject, LANGS'I‘AFF BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. H. H. Plrinney, pastor Oak Avenue. Richvale Sunday Services 11 a.m.-Sunday School. 7 p.rn.-Evangelistic Service. \Vednesday. Prayer Meeting- 8 p.m. Friday, Young People's, 8 p.m. INSURANCE 26 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto AD. gen 16 Centre, St. West . E Roy .17. Bick : o E Richmond Hill as ‘ :1 For the next our and a half the ~ congregation was held enchanted as 1 especially at t and think b ck over ASE”. m r i PAGE FIVE NOTICE RE Christmas Delivery ___(y__._. In order that our employees may receive a true holiday at this time there will be no delivch on V o FRIDAY, It has vide the did respo'n objec . i titansh Yonge Street Yong‘e Street Rtttmoitiitttt DAIRY Richmond Hill, Ont. Holiday Greetings Nothing pleases me more than to see my old friends back. and back again to my store. and new friends that are always welcome. this Card of Thanks and to wish everyone A Very Merry Christmas and a "Happy New Year. Ted GRAINGER uws Aimâ€"t AM) HM. I Y & HOLIDAYS CONTINUOUS FROM 6.30 to 12 Pd“. FRIDAY & SATURDAY, GENE AUTRY, CHRISTMAS DECEMBER We ask your co-operation in this matter by or anging with your milkman to have y Christmas all times been our aim and endeavour to pro- 'Ice for our customers and the splen- received during 1947 convinces us that we have given the satisfaction which has been our May we wish our customers and friends Very Merry Christmas and Happy New «Year. ridge Meat Market LYNN ROBERTS in “ SADDLE PALS ” “ SINGING IN THE CORN ” MON., “Emu. ELIZABETH TAYLOR, “ CYNTHIA " THURS, FRI., SAT. VAN JOHNSON. “ ROMANCE OF ROSY RIDGE ” WATCH FOR NEW YEAR’S EVE MIDNITE SHOW 26th I would like to send them Richmond Hill “a; 1-9: v Richmond Hill 5A1. MIIIVEE 2 l’.. DECEMBER 26. 27 DECEMBER 29, 30. 31 GEORGE MURPHY in JANUARY 1, 2, 3 JANET LEIGH in Every day we f el appreciative of the favours of our patrons and of a the courtesies shown us but it is tstmas season we like to pause e pleasures derived from our business dealings. So here’s wishing you the best of health, the most of wealth and greater happiness than has been yours before.

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