Pleasure of Music Topic of Richmond Hill W, 1. Speaker Mrs. McGillivray’s Fine Address VO L. LXIK. Relieve Canadian Farm Shortages A total of 2,500 Dutch families will be coming to the Dominion for intro- duction into Canadian agriculture, and will include some 10,000 people in all. In addition to these immpâ€" grants from Holland, some 2,000 single men from Displaced Persons camps in Europe will arrive here this spring and summer to help out on farms. These. are in addition to the 500 D. P. domestics who are to be placed in farm homes and about which an announcement was recently made. There is also 'a considerable volume of agricultural labour from Britain which will migrate to the Dominion. The largest proportion of these new settlers, many of whom have already arrived, are being placed on farms through the co-operation of the pro- vincial authorities and the National Employment Service. Immigrants from other countries are brought in under sponsorship programs which are supervised by the Federal gov- ermnent. Mrs. McGillivray believes music in the school helps to develop the spirit of co-operation â€" each child does his part in creating a pleasing- tone, not standing out individually. Supervis- ed musical training develops a taste for the best in music. If a child is brought up on good music he or she does not like the mediocre. Children learn, with practice, to know and re- cognize the composers when they. heard their compositions. This is true education in music. _ The Ontario Department of Educa- tion, recognizing the many advantagâ€" es in, school music, has outlined courses of music for each grade in Public and Highï¬chool. The course The farm la-bor shortage will be considerably relieved in 1948 by Ca- nada’s immigration policy, according -to a statement. made by Hon. Hum- phrey Mitchell, Minister of LabOur. |,L -..._ “The immigration of farm labour is being co-ordinated by the cloSe lia- ison of the Federal and Provincial Governments under, the Dominion- Provincial Farm La=bour Agreements and full use is being made of the farm intelligence service provided by the Dominion-Provincial Farm Lab- our Committees and the NatiOnal Employment Service,†Mr. Mitchell stated. in High School Music is now accep- tiblc as a subject. for entrance to Nor- mal School. It is a subject. the know- ledge of which a student keeps long after they leave school and other sub-i jccts are forgotten. The Depnrt- ment of Education now issue special» certificates for teachers of music in the schools and help with substantial grants. In Richmond Hill ‘this amounts to forty-two per cent 'in the Mrs. McGillivray said that parents should never discourage a child as to his musical ability. He may not be able to carry a tune but they all can make some contribution to music. She spoke on the school choir and thought that a child can not afford the time not to be in the school choir. Taking part in ï¬ll the activitiesmfschool helps to prevent the forminn' of a one-sided individual who may hecome an unhappy adult. Mrs. McGillivray told of'the C.B.C. BroadCasts for the schools: to-uwhich the pupils-of our public schools listen. These broad- cas‘tls gichinformation on the piece being played, howzy-it came to be writ- ten and also about the composer. The)’ are entertaining. She found that our children at the beginning of flOf the DR immigrants, 60 fami- lies and 550 single men will be.em- Mrs. D. A. McGilllvray, in speaking to the members of the Women’s Ins- titute at their April meeting, said she was really selling her wares, “Vocal Music in Our Schools.†“Music is a personal enjoyment. One only needs to watch children's faces as they sing to learn this. Music is a life long pleasure. Our concert halls are crowded as never before. Our radios carry varied musical programs and our enjoyment of the music depends onuour musical education. Music helps us enjoy our leisure time and if we have been taught to read and un- derstand music, and to listen to good musk- we can fill many leisure hours most profita IMMIGRATION 0F FARM LABOR siï¬ty-two and a half per cent in the' High School .of all monies spent for the teaching of music. . THE HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 Mrs. E. Little reported on the Di- rector’s meeting held in Toronto. The Women's Institutes are taking up as a project “Children’s Aid" and are asking for used children’s clothing for this cause. The British Women‘s Institutes, as a gesture of thanks for the aid given by Ontario Women's Institutes to their British sisters, have sent a donation of books to the Institute Library, which Women’s In- stitutes may have on loan. Mrs. P. C. Hill addressed the meet- ing re the “Personal Parcel Service 0 Great Britain." This was formed y the Ontario Government after Lady Reading had visited Canada to try and obtain extra food for families who need it and who ireccive no par- cels from anvone else. It is an appeal to the individual to be responsible f0r the systematic sending of parcels overseas to names on the list. Ar- rangements have been made for a very n‘ominal carrying charge. It was decided to call a public meeting (no- tice ,of which you will see elsewhere in this edition) to put this matter be- ‘fore‘the citizens of Richmond Hill as it was felt this was a community pro- jee't. ployed on suganbeet farms in Maniâ€" toba and Alberta. Most of these will be given year-round work on thcse farms.»but those who cannot be em- ployed the year round will be placed in mines and woods operations after farm‘operations have been complet. ed. These families will be placed as family units with farmers who have suitable living accommodation to ,provide separate housiong. Honour the Memory of Great Canadian these broadcasts were not good listen- ers but as the series developed they developed an interest and now listen more intelligently. She also spoke of the Kindergarten of the air on C.B.L. every day, Monday through Friday, at 10.15 to 10.30 am. These are for Dre-school age children and are most interesting. r_‘. .. ‘ vises that music be taught in every grade for '20 minutes a day. In high school music is compulsory in Grade 9 and optional in other grades. All choir work is after school hours, he- (xtra-curricular. In our Richmond Hill schools music, today. is in its in- fancy but we hope it will develop and grow. ... . .v. At the request of the local Lions Club Mrs. W. Sayers was appointed 35 Women’s Institute representative to the Finance Committee of the Community Hall project. v,e, A very interesting musical contest, in which we were asked to name the song after hearing a line taken from the song, was by Mrs. L. Ball. Patsy Rainer rendered two piano solos which were much enjoyed. Mrs: H. MacKay announced that the speaker for the May meeting will be Dr. Mary Needler, a lecturer at the University of Toronto, who is in- terested in Community Planning and Commvnity Spirit and who will speak along those lines: . This is National Wildlife Wek and the Department of Lands and For- ests reminds sportsmen’s organiza- tions and other interested groups that the occasion provides an excel- lent opportunity for emphasizing the economic and recreational value of the wildlife resources of the Prov- ince, and the need there is for their protection and wise use. Coupled with this laudable objective is the fact that, by National Statute, Wilc- life Week also honours the memory of Canada’s. best known conserva- tionist, the late Jack Miner. WILDLIFE WEEK IION‘OL’RS THE LATE JACK MINER The meeting closed by. singing the first verse of “The Maple Leaf†and a pleasant half-hour was spent over a friendly cup of tea, hostesses being Mrs. L. Baker and Mrs. F. Davis. The need for protecting the wild- life of the Province was never more imperative. Year by year the num- bers of residents and non-residents iterested i the recreational pursuit of fish and game have increased at an astonishing rate. During this period environment for game has decreased ad the_capacity of the waters to sus- tain increased numbers of fish has been lessened through various caus- es; Industrial development, forest fires, cleared lands, soil erosion, dried-up streams and polluted waters have all added to the difficulties of maintaining an adequate supply to meet the ever-increasing demad. 