PAGE FIVE THE LIBERAL, “mummy†thud, 05,113.10 â€" 'â€"-‘â€"â€"_‘-'.â€"-_â€"-â€"-â€"__--â€"--â€"== _._â€" tilt l{bl):\\. rhiziti‘alti lain. lots. __ ___â€"â€"‘ ,_._â€".â€"- ._== BI'Y WITH CONFIDENCE FROM Yerex Electric WE SERVICE EVERYTHING We have the following on hand: Del.uxe Refrigerator â€"â€" y (1.. [7L Dominion \‘tiashing' Mac Essotane Gas Table Tomlta ‘ l’ortahle Ecko Pressure (‘ookcrs ant time is This is a smz l tub which fits inside mall ar icles. VE SELL (LE. illcs . am .\Iixmasters ' oning a pleasure Bell rings when nges (LE. lroncr Daily Dipper. (LE. Washer for TERMS ARRANGED TO OUR SA ISFACTION Don‘t forget our new. improved Radio Service Depart- We can now g‘IVL‘ you immediate service. Radio loaned while yours is away. Richmond Hill ment. Phone 242 omomomomom Social ,and Personal / toniely/t'l lairs layi l‘:lttlllt‘ pal. at xiitl o'.|-it' .\ .'.\l:lry's l’alrsi ll.dl toluened l»). . .zlnl .\lis, ll iii- it'll ti. .\llllelz, l'iioiliixill. iii aid oi" rt. l.t:l;e‘~ tlziirt'li. .\lis. A. ll. Yliill of Toronto has tltt‘ett paying a \lsit to t‘rielids in lti.‘i.miind llill tllll'lll}; the present week. .\lrs. Yuill stated that \i‘e al- ways l'eels git-at pliasliit- ill \isit it: \illaee. our pleasant His many friends will regret to hear that Mr. William Sayers ol' ('eiitre Street \Yest, long associated with lichmoiltl llill llytlio, is still confined to his home “will:- to ill- ness. They hope for hiln a >]l0tl\' recovery. Lately we saw Mr. Morley Hall and soil glancing over the leeâ€"covered sidewalk on Yonge Street. “l'iiie country this.†exr-laimed .\lorlcy. “It sure is." we replied. “A lovely colitiâ€" tiy it" it weren't for the ice rlnlts on our streets.†A very enjoyable time was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse liewshury. Wright St.. on Saturday, l“(‘lll'l'.lll"\' ll when Mr. and Mrs. .l. lumlile, Mr. aiid .\Iis. (‘lareliee Don- er and Mr. and Mrs. J. Sider. Gorin- ley alid Mr. and Mrs. \Yin Timbers of Stout't‘ville gathered to cnyoy a pot luck supper. Prize winners at the euchre held in St. Mary's R.(". Parisll llall last Friday evening and convened by .\lrS. llaroltl Lenhardt were as follows: Ladies. lst. Mrs. (‘ook; 2nd, Mrs. Mary O'Neil; consolation, Mrs. R. Fox; men. 1st. Francis (‘osgrm't‘l 2nd, .las. Cowling; consolation, .lohii .\lr. and Mix .la-_ Valium ;[[l,l WI,‘ .limm e mo\e'l into iliull new “wine t'll [hurt-ll St. last Saturday. The l"ltlt:tl ‘ltl. til the \\‘,_r\, oi", Itiie lillllttl t' ti'tii art holding a litllilllu‘ .\ttlt’ ill lilt‘ 5‘ my I Sat l"ti'irll;tly ‘_ ltltlll] tll" ._\v '2 p.m. T], mriiiiulleelllt'ltit \\:l.s tltzlde ll well\ that James litttlei ot' lliclimoii; lllll has been appointed clerk or the .\lae‘istlate's (“orl‘t ot' the t'otlllty ot' l’l m’inre till tlntarlo, til. the ' .elit the talk The Young i'iiiletl ('liurch wil in: picture "i" _. ti King-s" our Saviour). 33. at s p.m. in _tlie Iliditoriltm oi lthe church. Admission. adults IISe. The regular weekly lttt‘etitlu' ot' the Pl‘esliyterian Young People's S-i. ciety will llO held on Tuesday. Fen rllaty 21 at S p.m. at the honi:- ot‘ .\liss .\laritiil MacKillop, ls Ric-hriohd St. All young" [M‘Ulile invited to :.:â€" tend. The Women‘s Iris itute arc plann- ing to hold a bt‘itlirt and eucliie iii the high school gymii sium Otlel'l- day, March 12. x s is date alld watch for furtw' oticc. The funds from this project re go towards the Community Hall. lo The United Church choir has been invited as guests to the Sherbora-ue St. United Church of Toronto It‘eli» ruary L’Etth. The choir will present the music to .be used this Sunday. February :22 and a solo will he sane, l)_\' Miss Lola Jones. St'lttiti ‘ York and Justice til' the Peace in illv‘ . (lit'e (tlh‘ on Th rsday, .