'fiméuwljéYI';xrtlnen§ of Ed‘Uga‘tion ad Richvale Community Centre Inaugurated By J. E. Smith, M. P. Mr. Smith was introduced to the many members of Richvale who had turned out, by Mr. Baskerville, the president of the East Vaughan Rateâ€" payers’ Association, under whose auspices the building is to be erected and managed. The clergy 'were rep- resented by Rev. Brethen of the United Church, and Rev. Rixon of the Anglican Cruch. who gave their blessings to the enterprise, and ex- pressed their willingness and desire to aid the community by their co-opâ€" eration in future‘activities. Upon the completion of the offi- cial ceremony Mr. Bryan Bailey, chairman of the Building: Committee, addressed the gathering, and told them of the progress to date with re- gard to obtaining building materials and also arrangements as to the acâ€" tual erection of the hall. The afternoon of Saturday, April 17th, saw the first step toward the realization of an idea which for many years has been very close to the hearts of the residents of the community of Riohvale. On that af- ternoon Mr. Jack Smith, M.P. for North York, turned the sod with a brightly polished spade and in so do- ing initiated the constructive phase of the Richvale Community _Hall.'_ The afternoon was brought to a pleasant conclusion with the serving,r of tea to the visitors by the Building Committee and the association's ex- ecutives and their wives. Charter Dates Back T011942 While, the East Vaughan Ratepay- ers’ Association has been serving the community for many years, it wasn’t until 1942 that it became chartered and pledged itself with the construction of a community centre. The war had its effect on the enterprise, and affairs were in abeyanee for some years. However, with an even greater population, and sparked by a need for guiding- and entertaining a growing generation. at They Had a Wonderful Time ' At St. Mary’s Handicraft Fair “For Johnny has gona- t1 the Fair. tra. 121," was the tuneful little ditty that everybody was hn'iimin:, whistâ€" ling or singing on their way to the Handicraft Fair on Saturday last. It was a grand and glorious feeling to know that Old Sol was beaming brightly that day, and a pin could be heard drop as the enormou; crowd anxiously waited for His Worship the Reeve, to declare the Fair upon to the public. And what a fair it, was. just “super,†the Baking Table “'91.; muhi)- ed like flies at a jam session, while the kids cornered the Candy stand that was filled with the 111051 dcli- cious fudge that any youugs‘cr could buy. > Well satisfied with the delectahlc purchases carefully put by. and Ju- nior stuffing his belt with candy. the rounds began. for Pa, it was Wat,- ner’s woodworks, and what a mar- vellous display of bowls he had, and what a contraption that mavhine was. How did Bill ever find time to do it all, but Bill just_ beamed. for that was a‘Eixty-foqr dollar qgestion. Ruth’s smockng haJ Mu glued to the spot, until the bright plaid that Mrs. Moore was Weaving caught her eye. Oh, to be as clever as those hvo women! The shrieks 01 the little girls soon rushed Ma to Don Leng‘s stand where he was busy making {he (linluest little dolls furniture ever seen. ' 'Of course, the ')ov=, swarmed arcund the super duper railway tracks with trains and wonderful gadgets that Lew S‘ms made for John and David, (lucky guys) and that baseball game had all the Papur; playing toof Lew made that also. They Cannot See Flowers in Spring Ma'simply had to squeezeA in somewhere to see what Dnug Boyd A NOBLE (I'AL'SE FOR The spring is here again; but they will not see its glories of color in gardens. in valleys, and by the way- side. The beauty of the red-breasted robin is not for them. Daffodil, croâ€" cus and tulip will bloom in radiant abundance, but none of this shall they behold. For they live in etern- al darkness. They are the blind; the hapless humans for whom a world of ever-changing shade, of grandeur, does not exist. For them the Canadian Institute for the Blind offers succoul': and the Institute is dependent on the warm- hearted. generosity of a kindly pub- lic. Social service. employment service, library service and many others, all play a part in helping n" ‘ - - - . ! n.