\Iart't. i ' ‘ tlirn there ; thirty-fifth VICTORIA SoUXRE t \lr. and .\lrs. .\. l-'o;~tv:l or lilllQ- .trod ‘litil Hilli‘tl Sunday el‘tniiiu‘ with All. and Airs. ll. Hoylitoil. .\ll'. and Mrs. li. I‘et'kins lad Silliâ€" ‘day dinner with .\lr. and Mrs. G. .\lortson. Wayne and lil'llt‘t‘. The Y o: n}; l’eople ale planning a .\‘lt'lg'lt lizde for Satltltlay t.‘\t'l‘.llt2'. l-eli. ‘31. to leave .\ll'. Johnson's :i' . i.l.'i .sllaip. Following; .\lrs. S. liti)‘ll~ ‘ltlll has kindly invited us to llel iltiila l‘el'resl‘llleiits. t lioir plat-tut- ilesdlly. heir. 23 a: aiid .\lls. t'. poltatioii is for ile‘ (ll .\lt . will lie l.eid the home Stone: lidgeley. Trailsâ€" twill: provided by .\l; (i. .\It rtson. We will also be able te \isit .\lls. .\. .\lol'tsoll Sr. who has been ill at her dallghter's home. The Mission Band are having a sleigliing party on Saturday after- noon. The sleie'h will leave t'ri:_l Roy lcniiett's at 1.31) p.m. and le- t'or lunch. (‘ong’t'fltttlatiotls to Mr. and Mrs. I". Boynton who celebrated their wedding“ anniversary on Thursday. Feb. ltlth. Mrs. 11. Forster aiid IIal‘old visitâ€" ed with Miss McMahon of Toronto on Sunday. P CALLING ALL Gl'lDES Guides and Brownies will parade to the Presbyterian Church for the morning: service at It o'clock Feli- rllary :22. Guides and Brownies are asked to wear their uniforms on Fri- day. February 20 to mark Scout- (Iuide Week. Edna Izzard, Commissioner. was memorable for high >now drifts, but January year was notable for low tempera- tures. Twelve nights of the month recorded below zero weather. .lanuary INT I \\'l“.SSEl.l.S this - lllR'l‘lIS HAYsTo Mr. and Mrs. Andy Haj tile. Elinor Patteiident. New'ln-trke' ll.ll. on Sunday. February l?» at the York t'ot'izty lliispitai. NL'\\'lii:li'l.t‘t. t daughter. r.\lr. and .\lz<_ lidiiiesti \Vt'ss‘t-lls, lilt‘llllt‘lltl llill tl‘t‘t' lltizi- Spencer are \‘try happy to announce the arrival of their sell. .lames i":tlii< est. on Saturday. February ll. lttlS at .\lrs. Stant'oid‘s Nursing llooie. :lt‘lllllt'llll llili. llt't\\'.\"llll’.l{ .\li. arid .\lt's. littsseil llowntrt-e (nee .\lyrtie lillll'l, \Yotd- liritle'e. are happy to announce lil-‘ arrival of their son. ti llis. ti o'/.. a' I‘cel Memorial Hospital. Braillpton. on Saturday. February 11th. .\ltilllil' and baby doing well. ENGAGEMENT The eneae'el cut is announced 01' Marion Alice. aughter of Mr. W. Francis B and the late Mrs. Barker. Hill. to (‘arl Fleur-h. Iichmoii ‘ 1. marriage to take place early ill March. _________..â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"l_-â€".â€"â€"-â€"________ Township of Vaughan will consider applications for the position of 8m mg Inspector Duties to ommence_ as soon as possible. ppli 5 must state salar ' xpected, experi- ellce al ‘ ICEIIIOIIS.‘ Applications wi be received un- til 12 o‘clock n00 on Saturday, March 6th, 1948. J. M. MCDONALD. Clerk. Vaughan Twp., Maple, Ont. Special Meeting, East Vaughan Ratepayers has been made erty erii l'laiiued You are this SilC. . Rl'AlH 23. (‘HOOL S p.m. '. ZRYD, Secretary_ ;\‘: Ul-I‘VI ot' pill hast- i llltlllttll i taut-lit to the toll er . l\it.'litlls " ' itl\‘itt-d to attend .\leetaig‘ HONDA ' HHS at RH'IIYALE. tirlr tltl‘ Township of Vaughan will consider application; for the position of R0 (1 Superintendent ' ‘ to comn ence as soon as lications _ expected. 