‘ In Lssentlals, Umty, In Non-babe ALL WHO CAN SEE RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL ‘32 The labour 'Will all be voluntary. and a good deal of the material has been donated by or purchased at cost from neighboring industries and merchants. The completed struc- ture will be 65 ft. by 45 ft, consist- ing of a single storey. Inside will be a forty by forty foot dance floor and auditorium, with several smaller rooms to be used as club-rooms for both children’s and adult groups. Eventually‘ it is planned to have a hobby-lobby and kitchen equipment which will be offered to the local school board for use in teaching the domestic sciences. Religious orders will also be welcomed and it is hoped a regular Sunday service may be- come a possibility. (iCClSlOll was ma'de to build this year. Under the direction of their ur- ehitect, Miss Nan Fleming, the build- ing committee, consisting; of Messrs. Bailey, Burnes, Pierce, Valeourt and Mrs. Rassmussen, presented plans and information regarding a suitable structure. Voluntary Labour The area to be served by the com- munity hall extends from Langstaff to Richmond Hill and is bounded by Yonge and Bathurst Streets. All in this area are welcomed to volunteer their services in the construction of this hall. Each section of the area is repre- sented as follows: Mr. H. Ward, Gar- den Ave., Mr. Leclair, Edgar Ave.; Mr. Millard, Oak Ave.; Mrs. C. Ba- ker, Spruce Ave.; Mr. J. Hertz. Carrville Rd.; Mr. R. F. Masters, Mill Rd.; Mr. E. Lambert, Yonge- hurst Ave, and Mr. F.- Sanderson, Bathurst St. ‘These representatives will be clearing oints for informa- tion regardingéwworking dates and such. I 3" ' Construction. is‘planned to be com- pleted by the end of summer and from all indications another commuâ€" nity centre will be in full swing in the Fall. was doing for he aluayu has 50ml:- thing: lovely to show, 1111'] that gur- gc-ousc silver bran-lot, wim 1h: rose (‘osign was he answulc to any wo- nmn’s prayer. ,’ Pa knew that he could get a close shave at Stan Ransoms but he never knew that he shaved wood as fine as the display he showed at the Fair. Mr. Van Dykes intricate woodwarv- ing was a work of art and the animal statues that Mrs. Palmer had earn»! from solid blocks of wood was simply anlazing. ‘ It was easy to see why the teen- agers were so keenly interested in the shell and sequin werk done by Mrs. Juhl and Mrs. Campbell, for the lovely dress ornaments would delight any feminine taste. Ma. soon spied some lwauti‘l‘u'. piouâ€" es of pottery that. Clam had made, and the time and patience that Both had given to those adorable minia- ture gardens was most admirable. The afternoon tea tasted twice as nice as anywhere else, because the tea and sandwiches were perfect and such attractive Guild members wait- ed on Ma, and she felt like Alice in Winderland as she rested and gazed around at the colourful display of lace cloths. tatting. sosks, scarves, quilts, rugs, and paintings all done by very busy people in this commun- ity and she thought as we do. that this spirit of sharing the good felâ€" lowship that this Handicraft Fair has helped to create should be con- tinued next year. Editor's note: For the above delightful account 01‘ the suc- cessful Handicraft Fair held at St. Mary’s Evening- Guild, we are indebted to our versatile and gifted correspondent, Miss Glad The Drive in York County will be carried forward from April 19th to May lst. The objective this year is $12,000.00. Readers are respectful- ly but earnestly invited to subscribe to the urgent and needy Cause of the Blind. For purposes of income tax returns, official receipts will be is- sued for all donations of $1.00 or more. Because we believe that every blind person in York County should be given the opportunity to enjoy the best that life has to offer. you are ivited to subscribe with a free hand and a warm heart. blind men and women to selves. Mrs. J. E. Smith is acting as Hon- orary Convenor. and she mav be reached at 9 Lorne Avenue, Rich~ mond Hill, Ontario. McLaLchy mm entials, Liberty; In All Things. Charity†help them- flll Be Safe and Leave Hydro Alone A near fatal accident accurred on the fifth concession of King: Town- ship 00 Saturday when a man made an unauthorized attempt to operate a llydro switch on a pole. It appears that Mr. W. C. Ham‘bly, in doing some electrical work in his home, made a faulty installation which, when he closed the service breaker at, the meter, caused the transformer fuse to blow at the pole. It appears that Mr. W. C. Hanrbly, in doing- some electrical work in his home, made a faulty installation which, when he closed the service breaker at the meter, caused the transformer fuse to blow at the pole. When the frse blows, the cutout is so designed that the door falls open and isolates the transformer from the high voltage before serious damâ€" age occurs. as its objective the sum of $35,000. The money will be used to erect and equip a modern community hall for the use of all clubs, groups and or- ganizations in Richmond Hill and district. When completed, the pro- posed hall and its facilities will be available to old and young alike, rc- gardlcss of race, color or creed. It will serve as a place for public meet- ings. dramatic productions, handi- lcrafts, musical festivals and so on. Need for such a Community Hall to serve the residents of Richmond Hill and District has long been rea- lized here, and those in charge of the appeal are confident that with the assistance of local groups and organ- izations, as well as the support of the general public. the objective of $35,00 will be reached. Mn. Hainbly, believing that all that was necessary to restore ser- vice was to close the door, placed a ladder against the pole and attempt- ed to perform the operation himself instead of calling the Hydro office. During some unsuccessful at- tempts to close the switch, the piece of wood which this man was usingr came in contact with the live side of the switch which is a potential 2300 volts, and he received enough cur- rent through the stick, acrosa his body and through the ladder, to throw him to the ground. Mr. Hambly sustained severe injuries to his back and slight burns to his fingers as a result of his unauthor- ized attempt to operate Hydro equip- ment. He was attended by Dr. J. L. Urquhart of Aurora and was treated in the Toronto Western Hospital.~ Too much emphasis cannot be plac- ed on the safety rule to avoid con- tact with Hydro wires or equipment. One never knows when the wire is carrying a high voltage which can be fatal with onlv an instant’s contact. Any irregularity should he reported to the nearest Hydro office whose staff have the necessary equipment and knowledge required to remedy the defect. Plan ig Events For Community Hall Under the enthusiastic leadership provided by the local Lions Cluub, and with the whole-nearted endorsa- tion and support of village and (list- rict organizations and individuals, great strides have been made during the past Week in furthering plans for the Richmond Hill 'and Disfrict Com: munity Centre Appeal which will be conducted here from May 10 to 22. A meeting of the campaign pub- licity commit‘tee, under the chairâ€" manship of Bill Wagner, was held on Tuesday, April 13, when plans for adequately publicizing the appeal were formulated. Efforts are being made to have a well-known coas't-to-coast radio proâ€" gram originate from Richmond Hill sometime prior to, or (luring,'thc campaign. Invitations to attend the broadcast would be extended to resi- dents of the Village and district, 3 number of them would be asked to participate in the actual program with the opportunity of winning valuable prizes. Other methods of informing ,the general public of the campaign, in- cluding:- newspaper advertistments, radio announcements, posters, bill- boards ad so on, were discussed at the meeting- of the publicity-com- miltc, which was attended by Paul Angle, campaign chairman, Doug Boyd, Albert Hill, Howard Jackman, Bill Scandrett and Ken Tomlin. Finance Committee Making Plans The finance committee, under chairman Bob Little, are making plans to zone the area to be canvass- ed and appoint team captains and canvasserst for the appeal. Mem- bers of this committee include Ed. Butlin, Andy Armstrong, Dr. Jim Lang-staff, Dunc Chamney, Ralph Paris, Norm BradslianP. C. Hill and John Greene. “A Hall for All†at Richmond Hill is the slpganrof the appeal which has Honorary Campaign Chairman of the appeal is Wm. Redelmeier, while J. E. Smith, M.P., is Honorary Cam- paign Treasurer. Paul E. Angle is Campaign Chairman while Fred H00- ver is Campaign Treasurer. lIGHTNlNG CAUSES HYDRO FAILURE A prolonged interruption occurred Tuesday afternoon to all consumers fed from the main power line from Toronto to Sutton. The trouble was caused by lightning striking in the vicinity and setting fire to the pole, burning it' off near the top. Repair crews were immediately despatched to the scene and tempor- ary repairs were made to restore service at the earliest possible mo- ment. ' 1948 Federated Women’s Institute Plan Scholarships For Girls INTERESTING REPORT OF BOARD MEETING OF F.W.I At the recent board meeting of the Federated Women's Institutes of Onâ€" tario( plans were made for the ad- ministration of the Ontario Women's Institute Scholarships to MacDonald Institute, Guelph, we learn from the Ontario Department of Agriculture. These scholarships were made pos- sible through the Adelaide Hoodlcss Fund, a. fiftieth anniversary project which resulted in $19,000 being pre- sented by the Federated Women’s In- stitutes‘ of Ontario to the Ontario Agricultural College for scholarship purpose}. . . ‘. ‘,A AL, 1...