1d qualifications. will ,_4 .1 S 1â€"? ’3 must possi _ experi- state euci pphcaions nut“ 12 sal received ock noon on Satur- day, March 6th. 1948. J. M. MCDONALD, Clerk. Yau ~han '1“pr Maple. Ont. STAWAT ' Water- Softeners ROTOTILLERS now for spring ivery ParkVIew Appliances 1590 Avenue Rd. (at Redford Park Ave.) Phone MA. 76 . ENQUIRIES INVITED W¢MOOOOQ~4Â¥G N O ‘WE Or Toronto Sheean. The next, eurhre will be held EXPRESS THANKS Miss Mary IIarbiiison was present- . t"? 2 7" t ', "l ' â€" . - . .< " '. . .' .. fil.-"‘-%‘l§.‘.l‘lhll‘lt‘:&.‘.tl§t§l oi a mm ,2“: .Wm ._ p.1‘ul"])[ll,0i\. Mi“ “0.1mm. (immi‘o' by the members of the local batik lid'flflew" one “ho ma ‘an‘m'ff vi†pm, whimâ€. m. UK: IMO†limo staff last Saturday. Miss Ilarliin. ‘lntl \\1i0} sen ‘. anessartcs >3 drill and it' clothes in the‘ Italy “In “in hem" hm. tminhm “S H mm to m] dmmi‘ “noâ€. . ‘ a .s’ ’ V†,‘ ‘ \ ' \‘ nurse at the Toronto General llos- T Mondays â€"â€"( d TllnelS ng ma“. mu, m. “.001. M mm) W i H n f 20 r A social evening was held in the "“" f I" ‘ , ‘ "3' ‘ ['0‘ n i 0‘ / 1.30 to 10 p.m. ( i one undi 16 year-s.) MW), mom‘ of the Presbyterian VHFEIHNS. Eu.qu :ï¬jtgltllglixttgigthr (is: ' Vilma]; ‘0â€."(11‘11-“1"lislll'l‘ill't'tiil't‘Yhm; The regular weekly cut-lire under wedding. wish so many- »r.". ,. 3“ I ._ ' (a “0 “mime ‘ H“ “"3 on ‘31 ame‘ the auspices of the \aughan and friends for ]et 5 L flowers m. TWO SHOWS DAILYâ€"7 AND 9 P.M. ' SAT. MATINEE 2 RM. Wednesdays & Saturd Richmond Hill Vt‘lel‘ims will be held SATURDAY & HOLIDAYS CONTINUOUS FROM 6.30 to 12 I’d“- at lichmoiid Lodge, Yonge Street. next Wednesday at 8 p.m. ceived on t occasion 0 their happy , event. s, 7.30\to 10 p.m. FRIDAY SA’I‘HEDAY, FEBRUARY 20. 21 / ROY ROGERS. ANDY DEVINE in “ ON THE OLD SPANISH TRAIL †/ was Miss Margaret Aitkcn, who was one of the press representatives at Aitken IN M EMORIAM the Royal \Vccltling‘_ Miss IN MEMORIAM BURNSâ€"â€"-In loving memory of a dear gave a most interesting account of MIDDLETONâ€"JD 10Vin2‘ memofl' 0f lll‘Sl’tm‘l and fathelv‘ Dav“ George AIS “ / her experiences in London, and was our Sehbie h'liddleten. lurns, Who Pits-<94 “way FQIH'UH'I' â€" ""0 “A Admissionâ€"Adults 35c. C 09 me. “ BANJO†1dren 25c. dear pnother, presented with a bunch of roses by who passel away February INT. 22. F I, the Auxiliary. Two vocal numbers We do not\ eed a to] day The rolling stream of time rolls on __. a Doors Open at {.10 p.111. by Mrs. Kttï¬llpett were greatly (‘11- To bring 0 our minr, But still the vacant chair, MONDAY & TFESDAY 3 24 joycd by all. The meeting closed For the ( s \ do not think of you Recalls the love. the voice. the smiles ROBEin. Yorxu. SLISAN " in Of one who once sat there. We cannot call the old days back, His hand we cannot touch, But we treasure happy memories 0f the one we loved so much. In our home he is fondly remembered Sweet memories cling to his name, We who loved him in life sincerely Still love him ill death just the SZIIIH'. silmvine‘lv remembered by his wife and sons James. llarrild and Stai'ley i fl 3 H i I] ii 0 u with the Lord’s Prayer after which Are very ihar( to find. refreshmenth were served. “ THEY WON’T BELIE If all this world W'c‘d give it, yes. To see the face of mo Come smiling through Lovingly remembered by (T eihtct‘s and still. Homcnozzcuomomomcaa WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 26 JOHN HODIAK, FRANCES GIFFDRD in “ THE ARNELO AFFAIR †_ ALSO â€", u n ADL'LT ENTERTAINMENT dear door. 01' IN MEMORIAM CRAWFORDâ€"In ever loving; mem- ory of our dear