â€. ..... The Board was pleased to hear the announcement of Hon. T. L. Kennedy Ontario Minister of Agriculture, that a four-year degree course in Home Economics at the Macdonald Insti- tute would commence this fall. This course will be open to a limited nun.- her of girls. Five annual scholar- ships of $100 each will be awarded to students taking: this course. The scholarships will be regional, giving students throughout Ontario an equal opportunity to win them. Two scho- larships are being awarded to girls entering the fourâ€"year course this fall., with preference given to daugh- ters of Institute members. The re- mainder of the fund will be used to provide further scholarships for ru- ral, rgirls. . . u The scholarship committee for the coming year was named as follows: Mrs. A. Hamilton, Atwood, Mrs. Wm. McClure, Brampton and MP5. L. A. McEwen, Russell, along with Mrs. J: R. Futcher, Provincial President and Miss Anna F. Lewis, Director of the Women’s Institute Branch. 50th Anniversary Film It was announced that the film on the 50th Anniversary celebration will be released for exhibition in May, and that requests for use of the film should be made to Miss Anna P. Lewis, Director of the Women's In- stitute Branch and Home Economics Service, Ontario Department of Ag- riculture, Torpnto. . . V u . v w . V Y..- Miss Anna? P. Lewis showed col- oured slides of her trip to Europe last fall, when she attended the first postwar conference of tho. Associated c" \ 1 \LW Countrywomen of the World. Mrs. Hugh Summers, Past President of the Federated Women’s Institutes, and Mrs. William McClure, Bramp- ton. who were delegates to the A.C. W.W. Conference in Holland; pre- sented their reports on that gather- ing of women of many natiom. Mrs. Summers urged exchange visits with Eatm lmpyovements MIIIIuns In Loans MILLIONS LOANEI) FARM IMPROVEMENT More than 1.5 million dollars was loaned under the Act for farm buildings in 1947, of which 329} was for new farm homes. The amount represented for the erection of new farm dwellings exceeded $488,000 tlil'ovgh 387 loans. Loans for the construction of farm utility buildings in 1947, however, were twice the number as those for new homes. Almost 900 loans were made to the amount of $950,000 for the construction of new barns, sheds and various other types of farm- utilitvy buildings. . ‘ p “may "Hummus. , The report also stated that one of the primary objectives of the Farm Imnrovement Loans Act has been to make available to farmers and land settlers funds for their use in deve- loping new agricultural areas. Last year farmers throughout Canada secured 1,356 loans to an amount of $522,344 for the purpose of clear- ing and breaking new land. As a result of these loans, 68.693 acres of new land were sown to crops. Since March, 1945, a total of 2,462 loans have been made amounting to $910,500 for the purnose of clear- ing and reaking 123,860 acres of new land. Farmers in Alberta. borrowed the most in 1947 under the Actâ€"$64537,- 872. Those in Saskatchewan were a close second with $6,464.263: Mani- toba was third with $2,518,830 and Ontario fourth with $1,845,830. Many a man who tries to keep his cheque ‘b‘ook balanced doesn’t think there is a law of balance. The well of public sentiment sel- dom goes dry. ADVERTISING IN C ETS RESULTS THE LIBERAL the women of other countries in or- der to stimulate better feelings be- tï¬veen nations. High Record to Maintain “We have 9. high record of achieve- ment to maintain," sail Mrs. 