mother. Helen (‘rawâ€" t'ord to Garden Ave., Langstaff, who passed away five years ago, Februâ€" ary 2(lth.No one know. ow much we miss you, the bitter pain Since we lost you ’the same. mory lingers, We have sufferec Life has never . Ill our healts _ Sweet ‘ ender, fond and true, the ladies of the other local churches. Miss Stella Mackie, the president. was in the chair and the speaker There is not a (lay, dear mother That we do not think of you. HToo loved to ever be forgotten by her daughters Aileen and Eleanor. IN MEMORIAM MURRAYâ€"In loving memory of a dear husband and father, John B. Murray. who passed away February 22, 1947. His smilr is gone forev 0t touch, I will treasur 0f the 0 ed so much. Comme cing at 8.30 p.m. sharp Q. & L. Flycrs VS. ‘ Richmt‘md Hill - Diggins FAST, THRILLING HOCKEY AT ITS BEST ADMISSION:â€"Adults 50c. Children 25c. Still loved, still mis.ed, still mine, As with the years I older grow, My heart for him _will pine. -â€"Lovingly remembered by and sons Leonard and Bruce. ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th., R.D., Rector Sunday, Feb. 22 Lent 2 11 a.m.â€"â€"Morning‘ Prayer. 2.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer. Scout and Guide Week Service. All Scouts. Guides, Cubs and Brownies, togeth- er with their friends are cordially invited to be present. Wednesday, 3 p.m. in Parish Hall, Prayer Service. All invited to , . . m pray with us for a troubled world. ll...Ill-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II. " ""â€"~_’ .. I I'll-III...IiiEE-IIIIIIII= THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. w. Hirtle, B.A.. minister Sunday, Feb. 22nd RICHMOND HILL 10 a.m.â€"~Sunday School. ROCK SALT 10 lbs. 25c. Wife The health importance of warmth-providing, energy-supplying breakfas is accented by these cold Winter mornings. So give break fast a break in your home. Start your fan;- ily’s day bright . . . send them on their way well-filled and w'gll-fortifi‘ against low tem- peratures by serving generous portions of ch eery good morning foods appeteasing vari- o FANCY PINK 1 LB. TIN 20 oz. TIN '24 oz. LOAF 11 a.m.â€"Public Worship. The Girl Guides Church Service. THORNHILL 1.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 2.30 p.m.â€"Public Vi'orship. Come alld worship the Lord. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH C. B. Bl'etlien, B.A., Sunday, Feb. 22nd 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 ourâ€"Morning Worship. 7 p.m.â€"»Eveniilg Worship. music. All are welcome. RICHMOND HILL GOSPEL SERVICES Held in the Masonic Hall 3.00 p.m. SUNDAY AFTERNOON BIBLE SCHOOL asses for all ages Spec Speaker for all ' this Sunday p.m. EVANGELI C SERVICE Speaker. Mr. eo. Selkirk of the Emmaus Bible School Message: “What Consti- tutes a Christian." Take time to be holy. Y HOUSEHOLD 00M â€" 89c. each 6 QT. BSKI Rev. minister ELECTRIC IRONS $5.17 Each SWEET .ll' l("\' ety. We have everything you need for wide- awake breakfasts w, low prices will S A L MO N ’ - Bread - l 10C I CHOICE QUALITY DICEp Butter Carrots & Beets??? IOC AUSTRALIAN 650 Grapefru t 6 256 a open your eyes to the economy of buying all your food needs ï¬rst" . 7 * 3 l C i V. Apple Juice N0. 1 GRADE ‘ i - LB- 700 LBS. VORTHERV S A P P E S l‘ ‘ l . ’ “ DY DOZ. 3 7 5c. Each GALVANIZED CLOTHES LINE WIRE 100 ft. 65c. STURDY CLOTHES BASKETS $1.25 Each Special SIZE 288's NAVEL ca .IF may I 01 SEEDLESS BROWN TEAPOTS- medium size 49c. ea. ORANGES CLOTHES PINS 3 doz. 21c. WOOD '1. Telephone 18 F. Y. W. Brathwaite We Deliver RALPH w. PARIS, Mgr.