'J. R. Futcher in her presidential address. “We‘ have a record for unselfish ser- vice to uphold. We can be a tre- mendous power for goml because we‘ support actively the fines; things in life. Brotherhood and international goodwill are impcraiivvc if civilization as we know it, is tosurvive. We are in a splendid pOSitzm to bring this alout. Through our various Omani. zations, we speak an inmrnational language. We have our fingers on the pulse of the world and must do. all we can to keep it beating. “Democracy is coming to realize that there can never be world pEace until all people are free. Through the Food and Agriculture organiza- tion. it is our duty to sue that never again will there be bursting gran- aries in the Americas and misery and want in Europe and llsia. We should I-evor cease in our efforts until rural women all over the world have, in some measures. the privileges that you and I enjoy.†38.600 Ontario_ llleml'ggrsliip WJ. Miss Anna, P. LewiJs, in her report expressed appreciation of the fine co-operation of the Institute Women of Ontario. Institute membership in Ontario, she said, now stands at 38,- 600, with twenty new branches '_ hav- ing been established since December lst, 1947. Reporting on the Co-oper- ative Programme on Home 'Econom~' ics, Miss Lewis said that 390 branch Institutes were having short courses during: the year. The (Io-operative Programmes were this year styled to neet the needs of the younger wo- men of the Province. ‘ The members decided to pay the affiliation fee of $25.00 to the Asso- ciated Countrywomen of the.W01-ld for one European country unable to pay the fee. Rev. J. B. Mills, Exe- cutive Secretary of the Ontario Trus- tees and Ratepayers Association, ad- dressed ‘the meeting, requesting the support of the Board in the work of the Association. Miss Lewis Was re- appointed aselrepresentative on the committee in charge of the radio pijogfamme “Kindergarten of the Spring Days Are v Dangerous Day’s Miss Lewis announced that this summer there will be two distin- guished visitors to the Ontario Insti- tutes, Lady Hayworth, chairman of the Cheshire, England, Federation of Womenls Institutes; and Mrs. Ida Braine. of Hertfordshire, England, THE TERR] BLE TOLL The Department" of Lands 'aml Ferâ€" ests is beginning an allâ€"out drive to prevent spring forest fires this year. This is a concerted effort, to remind the people of the Province of the im- minence of the fire hazard period and the need therefis' for 'sp‘ecial care while in the forest area. The annual less by fire and the costs of preven- tion are extremely heavy“ As the majority of these fires are caused by human carelessness, the coloperation of the public is 9f vital_importanc_c. ' Every year after the snow has gone, but before the green growth has developed, the south slopes of hills dry out very qui'ekly,: and the grass. twigs, slash and accumulated debris become like tinder. VThis in- variably eauses a. dangerous spring hazard in many parts of the Prov- ince. From precipitation reE'ords of the past winter it now appears that the hazard could become general. The symptoms are high tempera- tures, low humidity 'and a strong south-west windy This condition in- variably builds up to a climax be- tween May 15th and June 15th. Ac- cording to the Department’s records over the past years, the period beâ€" tween May 20th and May 26th brings the fire peaku It is signifi- cant that this period embraces the May 24th holidays when many people are away on the first of the season’s fishing trips. opening summer cot. tages or otherwise travelling in the woods. The first spring da’ys in the woods are exhilarating, and it may be that this induces carelessness on the part of the public. The implica- tion is obvious. The main causes offlspring fires are brush burning. smoking in the bush and campfires left unattended or ot properly extinguished. .The public should realize that one lighted match carelessly tossed aWay or a cigar or cigarette butt carelessly east aside may cause a holocaust of and death destruction. Richmod Hill',Council (has? 1-cCeived a communication from the Personal Parcel Service Committee of the On- tario Government. requesting that the people of Richmond Hill and vi- cinity join with them in extending immediate help to the people of Gt. Britain in the form of persqua] food parcels. Details of this project will he discussed at a public meeting to he held in the Municipal Building on Mlonday evening. April 261b, at 8.15. p.1. The need is great; the tinie is short: the oportunity to help is yours. Come to _the meeting. FOOD FOR BRITAIN 0]" FOREST FIRES 43